• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 5,288 Views, 151 Comments

Journal of a Lost Changeling - IMR1fley

A changeling wakes up after the failed invasion of Canterlot in a new and unknown world. These are the written logs of Drone 1074, as he tries to survive, but how will a changeling feed in a world without love? (A Minecraft Crossover)

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Journal Entry Seven

Entry Seven

Today, my hopes for rescue, and finding my way home were shattered.

Reading back, I see several entries when I was undergoing starvation where I would ramble about how I was not in Equestria, or that I was in a different world. After my starvation, I brushed the writings off as hunger driving me to insanity, and that I was delirious. They very well may have been my clearest thoughts since the battle. There has been no contact with the ponies, animals don't behave as they should, monsters that should not exist roam the nights, and the world does not look like it should. Now, it seems that ponies exist nowhere. Why do I say this? I reached the settlement that I'd been traveling towards for the past two days.

Using some new found strength, I transformed into a pony, readying myself. I decided I'd play the "stranded lost soul" to gain sympathy from the ponies. It fit, since that was my experience for the past few days. As I got closer, I thought about how dramatically I needed to play it out, when I noticed the inhabitants. They were not ponies, nor any manner of creatures I've ever seen before. I don't even know how to classify them.

They seem to have similar body structures to the zombies I've seen roaming the night, only less...well...dead. They walk upright on two hind legs, have large heads, no snouts, small ears further down their head near the middle rather than on top, and all wear garments of some sort. I've been watching and observing from a distance for a while now. While I can now make adequate guesses about their physiology, I know nothing of their psychology. I can't determine anything about their social structure, behavioral patterns, culture, or anything along those lines.

Seeing this village has now confirmed a shocking, saddening, and terrible revelation to me.

I am no longer in Equestria, or even Equis for that matter.

There are no ponies, no changelings, no griffins, no Minotaurs, no hive.

No chance for rescue.

No chance for hope.

I am truly alone in a world I don't even know the slightest thing about.

This raises so many questions! How did this happen? What caused the spells that hit me to react this way? Where am I in relation to Eqis? Am I on another planet? Another universe? What do I do from here on? Do I wait for rescue if it comes? Do I hope that someone from the Hive, or any random pony made it through as well? Or do I live on, trying to make a full life of my situation? Do I try to live a normal life, and just give up on my hopes for Equestria?

Or do I give up on life?

Should I just let myself die?

How am I supposed to live knowing that everything I've known is now lost?

I truly don't know as of now.

I guess I should step out of such depressing thoughts and try to at least observe more about my potential future neighbors. There are more important things to worry about for now. For now, I'll start stating my observations on the village itself. While I can't make too many observations about the inhabitants themselves, I can say what I see of the buildings. It is a small settlement, too small to be a town. It's just big enough to house a mid sized tribe. There are many buildings laved around the entire village. Most of them seem to be storage sheds/shacks, and houses. Two of the houses have small fenced out areas near the back with an assortment of animals. Strewn about are fields of all sizes around the entire village, containing various different crops inside. Nearer towards the center, I can see what I believe to be a Blacksmithing shop. In the very center, is a large multi-story stone tower. My best guess is that it's some form of guard tower. Makes sense, with the monsters that rule the night.

For the moment, that's all I can really see. I still have yet to make any judgments of the locals, but I will do that tomorrow. I'll record their social interactions, and try to get some kind of grip on their society tomorrow. Right now, I need to rest. Rest and think.