• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 26,756 Views, 1,554 Comments

All Hail The Dark Lord - RainbowBob

Darth Vader, one of the most insidious villains in the entire galaxy, ends up in Equestria of all places. With no support from the Empire, this Sith Lord needs to find a way off the planet. Or he could take over it. Either one works.

  • ...

Chapter 10: A New Dawn

“Princess, is something wrong?”

Celestia blinked, having lost herself once more in her thoughts, and sleep. Being jostled awake at three in the morning for an emergency in Ponyville tends to leave her not in the best of minds. Yawning wide in a very unprincess like manner, she smacked her lips together and struggled to keep her eyes open. “No... well, at least not yet, Captain. It’s just that the current circumstances have left me at a loss.”

The captain nodded, keeping a level gaze at the town their chariot was rapidly approaching in the distance. “Reports say that a mysterious unknown flying object landed in the Everfree Forest, right outside town. It was during your sister’s ceremony when the crash took place.”

“Any word on what exactly the object looked like?” Celestia asked, rubbing the back of her hooves against her closed eyelids.

“Negative,” the captain answered. “The best we could gather was that it was on fire when it was flying through the sky.”

“Usually a good sign it just pushed through the upper atmosphere,” Celestia noted. Sighing, she stretched her neck up to stare at the starry sky. “I swear, if I got pulled from my bed over some meteor...”

“That would be a meteorite... your majesty,” the captain corrected. “And there’s still the other report.”

“Of the space creature, right?” Celestia asked, rubbing her temple with a hoof slightly. “My sister’s message wasn’t very detailed. Do we have any specifics on what this ‘creature’ is?”

“From what we’ve gathered, it is definitely not equine in nature. Bipedal, and very tall. Very similar to a minotaur, in fact,” the captain said. “Except no horns.”

“Anything else important I should know before I meet him… her… it?” Celestia asked, dread dripping from her words.

“It’s a ‘he’, your majesty. And there’s been several reports of him being… rude.”

Celestia’s ear perked up. “Rude?”

The captain shrugged. “He’s been noted as being slightly aggressive. Regards ponies as beneath himself. Even destroyed a civilian’s camera.”

“Okay, not the worst I’ve dealt wi–”

Before another word could leave her lips, a spark of fire that turned to a jet of bright green flames appeared before her, dispensing a scroll before sparking out. Perplexed, she opened up the scroll with her magic to read from its contents.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I just sent this scroll over from Ponyville as an emergency heads-ups to the being known as Vader upon your arrival. Known facts about him are that he killed a pack of wild manticores that were near the site of the crash, with the deaths being those of cauterized wounds. A disturbance seems to follow him, such as the temperature dropping when he speaks and darkness spreading where he moves. Another point to make is that he has some form of magical prowess, with apparent skills in telekinesis. What other magical abilities he possesses are still unknown.

It is unknown if he is a threat at the moment. Other than his attitude, he hasn't harmed me or anypony else in the time he's been here. He simply may have alien customs that seem unusual to our viewpoint. I am positive you will hold your judgement of him until you actually speak and get to know him.

Your ever faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

PS: He wears all black with a creepy cape, so he does appear similar to a cliché movie villain. Just thought that'd be a good warning.

Celestia’s eyes widened. The captain raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side as he stared at Celestia intently. "Something wrong, your majesty?"

Folding the letter back up, all traces of exhaustion left her expression. Instead, only a frown creased her lips.

"Captain, I want the chariot to move on the double. Now," she ordered, not bothering to look at him. Instead, her gaze was focused solely on the town in the distance.

And at what could be the newest threat to Equestria for her to face.

"There, Dash, the letter has been sent," Twilight told her friend upon her return, moving to sit next to her.

Rainbow Dash nodded her head thankfully, scooting over on the bench, giving Twilight space to sit. The slight movement made her groan, so she readjusted the ice pack held close to her head.

"Thanks, Twi," she muttered. "Hope it helps the princess out."

Twilight shrugged. "I don't know why. It was a hastily sent warning that I had to wake up Spike for to send. By the way, you're making it up to him for disturbing his bedtime, not me."

"Whatever. As long as Princess Celestia knows what she's dealing with, we have a better chance."

"At what?" Twilight asked, yawning in exasperation at too much excitement in the past few hours and too little sleep.

