• Published 18th Apr 2013
  • 10,652 Views, 262 Comments

The Smarty Complex - jojijijmz

A spell goes wrong, and smarty pants turns into a foal the age of the cake twins

  • ...

From the eyes of a Foal

I slowly wake up from the warm thing around me, it’s bright and purple and soft, and especially warm. I open my eyes sadly. I like the soft and the warm, I liked the dreams, they were so much better than this world. I expect to see mommy sleeping next to me, like the days before, but instead is a monster. The monster is huge and looks really scary, with scales and colours that look really creepy. The monster will eat me! What do I do? In desperation, a start to cry to try to help mommy find me. Where am I? Why am I next to a monster?

Luckily enough Mommy comes and picks me up. I feel her warm, her soft coat. I love her, and I need her. Every time I feel her a warm feeling shoots up me, and I feel very happy. Whenever she hugs me, I feel like digging my round thingies below me into her and feeling her warmth there, too. I stop crying, and tell Mommy.

“Mommy, you came to help me with monster!” However, she replies in some kind of gibberish. Why does everypony talk so weird? The only other things that can actually talk are the Brown thing and the Orange thing. Brown thing has little flappies on him, and he can go up and up! Orange thingy has a pointy, like me. She can make things move, like i can too, and we can go up even with no flappies. The world is so confusing! I can go up without flappies, but I can make other things move too. The orange thing likes to eat too, I know why though, everything looks delicious and strange. I just want to try and see what everything is like!

Also, not only this, but the world is always changing. At first the world was a nice room, where I could talk to other ponies, but now I am alone with the monster and, lucky, Mommy. Maybe the other world was a dream? No, it didn’t feel like a dream. The world is so confusing! Anyways, Mommy is here, and she picks me up in her warm round things. She feels so warm, so soft and nice. I can feel some weird thing beating past her coat. What is it? Why is it in Mommy? Whatever it is, it sounds nice, like music to my small ears. I like it. Whenever I touch Mommy, I feel soft and fuzzy. Pleasure overwhelms me, it floods through me, and I want it. I love it. I need it. I need mommy by my side, Mommy makes me happy. She helps me, even when there are evil monsters that are going to gobble me up. Then she says more gibberish, and the monster repeats back. I warn Mommy. “No, monster is going to eat you Mommy! Run!” But she only looks at me and smiles. Good she took my warning. But then she keeps talking in this wierd gibberish again, and the monster responds in a high voice. After even more gibberish, the monster goes on the ground, and lets out a mighty roar in pain. Whatever she did hurt the monster! I can see small tears of pain in it’s eyes. I laugh and cheer, seeing the downfall of the monster. But Mommy only sighs and shakes her head. The beast gets up again, and stops his howls of pain. That monster is strong! Why won’t it go away?

Suddenly, my tummy hurts and feels really empty. It hurts really bad! I signal in the only way I know how, and I release a loud wail. At first, Mommy looks sad and a bit angry, so I rub my empty belly to help her understand. She nods, and puts me on her big back. It raises and lowers like a warm bath, and I find this weird coloured string thing. I sometimes see it on Mommy, but this is much bigger. What is it? I realize that I could taste it to see. I crawl up her back and take a bit of the mane in my mouth, beginning to suck.Woah, this is weird, it is smooth, and yet is splits into tiny strand thingies.

That is when everything starts to move, the back I am on goes up and down slowly, and the weird wooden thing opens. This is a very big room. The ceiling is really high, and it looks blue and white with cool puffy thingies. So much new things, I can’t take all of it in.

I then began to stroke the small bundle in my hooves, and i realize how nice and soft it is. I complement Mommy on her really nice hair, and she turns to me. I smile, I love Mommy. She is the one I will always love. I remember when there was that pink thing, it looked like Mommy, and it was always smiling. I like smiles, but still, she put itchy white things on me, and she gave me good white stuff, like Mommy. But I knew she wasn’t Mommy, she was somepony else. The brown one and the orange one liked the pink thing. They said she was fun and nice. I understood, but she still wasn’t Mommy, nopony will ever be Mommy except Mommy. Oddly enough, the orange one called for Mommy too. Mommy is everypony’s Mommy. Because why else would they call her by her name. But, I heard Pinkie call Mommy “Wiwight” or something. Maybe “Wiwight” means Mommy in their weird gibberish? I don’t know, but I don’t care, Mommy is Mommy. But when I pointed to Mommy when The orange pony said it, she said that wasn’t Mommy. Then who was Mommy? Is Mommy called Mommy? The world is so confusing. But still, Mommy’s hair is really soft and comfy, but there is so little. I bite on Mommy’s mane and pull more, smiling when I have enough to play with. Unfortunatly, Mommy urns back to me, and shouts in pain. Why Mommy hurt? Mommy shook her head and pointed at the hair. Did pulling hair hurt? I guess it did.

