• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 500 Views, 10 Comments

The End of Peace - ceasertiberius

When peace in the world is lost it is up to 9 friends to restore harmony to all nations.

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The End of Peace: Introduction

By Ceasertiberius

Peace, peace is something that we take for granted but at the same time never fully acquire. Peace allows innovation and security in which to prosper in. In these times harmony prevails and love flourishes. There once was a world that experienced a kind of peace for a thousand years but only when that peace is lost do you fully understand its value. Peace is what we all strive for but always fall short of.

Before that time of perceived peace there was constant war, it started between the powerful deer species and from their demise lead to many other conflicts. The royal sisters brought harmony to a dysfunctional land called Equestria but in time the younger sister grew jealous and rebelled, starting a new war. Celestia defeated her sister and when Luna was banished to the moon the word war seemed to vanish with her. Under Celestia the world knew a kind of peace never experienced before. Conflicts between monsters and disagreements with nations still existed but harmony between the species prevailed for a millennium.

In this time 6 friends arose who were the true bearers of the elements of harmony. During this era, evil was turned good, monsters were defeated and peace ruled over the world. The power of the friends was able to return a lost princess, turn chaos good, free an empire from slavery and even create a new princess. The six friends traveled the world together, making friends and allies while creating trade agreements and ensuring peace. The world seemed to be in constant harmony but all good things must come to an end. Eventually 5 of the friends died off and the elements went to find new bearers but in that time darkness took its hold.

War, war is something that is inevitable regardless of the illusion of peace and safety. It has been around since the beginning of time, a terrible reality that no species can escape. It is something that we fool ourselves into believing that we hate but we desire it. Nations fall and rise from war, ponies are made great or disgraced, technology flourishes for good or evil. War brings change and destruction but it feeds on our primal instincts. War is in the very nature of the world and all that inhabit it.

The war began simply enough. The ponies became industrialized at an unprecedented rate. New inventions were created everyday but to power and make many of these inventions the ponies needed magic and energy that was not abundant in their home lands. They saw the other neighboring species with their abundance of resources and magic. For energy the ponies signed trade agreements with the zebras for coal and the camels for oil. These trade agreements were heavily sided towards benefiting the ponies but the other nations needed their innovations to survive against monsters and disasters that abounded. Eventually the lesser species began to resent the powerful ponies treatment and banded together in an alliance known as the Fair Trade Order or just the Order. These countries included Camelu, The Ibex Empire and Zebrica all of which banded together to demand fair treatment as a cohesive group.

In response to the Order four pony nations created the Four Hooves Union, to show their might over the lesser nations. These countries included Equestria, Germaney, Gildedale and Aura. Together they threatened the Order with quick retaliation, if they did not abide, the Union would seize the needed resources the Order was withholding. The Union used the 6 friends as diplomats who preserved peace in the tense times.

The deer species watched secluded from their forests as the nations argued while they were forgotten. The deer, elk and moose tribes were at one time the most powerful civilization in the world with their mighty magic, until a great war between them decimated their civilization and drove them into the forest. The deer stood by and watched these other species rise while they stayed banished in their forest sanctuaries. The head councils from every tribe, from every forest and antler species met in the Shimerwood forest to discuss their position. Most of the councilors decided to put aside their differences and work together to reclaim their glory that was lost. The deer, elk and moose formed the Antler Confederacy and prepared to enter the rising conflict.

The industrialization led to the need for resources which led to the tensions which resulted in the nations making powerful new weapons and machines of war. They created magic that could heal and magic that could destroy, all in preparation for the possible war. At this time the friends began dying off and when the last one decided to give up her immortality to be with her friends in the afterlife, a great darkness descended on the world that would push the bellicose nations over the cliff to war.

In this time of war 9 friends from all different backgrounds will meet through their struggles and strife. Brought together by their common goal of ending the war, they will band together to find the new bearers of the elements of harmony. Though they may come from different places they all have seen and felt loss from the conflict and experience much together on their journeys. This is the beginning of the end of peace.


It was an early morning in Canterlot, Celestia was just begging to raise the sun and the ponies were starting their day when a strange pony appeared at the gates of the city. The mysterious pony calmly strolled through the city streets towards the castle. Several ponies took notice, some ran but most just stood dumbfounded and watched him slowly pass by. The mysterious pony came to the gates of the castle and sat down, waiting patiently, whistling a strange tune. Guards flew down wearing gold plated armor with large plumes on their helmets. They quickly surrounded the stranger. They positioned around him, guns aimed at him while a large grey Pegasus’ voice boomed over the rest.

The Pegasus that was presumably the Captain stood a whole head over his guards yet he was about half the height of the stranger. “What is your business in the castle stranger, these are tense times, answer quickly!"

The stranger calmly turned and smiled to the captain responding in a serene and persuasive voice, “I am here to discuss peace with the regal sisters. I am sure that they would wish to meet me immediately."

