• Published 13th Apr 2013
  • 6,801 Views, 54 Comments

Scootaloo. Contain. Protect. - Cupcakes

What happens when a little orange and purple cartoon horse appears? [DATA EXPUNGED]

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SCP-7909 - Unformatted Text Edition

(This is NOT a second chapter! This is the same as the first "chapter," but not in its intended formatting! Please go back and read the first chapter, or read this in its original format by clicking here.)

Item #: SCP-7909

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7909 is kept in a 4m x 4m containment cell on Research Site-██, with furnishing and entertainment requests to be met within SCP guidelines. Waste removal facilities are unnecessary for the subject's cell. Guards posted to the subject's cell are to carry non-lethal weapons only, in line with safely sedating a human child of 25kg.

The subject is provided three meals daily: a mixture of traditional fare for a domesticated member of family Equidae and a selection of vegan items from the Site mess hall. One snack per day is allowed upon request.

Staff members of Level 1 or higher may freely visit SCP-7909 while off shift. The subject may access communal social areas if accompanied by a staff member of Level 2 or higher, or any researcher assigned to SCP-7909. All conversations pertaining to the subject's origin are to be recorded and reviewed by assigned research staff.

SCP-7909-1 is kept in a 4m x 4m soundproof containment cell on Site-████, utilizing a double-soundproof airlock as the sole entry/exit. Cell furnishings and entertainment requests are to be met within SCP guidelines, barring any and all representations of language, whether written or verbal. Audio and video recording of the subject's cell is to be maintained at all times. Use of internal speaker system aside from white noise or approved instrumental music requires approval of at least two Level 4 staff members. Waste removal facilities are unnecessary for the subject's cell.

SCP-7909-1 is provided three meals daily: a mixture of traditional fare for a domesticated member of family Equidae and a selection of vegan items from the Site mess hall. Items and meals to be delivered to the subject's cell must first be reviewed by at least two assigned research staff for any representations of language. Delivery of items and meals into the subject's cell is to involve no interaction with SCP-7909-1, through cycling of the airlock system to allow placement of object(s), closure of airlock, then access to object(s) by the subject.

SCP-7909-2 appears to be, since the end of Event-7909-2b, completely contained within SCP-7909-1.

Description: Note: the subject originally labeled SCP-7909 is now considered two distinct entities, SCP-7909-1 and SCP-7909-2. References to "SCP-7909" in older documentation can be assumed to be a reference to SCP-7909-1.

SCP-7909-1 appears to be a computer animated winged equine, 0.74m (2.43ft) tall and weighing 24.68kg (54.41lbs). The subject seems to resemble, have the personality and memories of, and self-identify as, the fictional character "Scootaloo" from the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. SCP-7909-1's resemblance to this character extends to appearing to be a living cartoon being, including exhibiting audial and visual phenomena commonly linked with animated life, as seen in attached Log-7909-1-7.

The subject indicates the presence of hunger and thirst when not allowed to eat and drink on a regular schedule. Despite the seeming need for sustenance, the subject has not passed waste matter since original containment, nor do the requisite bodily orifices seem to exist on the subject's body. In addition, neither SCP-7909-1's weight nor height have changed to date.

SCP-7909-1 can touch and interact with most normal objects in its environment freely with no visible abnormalities. However, when the subject claims physical possession of an object it intends to consume, said object appears to become a "cartoon" version of the original object. If said food object is relinquished by SCP-7909-1 before consumption then the object returns to its original state once physical contact is lost with the SCP-7909-1. Testing has indicated no permanent change in such returned food objects.

Similarly, when blood samples are taken from SCP-7909-1, the liquid appears cartoonish in nature within the confines of the needle, but as the blood enters the barrel of the syringe it appears to change to a more mundane liquid. Genetic testing done on blood, fur, and feather samples from the subject indicate it is a previously unknown species closely related to animals of family Equidae. SCP-7909-1 identifies itself as a member of the species "pegasus pony," and claims that most of its species is capable of flight, but that it is too young to achieve proper flight yet. Researcher requests to use SCP-████ to clone SCP-7909-1 from samples were approved by O5-█, but have been revoked due to Event-7909-2b and are back under review.

