• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 19,605 Views, 724 Comments

Embracing the Darkness - BlueAzura

Twilight Sparkle is left with a scar that will permanently change the rest of her natural born life.

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Chapter 3

*I own nothing, but the experience and story*

*Ponies go to Hasbro*

Embracing the Darkness

By: BlueAzura

Chapter 3

By the time the group of newfound friends finally reached the town hall, the crowd was already making quite a ruckus. It wasn’t often a royal announcement meeting was called and everypony was eager to hear what the princess had to say. Twilight and her new found friends decided to huddle in the back, so as to avoid being separated.

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack cried out, as she almost tripped over a filly. “Whew! I reckon that the whole town is here by now.”

“Looks like it.” Twilight replied, eyeing the surrounding area.

“Yeah! It’s like a super-duper awesome fabu-tastic party!” The pink party pony cried out, dancing around in excitement.

“Oh my… there are so many ponies around… I’m starting to feel a little scared…” The butter cream Pegasus squeaked, trying to hide behind the braver Pegasus.

“I must agree, Fluttershy… With so many ponies milling about, there’re kicking up so much of that dreadful dirt!” The snow white unicorn cried out, trying to avoid as much dirt as she could possibly can.

“Man! When is the Princess getting here anyways?” The cyan Pegasus huffed, oblivious to the patches of dirt forming on her body. “I’m starting to feel so booooored!”

“Ah hold onto your apples yah jittery varmint.” The work-horse jokingly scoffed, turning her attention back to the lavender unicorn. “Hey, Twilight… You ok there?”

Twilight jumped at the sudden attention, blushing slightly. “Y-yeah everything’s fine…” Seeing that she wasn’t convincing anypony, she groaned. “I just have this bad feeling in the back of my mind is all…”

Before anypony else was able to say anything however, the crowd’s noise suddenly died down with the appearance of a brown mare. The Mayor briskly trotted to the podium, with an air of controlled urgency. Upon reaching it, she stood up onto her hind legs and faced the gathered crowd.

Mayor Mare cleared her throat and began speaking in a loud, carrying voice. “Good afternoon, everypony! It’s good to see that you have all arrived to witness your Princess of the Sun, deliver a message for us!” Amidst the cheering, she glanced up and saw a silhouette of a carriage, growing larger as it got closer. “Alright, everypony, let’s give our Princess our warmest welcome yet!”

The crowd redoubled their cheering, stomping their hooves as the gilded carriage came into view. It smoothly landed from just a few feet away from the elevated podium. Amongst the cheering and hoof stomping, Twilight’s heart soared. ‘Princess Celestia!’ In that instant, she once again felt safe from all the troubles in the world.

It was not to last, as Twilight gazed at the carriage, her warm smile slowly faded away. The Pegasus pulling the chariot was not the tall, strong, and proud equestrian guards of the sun. No, in fact, they were almost entirely different. The guards are indeed tall and strong, however everything else has changed. Their coat, instead of a pristine white sheen, was a dark gray smug. Their wings, which were supposed to be soft and feathery, were instead strange, black, leathery, draconic wings.

Twilight turned her attention to the large carriage that they were pulling. The linings, which she previously thought were gold, were instead silver, giving it a more menacing look. Each hub on the wheels had a large metal spike, protruding off to the side. The unicorn was certain that if anypony was foolish enough to go near those spikes while they were in motion, would surely skewer themselves. She moved her gaze back to the guards, as they began shifting.

Sickly yellow eyes glared into the quieting crowd, as one of the guards spoke in a deep gruff voice. “We have arrived, my Queen.”

“Very well…” An all too familiar voice oozed out from the depths, the door on the carriage opening. The crowd drew a collective gasp, as Nightmare Moon stepped out, gazing into the crowd with a cold glare. She slowly made her way to the podium, where the terrified mayor trembled and upon reaching it, she spoke. “Madam Mayor, thank you for having the townspony gathered here and to warmly welcome their new leader.” She finished, staring at the frighten mare with her draconic eyes.

“O-oh! I-It was no p-problem, P-princess!” Mayor Mare sputtered, slowly backing away, with her head low to the ground. “I hope that you can f-forgive us for not preparing for your arrival sooner.”

The goddess of the night gave a small nod at the mare, before turning her attention back to the crowd. “Citizen of Ponyville! As you may have guessed, Equestria’s seat of power has been shifted.” Nightmare gave a small smirk, as she continued. “From this day forth, I… Nightmare Moon, shall forever be your new queen and leader!”