Now I’m sad because I hurt Mommy, I’m so sad that I start to cry, not that I wanted Mommy’s hair, but because I was sorry, I tried to tell her, but she only said some weird thing in gibberish again. Why does Mommy have to speak gibberish all the time? Can’t she just talk to me for once? I cry, and cry, until she picks me up and I feel that happy feeling again. I want to be with Mommy, I love Mommy, and I need her. She will always be Mommy, no matter what anypony says. Mommy is Mommy, not some other weird pony. Mommy is Mommy of everypony, and I relish her infinite wisdom. I love Mommy most of all, more than any of the other fillies who call somepony else Mommy. I know who is Mommy. Not anypony else. Mommy is not blue or brown or pink or yellow or white. Mommy is purple, Mommy is nice, and I know that is her real name. Mommy.

I smile and look up at Mommy. I wave my soft thingies at her, I want to touch her, feel her, I want to feel the pure joy spread through me again. I giggle, and she puts me on her back, right next to her soft and nice mane. I want to be with her my whole life. Sometimes, I see Mommy open these big white things with gibberish written on them. She likes them, alot. And they can help her use her pointy. I want to use my pointy a lot, just like Mommy. I don’t want flappies, pointies are much cooler. I can use my pointy to make the world spin around me and come to life. With my pointy, I can be just like Mommy. With my pointy, I can be Mommy, I can do anything, and I don’t care if anypony says Mommy is not the Mommy I know, because I know Mommy. And I love her, I need her every second of every day. I feel like I have nothing, no matter where I am, or what I do. I feel like only half of myself when I am without her.

Whenever I see her, happiness fills my day, and when I feel her, I feel all of my senses melt with raw pleasure. I need her. I love her. I want her. She is Mommy, and I am me. I need her no matter what. I want to constantly touch her and feel her. I can barely remember from before, after all, all I remember before waking up in the room, with Mommy next to me. The only thing I know besides now, is a small her talking to me, her head is big, and her body is smaller, her gibberish sounds much higher, and she is giving me a tiny paper thing. But it was all cold, it was all nothing. I couldn’t move or tell her how much I love her. I only have that memory for a few seconds when I dream, but it is really scary. Whatever was before, I never want it again. Ever.

Comments ( 95 )

Mother of Luna, this was magnificent. Update tomorrow.

SO...CUTE!!!! and slightly sad. She remembers being a doll.

That chapter was adorable, and Twilight will make a good mother for Smarty.

... Oh dear... If Twilight ever figures out a spell to change her back... Celestia and Luna help her...

Very nice PoV how Smarty sees the world.
Keep up the good work.

That must have been hard to write.

The past two chapters were actually enjoyable to read, especially this one :twilightsmile:

2537329 she won't use it... she better not use it. EVER!!!

:applecry: That is all.........................................sniffles............


That was a great stream of conciousness chapter. :twilightsmile: Wiwight is a good mommy. :twilightsmile:

I like being able to see the world in a infant's eyes

chapter 3 and this chapter is what critisism is used for the quality is definitly better than the lost chapter
im also glad that you stoped using words like piss or s*!t. i personaly found them to be quite jarring and out of place you could probably get away with it if it was rainbow dash that was saying it

but a good story i will contiue to read it as it grows

OMG! She has a memory from when Twilight was a foal and she was but a doll.

Ahhhhh! I got da feelz!

From here on out, I have no pity for anything that tries to turn Smarty back into a doll. May heaven have mercy on their souls, for Twilight will have none.


"Rugrats the pony edition" is what is going in my mind after i read this chapter. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

All the d'awwws! :yay:

Ooh, this was a great chapter, Celestia and Luna help you if you end the chapter with Twilight turning Smarty Pants back into a doll!:flutterrage: Please don't let it end like that.:raritydespair:

Oh dear...Smarty really is a little girl now...and needs to stay that way...
However, I am left with one major question. Who is Smarty's father? Does she have one? Or is it entirely Twilight's DNA that made her?
If she has no father, who is going to help Twilight raise Smarty? She's not ready to be a single parent.

This chapter was painful to read. But really, only because its supposed to be in the point of view of a foal.


Hmm, I think there's a lingering presence of the "need it-want it" spell, going by Smarty's reactions to Twilight.
Welcome to parenthood, Twilight. You'll be asking for advice. Lots of it. :eeyup:


1. Last chapter explained this. Smarty used Pumpkin as a body template (This is why she is a foal and unicorn) and Twilight as a genetic donor. (Why she has the same diseases that Twi did when she was young

Who says she needs someone to act as a father? she has five friends. Two of which have young siblings, one who watches small creatures all the time and once who watches foal very often.

