• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 3,425 Views, 205 Comments

Mare Do Well: The Series - ShadeJak

Set after my other story MDW: As The Sky Falls. New villains and threats arise, and Rainbow Dash finds herself once again in the role of the superheroine Mare Do Well

  • ...

At Year's End

Much excitement was going on all throughout Equestria, for the end of the year was fast approaching, and the start of the new, just around the corner. Twilight Sparkle had already made plans to go to Manehattan to see the big show in the City Square, having heard that in celebration several inventors would be showing off their latest creations that would help change the world over the course of the new year. Something which Rainbow Dash found an egghead pursuit that even her love for reading did not entirely entice her towards.

“Twi, really, you’re going all the way to Manehattan to see this?” The pegasus asked.

“Of course, Rainbow! You think I’d miss something like an invention show for any reason?” Twilight asked with a smirk, earning an eyeroll from her friend.

“Okay, I guess it makes sense to you, but c’mon, they didn’t even invite me to perform a sonic rainboom or anything! I’m starting to worry I’m losing my touch here!” Rainbow protested.

“Well it has been awhile since you’ve actually done one, Rainbow. Not to mention no longer trying for the wonderbolts, no offense but you’ve kind of phased yourself off the radar these days.” Twilight remarked, a little more bluntly then she’d meant. “…Sorry…” She said, realizing that some of those matters may have bothered the pegasus.

“Whatever, it’s in the past.” Rainbow said, waving a hoof; though Twilight was unsure how honest her friend was being about that. “But I guess I can go, I mean, there might be bad guys who will try something!” She said with a smirk.

“Now that you mention it, that might be possible. Max Diamonds will be present to help host the invention show, since Big Shot seems to have it in for him, you might be right of there being a chance something could happen.” Twilight mused.

“Diamonds, huh?” Rainbow asked, recalling the last time she’d met him, when she was posing as a Manehattan elite. “That oughta be cool…”


“Good of you to arrive, Black Hex.” The masked earth pony stated, gazing down at the zebra assassin, who bowed her head.

“I’m grateful to be of service, Big Shot.” Black Hex replied. “What is it you require of me?”

“As you may know, Max Diamonds is helping host a show for the New Year celebration being held in Manehattan’s Central Square…”

“You wish for me to acquire him?” The zebra asked.

“No, not this time. Mare Do Well’s continued involvement and persistent investigation into my affairs has forced me to re-plan when we can claim him. We are going to go for a subtler method; if she is present, she will most likely have her attention on him, or otherwise be ready to interfere. Instead, the invention show has provided us with a beneficial solution to production for my plans.”

“How so, sir?” Black Hex asked.

“I have listed several inventions I wish for you to bring back, or at the very least their designs. With them, we can have the potions we’ve been working on for our plans produced more quickly and more efficiently. I have left the list over there.” He said, gesturing with a translucent hoof to a nearby table. “Acquire them at the conclusion of the show when they set off the city’s crystal orb as everypony will be distracted, and contact me immediately after.” The towering earth pony explained. “And do not fail me, you will be watched.” He added.

“I will not fail.” The zebra answered, looking over the list and taking it in her teeth before leaving the room to gear up; Big Shot’s image vanishing and leaving the room otherwise empty.


“So, you ready, Rainbow?” Twilight asked, finishing unloading things into her saddlebag and magically wrapping a scarf around her neck.

“Ready as ever!” Rainbow replied, gesturing to her own saddlebag which contained her costume. “So where’s the others?” She asked, noticing they were alone.

“Well, you know how Fluttershy gets around large, noisy crowds, Rarity’s booked as ever, Applejack’s got half her family on their way to the farm to celebrate together…” Twilight explained, Rainbow sighed a little, wishing she could have been there for that given there’d probably be plenty of cider there, hard and sweetened. “And of course Pinkie Pie’s handling the Ponyville New Year party.”

“Oh, right. I have kinda missed a lot of memos lately.” The pegasus muttered. One of the costs of being out on patrols in other cities at night left her one tired pony for much of the day which lead to her missing out on most of the news outside of what Twilight told her. Twilight herself, with her study habits, seemed the only pony who kept the odd hours like she did. “Guess it’s just us, then.” She said.

“Well, we’d better get going, wanna try and beat some of the crowd!” Twilight said excitedly. Rainbow Dash went over to her side and placed her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, ready for the impending teleportation.