"Duh! Vader!" Dash yelled, waving her hoof up high and wincing at another spike of pain in her head. "If anyone can take him on, it's the princess!"

"You're still going at it with hating him, aren't you?" Twilight stated, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

Rainbow stared at Twilight with an exasperated expression. "He slapped me, then threw me just because I was too slow. And that's just the beginning of it!"

"It could have been him helping to prevent you from falling asleep when you have a concussion," Twilight suggested.

Dash scowled. "Don't defend him, Twilight. You barely know him! And from what we do know, he's a murdering, good-for-nothing monster that's rude all the time and creeps everyone out!"

"I know, I know." Twilight groaned and laid her head back on the bench, rubbing her brow with a hoof. "It's just... complicated, okay?"

"Complicated?" Dash blurted loudly, catching the attention of some of the nearby crowd. Shrinking under their gaze, Dash held a hoof up to the side of her mouth to whisper, "What's so complicated about some alien freak being a jerk to the rest of us?"

"Because I'm a princess!" Twilight replied back sharply, looking Dash in the eye. “I wish it was simple, but it isn’t! I’m responsible for an entire nation now. Which includes an alien at the moment.”

“So what? Lock him up in jail for all I care.”

Twilight facehoofed, glaring at Dash to the side. “Then what? Have his entire species invade our planet and destroy it? Maybe even enslave us? Or better yet, he’d probably use some advanced technology to incinerate the lot of us to dust? Or better yet, magical powers that turn us inside out? You said it yourself, Dash. We know nothing about this guy and even less about what he is capable of. Do you really want to find out?”

Twilight took in a deep breath and sighed, staring at Dash with a hazed over look. “I’m sorry, Dash, but in a situation like this I can’t jump to conclusions or take sides. I have to remain neutral. As a part of the Equestrian government, my actions affect all the ponies that live here. Which is why I’ll keep my misgivings of Vader to myself and not voice them. If I do that, I could harm all of Equestria with my actions.”

An awkward silence descended upon the pair, disturbed by the muffled sounds from the crowd. In fact, the crowd grew louder, until a loud cheer of approval was voiced by the masses.

“Is the princess here?” Dash asked, peering past the crowd to see what all the excitement was about.

Twilight felt a cold shudder pass through her spine, followed by a strange tingling in her horn. “No... it’s Vader.”

“Hey, Shy.” Applejack nudged her friend, who had momentarily fallen asleep while walking. Blinking her tired eyes awake, Fluttershy yawned as she leaned against her friend. “We’re in Ponyville now.”

“Oh, that’s great,” she muttered, glancing to the side at the familiar buildings that made up the entrance of the town. “Is Vader still here?”

“Yeah, ain’t too hard to miss him,” Applejack said, gesturing towards the tall, imposing dark lord only a few yards in the distance. Upon entering town, he had created a hubbub, though that could also be attested to the large spacecraft floating next to him. She was still surprised it didn’t fall apart on the trip back.

Reporters flocked closer to Vader, only to be held back by a barricade of guard ponies. They lined both sides of the street, made up of unicorns wielding intimidating spears. The lot of them glared at Vader as he strided by, with a few even casting him a fearful gaze.

Vader didn’t care what they thought of him. Whether they feared him, mistrusted him, hated him, it didn’t matter. He felt their emotions through the Force and that was all he had to know. That they were weak, just like all the other creatures on this planet.

He felt the hot ball of hatred in his heart grow stronger the more he sensed their emotions. The excitement of the crowd, the misgivings of Applejack and Fluttershy behind him, and now the anxiousness of two others he identified as Rainbow Dash and Twilight in the distance. It sickened him to his very being to be in the presence of such weak-willed individuals.

The urge to wipe out the entire lot of them was a great desire that was further fed by the compulsion of the dark side. But he beat it down and controlled it. Like Darth Sidious taught him, the dark side does not control a dark lord. The dark lord bent the dark side to his will, the power being his to control and his to command over all others.

Arriving at the center of town hall, Vader set his ship down, the exhaustion already seeping into his body. While his endurance was greater than most others because of his cybernetic enhancements and strength through the Force, after his days on end hunt for that Jedi rebel, he was near the end of his rope.

Panting through the breathalyzer on his mask, he glared at the crowd eagerly snapping photos of him. His hand gripped hard into a fist. Shoving one of those cameras through the user’s skull would be such a fulfilling action right about now.