Because Shining needs somepony to take a baseball bat to for making his LSBFF an unwed mother, duh.


Then from how this story has been going it seems like you're outta luck. sorry.

It's only a fragment, like a tiny snippet of a memory people have from when they're a baby. Smarty doesn't fully remember, she only remembers a second or two. Oh, also, the subject of the spell gains an incredible emotional attachment to the first living thing they see. Much like a baby with their mother's milk. Smarty pants feels an incredible emotional attachment to Twi. This will be explained in a later chapter.

nope, pretty much a genetic copy of Twi. There are a few variations, but no father.

I am really tired. I wrote two chapters for you guys so you'd have more to read. Sorry bout the delay. :twilightsmile:

Hi, I just wanted to know something, why did you take the Rarity part out, before you answer that I think I know, Rarity was out of charecter and you didn't like that part. I liked that part though, and I have it arcived on my ipod that I read it on. I posted it on a blog. I hope you don't mind, I can delete it if you do. I gave you all the credit. This blog is just for people who might want to read the Rarity part. I know I enjoyed it, it had good comedy in it to, like the s*it storm part. I loved it. Keep up the good work, and I love this story. :twilightsmile:

PS: 2539037 I forgot to post the link to the blog, here it is. LINK!

Very good job on this.
The world of children, such a beautiful and simple world.

If twilight turns her back... I hope she gets consumed by 'the beast' (the one from the story Latias' Journey) along with the other quadrillion souls.

so CUTE!!:rainbowkiss::heart:

I made the mistake of coming here whilst listening to very sad music... Damn that was a bad Idea

:applecry::fluttercry: that is adorable and butiflu dude and If celstia say turn the foal back into a toy I will rip her hart out threw her eyes:pinkiecrazy:

And about five minutes after Twilight uses the lactation spell to feed Smarty the 'Natural' way, she's going to discover that little baby ponies head-but while they're drinking if they're not getting enough milk. (ah, the joys of growing up on a farm, all the things we learn)

I predict less than a day before she's screaming for Twilight Velvet to come over and help.

Has Twilight used the lactation spell yet?
If she aint then Smarty is a very very hungry little foal ... :pinkiegasp:

This was just plain adorable :twilightsmile:

I made the correct choice of listening to Ludovico Einaudi's Oltermare. Whimsical up to the last 30 seconds ( the last paragraph). Then deeply sad, somber even. Great chapter.

You better not change Smarty back. Please?

Fun Fact: This chapter contains 68 uses of the word mommy

It's from the perspective of a baby Smarty doesn't know any words pretty much besides "mommy"

2542703 hey if he does we can hunt him down and brake his shins.:pinkiecrazy:

2543640 And his legs . :pinkiecrazy:

I expect to see mommy sleeping

Should be "Mommy" to be consistent with the usage afterwards

but instead is a monster

instead there(?) is

In desperation, a start to cry to try to help mommy find me

I start / (three tos - should be reworded) / Mommy

I feel her warm,

warmth or e.g. warm body

Mommy shook her head and pointed at the hair.

shakes / points (the rest is all present tense, too)

I love her, and I

(double blank after the comma)

a warm feeling shoots up me

shoots up inside of me?

with the monster and, lucky, Mommy. Maybe

luckily / (double blank after the full stop)

weird thing beating past her coat

"past" sounds strange in my ears here. Maybe "under" or "beneath"?

I need mommy by my side


take a bit of the mane in my mouth

Where from does she suddenly know it's a mane? And if she just does, why did she not call it so before?

beginning to suck.Woah

(missing blank after the full stop)

Mommy when The orange


Why Mommy hurt

This sentence no verb. Before she could articulate in simple, but correct grammar. I'd add a "does" or something like that.

She likes them, alot.

a lot

I can barely remember from before, after all, all I remember before waking up in the room, with Mommy next to me.

(double blank after comma) / I would put a full stop between the "all"s. / The second part is incomplete. Either change it to "All I remember before waking up in the room is Mommy next to me." (or something along those lines) or "All I remember before waking up in the room, with Mommy next to me, is [add something here]"

This is just the stuff I found at around 1:30 am after a 13h workday, as a non-native speaker :derpytongue2:

I really do think you need an editor… :raritywink:

Thank you for the help!

WHOA! There will be no shin breaking! Please, I have very weak shins. :fluttercry:

What kinda ruffians are you?
Everyone knows you go for the knees and the shoulders. Then you take his liver and give him an injection of Alcohol so he can die slow though it would take a while(I think an hour), or you leave the liver and just break the knees in such a way to cut off return blood flow(or just tie off the femoral arteries). That should kill him in a few minutes.
Hopefully an FBI agent now has to read this.

Bennet the Sage... is that you? :rainbowhuh:

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