• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 635 Views, 10 Comments

The Innocent Pony - thesilentpony

The Dark-Dream Pony part two

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Something Returned (unedited)

some thing returned

“You only need to rest.” Night Jasper looked at me. He had no idea how long he had been here, but to him my voice was entrancing, soothing, as if I wanted him to fade into the sweet nothingness. Nothing to hold him down, or back, nothing to regret.

“I only need to fade.” He mumbled blacking out.

“Finally.” I said as Night Jasper’s fur faded to white, a horn grew out so softly as he cracked my new body’s neck. I grinning as my teeth sharpened, tongue grew longer edging like a snake. I moaned has my body changed cracking to my preference. My wings grew larger discarding blood and feathers. “I have come back.”

“What?” Night Jasper asked faded and my eye twitched.

“Ugh, I hate vessels, I need a real body.” I grumbled looking in a mirror. I was back to my old self, my old appearance, a pure white alicorn.

I thought for a few moments thinking where I could get a body and a single pony came to my mind, if he was still alive. I teleported appearing above the ocean making me flap my wings to fly shocked having only jumped to the ocean.

I sighed seeing that my magic was not as strong as it should have been. I teleported dozens of times before becoming tired and just flying. I smiled a little seeing the lost lands. The place of my birth, the place I had right to rule, and the place that had cast me aside.

Thunder clouds above me made me sigh as I dodged lightning. I landed on the beach tired and fur fired. I started walking not wanting to be the highest thing in the sky at this point in time.

“You alright?” I looked at two colts running over to me.

“I’m fine.” It had been over a hundred years since I had stepped foot onto these beaches, I was probably a horror story at this point, but that didn’t change the fact if someone did know me that I wanted them to recognize me, I hid my horn.

“Oh good.” The older of the two said.

“Tell me do you know where I can find a colt named Coin?”

“Coin?” One asked the other looking at the other.

“Do you mean the king?” The other one asked. “I think his first name is Coin, but I’m not sure.”

“Thank you.” I flew low under the trees going to my castle. A large city surrounded it and guards looked at me as I landed walking now seeing the no flying posts. I looked around and ponies were perfectly happy, healthy, and well. It made me want to rip out their eyes, crush them into liquid and feed them it.

I went up to the castle gates and four guards looked at me. A pair went over to me and stopped me.

“What business do you have?” One of them asked.

“I’m here to see the king.” I let my horn show and they stepped back.

“A royal, we’re sorry, we had no idea, please follow us.” I followed them and they took me to my throne room. The lost lands had become lighter and cleaner, ponies didn’t suffer anymore, and once I got my body I would change that.



“A royal is here to see you.”

“One moment.” After a few minutes an alicorn walked over to us, his coat was shiny golden.

“Come in.” I walked into the throne room and the guards closed the door behind us and I looked at him. “So tell me, who are you?” We started walking toward my old throne. He sat down looking at me. “Getting a royal here is rare, in fact we haven’t seen one in almost fifty years when Princess Celestia came.”

“I came in search for a colt named coin.”

“Ah, my grandfather, what business do you have with him? He’s a bit of a loon and always blabbing on about some old ruler coming for his throne and will need a body once he gets here.” He chuckled. “Really absurd.”

“Yes well I was interested in it, and I wanted to learn more about it, I had heard some weird stories. So if I could talk to him.”

“Oh, a writer I’m guessing.”


“Well right this way, he’s in his lab in the back.” I followed him and we went to a large square building. He opened the doors. “Grandfather!” I smiled seeing a old alicorn with a dim yellow coat.

“What is it?”

“This royal is here to see you, I'll leave you two alone, I don’t need to hear any more of his stories.” I grinned as the king walked away and Coin backed up scared as I shut the doors behind me.

“You remember me? The pony which you stole the throne from? Tricking my son and daughter to betray me and put me and flee. Only to be locked away into my grandson’s head having found him years later?!” He stopped.

“I knew you would come some day.” I narrowed my eyes.

