• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 312 Views, 2 Comments

Right of Passage - EternalShadow54

The story of two ponies, stallion and mare, who journey through a forbidden terrain, fighting an unknown evil to free one's tortured existence.

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Chapter 1: Making an Acquaintance

The quiet dusk of the setting sun spread quietly through the mountain range. This mountain range holds a vast waterfall, however the tourists know it more as Neighagra Falls. Despite being a popular vacation or tour stop, it is home to another. On the other side of this vast waterfall laid across a forest of trees along the rocky cliffs. A few areas seemed clear of trees, allowing one to look up at the sky. A tall pony came into the clearing, the remaining light able to reveal his features. He was a gray unicorn, stallion of gender. He had no mane but his black tail was kept together with a golden band near the base of his tail. His most noticeable feature, however, were the light blue markings going across him. He had them everywhere; his head, his legs, his body, just about a different rune in each place. His cutie mark was a similar rune colored in the similar shade of blue, however it was almost impossible to tell if it was his cutie mark or just another rune. He slowly looked at the setting sun while taking in a deep sigh.

"It sure is beautiful, isn't it?" an unfamiliar voice said from behind. " The setting sun is truly a marvel." The stallion spun around, a mare of fiery red gazing upward into the dimly lit sky. Her mane shone of the lightest silver, eyes sparkling the deepest of blue. She stood out among the forestry behind her rather easily, a sly smirk giving off her dastardly aura. The mark on her flank was an elegant black thunderbolt, golden twines wrapped around in a rose-like pattern.

"Yes, it is indeed beautiful." The stallion never turned as he never let his gaze off of the sunset. "I was not aware of your presence, nor was I aware that somepony else ever came around in this direction. May I ask why you are here?"

"Oh, no particular reason. Enjoying the view, eating an occasional peach from a tree. Ya know, the usual things a pony does." She waltzed over to the other pony. "And the name's Thunder. Black Thunder. I'm sure you could guess why."

"I do believe you are referring to your cutie mark." The stallion walked near a tree before looking up to the branches. His horn lit up with his magic as his runes changed from blue to green. A branch leaned down from the tree, an apple growing right on the edge to its ripest form. He plucked it and ate it as the branch pulled away. The color returned into his runes, "My name is Rune Stone, it is a pleasure making your acquaintance Miss Thunder."

"And yours as well Rune." Her voice softened as she spoke the line. "So what are you doing out here? I'm sure it's for more than mere sky-staring."

"I was simply just returning to my home." He slowly walked away from the tree and towards the mountainside. He turned his head, setting his usual calm gaze at Black, "Would you...care to see my home?"

"Inviting a stranger into your home isn't a smart idea friend." Thunder scratched her cheek with her hoof nervously.

"A stranger, yes, however first meetings allow me to gather much information. You did not attack, for you must be friendly at the least. You showed a common interest in the beauty of nature, meaning that you too have a calm side. A simple hello can ignite a newfound friendship. My offer still stands if you are willing to take it."

"Heh... heh heh heh... Alright." She yawned. "So... where do you live?"

"Wait patiently, and the door will be revealed." Rune approached the bare side of the mountain. His markings changed to a brown color before he gently placed his hoof on the mountain. A set of runes appeared in front of him, but disappeared before a tunnel formed. "Shall we?"

"Oh? A secret entrance?" Thunder giggled. "How different." She stood to his side. "Would you like to be my escort?"

"I would not mind being anything else." He slowly walked in with her beside him. "And forgive me for correcting you, however that was not a secret entrance. That rune allows me to transport to the tunnels that lead me to my home."

"Ah. I see. How innovative."

The tunnels they walked down seemed to be neatly carved like a half circle. As they made there way down, small holes appeared in the sides. They became larger as they advanced down, revealing a way outside. Whatever light was left could be seen shining through. However what was really illuminating the tunnels was Rune's markings.

"You sure do glow brightly. How'd you get your cutie mark again?"

Rune looked away for a bit. A bit of sadness, just a very tiny bit, could be seen passing through him. "The day I discovered my powers is how I achieved my cutie mark."

Thunder cringed slightly at a sight of hurt. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend."

"It is alright, the past is behind me." He continued to walk down, more light revealing itself. Soon they came onto a more open cavern. There was a large boulder along the edge of the cavern. It was carved out to look like a small home. "Welcome to my humble abode."