The crowd was stunned into silence, as they slowly took in the horrible news. Then all at once, the ponies began muttering to one another, some were even coming close to panicking (“The horror, the horror!”). The alicorn paid no heed to them as she eyed the crowd, trying to see if anypony will dare rebel against her. Her eyes paused when they landed on a familiar looking group, but more importantly, a familiar looking unicorn.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Celestia’s little special task force…” The crowd immediately quieted. “Here to pledge your loyalty to your new queen?” Nightmare Moon slowly trotted to the six ponies, as the crowd slowly parted away from the goddess. “Or are you here to try to rebel against me once more?”

“That’s right, you big jerk!” The hot-headed Pegasus blurted out. “Because we have the just the thing that can stop you now!”

Nightmare ignored the loud gasps around her as her eyes narrowed. “Oh, really? Pray tell, what can you possibly have, that can stop an immortal goddess?” The alicorn’s eyes suddenly widen as she spotted the necklaces. “No… It can’t be!” ‘I thought I smashed those accursed elements…

“Oh, but it is, Nightmare Moon!” Twilight spoke, striking a heroic pose with her friends. “Behold! The one thing that will truly stop you… The Elements of Harmony!”

The entire crowd, as well as Nightmare Moon, took a step back as the six ponies began glowing. They slowly rose a few feet into the air, as the necklaces began glowing in their respective colors. The glow around them grew, until it became a solid orb of white light. Light rippled across the sky, as the magic grew stronger and stronger with each passing second.

Twilight took in the scene before her. ‘We’re doing it! We’re really harnessing the powers of harmony!’ She gazed into Nightmare Moon’s face, seeing a look of surprise and a small hint of fear, she gave a smug grin. ‘Looks like this is the end for you Nightmar-


The entire orb flickered and Twilight briefly shook her head. ‘Ugh… W-what was that?’ Her eyes flicked around and once again, made contact with Nightmare’s turquoise eyes. ‘Is she using some sort of spell?


Thin cracks started to form on the outside of the orb, spreading across in a spider-web effect.


Twilight gripped her chest, trying, in vain, to stop the overwhelming pain that she suddenly felt. Her breath became shallow, as she felt her magic slowly fade away.


Ah… What’s happening to me?’ Her mind gasped, trying to drown out the dreadful noise in her ears.


Twilight’s train of thought was quickly wiped away, only to have it replaced with an overwhelming urge to… protect Nightmare Moon? The orb of light suddenly exploded, sending a spectacular array of light into the night sky. As soon as the final rays of light dissipated into the darkness, it became deathly quiet.

“Ugh… What happened?” Twilight slowly sat up while rubbing the side of her head with a hoof. The unicorn froze, as her eyes slowly rose up to see a large dark alicorn standing before them, completely unharmed. She quickly found her voice. “N-no! What happen to the elements?” ‘Why didn’t they work?!

Nightmare Moon let out a booming laugh. “HA HA HA HA HA! Now do you see, you foals?! Even with the Elements of Harmony, you still failed to thwart me and my power!” She continued laughing, as the surrounding crowd faces fell, their one chance of salvation… gone. 'That was close...' Nightmare’s laughter died out, as the nightmarish guards began to flank both sides of their leader.

“My Queen! Do you wish to execute these rebels, for defying you and your order?” Nightmare’s cool gaze watched the shivering group in front of her, deep in thought. ‘Good, Twilight’s transformation is already taking its effects on her.’ Her smirk reformed on her face. ‘She’ll make a fine addition to my ranks…

“My Queen?”

“Humm?” Nightmare turned to the guard. “What is it?”

“Umm… your orders, your majesty?”

“Ah… yes…” The goddess turned her attention back to the group. “I believe attacking royalty falls in the lines of life in prison or the death penalty.” Nightmare Moon stood silently as she watched the ponies break down in despair. ‘What to do… What to do…

“No! Who will take care of Sweetie Belle when I’m gone?!” The white unicorn cried out, tears running down her face.

“Big Mac can’t run the farm without me!” The farm-pony moped, her hat covering her face as tears fell to the ground. “My whole farm and livelihood will be ruined!”

“I can’t go now! I haven’t even pulled off my greatest stunt yet!” The speedster punched the ground in miserable defeat.

“You mean I won’t be throwing anymore parties?” The pink pony asked. Her poofy mane collapsed into long straight follicles, as tears started to form. “Who will take over in bringing happiness to everypony?”

“Who’s going to take care of Angel and the rest of the animals when I’m g-gone?” The timid Pegasus cried in despair. “I…I can’t g-go now…They n-need m-m-me.”

Twilight didn’t say anything, in fact, she couldn’t say anything. In her mind, she felt nothing but guilt. ‘I was the one that dragged them all into this… It’s my fault that this happened…’ She stood up, determination fixed on her face. ‘No! I’m not going to let this happen!’ Twilight purposely made her way to face Nightmare Moon, her friends watching her with wide eyes.

“Ah! If it isn’t, Twilight Sparkle… Anymore tricks you wish to play on your queen? I must admit, your attempts to defeat me, has been amusing to watch.” The alicorn’s smirk returned.