The captain turned to address a guard, “Go alert the princesses at once and you stay with me.” The guard stated, pointing his large rifles at the unphased stranger. The stranger nodded politely with his smirk and followed the guard up the stairs to the castle.

The royal sisters calmly sat down on their thrones and waited for the arrival of their mysterious guest. Celestia was the larger and older of the two rulers who raised the sun. She had a white coat and magical mane and tail with blue, green, pink and purple that evenly flowed together. She gave off a presence of royalty from her kind gaze to her calm demeanor. Luna, the younger and smaller of the sisters raised the moon. She had a purple coat and a mane that sparkled like the night sky. She also had a serious yet serene and collected presence. What set the royal sisters apart from normal ponies is that they were neither a Pegasus, unicorn or earth pony but a mixture with wings and a horn called an alicorn.

Celestia looked at her sister and laughingly said, “Maybe something interesting will finally happen.”

Luna sarcastically replied, “Yes sister this age has been quite boring lately.” Both chuckled lightly until the front door swung open abruptly.

Both sister’s eyes popped wide and their mouths hung agape as a large male pony wearing a cloak calmly strode into the throne room towards them. The stranger took off his cloak, standing a bit higher than Celestia with a magic flowing mane and tail, similar to the royal sisters except shorter. His mane and tail flowed with blue, white and green, moving like a river. His coat was light blue and his eyes glowed with a peaceful gold tint that added to his gentle smirk. But what caught the princesses off guard the most was his large sharp horn and sharp almost metallic wings with white trim. He was unmistakably an alicorn yet the princesses couldn’t believe their eyes for they thought they knew of every alicorn and goddess that has ever existed. Regardless, there before them stood a male alicorn that they’d never seen before.

The princesses gathered themselves and Celestia addressed the newcomer. “Greetings stranger I am princess Celestia and this is my sister Luna, welcome to our palace. Now may we likewise know your name and your business here good sir?”

The stranger smiled graciously, “Thank you your highness. You may call me Serenity and I am here to propose peace. As you can tell by my errrrrr cutie mark, my talent is in negotiations.”

Celestia looked at his mark and saw a scroll with a blood red seal on it. She turned back to look Serenity in his eyes and asked, “So sir Serenity, what is it that you propose we do to further peace in these trying times?”

“I have already spoken to the buffalo, dogs and llamas who have vowed peace. The griffins have declared that the republic will not fight but many griffins will fight for pay. Prance, your fellow ponies, definitely does not want conflict, not that that’s surprising.”

Celestia nodded understandingly, “So what do you suggest we do?”

“There are plenty of great forests in pony lands that while they are treacherous, they also hold many valuable resources and plenty of magical sources within. With your new weapons and technology clearing them would not only prove profitable but will make your lands safer from the monsters that reside inside. Being less reliant on foreign sources, you should then be able to strike fairer deals with the other species, ensuring peace. Also an idea that would be mutually beneficial is to ask permission to mine their forests for resources. An endeavor that will reap even more resources for you and less monsters for them. With this larger range of sources it will be much simpler and much more practical to strike fair trade agreements with the Order that will ensure peace for centuries to come.”

Celestia had a concerned look on her face as she turned to see her sister’s reaction. Luna had a stoic almost nonchalant look about her. Celestia turned back to Serenity regarding his words carefully, “I suppose it is worth a try to preserve our precious peace and prosperity. I would like to know what you will do next and how we may contact you.”

Serenity smiled gently, “You are a most understanding and wise ruler princess. I will now go to speak with the Order to hopefully reach a better compromise that will benefit both sides equally. If you need to reach me just use green dragon fire to send a letter to my frequency which is R 6:3, your majesty.”

Celestia for the first time since the meeting began smiled slightly, “Thank you Serenity, I wish you well on your endeavors. We all do but before you go may I ask you how is it that this is the first time we have met and how you are an unknown male alicorn?”

Serenity’s grin only grew as he answered quickly, “I used to live in the great forests that are abundant in pony lands when I stumbled upon magical ruins deep within. Some magical force or possibly a blessing from the heavens gave me this great gift of power and immortality to make true peace a reality.”

Celestia paused then responded lightly, “Well regardless of the reason it has been a pleasure and I think I speak for my sister and myself in wishing you well. Farewell Serenity, may your negotiations prove fruitful.”

At that Serenity bowed and calmly strolled out of the throne room. As he left Luna thought she saw his tail flicker to a red, yellow and orange tail that moved like fire but she quickly dismissed it as the shock of the new alicorn that just calmly waltzed in then out.

Celestia turned to her sister with concern plastered on her face, “You didn’t say anything during the whole encounter sister, was it not interesting enough for you? Did his feminine name and appearance disturb you?” Celestia snickered to lighten the mood.

Luna turned to her sister with the same stoic look, “I don’t trust him sister. Why have we never heard of him before? Am I supposed to just believe he became an Alicorn from our ruins and now mysteriously appears with talk of peace immediately before war breaks out? He reeks of mistrust, I suggest we tread these waters cautiously.”