"You live in a rock?" she questioned aloud. "How... strange."

Once again, a small sliver of sadness managed to pass through for a few seconds. "It was...all I could find at the time."

"Oh, please excuse me," she quickly apologized. "I tend to think out loud sometimes."

"It is fine" Rune spoke. He headed inside, but not before lighting a small lantern outside. "Care to come in? It is dangerous to travel here at night..."

Thunder swiftly entered, taking in the scene before her. The boulder was rather neatly carved out. The home seemed to be like a smaller version of a larger home. In one area was a single stove, and in another was a single bed. A table was placed beside the "window" with a few chairs. Shelves of different herbs, plants, and some rocks as well.

"My home may be small... however I find it accommodating," he remarked.

"Wow, I must say... you must have quite some time on your hooves." The mare grabbed herself a chair. "So, what's for dinner?"

Rune chuckled, "Inviting yourself to dinner are we?" He walked over and levitated a tray out of the oven. The things were placed onto a plate and levitated over. "I know it may not look like much, but here." On the plate looked like neatly folded pastries. A few herbs and berries were on top of them. "My mother taught me how to make the most out of the least. These herb and berry pastries may seem like a dessert, however they provide the nutrition for an entire day's worth. Please, enjoy."

Thunder took the plate into her hooves, dissecting the meal with her eyes. "Hmmm... no fork?" she chuckled.

"Forgive me, I could not acquire many of the necessities when I...traveled..." The sadness returned once more but changed. "As for a magic user, there was really no need."

"I'm guessing you don't get many guests then?"

"I have a marefriend that comes every once in a while. She does live far away..." Rune levitated a pastry to him and took a bite.

"Well if you have a marefriend, then why am I here?" Her head tilted slightly. "Wouldn't she be mad?"

"Oh certainly no" Rune shook his head. "She is understanding, and not one of the jealous type. Euro would first ask me of the situation if she indeed saw us, and I would explain. Besides, we have went through enough already for our relationship to end." He finished his pastry and walked over to his shelf. He grabbed a rock with a pink rune on it. A few drops of red were on it. It wasn't paint, it was dried blood. "The proof is here on this healing rune rock I have made..."

Thunder scanned the object in wonder. "What's this for?"

"I am capable of projecting a rune onto an object to give it temporary power. This rock is a Healing Rune Rock, a rock that when placed by an injury, will speed up the healing process. This was...the one I used on my marefriend. I kept it ever since. The red is her blood..."

The mare continued her observation on the strange rock. "Does it still work?"

Rune nodded, "I simply need to recharge it with energy for it to work again. However I tend to keep these here and use them only here."

"What's wrong with using the runes outside of this place? I would figure such a useful tool would be best utilized in many fields of life other than home."

"The greed of others are not as diminished as mine. If others found this of me, I would become a slave. Working enchanting items for money. I tend to keep my powers and my work a secret, only revealing them to those trustworthy. You seem like a trustworthy pony."

Thunder couldn't help but laugh. "And what makes me seem so trustworthy to you my good stallion? You know nothing about this mare."

"Although my powers limit to just elements, I can sense the true being of a pony. Yours show that I can trust you."

"Well you need to check up on your senses my friend. I'm nopony you need to trust." Instead of her expected laugh, a surprising sigh followed. "I... I should leave..." Thunder stood up and stepped toward the door.

Rune looked surprised, "Leaving so soon?" He stood up and walked before her. "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

The mare froze in place. "Move," she bluntly stated.

Rune's eyes narrowed on her. "There is something you are not telling me." His horn glowed as well as his runes, "I ask of you to inform me."

"And I tell you to get out of the way! Now move!"

A sudden darkness enveloped the room, the only light Rune's illuminating horn. "Oh no..." Thunder stuttered. "I'm too late..."

Rune looked around at the strange darkness. "I sense something unnatural about this. What is the cause of this? Is it you?"

"You need to leave!" Thunder started pushing at the unicorn. "Go! Leave before they get you!"

Rune stood his ground, refusing to move. "This is my home and where I live. Now explain to me what is going on." His stare was no longer full of calm serenity, it was full of controlled malice. He stared directly at the mare, demanding answers.

"Shhh..." Thunder lowered her tone. "Listen..." Just outside of Rune's light was a shady figure slithering on the ceiling. It was close enough to notice, but too far away to describe. A long, eerie growl came from a farther distance. "Don't make any sudden movements," she explained. "They respond to sound, not light. And keep your voice low. Nothing over a whisper."

