• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 2,335 Views, 11 Comments

Tower - TwiliDragonRin

Twilight wants to commit suicide, but will a yellow pegasus stop her from attempting it?

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In the middle of a bustling city stood a very large tower – it was the pride and joy of the city. The tower, however, held many secrets and rumors. Almost all of the rumors mention how a pony dies on the tower either by murder, sickness, or accidentally falling off the tower. The worst rumors are about people committing suicide. And this tower is the place where the story begins.

An alicorn stood on the edge of the tower, her wings were tucked onto her sides and her tail wrapped around her left hind leg. The wind was blowing and the air was cold. The young alicorn trembled when the winds picked up the pace. She wanted to go back inside the warm, toasty building that she was standing on, but she couldn't. She didn't want to have the comfort that the building had to offer. No. She felt like she didn't even deserve any of it. She stares over the edge, feeling her whole body tremble at the sight. The ground is thousands of feet far from the top of the tower. The young alicorn closes her eyes and just waits for the opportunity to come.

Meanwhile, a young pegasus is flying around the city, trying to escape her life back at home. She had a fight with her father once again. She couldn't take the yelling and the blaming so she stormed out of the house and flew off, crying. She had to get out and spread her wings for a few minutes, maybe even hours, even though her wings are really weak.

The pegasus was flying but noticed something from the corner of her eye. She sees something standing on the
edge of the city's tower. She already had enough to deal with but she decided, “...W-well...m-maybe it wouldn't hurt..." She stopped flapping her wings and glided down to what was catching her eye. Then she sees her, a lavender alicorn standing on the edge of the tower. "What is she doing?" she asked herself.

The alicorn opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "It's time," she whispered. She lifted her hoof and moved it over the edge. She was about to walk off the edge, she was about to kill herself. Right when she was about to walk off, the alicorn heard a loud thud behind her. She turns her head around and right before her, she sees a yellow pegasus with a bright pink mane. Her cerulean eyes met the alicorn's purple eyes. The pegasus is familiar to her, but she doesn't know why. The alicorn trembles.

"W-what are you doing...?" the pegasus asks quietly, tilting her head to the side with curiosity.

"It is none of your concern," the alicorn replies with a soft hiss. The pegasus stares deeply into the alicorn's eyes. "W-why are you looking at me like that...? S-stop it!"

"Your eyes...," she starts, "they are filled with much pain and loneliness...mostly loneliness."

The alicorn's eyes widen. 'How did she know...?' the alicorn thought.

"What are you planning to do...?" The pegasus steps towards the alicorn in a slow pace. "You aren't planning to make those rumors come true....are you?" The alicorn tilts her head, wondering what the pegasus meant by the rumors. "You know...um...the rumors of how ponies kill themselves here on this very tower that we are standing on...." The alicorn started to tremble even more. Why would this pegasus care about a random pony that she doesn't even know at all? Why?

"Why...?" is all that she could manage to say.

"I don't know...," the pegasus begins, "maybe you'll end up accomplishing something in your life. You shouldn't just throw it all away because of you feel like you're alone-"

The alicorn cuts her off, "But I am alone!"

"You may think that now," the pegasus continued, her quiet voice now a bit louder, "but someone-somewhere out in this city, maybe in this world-cares about you at this very moment." She stops trotting and stares up at the moon above them. "Maybe even someone that you just met...." The alicorn says nothing; she has nothing to say to this pegasus. "So please...." She lifts her hoof to the alicorn, "don't make the same mistake that all others before you have done."

The alicorn lowers her ears. Maybe this pegasus is telling the truth, the alicorn thinks. She lifts up her hoof to get off from the edge. Suddenly, the alicorn felt her tail right under her hoof. Her hoof slipped from the edge, and soon...her whole body followed after. The pegasus gasped and ran to the edge of the building. She spreads her bright, beautiful wings and flies down to the falling alicorn.

"Spread your wings!" the pegasus yells. "Hurry and spread your wings!"

"I-I can't!"

"Why can't you!?" She then sees blood dripping from the alicorn's wings. "Oh no...” The alicorn must have injured her wings, in case she wanted to back out of her plan. Whatever she did to her wings, she did it to keep her from flying...and this worried the pegasus. The ground was coming in fast and she knew she didn't have enough time. She dived towards the falling alicorn, picking up speed. Her arms stretch out to reach the alicorn.


But before she even had a chance to catch her, the alicorn hit the pavement with a heartbreaking "crack." The pegasus stopped flying, and her eyes widened. The alicorn lay motionless on the pavement while a puddle of blood started to creep around. The pegasus' eyes closed shut, as she landed her hooves on the ground next to the alicorn. Her eyes threatened to let her tears flow. The pegasus hears the ambulance from a distance. She kneeled down to the alicorn and nuzzled her cheek.

"I...I didn't save you in time...." she whispered to the lifeless body. “I wish you'll forgive me.... I...I didn't catch you.... I didn't save you...." Her tears trickled down her face as she lowered her ears and cried softly in the alicorn's long blue mane. "I'm sorry!!" She felt some pony's hooves wrap around her neck, trying to pull her away from the alicorn. She put up a fight against it but stopped when she found it useless to cry anymore. 'Why...does she matter to me so much...?' she thought. She sees the medic ponies carry the alicorn's body away from her as other ponies are holding her back. All she could think about is, '...W-why...?'


~Lub-dub, lub-dub~

A soft thumping sound comforts the alicorn's racing mind. The sound picks up a bit of speed but slows down very quickly. The alicorn can't see anything but darkness and she can't even feel anything. Everything is numb to her. She would go insane if it isn't for the comforting sound that she is hearing. She wondered what it was.

