• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 1,521 Views, 17 Comments

A Rainbow at Dawn. - kioraid

Rainbow Dash doesn't really know about romance or these "novels" everyone seems to be so crazy about

  • ...

Chapter 5:Confusion.

Luna's smile didn't waver as Rainbow stood solitary in her pace for an uncomfortable amount of time. A questioning look seemed to start to break the smile on her face.

"Uh... Dash?"

Rainbow's eyes followed Luna's as she examined her face.

What is she doing here? Am I just imagining her or is she really starring me down right now?

Did I do something wrong? Oh, crap I'm just staring at her, quick say something to break the silence!

"Uhh, am I dreaming?


Luna giggled

"Here let me show you something."

Rainbow tried to argue, but couldn't seem to force the words out. She shut her eyes and threw her head down.


Why? Why is this happening to me? All I want is-


A swirling vortex of wind and debris emanating from below started to surround the Cloudiseum.


Columns started to break and fall, going straight through the cloud layer. The sky started to turn black, covering the surrounding area in darkness.

"No, no, no!"

A large gust of wind picked up Rainbow and effortlessly threw her below the cloud layer along with the debris from the columns.

"No! I- I don't want to-!"

Twilight's voice broke through all the surrounding noise.

"Don't want to what Rainbow?"

Rainbow quickly lifted her head, and looked around. The Ponyville town square was stretched before her. The faint sound of crickets echoed in the background dissipating into white noise. She turned back to Twilight, her lavender body shining radiantly in the moon light. Twilight looked straight at Rainbow, with her teal eyes, and fell into a deep kiss. Rainbow felt her body go limp.

Wa- wait her eyes! Twilight has-

Rainbow retreated from her kiss to see Luna smiling, soon disappearing like sand into the wind.


Rainbow dropped to the floor, throwing her head down. Ponyville began to sink away until rainbow was laying atop a hill. A timid voice soon broke the silence.

"Da- Dash? Are you feeling well?"

Dash looked straight at Luna, anger seemed to emanate from her very being. (Unclear antecedent?)

"Don't you dare talk to me right now." Dash stood, "I don't care who or what you are, if you're a stupid figment of my imagination or if you are actually you, but leave."

"Uh- Dash, if I may."

Rainbow snapped her gaze back to the princess, Luna forced hers away.

"Why in the world are you trying to talk to me right now? Is it not clear that I want you to leave, or are you to dim to even understand simple signs of aggression or frustration?"

"Well I-"


Luna let out a small 'eep' before Rainbow continued on her tirade.

"Why!? Why are you here? Is it to make some sick game out of how I react? Do you find this fun, or are you ‘just trying to help’? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't want any help from you! Is that not clear or do I have to shove it into that dense head of yours?"

Luna's head sank lower.

"You’re still here, Why? Please explain why you’re still here, it must be a thrilling tale of GO AWAY!"

When the tirade of questions and insults came to an end, Luna looked up at Rainbow for the first time that night, since the transgression started.

"I get the impression you are troubled dear Rainbow Dash" Luna said quietly.

"Oh really? What gave the hint? Was it the constant berating and shouting that tipped you off? Or was it the look of pure rage on my face that gave it away?"

Dash spat, barely even acknowledging her presence, let alone looking at the princess of the night.

"I will not answer that, but please, I am here to help, seeing you run off twice after the same incident suggests you are troubled with what has transpired in reality, and in this dream of yours."

Startled, Dash turned to look at Luna with wide eyes, and asked the question that suddenly crossed her mind.

"This is a dream? I'm dreaming, right, the second time didn't really happen then?"

"Only in your mind, Rainbow Dash."

"That's... uh... comforting I suppose."

"Why is it comforting for that to have transpired?"

Rainbow jumped at the last remark. She looked from side to side only to let out a small mutter. Luna looked on dazed and confused.

"I'm sorry, but what was that? I didn’t quite catch that."

Rainbow slowly looked back at Luna.

"Well you see, I uh, I think that I'm..."

Dash couldn't help but to pause in the middle of her sentence.

Crap, I can't think of anything to say to her. This whole deal is just rotten.

"Dash," Luna let out a comforting smile towards Rainbow. "If I may interject your self-indulgence, you have had your friends worrying."

Rainbow looked at the princess and looked back to the ground and continued to ramble to herself.

A very blunt expression played across Luna's face. "You have been out cold for two days."