“Stranger things have happened in these days and his proposals are reasonable enough. I say we give him a chance before we judge sister.”

Luna appeared disgruntled, “Yes sister, I’m going to the library to see if I can find anything on him or the implications of a new alicorn being made by magic in our old ruins.” Luna stood up and made her way out of the throne room and towards the library.

Celestia looked down in a thoughtful stupor as she whispered to herself, “I hope this works for all our sakes.” Celestia then stood up and headed out to her chambers, ordering troops to traverse the forest for resources and dangers.


The sun was shining through the great trees of an ancient forest, mist covered the moist ground and a grand engraved table sat next to a crystal clear pool. Through the mist emerged several antlered creates that exchanged quick greetings in an ancient language long forgotten. The creatures made their way to the table and sat down, all wearing symbols of their tribes.

A large female deer stood up and addressed the gathered elders, “Greetings to my fellow elders.” She said in a soft voice while bowing her head. “This is our first meeting since the Confederacy was founded and I don’t need to tell you that we have important business to attend to at once.” She took her seat while another larger male deer took the head of the table. The ancient trees around them groaned and swayed as magic filled the air, a common occurrence in ancient forests but something felt off to the antlered group. In unison deer, moose and elk alike turned to the tree line across the pool where a cloaked figure stood. He slowly and serenely crossed the pool never touching the water and landed amongst them.

The cloaked creature removed his cloak revealing a large male alicorn with a light blue coat and magic mane that flowed like a river. Startled at the arrival of a pony amongst them, the antlered species took out their guns and charged up spells to cast at the newcomer. Guns floated around the alicorn held up by levitation as the stranger locked eyes with a large deer in the center. The deer rose up above the rest with complex antlers that spread out to reach great lengths, his coat had a dirty brown tint and his eyes were small brown and black beads. The deer stood almost like a statue with no emotion, staring at the intruder.

“Chancellor Cornibus please tell your fellow elders to lower their weapons, lest I lower them myself.” The stranger said calmly.

The deer didn’t even flinch, keeping his eyes locked on the alicorn as he spoke slowly with contempt. “What are you doing in my forest pony? I thought your kind forgot about us.”

The alicorn responded in a low rigid voice, “I see that you have created guns without the pony nations. Very impressive, now would you kindly stop showing me their barrels and put them away. My name is Serenity and I am here to negotiate. No other being knows of mine nor your location so cease with the hostility, I’m a friend.”

Cornibus kept his steely gaze on Serenity, “You are in our land uninvited and we will keep our weapons fixed on you until we deem fit to lower them.”

Serenity sighed and looked around once, “Very well.” At that a blast of magic emitted from his horn, shocking the antlered creatures’ horns and dismantling their guns, leaving them dysfunctional. “Now that that’s dealt with we can continue negotiations in a civilized manner.”

Throughout the encounter Cornibus’ gaze never faltered nor did it wander from Serenity. “Fine, then let us negotiate. What is it that you intend to accomplish with these negotiations?”

“Good, now what I plan on accomplishing with this meeting is peace because I know you aim for war to regain glory. I also know that I am the only none antlered creature that knows the deer species still thrive in forests all over the world.” Serenity stated in a much kinder tone.

“The world has forgotten about us and left our memory out to die. We are remembered by the world as an old mare’s tale, not for the great feats of magic our grand civilization accomplished that helped bring the world to this point of prosperity.”

Serenity nodded understandingly, “Is it not better to find a solution that doesn’t involve bloodshed? Why not do as the ponies have and industrialize and come out of isolation? Your magic and culture would easily propel you to superpower status if you work with the other species. You already have guns, imagine what success the antler species could achieve by working with the other species. Plus it would benefit the whole world.”

Cornibus kept his sharp glare on Serenity but for the first time it faltered a bit. “So what do you suggest? We just reveal ourselves and do what the ponies do? We’ve seen how they treat the other species and those species will regard us with great suspicion at best. No, now that we are unified and powerful we must take back our glory by force. We made these guns from information our spies supplied us with. The world may not know we still exist but we still watch and learn from it.”

For the first time another elder spoke up. Two seats down from Cornibus was a large Elk that towered over the already large deer with his eyes closed. He had a similar dirty brown coat but it was showing signs of age with white fur throughout. But what was most distinguishing about him was his massive antlers that held perfect symmetry and glowed with power, even after Serenity’s magical pulse. “Have we learned nothing from our ancestor’s mistakes? War and distrust put us in this position, listen to the pony’s wisdom.”

Cornibus turned to him and sneered in reply, “Why can’t you be silent like your name implies Silentium? You should be honored we even allow your tribe to live you old blind senile foal. We have learned much from the mistakes that our ancestors committed, such as we must unify but the other species are not to be trusted. We learned the most from your tribe that started the great war between the antler species, bringing our downfall.”