“I noticed.” I walked pass him going over to a doll body. It was perfect, infused with all kinds of magic and perfect. In fact it was better than any body I had before. “This is truly your finest work, but you must know that I would not spare you.” He chuckled.

“I knew this long before I betrayed you.”

“And you would help me?”

“I can give you this body, but you must not kill my bloodline. While you may injure them you will not be able to fatally injure or torture them in it. I have magic which not even you would be able to break inside of it. It would teleport my bloodline to safe lands.”

“Very well, I will not kill your bloodline, but you on the other hand will.” He chuckled smiling.

“If this does not kill me then you may take what little life I have left, just seeing you nearly killed me. I mean I knew this day would come, I just did not know when so I made sure I would be ready for you.”

“Maybe letting you live would be better.” He sighed.

“Maybe, anyway, all you need to do is touch that body and it will transfer you over to it safely in less than a few seconds. You’ll be weakened for a few days but you will be able to build you powers yet again to even greater heights.”

“You would not stop me from ruling my lands?”

“I would ask you not to, but I would rather you slaughter all of the Lost Lands than kill my bloodline.” I touched the forehead of the body transferring into the body. My vessel fell to the ground changing back as I sat up in the new body. I smiled looking at my hooves.

“Amazing!” I shouted getting off a slab walking over to Night Jasper and taking his armor off putting it on myself absorbing magic from it that I had stored. “I am truly alive again, and I will have my kingdom back.”

“You must wait a few days.” I looked at him. “If your body does not completely set, then you may go back to your vessel.

“Very well.” I moved Night Jasper’s wings as they retracted healing. “Do not die on me Night Jasper, I may need your body if this one fails me, and I'll have more than enough power to kill with just you.” I teleported Night Jasper to my ponyal Vault, it had never been found out or the land would have cracked from it.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Fine.” We walked over to a bar and he rang a bell. A young, lightly brown, earth pony mare came out smiling.

“Oh, I didn’t know you had a guest.” She said shyly.

“Young and timid.” He chuckled.

“I would rather not have my granddaughter, you get it.”

“And I do.”

“I do believe you’ve set enough.”

“I believe I have.” She backed up a little scared and I jumped onto the bar. “I’m going to enjoy this drink.” She screamed as I jumped onto her. As some would say, what I did to her was unspeakable, but all I called it was good old fashioned dinner.

“Here.” He handed me a rag and I wiped my face of her blood.

“Thank you, I always get messy after a good sexy feast.”

“Not much left but bone is there?”

“What I was hungry, and she tasted divine.”

“Daughter of a priest.” I laughed.

“You always did have a sense of irony.” I smiled sitting down wiping the rest of the blood off of me throwing a bit of bad entrails off my shoulder.

“Thank you.”

“So a few days, then again if you have more lovely treats like that one, I might just have to stave off taking over.”

“I could only wish.” He smiled. It was probably his plan from the start, he knew had he not helped me or even attacked me I could have used Night Jasper’s body to slaughter ninety percent of the nation before I was stopped, and that was if I didn’t jump to a new body and keep going.

No he would end up sparing more by helping me. I would certainly be returning to Equestria sooner and I wouldn’t have the time to kill everyone now. In fact I wouldn’t need to do much more than make ponies accept me as ruler before I left now.

“Well then, I'll need some entertainment till I’m ready.”

“Right this way.” I followed him into another room and I smiled seeing two unicorn mares, one blue and one red, perfect mating age and clean. “I would like you to meet Ivory the blue and Vine the red one.” They swallowed seeing blood rolling down my fur.

“What-what did you want us for?” Ivory asked getting up scared. I licked a drop of blood from the top of mussel with my long tongue.

“Dears try to fight, it’ll make him last shorter.” They looked around noticing.

“You know you made this body perfect, everything is just right, from the length of my tongue to the height and wings. I’m much larger than any pony else so it’s nice.” At my real size I was taller than Princess Celestia, but I could change my size to be more pleasurable, depending on my partner.

“I'll be outside, I have others you can enjoy for a good meal if you like.”