In a flash Rainbow jumped into flight, caught off guard by the blunt statement. "WHAT?!?"

Luna looked to her hoof. "Yes, if you want to be chronologically correct you're nearing your sixty eighth hour, or close to three days."

"No, there is no way that I have been out for three days. I don't believe you."

"That is fine by me, but you might want to check on your friends."

With a smile and a wink Luna disappeared into the crisp night sky. Rainbow stared questioning towards the sky.

"What the heck does that even mean!?!"

A light from high above blinded Rainbow's vision, which was soon consumed with an unbreakable darkness. Dash slowly opened eyes, the afterimage of the blinding light still burned upon the blurred scene in front of her. Blinking a couple of times until a distorted image sat before her. A wooden ceiling stared back at her; the sound of birds whistling causing the slightest of nauseous feelings.

Ugh where am I?

Rainbow leaned forward to get a better view of her surroundings, but as soon as her abdominal muscles received the stimulus a piercing pain sent her backwards into the bed. A shout had escaped her as she hit the bed. Dash looked at herself, upon examination a surplus of bandages had enclosed her lower abdominal.

Oh, yeah... that.

Rainbow moved her head around to gain a better observation of her surroundings. A minimal room with white walls surrounded her. The decor included a beautifully crafted cabinet and a few bird houses, with a window at Dash's right.

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow said softly, her throat burning with the effort.

Aghh, it hurts to talk. I guess I will have to wait to see if she is home.

Rainbow slumped back down, her head looking to the right. From the corner of her eye she saw a single rose on the nightstand. Under the rose was an envelope.

Who would leave me a flower... it looks freshly picked. Also, I wonder what’s in the envelope.

Rainbow slowly lifted her hoof towards the small pieces of sentiment. Pain shot through her body as she reached the items. This reaction knocked both the rose and envelope to the ground.

Oh, that’s just great.

Rainbow found herself once again slumping into the bed. She stared back towards the ceiling.

I wonder what the group is doing right now.



Twilight looked around her room. The sun glimmered through her blinds slightly filling her room with light.

"Spike? Spike are you in here?"

Twilight waited for a response, but one did not return.

Huh, I guess he's downstairs.

As she headed downstairs she saw Spike resting on the couch.

"Spike?" Twilight said as she poked the dragon. "Did you sleep down here?"

The drowsy dragon opened an eye.

"Wha- yeah. You didn't seem to be in the greatest of moods last night."

A grimace spread across Twilight's face.

"Yeah, well that is a story for another time. Go on up and you can sleep in your own bed or mine. I'm sure that either of them is more comfortable than that couch. I will wake you with some breakfast after I take a bath."


Twilight smiled as he made his way up the stairs. She followed him up soon after and headed into the bathroom. After she had gotten her bath ready, she stepped in, enjoying the slight burn he water gave her. Her mind ablaze with thought, she groaned.

"Ugh, I don't want to think right now."

She let her mouth sink into the water with her nose slightly out of the water. The warm water seemed to penetrate straight through her, making her whole body warm.

I've got stuff with things to do!

Twilight could feel the anger slowly beginning to rise. She threw her forelegs into the air, splashing water around the room.

"What does that even mean!?!"

Twilight looked over to her mirror. Her reflection shining back at her seemed to enlarge the bags under her bright purple eyes. Sleep was not a welcome customer the previous night. She spoke as if only to convince herself.

"All I'm saying is that ‘stuff with things to do’ is not a good excuse."

Twilight continued through her daily routines during her bath time, and soon exited with a towel wrapped around her body and mane. She made her way over to her mirror and unwrapped the towel from her head to start brushing her mane.

Why am I even contemplating this situation so much? Is it because I don't want to see my friend in such a perplexing mood?

Twilight sat and brushed her mane three more times.

"Yeah, that must be it."

She couldn't quite understand it, but a feeling of disappointment washed over her. Twilight smiled as she exited the bathroom and made her way into the kitchen. She started to make a dandelion sandwich, but looked over to a small box secluded on the top of her pantry.

I guess I could treat him today.

A faint purple magic enveloped the box and pulled out a small ruby, placing it next to the now prepared sandwich.

"Spike! Time to get up!"

A soft murmur replied her from upstairs. Twilight made her way to the couch that sat next to her fireplace, when she noticed a misplaced book next to it. As she lay down and look to the book she remembered.

"Oh, I really need to return this... also that sequel..."