His magic surged slightly. "Is this better?" He spoke directly to Thunder's mind, not making a single sound.

"Ah, a mind reader as well? You don't seem to stop impressing." Thunder took a few easy steps toward the exit. "Now we need to be going if you don't mind. I'll explain everything later when we've reached a safe distance." She halted just before leaving. "And don't worry. When we leave, so will they. These things won't mess with anything, save you don't rile them up."

Rune looked to her, "You said they do not respond to light correct?"

Thunder tilted her head. "I mean, I don't think so. They didn't attack you and your horn is glowing. In honesty, I don't know much about these creatures."

Rune placed his horn to the ground as his markings changed to brown. A series of runes appeared below them, before they disappeared into a hole. The two ponies fell through but landed outside. A small waterfall was there that lead into a river, along with a few rocks that seemed to be a way across. One rock was directly below the small waterfall. "Is this far enough?" he asked in his normal voice.

"Hmmm..." She began to observe the landscape. "Forty meters North of our initial entrance into your area. Just twenty meters West of Neightonville." The starry night sky grasped her attention. "Around one in the morning." Thunder sighed and laid her head on the ground. "Yea, we're safe for now."

"Very impressive," Rune spoke. "This is my personal training grounds. This is where I sometimes travel for specific training. My powers have adapted to my new skill as well."

"I see." The mare sat back up. "Wasn't there something you wanted to ask me?"

"What I originally intended to ask you can wait," Rune said. "I must know, what was invading my home?"

"Skeprendik," Thunder answered. "They are Otherworld creatures. They come in many various forms, and they've been searching for me for as long as I can remember." She burst into laughter after the statement. "Oh, don't worry. Like I said, they won't harm nothing." Her ears perked. "I need to be going."

"Halt." A wall of earth rose in front of her. "Whatever reason these creatures have for chasing you, you seem to avoid. You have also not answered why they are after you. And please do not make some piety excuse."

Thunder chuckled, head in hoof. "Oh Rune, I'm not the type of mare you wish to get acquainted with. My advice? Let me leave before they start thinking you have something to do with me, lest you end up running like I do." An ominous shadow befell the two. "So what's it gonna be? Let me go or get involved? And I'd hurry if I were you in your decision while you still have one."

Rune sensed the danger in the air. He also sensed the mare knew what she was doing. He smiled. "Go. Shall we meet again?"

"I don't think you're gonna want to see me again." With that, she vanished, along with the darkness. Everything around the stallion went back to normal. On the ground in front of him lay a small piece of paper, reading:

'I meant what I said. You're not going to want to get involved, but if you're downright determined, you can meet me in Neightonville tomorrow afternoon around three. If you don't show, I'll be glad. If you do, well... you'll wish you never met me.'

Rune read the note a few times. "Why does she hate herself?" he asked. "If she only opened up to others, she would see that she is not a threat. However I shall think of her warning and decide in the morning." He cast the same spell on the mountain side, allowing him to walk back to his home.

Morning broke, the town square of small Neightonville a buzz. To the left of the central location sat a local coffee shop. As the bustling ponies of the fair market city continued their daily runs, there was seated Black Thunder, sitting at an outdoor table awaiting a guest she didn't expect to show.

"Hmmm... Maybe he lost his nerve," she said to herself. "It'd be best that way."

"Excuse me... is this seat taken?" A tall cloaked figure stood there. The only thing that was visible was a part of his gray muzzle.

"I guess not..." she replied slowly. "Go ahead, have a seat."

He pulled a chair out with his magic before sitting down. "I was supposed to meet a friend here. They gave me this note," he placed it on the table, "when they left. Can you tell me where I can find them?"

"Oh? A friend you say?" Thunder took her note and scanned it briefly, stuffing it into the sleeveless silver padded hoodie she wore afterward. "I think your friend would like to know why you're so interested in her affairs. It seems like she wanted you to stay away."

"Well, my friend had this... strange aura around her. I couldn't exactly tell what it was, but it seemed like something I could help with. Why the sudden interest? Do you know of this friend?" He couldn't help but grin.

"This friend prefers to keep business business," she sorely remarked. "But I'm sure she'd like to know why you'd go through the trouble to help her. Especially since she seems like she'd be in a predicament by the looks of the letter."