“Make them fatter, I need the energy to burn, and I never liked the lean ones. They always have less meat than the big ones, and the buff ones are too stringy.”

“I'll fetch your dinner, just try to make them last longer than the first five rippings, or you’ll become board again.” He walked out of the room and Vine stayed calm but Ivory was panicking.

“So the old man’s stories are true?” Vine asked standing up.

“I haven’t heard any.” I went forward to her shrinking down to a normal colt’s size, going inches from her.

“Ivory do not run.” Ivory started running and I appeared in front of the door making her bounce off of me and I smiled chuckling.

“Oh I love dinner on the run.” I kissed her licking down her throat pulling my tongue out making her cough. “You are diffidently going to be on my dinner plate later.” She got up running back onto to Vine crying hiding.

“So you’re going to take over the land and rule with a cruel but iron hoof?” I chuckled walking over to her licking her and her eye, but she didn’t blink.

“You’re a battle hardened one aren’t you?”

“Yes, and I can tell we have no chance against you in a fight.”

“So keep me talking and you’re hoping what? I'll spare your little life?”

“Maybe, you do need hires to your crown and I am mating age, so is my sister. We could provide you with plenty.”

“Really, if you’re so able to have fillies, why don’t you prove it.”

“How do you mean?”

“Drink her milk.” Her eyes went wide.


“I said drink from her breasts, a mouth full from each, or do you not meet the requirements to be my little pony?” She swallowed looking at her sister. “Come now, don’t be shy after speaking such a big game.”

“Sister, forgive me, I don’t know if this will hurt.” She went down and sucked making me laugh as she swallowed a mouth full, tears went down her face. Her sister whimpered as she did each one finishing trying her best to keep it down.

“Delicious?” I asked licking her neck as I wrapped around it with my tongue.

“V-very.” She said gagging and I chuckled.

“You are such a bad liar.”

“Let’s see if you are just as fertile.” Vine laid down and her sister got up.

“Please Ivory.” Tears ran down Ivory’s face. She went down and started. “Stop I said as she had a mouth full. “Feed it to your sister and if she can stand it, then we can stop with this, while enjoyable, it’s lost its luster after the second mouth full.”

“Sister come.” She went forward feeding it to Vine and both of them shivered probably never kissing like this before using their tongues to transfer the liquid to the other. “There, are you happy?”

“Oh so very happy.” I licked a drop from her cheek. “I never had a taste for my mother’s milk, kept biting her for something else to eat. Never figured it out till I told her as I devoured her, she had the sweetest heart I ever tasted and knew. She was so kind like my father, and with every bite I could feel their love going to my gut. It ended shitty for everyone.” He laughed and Vine looked unsure if it was something she should laugh at.

“So have we earned the right?”

“You have earned my eye, your sister on the other hand, has much to do before I will use her as I will use you. Right now, all she is, is a delicious piece of meat.”

“Can I earn my sister’s right?” I looked at her.

“You ask for more and more with every second, I’m truly amazed at you.”

“I will do anything willingly, no matter what it is.” I hummed a little thinking as I walked around them.

“Would you eat your sisters flesh?”

“Yes.” I itched behind my ear with my tongue.

“Rape her till she bled?”


“Kill her?” She paused.

“I want her to live.”

“Not an answer.”

“If I could earn her right, yes.”

“Very well you may earn her right, but I wonder just how far you’ll really go beyond words to earn it.”

Hours and then days of fun later I stopped satisfied in some ways, but hungrier in others, I needed more than what they would offer me. I licked Vine’s tears. She hardly cried the entire time I gave them my love. It made it more satisfying than her sister, which would cry, scream and beg every single time I asked it. While I loved a good slave like anyone else, she was just killing my mood.

“Your sister bores me.” I said licking Vine making her wince.

“She will do better next time.”

“If it were not for the fact you might do something to kill my fun I would eat her. Now then, I have a kingdom to conquer.”

“Then go conquer it.” I smiled.

“I love the way you speak to me during bed.” Tears rushed down her face no longer able to hold them back. “Makes your tears taste so much sweeter.” I licked her tears. “I'll be back shortly, it won’t take me long.” I got up from the bed getting dressed in my armor and walked outside.

