• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 1,520 Views, 17 Comments

A Rainbow at Dawn. - kioraid

Rainbow Dash doesn't really know about romance or these "novels" everyone seems to be so crazy about

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Chapter 1. Good morning

As an average day started to approach Ponyville everypony was just starting to wake up to Celestia’s beautiful dawn, that is all but two ponies that is. Twilight Sparkle looked over to the corner in the back of the library’s main room.
“Rainbow! Stop trying to look if I have any new Daring Do, and finish helping me prepare for the princesses visit!” The cyan mare looked over her shoulder towards the lavender pony.
“I don’t see why I have to help you rearrange your whole house just because I was visiting.”
The lavender mare looked over with a little frustration mixed with worry towards Rainbow.
“Well if you didn’t barge in here while I was just getting a letter explaining that princess Celestia and her sister Luna were coming to Ponyville you wouldn't be here right now!”
“I don’t know Twi’ that still sounds a little unreasonable how was I supposed to know that it was a letter for a surprise visit that is only going to be here at your house.” Rainbow went down to get a book off the floor.
“Well Rainbow the fact that you came barging into my home, then took the letter I had and read it out loud made you in my debt.”
“Catch!” Rainbow hurled a book towards Twilight, stopping the book with a soft purple glow around it only inches from her face.
“Ok you win Rainbow if you are not going to help me then just get out!”
A large feeling of guilt started to rush over the pegasus.
“I’m sorry Twi’, it’s just that we have been at this all night. Just look out the window it is sunrise.” Twilight looked out the window just beside her ‘fiction’ bookshelf.
“I guess we have been working for a while.” The Pegasus took a slow flight next to the lavender unicorn.
“A nap would be the best thing we could do right now. I will just take my place on the couch.” Before the unicorn could even mutter a word, rainbow had already taken a sprawled out position on her couch. A nap would be nice right now.
“Sister why on Equestria must we ride on the train!” the midnight alicorn looked up to the regal Celestia.
“Luna must I remind you that you cannot name your royal guard anything you want.” Luna looked off of the chariot to see four of her royal guards flying them to Ponyville.
“I don’t see why not. They were so merry when I first saw them that I called them my gay squad but to you made that a no go.”
“I also made insignificant pigs and children eaters a ‘no go’ too.”
“Okay admittedly I now realize that those titles have been banned ‘unsavory and tasteless’ but I had a squad of many happy stallions before somepony locked me in my own moon.” Celestia looked down at her younger sister.
“Yes, but times have changed and I can only guess that the new name for your guard has something to do with those ‘novels’ you have been reading recently.”
A pout formed across Luna’s face. “Hey. Those trains loved each other very much!” Celestia looked toward their drivers.
“You may stop now I will be teleporting Luna and I in.”
Twilight opened her eyes to the almost blinding light coming from her bedroom window.
“Oh Celestia what time is it!” she whirled around towards her alarm clock. “Dang it, it’s midday, the princesses will be here any minute!” Twilight quickly enveloped the brush on her nightstand with an aura of purple. Making her way down stairs while getting the last few knots out of her mane she looked up to see rainbow in a completely clean room.
“Hey Twi’ I felt kinda bad for what I said so when I thought you were asleep I went ahead and did the rest of the cleaning for you.” Twilight could see a soft hue of red come onto Rainbow’s face.
“Oh Rainbow that is so thoughtful, Thank you.”
“Whoa hey I do not want any thanks. I kinda was being a jerk when I got here and then you started getting stressed so I just had to take all the credit of cleaning for myself.” Rainbow puffed her chest out and looked to the sky…roof.
“Well it was no problem being the fastest pony in all of Ponyville. Speaking of fast I need to get out of here before the princesses arrive.” Twilight looked down to the floor.
I can’t just shove her out of my home after I took a whole night of sleep away from her.
“Wait, Rainbow.” The cyan Pegasus turned toward her friend.
“Yeah Twi’?”
“Why don’t you stay here and meet the princesses. It would be easier than telling them what you did through a friendship report if you just told them yourself right?”
“Well yeah I guess but isn’t that like your special time with them?” Twilight looked back up to Rainbow.
“No, Celestia always wants to meet you and the rest of the group. It is just that if word ever gets to Pinkie or Rarity the whole town will know that Celestia is coming.” Rainbow looked over to the clock then back at Twilight.
“I guess I could spare a few minutes for the princesses” Rainbow’s magenta eyes focused in onto Twilight’s. “In the mean time I can think of some things we can do to pass the time.”
A bright light flashed in the foyer of the library. Celestia looked around the room but there was no sight of Twilight Sparkle. “AAHHHHHHHH!!!”
Celestia quickly turned to the stair case. “Luna come that scream was from Twilight’s room!”
Luna and Celestia quickly charged up the stair case Celestia swiftly opened the door to Twilight’s bed room revealing two mares sitting at a small study table with a piece of paper in front of them. “How are you doing this Twi’? It is Tic-Tac-Toe, but you beat me every time!”
