• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 500 Views, 10 Comments

The End of Peace - ceasertiberius

When peace in the world is lost it is up to 9 friends to restore harmony to all nations.

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Chapter 1: Scorched Earth

The End of Peace: Chapter 1

Scorched Earth

By Ceasertiberius

Immediately after the Union seized the vital coal resources of Zebrica, the Caesar mounted a massive counterstrike that repelled the invaders to the sea. A month into the war a massive fleet of pony ships were anchored off of the coast of Zebrica holding troops and supplies for the coming invasion. Ships from all four nations began shelling the zebra coast, eradicating all coastal settlements. To continue an inland campaign the massive carrier ships launched a wide variety of pegasi jets to bomb zebra encampments and military instillations to pave the way for the coming campaign.

In the meantime the Zebras continued to fortify Roam and amass the largest army of the war with their abundance of willing citizens. The army was positioned around Roam to hold off bombing raids and attacks from the nearby Silva forest to the north of Roam were a large tribe of elk have been firing magical blasts into the capital city. The Zebras deployed half of their army to the forest while the other half was positioned into the Vix valley that leads from the sea to Roam in preparation for a pony invasion.

A largely ignored variable and consequence of the Zebra defenses was that the large, dense Viridi forest to the southwest of Roam was left unguarded. Most Zebra generals agreed that the foliage was too thick for the ponies to transverse and the forest remained quiet with no signs of any deer tribes. The forest ran up to the edge of a bluff that overlooked the marbled city leaving it as a strategic location for artillery to be fired from. Rommule, the Germaney general leading the pony invasion, realized the opportunity before him. His plan was simple enough, deploy all of his troops and specialized armor divisions on the beach and prepare to burn the Viridi forest and march through it towards Roam. Rommule strategized that even if the Zebras noticed and fortified the bluff he could easily reroute his army while the Zebras would be split three ways and much more vulnerable.

Two months into the war Rommule was prepared to start operation Scorched Earth, the burning of the forest. To start he was sending his special elemental team deep into the forest to start a blaze on the other end of the forest to quicken its pace. After they lit the inferno they were to infiltrate the city to gain intelligence then report back before the assault began.


It was early morning, the sun was just beginning to spread light on the humid beaches southwest of the city of Roam. Tents lay strewn out across the white sand as far as the eye could see. In the tent nearest to the forest laid 4 unicorns and a pegasus asleep in their bunks.

“Vake up Scorch ve need to report to ze command tent in 10 minutes” a young female unicorn with a light brown coat and green hair that resembled grass yelled in a heavy Germane accent. The young unicorn used her magic to levitate combat armor from the cabinet and a large sleek assault rifle with a scope. The unicorn walked over to a mirror and started to strap the light weight armor and helmet on meant to counter simple spells and bullets. “Scorch you’re in command of zis mission now get up!”

A medium sized male unicorn threw his covers off, grumbling at the young unicorn. “Terra ve have 40 minutes, ze sun is hardly even peaking over ze horizon.”

Terra turned back to glare at the much larger unicorn, “10 minutes until ve’re not 30 minutes early. Did you learn nozing at ze academy major?” Terra strapped her boots into place and then started yelling for her fellow comrades to get up, “Ze sun is rising boys, up und Adams.” In unison all of her fellow soldiers groaned and slowly got up. “Don’t give me zat und you call yourselves officers much less soldiers.”

“Ja und even soldiers need zeir sleep Terra. Ve can get ready und to ze tent in no time at all” angrily replied a fair sized sleek pegasus with a shiny silver coat.

Terra rolled her eyes, “Maybe for somepony who can fly but most of us have horns Cyclone.”

The other two soldiers slowly started using their magic to dawn their armor and weapons while Terra ranted on about being late. The other two male unicorns were Scorch’s brothers and they were twins but had little resemblance aside from their medium height and build. Torrent was the older of the two if only by a few minutes but he would never let his twin Brumal live that down. Torrent had a light blue coat and dark blue mane that shimmered in the light. Brumal on the other hand had a pale white coat with an almost pearl mane making him look like death itself. Both brothers had their manes cut short and spiked back similar to Scorch.

When Scorch and the other stallions were finally outfitted (to the relief of Terra) the group made their way to the command tent in the middle of the camp. Scorch took the lead because he was given command of this mission. Scorch stood a whole head higher than his fellow soldiers and had a large sharp horn to emphasis the point. His coat resembled a dark blood color while his mane and tail were spiked back with orange, yellow and red with a black outline making it appear as if it was on fire and burning on the edges. His eyes glowed with a fiery cobalt blue that held a firm discipline and loyalty for his family, friends and nation in that very specific order.

At a young age Scorch’s parents died in an accident so Scorch was forced to take labor intensive jobs to provide for his younger brothers. One such job made him use his fire magic to heat metal in a factory which led to many injuries and plenty of suffering. This resulted in his cutie mark that symbolized his fire magic talent and sacrifice made to protect his family.

As soon as he could he took up a job in the rising Germaney military and later his brothers followed in his footsteps. Scorch was an outstanding soldier, so much so that he was offered an officer position in only two years. The cache was that he would have to leave his brothers’ squad. Scorch turned down the offer until his brothers were qualified to become officers at which point they were given a spec ops elemental squad. In it were two other ponies, Cyclone and Terra who Scorch relied on heavily. Even though she could be a nag she was a feminine model that Scorch’s life was missing not to mention an excellent soldier and organizer. Scorch had no romantic feelings for her but he cared for her just as much as he cared for his own blood.

His background only gave credence to the purpose of his fiery cutie mark. The symbol on his flank was of an inferno line that lead to a large plume of fire. The mark accurately reflected his mastery of fire magic and his protective tendencies for his specific loyalties. The line showed leadership and the plume was like a protective wall used to safeguard his family, friends and nation, a mark that he lived up to.

Just like Scorch each soldier had a cutie mark that represented their element. Terra could magically control the earth, using it as a weapon and a defense. Cyclone’s ability was to control winds in any form allowing him to fly faster and make devastating twisters. Torrent was able to bend water to his will, turning a river into a tidal wave or a direct blast of water. Brumal was the youngest but one of the most deadly because he could unleash blasts of cold ice that could spear or freeze his enemies instantly. All of the soldiers in the special ops group had a special elemental talent. Yet Scorch, having the most seniority and the missions need for someone who was proficient with fire, made him the obvious choice to lead the operation.

As the group neared the tent they could hear a loud ruckus then a bang followed by a small messenger boy frightfully fleeing the large silver tent. Scorch sighed then pushed the entrance flap aside and entered into the tents large interior. In the middle there was a large desk that was covered with papers and maps. Standing at the desk was a fairly small unicorn, a little smaller than Brumal and Torrent. He sat down at the desk slowly grumbling about incompetent messengers and what has the world come to. The unicorn had a gun metal grey coat and a messy short mane and tail that was predominantly black with red scattered on the end. The unicorn wore aviator shades to hide his eyes and he wore a Germane general’s cap on his head that resembled his grey coat.

The unicorn looked up and gave a slight smirk at the group then returned to his studies while addressing them. “So glad you could make it, are you ready for your assignment?”

A medium sized zebra a little larger than Rommule brought in a folder and gave it to the general. The zebra had a swept back mane with very few stripes and dark brown eyes. Rommule took the folder and thanked the zebra, “Zank you Proditorem you may take your leave.” At that the zebra made his way out of the tent but not before making eye contact with Scorch. The zebra gave a small smirk and a nod before he continued his departure.

Rommule opened up the folder and nodded at its contents while Scorch looked at him questionly. “Vat’s vith ze Zebra General?”

Rommule grinned but his eyes never left the folder. “He vas born in Germaney to immigrants, he is my errrrr very special assistant. Plus it’s good to have insight into your enemy’s culture und tendencies.” The general chuckled lightly, “In any case zese are ze mission plans und you already know your part so I vill ask again are you ready for your assignment?”

The group looked to Scorch to take the lead. “Ja, ve are ready General Rommule.”

The young General smirked at the larger slightly older Scorch, “Vunderbar, your team vas picked because of your prowess vith elements und you Scorch for your ability vith fire. You vill make your vay into ze center of ze forest vere you vill plant fire bombs. String ze fire bombs to ze edge of ze forest zen ven you have gained entrance into ze city set zem off as a distraction. Vile you get ze Intel from ze com. center my tanks vill be burning ze forest und making zeir vay to ze city. Get out quickly because ve vill rain hell on ze city immediately und if zey redeploy zeir army to ze bluff zen ve vill redirect und zeir army vill be split. Oh how vunderbar ja!” Rommule cackled giddily then regained his composure and gestured for the group to leave, “Now go complete your mission soldiers, make Germaney proud. Zis vill be a glorious day ja!”

The group saluted then exited the tent making their way towards the ominous forest. They started readying their weapons in unison. The group all had a standard issue assault rifle except for Cyclone who had a battle saddle outfitted with a sniper and shotgun. Scorch levitated his rifle in front of him with a thermal scope, laser and grenade launcher attachment all of which were loaded with fire enchanted ammo.

Torrent whistled, “Vhy do you alvays get ze good stuff brother?” he said while snickering.

Scorch laughed and looked back at his brother sarcastically replying, “Because I’m ze oldest und smartest little bro.” The group laughed lightly together as they entered the edge of the forest.


The further and further the group journeyed into the Viridi forest the more they understood why the zebras would leave it unguarded. The forest was dense and as far as they could tell void of life. The forest would get so thick at points that the ponies would have to resort to prematurely lighting parts of the forest on fire just to advance deeper and deeper.
The sun was now directly above them, not that they could tell under the dark canopy of the forest, and the ponies had yet to reach the center of the thick forest.

“Good zing ve packed plenty of provisions, ve vill be lucky if ve reach ze edge before midnight at zis rate.” Terra lectured to the group as if they were paying attention.

Brumal was using his magic constantly to form a freeze barrier above them to stop the smoke from giving away their position. This process was similar to what the army would do when they started the burn but even though this fire was smaller he was still only one unicorn compared to hundreds. Lighting the fires was easy for Scorch but keeping the smoke down was starting to ware on Brumal. Scorch knew his brother needed a break so he guided his team into a small clearing marked on the map close to their goal.

When they came out into the opening they noticed a small pond with a cottage next to it. For the first time since entering the forest the group also noticed the sound of birds and saw several small animals scurrying about. Brumal sat down on a log next to the pond and started drinking water while the others investigated. Cyclone flew above the trees to get their bearings and Terra went with Torrent to investigate the small cottage. Scorch kept watch as the two unicorns entered the house. Inside the house was a small kitchen next to a living room with holes and nests for an abundance of small creatures. To the side there was a small staircase that led up to a loft with a bed at the top. Terra walked over to the kitchen and noticed that the appliances weren’t powered by gas but by crystals and were very low tech compared to the ones at home. Terra then looked to the table where there was a cup of coffee nearly empty but still warm.

Terra connected the dots and told Torrent her theory, “A deer currently lives here und has just departed judging by ze varmth of ze coffee. My guess is zat it’s a girl based on ze decorations und zat she is ze caretaker of ze animals zat reside in zis forest.

Torrent nodded while he examined a bird’s nest decorated with flowers. “I doubt she vill be far. Ve don’t vant to fight und put ze mission in jeopardy zis early on so ve better be moving out.”

Terra nodded in agreement and made her way out with Torrent by her side. As they exited the cottage they saw Brumal sitting comfortably in the now frozen pond. “Come on in, ze vater is fine” Brumal called out while chuckling.

Torrent rolled his eyes, “Shouldn’t you be preserving your energy for ze mission, not for taking an afternoon swim?”

Scorch walked over next to the other unicorns and called Cyclone down. Cyclone gave his report from above, “Ve are near ze center of ze forest. Our first objective is less zan a klick north east of here und ze edge of ze forest is another 8 klicks in ze same direction.”

Scorch nodded then turned to Terra and Torrent, “Vat do you two have to report?”

Terra looked hesitantly at Brumal still lounging in the pond then back to Scorch. “Ve need to leave immediately. Zat cottage is occupied by a deer who is likely in ze immediate vicinity. Ve can’t afford a fight or alerting ze deer to our position und intentions before ve have even reached our first objective.”

Scorch looked back at Brumal, “Feeling better? Ve need to get going little bro.”