“Not this time, Nightmare Moon. If you’re plan on punishing us, put the blame all on me and leave my friends out of this.” Twilight stood tall, while ignoring the cries from her friends behind her. “I brought them into the forest and was responsible for them openly attacking you.” She lowered her head in submission. “Please… Please just take me and leave my friends alone.”

The goddess mentally rolled her eyes. ‘You’re already mine, Twilight… Although…’ She gazed at the ponies, who were too busy trying to convince Twilight to rethink her decision, in deep thought. ‘She is still changing and still too weak to serve me properly…’ Nightmare then suddenly thought. ‘Ah-Ha! That’s it! That’s what I’ll do…’ She took a step forward, which made the noisy ponies quiet immediately. “It’s seems that you are willing to hoof over your own life for the sake of others.” She slowly walked in a small circle, around the unicorn. “I wonder… are you willing to hoof over your freewill for the sake of your friends as well?”

Twilight looked up, tears running down her face. “I will do anything for my friends.”

Nightmare stopped and faced the unicorn closely. “Even renouncing everything that has to do with my sister?”

Twilight flinched. Princess Celestia meant everything to her. From the day she took her in as her protégé, to the days when she injured herself with a blotched spell, all the way to day where she sent her to that fateful night at the old castle, Twilight was always comforted by her teacher and lack for a better term, a second mother.

The thing Nightmare had asked her to do was a difficult choice, but she looked back into the faces of the ponies who just became her friends and she knew. ‘I can’t abandon them now… not even for you Princess… I’m sorry’ “Y-y-yes… I will renounce even Princess C-celestia if I have to…”

Good…’ “Very well then…” The goddess glanced back toward to group behind the unicorn. “Be grateful that your friend here is willing to take your places… You are free to go now…” She turned her attention to the crowd at large. “Let it be known that even your queen can show mercy to her subjects, if they remain loyal to me that is…” She looked back down at her prize. “Kneel.” Twilight quickly dipped her head low to the ground, fearing that Nightmare Moon might change her mind. “Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby sentenced to serve under my rule for the rest of eternity. Any orders you receive from me must be followed without question. Failure to do so will cause you to be punished… severely. Do you accept these terms?”

“I…I accept your terms, Nightmare Moon.” Twilight felt horrible, she just betrayed Celestia and her ponies to the eternal night. However, she felt a glimmer of hope. ‘At least my friends are safe from having to go through what I’m going through…

Nightmare Moon gave a curt nod. “Very well then… Rise, Twilight Sparkle.” She waited until the unicorn was on her hooves. “As your first order from me, you will kill everypony that is attending here…”

W-WHAT?!” Twilight couldn’t believe what she just heard. The crowd immediately took another step back, fear slowly seeping into their eyes. “I can’t possibly do that!”

Nightmare’s eyes narrowed. “I was under the impression that you will follow my orders without question…”

Twilight gulped, as she gazed into the crowd. Wherever she looked, the ponies immediately cowered in fear, covering their faces in the hopes to be spared. Even her friends took an uneasy step away, much to her dismay. She sighed. “I’m sorry, Nightmare Moon… But, I just can’t possibly do this…” The entire crowd let out a sigh of relief.

“Humm…It appears you require training if you truly wish to serve me…” Nightmare Moon began moving towards the carriage. “You will accommodate me to the castle, gather whatever you require and meet me here.” She looked over her shoulder. “You have one hour…”

The goddess of the night slowly made her way towards her carriage, deep in thought. 'It seems I must be careful with that girl, now that she controls the Elements of Harmony...' Her face turned into a scowl. 'I never thought I'll see those blasted elements again...' She closed her eyes softly. 'It's a good thing I was able to claim her before it was too late.' She gave a small smile at the thought. 'Once again sister, you have underestimated me. Now... I can never be harmed by the elements ever again!'

Nightmare continued to make her way towards her transportation, while one of her guards leaned in. “My Queen, permission to speak freely?”

“Yes Shadow, What is it?”

“I was just wondering… Were you truly expecting that unicorn to go on a mass killing-spree with the townsfolk?” Shadow flinched slightly, when Nightmare turned her head in his direction.

“No, I knew she will never do such a thing.”

The guard pony blinked. “Then may I ask… why did you give the order if you knew?”

The alicorn was silent, as she eyed the ponies around her fleeing back to their homes. Upon reaching the carriage, she spoke in a low voice. “Because she must understand that there will be a time, where I will give another impossible command... she must follow it.” She slowly entered the carriage. “For the sake of the night, for the sake of Equestria, for the sake of all living things in this world, she must. not. fail.” Nightmare Moon closed her eyes, suddenly feeling a million years older. 'Or we are all doomed.'