Unfortunately, his mental image was broken by Twilight trotting hurriedly towards him, bags hanging under her eyes and her mane disheveled. “Vader, Vader, you’re finally here!” she said with as much cheer as she could muster so early in the morning without sleep. “I have exciting news!”

He walked past her without a glance, his attention focused solely on the pile of parts near his ship. It looked like Monkey Wrench made good on his word and delivered the needed repairs for his ship. Vader knew he didn’t have time to waste having small talk with Twilight when he could be fixing his ticket off this planet.

“Did he just blow me over again?” Twilight asked to no one in particular as her jaw hung open.

“Seems like it.”

Twilight glanced to the side to see Applejack. Sighing in relief at the sight of her friend, Twilight wrapped her foreleg around Applejack’s neck, embracing her in a hug. “Oh, Applejack, I’m so glad you and Fluttershy arrived back here safe and sound!” Looking over her shoulder, Twilight asked, “Actually, where is Fluttershy?”

“Probably by the two sleeping beauties over there,” Dash said with a chuckle, joining the pair and pointing to the side of a building nearby. Both Rarity and Pinkie Pie leaned against it and each other, snoring as they stood on all fours. Fluttershy joined them at their hooves, curled up and as unconscious as them.

“Wow, I guess the night has gone on longer than I thought,” Twilight said, a faint smile on her face.

Dash nodded her head, glancing at Vader as he rooted through the parts for his ship. “So, Princess Celestia going to be here soon? I thought she’d be here before Vader.”

“The Princess will be here as soon as she can, Dash,” Twilight answered her with a frown.

Sensing the awkwardness between the two, Applejack coughed and scratched the back of her neck. “So, um, Dash, how was the trip back here? Bumpy?” she said with weak laugh.

Staring at Applejack unamused, Dash said, “Yeah, it was a blast. Especially the crashing part. So sad that you missed that.”

“Listen, I know that you’re pretty frustrated–”

“Frustrated?” Dash cut Applejack off, irritation masking her expression as both corners of her lips descended into a frown. “I’m more than frustrated when a psychopath flings me like a hoofball!”

“Now Dash, calm yer horses,” Applejack said, holding her hooves up defensibly to her peeved off friend. “Vader did save us from that manticore attack. You might wanna be a bit more thankful to him.”

“I don’t remember that. Besides, are you forgetting the entire throwing thing that happened not too long ago?”

Applejack groaned under her breath and looked at Twilight for support. Twilight just shrugged, avoiding eye contact with the two as she instead focused her gaze on the skies, anxious for Celesta’s arrival.

Applejack gritted her teeth and glanced off to the side at where Vader was at, his back–but certainly not his attention–turned to them.

“Listen, just keep your trap shut near the guy… alien, whatever he is,” Applejack whispered to Rainbow, her voice clearly heard by Vader’s cybernetically enhanced hearing. “He ain’t got the best patience or temper. He could blow a gasket, and I just don’t want ya to be in the middle of that. Or the cause of it.”

“Just stop being worried with me already,” Dash said, huffing in annoyance. “You’re like my marefriend or something.”

Applejack’s face went red, and before the flustered mare could reply, Twilight eagerly shouted, “Princess Celestia is here!”

“Finally!” Rainbow Dash flapped higher off the ground, peering to the skies to catch a glance of the princess. “Took her long enough to arrive.”

“Now, Rainbow Dash, don’t complain about the princess. She’s a busy pony,” Twilight reminded her, making out the vague shape of Celestia’s chariot in the dim light of the sky.

“Probably a really angry one as well, seein’ how she just got woken up so early in the mornin’,” Applejack added on.

Dash scratched her head. “Isn’t she a morning pony, seeing how she’s the princess of the sun and all that?”

“Just because my sister raises the sun, doesn’t mean she enjoys waking up to do it,” Luna said behind the trio, smiling as all three looked back in surprise.

“Oh, Princess, we... were… um…” Twilight nervously coughed, smoothing down her frazzled mane. “Discussing."

"We'll be able to discuss further once my sister arrives," Luna said, casting a wary eye on Vader to the side.

The Dark Lord of the Sith continued his shifting through the piles of parts, methodically placing which could be useful and what was scrap. His hopes for a full repair job degraded with each passing second. Most of what was useful could only be applied as touch up repairs, which was hardly helpful for the more serious interior damage to the ship. And if the hyper-drive was damaged along with the engines, he was doomed to remain on the planet for who knows how long.