The pony looked away, "I... I haven't told many ponies this. My... I mean my friend's story is a bit sad."

Thunder sighed. "Everypony has a sob story..." She exhaled before nudging her hoof. "Go on..."

"My friend... he was young. He was a unicorn and he was beginning to take control of his powers. He was... practicing on a few rocks. He wasn't paying much attention, a small filly came through. She... she was hit." A small teardrop fell from his cloaked eyes. "Before he could do anything... the others of his village forced him away. No way to visit his family, no way to help her, n-no w-way..." A few more tears fell from the cloak. "They f-forced him to go, find s-somewhere else to l-live, all alone... My friend... v-vowed to h-help anypony... so he would not make the same mistake again."

Thunder cleared her throat. "Hmmm, yes. Sad really. Way to turn business personal." Her cold retort was intentional. "Now that's all you're here for? Nobility? Or perhaps a small sense of pride?" She shook her head. "What a stupid reason to get yourself killed over..."

His hoofs slammed on the table, his eyes showed themselves. They showed sadness, but mostly rage. "You were not there," he said, breaking his cover. "You did not see the look on that poor filly's face. You did not see the fear on her eyes. Have you ever caused a family so much pain? I cannot even go back to apologize! I possibly ruined her entire life. This is not some sense of nobility or pride, this is doing what is right!"

"Let me tell you something about pain!" Thunder roared back. "How about you live your whole life running away from monsters, hoping they'll never find you! Moving from town to town, afraid to let anypony near because of your cursed life! You have a home! Even a marefriend. What do I have? Nothing! Nothing and nopony but myself!" The mare grabbed the stallion's cloak. "Now you listen here. I don't care why you want to help me, nor why you even care. I'm telling you not to, but due to restrictions I cannot stop you. So if you are really set on doing this 'what's right' thing, sit down, shut up, and let's get down to business. Am I clear?"

Rune sat down, his angry glare still there. "I am clear Miss Thunder." He pulled his hood back. "Now, what first?"

The mare sighed in relief before taking her seat. "Here," she said, sliding a small packet across the table. "This has all the information you'll need helping me."

Within the documents were a few notebook sketches of the monsters and all the information she could provide about them. About half was filled with question marks. Under those were a few files with pictures of ponies, the words 'DECEASED' printed in large red along with their information. The last thing in the package was a hoof-sized photo of an old, run-down building, barely visible.

"You're probably wondering about the photos of the ponies, right?"

"I am assuming that these ponies were the ones that either created or were killed by these creatures."

"They're all like you. They wanted to help, and that's what it earned them. A page in my file." Thunder started to hum a tune. "You know you can still back out right? You don't need to get dragged into my affairs, because once you've acknowledged helping me... I can't guarantee how long before they start to appear to you as frequently as they do me."

"I have been hunted as well... I know the feeling. As for choice, I choose to stay." Rune took notice of the creatures. "What are these creatures made of?"

"These things?" Thunder reached into her jacket, pulling out a piece of candy. "They are made of shadows mostly. Can't really harm them except through fire as far as I can tell." She put the candy in her mouth. "So, what do you plan to tell your marefriend? I'm sure she'd be devastated to know her lover pony is going to risk his life for another mare."

"That will not be necessary," he replied. "I contacted her before I left. She was rather, indecisive, however she understood my reasons." He set the book down, "Now for your predicament, I believe I know of a solution. However why are they chasing you per say? Did you do something to them, or does this go down deeper Black Thunder?"

"Heh... hahahaha... ooooooh... always jumping to conclusions you helpful types." Thunder sat her head on her hoof, grinning at the stallion in front of her. "Tell me of your solution first. I need a good laugh."

Rune's horn lit up, his markings turning black. Their shadows that were cast on the ground began to move. A bit of darkness rose from these shadows and solidified into a sphere. Rune then moved the sphere around, stopping it directly in front of the mare. He then shaped it into many different things, ending with an exact copy of herself although smaller. "My abilities have a wide range, one allowing me to control darkness itself. I am not sure that I can completely control them, however I may be able to set them at bay and even communicate with them."

"You know, I had a mare that had a similar ability, although her only power was to communicate with elements. She couldn't control them. All she could understand from their incoherent ranting was a riddle. It went, 'Under the sun, around your grave. To rid the burden, become our slave,' whatever that means." The mare pulled out one of the photos. "That's her right there. The grey one with the horn and green eyes."