Brumal melted the pond then climbed out, shaking of the water on his coat. “Good as new, vere next?”

Before Scorch could answer a loud roar tore through the clearing. The group turned around just in time to see a large bear barreling through the forest towards them. Before the ponies could even level their weapons the bear was on them. Its massive paw swatted Terra to the side as it turned to bite at Torrent. Torrent dodge rolled away and used the small pond to blast the bear back. The massive creature recovered quickly and charged Scorch who sent streams of flames into his face. The bear stumbled backwards as the ground beneath him let loose and crumbled.

Terra stood up slowly grinning. She yelled at the creature with a sadistic wavering voice, “Hit meeee now villl you, I’llll show you vat earthhh can do!” As if on cue several large mounds of earth hurled at the bear while blood dripped down from Terra’s face. The bear hit the ground hard and before it could react Cyclone hit it with a twister. The bear flew into a tree where Brumal froze him in place. The bear growled viciously at the group as they lowered their rifles in unison.

Scorch aimed down his sights, into the creatures eyes which reflected a primal fear. “FIRE!” Scorch bellowed at his soldiers who in turn unleashed a flurry of bullets into the bear, resulting in a blood curdling roar mixed with the shattering of ice and sounds of flesh being torn apart. The fire ended in harmony and the bear fell over in a bloody mangled pulp.

Terra cackled maniacally as she knelt on the ground, blood streaming off her face collected in a pool below her. Scorch rushed to her in an attempt to prop her up as the blood continued to flow freely. Torrent used some of the pond’s water to wash off her face but it did little to stem the river of blood pouring from her wounds. Brumal even attempted to freeze the wounds shut but her body heat quickly melted the ice, resulting in an increase in blood loss. Terra started to get dizzy and was losing her vision when she fell and rolled over on her back.

In a last ditch attempt Scorch used his magic to cauterize the gaping wounds on her face. With the intense heat from the magic the wounds quickly sealed up and ceased to bleed. After they washed off the dried blood the group examined her wounds. It was hard to judge the depth of the tears but thankfully they were narrow enough to cauterize properly.

Scorch then checked her vitals with a small magical machine contained in a medic kit. She had lost an excess of blood but her organs were functioning adequately. Most of the damage was done to her face where several bones including her jaw were broken and the gouges stretched from her mane to her mouth leaving a mangled scab from the cauterization. After reading the results, Scorch administered simple healing spells and gave her restoration potions from the kit.

Scorch finished attending to Terra and addressed the group, “Vell Terra is stable enough und ve can’t get an evac so somepony vill need to carry her.”

Brumal raised his hoof while he hung his head, “I vill do it. It vas my fault ve vere here to begin vith.”
Scorch immediately shot down his brothers self-loathing words, “No zis is not your fault. You’ve been draining a lot of energy vith your spell und needed a break, a spell zat ve still need. Cyclone vill you carry Terra? You vill be grounded anyvay.”

Cyclone saluted in response, “Yes sir, it vould be my honor.” He then muttered in a low sarcastic voice, “As long as she doesn’t nag.”

Scorch chuckled lightly, “Vith all her blood loss it vould be a miracle if she said anyzing much less nagged.”

Cyclone nodded slowly, “Yes but ze first zing she vould do if she could talk vould be to nag me.”

After a brief light moment the group shared together several quieter roars echoed from deep within the forest, prompting them to pack up and continue their trek deeper into the dense forest. The group slowly burned their way to the forest’s center at an excoriatingly slow pace, often being forced to stop so that Cyclone could put down Terra and both he and Brumal could rest. By the time they reached their objective the sun was setting, casting an eerie glow through the trees. The group fanned out over a large perimeter from the center and began too strategically place magical fire bombs at intervals on the tree line. The process took longer than expected with Terra out cold.

The group finally finished and regrouped back in the middle. Scorch began to give orders for the rest of the mission. “Alright now zat ze initial bombs have been planted ve need to make our vay to ze forest’s edge. On our vay ve vill string bombs periodically through a vide area of ze forest till ve reach near ze edge of ze forest. Once all ze bombs have been placed ve vill signal command to begin ze burn und ve vill set of our bombs. Ve Vill zen proceed to enter ze city und extract ze needed information zen return to HQ. Any Questions?”

Cyclone raised his wing, “Vat vill ve do if Terra doesn’t vake up?”

Scorch looked uneasy at the prospect of his friend remaining unconscious but answered with resolution in his voice, “Ve vill find a safe location to keep her till ve get our Intel zen get her on our return trip. Ze mission is our priority but ve take care of our own.”

Cyclone nodded then Torrent raised his hoof. “Vat exactly are ve looking for und how vill ve retrieve it?”

Scorch looked at his brother in a serious and authoritative manner. “Ve are to acquire communications between ze Order und any military plans und strategies ve find. Ze location is marked on our maps vich I believe is zeir logistics und com. Center. Cyclone, once ve near ze location you need to make a distraction using our remaining fire bombs zen quickly escape back to our rendezvous point or vere ve hid Terra.”

The group looked at Scorch in silence with stoic expressions. “Let’s move out zen. It’s almost midnight und ve have a vays to go. Ve need to enter ze city und start ze burn before ze sun rises.”

Throughout the night the group laid down wide spread bombs on their way to the city. They were often forced to stop to eat, recuperate and even sleep periodically. During their brief breaks Terra would gain some resemblance of consciousness, mumbling and moving until going back into her deep slumber. When she started to show signs of life the group would administer more medicine and gather around to see if she would fully gain consciousness, only for her to drift off once again. On the positive side her wounds were healing and she was faring better overall.

After repeated cycles of bomb placing, breaks and the occasional Terra activity, the group finally neared the bluff overlooking the city. The team spread out about 100 yards behind the end of the tree line setting down the powerful fire bombs for a klick in each direction before regrouping in the bushes next to the bluff. At this point the sun would be rising in nearly an hour, giving the team minimal time to enter the city.

Scorch gathered his group and addressed them as their commander “It vas a hard journey but ve made it even vith our setback. Yet zis is just ze beginning, now ve must enter ze enemies’ capital und steal zeir communications und plans vile ze army moves into destroy ze city. Our families, our friends und our nation are counting on us und ve vill not fail!”

Scorch walked over to the edge of the cliff with his friends behind him, with Terra stirring on Cyclone’s back. Scorch magically messaged Rommule to begin the operation and a moment later a light magical field hovered over the forest. Upon seeing the spell to stop the smoke in place, Scorch levitated the detonator above him and in a booming voice yelled to his comrades, “For Victory, for ze Union, for Germaney, for Terra!”

Immediately before Scorch pulled the trigger Terra sat up with her eyes half open. A smile grew across her face and the whole group paused then rushed to her. Terra nearly passed out again from the barrage of hugs. When the onslaught subsided Scorch smiled at his friend and levitated the detonator into her weak magical grip.

Terra smiled lightly at Scorch, “It vould be my honor commander but you have earned zis privilege.”

Scorch returned his soft caring smile, “Ve vill do it together.” After his brief statement a fiery red magic glow enveloped the detonator, accompanied by a much weaker light green one coming from Terra’s horn. Together they turned to the forest with the city behind them and the sun slowly rising in the distance as they pulled the trigger.

They could hear the explosions echo throughout the forest as the underbrush exploded in a fiery haze. Looking into the forest the group could make out the spreading flames that ate at the underbrush and climbed the ancient trees.

They turned back towards the city and readied ropes to propel down the cliffs edge. From on top of the bluff the group could make out the whole city and the surrounding geography. The capital sat in a basin with large mountains to the east that ran down to the south where the Vix valley lay and the Silva forest to the north east. The group came out southwest of the city on top of high cliffs at the edge of the Viridi forest, which was separated from the Silva forest by a small mountain range to the west between the city and the distant ocean. The Vix valley lead from the south around to the west were the ponies were beached. Great deserts and grasslands stretched in every other direction.

The city glistened in the now cresting sun with its ancient stone and marble. Great palaces with exotic architecture towered above stone and brick town houses. The palace of the Caesar was placed prominently on a hill, overlooking the city near the mountains of the east. At the bottom of the hill stretched a great marketplace and large stadiums made from marble. Scorch could make out a large courtyard near the palace with a training yard. The map marked that location as the com. Center and Scorch figured it likely housed the rest of their high command.

The exotic city was like nothing else in the world, not even in Zebrica where each tribe had their own customs and architecture. Most zebras were either nomadic or lived in much more rustic towns and cities yet this city stood in stark contrast to its surroundings. The city was home to the most powerful tribes and held a blend from all the tribes. Scorch looked down solemnly at the large houses below them. In peace this would’ve been a great place to visit with his friends and family yet he knew it would be destroyed by nightfall.

Scorch sighed and then looked back at his team who was equally mesmerized by the view. Scorch got their attention and then commanded them forward, “Ve have enjoyed zis view long enough, let us continue on our objective.” The group nodded somberly knowing that they would never see this city in its glory again. The team cast an illusion spell in front of much of the forest to deceive the locals of the invasion until it was too late. They then mounted on their ropes with their gear slung over their backs and repelled into the backyard of a large villa, prepared to finish their mission.


It was noon in the Viridi forest when a young doe was traversing its dense foliage that she was all too familiar with. The doe’s name was Amare and she was the caretaker of the Viridi forest, a forest in which she was isolated from all forms of civilization.

Amare stood a whole head higher than the average pony but being a red deer she was considerably small. Her coat was a reddish brown and her face was elongated unlike the pony species but identical to her own kind. Her eyes were small and green with a blue tint that stood in contrast to her coat and small silver horns. Her horns could only do simple magic that was typically used to benefit her critter friends. Her face had a constant light, caring smile that she always cast at every living creature yet it had been years since she had seen another civilized creature. She was young for a deer at the age of 66 being that deer could live for half a millennium, more than three times the average pony. It had been nearly 44 years since she was last in her home forest, for she was not a native of the Viridi forest but its caretaker.

When she was but a child in her birth forest she found a love for animals but not for her own species. Many deer treated her harshly and were vile creatures but the wildlife was innocent and it understood her. Many bucks made fun of her for her size and how she acted like a loner which was only helped by their constant teasing. One day several bucks played a cruel prank on her that nearly ended her life.

The bucks were the same age as her yet they were close to twice her size. They thought that it would be funny to throw Amare into the nearby river and watch her struggle to swim. When she didn’t come back up the bucks panicked and fled the scene. Amare would’ve drowned if it wasn’t for a group of beavers that pulled her out and then proceeded to get the rest of the wildlife to help her. When Amare came to she was far away from her home in an unknown part of the forest. Instead of trying to return she ran as far away as she could from that wretched place. She ran for weeks in great deserts and grasslands, hardly eating or drinking anything until she finally reached a dense forest that she had never seen before. After making her way deep into the forest she discovered a clearing with a pool where she drank its water greedily.

Amare rested in the clearing before she noticed the strange absence of noise. There were no other deer, no ragging river, not even the sound of wildlife. Having a love for all wild creatures, Amare found this fact disconcerting. Amare decided to explore the forest to see if she could find signs of life.

After hours of fruitless exploration, Amare came to the edge of the forest where she saw a great city that shimmered in the light. In it were thousands if not many more white and black stripped creatures. Most of which were even smaller than her but she had no want to communicate with them. Instead she gazed north of the city where she noticed another forest. Being a red deer Amare had the gift to see possible outcomes of the future. Although the gift could be misleading, it was also highly useful and at this time Amare saw wildlife losing their homes and being mistreated in that far off forest.

Based solely off of her cryptic vision, Amare traveled for days through jagged mountains narrowly avoiding many hazards on her way. Several times she barely avoided a landslide or the occasional stumbling off a steep cliff all the while attempting to avoid the stripped creatures that wandered through the valleys cutting through the mountains. Eventually Amare reached the forest that appeared much larger and more spread out than her new home. The trees were smaller and spaced out making travel easy in comparison to the Viridi yet the biggest difference was the sound. Throughout the forest she heard noises, noises that could only be produced by living creatures.