SCP-7909-1 was discovered in ████████, ██████ after reports of an unusual explosion from a nearby village were intercepted by the Foundation. Details of the subject's original acquisition can be found in attached Report-7909-1-01. Details of re-containment after Event-7909-2b are available in attached Report-7909-1-12.

SCP-7909-1 appears to retain a near-complete memory of its history, and when prompted will talk at length about its supposed place of origin. It claims no memory of the precise events leading to its arrival in the Foundation's possession. Only one memory surfaced under hypnosis, which the subject claimed was its last memory in "Equestria." SCP-7909-1 indicates it was listening to a friend attempt to recite "every word in the dictionary," as part of a coming of age ritual, when "everything went dark." Attempts to recreate this scenario can be seen in attached experiment logs and log summaries Log-7909-1-12 through Log-7909-1-14.

SCP-7909-2 is theorized to be an alternate personality or secondary sentience existing within SCP-7909-1. Under normal circumstances SCP-7909-2 appears to have no influence on SCP-7909-1's behavior and is undetectable by any means, including SCP-7909-2 not becoming apparent during hypnosis of SCP-7909-1. When SCP-7909-2 gains control of SCP-7909-1, SCP-7909-1's personality and memories seem to completely subside, and its body falls under control of SCP-7909-2. When under this control, SCP-7909-1 is capable of [DATA EXPUNGED] and seems motivated primarily by the urge to [REDACTED] all sentient biological life it encounters.

The only known method for SCP-7909-2 to claim control of SCP-7909-1's body is for certain words to be spoken aloud in its presence, as indicated in attached Log-7909-1-14. Due to the extreme risk involved in accidentally or purposely discovering more methods of giving SCP-7909-2 control of SCP-7909-1, no further attempts at communication with SCP-7909-1, nor exposure to written or verbal language of any kind, are allowed, subject to approval by two O5 staff members.

The mechanism through which SCP-7909-2 goes into remission is currently unknown.

Attached Logs and Reports, in Chronological Order:

Report-7909-1-01, Interview:
Dr. ███████: Agent ████, please tell me about the acquisition of SCP-7909.
Agent ████: Our only intel was "some sort of big purple explosion," and that anyone who investigated the incident site didn't return. So, of course we went in ready for another 682, know what I mean?
Dr. ███████: Yes. Please, continue.
Agent ████: Everything goes textbook. We're ready for anything, or as "ready for anything" as you can be in this line of work. Except in the end we're all staring down our sights at a little orange horse. And she looks up at us and says, "Where am I?" in perfect English. We tranqed her, and the rest is history.
Dr. ███████: Thank you, Agent ████. If there is nothing else to report about SCP-7909?
Agent ████: Yeah, well, except she's a tiny talkin' magic cartoon horse, sure. (Pause.) Except, I guess the one weird thing is, we never found anyone else.
Dr. ███████: Do you mean other specimens?
Agent ████: People, Doc. The place was all flattened, like a hurricane had hit, but we never found anyone, alive or dead.
Dr. ███████: Thank you, Agent.
(Note: Agent ████'s report is now considered to be a post-event report for Event-7909-2a.)

Log-7909-1-07, titled "Abnormal Properties of SCP-7909, #03":
Dr. ███████: 7909, please show us how high you can fly.
SCP-7909-1: Do I have to do it again, Doc?
Dr. ███████: If you would, please, yes.
SCP-7909-1: (Subject sighs.) Sooo embarrassing... (Subject exhibits some light strain while rapidly flapping its wings. Subject lifts approximately 0.5m from the floor before falling. Subject lands on its back with an audible "boink" sound and three small, yellow baby chicks appear in the air over subject's head, circling and chirping for several seconds before fading away.)