Rune grasped the photo, something was not right. She seemed familiar but he shook it off. What caught him more was the riddle. "Under the sun, around your grave. To rid the burden, become our slave," he repeated. "I do believe I have heard of that riddle before."

"I've read many books about evils and darkness. Come across the saying a few times myself." Thunder chuckled. "I'll die before I sell myself to those things."

The city bustle began to slowly fade around the two. Within a few seconds, they were suddenly all alone. Nopony in sight. Not even a sound.

"Well... looks like we're about to find out how useful you really are," she said. The mare grabbed another piece of candy out of her coat. "Want one? It might be your last." There was an uneasy calmness to her tone.

Rune removed his cloak, all of his markings glowed freely. "No thank you..."

"Oh give it a rest," Thunder said with a smirk. "They won't attack you directly. You'd know that if you read the file. Sit back down and just stay alert. As long as we're out in the open with your runes glowing, we'll be safe from direct attacks." She leaned back in her chair. "Now being inside is a different story. All those corners to hide behind... I can't tell you how many have fallen for that old trick."

Rune did as she complied, resitting in the chair that he gotten out of. He couldn't help but feel somewhat drawn by the creatures that lurked within the shadows. Rune's markings changed to black as he tried to control this darkness.

"Now that I have your attention, how about you take into account page one." Thunder lifted a paper to her eyes, reading her own notes. "That whenever the darkness comes about, every building is abandoned, everypony is out of contact, and the only way out is to hide from the creatures." Her gaze met his. "And that's why we're like this. A creature found us and shadowed the Otherworld over us. In the regular world we're still sitting there, frozen in time. It's funny, how whenever we escape the darkness that our bodies in the regular world just poof away to where we actually are."

"That thought is indeed rather... disturbing." Rune kept trying for a connection, but failed.

"Yes it is. Now. what could be a great help is if you could possibly identify the place in the photo. The destroyed building there." Thunder pointed to the picture on the table.

"Hmm... I have not ever ventured out from my home in the caverns," he answered. "Even now this is the furthest I have wondered. However I do believe I have seen this building in my hometown before, Fillydelphia."

"Fillydelphia? One of those more modern heavily populated areas right? I remember paying a visit there one time. Snobby ponies. Everything was overpriced too." Even with the eerie darkness around the two seemingly creeping in the mare appeared to keep an almost alarming calm attitude. "Oh, and you'll find something that might be of help in your cloak. Comes to ya whenever the Otherworld comes around."

The stallion quickly glanced in his covering, a small jagged blade of ruby red attached just far enough off of himself to be unnoticeable.

Rune looked at the red ruby encrusted blade. He had never seen something like the sort before. "Well..." he continued, "I lived in a more rural area, more like a town than city."

"Then you lived probably in the outskirts of the city, or are we talking about a different Fillydelphia?" A shady figure burst from peripheral vision, heading straight for Rune. There was a sudden flash of red.

When things settled, just a second after, Thunder was on top of the table, a blazing red staff with golden incarnations glowing vibrantly all around. The weapon sat right through the neck of a Skeprendik form, its shape wolf-like. The creature vanished a moment later and the mare took her seat once more.

"Excuse the interruption. Do go on."

"I did live on the outskirts of the city. It was more calm and peaceful there. That... and my parents did not have much money." Rune looked away with a sullen emotion, "My parents..."

"Hey, keep your wits about you. The longer we stay out here, the more likely we'll get attacked again. This isn't the time to start getting all emotional."

Rune managed to calm himself down. "I am sure of it, that building is in the outskirts of Fillydelphia. But we have a problem, I was banned from that area forever."

"Do you think that it would matter if you were banned? Do you see anypony around here? I think they all kinda left when those things showed up, so we just wait for them to come around before entering."

Rune thought over what she spoke. She was indeed right. "Fine," he said, "We shall enter when those creatures appear and scare them away."

"Heh, scare them? What fun is that?" Thunder joked. "I say we bust up in there weapons ablaze, but... that might just be me."

"I... I may have been banished from my hometown by the villagers, I still do not hold a grudge against any of them. They had reason behind it, and I shall not go against their judgment. So are we off? I can take us there quicker."

"Eh... let's walk. It'll make the trip much more... fun."

Rune bowed. "Very well, let us be off."