Pushed by excitement, Amare ran through the forest seeing an abundance of wildlife, most of which she had never seen before. She played, helped and talked to the many creatures that were just as docile as the ones back in her birth forest. She followed the animals deeper and deeper into the young forest until she came to a large clearing. All around the clearing trees were being quickly removed with magic while buildings were replacing them equally as fast. Gigantic creatures with massive antlers were carving up the interior of the forest like it was paper. They looked similar to Amare and her Red Deer species yet they towered above even the largest of her species and were a darker brown. Amare slightly recognized the creatures from deer history as being called elk. They were some of the most powerful and large deer species right behind moose yet they were much more plentiful and wiser than the derpy moose.

Many of the trees and areas the elk were clearing were homes of the wildlife who fled in terror from the elk’s shear power and size. The elk noticed yet they didn’t care, instead they often harmed and played cruel jokes on the defenseless animals for amusement. This reminded Amare of how she was treated by her own kind. This enraged her but she was smart, too smart and too peaceful to run in and attack the much larger Elk, so instead she rounded up the frightened critters, small and large from mice to bears and comforted them. She was able to convince many of them to come back with her to the Viridi forest to make a new life.

After several agonizing days of travel back over the mountains to the Viridi, Amare finally reached the clearing that she previously found. Not only was the trek over the rugged mountains more strenuous as a result of her new found followers but traversing the forest itself was nearly impossible for some of the larger animals at certain points. When Amare and her conglomerate of creatures reached the clearing they all fanned out to drink from the pool and collapse from exhaustion. While her animal friends recuperated from the journey, Amare glanced over her surroundings, taking in the pure beauty of her new home that was now occupied by her beloved wildlife. In that moment Amare made a promise to take care of the forest and all that inhabited it for the rest of her life.

Over the next 44 years Amare worked hard with her animal companions to clear small areas and paths for the forest’s new residents. They grew food and irrigated water all for the betterment of the newly founded life that prospered in the once lonely forest. The animals even helped Amare build a cottage by the original pool as a meeting place for the forest’s citizens. There Amare would live and help anything that desired her special talent of caring for animals whether it be with food, shelter or something medical, Amare would do her best to help and provide.

She continually worked to make the forest more and more livable without harming it. She watched families grow and animals live in the sanctuary of the forest. The forest had become as much of a part of her as she had become a part of the lives of the animals that resided within it. This care and compassion was shown every day and even her mid-day wandering that day was to help a squirrel family gather nuts in preparation for winter. As she followed the narrow path to their tree, Amare had a sudden splitting headache that forced her to kneel on the moist ground. She saw bright red flames tearing through a green oasis, the smoke blocking out the sun. The vision then switched to a bluff overlooking a city burning to the ground as the sun sets red. Her vision finally ended with animals fleeing from the inferno with massive machines rolling behind them.

Amare didn’t move for a long time after the vision ended. She was glued to the ground out of fear and shock from what she saw yet she knew that her visions were often exaggerated or amounted to nothing at all. She was still for so long that the squirrels that she was on her way to help ran from their tree to try and snap her out of her stupor to no avail. As the squirrels ran around her throwing nuts to bring her back to reality an ear splitting roar echoed through the forest. Amare immediately came back and turned her head in the direction of the sound, it was coming from the direction of her cottage. Amare quickly stood up and galloped back down the beaten path towards her cottage.

Amare was running for several minutes all the while she heard loud bangs and more frequent roars. As she rounded a corner she heard a symphony of rapid bangs followed by a bone chilling roar then silence. Amare quickened her pace even more and after she had galloped for several more minutes she slowed down to catch her breath. While she was regaining her stamina two softer, younger roars emanated from the clearing, forcing Amare to Gallop faster. She knew only one bear that had cubs in the forest and it sounded like they were calling out in distress and grief which worried the kind doe to no end.

Amare finally reached the clearing nearly an hour after she had heard the first roar because she had to travel far into the forest to help many of the residents but she was not prepared for what she saw in the clearing. Backed up against a tree was a large mangled corpse with blood everywhere. Next to the corpse laid two small cubs weeping for the mother bear. That bear was one of the original animals that Amare had saved and brought to the forest as a cub. Amare had watched her grow and was there when the cubs were born and growing. What she was witnessing broke her soft heart. In all her years in the forest nothing so grave and gruesome had ever occurred. Amare rushed to the cubs and hugged them, sobbing with them for theirs and the forest’s lost.

Amare eventually calmed the cubs down and levitated the corpse into a corner where she started working on a coffin. Amare then took the cubs back to her cottage and made them comfortable while she investigated the scene. She noticed that her door was left open but everything was still intact. When she went outside, Amare noticed several blood splatters that led across the clearing, not all were the bear’s. She also noticed ice on the tree and ground and burn marks on the foliage. As she continued to investigate she noticed a large amount of earth was over turned and the ground was wet in many places. She then ventured back to the tree where the bear was found and noticed that holes covered the trunk and many of the leaves were blown off. Putting all this together and after a brief talk with the cubs, she figured that the bear was protecting her cubs when armed intruders came in. They used powerful magic and strange weapons then fled into the forest with one wounded. Yet none of this mattered because they were gone and the cubs had lost a mother, so Amare continued to make funeral preparations while sending out magical messages to the rest of the forest as a warning and summoning for the ceremony.

That afternoon the whole forest assembled in the small clearing to bury their friend. The proceedings were short and considerate with Amare addressing the assembled creatures. After they buried the mother bear, the animals dispersed back to their homes and Amare led the bear cubs to her cottage to sleep. That night Amare tried to sleep but her mind was plagued with the tragic events of that day and her worrisome visions. She continually contemplated how they could be connected until she finally fell asleep after midnight. Unfortunately her dreams were nightmares filled with blood, fire and death leaving for a restless night.

Following hours of tossing and turning a loud bang woke Amare up. The startled doe clamored out of her bed to her window. The sun was barley rising yet it was hardly visible. Amare hurried outside to look at the sky that had a white film hovering before it and black plumes that rose to the sky only to end at the film that was hardly higher than the treetops. Amare quickly grabbed the cubs and messaged for the rest of the forest to regroup in the clearing.

By the time most of the animals had arrived the smoke was coming from every direction and the nearby foliage was starting to burn. Amare noticed that she was missing many of her animals but she had to move quickly if she wanted to save the ones present. She quickly told the creatures to follow her south to the Vix valley as she magically scooped up water to extinguish the fire in her way. Amare looked back just in time to see her small cottage get swallowed by the flames. She then turned and ran slowly so that some of the smaller and slower animals could keep up with her but the fire was spreading rapidly. Trees were falling all around them and the group wasn’t making much head way.

They didn’t get far from the clearing when several large machines tore through the trees with fire spewing from several openings in the front. The machine rolled on a set of large tracks that propelled the metal beast forward. On top of the machine was a large turret that swiveled on its main hull. Extruding from the turret was a massive cannon that pointed the monster through the forest. Sitting on top of the turret was a creature about the same size as the stripped ones except it had a glowing horn and it adorned bright colors. All around them the machines broke through the forest at a brisk pace. Many of the machines had different attachments but regardless almost all of them had one of those creatures on top yelling and had openings spewing out fire.

The machines rolled by the large group of animals paying no heed to them, almost like a possessed being on a mission they continued forward, never turning away from their march. Amare used their obliviousness or lack of concern to direct the animals to a nearby stream. Once they got to the stream they followed it south as the forest started to burn at a slower pace and the machines passed them. Amare was haunted by the accuracy of her visions and the enormity of what had just happened to her home. Amare looked back into the flame engulfed forest, watching her whole life go up in an inferno as she continued to the lead the group away from their destroyed home.


The sun was just beginning to rise over the mountains to the east when a young zebra happily trotted out of the palace’s front gates, toting several sacks full of food and clothes. The Zebra’s name was Zenith and she was the daughter and only child of the Caesar, making her the heir to the throne. She was a 24 year old, medium sized Zebra with unusually symmetrical stripes that evenly spread out from a strip that followed her spine from her head to her tail. She had a short Mohawk on her head and a short cut tail. Her eyes shown with a brilliant violet that resembled her mother's.

When Zenith was but a foal her grandfather died and her father became Caesar. As a result Zenith started to see her father less and less, becoming more and more attached to her mother. Her mother had a very chaotic strip pattern but other than that Zenith was her spitting image from eyes to mane cut. Zenith began following her mom everywhere, including to the slums where her mother fed the poor. Everyday her mother went to the slums to care for the poor in any way possible and Zenith would always help.

Zenith eventually fell in love with the charity work she and her mother did for the poor. The trip to the slums became a daily occurrence that brought the young princess joy. Around the time that Zenith was a teenager her mother fell deathly ill and passed away within a year. Zenith’s father attempted to reach out to his daughter more after his wife’s untimely death. Zenith grew closer to her father but what got her through her heartbreak was going back to the slums to help those less fortunate than herself.

Zenith even went to the slums the day after her mother died to help the poor which is how she earned her glyph. Her glyph was a strange half rising sun with two long lines in-between two smaller lines on the top and a small line next to a large one on each side where the half circle in the middle was cut off. Her glyph represented the hope of a new day that she gave to the poor she helped. It showed them that there was a brighter future ahead for them and that Zenith was there to lift them out of their misfortune.

Years later Zenith was trotting down the cobblestone streets of Roam early in the morning, heading off towards the slums once again. The slums were located near the villas by the bluff at the west end of the city, making it quite a distance from the palace. For this reason Zenith would leave early in the mornings, preferring to walk instead of taking royal transport. She believed that the chariot would be like mocking the poor and she wanted to immerse herself with them by eating the same food and even making her own bags and clothes for them.

When Zenith arrived in the ghetto it was mid to late morning. The community was bustling with activity from small vendors to families doing chores. Zenith trotted into the chaos with a grin on her face as she saw many familiar faces. As she walked towards a small apartment complex several zebras called out greetings to her which she happily returned. Today she was visiting a family of six children that often went without food due to their mothers struggle to find consistent work.

Zenith knocked on the creaky door that slowly swung open to reveal a tiny clustered room containing 6 young zebras. Four of the zebras were still fillies while the other two were a bit older but they all looked hungry and dirty regardless. The small, messy filly that opened the door smiled up at Zenith who returned the smile and entered the room. The children surrounded Zenith as she pulled out and distributed several loafs of bread.

“Where’s your mother at little ones?” Zenith asked softly while smiling.

The fillies were stuffing their faces so they didn’t answer but the oldest child, a fair sized colt, answered coldly, “She’s over the wall cleaning for some of the rich bastards in the villas.”

Zenith smiled lightly back, “Watch your manners, be polite.”

“Sorry, thanks for the food Zenith,” he grumbled in response.

“You’re quite welcome. I left some more food in the bag, take care of your siblings. I have to go help some vendors in the plaza, so tell your mom I said hi and I’ll return next week.” Zenith stood up and smiled while waving to the kids who happily waved back with their now full stomachs. The colt nodded his head solemnly in response as Zenith exited the small living quarters. Before she closed the door on her way out the tiny filly that opened the door ran up and hugged Zenith’s leg.

“Thank you princess Zenith.”

Zenith smiled and kissed the filly on the head. “It was my pleasure cutey, I’ll see you again soon.” At that she left and started walking down a back alleyway short cut to the plaza. As she walked down the deserted alley she saw the back of something with a brown coat and green tail quickly limping around a corner. Pushed by curiosity and the desire to help the injured creature, Zenith followed around the corner into a dead end with a dumpster pushed out in front, leaving plenty of room behind it. Zenith heard several voices with strange accents coming from behind the dumpster. As she began to peer over the dumpster a silver hoof reached over her mouth and silenced her, pulling her back. Zenith’s eyes grew wide as she was pinned against the wall face to face with a Pegasus. Zenith instinctively tried to scream but was silenced by the Pegasus who lifted his hoof and shushed her.

The Pegasus was a little larger than her and he had a silver coat with a short, dark grey mane and tail. He was wearing some sort of combat armor and had two very different guns strapped to his sides that made Zenith fear for her life but mostly for the wellbeing of the residents of the slums. He stared into her violet eyes with his stormy grey ones as he slowly removed his hoof from her mouth. Zenith was too scared and shocked to scream right away as she tried to formulate her thoughts on what to do but the Pegasus spoke before she could say anything.

“Ve don’t vant to hurt you so only talk in a low voice. Who are you und vhy are you back here?”

It took Zenith awhile to answer but eventually she took a deep breath and responded, “My name is Zenith, I’m the heir to the Zebrica throne and I’m here to serve the poor of my city. Now can I ask who are you and why are you sneaking around my city?”