Report-7909-1-05, SCP Classification Appraisal, written by Dr. ███████. Excerpt:

In addition, exposure to its possible alternate existence as a fictional character has had no negative impact on its morale, and it seems to enjoy seeing itself as merchandise and on television. It indicates that it "misses" the others of its kind, but that being here "isn't so bad."

In closing, it is my opinion that SCP-7909 should be categorized as a Safe object, and should be treated within the guidelines of Safe cooperative biological sentient SCPs. In addition, considering the effect her presence has on the morale of some of the staff, I advise on giving 7909 access to non-secure areas of Site-██ while under proper supervision and free visitation rights by Level 1 staff and higher.

Lastly, in the █ months since it arrived, SCP-7909 has not grown, despite the typical growth cycle of most horses. I suggest removing the typical official reprimands called for when referring to an SCP by its preferred name or by its gender. To be frank, "she" might be here for a while.

Log-7909-1-12, Log-7909-1-13, titled "Dictionary Test #01" and "#02" respectively. Summaries:
Log-7909-1-12: SCP-7909-1 given a mass-market paperback copy of ███████████████ Dictionary for 20██ and told to read aloud each word, sans definitions. The subject requested a personal site tour by Dr. ███████ in exchange. Request granted. No abnormalities detected.
Log-7909-1-13a-f: SCP-7909-1 given same copy of dictionary and told to read the entire book aloud, including definitions. The subject required significant coaxing by Dr. ███████ to agree. Total length necessitated breaking the experiment up into multiple days. No abnormalities detected.

Log-7909-1-15, titled "Dictionary Test #03." D-18071 chosen for her high literacy amongst available Class D. Excerpt:
(SCP-7909-1 is kicking a toy ball against the wall of its cell. D-18071 is seated, holding the dictionary from previous experiments.)
D-18071: Blat. Blatancies. Blatancy. Blatant.
SCP-7909-1: Ugh! (Subject kicks the ball harder.) Wake me up when you get to "bored!"
Dr. ███████: (Through cell speaker system.) 7909, please bear with us?
SCP-7909-1: (Subject sighs.) Sorry, Doc.
Dr. ███████: (Through cell speaker system.) It's okay. 18071, please continue?
D-18071: Uh... Blatant. Blatantly. Blate. Blather. Blathered. Blatherer. Blathering. Blatherskite.
(SCP-7909-1 goes stiff and begins to levitate from the ground without moving its wings.)
D-18071: Blattaria. Blat-- (Pause.) What is she doing?
(SCP-7909-1 rotates to face D-18071. SCP-7909-1's eyes are closed and its mouth does not move. A previously unheard voice emerges from it.)
SCP-7909-2: I wonder if you can get rid of me as easily as [DATA EXPUNGED]. (Subject begins to float toward D-18071.)
D-18071: (D-18071 rises from her chair, dropping the dictionary.) Time to let me out now, right Doc?
Dr. ███████: (Through cell speaker system.) 7909? (Pause. SCP-7909-1 continues to approach D-18071.) Scootaloo?
D-18071: (D-18071 runs to the cell door and strikes it repeatedly.) Let me out!
(SCP-7909-1 swiftly approaches D-18071 and completely [REDACTED] her over the course of ██ seconds, leaving no remains. Muffled shouting can be heard through the speaker system. SCP-7909-1 [DATA EXPUNGED] the cell door and leaves its cell.)

Report-7909-1-14, post-event report for Event-7909-2b, written by Dr. █████. Excerpt:

In light of these facts, I suggest we now refer to the equine creature itself as SCP-7909-1 and this alternate personality/sentience as SCP-7909-2.

Remote footage from former Research Site-██ shows SCP-7909-1:

* [REDACTED] at least ███ members of Site-██ staff, with what appears to be deliberate attention to first seeking and [REDACTED] those staff most closely related to research of SCP-7909-1.

