• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 312 Views, 2 Comments

Right of Passage - EternalShadow54

The story of two ponies, stallion and mare, who journey through a forbidden terrain, fighting an unknown evil to free one's tortured existence.

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Chapter 2: A Disagreement in Thought

The air remained stagnant with a foul stench, a gloomy overlay persisting above. The two walked slowly, Rune behind Thunder and carefully copying her every step. Thunder kept slightly lower than normal and stepped lighter. It was a questionable trot to the stallion.

Rune did not question her steps, nor why he had to step like her, but he did anyway. His horn lit up the area along with his runes.

"See, with these little creatures you're gonna want to stay on the tips of your hooves," Thunder explained.

"We're out in the middle of a field."

Thunder straightened her stance and sighed. "And your point?"

Rune looked around carefully. He sensed nothing from his magic. "What do these creatures look like?"

"I gave you a file on the nasty things. Just look back over it." Doing as told, Rune glanced back over the files as they walked.

The first picture contained a dark grey blob. Under, it had 'Franglish' sketched roughly in pencil. The next photo was a thin black pole shape with blood red gleams glaring the photo from the top. Under, it read 'Ontichi'. Last, the was a picture with nothing but black. It read 'Vlinsit'.

Rune put the file away once he read over them. "Those are some remarkable creatures. Only, what is with the last one?"

"That last one? Oh nothing much. Just the most dangerous of 'em. It takes the shape of anything. Nothing too major."

"Interesting. You seem to have fought these creatures many times. Are they invincible?"

Thunder stopped for a moment. Scanning the area, she took a long breath. "That last one is a pain in my flank. That's why you need to be careful, even in open areas. It could be the grass underneath your hooves for all you know. And about their health status? Nothing a good stab or poke can't fix right?" The mare laughed at her comment as she continued.

Rune smiled at her remark. He carefully followed her steps exactly. "So, you have shrouded our location in mystery. Where exactly are we going?"

"Oh, I dunno... Don't you know?" she asked rather serious.

Rune looked confused, "Wait, where are we going?"

"I just told you. I dunno. I thought you were leading."

Rune stopped talking, for he could read her plans. She was toying with him. He only followed her.

"So big colt, what are your interests? Surely they can't include helping little damsels in distress like me out."

"I enjoy expanding my capabilities. Nature walks and meditating is also relaxing."

Thunder sneered. "Oh. You're the boring type eh? Great..."

"I do sometimes go out and find what you would call 'Thrill Seekers.' "

"Oh? Is that so? Well what would those consist of then big shot?"

"You know that small waterfall that is in my meditation area? Well, above it is a intense series of underground tunnels in the mountain that could be...what are they called...? Water slides?"

Thunder chuckled. "Water slides? Heh... I like you. Almost innocent enough to make me feel bad."

Rune kept going. "So, what do you do for fun?"

She stopped, spun, and stared at him dead in the eye. "Fun?" Thunder growled. "I don't have fun. I fight for my life constantly, hide in fear continuously, and watch stupid ponies like you die on a regular basis. Any of that sound fun to ya?"

Rune remained unfazed. "Forgive me" he bowed to her, "I only meant to respond with what you asked me. But is that all you truly do? Has there ever been one time in your life that you have done something for your own free whim?"

"Whim? Geez..." Thunder brought her hoof to her temple. "Look, let's just go." She started off. "And cut the odd way of speaking. If you can't talk right, I can't expect you to fight right."

"Forgive me...I have been in isolation for most of my life. How others speak currently is new to me. However I shall try, as long as you, how you say, 'Lay off dude?' "

Thunder sighed. "How? Just... how?"

The grey skies started to brighten with a blue hue, a small cloud of puff here and there. The grass grew greener and the air smelled fresh. "Finally!" the mare screamed. "We're back to normal!" She crashed to the ground and started laughing.

Rune looked at Thunder strangely. This made no sense, but then again he grew up with that feeling. "Well, we are all in the clear?"

Thunder ignored him and continued to roll around in the grass, lost in her own mind.

Rune looked even more confused. "Wow...and I thought I never went out much."

Thunder heard Rune, jumping up and brushing herself off sheepishly. "Right. Erm... we should be going."

Rune placed a hoof on her shoulder. "There is something troubling you. And it is not the evil forces that is after you. Please, tell me. You have not done anything else but run haven't you?"

"Get off me!" Thunder screamed, knocking his hoof away. "Don't you dare touch me again or I will hurt you!"

Rune looked at her unfazed. "My touch was not one of violence. There is something troubling you, tell me." His runes glowed brighter for an unknown reason.

"You... you leave me alone... I didn't need your help, and I don't want it!"

Rune looked to her, "Aside from my persistence, why did you allow me to come? If I was truly in that much danger, you would do more than just make idle threats to stop me. You would exhibit more force." He placed a hoof back on her shoulder. "Keeping your emotions contained can cause you even more pain than letting them out." His light tried to calm her down.

Thunder forcefully bit into his hoof, breaking skin and causing blood to slowly seep out before jerking away. "I said don't touch me!"

Rune backed his hoof off, face still unfazed. His runs near that hoof glowed brighter, the wound healing. "Alright then, you have shown your decision. I shall leave you be for the time being." He turned and walked away. His form slowly disappeared.

"Hrmph... Good riddance." Thunder continued forward, opposite of the direction the stallion went. She walked until she came to a small hill. Climbing the terrain, she spotted a sign at the top, reading, 'One mile to Maneford'. "About time..." she grumbled to herself. Looking back, she started to wonder about Rune. "Eh, he'll be fine. I'm sure he knows when to run."