“That is him.” Coin said stepping to the side. I licked my eye seeing the young so called king, an army of ponies of hundreds. The beautiful thing about Hammer’s armor was that it could grow with my body fitting me perfectly fitting for my horn yet again.

“Is this all of them?” I asked and fear spread through their ranks.

“I have gathered every soldier to fight you monster.” I grinned showing sharp teeth.

“Wonderful.” I shiver and the vibrate and ground trembled making many earth ponies fall to the ground as pegasi fell from the sky choking on the void bubble I had created in the air. “I have truly wanted a feast for a long time.” Droll poured from my lips imagining their tastes dripping onto the floor.

A few smart ponies started to run as I ran toward them breaking the magic barrier causing a sonic boom ripping through dozens of them sending blood raining on others. Quick screamer filled the air as the few brave ones died from me either ripping them to pieces with my teeth or with my magic.

I pet the prince sitting on a throne of bodies. I picked a piece of brain from another which had run at first eating it. Tears ran down the prince’s face realizing I had single handedly wiped out his entire army putting the fear into every pony.

Word of my return was spreading with fear as I breathed fire burning all far going ships that would allow for a single one to leave alive. I would not allow for ponies to escape my kingdom of blood.

“Loggen?” Coin asked.

“Have the bones ripped out to construct my throne, make sure it is padded, I don’t want one sticking me in the butt, also stick some heads on the walls to motivate. Now I have my mates to attend to.”

“Very well.”

“Make sure to keep your family to the side.”

“Thank you.”

“Grandfather, how could you?”

“You’ll learn as I did, he is not able to be killed, and he will always come back, this is the fifth time he’s come back after being killed.” I smiled as I walked back inside setting my armor to the side.

That armor was far beyond what I had imagined, had I known about it, I would not have lost to Shadow so easily. I would have conquered instead of having been trapped for months inside a piece of armor with Shadow. Constantly holding that he beat me and now we were both bodiless and trapped forever. I chuckled, well not forever for me.

“Hello my pets.” They looked at me cleaned up and ready. I sniffed the air, they had gotten themselves ready and healed. One can only tare the insides of a mare so many times before it stops being pleasurable.

“Hello master,” Vine said. “You conquered without pause I assume?”

“I had more than my fill if that’s what you’re asking. I also wiped out the entire army and any which might think to oppose me. I have never eaten so much, maybe Coin did have a way with it, having you grow and be happy makes your meat taste so much fresher.”

“Imagine.” Vine said getting up and rubbing against me.


“Imagine,” she whispered into my ears. “If the kingdom prospered, you would have all the meat you could eat if the population grew time and time again. In just a few short years, you could have armies to fight and devour at your choosing. Or you could turn them against anything just to see the suffering.”

“You want to bate me into giving your people happiness.”

“So that when you take it away, you’ll be able to savor every bite.” I pinned her to the ground surprising her.

“You have swayed me, I will bring this land happiness, joy and wealth. So as I take their freedom, purity and life, I will be thanked as I enjoy fresh meat. Now then, once I have finished with you I will let this land know of my laws. Your sister may leave, I have no use for her anymore.”

“Sister go home now.” Ivory ran out of the room and I smiled looking at Vine.

“Tell me, do you enjoy me?”


“Really, we’ll have to change that.”

“I mean I fear you, and beg you mercy.” I smiled.

“You’re learning, but you have much more to learn than this.”

I used her in the most enjoyable of ways making her moan for more, making sure each day she felt something truly unlike anything. I stopped half way to the point leaving her drooling on the bed whining. I chuckled and looked down at her begging with her eyes.

“You’ll have to say it, and the way I want you to say it.” She whined begging with her sweet batted breath.

“Please~more.” She begged with a daring pitifulness, I ran my tongue across my teeth smiling.

“You just know how to push my buttons.” I licked her chest before finishing her in a way I knew she wouldn’t simply forget, not even in her sweetest dreams, to her darkest nightmares, always wanting more from my long tongue.