Though there was still the final option for rescue. There was still the slim chance the communicator on the ship was in working condition. If he was to get a clear enough signal, he could send a distress message right to the Empire.

But then what? Have the Galactic Army trouble itself to save him, like an empty-headed Padawan that didn't have enough sense to not crash land onto an unmapped planet in the Unknown Region. To crawl, begging for help from his master was a greater loss of dignity than he could ever imagine.

And the Emperor would be sure to milk it for all it's worth. Sidious knew how to push him, pull him along his strings like a puppet and manipulate him to his will.

It didn't help that Vader knew he wasn't powerful enough to defeat him… yet. Palpatine always enjoyed to remind him where his place was in his Galactic Empire.

The thought of the Emperor sending a rescue squad for the incompetent dark lord was too hideous a thought for Vader to bear. That would remain a last ditch effort at the best. Only if his ship was beyond repair would he ever consider using the communicator.

In the meantime, he had pressing matters to concern himself with, such as the eldest princess finally arriving. He had sensed her hours before, out in the distance near the castle hanging along the mountainside. Though she was too far away to catch an appropriate judge of her power level, every second with these ponies granted him greater insight to how their version of the Force worked, and just how much power each of them possessed.

"So, think Celestia will throw tall, black and creepy over there in the dungeons?" Rainbow Dash asked Luna, Vader listening in on the conversation all the while.

"That will be up to my sister to decide," Luna answered, staring up to the violet tipped clouds as Celestia's chariot descended from the brightening sky. "But most likely no, if Vader isn't seen as too intimidating or threatening. She is a pony of fair trial, after all."

Before Dash could reply, Vader turned his hand into a fist. She suddenly felt her mind turn blank, words and even regular thought lost to her. This only passed by in a second, but it completely emptied her mind of what she was about to say next.

The tampering with a weaker-willed being's mind left plenty of benefits to work with.

Looking at Dash's hanging mouth and blank face with a raised eyebrow, Twilight returned her attention back to Luna. "I must ask, princess, how were you able to send a message to your sister so soon? I didn't even see you write anything."

Luna winked at Twilight. "Family secret."

"And since you're a princess as well now, you count as family," a mysterious voice whispered in Twilight's mind.

Twilight looked around in confusion, wondering where that voice came from. Applejack nudged Twilight's shoulder and asked," Hey, Twi, what's the matter?"

Locking her gaze back to Luna, who did another sly wink at Twilight, she said, "Um, nothing, Applejack. Just..."

"Say you'll accompany me to welcome Celestia."

"I'll accompany Luna to welcome Celestia," she said automatically, like reading from a script.

Applejack nodded, still unsure at Twilight and Dash’s strangeness, but too exhausted to really think much of it.

Walking away by Luna’s side to the circle of guards awaiting Celestia’s chariot, Twilight whispered to the princess, “What exactly was that?”

“Telepathy,” Luna replied, a faint smile tugging at her lips. “One of the harder skills of magic to master.”

“But doesn’t telepathy just result in random thoughts and mental projections being transmitted over brain waves that often leaves the sender and receiver listening to incoherent mumbling and eventual insanity due to repeated use?” Twilight stated quickly, drawing in a breath after her speech.

Staring at Twilight with wide eyes for a few seconds, Luna shook her head. “Well, um, kind of. Celestia and I know of a way that allows telepathic communication without those negative effects. She was going to teach you the trick eventually, but I think now is as good a time as ever for a practice session.”

“Does this mean I’ll be able to transmit entire thoughts and messages through the power of magic?” Twilight asked excitedly, an ever eager grin sprouting on her face.

“Um… not really,” Luna replied, crushing Twilight’s hopeful smile. Holding a hoof up to calm her down, Luna said, “I mean, at first. The thing about telepathy is that it’s rather… tricky. Really, it’s best used at close range. That makes communing complete thoughts easier. The farther someone is from your location, the harder it is to get a clear message through.”

“So you weren’t able to chat with Celestia long?”

“I sent a simple message awakening my sister and calling urgently for her presence in Ponyville.” Luna chuckled when the chariot landed, Celestia already on the ground before the chariot. “Celestia is a bit empty-headed in the mornings, so I had to send several messages just to wake her up. Not really surprised the guards are all over the place before she’s arrived.”

