• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 635 Views, 10 Comments

The Innocent Pony - thesilentpony

The Dark-Dream Pony part two

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Something Returned

some thing returned

“Enjoying the show?” I turned to a white alicorn pausing

“Who are you?” He looked at me smiling a little.

“Just a passing royal.”

“Why aren’t you at the ceremony?”

“Not invited.” I chuckled.

“Every pony was invited, that’s why it’s so jam packed down there.” He chuckled. “I guess it would be too late, I saw Twilight Sparkle fly off though.” I pointed. “Oh there she is, I’m sure you could go talk to her if you wanted.” He smiled.

“No, I wouldn’t want to interrupt her.”

“Alright, well I got to go.” I took off flying back to the castle. I went to Luna in the throne room as it started to become dark. Ponies were still partying on the street of Canterlot after flowing out of the castle.

“That went well.” I said stepping over some trash. Princess Celestia giggled a little.

“Very.” I smiled. “Anyway, I will tend to Twilight Sparkle.” I looked up as it became dark from the sun going down a little quickly and the moon came up right after. Princess Celestia got up walking out of the room.

“Excited?” I asked and Luna smiled.

“She’s always excited about these things.”

“Are you going to sleep?”

“Yes, you may go and rest, you earned it. The decorations were a wonderful idea, I’m sure Twilight Sparkle enjoyed them.” She got up we went to her bed chamber.

“Finally.” A whisper said and I stopped looking around for the voice making Princess Luna stop.

“Is everything alright?”

“Oh, everything’s fine, sorry.” I opened her bedchamber door and she went inside. Onyx and Nightshade were probably passed out somewhere. Her sleep guards came over and took the posts as I shut the door. I nodded before walking slightly drunkish tried. I had stayed up almost two days, while normally not taxing to me, getting turned to stone was.

I flew to Hammer’s shop walking through her window, tripping and falling to the ground with a loud metal bang. I got up shaking my head getting off my helmet before taking off my armor completely. I jumped onto the bed.

“Night Jasper.” I looked at Hammer as she walked into the room smiling.

“I need to sleep.” She smiled walking over to me and kissing me.

“One minute of your time.” I sat up looking at her.


“I made a lot of money today.”


“Yep, got over seventy armor orders.” I stared at her.

“Seventy!” I said shocked.

“None of them are magic enhanced, but I’m going to make enough to retire!” I chuckled smiling. “Aren’t you happy?”

“That’s wonderful.”

“Yeah, now we could, I don’t know, actually do something.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well when I said retire, I meant both of us.” I stared at her a little confused. I sat up completely looking at her.

“Wait what?”

“You know, like move somewhere nice and have fun, maybe, raise a family.” I stared at her a little shocked. “I mean, we have kind of moved to that phase right?” I looked at the ground a little and then at her.

“Can we possibly talk about this once I wake up? What you just said was, so over my head right now, that I am about to pass out.”

“Oh.” I sighed getting off the bed kissing her.

“I love you.” She smiled. “Nothing will change that, but, I need to sleep, you want me to have a clear mind to talk about this, it’s too big to simply talk about with a few words.” I laid back down on the bed. “Come to bed.” She walked over and went under the sheets with me, making me pull her close as I passed out.

“Such a wonderful night.” I looked at the alicorn I had met on the mountain. We were in the royal gardens. I looked up at a bright full moon.

“Yes it is.” I stared at the moon in a daze filling me with warmth.

“It’ll bleed a wonderful red soon.” The moon started to turn red dripping. I turned to the alicorn now missing. I turned appearing high in the sky.

“NO!” I shouted as waves of blood washed over Equiseta, burning and drowning in its path, I flew down flying toward Canterlot landing in the throne room.

“Princess Celestia, Luna!” I shouted in a panic, then stopped backing up seeing their bodies, mangled and broken. Screams made me turn appearing in Hammer’s room. “No Hammer!” I shouted and chains pulled me up to the ceiling holding me up down as blood started to fill the room.

“Night Jasper, where are you?!” She asked frightened.

“I’M HERE!” I shouted trying to break free, but he chains wouldn’t budge. “I’m here!” I begged as tears ran down my face. “Look up!”

“Night Jasper, save me please.” She cried as the room filled up with blood, a bubble surrounded allowing me to breathe. I watched in horror as she drown.


“Wake up!” Hammer shouted and I shot up from bed shaking in a cold sweat. I looked at Hammer worried sitting next to me. I grabbed her hugging her.

“Thank Celestia.” Tears ran down my face as my body trembled.

“It was a nightmare, it was only a nightmare.” She kissed me.

“I know, I know.” I choked a little, I let out a breath gaining my composure.

“A nice hot shower will help you.” She said smiling a little and I paused, I was sticky from sweat.

“Right, a hot bath.”

“Together.” I smiled kissing her.

“Thank you.” We went into the bathroom and she started a bath. I took a quick rinse before getting into the warm bath with her.

“Now tell me about your dream.” I stared at her on top of me.

“Everything was drowning in blood, I couldn’t save you.”

“I’m fine, there isn’t an ounce of blood anywhere.” My heart sped up realizing the water was blood.

“Blood!” I pulled her out of the water in a hurry and she looked at me confused. I looked around confused.

“What?” She asked startled, I looked at the water, it was normal water.

“The water, it, it was blood.”

“We should go see the doctor.”

“No, I’m fine.” I looked at her, she had a concerned look on her face. “Please, I’m sorry, I, the dream must’ve popped out of my head, there was just so much blood.” I got back inside and she did as well.

“If you’re sure.” I kissed her smiling.

“I’m sure, anyway I have to go buy something.”

“It’s only morning.”

“I know, but a nice cool night walk will calm me down, and I have a lot to think about, you said a lot before I fell asleep.”

“Did I?” She asked clearly lying.

“Yeah, but tell me, do you love me?”


“I mean I know we’ve been living together for a while, we make love and have fun, but do you love me?” She stared at me for a second looking at my chest. “As in you want to live with me for the rest of your life.” She looked at me understanding what I meant.

“I.” I pulled her closer to me making her smile. “I love you.” I smiled.

“I have to go for a short while, will you wait for me?” She nodded and I got up getting out of the bath. I put on my wing armor before leaving out the window.

I looked around the street, ponies had partied so hard quite a few were passed out bottle not far from them. I chuckled going to my bank. They held most of Canterlot wealth, from gold to gems to deeds. It cost a small amount to hold things, but that was to keep things safe from being stolen.

The bank wasn’t that impressive on the inside, it had about six hallways full of drop boxes which could only be opened by a certain pony which owned it. I went to my drop box and pressed my hoof onto it unlocking it making the box pop out.

I opened it seeing a few documents from my father. I picked up an engagement ring, my father had given me, I had both the engagement ring and the marriage set since I was first born. That though didn’t mean he didn’t give my brother enough to buy a nice one himself.

“Finding everything alright?” I looked at a guard.

“Oh caption.”

“Hello.” I closed the box putting the ring up my hoof guard so he didn’t see it.

“How is everything?”

“Great, just grabbing something.”

“Oh don’t mind me, just making sure with so many ponies in the city things are safe. A lot of things have been going mad. Probably going to get a thousand reports of stolen things.” I chuckled, large events always brought the bad, and this was probably the biggest in a very long time.

“Yeah, I can only imagine, must suck being a guard of the city.” He laughed. “It’s very easy being a castle guard.”

“You have your own problems I imagine.”

“We do.” I walked pass him and took off flying. I hummed lightly but stopped hearing someone scream.