Silentium kept his almost meditative look as he turned to Cornibus. “My name implies tranquility, far more than just being quiet and I am hardly older than you chancellor. You have learned all the wrong things from our ancestors. You throw away everything they did as faulty but what we must do is build on what has worked and grow from their flaws. They innovated and worked with other species which helped them prosper but they lacked unity which led to the war that my tribe did start but it seems my tribe has learned and grown the most from our failures. We must change what has failed and conserve that which has worked, not throw away our rich history.”

Cornibus glared at Silentium then returned his gaze to Serenity. “I believe I speak for all the elders here when I say that action is prudent. Well all the elders that matter anyways but regardless we will regain our glory through bloodshed or innovation but we are willing to hear you out. As long as this doesn’t leave the sanctity of the forest.”

Serenity smiled lightly at Silentium then turned his attention back to the chancellor. “I respect your ambition and I swear that nothing will leave this forest. Celestia believes that I am currently speaking to the Order which is my next destination but I found it necessary to address the Confederacy first. Now I recommend that the deer species join in the conversation with the other nations and make yourselves and your ambitions known instead of hiding and plotting against the world.”

Cornibus actually seemed to ponder Serenity’s words before replying in an abrasive manner. “You want us just to march out of our forests into a world we are not a part of? Then just start making deals with other species so that we can gain power?”

Serenity was starting to get visibly annoyed with the chancellor's hot headedness. “We are all part of this world whether you want to be or not. Is it not better to give trade and community a chance before rushing off for a fight that only you are prepared for? The other nations have done nothing to you, your predicament is your own faults.”

At that Cornibus lit up. “They are unprepared, that is why we must strike now and grasp our glory from their hooves!”

Serenity angrily face hoofed and in his own hostile tone retorted his remark. “A lack of harmony within your species is what led to your great war. Now that you have unity you don’t want to give harmony a chance with other beings. You do not inhabit this world alone. So I beg you in the best interest of your species and all the rest of the creatures that inhabit our blessed world, give diplomacy a chance before you rashly run off to war. Use your wisdom, even if you win the war what glory will be left? The world will be in tatters, the world still bears scares from your great war millenniums ago. Do you expect the world in all of its majesty to fair better when all the species are bent on destruction? Certain lands were unusable for centuries and the magical weapons have left permanent imprints on the world. The world can only take so much and this war will leave little for the future generations of the victors. Especially if the fighting only escalates to more and more devastating weapons.”

Murmurs started erupting from the other elders, most agreeing with Serenity or arguing amongst themselves. Cornibus felt the situation quickly fleeing from his control. He quickly huddled with the elders and came out distraught with a look of defeat etched on his strained face. Under the mounting pressure the chancellor finally gave in trying to regain some control and dignity for himself. “On second thought I believe that we have unanimously agreed to give diplomacy a chance.”

With an exasperated sigh of relief Serenity looked at Cornibus with a slight hint of a relived smile. “Thank you for seeing reason. Now I must leave to go address Lucius Caesar of the Zebras. I might not have been completely honest with Celestia when I said my next move was to speak with the Order but I still plan on talking with them. So if you need to contact me send a message through the magical frequency of R6:3. I leave you asking humbly that you make your move for diplomacy sooner than later, time is off the essence.” After Serenity finished his speech he serenely stood up, bowed to the elders and disappeared into the mist of the ancient forest.


The day was coming to a close and the sun was slowly creeping down the final leg of its daily journey. Dusk was falling over the marbled exotic city of Roam, the capital of Zebrica. A zebra dressed in gold robes sat on a large red throne with intricate golden engravings. The zebra wore a wreath around his head and had an air of superiority yet a gentle kindness shown for his people. His black strips were chaotic, zigzagging in strange patterns all over his white coat. He noticed the stranger standing at the gate to his palace and motioned for him to come over.

Serenity walked through the large, open, marble palace and up to the steps in front of the Caesar. The Caesar smiled down at the large alicorn. “I have heard a lot about you Serenity. Celestia sent a letter telling me the fantastic news that peace is likely. We can strike fair trade deals that will greatly benefit us both, thanks to you.”

Serenity smiled at the Caesar, “It was my pleasure helping to maintain this world’s glorious peace.”

The Caesar continued to genuinely smile at his guest “I have already spoken to Shah Jabal Alqaweeya of the Camels and Emperor Tie Ti of the Ibex Empire. They are both overjoyed at the news that these new trade agreements will bring peace and prosperity to all lands. They have asked me to congratulate you on your success and send you gifts of thanks to your home.”

Serenity chuckled slightly in response, “Seeing the joy on everyone’s face and the assurance of peace is thanks enough. Besides I just make the suggestions but you leaders are the ones that carry out peace. I’m more of a messenger and besides I don’t exactly have a permanent address but thank the leaders for their thoughtful generosity.”

Caesar nodded understandingly, “Humble too, how lucky are the ponies to have such a wonderful asset and companion.”

Caesar laughed and winked at Serenity. “I do not speak for the ponies but for the whole world. I am but an ambassador for peace to all who desire it.”

Caesar laughed even harder, “Well then the world is lucky to have you. Accept some praise why don’t you, you deserve it.” Serenity bowed his head in humility.

