• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 26,781 Views, 1,554 Comments

All Hail The Dark Lord - RainbowBob

Darth Vader, one of the most insidious villains in the entire galaxy, ends up in Equestria of all places. With no support from the Empire, this Sith Lord needs to find a way off the planet. Or he could take over it. Either one works.

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Chapter 9: Changing Theories

“Useless,” Vader growled, the Sith’s voice taking on an undertone of dark intent. Raising his arm and opening his palm wide, a sudden burst of pressurized air exploded from his hand, obliterating everything in his path.

Trees ripped asunder from their roots, rocks crumbled to dust, and any plant life being shredded to paste. The Force Push was truly a power to be reckoned with, especially with someone at Darth Vader’s level of power.

Feeling another spike of anger arch through his body, Vader let loose another Force Push. The concussive burst of the telekinetic impulse created by the Force made short work of any obstacle that dared hinder it. This left Vader with a straight path of upturned earth to lead himself out of the forest.

The starship hovered next to him, just inside his field of vision. With one hand he commanded the Force to lift the vehicle while using the other to violently clear the forest ahead.

“It’s just not possible,” Vader muttered to himself much later, not bothering to check over his shoulder. He already knew the trio of ponies were following close behind, or at least as close as they dared.

He was still trying to process the information he had forcibly acquired from the depths of Rainbow Dash’s mind. Drain Knowledge wasn’t a skill he was too experienced in, but one didn’t need much training to foray into an unsuspecting lesser being’s mind.

What he first discovered was the general nonsense one would expect inside one’s thoughts. Something about Wonderbolts, being awesome, twenty percent cooler, ten seconds flat, sonic rainbooms (that would have to be the most asinine thing he’s heard of), and of course, friendship.

It nearly made him gag to wade through such pathetic sentiments these creatures held. They actually believed friendship could save the world. And just by looking through her memories, it seemed it had. Along with the power of love...

If any of the Jedi were still alive, they’d just be eating this up by now.

Other than realizing he was dealing with a pansy-minded world filled with beings who have the violence mentality of a toddler, he was able to acquire crucial information about their leaders. The ones they called Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Along with the most recent entry to royalty, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

From what he had already seen of the two, Twilight seemed to be the weakest link. Sure, her sensitivity to the Force was stronger than most of the other magical users there, specifically the unicorns, but it was far from being a threat. Though he’d be sure to take her into account. There may be some surprises she’ll throw his way.

As for Luna, there was definitely potential there for an enemy. If the stories about her were true, then she was a major roadblock. It was hard to believe she was over a thousand years old.

Yet he still had to keep in mind that whatever Dash was thinking could have been fake. Luna may never have been banished for a thousand years on the moon–or may never have been the ‘monster’ known as Nightmare Moon.

Though her memories of defeating the Nightmare Moon incarnation with the Elements of Harmony seemed to trump that theory.

He glanced back at the trio of ponies slowly following behind. Applejack and Fluttershy were the only ones capable to movement, holding the unconscious Rainbow Dash between themselves.

After digging through Dash’s memories, he was tempted to just kill the three on the spot. They were defenseless, with two already unconscious and one at his mercy–which he lacked sorely in. But practicality beat out his own needs.

If what Dash knew was true, then Celestia could take him on in combat as an equal, and perhaps even better. Making an enemy of her by killing three of her citizens would be unwise. If a being really did have the power to move an entire star, then he was definitely outclassed. This was the thought that he was having trouble believing.

He had seen the planet orbit around the star himself when he was in his starship out in space. It was a typical yellow sun, a medium-sized star among the hundreds of billions in the galaxy. Control of such an object of great mass would require such a complex understanding of the Force, along with a sufficiently high power level.

The only other beings he knew of that had that type of power and precise control over the Force were Sith Lords of old. Such as Darth Bane, who was said to move planets and moons like a child with his toys. His understanding of using the Force alongside gravity were unmatched, making him one of the deadliest Sith in existence.

Close runner up would have to be the Sith Lord Darth Naga Sadow. Being a powerful Sith alchemist, he was trained in many forbidden Sith teachings that augmented his own powers to even higher levels. He was also known for his ability to manipulate solar activity while using the Force, once causing an already unstable star to explode.