“Gossiping about me again, eh Luna? Just like old times.”

“Indeed, dear sister,” Luna said, her smile growing wider as Celestia made her way through the circle of guards towards them. The princess wasn’t taking many chances with Vader nearby it seemed, an entire platoon of royal guards accompanying her by her side. “Twilight is just beginning her telepathy lessons, if you don’t mind.”

Of course not. Though we might raise some suspicion if we stand around thinking to each other.” Celestia walked over to Luna first and hugged her sister with one foreleg wrapped around her back, doing the same for Twilight. “I’m glad to finally have arrived here,” Celestia said to the pair, flashing that royal smile that made thousands swoon in her favor. “I hope that I haven’t missed much.”

“Other than an alien crashing in our backyard, not much,” Twilight laughed, both Celestia and Luna joining in.

Ending her laughter in quiet giggles, Celestia sighed and said, “Well, I’ll just meet this ‘alien’ myself, I suppose. And thanks for the memo, Twilight.” Celestia inspected the crowd of her cheering citizens and the line of guards ponies keeping them in check. “Where is he, by the way?”

“Oh, right there by his spaceship and pile of parts he’s using to repair it,” Twilight said, pointing off to the side of the crowd where Vader was located.

“Oh, right…” Celestia muttered, wondering how she missed that. Making her way over to the ship, she finally caught sight of the creature that had caused her to be pulled away from her comfortable bed.

Standing up from his stooped over position at the parts pile, Vader turned with a sweep of his cape to see the so-called ‘Princess of the Sun.’ Like others of her kind, she resembled an equine creature, though she was much taller. Probably the tallest pony he’d seen so far, with the longest horn and wingspan as well. Much less cartoonish and ridiculous than the smaller versions of her species, she had a brilliant, white coat and a multispectral mane that closely resembled Luna’s in how it flowed in some non-existent breeze.

But what Vader truly noticed about her was the power. The Force resonated through her like a raging river, so strong it threatened to overflow everyone else around her. Impressive just by how awesome amount she possessed, Vader had to admit that she was definitely a worthy opponent.

“So, are you the one known as Lord Vader?” Celestia asked, showing off that immaculate grin of hers to the black-clad figure.

“That’s Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith,” he corrected her, his mechanicalized voice catching her off guard.

“Bit of an ego on this one, huh?” Celestia said to both Twilight and Luna telepathically, the duo laughing under their breaths at the thought comment. “Well then, Dark Lord Vader, on the behalf on the Equestrian ponies and our entire nation, I welcome you to our planet. My name is Princess Celestia, and it is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Laying it on thick there for the ‘please don’t invade and enslave us’ speech,” Luna said, her snarky comments hidden under a kind smile.

Celestia still kept her winning smile despite Luna, and reached out with a hoof for that ever important first hoofshake between the leader of a nation and the mysterious space alien that could possibly kill them all.

Vader stared at her without even a glance at her hoof, crossing his arms over the blinking lights chest plate he wore and nodding. “Likewise.”

Still holding her hoof out for several seconds, she set it back on the ground awkwardly, her smile drooping slightly. “Whatever we can provide you with to make your experience on our planet more enjoyable, do not hesitate to ask.”

“I need to get off your planet,” he stated outright, Celestia flinching at the directness of his tone. “For that, I need my ship repaired. I require components to fix my hyper-drive. Do you have them?”

“Um… not exactly.” Celestia peered deeper into his soulless gaze to see what his expression was. The best she could guess was aggravated. Didn’t help that his face seemed to be stuck in a permanent frown. “But we do have the best engineers in all of Equestria located at Canterlot, our capital city. I’d be honored if you’d accompany me there to properly repair your ship.”

“Is it really wise to bring him to Canterlot of all places?” Luna asked, still with that fake smile of hers planted on her face. “Not even mentioning the media swarm, there’s still the fact we’d be bringing an alien to the capital city of Equestria. That’s sure to stir up some trouble.”

I’d rather keep him close by to watch him. Who knows what he can do when left unattended in Ponyville? Celestia replied, still awaiting for Vader’s response.

Vader was definitely left with an interesting choice. Should he accompany the princess back to their castle to be kept under lock and key by their watchful eye for the benefit of his ship being quickly repaired? Or remain in Ponyville, with the risk of being hindered by repairs for who knows how long?