There were just some pleasures most mares will never even dream of. Just the idea of a tongue which can shape shift, was great for many of my partners, but the practice for the ones that would know it, it was heavy for them to ever go without.

I put on my armor and went outside feeling the fresh morning air. I trotted along the blood stained grass having been turned red from the blood watering, and a bit of magic from me of course.

“You there!” I said pointing at a gray mare planting flowers, she stopped and looked at me in fear. “Only red.” She paused looking at her flowers, she had only blue flowers. “Did you not hear me?”

“Well, we don’t have red ones, there aren’t any that grow anywhere.”

“Are you a nitwit?” She shook her head no. “Magic you fool!” A sudden I’m an idiot look went across her face as she used magic to change their color to red. “Now then, if you mess up again I'll see you in my ponyal chambers.” She nodded and kept planting.

I went to the throne room and smiled a little bit at the throne. It was nice and big, but not my style. I didn’t like showing off, it was like showing all your cards and letting them get a head start on you.

“Who made this?” I asked and everyone in the throne room looked at me. I paused noticing that everyone was working flawlessly. It was too easy.

“I did.” A unicorn colt said walking over to me.

“It’s too flashy, trim it down.”

“Right away.”

“Someone fetch me Coin.” A minute later Coin walked into the room.

“You called?”

“Do you find playing games fun?” He paused unsure. “I think I'll burn a village or two at random.”

“What?!” I looked at him.

“Do you think I would be so blind as to not notice your puppets compared to real flesh? I know that army was fake. You knew I was coming, and you created this body perfectly, you could do that with more.”

“I-I don’t know what you mean.”

“You.” I snapped at a colt and he walked over to me nervously. “Tell me something, do you smell rose?” He paused a little unsure.

“Um.” He sniffed the air for a few seocnds. Even the best fake bodies couldn’t smell very well, and the slightly heavy smell of roses filled the room, any real pony would be able to smell it easily. “No?” I ripped off his head letting his body fall to the ground.

“I thought you were done playing games,” I said using the head with my magic as if it was talking to Coin. “But no, we aren’t, so now I’m going to have to kill some real people to get a point across that you don’t screw with me.” He swallowed.

“I promised no one will die, we aren’t a match for you, it would be only slaughter, it wouldn’t be fun for you. Like crushing ants, what’s the point?”

“Why would you go through all that trouble?”

“You know I have visions and sometimes I can change them.”


“Well I saw something new, I normally see death, despair and horror. For the first time I saw a golden age.”


“The land is in poverty, poor run the streets, creatures kill at their leisure, and things are worse than the worst possible point you ever saw. With you there was no crime, there was no poor, there was piece. Happiness of all kinds, ponies got married, and ponies died fulfilled without regret. Now the land is wasted, and dying.”


“My family’s rule has been harsher than yours ever was. All my bloodline cares for is money and that’s it. It has caused the land and all that live on it to suffer. Population has been a problem and the land is divided. I fear for break offs from several cities. My grandson came up with this idea himself.”

“Come Dark Cloud.” He walked out from behind the bone throne.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you my king, but it has gotten to the point that this land is without hope, while you are darkness, you are understood and without fear.” I looked at Coin and chuckled lightly, but then turned to the sound of hoof steps.

“What?” I asked dumb founded in the purest form. Thousands of ponies, no hundreds of thousands lined not just the inside of the throne room but the entire castle, lining up perfectly in my site bowing.

“We have waited for your return.” Dark Cloud said. I looked at them all and then at Coin crying slightly.

“Your serious.” I said shocked. “I enslaved, raped, tortured, mutilated, devoured, and killed, and you stand there and stay my ruling over you was the lesser evil.”

“Yes!” He said very sure. I stepped back away from him.

“You, ponies, what illness has befallen you?” I turned looking around. I didn’t understand it, for the first time in my life, my anger held still. I had never even thought that possible.

“We are a sick land my king, please we need you to cure us. Raid to your content and then more, we will be at your heels assisting you as you please.” I started laughing at the funniness of this making them uneasy.