A much smaller female zebra came out from behind the throne wearing baskets full of food. She had a low cut Mohawk and a small tied off tail with perfectly symmetrical stripes coming down from a stripe that rode along her spine to her nose. She had bright violet eyes just like the Caesar and her glyph looked like a strange half rising sun with two long lines in-between two smaller lines on the top and a small line next to a large one on each side where the half circle in the middle was cut off. She had a small gentle smile while she kept avoiding eye contact with Serenity.

Caesar smiled down at the young zebra, “Serenity meet my daughter Zenith. Zenith this is the pony that has fought so hard for peace in our time.”

The young Zebras eyes lit up in joy as she ran over to greet the large alicorn. “Oh it is such an honor to meet you mister Serenity. Your care for all beings is inspiring.”

The Caesar laughed slightly at the scene. “My daughter loves to help out the less fortunate. Matter of fact she’s going down to the slums to hand out food to the poor right now.”

Zenith beamed at Serenity, “Would you care to go with me sir Serenity? Seeing as how you love and grant safety to all, including those less fortunate than ourselves?”

Serenity smiled down on the little Zebra, “Maybe another time lady Zenith. At this present time I still have important matters to attend to but maybe the next time we meet. Your kindness and generosity to the poor is most humbling lady Zenith. It makes me wish that I could do more.”

Zenith looked down and blushed with an embarrassed smile on her face. “Oh no you have done more than anybody could ask for. Well farewell sir Serenity the poor need my help.” At that she happily trotted out of the palace with her baskets of food in tow.

“My daughter has one of the kindest and most generous hearts that I’ve ever known. She puts everyone above herself, especially the poor. She must of gotten it from her mother bless her soul. She will make a great leader if only she’d pay more attention to her studies.” The Caesar remarked in a deep meditative thought.

Serenity nodded in agreement, “Well she has a great father as a role model for how to lead.”

The Caesar laughed wiping tears from his eyes, “Oh you flatter me Serenity and that reminds me…..”

The Caesar was abruptly cut off by a letter appearing in front of Serenity. The alicorn picked up the letter and read it, his eyes growing larger with every word. As he looked up his horn started to glow on its own and his eyes grew even larger. “Excuse me my lord, I have an important emergency to attend to at once.”

The Caesar raised his eyes at that, “Before you leave to attend to this emergency I must inform you that thanks to your efforts I have dispatched scouts with the pony miners into some nearby forests for the resources, as you have recommended.”

If it was even possible Serenity’s eyes grew even larger. He quickly muttered, “Sweet Celestia,” in a fearful voice and then disappeared in a flash.


The night was cool and the moon was full as the group of ponies scoured the edge of the Shimerwood forest at the border of Gildedale. The ponies were equipped with magical equipment to scan the forest for magical resources and energy substances. Given the dangers of many ancient and large forests the miners were also well trained and given a wide range of weapons with which they could defend themselves against monsters.

The group consisted of 12 ponies, 4 of each type. The Pegasi were used to scout ahead and look for trouble while scanning the forest with their magical radar for resources. They were armed with snipers tied to their hooves for accuracy with large triggers that their hooves could pull to defend the group at a long range. The unicorns used their magic for protection, communication, scouting and mining and were equipped with assault rifles, magical and mechanical that they levitated ahead of the group. The earth ponies were equipped to extract the resources and clear a path while they wore battle saddles with large guns and flamers that were used by biting on the bit in front of them that connects back to their saddles. The inherent magic that all ponies possess allows them to pick objects up with their hooves, teeth or tails with precision and an unmatched grace. This ability allowed the group to use a large plethora of weapons and tools while on their mission.

At the head of the group was a large earth pony from Gildedale. Gildedale is a small nation to the northwest of Equestria that was inhabited solely by earth ponies that roamed the golden wheat land in battalions. The nation was isolated until the 6 friends ventured to it and convinced them to join in the industrialization of ponies. Now many of their soldiers lead and train resource recovery groups with a variety of ponies all over the world.

The lead pony of this group was named Iron Side and he knew the area well from traveling with the army all over their golden land. Iron Side commanded his troops to move up a path they discovered the day before that led deep into the forest. The large earth pony stood over his fellow ponies with a dull, dark grey coat that resembled the earth and the metal that he was named for. His mane and tail were cut short and cropped back with a dark grey, almost black color with white streaked throughout. His eyes appeared to have a dull rust color to them that gave away his experience. He wore a large battle saddle with large high powered rifles attached on each side. His cutie mark was an iron spear planted deep in the ground in defiance. It represented his talent in stand firm, a skill were earth ponies dig into the ground and become immovable. His hard set face and strong body gave off a feeling of seriousness and authority but the ponies who knew him knew better. He was a kind gentle heart under all the muscle and discipline.

