• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 818 Views, 17 Comments

Chaos Mark Crusaders: RotE Episode 8 - Dream Volt

The CMC and Discord. What could go wrong?

  • ...

Sweet Firecracker

Rarity decided I didn't need supervision, but she did say that just in case Discord tried something we should have somepony guarding us. Most of the time I didn't see anypony, but Silent Sky assured me we were being protected. She didn't seem much like Fluttershy at all, but she looked a lot a like her, other than being black instead of yellow, and was quiet a lot too. But it was best when we got Screwball to play with us. She was a really fun pony, and even though she was laid back most of the time she could be so silly. She was also way easier to pull back to the ground than Applebloom.

Flying was still really weird. Scootaloo said it was weird I didn't at least try to go fast, but she complained about a lot of things. I was pulling Applebloom down by one hoof, and looked down to see Scootaloo glaring up at us. Then suddenly something shifted and Applebloom fell. I tried to hold onto her, but I couldn’t, and Scootaloo just barely got out of the way in time. I was just glad we were pretty close to the ground. She hit with a little "oof" but then got right back up.

"It still isn't fair."

"Didn't miss Twilight say you should be able to fly too?" said Applebloom

I nodded. "Yes, she said unlike Pinkie there is clear magic at work, even if it is chaotic and hard to detect, it's there. She also said it's probably because of you we can all cloudwalk and…"

"Yea, yea." Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "And a whole bunch of other boring stuff too. But I can't do it."

"It's not like ah got the hang of this neither. Ah sure as hay didn't mean to go that high, and now it just sorta shuts off at random. It's mighty irksome let me tell ya."

"But at least you're up there. Also my cool thing is like really hard. I mean teleporting is so awesome, but I so don't get it."

"Twilight did say something about how odd what abilities we got." I said "The flying is clearly air magic, which is pegasus magic. The teleporting is arcane magic, and a spell only unicorns usually have, and…"

"You have transformation sorta like Pinkie, which is water magic not unicorny and all. I know. But you can make delicious cake and Applebloom can fly. I can most of the time not do anything. It's lame."

Then there was an explosion and a pony was standing nearby. I guess that was a teleport, but it looked weird. The mare was aqua, and had a mostly orange mane with yellow and red streaks. Her mane style was weird, all spiky like something exploded in her head and made her hair stick up. Her tail was sort of the same. She had a fire for a cutie mark. I remember she was one of Luna's friends Rarity made dresses for.

"Whoo! Hi girls. I'm Firecracker Burst, your guard for the day. First time too. Don't know why. I love kids. So, who wants to play with explosives?"

"Oooo, I do." Said Scootaloo

"That sounds mighty fun."

"It doesn’t sound very safe." I said

"Oh don't worry, we're only going to play with the inert explosives, there's nothing safer."

I think all of us wanted to say something, Firecracker even seemed to be waiting for us to interrupt her, but we didn't come up with anything.

"So, what can we destroy around here nopony will miss?" She smiled "Canterlot has tons of stuff, but its all so nice you can't just blow anything up randomly."

"This doesn't seem like a good idea at all." I said

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport." Said Scootaloo "She's an adult and one of Luna's guards right?" She paused and Firecracker nodded. "So she's all responsible and stuff."

"I sure am." She then smiled widely

"Ooo, ah know what we can blow up." Applebloom gave a little hop "The Everfree."

"Wow, great idea. Nopony will miss that." Then Firecraker frowned. "Wait doesn't some zebra live in there somewhere?"

"Yea, but ah know where she lives. In fact there is this one bit of it that's been creeping over the edge of our property for like ever, but we don't know what to do about."

"Oooo, perfect. Could you point it out on a map?"

"Ah guess but…"

Then there was another explosion and a map appeared with slightly singed edges. Firecracker unrolled it and Applebloom pointed out a spot. Then with a glow of her horn the map burned to a crisp. I landed next to Scootaloo.

"I love doing that. Anyway, get together now, it makes it easier to teleport you, and being on the ground helps too. Now you may feel like you're on fire, but don't worry you're really not. Not really sure why that bothers ponies so much but whatever. Oh, but you should check that bow of yours." She pointed at Applebloom

"Uh, why?" Applebloom raise an eyebrow

"Well because I've gotten real good at not setting ponies on fire…"

"Ponies?" I said, shuddering

"Yea, I practiced with myself first of course. Objects that don't have their own living aura can still get a bit burnt is the point. So you'll want to put it right out. Oh, or I can. I actually do know tons of fire suppression spells. Practice makes perfect ya know."

"So you stop fires all the time?" said Applebloom

She sighed and nodded. "Yea. I mean I wouldn't want to have my house burn down either, but it just seems so sad to put out the happy little fires. Still, gotta do what ya gotta do ya know?"

I was now huddled together with the other crusaders shaking. Scootaloo would say she wasn't really scared like always, but we all knew she was. Then very suddenly we were on the edge of the Everfree somewhere. Soon there was an explosion and Firecracker appeared again. Then with a second explosion a large crate appeared. She smiled broadly. The other crusaders released me. I guess they were just scared of the teleport itself, and not the pony? I took a deep breath. I guess it doesn't sound like she really means to do anything bad.

"Cool, you really are a pegasus that can teleport. Neato. You don't look tired at all either. Thanks for saving me the work. Now come on over here."

"OOO, is it in there?" asked Applebloom

"This is going to be so awesome."

Scootaloo and Applebloom rushed over. I slowly took to the air. Raity said flying everywhere is very elegant, but seems like it would be tiring. I got more tired walking. It still felt weird but at least I didn't have to walk. Firecracker pried the crate open with her magic and pulled a grey lump out. She then threw it at the ground near Applebloom. She and Scootaloo dove for cover, and I was just glad I was slower. But nothing happened. Firecracker smiled broadly.

"See, perfectly safe. In fact right now this isn't even technically an explosive at all. These are a type of plastic explosive. So called because some pony was trying to make some new boring polymer, but made this instead. Well something like this."

"And it blew up?" I said

"Yep. Now this is the safest explosive ever because a key ingredient has been left out. The detonator caps have some and spread it through the clay, then boom, an earth shattering explosion." She had a huge smile and far off look in her eyes as she said the last part.

"Are you going to cry?" asked Scootaloo

Firecracker laughed. "Sorry, I get emotional when thinking about explosions sometimes. Anyway, we're going to have some fun and place some explosives about. I'll even let you fillies put in a whole blasting cap apiece once we place everything."

"May I ask why we're doing this?" I said

"Well for one it will be fun. A blast if you will?" She then laughed out loud. "But I know all about your quest, and I bet this is something you haven't tired."

Scootaloo smiled. "Ooo, I get it, don't you girls?"

"Cutie Mark Crusader demolitionists go!" we all yelled

"And this time we're doing it on purpose." Added Applebloom

"Now come here and let me explain to you about explosive power, and how to cut the plastic explosive to the right size for the object you're trying to blow up."

I was fairly certain this would end badly and none of us would get our cutie marks, but I sighed and waited for Firecracker to start. Of course if we hadn't vowed off touching hooves we might have caused an even bigger disaster a second ago. I then frowned realizing that maybe this is something Scootaloo would be good at, and how terrifying that was.