“I never dreamed someone would say that to me, the feeling of those words quelled the fire in my heart. I do not know how that is possible, maybe it is the fact I can sense this is truth from thousand, no from the millions of this land. It brings me no greater joy to hear you’ve suffered that much more after throwing your king to his death bed.” He shook.

“There will be kings that demand you bow to them.” I turned to Vine and ponies moved back shocked at her sight. She was now a sex addict, drool from more than her mouth was dripping on the floor as her pheromone enriched scent made any near her very uncomfortable rubbing their legs together.

“I bow to no one, very well, I'll cure this land so it becomes my play thing once again, I will not let others enjoy a pleasure which is only meant to be mine!” The ground shook throughout all of the Lost Lands putting every pony on notice of my return.

“Then what are you going to do about it?” Vine asked walking over to me with a rather sexy smile.

“This notice to all calling themselves false king,” my voice ring through the mind of every single last pony on the Lost Lands. “To run and hide, raise armies if they must, for my hunt begins now, your true king has arrived, and I will not be denied.”

some thing golden

A few days went by and my scouts brought back either a leader pledging their loyalty to me and my right, or a letter of with words of war. All together there were over thirty city states which were now at war with me, and only fifteen had pledged their weak loyalty with more of a chance to switch to the other side if things looked bad.

“How many are we talking here?” I asked shocked hearing the sheer massive number that Dark Cloud had just spoken.

“Together the lost lands have a population of over sixty million.”

“You’re seriously telling me that each of these city states have over a million per, how is the population so high? I was only gone over a little over a hundred years! How is it time times higher than when I left?!”

“Well,” Coin said chuckling a little. “It was more when rape no longer became a crime, every mare got pregnant and, well. That happen a few times.” My eye twitched. “We had no way of controlling people, and at the time it seemed like a good idea. You were going to come back and having a good army would be a good idea.”

“You know nothing about leading!” I shouted at him making him flinch. “I am going to have to wipe out all of the enemy city states now, I don’t have a choice, if I don’t cut the population in at least half, I'll have too many problems coming up later.”

“What do you suggest?” Dark Shadow asked.

“I’ve been ruler of this land for over six thousand years and I only say rule because before that I was here for thousands of more and paid little attention to time.”


“Do you know how I stayed ruler of millions and held a grasp of fear so powerful that they stayed in line without once questioning me?”

“Not really, not much was recorded.”

“I have a weapon which can wipe out millions in seconds, but it kills everything in the entire area, colts, mares, fillies. It wouldn’t matter, plants and animals would die and the land would take years to come back. I hesitate to use such a weapon on the most food producing lands in the entire kingdom. I'll have to go there myself, but killing that many people would take weeks if not months, even with a large attack force.” I sighed sitting down.

“Is something wrong?” Coin asked.

“This isn’t fun, you have officially taken the fun out of killing ponies. You know that? I really hate you all for that, and if it were not for the fact I have a list to kill before you, I would kill you now.”

“Master.” Vine whined with a beg laying next to me, hear head facing up in my lap, tongue out. “You said.”

“I cannot stand you ponies, I can’t even rape her, she enjoys the pain of it too much to even try!”

“Where do we start?” I sighed looking at the maps spread across the table. “The densely populated areas with little farm land, these twenty will be the end of my weapon and then these ten will have to, actually I suppose I could take out three more if we just make sure we are outside of these areas when harvesting. Make fences so they don’t get poisoned food from the lands. That makes seven left, they are going to be the most annoying.”

“How do you mean?” Dark Cloud asked.

“These seven lands are swamp lands, they have natural flooding, the land is impassable with large armies, it has to be by air, in which case they have a thousand air defenses. I made these areas myself so I know even an idiot could make a great defense. If war raged I wanted to be able to give a constant supply of food to my army. They will never run out of food and if their populations are right, it’ll take months to break their defensive line.”

“Well, do you have any weapons that aren’t dangerous?”