The lavender unicorn simply smiled at her increasingly frustrated friend. “Oh Rainbow don’t tell me that you have never heard of skill.”
“No, it isn’t skill because we played rock, paper, scissors before this and you still whooped me! Ok how about we see who can spin the longest and not get dizzy.”
Celestia and Luna stared for the longest time before Celestia reached her hoof up to clear her throat. Luna quickly pushed her hoof back down and whispered into her sister’s ear “No, no, Let this play out they will soon start to see each other in a more dramatic light slowly telling them….hey girl she totally wants some of that flank.”
Celestia turned to her sister with a bewildered look “Luna!” The sudden shout from the princess made both Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle turn around.
“Oh! Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I didn’t hear you come in I guess I lost track of the time.” Twilight quickly got on all her hooves to bow before the regal sisters.
Coming back up she caught view of Rainbow just lazily flying above the ground. “I think you have met Rainbow Dash before.”
Celestia looked towards Rainbow. “Yes, she is the young pony who won the best young fliers competition.” Luna looked up towards Rainbow Dash as well. “I don’t think I have had the honor of meeting you yet.”
Rainbow’s ears perked at hearing the words honor with meeting her. “Well I would hate to void you of the chance of having a rainbow brighten your life.” Luna chuckled at the confidence booming from this little pony. Meanwhile Twilight and Celestia were engaging in conversation themselves
“So my little pony how has Ponyville been treating you?”
Twilight’s eyes widened making the purple beam in them brighter than ever. “Oh Princess I cannot imagine living anywhere else. My friends make me feel like nothing in the world can affect us. Pinkie Pie will bring my imagination to life, and Rarity has shown me that we always strive to fit our own goals. Applejack taught me to always be truthful to your friends while Fluttershy showed me true kindness.”
Twilight looked up towards her teacher who still seemed to still be interpreting what she was saying. “Well Twilight that is great…are you forgetting anything?” Twilight suddenly felt a huge warmth come over her face. She felt like she was getting a test to which she didn’t know the answers too.
Rainbow Dash was flying right over Luna’s head showing her the ability that Rainbow had of tight turns and maneuvers. “And that is about the time I realized that if it wasn’t for the sonic rainboom that I had created my friends would never have gotten their cutie marks.”
Luna looked at the spinning Pegasus. “Well that is an amazing story but don’t you think that it is a little selfish to claim all the credit to yourself?” shades of red seemed to attack Rainbow Dash’s face. Luna just smiled “Ha! That fits your personality so well! You would be the perfect character for some of the books that I read!”
Rainbow’s face took a state of curiosity. “What do you mean that fits my personality so well? And what is that second part supposed to mean?”
Luna immediately navigated her view away from Rainbow. “Oh I was just thinking aloud.” Twilight looked around the room as if it would provide some answer to the question she put in her mind.
“Twilight?” Celestia looked down to the lavender mare fidgeting around her seat. “Are you alright?”
Twilight looked back up “Oh Celestia I feel like I’m forgetting someone important to tell you about.”
“Twilight, you need not worry. It is not like this is a test or anything.”
Luna couldn’t stop laughing at Rainbow Dash’s comment. “Hey, come on! What I said cannot be taken like that.” Luna got back off the ground still holding her side. Two large black wings seemed to shoot from her sides.
“Ok Rainbow Dash let us see if your statement is correct.”
Rainbow shot up into the air. “Oh bring it on. I told you that you couldn't beat me in a race, and now you’re just letting me prove it!”
A smirk came across Luna’s face. “If you are so certain that you will win maybe we should put a wager down.”
“And what would that be?”
Luna looked right into Rainbow’s magenta eyes. “I will decide when I beat you.”
Twilight looked over too Rainbow and Luna who seemed to be in a heated debate. “I just get confused at times and I don’t know why.”
Celestia looked down to the seemingly shyer Twilight. “Well a great sort of confusion or stress can come from an outside source.”
Twilight looked up longing for an answer. “What do you do when you’re confused?”
Celestia looked to the still open door leading to the main library room. “Well I always enjoy a good book and warm tea.” She looked down at Twilight and smiled, Twilight couldn't help but smile back.
Yes! I get to show Celestia some of my favorite books…hehe maybe Rainbow is right about me being such an egghead.
Just as Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia started for the door a black streak went by them with a rainbow one not far behind gushing wind enough to blow Twilight’s mane into a mess. Celestia looked down the stairs as a torrent of wind was blown through. "We might have to wait on the tea Twilight."

Author's Note:

Hey! thanks for reading this fan fic. this "chapter" was a lot longer but I could not wait to get started on here so I split it into two parts. after the second chapter the chapters should be longer than 2,000 words. More ponies and what? comedy? like the tab on this story?!? I will try to have a cover image up soon...maybe I am still trying to figure out how to navigate around fimfiction.
Editing on this chapter goes to Paradox949! Thank you for curing my wall of text affliction!