In a flash of light, the two ponies appeared in the center of a crowded street of Manehattan, where numerous signs were posted, and the One Equine Plaza and Bridleway Theater were also plainly visible. Even though Rainbow Dash had patrolled the city a couple times as Mare Do Well, visited a high-rise place incognito, and recalled her first rescue as the costumed vigilante, she’d never truly taken in a view of this part of the city from the ground. With it being night out, the unicorns had the place lit up magnificently.

“Oh my, is the great Rainbow Dash totally caught up by the view?” Twilight teased, nudging the pegasus with her elbow.

“Huh? Nahh, nothing beats the view from above. Not that you’d know anything about that…” Rainbow responded haughtily, hovering in place off the ground.

“Well, we still got awhile before the show, maybe we can check out the inventions before they’re presented!” Twilight replied, an evident twinkle in her eye at the enthusiasm she was clearly feeling over the idea.

“Yeah, sure, I guess. But I’m getting a funnel cake first.” Rainbow answered.

After she’d gotten her snack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight wandered about the grounds of the event. Unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony inventors were at booths showing off a few of their creations, most of them far too fancy for Rainbow to bother trying to understand any more then she did the scientific babble Twilight was going on about the entire time, responding to each with a smile and nod.

“—and it’s things like this that make me really want to make it into the Starswirl Academy one day!” Twilight said with a grin.

“Uhh yeah, whateve—I mean, I’m sure you’ll blow ‘em all away, Twi. You’re like the smartest pony I know.” Rainbow Dash replied, catching herself and doing her best to sound supportive enough to seem like she was really paying attention. Still, she couldn’t help but envy her friend a little. Twilight would be able to follow her dreams, while she herself would have to continue on the path she’d chosen. The success and the heroism may have been their own reward, but it had still cost her the dreams she once had. Even then, she wasn’t sure how long she’d last as Mare Do Well, decades down the road she wouldn’t be in any shape to do it anymore… what then? Out herself and live on the recognition? No, she learned her lesson about what happened with her the last time she lived on that kind of recognition. Pass it on to somepony else? Who but her could handle this kind of life? She wasn’t sure, Mare Do Well pretty much epitomized living in the moment, and for the moment.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she bumped into a teal pony. “Hey, careful—“ Rainbow began, then realized who she’d bumped into when she saw the wings, the gold mane and matching tail. “Lightning Dust?!”

“Wha… Rainbow Dash?!” The other pegasus asked, equally surprised. Rainbow noticed Twilight had since wandered off, which was just as well as she didn’t need to drag her into this.

“What are you doing here?” Rainbow asked coldly, slightly suspicious as she had been rather concerned about villain activity, and now that she thought about it, she only knew one pegasus who fit the requirements of one of the foes she’d fought.

“Me? Just enjoying the festival. Is that a crime?” Lightning Dust asked defensively. “Look, I may have made some mistakes, but I don’t need everypony accusing me of causing trouble wherever I go now!”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “The last ‘mistake’ you made would have gotten my friends killed if I hadn’t done something in time.” She answered, causing the other mare to lower her head in shame.

“…I’m sorry.” The teal pegasus said softly. “Believe me, it’s all been haunting me ever since I got kicked out of the academy.”

“How much?” Rainbow asked, a little too eagerly and growing a little more suspicious. It would have been a pretty reasonable motivation.

“A lot! As in when I got back home, my parents were so mad they bucking disowned me! I’ve been trying to just have a normal life, okay? Is that something else I should put on my ‘mistakes’ list?!” She asked, clearly offended now and causing the rainbow-maned pegasus to step back a little.

Wow Rainbow thought to herself. Sure Lightning Dust was a selfish jerk at the academy… much like she could sometimes be, she had to admit… but still, this was a much harsher outcome then she’d have, nowadays, felt the other pegasus deserved. “I’m… I’m sorry, Lightning. I didn’t know.” She said.

“Of course you didn’t.” Lightning Dust replied. “Word got around fast and nopony wanted anything to do with me. Luckily I’ve made some changes in my life and I’m a whole different pony now...” She explained.

Owch. Those words hit in a lot of places Rainbow hadn’t expected, especially given how she could relate to having made changes that affected who she was as well. “Hey, look, believe it or not, I understand. I’ve been going through a lot of changes, too. Enough that got me dismissed from the academy, too.”

Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow. “Seriously, you? I thought you were Spitfire’s golden pony.”

“Were, yeah.” Rainbow answered. “Look, I’m sorry about the stuff I said, can we just start over here?” She asked.