“I can turn ponies into.” I stopped and looked at Coin and he looked around confused. “I can turn Pegasus into magical bombs, that includes the fake bodies. We could lead entire suicide fleets into the lands and wipe out their defenses in single afternoon. That is if you can make enough of them to do that.”

“I have a hundred thousand, is that enough?”

“Judging by the information, we would have enough to break their defenses down for a few days. We could then go in and wipe out one at a time. This war will take a week or two, but it’ll be finished within that time. Get every flyer ready, once I have started, you are to get ready for my commands.” They nodded and I looked at Vine.

“A quick one, please.” She said and bit her lip.

“You bring me no pleasure, you know that?”

“Please.” I filled her quick need with my hoof making Coin and Dark Cloud look away to give something of a privet moment. I got up and she whined wanting so much more than I wanted to give her.

“GO!” I shouted at them and they hurried off making me sigh. I teleported above the Lost Lands high into the clouds. The continent was larger than Equestria, but was isolated completely by sea. One island chain pointed toward Equestria, but other than that nothing.

I held out my hooves and dark energy gathered. The magic of the Lost Lands had more raw power, but not more magic. Magic was the balance between power and the life force of the planet. Very few could access this, and other than Princess Celestia, and a creature that went by the name Discord, only I knew.

“The rot which commands the earth, banish into poison.” I said as my breath blew ash out of my mouth. Twenty three balls of black poison appeared around my hooves. “Let the death slate the earth.”

The balls shot breaking the magic barrier easily not far from me raining sound waves over the land as loud whistles could be heard from every single bit of the land. The balls landed perfectly in the spots I wanted sending out clouds of black ash covering the lands completely in blackness.

Screams filled the air as everything living burned in my poison, feeling as though they were dipped in fire acid, drinking it in, breathing it, and having it run through their veins. I grinned and took in a wonderful breath as their pain rang music to my ears. Then silence filled the air, such wonderful silence.

Over twenty three million ponies had just lost their lives within moments of the others in pure agony. I teleported appearing above a large fake body army. A hundred thousand pegasi stood at the ready with over fifty thousand fake body earth and unicorn ponies.

“Pegasi, you are you fly right in and once you touch a weapon of air defense say blow, and you will explode. Once you have wiped out their air defenses fly in the ground forces and they will slaughter the rest. Leave no pony alive.”

“YES MY KING!” They all shouted. They followed me to the battle field and I looked down at the vast city. Bolts of magic filled the air from magic anti-air batteries. I held out my hoof making magic batteries of my own sending thousands of arrows down as my army went forward.

In less than an hour their defenses fell, in less than five the city was mine. Only my army occupied the city now. It was a much more boring victory than I thought it would be as we moved city state to city state wiping out everything taking only two days not feeling the need to sleep.

I sat down in the fine city’s throne room brushing off some dust from the arm looking around. Dark cloud walked over to me and I looked out the window. It was much less satisfying than I thought it would be, even though we captured tens of thousands, after the first several thousand I lost interest with them and the rest were sold into slavery to all that had aligned with me in the start.

“My king,” Dark Cloud said. “The numbers are in, we have only seventeen million ponies alive. It would seem that the ash flowed into several areas and infected the drinking water.”

“In twenty four hours the ash will have stabilized and will no longer be poisonous to ponies other than in the infected lands. So long as they don’t step hoof into those areas no one else will die.”

“I'll send word.”

“You do that.” He walked away and I looked at Coin. “Is this how your golden age begins?”

“Yes, your new laws are already in place and there is no crime. It vanished over night as ponies locked their doors. There are no more poor and the streets are clean. They can finally grow the right way.” I sighed.

“Very well.”

some thing true

“Is something wrong?” Coin asked.

“I’ve lost the thirst.” Coin shook his head.

“I’m sorry what did you just say?”

“The thirst is gone, I no longer hunger for flesh, and death. I wanted to go back and take over Equestria, but now that seems like too much work. I'll be returning home, I miss my lustful pet.”

“Yes my king.” I teleported home and Vine looked at my happy having become more primitive than ever before. While she was completely in control and knew what she was doing, she loved anything I could and would do to her. It made me happy.