The Pegasus’ eyes grew big and he turned toward the dumpster “Scorch you might vant to come out und see zis. Bring ze rest of ze group, ve have ze Zebra Princess.”

Zenith watched as the dumpster was moved out and four unicorns emerged from the space behind it. The one in the front was the largest with a red coat and fiery mane, behind him were two similar looking but smaller unicorns with a light blue and pale white coat. She then turned her attention to the one female of the group who had a light brown coat with light green hair. She was the one she saw limping around the corner but it wasn’t because of a leg injury but because she had her front hoof lifted to her face, holding gauze to her face which was covered in bandages.

The large red unicorn in the front started speaking, “Vell gutenmorgen to you princess, zis is quite ze pleasant surprise.” He smiled sincerely at Zenith with no signs of ill intent on his face. “Let me introduce ourselves to you. I am Scorch, ze one vith ze light blue coat is my brother torrent und ze pale coated unicorn is his twin Brumal. Ze girl is Terra und you already met our resident Pegasus Cyclone.”

Zenith looked at each of them then pointed a hoof at Terra. “What happened to her?”

Brumal looked at the ground as he answered her, “she vas attacked by a bear.”

Zenith’s eyes grew big, “How, where, can I help?”

Terra chuckled lightly, “It’s been taken care of und I zink I’ll live.”

Scorch looked the Zebra in the eyes, “So you say you are here to help ze poor, zat is very generous of a princess, do you do it often?”

Zenith nodded, “Every day.”

Scorch smiled at her, “I can see ze care for your people in your eyes. It’s quite commendable, so out of respect I vill tell you vhy ve are here und give you help on one condition.”

Zenith nodded slowly as Scorch continued, “Ve are a special operations group sent to gather Intel before ze city is destroyed. Now ve have talked it over und ve understand ze strategic importance of destroying ze city but ve don’t zink ze loss of innocent life is necessary. So in a few hours you vill hear chaos erupt from ze comm. center, ven zat happens you vill need to evacuate as much of ze city to ze northeast through ze Silva forest as possible. If you bring your whole army ze elk von’t be a problem und ve vill come back through ze area on our vay out before ze city is destroyed. Now it is important zat you tell no one till you hear ze signal or else zey vill destroy ze city earlier. Your military can do nozing to stop ze coming destruction. Do you understand? Ve are trying to help und save lives.”

Zenith sat in shocked silence, barely blinking as Scorch talked. When he finished she plopped on the cobblestone alley and stared at the ground. Scorch was quickly getting impatient with her unresponsive behavior and acted by grabbing her and forcing her to look into his cobalt eyes. “Do you understand?! Zis is very important lives are at stake.”

Zenith slowly came back to reality and nodded with hesitation. Scorch asked again to make sure, “You know vat to do right? You listened right?”

Zenith stammered to respond, “Y-yes, yes.”

Scorch sighed out of aggravation but his message seemed to have gotten through to her. “Good now ve need to go und get ze Intel so remember ven you hear any sort of disruption from zat direction start ze evac.”

Scorch got up and gestured for his team to follow him down a back alleyway. Before he went down the alley he looked back and called to Zenith, “Everyzing vill be okay, I know you vill do all you can to save as many as possible.” Scorch then disappeared down the alley. Zenith sat for a moment longer, letting all her thoughts flow through her mind while she stared at the ground. As she sat still she started to hear commotion from the slums. That brought her back to reality, making her realize what was at stake. She decided to get some of the zebras ready without telling them why and without making too much of a disturbance. Zenith stood up and trotted into the market determined to save everyone she could.


Scorch crouched down behind a small bush in between two buildings as several zebras walked past. When they were out of sight Scorch turned and quickly motioned for his team to move across the street. They were lucky that very few zebras were out due to the heat and due to the fact that they chose the smallest streets to get to their destination. By this time they could see the military HQ only a few blocks away.

Scorch scanned the next road and quickly bolted across it to the other side. From there the group took several back alleys until they were just across from the instillation. They were somehow able to avoid detection or being forced to hurt anybody through their whole trek through the city, a miracle considering the city’s size.

Scorch sat down and looked at his group, “Zis is it, ve are going to complete our mission und all return back victorious.” The team nodded in agreement, in harmony. “Alright Cyclone take off to make ze distraction. Terra it’s best if you stay here to be our guard. I know you vant to come but you’re injured und could put us in jeopardy.” Terra looked at the ground quietly but nodded regardless, understanding her orders. “Torrent, Brumal you’re vith me, you know vat to do. Everyone ready?” The team assumed their positions and Cyclone took off to create the distraction. Once they heard the explosion and shouts Scorch turned to his brothers. “Let’s do zis for Family, for friends und for country.” All the zebras on the road ran over to see what the commotion was, even guards from the comm. center ran to investigate. Scorch used this moment to quickly cross the street and enter the complex.

The halls were eerily void of life, making Scorch hesitate before he continued. Scorch looked at his map while following the hallway to a separate building. They reached a door to an offshoot building labeled Communications Center. Scorch looked back to his brothers, “Ve vill try to be stealthy, if zat fails use gas und flash bangs with other none lethals. Only use lethal fire if necessary, regardless of vat happens stick together.”

Scorch turned to the door and took a deep breath before pushing it slowly ajar. When the door was fully opened he looked in and was meet with nearly a hundred rifle barrels pointed at him. Scorch tried to back out but a barrel was pressed to the back of his head. The zebras behind them forced the trio into the central room where a zebra dressed in gold and red stood. The other zebras saluted him and backed off as the vibrantly clothed zebra approached them.

The zebra removed a large golden helmet with red plumes and examined his prisoners with golden eyes that resembled his outfit. A grin broke out on his face as he began to speak in a deep, harsh, exotic accent, “Well it appears that our little mole was correct. He told us the ponies would be trying something and that they would send a group of spies to the comm. center. Ah, but we were prepared for you and now you will tell us what you know.”

Scorch stared silently at the zebra with no emotion on his face. That only seemed to make the zebra grin more, “Where are my manners I am Legate Callidus and you are?”

Scorch continued to stare at him unresponsively, barring a stoic face. The zebra’s mood quickly soured as he frowned at the pony. “Fine be that way. It doesn’t matter, our armies are already moving to the north mountains to stop the invasion, so it seems you have already failed. Besides we have ways of making you talk.”

Scorch’s eyes widened when the zebra talked about their military movement to the north. Scorch thought that the mole must not be that well informed if he told the zebras that the invasion was coming from the opposite end of the city. He continued to ponder this new information until the butt of a gun abrubtly struck his face. Scorch rolled to the side and spit out blood as he glared back at the Legate. The Legate chuckled lightly and then motioned to some soldiers in the back. A door swung open and several soldiers carried in a beaten Cyclone.

The soldiers threw Cyclone in front of the Legate who kicked him to the ground. The Legate put a hoof on Cyclones chest and stared at Scorch. “Our mole is deep within your network, so we will get the information we need but it would be easier for all of us if you just talked. We caught your little distraction attempting to escape from the explosion outside, so for starters how many of you are there?”

Scorch still said nothing and the Legate sighed, “Maybe one of your fellow spies will tell us if they’re properly motivated.” The Legate spun and kicked Brumal sharply in the face. Brumal fell to the ground hard, bleeding from the impact of the metal covered hoof. Brumal slowly got up and stared at the Legate, unresponsive just as Scorch did. The Legate turned to Torrent, “I guess the results will be more of the same with you. Well we will see if the wellbeing of your fellow soldier will motivate you to talk.”

The Legate started to apply pressure on Cyclone’s chest with his hoof. Cyclone started gasping and blood began to trickle from his mouth but the legate didn’t stop until an audible crack was heard. Cyclone screamed and then started whimpering yet somehow the soldiers remained stoic. The Legate started to look visibly aggravated. He grabbed Cyclone and pressed a gun to his head that was attached to his hoof. “Loyal to your nation but not you fellow soldiers, I see. Well we will find out how much your comrades mean to you.”

Cyclone met Scorch’s eyes and winked. Cyclone then flared his wings and knocked the Legate across the room into several zebras. Scorch, Brumal and Torrent then unleashed a flurry of ice, water and fire magic on their captors. The three unicorns backed out of the room firing into the comm. center with magic. The trio levitated their weapons from a shelf in the midst of the chaos and began firing on the zebras. Cyclone kicked off of some of the soldiers and was running at the door, grinning at the unicorns for his crafty escape. Right before he made it out of the room a bullet flew through his head, leaving a bloody hole in Cyclone’s forehead. The Pegasus collapsed and stopped moving as blood streamed out of the hole.

The Legate lowered his smoking rifle and glared at Scorch with his blood soaked face. The Legate then quickly exited out the back and the zebras formed up to fire on the trio. Scorch screamed and tried to run after him and then to Cyclone but his brothers held him back. Torrent pushed Scorch against a wall as bullets flew past. “He’s dead Scorch und nozing vill change zat. Ve need to leave und rendezvous vith Terra to exit ze city. Hopefully she’s still alright.” Scorch nodded and regained his composure with his eyes still watering as they ran to meet up with Terra, leaving the chaotic building behind them.

The brothers were able to find the rendezvous point behind a nearby market without being seen. Once they reached the location they spotted Terra gazing out at the chaos from behind a bush. Scorch came up behind her to get her attention. “Terra ve need to get out of ze city ASAP.”

Terra was startled by Scorch’s sudden appearance. After she relaxed from the shock of him unexpectedly addressing her, Terra looked at the three unicorns and raised her eyebrows. “Vere is Cyclone? Did you get ze Intel? Is everypony okay?”

All three of the brothers stared at the ground in silence. Tears started to line Scorch’s eyes as he gazed back at Terra. Terra suddenly understood what had happened or at least the basics and she started to cry silently for her lost friend. Cyclone was like an annoying sibling to Terra. He was constantly a source of annoyance but was just as often a source of joy and laughter that the usually stoic soldier needed.

Scorch quickly took control of his emotions and the situation. He grabbed Terra by the shoulders and looked into her tear filled eyes, “Ve need to get going, it’s not safe here. Ze city vill be destroyed soon vith or vithout us out. Ve can mourn later but ve can’t let his sacrifice go to vaste.” Terra nodded slowly as she wiped away the tears from her face.

Terra slung her rifle over her back and stood up with new found determination. “Vell vat are ve vaiting for an invitation? Let’s get back to ze camp to vatch zis accursed city burn.”

Scorch smiled in admiration of Terra’s resilience, “Good but first ve need to head back to see how ze evacuation is going vith our new princess friend.” At that the unicorns filed in order behind Scorch and headed back towards the slums.

The group traveled through a panicked city. Zebras were running all over the city chaotically carrying items. Scorch thought that meant that they caused a bigger commotion than they thought or Zenith was successfully evacuating the city. The four unicorns arrived at the slums in the late afternoon. Most of the area was deserted with the exception of a few frail old zebras and a large family with many small kids. Scorch recognized one of the zebras with the large family by her violet eyes.

Scorch whistled to get her attention. The zebra squinted at the darkness of a nearby alleyway. Her eyes grew big and she quickly said farewells to the family that was on the ground thanking her. She quickly trotted into the narrow alley and greeted the unicorns.

“I wasn’t sure I’d see you again after all the commotion that came from the center. Rumors started to circulate that we captured and killed some pony spies. I thought something bad might have happened.” Zenith looked at the four unicorns that all shared a somber expression as a realization dawned on her. “Where’s the Pegasus I first met? Cyclone was his name right?”

Scorch looked at her with an unnervingly solemn expression, “He didn’t make it.”

Zenith looked at the ground and whispered quietly, “I’m so sorry.”

Scorch regained his composure and even smiled lightly, “It’s part of ze job. He saved us, he vould not of vanted to go any other vay. Now ve need to get down to business. I see zat you evacuated ze slums successfully.”

Zenith nodded, “Almost everyone is out of this area to my knowledge.”

Scorch nodded, “Vell at least ve saved some innocent lives. Almost makes zis trip vorth it. Vat of ze rest of ze city?”

Zenith started to smile a bit more, “The residents of the slum are warning people as they go and I just sent a messenger to my father. We might be able to evacuate the whole city before the attack.”