Iron Side continued his groups march deeper and deeper into the forest while a mist started creeping up around them. The farther they penetrated the forest, the denser the forest and the mist grew yet there were no sounds. Not a single sound to give evidence of any threat or life for that matter. The eerie forest gave Iron Side a feeling of unease. He looked up at his pegasi and ordered them to return to him in a steely booming voice. “Boys rendezvous on me, the forest is getting thick. We need to stay together and something is off about the silence of this place.”

Iron Side looked into the tree line and thought he saw a shadow move through the foliage. Iron Side moved towards the bush were he saw the movement when one of his Pegasus scouts named Sharpsight bolted towards him and tackled him away from the bush as a bullet flew through the underbrush. Iron Side quickly stood up and ordered his troops to lay a suppressive fire on the tree line and retreat. His troops ran back down the path only to find that they were trapped in the area by a large magical barrier. Several more bullets streaked past them as Iron Side pulled his men into a shallow ditch for cover.

“Keep fire on the tree line and stay in cover,” bellowed Iron Side over the fighting. A bullet struck his fellow earth pony and he went down in a heap bleeding. Their medic, a unicorn went over to attend to him. Another unicorn fired a magnum several times into a bush and was rewarded by a heavy thump and a pool of blood flowing out. Iron Side lowered his mighty rifles and fired four shots at the barrier. It fractured then slowly fell as the ponies clamored over to escape the barrage of bullets now pouring out of the forest.

The ponies nearly made it out of the forest when a fireball hit the lead unicorn to the ground. His comrade spun and fired a burst of enchanted fire rounds into the trees and killed one of their assailants. In the retreat they left the dying earth pony and lost another to an explosive trap set up on the path. Since the trap that took one of their soldiers, the ponies were vigilant of more hazards on the path which allowed them to avoid most of them except a dart that grounded one of the Pegasi. At this point Iron Side turned towards the forest and pulled out a flamethrower that the unicorns helped prop up and unleashed an inferno on the greenery as they exited the ancient forest.

After escaping the forest the ponies let up their fire while the unicorns messaged for back up. While they recuperated Iron Side took the casualty toll. They lost three ponies, two earth and one unicorn while a Pegasus’ wing was injured. For a second they relaxed in the eerie calm of the now morning sun. As they caught their breath a line of antlered creatures on four legs appeared at the edge of the forest. Iron Side thought that they reminded him of the deer from his childhood stories but believed those as old mare’s tales.

The ponies regrouped and prepared to fight when pegasi in machines that augmented their magic to fly faster and carry heavy explosive ordinances flew over and released their fiery loads on the edge of the forest. Over the golden hills of Gildedale large mechanical vehicles carved a path towards the forest. The machines held earth ponies and unicorns who would direct the large machines and used their massive cannons to fire a wide variety of shells, magical and explosive. Iron Side heard Sharpsight whoop over the noise of the machines saying something about jets and tanks. Iron Side was never good with the war machines that were recently invented, besides his prized rifles of course.

The machines unleashed hell on the forest, burning and ravaging the trees and everything within. The continuous barrage was met in return with large balls of magic that slammed into the tanks destroying them instantly. The group jumped on a transport vehicle as the battle raged on behind them. The transport took the battered group back to the capital of Gildedale, Thatchiholm.

Sharpsight yelled over the noise of the fading battle to Iron Side, “What do we do now boss?”

Iron Side glanced over to his companion, “Now we bury our dead and seek council with my half-brother Lord Iron Clad.”

Sharpsight snorted at that response, “Your dad was never very original and I doubt we will recover our dead in that hell zone. No, what I meant was what happens after that battle?”

Iron Side considered his words for a second, “I suppose we ready ourselves for war.” The group stared off towards the rising sun that was caressing Gildedale’s beautiful golden hills as the transport continued its trek to civilization.


Serenity appeared abrubtly in the middle of a meeting between Celestia and her generals. Serenity overheard them talking about several hot spots around numerous forests across the world. They were so deep into their discussion that they failed to notice the presence of a large alicorn standing behind them.

Serenity cleared his throat to get their attention, “Would anyone here like to explain to me what is going on?”

Celestia froze and slowly turned around with a piercing glare directed at Serenity, “Did you know about this?”

Serenity looked taken back from Celestia’s uncharacteristically sharp remark. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to be more specific your highness.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “About the deer in the forests that you wanted us to excavate. They attacked us at several locations, most notably and the first occurrence of this was at Shimerwood forest near Gildedale.”

Serenity lowered his head in shame and murmured in a quiet tone. “Yes I did, they’ve been planning war from isolation for quite some time now. I believed that forcing a confrontation would get your parties to negotiate and hopefully they would see reason. I used the forest to unify the Union and the Order and then my hope was that the deer would be outmatched and instead look for a peaceful path to prosperity. I spoke with them and asked that they come out and make themselves known at once. They seemed to agree yet they attacked your non-hostile scouts on site. If I would’ve know this was their intentions I would never have recommended sending ponies into the forests and for that I am truly sorry.”

