• Published 18th Apr 2013
  • 10,653 Views, 262 Comments

The Smarty Complex - jojijijmz

A spell goes wrong, and smarty pants turns into a foal the age of the cake twins

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Twilight Sparkle flipped through her books, the smell of dry parchment gave her a euphoric sensation every time she was graced with the opening of one of her tomes. Beautiful, calm strokes of ink glided across pages, giving windows into the writer themselves. Oh how she loved books, full of learning and information, full of life and interest. She would get lost in the simple immersion, the gleeful sensation of reading. She dove into them, becoming surrounded and immersed inside their beautiful, beautiful words. She pulled one from the shelf, a purple aura commanding the book to move as if by hoof. She let out a sigh of glee, placing herself upon the plush softness of her blue couch. She propped it open with her magic. Becoming one with her simple tomes. She gazed at the title.

“Basic animation , oooh, this is interesting.” She said, her voice flowing like fashioned silk. She ran her hoof along the paper, feeling the soft paper rub against her hoof, she smiled happily and began to read. However, after only the mere first sentence, s loud wooden thud invaded her ears. She groaned, placing her book down. She Trotted over to the door, her hooves rapping on the wooden floor. She briskly opened the library door to find pinkie pie, her mane in more disarray than usual. Her eyes were bloodshot and sweat was pouring down her pink coat.

“What in the name of celestia happened.”

“Need... GASP...help...GASP...Pumpkin...GASP...turned...GASP...Gummy...GASP...into... GASP... plush toy, now she’s...GASP...Chewing on his...GASP...head!” Twilight’s jaw dropped to the floor as she heard the news. Pinkie leaned against the rough brown bark of the tree, getting a precious moment of air. The cool air penetrated her lungs, filling and expanding, as she fed this precious oxygen through her blood to her brain, muscles, and other areas. She sighed, savouring this air as a pony savoured water from an oasis.

“In short, I need you to bring something unfamiliar to her that she’ll want to suck on more than gummy while I devise a plan.”

“Well...I was actually reading up o-” Twilight was met with a pink velvety hoof pressed against her lips.

“I can figure this out!”

“Ok...then?” She blurted vexingly, confused as to why pinkie was being so stubborn, yet, then again, she had been before the first time she foalsat for the twins. She sighed, and nodded approvingly. Pinkie jumped up, obviously back to her normal, energetic self. She burst into the tree, tilting her head this way and that, looking for a toy for the little foal. Her nervous hoofsteps echoed through the atrium of the large angel oak tree. She began biting her hoof, sweating profusely at the idea that even Twilight had nothing. That was when she saw it, a small grey burlap toy, with stringy hair and a quill in hoof. It was perfect.She raced up the steps without a second thought, while Twilight was still looking about for a teddy bear she swore she saw the other day. Pinkie went up to Twilight’s Memory chest and pulled the old toy out with her teeth, feeling the rough burlap against her lips.

“Ey Wiwigh, I Furnd Suming I Curld Uurse!” She said, her voice muffled by the toy.With that, she galloped out of the house, not even thinking about Twilight, or what the toy could possibly mean to her friend. Twilight turned back to the Library to find pinky gone, and sighed, plopping down on the soft reading couch. She sits back down, and props open the book, a sense of nerdy euphoria tingling up her spine. She begins reading the introduction, sinking into the beautiful ocean of language and words.

Meanwhile at sugarcube corner, pumpkin cake dropped Toy gummy to the ground, quickly picking up Smarty pants, the foal cooed, pressing the toy against her orange coat. She hugged the toy, and began to suck on Smarty’s hoof. Pinkie sighed and smiled, but then gazed at the gummy plushie, mouth open and eyes fixed in a fearful gaze. Pinke sighed and picked up gummy, his now felt scales softly touching her hoof. Pinkie skipped out of the room, leaving the twins to Carrot and Cup cake. Pinkie pie thought desperately for a way to turn him back, since pumpkin wouldn’t. Hey, twilight could! She thought as she bounced down the cobblestone streets of ponyville, confetti literally coming out of nowhere behind her. She bears a bright smile of pure elation. She knocked on the door with five sharp thuds. The door swivels open off of Pinkie’s hoof and Twilight gazed towards Pinkie.