His answer would have to wait, because both Luna and Celestia’s eyes opened wide as they felt a familiar magic resonate through their horns. Squinting her eyes and raising a hoof to her brow in annoyance. “Of all the times for this to happen, of course it has to happen now!”

“Tia, do you want me to handle it?” Luna asked aloud, her horn practically buzzing with magical energies being drawn in.

“No, no, I have it handled.” Sighing and arching her neck back to stare up at the brightening sky, Celestia turned to Vader and said, “I am sorry for this interruption, Dark Lord Vader, but I am needed for the coming dawn right now. Please excuse me.”

Vader too felt the Force being drawn to the two like moths to a flame. So strong was the Force being attracted to the pair he was sure that the very earth itself would be compressed by their power and that he would be brought to his knees in awe at their might. Now this was true power he hadn’t felt since Palpatine revealed his full capabilities over the dark side. Not even some of the Jedi Masters from the days before the Purge could ever hope to match them.

Celestia left to stand a few feet away from the three. Twilight stared with excitement at her teacher, Luna still gazed uneasily at Vader, while the Dark Lord himself looked at Celestia with interest.

Drawing in a deep breath, Celestia bowed her head to the east, right where the sky was blossoming from a brilliant violet to quickly turning pink. Closing her eyes, her horn glowed brightly, the intensely vivid gleam of magic causing everyone other than Vader to avert their eyes.

Slowly but surely, the tip of the dawn sun could be seen over the horizon. Celestia’s horn blazed to a brilliance so bright it was almost as if her horn had been set aflame. Her magic built up to astounding levels, to the point it seemed it was almost going to explode if left without release for too long. The sun rose over the horizon, the bright energy seeming to rest on the tip of Celestia’s horn. But in an instant it ended, the magic level dropping drastically as the radiant sight of the sun climbing up higher in the sky could be seen by everyone.

Letting out that breath she took earlier, Celestia stood back up with a straight back and perfect posture as always. In fact, her tired mood from before seemed to have vanished just as the sun peaked over the horizon. Her coat shimmered with a new brilliance, along with her mane’s colors being more rich in color.

Strangely enough, Luna’s appearance took a turn downturn. Her mane’s starry night sky color dimmed with the appearance of the sun’s rays, and the princess's exhaustion seemed to have increased tenfold from the bags under her eyes.

Of course, these were only changes noticeable to a trained eye. Vader saw them in a light much deeper than any physical appearance. For like the night and day, the two couldn’t be more different. Along with the ponies’ beliefs of their precious princesses.

Vader had to hold back a chuckle, a rare glint of humor causing a smile to appear behind his mask. The princesses didn’t control the sun or moon. No, quite the opposite in fact. The sun and moon controlled them instead.

He felt it earlier from Luna as the night progressed, though he wasn’t exactly sure about that. He thought the dip in her power was the result in her weariness. But it turns out it was merely the approach of the dawn as the moon set in the sky. Without the moon hanging overhead, her power was much weaker.

While for Celestia, the sun actually increased her power.

It was astounding at how intricate the ponies’ version of the Force worked. A satellite orbiting a planet and a distant sun controlled how powerful the Force acted for certain individuals. While the ponies believed the sun and moon were theirs to control, the fact of the matter was that the sun and moon directed how much power over the Force they had.

For Princess Celestia and Luna, this connection was much deeper and affecting than any other pony nearby. No wonder they and other magic users presumed they had influence over the sun and moon.

Turning back to Vader, Celestia smiled cheerfully with newfound energy. “Sorry for that everyone. Now, back to business.” Celestia stared up at Vader, face to face, and a bit uneasy at someone actually being taller than herself for once. “Will you accept my offer to stay at Canterlot for the duration of your time in Equestria?”

“Very well,” he answered, still smiling for the first time since he arrived on this planet. “I expect my ship and parts to be at your abode without any further damage.”

“Of course,” Celestia replied, her smiling happily as well. “Well, that wasn’t so bad. Don’t know why you two were so worried about him.”

“You’ll see soon enough,” Luna replied with a roll of her eyes, wishing for a warm bed to sleep the troubles of her night away.

“Very soon,” Vader thought, making sure to keep his thoughts hidden from the two. “Very soon indeed.”

Author's Note:

And with this chapter comes the arguments about headcanons and the sun and moon and whatnot. I await them with excitement. Also, whoopy, done with the first arc!