* [REDACTED] SCP-███, SCP-███, and SCP-████. It should be noted these SCPs were all sentient biological lifeforms.

* withstanding firepower including [REDACTED] without physical blemish or seeming hindrance to the subject's activities.

Satellite imagery seems to indicate that SCP-7909-1 survived the detonation of the four on-site self-destruct nuclear warheads. The continued presence of SCP-7909-2 has not yet been confirmed, and I have lodged my recommendation that we ascertain its reaction to the presence of sentient biological life before reacquiring the subject.

In preparation for the return of SCP-7909-1 and -2, I would also like to lodge the following recommendations for containment: [REDACTED]

Report-7909-1-12, Interview, Post-event for Event-7909-2b:
Dr. █████: Agent ████, describe the re-acquisition of SCP-7909-1.
Agent ████: It went just as smooth as the first time, though now we were wearing radiation suits. We caught it on the sat. video, and there it was, six clicks from what was left of Site-██, drinking from a stream. No blood, not a spot on its face, nothing. It was just looking around like a lost little doe. We radio for approval to take it out from a distance, and get this: someone high up wants us to take it alive again, and to make visual contact first to see how it reacts. "Don't talk to it," they say, just make sure it sees us. Can you believe that [EXPLETIVE DELETED]?
Dr. ███████: Please go on.
Agent ████: Well, we do the rational thing: we give a D-class a tranq gun and tell him to go wave hi before shooting the little bitch in the ass. So he approaches it, and when it sees him it backs away and asks, "Who are you? What happened?" The D raises his weapon, and the scip starts pretending like it's going to cry. And you know what it does?
Dr. ███████: What did it do, Agent?
Agent ████: After everything it did, it had the balls to ask where Doc ███████ is again before it was tranqed. As if it doesn't know where the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] she is!
Dr. ███████: Thank you, Agent. That will be all.
Agent ████: (Agent shakes his head.) If I hadn't been out on an exercise that afternoon I'd be [REDACTED] that thing too, just like--
Dr. ███████: We're all still recovering from the tragic loss of our colleagues, Agent ████. Please proceed to psyche for further debriefing.

Comments ( 39 )

Interesting story in an unusual (well-handled) format. Nice work.

I actually felt sad for Scootaloo and horrified for the human victims, though I can imagine you were more disturbed writing this than I was in reading it, especially since nothing was [REDACTED] for you.

2418514 Thanks! And yeah, let's just say that I have a very good mental image. Or, a very bad mental image, as it were.

Honestly? We need more stories like this.

I'm guessing nightmare moon is in scootaloo's head???

Also how do u hide your words like that?

Wow, so Scootaloo initially went berserk in Equestria when Sweetie read the dictionary, and to save everyone Twilight was forced to teleport her to Anywhere-But-Here-Ville?


Replace ( and ) with brackets [ and ]

(spoiler)Spoilered text goes here!(/spoiler)
Spoilered text goes here!

love it:pinkiehappy:

here's my favourite scp of all time > http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096 this thing is fuckin' creepy

Comment posted by RainbowDragon deleted Apr 13th, 2013

2419066 Thanks!
2419275 That's an interesting theory...
2420126 Maybe something close to that!
2420135 Heh, yup, that's a fun one. Just four pixels... just four pixels...

2420151 Bracing for impact! :O

2420309 yeah, after this story i had to go read some more scp:s:pinkiehappy:

currently i have 12 folds up with different scp:s:eeyup:

2420341 Ha! It's always nice to accidentally inspire people to go spend a few more hours on SCP. :moustache:

This is intense.

Should we or should we not expect more like this? Because it's pretty good (better than I can do) and I'd hate to see such a great idea go to waste.:fluttercry:

2420846 When you say "more like this" what precisely do you mean? Because there are LOTS more things "like this," and better made than this, on the actual SCP Foundation site. If you mean more about 7909aloo, then no. If you mean me writing more semi-SCP articles about pony stuff and the SCP crossing over, unlikely.