~Lub-dub, lub-dub~

Along with the thumping, she could also hear somepony's soft crying. The crying sounded familiar to her somehow. The thumping seems to have picked up the pace. The thumping sounded like if it was throbbing. The crying seems to make the thumping sounds react. The alicorn wondered why the sounds were throbbing.

~Lub-dub-ta, lub-dub-ta~

'What is this sound...? And why does it react to that crying?'

~Lub-dub-ta, lub-dub-ta~


The pegasus walks into the hospital's room, she sees the alicorn resting peacefully on the bed. She walks over the bed and sits down on the seat next to the alicorn. She notices that the alicorn's wings are bandaged up and tucked into her sides. Part of the alicorn's head and most of her body is covered with bandages. Seeing her like this hurts the pegasus deeply. "It's been almost a week...and she's still not awake...." She rests her head next to the alicorn and closes her eyes. "This is my fault...I could have saved her.... I could have caught her...." Tears drip on the blankets. "I couldn't save you.... I'm sorry!"

The bed sheets move slightly. The pegasus lifts her head up and looks at the alicorn. The alicorn slowly opens her eyes, she blinks a few times and gasps. She sits up but yelps when she does and lies back down on the sheets. The pain was too much for her.

"You're awake...t-that's wonderful." The alicorn slowly and cautiously turns her head. Her purple eyes meet with the pegasus' cerulean eyes. "Um...hi there..." the pegasus whispers quietly.

"H-hi..." the alicorn croaked weakly. The pegasus nuzzles her cheek against the alicorn's cheek, this gesture makes the alicorn blush deeply.

"W-what happened...?"

"You fell off from the tower...." The alicorn's eyes widen, "I'm sorry...I didn't catch you.... I let you fall and now you're in this hospital because of me...."

"It isn't...y-your fault...." She tried to sit up but cringed when she tried. "Y-you tried to save me...you didn't do anything wrong...." The alicorn smiles faintly, "It's my fault...for even trying to kill myself.... I guess I was spared t-this time...."

The pegasus also smiles faintly. "Oh...I never even asked before.... What's your name?"

"My name...?" The pegasus nods. "It's T-Twilight....Twilight Sparkle," she says with a blush across her face. “What’s your name...?"

"My name....?" The pegasus shies away and hides her face behind her mane. "M-my name...i-is Fluttershy...."

"Fluttershy...that name sounds familiar. H-have I ever seen you before...?" Fluttershy shrugs. "I feel like I have...I feel like I've seen you from before...."

"I think I've met you before, Twilight...."

"Y-you can just call me by my last name...."

"The thing is..." she nuzzles her snout against Twilight's neck. ”Twilight is a beautiful name...I really like it. I see no reason to change your name...."

"Other ponies have been misusing my name so many times...so I decided to change it...." She weakly lowered her ears.

"Such a shame.... The world will be missing your beautiful name." Twilight blushed a bright red color.

"Do you know...when I'll be able to leave....?" she asked.

"Once your wings recover, then I think they'll let you out. But you will need to rest for a few more weeks."

Twilight groans. "I don't want to stay in bed for so long...."

"Don't worry," Fluttershy says, "I'll be here every day with you until you get out, I'll nurse you back to health."


"Of course!" she smiles beautifully. Twilight couldn't help but blush again. "You know...seeing you, lying dead on the ground with the blood around you scared me to death." Her wing carefully caresses Twilight's cheek. "I was really afraid of losing you, Twilight. Even if we did just meet, I was really afraid."

"O-oh Fluttershy...."

"When we get out, how about you and I go get something to eat? Maybe I'll cook you something myself," she blushes.

Twilight's eyes feel heavy. She slowly closes her eyes and nods slowly. "That...would be nice...."

Fluttershy gets up from the chair and carefully climbs on the bed. She drapes her wing over Twilight and brings her closely, pressing her body against herself. She feels Twilight move her head under her chin and let out a deep sigh. Fluttershy blushes and also closes her eyes. Sleep washes over her body. She falls asleep to the sound of the alicorn's soft breathing.

Author's Note:

This is just something I wanted to refresh after I found it from my old pile of stories. I finished this and edit it a bit. Might still have a few errors. Sorry about them ^-^;

Comments ( 11 )

That was beautiful :twilightsmile:

not bad....not bad at all.....:moustache:

Very beautiful. I will say that there's a little inconsistency in your writing between past and present tense, but otherwise it's lovely.
:twilightsmile: :heart: :yay:

Nifty little story. It's always interesting when people try the whole, "what if they had never met" thing. Even better when they succeed, like you have here. Bonus for it being a TwiShy :heart:

Anyways, wonderful job

2534619 why thank you ^-^ I love the "what if" stories and I wanted to write this for my special "fluttershy" if you know what I'm saying :twilightsmile:

A bit late for a comment, but screw timeframes.

I very much like the concept behind this story, but there were a significant enough set of errors that made it difficult to truly enjoy. As aforementioned by 2425749, you were quite inconsistent between past and present tense. That's what I like to call The Doctor Syndrome. When in doubt, go with past tense. <3

Also, the dialogue seemed a tad bit off to me. I (having been to that dark place) would know this best, because some of the things Twi said just didn't line up with the whole "I'm about to kill myself" prospect. She was too... Acquiescent. She backed out too easily. Or at least... Tried to.

<3 DarqFox

Screw timeframes! Great. Not my type of story but I like it

This was a beautiful story. I really liked it. :twilightsmile:

Do you... understand what the term fluff means?

A story about a suicidal protagonist is... not fluffy. It may be lacking in real content, but fluffy indicates a lack of conflict or characterization or... really much of anything. Fluffy stuff is lighthearted. Nothing with the tragedy tag is ever going to be fluff.

This.. this could go on. please say you have a sequel. :raritydespair: PLEASE! but over all it was a good story :twilightsmile: Loved it! :yay: yay

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