“Hey Twilight, I need help, can you turn gummy back into a living alligator again?”

“Course, In fact, I was just reading up on animation spells.” Twilight then realized what the worst case scenario could have been, and reeled back, heart pounding like a hummingbird behind her purple coat.

“Say, you found a stuffed animal, right, which one was it?”

“Oh, it was just some burlap things with button eyes and stringy hair holding a quill!” Twilights jaw dropped, and she seriously thought she was going to have heart palpitations. Her eyes squeezed up, and she only gazed at pinky, dumbfounded.



“Smarty pants.” Pinkie’s entire form deflated like a balloon to the stiff cobblestone street, she instantly inflated again, but looked down at her hooves, forlorn.

“Sorry Twilight, I didn’t know It was Smarty Pants.”

“Lets just turn gummy back, okay.” Pinkie nodded and looked up at her friend.

“Alright, let me see him.” Pinkie looked down again.

“One problem.”

“What is it?”

“I...I left him at sugarcube corner.”

“I don’t see that as much of a complication.”

“With pumpkin cake.”

“Oh.” Twilight muttered, and sighed loudly.

“Let’s just go.”

Twilight strained, trying to pull smarty pants out of pumpkin’s mouth with her magic, but pumpkin countered with her unfiltered magic and biting ability. The unicorn braced herself, continuing to pull, but soon, she gave up, slumping down. She plopped down of the carpet, saddened. Pinkie leaned down to pumpkin cake.

“Now pumpkin, you made auntie Twilie sad, do you like that.” Pumpkin just stared at her, loudly sucking on one of smarty pants’ hairs. Twilight braced herself, and pointed at Gummy.

"Alright, stand clear." She warned. Twilight began to perform the spell, a bright light emanating from her horn as she did so. Pumpkin cringed as the bright light met her eyes, she began to cry, confused at the situation going on. Her horn flared with a light blue aura, as she began to lift the nearest object to her, smarty pants. The burlap toy lifted from the ground. And Twilight, blinded by her spell, was aware of the crying foal, but not the toy floating in her vision. When her horn had channeled enough energy from the magical aura from the area to cast her spell, she thrust forward, focusing all of her energy at the point, which she thought was gummy. Her magic overtook the doll, spiraling like silk into a cocoon around Smarty Pants. Twilight fell like a stone to the floor, blackness overcoming her vision.

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Twilight was awoken by a loud cry, she rubbed her eyes, and called out to pinkie pie.

“Pinkie, I thing Pumpkin needs a diaper change or something.” She muttered tiredly, her vision still blurry.

“Pinkie?” She called, She sighed, realizing she was probably gone partying. She found the blurred image of a bottle of milk and grabbed it with her magical aura, she found the source of the crying, and without thinking much of it, plopped the clear bottle into the foals’ suckling mouth, satisfied with the ending of the crying. She wiped her eyes, clearing her vision. She looked down at the floor to see what she expected as Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, but instead of two foals, she found three. She gazed at the floor dumbfounded, as she saw gummy, still frozen in his wide-eyed gaze, sitting as a plushie, covered in the saliva of pumpkin cake. Pound cake was hitting his blocks gleefully, Pumpkin was sucking on her favourite butterfly. And another foal simply sat sucking milk from her bottle. She gazed, wide-eyed at this new foal. It had a grey-blue coat, brown hair sitting in three large clumps, and eyes differently colored, one blue and another magenta. With this and the absence of smarty pants, she could deduce what had happened. Smarty pants was now alive, there was no doubt about that. Twilight gazed down, frozen in the awe of what transpired. The door creaked open with an eerie sound and Pinkie Pie entered.

“Oh hey Twi, you finally woke up! Is gummy o-“ Pinkie followed Twilight’s gaze

“Well this is new.”

Author's Note:

Sorry about grammar