Unknown to Thunder, Rune was indeed following her. However his magic kept him hidden and silent to her senses.

"So... Maneford eh?" Thunder said to herself. "Looks country and abandoned. Nothing but a few barns, a house or two, and a shop."

Rune stayed behind her, watching and listening. He wanted to see if she would do anything to show her true meanings of her behavior.

"Now... which way would be the best route. I could stop by the shop first and grab supplies. Or... Hmmm... It's been a long day. Maybe I should just camp out up here tonight." Again, she looked back. "Stupid stallion... Oh well, you can't pick and choose. Maybe he'll come back."

Rune smiled to himself. Watching and observing were two things he was good at. He watched as she set up camp.

Time passed on and the moon began to rise in the distance. A small glow was barely seen atop of the hill outside of the city of Maneford. Thunder sat staring at the flames and sighed. "Here I am again, another lonely night alone."

Rune watched Thunder, seeing a small amount of sadness in her voice.

"Maybe one day I'll be free of this curse." Thunder laughed sadly. "Yea... like that'll happen..."

He sat and watched. 'She seems to only care for her curse,' he thought.

"But who knows... maybe one day..."

Rune slowly reappeared, "I sense your sadness."

"Hey you! I was wondering when you'd come back. Ya miss me or something?"

Rune said nothing as he simply walked across from her. His runes glowed green as his magic lit up. The grass and other plants seemed to grow, making a tent-shaped structure. He walked in and laid down, his head poking out at least.

"Gonna ignore me eh?" Thunder remarked. "Fine. Just go to sleep then." She turned over and stared at the dirt.

His magic glowed again, a small vine growing near Thunder. Then, a wide variety of fruits grew next to her.

"Heh... No thanks. I don't like fruit. I only eat vegetables."

Rune rolled his eyes before turning. The fruit was replaced with vegetables.

Thunder picked off a carrot and ate. "Ya know," she started with her mouth full. "I'm really not trying to be mean right? I just... have a thing about ponies touching me and asking about my personal life..."

Rune said nothing as he looked away.


"Your words speak one message that your mind does not. Your tone is very deceiving, but I can hear the truth. Until you're ready to discuss these true intentions of yours, I shall wish you a good night."

Thunder looked at him blankly. "Wait... what?"

Rune was already turned and asleep.

Thunder suddenly became furious. "Hey! Hey! Wake up! What did you mean by that?" She began stomping toward Rune.

Rune slowly rose, "Let me put my statement in "normal" terms. Stop hiding who you are and tell me what is wrong. Otherwise good night."

Thunder was stunned. "Wha... I..." She steamed. "Fine! Good night to you too then! Good for nothing, stupid, idiotic..." Her voice trailed as she mumbled toward her bed.

Rune turned to sleep. His runes faded color.

The mare laid her head down forcefully and snapped her eyes shut. It took only a moment to fall asleep.

Morning quickly came over the horizon, shining the light down onto them. Rune shuffled in his sleep, grumbling.

"Stop your grumbling and get up." Thunder harshly stated.

He frowned, "No...mother...no..." he tossed in a nightmare.

"Hey!" Thunder roared, dragging the stallion out of his tent. "I said wake up!"

The stallion shot up awake, in a cold sweat. He panted a few times and looked around. Once he saw Thunder, Rune quickly hugged her. He shivered in fear.

Thunder froze. His grip was tight and she couldn't move. After a second, she began to try and squirm yelling, "let me go".

Rune kept his hold, still recovering from the haunting nightmare. But then, he realized what he was doing. He let her go. He stood up, his face back to its normal emotionless phase. "Okay, shall we be going?"

"Hey! I'm not done with you! What was that all about?"

"I had a nightmare..." Rune said. "It... it is the only thing that can get past my emotions."

"And?" Thunder scorned. "I have nightmares too, but you don't see me screaming and crying in my sleep do ya? Come on, let's go."

Rune was internally hurt, but did nothing to show it. "Yes mam."

The two trotted inward toward the city. The sun was just breaking the horizon and light had just began to flush through. Their first stop was the store, a run down shack of a building with little to nothing of use except a few tools.

"Agh!" Thunder screamed in frustration. "No food, no water, no nothing! Only these Celestia forsaken gardening tools!"

Rune sighed as his magic glowed. "I can provide all of that... or did that detail fail to enter that steel trap you call a head?"

"I must have overlooked that detail smart-flank." Thunder's tone rose.

Rune grumbled slightly. "Well maybe if your personality was not always locked away, maybe others would be more willing to help you."

"Like I told you, I don't need anypony to help me! It's all you ponies do it nag me on and on about how I am or where I come from! I didn't ask for your help!" Thunder stopped herself and took a deep breath. "Look, now's not the time to be fighting. We gotta stay ahead of the Skeprendik." She grabbed a shovel and a rake and started outside. "Come on, let's check the barn outside."

He rolled his eyes, "Maybe they are just friendly. I am sure you know the term of that word, friend. After all, I am sure you have tons of them. A pony with your personality must be very popular."

"I sense your sarcasm. You ain't no ray of sunshine either princess."

"You are correct. I am no ray, but the pure sphere itself. Along with a rainbow of other spectrums."

"And you're a poet too! How wonderful!" Thunder sighed and left the store. "You coming sunshine?"

Rune walked alongside her. He still tried to keep his emotions under, but this mare was being pesky. "I shall come, O Mare of the Hard Headed..."

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