Scorch’s grin grew larger, “Zat’s great news but it also means zat ze city vill be destroyed soon. Rommule vill notice ze evacuation und attack quickly und mercilessly.” Scorch’s smile faltered a bit but still remained. “Ze Legate zat killed Cyclone mentioned a mole in our army. Apparently zat mole told zem ve vere coming und also curiously told zem to deploy zeir army to almost ze opposite side of ze city from ze attack. Do you know anyzing about zat, maybe you heard somezing from your father?”

Zenith looked shocked, “No nothing. How could he be so well informed about your actions but not that of the whole army?”

“Zat’s vats curious. It makes no sense.” Scorch paused then put a hoof on Zenith’s shoulder, “You should hurry und leave ze city too. Go met vith your father und help your people. Zey vill need it as refugees more zan ever.”

Zenith nodded in agreement but looked sad, “This war has cost too much for everyone and it’s only a month in. I hope that I will see you again under better circumstances.”

Scorch nodded and smiled, “You did good kid.” Zenith smiled back and made her way out of the slums. Scorch turned back to his group, “Ve need to leave quickly. Torrent take point, ve vill head to ze south, now zat ze Zebra army is to ze north ze Vix Valley should be clear.”

Torrent pulled out his rifle and turned the corner out to the road. As soon as he did a hail of bullets flew at him. Torrent got hit several times in the chest. He stumbled back into the alley way, breathing hard while trying to stem the flow of blood from his chest. The rounds were powerful and they easily pierced his armor. Scorch quickly ran and pulled his brother back farther into the alley.

The group took out their rifles and aimed down both directions of the alley, prepared to fire. Terra covered their rear as Scorch and Brumal watched their front. A zebra came running around the rear corner but Scorch saw her and pushed Terra’s rifle to the side as a burst of fire enchanted bullets shot out of the barrel and into the wall. The zebra flinched and started breathing heavily.

Scorch ran up to the tired zebra and grabbed her. The zebra looked at him with fear in her beautiful violet eyes. Scorch quickly started talking, “Vhy are you back? Vats going on?”

Zenith was shaking but she took a deep breath to calm herself. After she relaxed she blurted out what she knew in a rapid flurry, “The zebras know you are here and have sent squads to surround the area and kill you. I can get you out through the sewage hole just around the corner but we have to hurry. The Legate sent his best troops to hunt you down.”

Scorch grabbed Torrent and heaved him on his back in a flash, “LET’S GO NOW!” The group quickly ran down the alley and around the corner in the direction that Zenith came from. They found the cover and Terra used her magic to remove the lid and jump down. Brumal went after her then Scorch pushed Zenith in before she could argue.

Before Scorch took his brother down, Torrent started coughing while attempting to talk, “Leave me Scorch.” Torrent had a coughing fit before continuing, “I can hold zem off. I’ll just be dead veight slowing you down at zis point. I’ll likely die anywvays.”

Scorch looked back at his brother sitting on his back, “I’m not losing another. I vill never leave one of you again, even if you die. No brother of mine is dead veight.” At that Scorch levitated his brother into the hole. Several zebra soldiers rounded the corner and started firing at Scorch. Scorch quickly took cover behind a low wall and returned a burst of accurate shots. The zebras immediately took cover and fired back. Scorch aimed down his scope and lit up a zebra scurrying for cover. As the zebras attempted to grab their wounded comrade, Scorch ran out lighting a fire wall before him while firing to conceal his movement. As soon as an opening appeared Scorch dived into the hole and levitated the cover on top. Scorch quickly welded it to the sides with fire to prevent the zebras from following.

The tunnels were old, made of cobblestone and covered in a green algae. The tunnels snaked and turned in many complicated directions with tunnels shooting off in all directions. The worst part was the stream of brown sewage that ran knee high to Scorch and smelled just as bad as it looked. His friends were a little ways down the tunnel carrying Torrent with them. Scorch quickly galloped down to meet them. Torrent looked at his older brother disapprovingly while Scorch glared back. “I regret nozing.” Torrent huffed and rolled his eyes then started coughing as he held his wounds.

Zenith ignored their little exchange. “They will try to cut us off at other holes but if we hurry I can get you close to the valley.”

Torrent huffed again, “See ve need to hurry. Somezing ve can’t do vith you needing to drag me along.”

Scorch sighed, “I’m not going to leave anypony much less my brother behind just because it vill slow us down. I didn’t for Terra, I von’t for you.”

Zenith looked back and forth between the brothers nervously. “That’s great and all but arguing will slow us down even more, so can we get going?”

Torrent rolled his eyes and looked away while Scorch nodded, “Lead ze vay princess.”

Zenith sighed and started to trot briskly down the tunnels, going down many twist and turns without a second thought. The group followed as quickly as they could with an injured, angry Torrent on Scorch’s back. After nearly an hour in the complicated tunnels Scorch tried to lighten the mood with conversation. “So….Zenith, ze princess of ze zebra’s, how exactly do you know your vay around ze sewers so vell.”

Zenith chuckled a bit, “Many of the homeless or banished come down here to seek refuge, so naturally I come down here to assist them.”

Brumal narrowed his eyes, “Banished for vat exactly?”

Zenith’s face grew grim, “It’s not important. What’s important is that they needed my help and because of that I can now help you.”

After that Zenith became silent and aloof. The conversations stopped at that point and the tunnels went quiet until hoof steps started loudly echoing through the tunnels. After a short amount of time the group began hearing zebra’s shouting down the tunnels. Eventually they got so close that the group readied their guns.

Two zebras appeared in a side passage and began to fire down the narrow tunnel. Torrent used the water in the sewer to push the zebras away as Terra shot them down. The water began to run red out of the side passage prompting the group to hurry along.

Zenith started to shake, never looking at the ponies as she spoke, “Must you kill them? Can’t you just push them away with water or slow them down?”

Scorch sighed and lifted Zenith’s head but she resisted eye contact, tears rimming her violet eyes. “Zey came after us. Ve are just trying to escape yet zey try to hunt us, so ve must fight back. I know it must be hard for you but you must understand it’s necessary for our protection. I already lost one friend to zem, I vill not give zem ze chance to take another.”

Zenith whimpered slightly but nodded. “I understand but can’t you at least try to kill as few as possible?”

Scorch let go of Zenith’s head, “Ve vill try our best but our vell being comes first.”

Zenith let it go and continued on with the group. From then on she would look away and shake during any conflict. At first the conflicts were sparse but that began to change quickly.

Soon though the zebra squads started to catch up just behind them, forcing the group to stop and take up defensive positions. The group aimed around corners into the narrow tunnel as one by one zebras started to appear. The first few were easily taken down but then the zebras began to take their advances slowly and tactically. The ponies waited for any movement when several canisters rolled next to them. The group quickly rolled into a side tunnel and covered their eyes as the flash bangs went off. When the light and smoke faded Scorch looked back to where they had just been. Torrent was still there, sitting in the middle of the tunnel with zebras advancing towards him. Torrent looked at his brother and grinned.

Scorch’s eyes grew large as he ran at his brother, “NO TORRENT YOU DON,” but before he could finish his cry a burst of water flew down the side tunnel and pushed the group farther down the passage. The last glimpse Scorch got of his brother was Torrent grinning wildly as his horn glowed bright. A huge wave of water funneled out of every tunnel and shot down the passage where the zebras were coming from. The water took Torrent with him and that was the last time Scorch saw his brother.

The water pushed the group into an underground rotunda. Several tunnels met in the center, pouring water into one main pipe leading to the ocean. The water from the side passage started to drain and the group pulled themselves out of the water. They were all coughing up sewage and attempting to clean themselves off from the foul water. After gathering themselves, Scorch made an attempt to run back down the passage that displaced them from his brother. Terra and Brumal quickly grabbed him and dragged him back to Zenith.

Scorch struggled then started to sob quietly. Brumal went to try and comfort his brother, “Scorch I know it’s hard, he vas my brother too, my twin even. Yet ve can’t afford to mope around, not now. Ve Vill mourn later but now ve must escape vith our lives, less ve throw avay Torrent’s sacrifice.”

Scorch looked into his brother’s eyes that were also tearing up. “I’m sick of zis var Brumal. First Cyclone now our brother und for vat? Ve didn’t even get ze Intel und now a city full of innocent civilians vill be eradicated because of us. I’m beginning to zink zat zis var isn’t in ze best interest of our nation. I zink zat my loyalty for my family, friends und nation vill better be served trying to end zis war before it causes more unnecessary death. Zat should be our priority, not being Rommule’s pawns. For our vorld und each other it’s in everyone’s best interest to end zis var.”

Brumal sighed, “Ve are soldiers Scorch, zis is vat ve do. Ve knew ze risks ven ve signed up.”

Scorch looked at the ancient water eroded stones he was sitting on before he replied, “Yes but I signed up for you und Torrent. So zat ve vould have a home und protection. So zat ve could defend ourselves und serve our nation und in ze Pranco-Germane var ve did just zat. Ze difference vas zat ve didn’t destroy whole cities vithout zinking und ve fought conventional vars not zis special ops pawn bull shit.”

Brumal remained quiet for a while then sighed. Zenith walked up and looked at Scorch with Terra lingering behind her. Zenith knelt down next to Scorch to talk to him, “I’m very sorry for your loss, words cannot express what has happened to you. Now with that being said we need to get moving now. The patrols will eventually track us down and attack again if we linger to long. Don’t make your brothers sacrifice meaningless. We can mourn when we’re out of the city and safe.”

Brumal stood up and walked next to Terra who was also crying quietly. He put a leg around her in a hug then addressed his brother again, “Ve vill talk about our next move after ve are out. Right now you need to lead us to safety Scorch.”

Scorch nodded then shakily stood up. His breathing was deep but he eventually got control of his emotions like any good soldier should. He looked at his brother standing next to the now still Terra then to Zenith. “Vell vat are you vaiting for? Lead on sewer princess.”

The group all grinned at Scorch in unison. Zenith nodded and then trotted down the largest tunnel where the water joined into a single flow. After about 20 minutes the group ended up at the bottom of a ladder.

Zenith stopped and looked at Scorch, “This is the last exit until the ocean. We will end up on the outskirts of the city, near the Vix Valley.

Scorch returned Zenith’s gaze, “I’m assuming zat you vill go back to help your people now. Zanks for all your help princess.”

Zenith hesitated, “Yeah, I guess so…. but I’ll stay with you for a little longer.” She paused for a second, “To make sure that you get out of the city safely……of course!” She hurriedly blurted out in a nervous tone before laughing awkwardly. “Well let’s keep moving then. Can’t waste time.”

The unicorns all raised their brows at her. Brumal and Terra looked confused and were at a loss for words. Scorch awkwardly replied, “Vell okay zen. Let’s go I guess…..”

The group climbed out of the hole into a small community near the edge of the city. The sun was getting close to setting in the west. They quickly galloped away from the community and towards the forest. Their plan was to hug the edge of the forest to avoid any refugees in the valley yet also to stay close enough to follow its path to the beach. They made it into the edge of the Viridi forest and continued on.

After traveling a ways in the forest the group noticed that the valley passage was deserted. Not a single refugee or soldier was on the usually busy passage. That was until a single zebra frighteningly galloped down the path constantly looking behind him. Scorch recognized the zebra and leapt out of the forest in pursuit.

Scorch remembered the zebra from Rommule’s tent. It was Proditorem, Rommule’s special zebra assistant and insider. Here he was, running away from the city and from Scorch. All of this Scorch found extremely suspicious and he wanted answers. He had a gut feeling that Proditorem had something to do with the mysterious mole who ratted them out.

The chase lasted for all of five seconds. Proditorem barely made it several yards before he slammed into a wall of earth that Terra formed. The zebra slid down the wall, crumpling to the ground. Scorch ran up next to him and magically pinned him against the wall. Proditorem groaned and then slowly opened his eyes. He was met by a set of piercing cobalt eyes that drilled into him mercilessly.

Proditorem started to sweat nervously, “Oh funny meeting you here. It’s Scorch isn’t it? Yes I think I remember you from the General’s tent. Well I got a lot of assisting the General jobs to do so I’ll just be on my way.”

Proditorem tried to struggle out of Scorch’s grip but the magic only tightened. Scorch snarled at the cowardly zebra. “Vat vere you doing in Roam Proditorem? Perhaps telling the Legate of our mission you traitor!”