But what didn’t make sense was the orbits. If the sun truly did revolve around the planet, did that mean the planet was stationary in space? That would technically be impossible, since the gravitational force of the sun would pull the planet into its own orbit. Unless Celestia used the Force to keep the planet in place while revolving the sun around it. But that was just a tedious and unnecessary process when a much easier solution would be to move the planet around the sun.

While a user of the Force was capable of moving objects of nearly any mass or size, moving a star was nearly impossible. The star’s gravity would be the first hindrance, along with the fact you needed to get close up to the thing in question you want to move. Her disregarding all laws of gravity and moving the star which was thousands of miles away from her position just didn’t make sense.

“Hey, Vader, can ya slow down some?” Applejack called out behind him, struggling to keep Dash upright while taking most of her friend’s weight so Fluttershy could move easier.

That still left those three. And the other three back at the town. The supposed Elements of Harmony. Or at least the bearers, anyways. The actual Elements were jewels of some sort. With a power level of almost unimaginable bound.

Redeeming someone from the dark side, turning a god-like entity into stone, and even transform someone into a much more powerful race. If what he garnered from Dash’s mind was true, then these Elements must have a direct connection to the Force, empowering the user’s Force abilities to much stronger conditions.

This in part was also another reason he kept them alive. Apparently the only ones able to operate the Elements were those six. If he ever wanted a chance to use the Elements to his own advantage in the future, keeping them alive was a priority–above his will to kill every one of them.

This also meant he used mind control to wipe their memories clean of the previous events. Sure, it was a cowardly act to do when killing them could have been much easier, but the benefits of their continued existence outweighed the momentary satisfaction he’ll feel from their deaths. Instead he implanted memories of another manticore attack explaining the ponies' injuries.

As for Rainbow Dash, he tried to keep mind damage to a minimum if he could help it. After ripping through her memories like a tornado, she’ll be on the receiving end of intense and quite painful headaches and sudden memory loss for a couple of weeks. He just forcibly removed the memory of him ever going into her mind in the first place, leaving a large hole she’ll likely dismiss as amnesia from a head wound which he inflicted upon her with his boot–just to keep things believable.

“Shy, ya doin’ fine?” Applejack asked her friend, wincing at the loud crash ahead from yet another Force Push. The shaking of the earth followed soon afterward.

“Y-yeah, I’m good...” Fluttershy muttered, her vision blurring before she shook her head to clear it. “My head just f-feels funny.”

“Well, we both got hit on the noggins pretty hard,” Applejack reminded her, trying vainly to remember the event. Her memory was a bit fuzzy, but she did recall a manticore attacking the pair on their trip to Vader’s ship. Luckily he was there to beat it off before they could be mauled by the predatory cat. How she, Fluttershy, and Dash all received head wounds was still a mystery. All she remembered was waking up sometime later with Vader poking her with the tip of his boot, telling her to start moving.

“I wish he didn’t have to destroy the forest like that,” Fluttershy said, worry over the forest dwelling animals entering her mind. “There must be an easier way for him to move his ship.”

“If there is one, it probably ain’t quick enough. He’s even more impatient than Rainbow Dash.” Applejack glanced sideways at her unconscious friend. “Uh, no offense, of course.”

While they were chatting to one another, Vader was already preparing plans for the time he had to remain on this rock. First, get his ship repaired. Second, find out more about these Elements of Harmony. Third, discover how adept the residents here were with the Force. And fourth, finally confront the leader known as Celestia.

If he could hash out a deal of some sort with the princess, he may be able to see the Elements himself. Such potential they had. If what he has already seen in Dash’s memories were true, if he was able to unlock their power, there was no telling what he could accomplish. Perhaps overthrowing Sidious even.

Though he shouldn’t forget the potential for even greater achievements while here. He already knew that up to one third of the population on the planet were Force-sensitive. Weeding out the unneeded races and the weaker unicorns could acquire him with an entire army of Siths at his disposal. An entire new Age of the Sith Empire could begin on this very planet.

Which just left Princess Celestia to deal with. He’d play the nice guy act for now. No need to alert her or the others of his true intentions. As long as he kept them in the blind while he worked out his plans, his moment of triumph is pretty much set.