Celestia stood as still as stone and then without changing expressions slowly nodded in understanding. “The whole time you were trying to prevent a broader war. You tried your best and that is commendable but now we have a war to fight and hopefully resolve as quickly as possible.”

Serenity brought his gaze up to Celestia and smiled lightly with tears in his eyes. “The best outcome now is that you keep the peace with the Order and together you can win this war quickly and keep your deal with the Order.”

Celestia nodded, “That is the plan but in the meantime to end this conflict in a timely manner we need the resources from the Order. I want you to go and speak with them. Tell them we will have to postpone the agreement until this war is finished and that if they assist us it will result in a speedy end to this war, allowing the deal to take effect as early as possible. I’m sure they will assist considering the deer have launched attacks in their nations too and they want this deal more than us.”

Serenity nodded, “A very wise decision Princess. I will teleport to Roam at once and talk to the Caesar. We are on good terms so these negotiations will likely go smoothly.”

Celestia turned back to her generals, “Very well, send me a report on the discussions when they are finished.”


Serenity appeared in the midst of a chaotic palace in Roam. Guards and messengers were running around with papers and weapons in and out of the throne room. Sitting in his throne the Caesar appeared disheveled and worried. Next to him sat his daughter with tears in her eyes as she listened to the talk of attacks in the nearby forests. The Caesar noticed Serenity and called him over. “Well sir Serenity now I know what your important emergency was that cut our time short.” He chuckled mirthlessly.

Serenity had a somber expression as he slowly nodded in response. “Yes I have just returned from Celestia and she wants me to speak on her behalf to the Order.”

Lucius Caesar stared hard at Serenity, "Well out with it, if you haven’t noticed we’re in the middle of a crisis.”

Serenity hurriedly spit out Celestia’s request, “Celestia says the Union needs your resources and help to end this war with quick ease. The sooner that it comes to an end the sooner the trade deal will go into effect.”

The Caesar glared daggers into Serenity who averted his gaze and simply replied, “No.”

Serenity looked up in shock, “But this would bring the war to a speedy end and give you your deal even faster.”

The Caesar’s expression didn’t waver in the slightest. “No, we need those resources and I will not have my people suffer in the meantime. We do not know the strength of our foe or how long this war will last and if the ponies take our needed materials then how long will we be able to defend ourselves for? They want our assistance but they will concentrate on their own lands long before ours. Leaving us out to fend for ourselves while they strip our land of our resources. So my answer is very simply, no.”

Serenity sat down hard and pulled out a letter on which he wrote the Caesar’s reasoning then Serenity sent the letter and awaited a response. He got it moments later in the form of a large scroll which he opened and read out loud to the Caesar.

“The Four Hooves Union of Equestria, Gildedale, Germaney and Aura have officially requested the use of the abundant resources in the lands of the Fair Trade Order, to fight the new and immediate threat of the so called “Antler Confederacy” which is in a direct war with both our alliances. This document has been sent to the leaders of the nations in the FTO, to persuade them that unifying to defeat our common enemy quickly is the best course of action. This requires many of your materials that are scarce in pony lands to be relinquished to the Union. Fair trade agreements will be justly signed at the end of the conflict, barring the Order’s compliance to these demands. If these request are not met in a timely matter or are withheld for any reason the resources will be seized. By, if necessary, immediate and relentless force.”

After finishing the document Serenity looked up to the Caesar in stunned silence. Lucius Caesar glared with pure anger in his eyes at Serenity. “Let them come, we will meet them with equal force. If they cannot see reason then they will have the war that they have been pushing for since they forced these criminal trade agreements on my people.”

Zenith leapt up and grabbed her father’s arm. “No father please, fighting is never the way. It’s not worth the pain.” She said as tears flowed freely from her eyes. “Sir Serenity please help me convince him.” She pleaded in a sad voice that was cracking as she spoke through her continuous sobs.

Lucius pushed his sobbing daughter away and addressed her in a stern voice, “Enough of this, you need to learn as a leader your people come first and this is unfortunately our peoples only chance at survival. We must show them that we are not to be trifled with.” He then turned back to Serenity, “You have served your purpose, as honorable as it may have been it has failed. So I suggest you leave while my generals and I discuss our next move.” Serenity bowed his head and exited the palace in a flash.


Serenity reappeared in a clearing surrounded by thick foliage. In the clearing were floating crystals that followed at the edge of a crooked path, leading to a large tree. The tree was hollowed out and had crystal like structures branching out from the trunk and surrounding the immediate vicinity.

Going back and forth between the structures were a multitude of white tail deer. Serenity kept his head down as he made his way through the settlement and into the large tree. The deer often stopped in their tracks to watch him and mutter meaningless words in their ancient language before going on about their business.

Serenity continued up to a large room in the great tree. He knocked on a pair of great wooden doors that featured intricately carved depictions of the deer history, including their great war. The great doors swung open magically to reveal a grand room with a large round table in the middle. Sitting at the head of the table surrounded by deer was Cornibus. Cornibus saw Serenity out of the corner of his eye and motioned him forward. Serenity held his head low and made his way into the great room.