Proditorem squealed in fear, “I was only doing what I was ordered. Please don’t hurt me, I was just following orders like you.”

Scorch bellowed in rage at the sniveling zebra, “Vat orders!? From who!? Speak you coward!”

Proditorem tried to curl up in an attempt to hide from Scorch’s rage. “From General Rommule. He ordered me as soon as we arrived in Zebrica to gain the trust of the Legate. Once he thought I was an invaluable mole, I told him of your mission and”


Proditorem started shaking while he attempted to explain himself to the raging unicorn. “Rommule ordered the Intel part of your mission so that you would be caught. You were to be a distraction and it would give me credibility with the Legate when I told him to misdirect his army to the North. The General said you would be a necessary sacrifice in the game of war.”

Scorch blew up with fire shooting into the air all around him in a twister, “VAT?!”

Proditorem started to sob out of fear, “Please believe me. It was all the General’s plan. I was just obeying orders.”

Scorch was still in a rage, “VAT ARE YOU A DOUBLE AGENT OR SOMEZING!?”

The zebra was now cowering in utter fear of the unicorn. “No that would imply that I betrayed my original orders for the other side. Please don’t kill me.”

Scorch calmed down slightly, “Just leave, enough lives have been lost.”

Proditorem hesitated, lying on the ground in fear. Scorch turned around as he yelled in a fury at the zebra, “I SAID LEAVE!” Proditorem ran as fast as he could away from the unicorn as streams of fire followed right behind him.

The zebra disappeared over a hill as Scorch was fuming. “Zey betrayed us! All of us, for some pointless ruse! I’m done vith zis var, ve vill desert und vork to end zis abomination of a conflict.”

Terra timidly walked up to the enraged Scorch and hugged him. “Come on Scorch ve need to get to safety zen ve can decide vat to do about Rommule.”

Scorch tensed up but slowly began to relax into Terra’s embrace. The group looked back at the marbled city. They were on top of a hill on the pass, from there they could look over the city in the fading light. The sun was almost done setting in the west and for a moment there was a stillness in the air. Then the last traces of light vanished behind the curve of the world, casting the city in a dark cloak.

The group heard a series of loud bangs and then huge explosions erupted throughout the city. The bangs got louder and more frequent as the city was bathed in explosions and fire. Whole neighborhoods lay in waste from the barrage but it continued, never ceasing for a moment. The palace stood on top of a lonely hill in an ocean of fire and destruction. A formation of jets flew overhead towards the city where they unleashed a payload on the military instillations. After nearly half an hour of nonstop shelling, the tanks and planes abrubtly stopped. The city lay in ruin, what was left was awash in flames yet the marble palace still stood above the destruction, like a beacon of hope in the hell scape.

That’s when Scorch heard the sound of a pair of boosters from the direction of the beach. The group gazed up into the night sky to witness two white cylinders spewing out fire behind them, heading at impressive speeds towards the city. Scorch mumbled under his breath, “zey are using missiles. Hasn’t ze city been destroyed enough?”

Zenith heard him and gazed at Scorch with her tear filled eyes. She was crying uncontrollably from witnessing the destruction of her home but she was confused by what Scorch had said. “Missiles? What are those?”

Scorch looked back at Zenith sympathetically, “I’m afraid you’re about to find out.”

The missiles cruised directly for the palace. They struck in astonishing harmony. The sound was deafening and the light nearly blinding. The balls of fire rose high into the air from the palace and spread over the surrounding area. Through the fire the palace could be seen collapsing on itself then partially tumbling into the destroyed streets below it. After what seemed like an eternity the fire and smoke cleared. What it revealed was nothing short of Armageddon. Where a once glorious palace stood, now laid a heap of nearly obliterated rubble. Even the hill had been partially blown apart into the surrounding city. The hill and the palace formed an elevated crater that gazed mournfully at the blackened city below it. All that remained of the city was smoking craters and burnt ruins. Anything living or anything of importance was now decimated, never to be regained.

After the attack had ceased, there was a stillness in the air. Everything was quiet except for the occasional sob coming from Zenith. Scorch stood up in defiance of the destruction. He trotted over to comfort the zebra princess and make a declaration, “Zis var has caused nozing but suffering. Vhy do ve even fight it, does anyone know ze reasons for zis var? It’s all because of trade agreements und greed. Vell I say no more, ve vill not kill und destroy so zat ze rich can get richer off ze poor. From zis day forth ve vill fight not for Germaney or ze ponies but for peace. Ve vill accomplish our mission in anvay possible. Now who’s vith me?”

Zenith slowly stood up sniffling and wiping her eyes. “I will go with you. I don’t have a home and it’s not like I’ll be able to meet up with the refugees anyways. Besides you need credibility with the other alliances, what better credibility is there than the zebra princess?”

Scorch smiled at Zenith then looked at his brother for his answer. Brumal hesitated before sighing, “Brother I’m not sure about zis. How are ve supposed to stop a var?”

Scorch stared at his brother in frustration, “Vell vat do u expect us to do? Crawl back to Rommule?”

Brumal retorted his brother instantly, “You’re zinking on your emotions. Ve need to discuss zis more und under less duress. Zis is neither ze time nor ze place.”

Terra spoke up for the first time, “Vell after ve let Proditorem go zere’s no going back to ze military. I say ve need to go back into ze forest und reach ze south end of ze beach. I know a captain of a destroyer zat’s stationed on ze south end of our deployment. He might be able to give us refuge so ve can talk zings over. As for now ve pretend to be ignorant of Rommule’s plans, ve aren’t traitors or deserters so ze army should leave us alone. At least until Rommule himself finds out but by zen ve should have made our decision.”

Zenith was silently crying through their back and forth but she finally decided to intervene. “Regardless we need to get somewhere safe until you decide and until then I’m remaining with you. At this point I have nowhere to go so if you must take me prisoner so that I can stay with you on the ship, so be it.”

Scorch considered their options. “Alright ve vill head to ze ship. Ve vill discuss our next move after ve are safe but my mind is made up. Zenith stick close to us, now zat you vant to follow us you must obey my commands. Understood?”

Zenith nodded and attempted an awkward salute. Terra nodded in agreement and began to make her way towards the forest. Brumal sighed, “I guess your set on your course. Ve vill talk it over but in ze end I von’t abandon you. Even if you are being stubborn und illogical.”

Scorch snickered, “Zank you brother.”

Brumal turned and began to follow Terra with Scorch and Zenith behind him. They entered the edge of the thick forest and began to follow its path near the valley. Soon after they entered the edge of the forest, it began to get too dense to navigate. The forest almost seemed to be purposely forcing them deeper into its dark embrace. After several hours of fighting the foliage the group finally stopped to sleep. They settled down in a small opening with a nearby stream. It was nearing midnight and the group was worn out from the events of the last few days. It didn’t take long for all four of them to pass out.

In the early morning hours Terra awoke due to loud splashes and strange sounds coming from down the stream and a smoky smell in the air. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before trotting to the streams bank. She looked down stream but couldn’t see very far because of the thick foliage yet the sounds continued to get louder. The sounds were rapidly approaching the group. Terra got out her rifle and gazed down the scope towards a bend in the stream. Water started to splash around the corner and then a multitude of different wild animals rounded the corner in a frenzy.

Terra was startled by the appearance of the numerous animals. She scrambled back to her friends yelling to wake them up, “Scorch, Brumal, Zenith vake up now! Ve have company und a lot of it.”

Scorch heard the commotion and immediately got on his hooves. Brumal and Zenith got up much slower and sleepier but were soon wide awake as hundreds of animals of all different species ran through the stream. In the midst of the stampede was a small doe standing calmly in the middle of the stream. It seemed like she was directing the animals, as if the chaos of fleeing wild life was orderly.

The doe continued to give directions and the animals seemed to respond. “Everyone stay together. Help each other out and be careful. Stay in the stream, if anyone’s hurt I’ll tend to them.”

The three unicorns and Zenith stood mouths agape at the sight before them. The doe was young, hardly taller than Scorch yet here she was commanding a herd of wild animals, and they were listening! After most of the animals passed by the group the doe noticed the wide eyed group. She squealed in shock and ran to the other side of the stream. The unicorns raised their eyes in confusion.

Zenith looked genuinely concerned for the mysterious doe. “Oh dear are you ok? We won’t hurt you I promise. My name is Zenith and these are my friends Scorch, Brumal and Terra.” She said as she pointed at the unicorns.

The doe seemed to relax slightly but still appeared to be on edge. “My name is Amare. I’m not exactly used to having outsiders in my forest. I’m a bit afraid of other civilized species, that’s part of the reason I live secluded in the forest with my animal friends.”

Brumal snorted then whispered to Scorch, “She stands in ze middle of a stampede of vild animals und directs zem but she’s terrified of a few ponies.”

Scorch laughed, “Vell ve are pretty terrifying.”

Amare still looked scared as she spoke, “A few days ago someone came to my house when I was out and killed one of my friends. Next thing I know the forest is on fire and giant machines are rolling through my home.”

Zenith nodded, “Yeah, then they destroyed my city. These ponies were a recon group that helped me evacuate the city. They suffered losses and now they want to help end the war.”

All of the unicorns looked at the ground sadly. Scorch stepped forward, “Vas zat small cottage in ze clearing near ze center of ze forest yours?”

Amare nodded sadly then Scorch continued, “Und vas your friend a large bear?”

Amare nodded again with tears rolling down her cheeks as Scorch kept talking, “I’m sorry but it attacked us. Ze vounds on Terra’s face are from zat bear. Ve vere just defending ourselves und it saw us as a threat to its cubs so it fought. Ve did vat ve had to und I’m sorry.”

Amare was shaking but she reluctantly nodded, “I understand, you did what you had to.”
Scorch continued, “Ve started ze fire. Ve vere just following orders but now ve see ze unnecessary destruction zat it has caused und ve vant to help.”

Amare started crying, “My home, it’s all gone. Why? Who would make you destroy a harmless forest and displace all the innocent animals inside?”

Scorch sighed, “I guess you vouldn’t know being secluded in your forest. A var broke out between ze deer, ze ponies und ze Fair Trade Order. Ze city near your forest is ze capital of Zebrica, a nation in ze FTO. Ve vere ordered to burn your forest to get our army near ze city discreetly und zen destroy ze city. Unfortunately our General used us as dispensable pawns to serve as a distraction vile he attempted to massacre millions of innocent zebras. So after ve lost our friend und my brother ve escaped. Now ve are trying to get to safety und discuss our next move.”

Amare was silent for a long time, still crying while she processed what she had heard. She then replied with a somber look on her face, “I bet it was my species that started the war.”

Scorch looked at the young doe sympathetically, “Ze ponies und ze FTO almost accomplished peace but to do so ve had to strip forests of zeir resources. Ven ve did ze deer attacked us both, zen our treaty fell apart starting an all-out var.”

Amare continued to look mournful, wiping away tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry. My species is arrogant and cruel.”

Scorch shook his head, “No, all of ze species are responsible und now it is our responsibility to end zis var before zere’s more loss. Besides you had nozing to do vith it, you didn’t even know about it till ve told you. You’re just another innocent victim of its cruelty.”

Amare brightened up at Scorch’s words. Her face then seemed to gain some confidence. “Do you need help escaping the forest?”

Scorch nodded, “Ja, ve are kind of lost.”

Amare smiled slightly, “Just follow me and my friends on the stream and I’ll get you to the beach. Once I get the animals to safety would it be okay if I maybe came with you? If I can stop any more of these tragedies from happening then I should make an effort. Plus now you’ll have somebody from every side of the war. It will help when speaking to each alliance, give you credibility and earn some trust.”

Scorch laughed, “You sure are smart und brave for being so young. Not to mention zat you live isolated yet you seem to have quite ze education but you don’t have to, it’s not your var.”

Amare chuckled slightly, “Why thank you kind sir. I used to live with my own kind, I finished most of my education before I left. Besides this is now my war. My home was destroyed by it and it involves my species and my world so I must do everything in my power to help end it.”

Scorch nodded, “You are very brave Miss Amare. Vell shall ve get going?”

The group was begging to gather their things when a tree fell next to them. The temperature immediately got hotter and smoke started to fill the air. The fire was now surrounding them on all sides. The group quickly galloped into the stream and retrieved Amare.