As she started to open the book an ecstatic yelp echoed through the room, and Spike soon entered the room and held his plate in front of her.

"Twilight did you mean to put this here?"

Twilight smiled down to the small dragon.

"Yes, Spike. I thought that you deserved it for all the hard work that you have shown recently."

"Oh thank you Twilight!"

Spike gave Twilight a hug before disappearing into the kitchen. Twilight couldn't help, but to give out a light giggle. Slowly, the average early morning talks began between Spike and Twilight, going over what needs to be done today, before Spike broke Twilight’s train of thought.

"When is that lunch you’re going to have with Lyra?"

Twilight looked over to the clock placed across the room.

"Oh, it's in about five minutes."

Spike looked at Twilight as she turned back down to her book.

"Uhh, Twi'? Do you realize what you just-?"

Twilight's smile broke as easily as her posture. A panicked squeak left Twilight’s lips.

"Oh, no no no. I'm late. I'm heading out now Spike. Watch the house."

Twilight screamed as she fiercely closed the door and galloped her way down to the shopping district in Ponyville near sugarcube corner. By the time she had arrived she could easily spot the mint green pony in the most awkward of sitting positions. As Twilight made her way over to her, Lyra spotted her and waved.

"Sorry, I'm late." Twilight said in a low apologetic voice.

"Oh, it's fine. I was honestly about 50/50 on whether you would come or not," replied Lyra.

Twilight perked up to this as she took a normal seated position, unlike her company, around the small circular table.

"And why is that?"

"Well, you always seem kinda secluded to everyone who is not in your circle."

"That's not true!" Twilight retorted.

Lyra simply smiled.

"What is the mayor's name?"

Twilight looked perplexed for a minute. Shyly she spoke up.

"It's uhhh, it’s not Mayor Mare?"

A deep blush ran across Twilight's face as Lyra burst out with laughter.

Twilight soon spoke up, desperately trying to avoid going any further down this current conversation.

"I- I did not come here to have my social interest mocked."

Lyra looked up and let out a comforting smile.

"I'm just joshing you."

"Joshing me?"

"Yeah you know, like joking. I find it very useful in bringing conversation up."

A waiter pony brought out a milkshake, and placed it in front of Lyra.

"Oh, look they brought two straws! We can share if you want." Lyra left the sentence with a slow blink.

Twilight felt a warm sensation run across her face. "That- that is part of your 'joshing' right?"

Lyra let out a smile. "You caught me."

Twilight let out a sigh of relief.

“I'm not sure if you’re annoying or not."

Lyra looked over from her milkshake.

"You know, Bon Bon says the same thing to me."

"Bon Bon?"

Lyra smiled. "Again, think back to our first conversation."

Twilight looked over to the pony.

"Oh, shut up. That's not what I meant."

"Well," Lyra placed a hoof on her face and looked off into the distance. "Bon Bon is somepony very special to me."

Twilight's eyes glittered, and she looked down.

"Uh.... how would you say you figure out somepony is very special?"

Lyra looked over, and couldn't help but to snicker at the innocence that radiated from the look on Twilight's face.


As the day grew longer Lyra's and Twilight's conversation grew. It lasted until late in the afternoon, and shared many laughs.

Twilight looked over to the road that would take her home, as her and Lyra finished their conversation. Lyra perked up and said.

"We should do this again sometime."

Twilight looked back and smiled. "Yeah."

As Twilight made it back to her library she opened the door with a shock. Nurse Redheart and Spike stood side by side.

Twilight looked nervously around expecting the worst. Nurse Redheart spoke up.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news for you."

It was easy to see the desperation in Twilight's eyes. Swallowing, she finally asked.

"What happened?"

Author's Note:

Yeah school has been a adventure so far. I am sorry this came out so late, however I'm not going to say the next will be sooner. I will be working on this in my free time, but between a job and school that's not much. Please stay with the story because I enjoy creating stuff such as this. I will try and keep everyone in the know better with my story progress this time.
but uhhh yeah.

.....I need to add some comedy somewhere in here.

Paradox949 helped in a collaboration for this chapter! Thanks!!!

Comments ( 1 )

Aahhh I missed something!

Am I just imagining her or is she really starring me down right now?

Did I do something wrong? Oh, crap I'm just staring at her, quick say something to break the silence!

"Uhh, am I dreaming?

Should be staring, and also missed an end quotation mark on the last line.

Honestly, I probably missed more.

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