• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 5,287 Views, 151 Comments

Journal of a Lost Changeling - IMR1fley

A changeling wakes up after the failed invasion of Canterlot in a new and unknown world. These are the written logs of Drone 1074, as he tries to survive, but how will a changeling feed in a world without love? (A Minecraft Crossover)

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Journal Entry Eight

Entry Eight

Today I decided to scout the village once again. I bulked up enough courage to get closer to the settlement to observe, study, and get a better feel for how they conduct themselves in social circumstances.

My findings were actually somewhat disappointing I guess I could say. All observations on the town and it's inhabitants have been relatively minor. At least when compared to some of my previous findings and observations. The locals seem to be herd or pack based. The entire settlement is composed of a single race, with many inhabitants. They interact with one another as a pack or herd would, as well as always stay somewhere near the center of the town. However, some will stray from the pack and leave for some time. I wan't able to get sufficient data on what activities they participated in. The strays would not wander far, nor stay for too long.

Some other discoveries of mine. I discovered that the one of the nearby buildings was filled with books. In all honesty I have no idea how many books were contained, but judging how many shelves I found, I'd say it was either the home of an enthusiastic collector, or a library of some kind.

I also managed to get a closer look at their garments as well. They seemed to be somewhat uniform. My guess is that they either signify class or job position. Since they treated each other with more or less the same amount of respect when interacting, I would guess it to be the latter. I won't rule out a class system just yet.

In the hopes of being able to communicate with them at some point in the future, I also took the time to try and identify how it is they communicate. While when I transform into one when I do finally intercept one, it would still be a good idea to have some basic knowledge on manners and social courtesies. I don't want anything to blow my cover.

It has also come to attention that I made most of these observations while hiding in a tree. While that in and of itself isn't that big of a deal, I noticed that the leaves and branches seem to be extremely sturdy compared to their size. While changelings are normally fairly lightweight, I found myself able to stand on the very outer and top branches. I also notice that, like the dirt on the ground, the leaves and branches group together in an almost square manner. It's very intriguing I have no idea why nature would create or evolve the entire world like this.

I found a nearby chicken and fed it some more seeds for a light snack to replenish my magic reserves. Never hurts to be prepared.

My few minor findings have given me time to muse upon my future. After my previous entry, I see I was not in the highest of spirits. Of the goals provided, a simple death is the least logical or helpful. I also think that waiting for some form of rescue would be counterproductive as well. My best option is to either live my life now as I see fit, or find my own way home. I spent a large amount of time considering the answer. While the odds of me finding my own way home are small, I refuse to give up hope. On the other hand, Just living would give me a fresh start. No hatred or scorn from the ponies, which will most likely be large due to our loss from our failed invasion. I spent hours sitting and thinking of an answer, trying to make a decision. Then it occurred to me.

Why not have both?

I can't believe it took me so long to come to this conclusion. I was quite frankly shocked at how hard the realization hit me. Some have told me I have an bad habit of over analyzing the details. I missed the big picture. The best solution is to simply live life, while attempting to find ways back home.

I can be pretty thick sometimes.

In any case, now that I've come to that conclusion, I will attempt to mingle with the locals tomorrow. I'll set a trap, (harmless pit) and take on his/her role for the day to see if I've got it down.

I need some rest. I need to be of sound mind tomorrow if I'm going to pull it off. Wish me luck.

It is with some small amount of hindsight that I see that I asked a book for luck. Perhaps my mind is truly starting to deteriorate? I hope not. I just got myself together and came up with a plan.