While killing all of them could have been a much easier solution, Vader was no fool. Diplomacy may not have been his strong suit, but he knew enough of it to be able to trick them into believing his false intentions. And if so be it, he’ll get rid of anyone that proves more trouble than they’re worth.

After several more Force Pushes and even more of the forest permanently decimated, he finally arrived to the outside edge of town. He felt weakened, exhausted even, though he’d never admit it. From traveling in a cramp starship to crash landing on the planet, along with towing along his entire ship while doing numerous powerful Force Pushes to clear the forest, he desperately needed rest.

But first he needed to get to town. He could not allow any visible example of weakness reveal itself to the denizens of the town. His cybernetic enhancements and will through the dark side of the Force were the only things keeping him going at the moment.

Starting on the tediously long walk back to town, he realized with dread that there were even more onlookers in the crowd that had converged at the town hall center. He could already spot countless pegasi flying through the air, along with eager new faces having already spotted him and several individuals dressed in what he presumed was military wear. Took the army long enough to organize themselves for what everyone must be thinking was an alien invasion.

“Hot dang, there sure are a ton of ponies in Ponyville now,” Applejack said, already spotting from such a far distance the crowd that had built up in the streets. “Wonder how they got here so quick.”

“Maybe news travels fast?” Fluttershy guessed, sweating even in the frigid temperature. Dawn was just around the corner, so hopefully they’ll get much needed warmth from the sun. “I mean, an alien landing is pretty big news.”

“Guess so.” Applejack sighed, hefting Dash into a better position on her side. The sleeping pegasus had barely made any sign of her even being alive, her normal loud snores replaced with just calm breathing.

“Really startin’ to worry ‘bout Dash now. Think she may have a concussion or somethin’ worse?”

Fluttershy thought back to her limited medical training she had, mostly for injuries her animals would sustain. “If she really does have bad head trauma like a concussion, she shouldn’t be sleeping.”

Frowning slightly, Applejack noticed that Vader was moving further and further ahead. “Hey, wait up!” she called, trudging through the mushy snow on the dirt path fast to try and catch up to Vader. “Dash needs help! She shouldn’t be sleepin’ like this!”

“And what do you expect me to do about it?” Vader asked over his shoulder.

“I dunno. Can ya lend a hand and help get her back to town faster?”

A few seconds of silence lapsed after Applejack’s question. Did she really expect him, Darth Vader, to help such a weaker creature? It as such a bad joke he nearly let out a chuckle.

“If she can’t do it herself, then leave her be,” he answered, having no time to deal with such trivial nonsense.

“B-but Mister, um, Vader... sir,” Fluttershy called out. “If Dash doesn’t get help soon, she might not be able to get up...”

Vader stopped in his tracks, sighing audibly. He didn’t have time to bicker with them. Resting his ship on the side of the road beside him, he quickly marched towards the three.

Fluttershy flinched at his sudden approach, nearly dropping Dash while Applejack stared up at him with hopeful eyes. Without giving either a glance and focusing solely on Dash, he leaned down and held his palm out forward.

While there were countless different techniques involving the Force he could have used to awaken her, he opted for the least complex approach. He slapped her. A couple of times, in fact, using his palm and backhand just to make sure it did the trick.

Waking with a start and shifting her eyes furiously left and right, she shouted, “Whoozit? What? Where am I?” Noticing she was currently being held in between her town friends, a furious blush appeared on his cheeks. “Did I get drunk... and... well, you know...?”

“Wh-what?” Applejack said, immediately stepping to the side, causing Rainbow Dash to flop on the ground. “Heck no! Ya were knocked hard on the noggin in the forest!”

Wincing slightly at the intense pain from the bump she just found out about on her head when she landed to the earth, she whispered, “Oh yeah... wait, no, not really. I can’t remember anything.”

She suddenly found herself picked up by the scruff of her neck. Now she was face to face with the intimidating face of Vader, his expression emotionless and creepy as ever. She felt a momentary sense of déjà vu, but that feeling was quickly quelled when he spoke.