2420987 You mean the title? Yeah. I have the worst ideas when it comes to titles.

2420977 ...well, that's a shame, I was meaning the whole "7909aloo" thing and I already know of the foundation website ("Things Dr. Jack Bright Is Allowed To do at the Foundation" is hilarious.). Well, if you spontaneously decide to go against what you said and make more 7909aloo stories let me know.

Kudos for staying so closely within the format of an SCP file, It's much harder than most people realize. Anyway, a bit creepy and pretty near what I expected, though the personality shift was unexpected it does make sense in light of the reclassification to Euclid. Now that they know the trigger word though she could be reclassified to Safe.

2422587 Without knowing for sure that's the only way to activate 7909-2, I don't think that's really a very good idea!

2423797 You make a solid point. But really who programs something like that with multiple triggers? (magically creates?) I suppose that sort of thinking is why I wouldn't survive long in the Foundation.

2423805 For all we know, there's an SCP-7909-3 just waiting to be called out by the word Defenestration! :trixieshiftright:

I've practiced writing dossiers myself, and I say, this is pretty good. I wouldn't mind seeing more myself.

2423884 Glad to hear it, thank you! Honestly though, I think if I was going to write another one, it'd probably be a -J. But who knows, inspiration may hit.

2425170 Considering that 7909-2 seems to be completely contained using highly specialized but relatively non-resource intensive procedures, thus rendering 7909-2 to not be a constant threat while using said containment procedures, I feel that Euclid is an appropriate classification at this time.

Yay bureaucrat-chatter!

Given that Scootaloo has a memetic trigger (hearing or reading certain words) it can be contained easy enough by just isolating her.

So Scootaloo's going to be completely isolated for the rest of her life?

Damn, that's depressing... :applecry:

2425394 Yeah... I almost put a Sad tag on here, too, but... There's already four tags. I chose the four most appropriate, in my mind. But yeah, even if you DON'T read between the lines it's pretty sad. With some implying and imagination it can be reallyreally sad.

poor scoots.
on an unrelated note im assuming you like scp and there is a tv show that has a similar idea (capturing dangerous artifacts and locking then up) called Warehouse 13 and i adore that show so i can recomend it (i was actually watching it earlier today)

2470866 Yup, I obviously like SCP, but I also enjoy Warehouse 13. I'm totally up to date on Netflix and waiting for them to add more seasons.

2471609 you would have to be crazy NOT to like them

This story's great! I'm a HUGE fan of the SCP Foundation and the game based on it. Not sure if you already knew, but there's a MLP mod for Containment Breach and Scootaloo is actually an SCP in it! :scootangel:
My only weakness...a dictionary! EGAD!

3446420 Scootaloo is an SCP in it? Ha, neat! What kind?

3544493 It's hard to explain, but she basically stalks the player once they enter her chamber and follows them for the rest of the game. The only time you can see her is in the corners of your vision every now and then, and only for a split second, as she vanishes instantly. Very creepy.

You know, I wonder what the Crusaders would be doing back in Ponyville with the knowledge that Scootaloo went crazy and tried to kill them...

Maybe Applebloom got her cutiemark for beating a pony over the head with a shovel.

(Maybe a second chapter plot? *wink wink*)

4062861 Probably not likely! But... anything could happen.

It's good, but a tad vague. I mean, I know SPC loves to keep things vague, and the horror is in the bureaucratic files, but maybe there could of been more?

Very good, short but good...

3544493 SCP-372 This is the SCP Scootaloo replaces in the mod. Great story by the way :twilightsmile:
For some reason I came to the conclusion that the victims were incinerated instantly and consumed. Hm. Maybe I visit this wiki a bit too often :rainbowderp::twilightblush:

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