Cornibus met Serenity’s eyes with the same solid unfaltering glare. “Come back to propose more peace have you?"

Serenity had an uncharacteristic somber and pleading expression in place of his usually serene and persuasive one. “You and you alone have the power to stop this Cornibus. I thought I asked you to communicate with them not attack at first sight!”

Cornibus rolled his eyes, “They invaded our territory, apparently at you recommendation and I took the necessary precautions. I am a white tail deer which gives me the ability to decipher truth from falsehoods. I could never get a good reading on you Serenity but I knew there were lies and deceit in your speech. So I prepared my people accordingly. Besides I couldn’t let such a golden opportunity slip through my hooves.”

Serenity got down on the floor, tears escaping from his eyes. “I’m pleading you to stop Chancellor Cornibus. They were non-hostile scouts armed only for protection. I convinced them to go into the forest so that peace could ensue between the Order and the Union and together they could come in contact with you. It’s my fault but my intentions were pure. I just wanted all people to enjoy peace and prosperity. If you need revenge for the blood spilt take it out on me but I’m begging you to make peace.”

Cornibus laughed heartily at Serenity, “Why would I do that? This is what I wanted, so I thank you Serenity although you almost got the elders to turn on me.” He finished chuckling to himself.

“I am on my knees begging you Cornibus. If you end hostility then the Order and the Union can enact their trade agreement and peace and prosperity can follow for all including the Confederacy. I will even serve you to help your race prosper if you wish, just please end this.” Serenity begged while tears pooled at Cornibus’ hooves.

Cornibus looked up in mock contemplation, “Hmmmmm let me think on that, how about no. There’s nothing you can do to stop this now serenity, even killing me wouldn’t make a difference for all the elders are on board. Well all but one and he is no longer an issue. Regardless they will use my death as a battle cry. I will be a martyr so striking me down will do you no favors alicorn. Now leave my forest and never return unless it is to deliver the world into my hooves.”

Serenity stood up slowly and magically wiped the tears from his face. As he made his way out of the tree he turned around and yelled at Cornibus, “You have doomed us all you fool!” In response Cornibus busted out laughing while Serenity continued to exit the grand tree. Right before he teleported away a letter appeared through green flame in front of him. The letter read as follows

“Dear Serenity,
Our troops have moved into many valuable locations within the Order nations and have secured an abundance of resources. Heavy fighting ensued but we eventually overcame and acquired the assets for our war efforts. As expected the Order has declared war on us and we have declared war in turn. This war now appears to be split three ways and will not be resolved unless our enemies are decimated or plead for our forgiveness in unconditional surrender. Your intentions and efforts were valued but your service is no longer required.

-Your Majesty,

Princess Luna”

Serenity’s eyes started to accumulate tears again. He continued to wander out of the tree and through the town with tears streaming out his eyes. He no longer had anywhere to teleport and instead decided to walk alone through the ancient forest with his great sorrow. He came to the same small pool were he first spoke with the deer elders. Serenity was gazing into the crystal clear pool when he noticed a somber figure standing behind him.

He quickly turned around to see a large elk with his eyes closed standing motionless besides him. “Oh hello Silentium, what are you doing here?” Serenity asked through his tears.

Silentium turned in the direction of Serenity as a somber smile etched across his face. “Hello sir Serenity, I suppose I could ask you the same.”

Serenity wiped away his tears with a wing and sadly answered the elders question, “I tried my best to prevent the conflict and preserve peace. Instead I brought the tension to ahead and started the war. Now all the leader’s hearts are turned to stone and bent on fighting.”

Silentium nodded solemnly, “Yes it appears that there is no avoiding this war but you gave it your all.”

Serenity had a burst of anger at that. “That’s all anyone has been saying recently, you tried your best, it was a commendable effort or it was honorable. None of it makes a difference, I wasn’t good enough and now I have no influence to persuade the leaders”.

Serenity then had an idea spring into his head. “But you Silentium, you’re an elder! You still have pull and you don’t want war! Please try something, anything to end this war!”

Silentium bowed his head somberly, “Now I guess I will answer your previous question sir Serenity. My tribe and I have been excommunicated from the Confederacy and labeled as traitors. I returned to my tribe who angrily told me to leave and accused me of purposely getting them excommunicated for my own gain. Wherever they got that idea from I will never know. So I came here because the lake has always been a serene and mystical place for me to meditate at.”

Serenity gave Silentium an apologetic look, “It appears that we are both outcast in a world that is destined to burn.” At that Serenity began to walk farther into the forest away from the pool. He gave one last look back to say goodbye to the elk but he had vanished. Serenity sighed and continued his trek deeper in the forest, leaving a trail of tears behind him. He looked up to the sky in a small clearing and muttered to himself, “I guess this is the end of peace.” After that he vanished into the unknown wilderness.

Author's Note:

The next 3 chapters will introduce and expand on all 9 characters, feedback would be great. Any help with uploading or formatting from word to fimfic would be appreciated.