“Enough talk. Get to town already.” And with those final words he positioned his body forward, held his arm back, and threw Rainbow Dash in the general direction of the town. He made sure to give her a bit of a bump using a Force Push to make sure she got some extra distance.

“What are ya, crazy?” Applejack shouted, both her and Fluttershy staring at Dash up high in the air as the pegasus desperately tried to unfurl her wings so she wouldn’t crash to the ground. Thankfully Dash wasn’t too out of it, for her wings managed to start flying, and soon enough the pegasus starting soaring across the sky. Albeit in a random flight movement and she zipped back and forth through the air.

“She’s fine now.” Vader levitated his ship off the ground, walking to town back at his usual pace.

Applejack’s face was practically steaming, the mare so furious that for several moments no concise words could be formed from her lips. Fluttershy rested a hoof on her shoulder. “Applejack, we have to get back to town now. We can worry about Dash once we’re back.”

Staring hard at Fluttershy, then casting a rage-filled gaze at the back of Vader’s quickly departing back, she sighed and nodded her head. “Yeah, yer right Shy. Just hope that Dash manages to make it back in one piece.”

“Everypony, look out!” Rainbow Dash shouted, losing altitude fast as she corkscrewed into the crowd of ponies. While many managed to escape her path, quite a few others acted as cushions for her descent–quite painful, complaining cushions, that is.

Picking herself up from one stallion she managed to knock out, Rainbow stood wobbling on her hooves. She could barely take two steps forward without nearly falling on her face. Thankfully, Twilight was there to support her side.

“Rainbow Dash, where have you been? You were only supposed to be gone for an hour at the most, yet it’s nearly dawn! Me and the others have been worried sick about you!” Twilight told her friend, Rarity and Pinkie Pie close by alongside Luna, each gazing at Dash with worried faces. “And where’s Applejack, Fluttershy and Vader?”

“Yeah, yeah, I gotcha,” Dash muttered, Twilight yelling right next to her ear not improving her headache. “AJ and Fluttershy are fine. They’re just following with Vader.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Oh, Vader just threw me.”

“He... he what?” Twilight shouted, her jaw hanging wide open.

Dash nodded. “Yeah. Something about me moving too slow cause I was unconscious.”

“Wait. Hold up.” Twilight breathed in deeply, letting her air out slowly. “First off, why exactly were you unconscious?”

“I got a bump on my head,” Dash answered.

“How, exactly, did that happen?” Twilight deadpanned, resisting the urge to facehoof.

“I dunno. Can’t really remember much,” Dash said, shrugging. “All I remember is that Vader found his ship, was moving it back to town, and then boom, nothing afterwards until he woke me up.”

“Okay. So Vader has his ship... wait, how does he move his ship?” Twilight asked, her interests moving all over the place. “That thing must weigh a ton.”

“He can do magic,” Dash said, racking her muddy memory for anything else. “Like, lift it up... with his hand.”

Twilight wanted to ask more of what Rainbow Dash meant, but she could see her friend was really out of it at the moment. “Okay, thanks Dash. Where are the others right now?”

“Near the edge of the Everfree,” Rainbow remembered, sticking out her tongue to try and figure out a precise location. “Going on the road back to town.”

“Oh good, we still have some time left.”

“Time left for what?” Rainbow asked, not yet caught up as to what happened when she left. Looking back at the crowd, she noticed it was much larger than before. Ponies from out of town must have arrived. Along with guards all the way from Canterlot forming a perimeter around the area.

“My sister shall be arriving shortly,” Luna spoke up, approaching Rainbow Dash. “I have alerted her of Vader’s presence once you and the others departed. Guards have already prepared for her entry here. As you can see, news traveled fast, so many a pony from Canterlot has also made their way to town. Along with the... media,” she sighed disappointedly, noticing all the ponies with cameras held in their hooves.

“Wait, so once Vader’s here, he and Princess Celestia will be chatting?” Dash asked, a sense of dread growing in her chest.

“I expect them to. Vader being a new visitor to our planet,” Luna replied. “My sister is quite eager to meet him, in fact.”

“Oh man,” Dash sighed, scratching the back of her head where her bump was located. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Author's Note:

Yeah, couldn't resist using that line again. God, I'm awful.