Scorch was looking into the burning forest intensely. “How did ze fire catch up to us so quickly und surround us without us noticing? I know zat’s why ze animals vere fleeing und ve could smell ze smoke earlier but ve couldn’t see ze fire. Now all of ze sudden it’s surrounding us und burning quickly at zat.”

That’s when Scorch heard an engine roaring and the shouts of Germaney soldiers. Scorch quickly ordered the group of now 5 to run. The group quickly galloped down the stream to avoid the fiery forest.

Scorch looked over to the concerned Amare, “Vill your animal friends be okay?”

Amare looked at Scorch in return while they continued to gallop through the stream. “They should be. They know to follow the stream out of the forest and they’re probably far ahead of us by now.”

Scorch nodded then continued to gallop in front of the group. The water was slowing their progress but they couldn’t stop. The stream started to get stronger and deeper the farther they went. Many small tributes were feeding the now large stream yet the farther they ran the faster the fire seemed to spread.

Brumal took the lead in case the fire became a problem. They came to a wide expanse of the stream that could now be considered a small river. Brumal was running ahead of the group when several large trees fell in the river in front of him. The large flaming trees nearly hit Brumal and they were now blocking their path. Brumal quickly stopped and headed to the right bank were the fire wasn’t as intense. The group quickly followed, no questions asked even though he was taking them deeper into the forest. The fire was now coming from every direction and the air was filled with smoke. This forced Brumal to constantly use his magic to put out fires in their way and to clear the smoke so that they could breathe.

Brumal was leading the group through the growing fire at a frustratingly slow pace. Trees caught on fire were constantly a threat as they often fell without warning. They had no choice but to keep moving to escape the troops behind them yet the farther they ran the farther into the forest they journeyed. In the haze of the smoke and commotion they had no sense of direction.

Terra was taking up the rear in case any tanks came, her magic could easily make an obstacle for the large machines. She was staying a little ways back from the group because she heard a tank closing in and she wanted to give her friends a head start. A tree creaked next to Terra and in the time it took her to look at it, it was falling on her. The tree quickly pinned Terra to the ground and put her in a daze. She couldn’t move as fire from the fallen tree was licking at her body. She could feel the searing pain across her back and she also noticed blood streaming from her face wounds. They had opened back up and Terra was in too much pain to use her magic effectively.

The group noticed her absence and hurried back to help her. Brumal put out the nearby fires as Scorch used his magic to remove the tree. Scorch levitated the injured Terra onto his back. Brumal was clearing some of the fire to make an escape route when a large tank burst through the dying foliage.

The tank was painted black and had two large cannons on the turret with a machine gun on top. On the body of the tank there were 3 guns. The 2 end guns were flame throwers that connected to large tanks on its back. The middle gun was a large machine gun aimed right at Zenith. Brumal acted quickly, freezing the gun’s barrel. The gun backfired and the barrel exploded. Almost immediately the cannons aimed down at Brumal and the flamethrowers lit up. Brumal agilely dodged a blast from one of the cannons before jumping on top of the turret.

Brumal yelled down to his companions, “Run I’ll hold zem off. Get Terra to safety, I can handle zese foals!”

Scorch yelled back angrily at his brother, “No, I vill not lose another brother! You don’t need to sacrifice yourself, ve vill help!”

Brumal laughed at his brother’s fury, “I have no plans of sacrificing myself. I can beat zem, now leave!”

Scorch was in an indecisive rage. Finally he growled out of anger and took Terra to run. Zenith and Amare followed closely behind. Brumal smiled triumphantly on top of the tank. His mirth was short lived though as the hatch swung open beneath him. Brumal regained his balance as he stared in the eyes of a fellow Germaney unicorn soldier. The soldier levitated out a large knife, paying no head to the fact that Brumal too was a Germaney soldier. The soldier had a look of cruelty in his eyes as he swung at Brumal. Brumal was fighting to maintain his balance on the turret while dodging the knife.

The soldier swung wide at Brumal. Brumal took advantage of his mistake as he leapt over the knife, planting his front hoofs into the soldiers face. The knife fell to the ground as the soldier quickly recovered. Brumal leapt off the tank and drew his side arm. The soldier jumped off of the tank and picked up the knife in his mouth. With a chilling cackle the soldier sprang towards Brumal making quick slashes. Several swipes landed on Brumal’s chest drawing blood.

Brumal continued to dodge back from the swings but he couldn’t keep it up forever. Brumal noticed a pattern to the soldier’s swings. When the knife was fully extended, Brumal swung his hoof around its outside hitting the unicorns horn. The soldier stumbled back in pain but Brumal didn’t let up, he continued to beat the unicorn towards the tank. Eventually Brumal hit the soldier against the tank, forcing the knife out of his mouth. Brumal raised his side arm and shot the soldier in the head. Blood covered the side of the tank as his body went limp.

As soon as the soldier fell over dead the tank roared to life and reversed away from Brumal. Brumal quickly ran to the side as the cannon shells ripped through the forest behind him. The tank began to push him after his friends. Brumal ran dodging in and out of trees as bullets flew around him. Several dug into his back but Brumal continued to run as the tank plowed through the forest behind him.

Brumal saw his friends closely in front of him. Brumal stopped and made his stand against the massive tank. The tank fired up its flamethrowers as Brumal continued to run to the side to find its blind side. The flamers spewed fire out all around Brumal but he was able to avoid their flames, even in his injured state. Brumal used his magic to freeze the flamers and then moved to freezing the treads. The tank’s cannons turned to face Brumal but he froze the connection between the turret and the body. Brumal ran up the top of the tank and froze the cannons shut. He stood on top in triumph, looking at his awestruck friends who were a little ways ahead of him.

Brumal cockily shouted to Scorch, “Und zat my brother is how you take out a tank! No need to applaud, money und beer vill do just fine!”

Scorch shook his head laughing, “Come und join us our fearless tank slayer!”

Terra was now standing on her own as Amare dressed her wounds. She was looking better but she had lost a lot more blood. Zenith just smiled at Brumal but her face betrayed her fear of the tank.

Brumal laughed and leapt down in front of the tank, arogantly trotting towards his friends. Before he could make it more than ten feet the flamers heated up and melted the ice. The engine roared and the tank lurched forward breaking the ice on the treads. It then forcefully turned its turrets at Brumal and fired two cannon shots, shattering the ice. Brumal jumped to the side but the shockwave threw him against a tree. Brumal stood up shakily and moved next to the tree preparing his magic for the approaching tank.

The tank turned slightly not directly aiming at Brumal. The machine gun on top roared to life, tearing apart the large flaming tree next to Brumal. The tree fell on top of Brumal before he even realized what was happening. The tank roared its engine as the trapped Brumal weakly looked up at the tear filled Scorch running towards him. Scorch was yelling something but Brumal couldn’t hear him. The tank roared to life as it lit the tree on fire. After the tree was ablaze in a red flame the tank climbed over the tree, crushing any remaining life out of Brumal.

Scorch yelled in a fury, spraying fire at the tank to no effect. The tank aimed its cannons at Scorch but the unicorn quickly sprinted to the side. Before the tank could move Terra magically made a ditch under the front of the tank, forcing it to tip into the ditch. The cannons were now aimed down and couldn’t get an angle on Scorch. Scorch ran to the side of the tank, using his rifle to blast away at the pumps connecting the tanks to the flamers. The pump came off spraying a fuel from the opening.

Scorch galloped away while yelling at the group, “Get back now!”

Terra ran to meet Amare and Zenith as she put up a rock wall between them and the tank. The strain of her actions were causing her to bleed heavily again but she maintained the protective wall.

Scorch shot a stream of fire at the pump. The fuel quickly caught fire and spread to the tanks. The back tanks exploded in a violent flurry of fire and metal. The explosion entered the interior of the tank, blowing out the back completely. The explosions caught the inside on fire and blew off part of the turret. The fire and smoke climbed into the air quickly and the tank laid face down in a ditch with its back blown off as the entire machine lay engulfed in flames. The tank almost matched the burning forest around it. It was almost poetic as the metal machine burned to ash just as it burned the forest that it now laid motionless in.

Scorch was in a rage, shooting fire into the air randomly while yelling incoherently. Zenith and Amare just stood back and watched, not sure how to react. Terra weakly walked up to him and wrapped him in a hug. They didn’t say anything, they just hugged quietly as Scorch’s breathing began to relax. He calmed down and started to weep quietly into Terra’s coat.

After he was done crying he noticed that Terra’s grip was lose and she was putting all her weight on him. Scorch pulled his head back and shook Terra. She was unresponsive and went limp in is grip. Blood was still streaming off of her face and her burns were bad. Her breathing was shallow so Scorch levitated her onto his back to carry her over to Amare for medical treatment.

Scorch asked Amare for her help, “Her vounds have opened up und she’s bleeding out! Can you help her? I can’t cauterize her vounds again because she’ll go into deep shock und likely die.”

Amare shook her head sadly, “I don’t have any supplies and my magic isn’t strong enough to heal these wounds. Our best option is to get to the ship she told you about. They will likely have medical supplies and medics.”

Scorch started tearing up again, “I can’t lose her too Amare. I’ve lost my friend und both of my brothers. Please she’s all I have left, help me save her.”

Amare and Zenith looked at Scorch in a caring, understanding way. Zenith bowed her head, “I’m so sorry Scorch. I won’t leave you even if it means being taken prisoner.”

Amare nodded, “Once I get my animal friends to safety ill join you on the ship. You need all the support you can get. I will use my magic to hopefully keep her stable until we reach the ship but we need to get going.”

Scorch nodded, “Cyclone, Torrent and Brumal vould of vanted us to continue on und save Terra regardless of zeir deaths. I plan on honoring zeir memories und saving my friend.”

Scorch got control of his emotions and levitated Terra on his back in a more stable position for running. He then took a deep breath and readied himself. When he was prepared to make a run for the ship he turned back to his companions. “Amare you need to lead ze vay. Ze dense foliage is almost all burned so zat shouldn’t be a problem. Zenith do you zink zat you can keep up? You too Amare ve need to gallop at high speeds, can you handle it?”

Both of them nodded in unison. Amare took the lead and started to gallop at surprising speeds while remaining extremely agile. Scorch even with all his training had to work to keep up with Terra on his back. Zenith was slower but she kept up well enough in the back to where they didn’t lose her.

After nearly two hours of hard running the group slowed down to catch their breathe. They were nearly out of the forest and the trip was only getting easier. The fire had died down and left the once thick forest now barren and flat. After a short break they continued on at a slower pace going downhill. In about half an hour they found the stream again. They were near the beach when they noticed the group of animals amazingly still together, sitting still next to the stream.

Amare smiled and trotted towards her friends. She gathered them together and they all sat in complete attention. Scorch and Zenith stood in shock. Scorch whispered lightly to Zenith, “How do you suppose she does zat?”

Zenith shrugged and shook her head, “I have no idea but they sure are responsive to her.”

Scorch nodded his head dumbfounded as Amare congratulated the animals. “You guys did a wonderful job. You all stuck together and made sure everyone was safe. You all got here and waited for me obediently. You guys make me so proud, you did so good even in my absence. Now we need to get you to your new home and then I’ll treat you all too some snacks I brought with me for your excellent performance in getting here safely.”

All the animals erupted into what appeared to be their version of applause. Amare turned around and smiled at the dumbstruck unicorn and zebra. Amare then told the two what she was going to do next. “Alright I’m going to take the animals to a nearby swamp where they will be safe.” She turned back to the animals, “It might be a bit crowded but there is food and you will be safe.” She then walked in between the animals and her new friends to address them all at once, “After all the animals are safe and settled I will be leaving to join Scorch and Zenith on a pony ship. We will then attempt to end this tragic war so nothing like this ever happens again. Any questions?”

She looked back and forth between the two groups. The animals looked sad at the news of her departure. Zenith and Scorch just looked at her, still shocked at her command of the situation. Terra was still unconscious on Scorch’s back but she was breathing better.

Amare then nodded confidently, “Alright good. Scorch you and Zenith need to get to the ship and help Terra immediately. All of my animal friends let’s get going to your new home.”

Scorch and Zenith watched as all the animals got up and followed Amare into the distance. Scorch looked at Zenith, “Wow zat girl is impressive, especially considering how young she is.”

