• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 3,931 Views, 163 Comments

Titanium - Berry Punch

Cary Lee, a young middle school aged boy with a unique... gift, ends himself up in Equestria while on the run from the authorities. The only things on his person are the clothes he is wearing, his backpack and a journal.

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Prologue: Bulletproof

May 13th 1987

"Yo, teeth!" the boy called as he pushed through the crowd of students to get to Cary. Cary Lee was a fourteen year old middle-schooler of Aitkin Minnesota, he attended the local school and lived at home with his dad and two brothers Bradley and Aaron. Cary had always been quiet and detached from most people and those who were close to him barely saw him except for during school hours.

"I'm talkin' to you teeth! Get back here!" the boy yelled over the sounds of the bustling corridors, the boy was Tanner Cairns, the local bully. Tanner normally picked on Cary because he was quiet and didn't retaliate so naturally he was an easy target for him "Teeth!" Tanner shouted and shoved through his fellow pupils with his beefy arms, trying to reach his prey.

Cary was doing everything he could to get away from Tanner, he weaved through the crowded corridor, staying low enough so he was out of site. He hated Tanner, he always made his life a misery in school in every way possible, and that nickname, that nickname angers him a lot. Tanner always called him 'Teeth' due to his bigger front teeth and overbite. Cary growled in frustration and took a left down the corridor to his locker area.

Cary stopped and kneeled down on one knee to catch his breath, he could hear the voice of Tanner shouting past the crowd to get to him but for now he thought it would be safe to stop. He quickly began to tighten his shoe laces so he wouldn’t trip when he had to run off again. He then heard the voice of Tanner just around the corner and panicked, stopping to catch his breath was a bad idea, because Tanner had finally caught up with him.

"ho, ho, ho thought you could get away, eh?" he smirked "I think you deserve a punishment." Tanner looked around him, a few students had gathered around to see what was happening. Cary got to his feet, only to be knocked back down again by Tanners bulking frame "I didn't say you could get up, did I?" he snickered and watched Cary, who helplessly sat on the ground.

Tanner turned around to gloat to the crowd about how he was in control and that Cary was nothing but a pussy, but as he turned Cary got back up quickly and punched Tanner in the back of the head. Tanner turned around and laughed "Ha! You think you stand a chance?" he asked rhetorically, narrowing his eyes at him as he raised his fists.

As Tanner moved in for a punch, someone in the crowd shouted "FIGHT!" and everyone nearby had rushed to witness the excitement. Tanner punched him in the gut, which instantly crumpled him onto the floor, Cary began to regret starting this fight, because he knew he wouldn't stand a chance, unless...

He perished the thought, he couldn't do that without everyone noticing and the last thing on his mind was to become some government lab rat or something. So he tried to hold his own in the fight, which was not going well for him. As soon as Cary took another punch to the face the blonde teacher, Mrs Crawford came running out of her room to try break up the fight. But Tanner kept laying into him, punching and kicking him while he was crumpled on the floor.

As he took more abuse from the bully, he couldn't take it anymore. In a fit of pure unadulterated rage Cary screamed, a golden aura began to surround around his body. Tanner noticed this and took a step back, with a look of fear in his eyes "What the f-" he was cut off as a huge shockwave of golden light hit him and the students behind him, causing them to thrown into the walls.

Cary was thrown back into a door by the shear force of the shockwave. In a fit of rage he gave up his long kept secret. His ears were ringing, he didn't hear Mrs Crawford order everyone to run, he just stared blankly to the ground. Suddenly as if just realizing what he had just done Cary got to his feet, fixed his hat and walked at a brisk pace for the exit of the school. He had to get away.

He looked around him, the walls were dented, locker doors had broken off and the door he smashed into was off of the hinges. There were papers and school bags everywhere, the place looked like it was hit by a small tornado because of all of the debris which lay around him. He couldn’t believe he had caused this to happen.

After scanning the area, Cary knew it was time to leave. If he was caught, he wouldn’t know how to explain this and then he would probably be brought to some labs somewhere and experimented on. Scared, he went on a slow jog to the schools entrance, to leave for home. He would have to pack and leave his house before his family got back, they would surely try to stop him.

Jogging past an english room he saw Mrs Crawford on the phone, when she made eye contact with him she cowered a bit. She was undoubtedly phoning the police, he had to run. As Cary reached the exit he saw a police car pull up, Cary looked the other way and walked briskly over to the bike rack and took a bike. He hopped on and rode off as fast as his legs would take him.

He had to get home, pack and run away. He couldn't stay there anymore, not after what happened. Not with so many witnesses. Cary's house was only a ten minute bike ride away and he was going at maximum speed, so he would be there in no time. He would be able to get home, pack and leave before the police suspected a thing.

He saw his house in the distance and picked up his pace a bit, as he reached the house he ditched the bike in the front lawn and ran into the house. The tv was on, it was the news. The headlines shocked him.


Cary's heart rate began to quicken as he ran for the stairs to his bedroom. Quickly he grabbed a backpack and a small change of clothes and went back down to leave. There was a knock at the door "It's the police, open up!" a voice announced. Cary looked around with panicked eyes and saw the silhouettes of police surrounding the house, he ran for the back door, only to find it locked.

He looked around the room and saw the keys on the counter, quickly he reached out and pulled them through the air towards him and he unlocked the door. He ran for the forest behind his home and just as he made it to the forests edge the police broke down the front door and ran for the kitchen.

Cary left a few items floating as a distraction for the police, to at least buy himself a little more time before they caught up. He ran through the forest, over fallen trees, weaving through large branches. At least it would be harder for them to get him in here, he thought to himself as he trudged through the brush.

Cary had trekked through the dense forest for hours trying to get away from the authorities, but he could always hear them not far behind him. It was getting dark and the police had left the job of tracking Cary down with the SWAT teams. Cary could hear them not far behind, in fact he was beginning to see their flashlights.

He began to panic and try to make one last getaway. As he jumped down a small hill, Cary took a look behind him and sure enough he could see the SWAT teams moving quickly towards his direction. He sprinted forwards and came to a dark opening, Cary checked behind him to see where they were, only to run into one of them who had been sent forward to wait for him.

The SWAT man kicked Cary to the ground as the other men began to circle in around him. Their guns raised at him. One of the men shouted something, but Cary’s head was pounding with rage from being caught, and didn’t catch what the man had said. Instinctively he crawled into a ball and wrapped his hands around the back of his head.

This time he wouldn’t be thrown back by the impact. Cary felt the anger boil in him and as the SWAT men began to inclose on him, they saw the golden aura which encased his body. The men flinched and all took a few steps back. But as they retreated slightly there was a huge dome of golden light which came from the boy. The men all went flying across the clearing and Cary was gone.

Author's Note:

And here ends the prolouge, I hope I have kept your attention guys!

Big thanks to Super Kami Guru my epic editor!