Zenith nodded, “Yeah, but she’s a deer. She’s probably a lot older than us plus she’s been on her own for a long time.”

Scorch sighed, “Vell ve better get going.” The two of them began their short trek to the beach with Terra still on Scorch’s back. After about a 10 minute walk they came to the beach. Lining the beach to the north were thousands of tents and off the coast were hundreds of massive ships. Right across from them was a single fairly large ship that almost seemed isolated from the rest of the fleet. The large ship was parallel to the beach and on it was written “GNN Kugel Destroyer Class”. It was painted a dark black and had a large iron cross painted on its side. The ship had four massive turrets with mounted cannons pointed towards Roam. A small tent laid in front of the ship on the beach. A raft was floating in the water next to the tent.

Scorch sighed and stared at Zenith, “Vell here ve go. I’ll do ze talking, hopefully you von’t need to be taken prisoner.”

Zenith nodded but she looked scared and nervous. Scorch moved the entrance flap of the tent and walked in. There was a small bunk with a Germane soldier sitting on it. When Scorch entered the soldier stood up and scrutinized the newcomer. After a quick inspection the soldier noticed Zenith and his eyes narrowed.

He viciously searched her then in a cold tone addressed Scorch, “Who are you und vhy is zis zebra vith you?”

Scorch answered him formerly, “I am Major Scorch of ze Germane special forces. I have a vounded soldier vith me. Her name is Lieutenant Terra, she says she knows ze Captain of ze ship. Ze zebra is a friend who assisted us in our mission. Her name is Princess Zenith.”

The soldier narrowed his eyes, “A superior special ops officer, a vounded soldier who knows ze Captain und a zebra princess. Vell even if you are lying I’m sure ze Captain vill vant to see you.”

Scorch saluted, “Zank you. Zere vill also be a deer arriving later zat is vith us for ze same reason. Her name is Amare.”

The soldier laughed, “Zis just keeps getting better. Alright I’ll take you to ze ship on ze raft before returning. Just a bit of advice, be wary of your zebra friend around ze sailors.”

Scorch nodded and Zenith shivered slightly before gulping. The group entered the raft then rowed to the large destroyer. Once they reached its side they climbed up a ladder while the soldier tied down the raft. The soldier then climbed up and escorted the group to the Captain’s office on the bridge. Most sailors stopped and stared at them as they went by but very few said anything. They all seemed genuinely shocked by the sight of a zebra being escorted on their ship. There were a few glares and racial slurs thrown Zenith’s way but for the most part the sailors didn’t know how to react.

After a short walk with many twist and turns through narrow walkways and up metal staircases they finally reached the bridge. The soldier opened the door and saluted a large unicorn sitting in a chair. The unicorn had a shaggy white beard and a mane with a light blue coat. He wore a uniform and hat that reflected his rank and ship. The unicorn definitely had age to him and experience that shimmered in his sea green eyes. The Captain smiled slightly at the soldier. “Ah vat can I do for you sailor?”

The soldier saluted, “Captain Stern I have a Major Scorch from special ops vith a vounded Lieutenant Terra who claims she knows you. Curiously enough zey also have a zebra Princess.”

The Captain’s eyes were wide with shock. He quickly stopped the soldier from saying anything else. “Zat vill be all sailor you are dismissed. I vill take it from here.”

The soldier saluted then exited quickly. The Captain looked at the limp unicorn on Scorch’s back then to the zebra. Captain Stern turned to one of his sailors and blurted out rapid orders, “Take over ze ship. I have important business to attend to.” He turned back to Scorch, “Let’s get to ze infirmary quickly. On ze vay I expect an explanation.”

Scorch nodded and Zenith followed them out of the bridge. While they took several stairs and hallways down to the small infirmary Scorch filled the Captain in on their mission and what had happened. They reached the infirmary and handed Terra off to the medic while they sat down and continued to talk. Scorch had just finished explaining the part with Proditorem and Rommule’s betrayal.

The Captain took the news gravely and continued to ask questions. “So Rommule used you to do his dirty work zen he used you as bait?”

Scorch nodded solemnly, “Yes zat vay he could destroy ze city vithout any resistance. At zat point I decided zat ve needed to stop ze var at all cost for ze good of ze nation und ze vorld. Zenith said zat she vanted to help und gave good reasons behind it und how she could help.”

The captain motioned for Scorch to continue. Scorch took a deep breath, he’d been explaining their story for well over an hour and he was getting impatient. “Zen ve entered ze forest und slept next to a stream. Ze next morning a stampede of animals vent by directed by a doe. Ze doe named Amare explained zat she vas ze caretaker of ze forest zat ve burned yet she offered to help us escape. On our escape a tank started to burn ze forest around us. Eventually it caught up und ve had to fight it. My brother vas killed und I destroyed ze tank. Terra vas injured right before ze fight by a falling tree. She got burnt und her vounds opened up vider zan before. After protecting Amare who had decided to stay vith us she started to bleed uncontrollably from ze strain. She passed out in my arms from blood loss, ve didn’t have anyvay to help her. So ve did vat she told us und came to you. By ze vay how does she know you?”

The Captain rubbed his forehead with his hooves while sighing, “Oh zis is a mess. Terra is my niece und I am her Uncle. Vell ze news about Rommule is disturbing. I may not agree vith your choice in regards to ze var but I respect it. I vill help you und your friends in anyvay I can.”

Scorch smiled lightly, “Zank you sir.”

Captain Stern sighed heavily again, “I shouldn’t tell you zis under ze circumstances but Rommule deserves a swift kick in ze arse. Rommule vas redeployed to ze Ibex Empire Campaign immediately after ze city vas destroyed. Ze powers zat be are hoping for a repeat performance.”

Scorch stood up quickly and determined, “Ve must stop him from committing another atrocity.”

Before the Captain could respond Amare appeared in the door way behind the same soldier from before. The soldier saluted then addressed his commanding officer, “Ze deer is here sir.”

The Captain studied Amare for a while then answered, “Zank you, you’re dismissed.”

The soldier saluted then left. Captain Stern addressed Amare, “Vell it’s good to finally meet you Amare. I’ve heard about your exploits from Major Scorch.”

Amare blushed and bowed her head, “It’s an honor to meet you too sir.”

The Captain Laughed, “Oh I like zis one. Vere do you find zese creatures at Scorch? First my beloved Terra zen a zebra princess und a polite doe.”

Scorch was quiet and Amare and Zenith blushed in silence. Before Captain Stern could continue the medic came into the room. “She is avake but it’s not good.”

The group followed the medic back into the infirmary where Terra laid on a table barely conscious. Scorch and Stern ran to her side immediately. Terra smiled at both of them, “It’s good to see you Uncle. I just vish ve had met under better circumstances und Scorch you did a good job getting us to safety. It vas an honor serving under you.”

Scorch cut her off as he started crying, “Don’t say zat. Don’t act like zis is it, you’ll make it, you alvays do.”

Terra laughed but went into a coughing fit. Captain Stern started to cry too and Zenith and Amare were tearing up behind them. Terra stopped coughing long enough to talk to her Uncle, “Uncle Stern you vere alvays my favorite but now I must ask a favor of you.”

Stern chocked back sobs, “Anyzing for my favorite niece.”

Terra smiled at him, “Help my friends out. Take care of zem, you might not agree but I know vat zey are doing is right."

Stern nodded while continuing to cry. "Of course Terra." She then turned back to Scorch looking mournful, "I'm sorry Scorch."

Scorch shook his head, tears flowing from his eyes, "You did nozing wrong it vas all my fault."

Terra started to cry and shake, "I'm sorry about Cyclone. I vas stupid und got carelessly hurt. I couldn't help you at ze comm. center. Zen I vas powerless to help save Torrent and Brumal. I vatched zem die. Zey vere my family too."

Scorch cried heavily into Terra, "It vas ze bear zat hurt you. It vasn't your fault, I should've been a more vigilant leader. My leadership got all of you killed. I am so sorry I couldn't save you Terra."

Terra shook her head, "No I am sorry zat I vasn't stronger for you. Don't put zis on yourself, it vas Rommule's plan from ze beginning. You need to keep leading Scorch." Terra smiled at Zenith and Amare, "Scorch you must lead zem now. Protect zem. Promise me Scorch zat you vill and zat you vill do all zat you can to end zis var und kick Rommule's ass."

Scorch nodded his head and mumbled into Terra's shoulder, "I vill, I promise."

Terra looked at the gathered group, “It’s been a joy knowing all of you. I vouldn’t change a zing.”

Terra looked at them with a peaceful smile. The monitors started beeping then flat lined and Terra went limp with the peaceful smile still on her face. Everyone was crying but Scorch couldn’t control himself. “I lost my whole team. My General betrayed me, my brothers are dead und now I couldn’t save the one pony I had left.”

Scorch was crying and hitting things in a hurricane of emotions. He continued to sob out, “Not Terra too, don’t take her avay” over and over again. Amare and Zenith both ran up and hugged him with tears rolling down their faces. After half an hour everybody calmed down slightly.

Captain Stern looked at the three different species before him with his bloodshot, tear filled eyes. “I vill give you food und a place to sleep tonight. If in ze morning you still vant to go through vith it I vill give you our best und largest speed boat vith plenty of supplies. I’m not doing zis because I agree vith your choice but because it vas my niece’s last request.”

Scorch nodded and wiped some tears off of his face, “Zank you sir.”

The Captain nodded in response, “You better get some food und some sleep.”

The group nodded and followed the Captain out. Scorch, Amare and Zenith all ate in silence in a small cabin, some more tears were shed for their losses. They all eventually went to sleep after the tiring day. The next morning they went out on the deck and found the Captain standing next to a large tied down speed boat. The Captain greeted them, “Good morning. Did you sleep vell?” Nobody really gave much of an answer. The Captain grunted, “Vell I guess zat’s expected. Didn’t get much sleep myself. So Scorch are you sure you vant to go through vith zis?”

Scorch stood proud and resolute, “Yes, for my country und for my lost friends und family. Zis is ze right path und I’m prepared to take it.”

The Captain sighed and looked at both Amare and Zenith, “Und you two, are both of you sure?”

They both nodded just as determined. The Captain sighed heavily again, “Very vell zen. Zis boat has supplies such as food, vater, weapons und extra fuel. It vill get you far. Scorch do you know how to captain a boat?”

Scorch nodded, “I learned in special ops training. Small vessels zat is.”

The Captain nodded, “Vell zen you best be getting on your vay.”

Scorch, Amare and Zenith climbed aboard the ship. It was fairly spacious with several bunks in the hull and an abundance of supplies. The engine on it was massive for the ships size. The ship was painted with Germaney navy insignias and flew the Germaney flag. The sailors lowered the ship into the water without question. The boat was set free and Scorch and Zenith went to wave good bye while Amare went to check their inventory.

Captain Stern waved them off, “Good luck Major, you’re going to need it.”

Scorch waved back, “Zank you for everyzing Captain.” Captain Stern tipped his hat then went out of sight.

Scorch and Zenith went to the captain’s chair of the speed boat. Scorch fired up the engine and set his course. The boat began to speed forward at an impressive speed.

Amare came up from below deck and joined Scorch and Zenith. They all looked out into the never ending blue expanse. Zenith looked at Scorch, “So where are we heading first?”

Scorch stared out into the empty sea. “To ze border mountains between Equestria und ze Ibex Empire. Zat’s vere Rommule is und ve are going to give him a friendly visit. Ve vill stop him at all cost und put an end to zis var in anyvay zat ve can.”

Amare and Zenith glanced at each other then back at Scorch. Scorch didn’t notice, his eyes were set forward. He was determined and his eyes showed it in a steely shimmer that he held. His Cobalt blue eyes reflected the ocean as he stared forward, towards his goal, towards Rommule and all the pain that he had brought him. Scorch was a pony on a mission and he would not be sidetracked from the mission at hand. The group sped forward towards the mountains, heading straight into the heart of the war.

Author's Note:

Most th words are replaced by z and words beginning with w are typically replaced by v with Germaney accent in attempt to make reading sound German and wunderbar is spelt with a v to keep that sound for people who wouldn't know the German pronunciation basically for easier reading. I also apologize for the length of this chapter and the next few chapters to come. They are meant to give background, personality and fellowship to the characters. I know these chapters are longer then some stories but at least its not fallout equestria.