“I guess… I mean it’s not like you knew.” Lightning replied with a slight eyeroll and a shrug. “I’ve been living here the past couple months, been drifting about taking weather jobs here and there. And like I said, I’m real sorry for all the trouble I caused. Trust me, I’m not the same pony you met at the academy anymore.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow said, managing a smile. Maybe they could be friends again after all, hopefully it’d turn out better then her friendship with Gilda had. “Hey, wanna hang? We can watch the big show when it comes on.” The cyan pegasus asked.

“Sure, I guess I can!” Lightning Dust replied. “I’m gonna go get dinner and I’ll meet you guys there. Don’t worry, I’ll spot you.” She said with a smirk, taking to the air and flying off.

Glad things had gone well, Rainbow decided to go find Twilight. In a crowd this big, though, she’d need a better view. Flying higher up, she looked around for that telltale sign of lavender. As she rose up, however, she noticed two familiar ponies near the stage; Max Diamonds… and Grand Cargo, discussing something. Great. Big Shot’s here! she thought, glaring at the towering, walnut-colored earth pony. She couldn’t just very well go over and confront him or try to talk to Max as she was, though… she smirked, an idea in her mind and also congratulating herself for actually letting it reach her mind before doing anything reckless. Spotting Twilight, the pegasus flew over to her immediately; flying over and moving through several ponies, including a shrouded one with a black and white-striped tail she didn’t notice…

“Hey, Twi!” Rainbow said, startling the unicorn who had gotten herself completely fixated on an elaborate clockwork invention enough to make her jump high into the air.

“Rainbow, really?! In front of everypony?!” Twilight asked, upset as the pegasus snickered.

“Sorry, Twi. Couldn’t resist. But hey, I kinda need a favor. You know glamour spells, right?” She asked, the unicorn gave a confused look. “Max Diamonds is right over there, and he’s talking to Grand Cargo. I want to see what’s up without being too… well… ya know, obvious!” She said. “Look, let’s just go to that tent over there.” Rainbow offered, gesturing to an empty tent.


“No dress this time, but it should still work.” Rainbow said to herself with a smirk as she moved through the crowds, Twilight’s glamour spell had done her up in a look Max was sure to recognize fondly. Soon as she got close enough, as she hoped, the slate-colored businesspony took notice of her, excused himself from Cargo, and approached.

“Miss Prisma! I didn’t think I’d see you again!” He said with a smile.

The disguised Rainbow got in-character and gave a feminine laugh, brushing back her now straightened, rose-colored mane and adjusted her scarf. “I wouldn’t miss this event for the world, Max. Least of all if I get to see you at it.” She said in the upper-class Manehattan accent she’d learned.

“Well, I wish I could give you that a little longer, but unfortunately..." The businesspony raised up a letter from his suitcoat. "I have to leave thanks to an emergency at work, I was having a word with Grand Cargo earlier going over the announcements and hosting details for the show, he’s going to be handling it in my place.” Diamonds explained. “Had I known you’d be here, I admit I’d have given my staff a better excuse, but… unfortunately too late now.” He said with slight disappointment.

“A shame.” The pegasus answered. “You’re a remarkable pony, Mr. Diamonds.”

“I told you, call me Max.” He replied with a laugh. “But look, I promise I’ll make this up to you when my schedule’s open, first thing. I admit… you’ve left more of an impression on me then most mares I’ve known.” He explained with a nervous laugh.

“Oh, really, now?” Rainbow asked, smirking.

“Absolutely. Well anyway, I need to go now. Any way I may be able to reach you when I get the chance?” The businesspony asked.

“Oh, if you get in touch with Fancy Pants, have him send notice to Rarity, she’s sure to reach me.” The disguised pegasus said.

“Very well, that I will!” Diamonds said with a smile. “Pleasure to see you again, Miss Prisma. In the meantime, enjoy Cargo’s hosting, believe me he’s very excited about it too, he’s been eager to see how some of the inventions could benefit his company as well.” He said, raising up her hoof and giving it a gentlecoltly kiss. Rainbow felt a slight blush and shrugged off the dazed feeling she felt briefly. Easy, Dash! You’re too awesome and focused on being a superhero to get distracted by a businesspony, even if he really does know how to treat a mare. she thought to herself, though getting closer to him could potentially help get her closer to uncovering Big Shot’s plans given his frequent dealings with Grand Cargo, but that was something she’d deal with another time. As she watched him disappear into the crowd, she saw small sparks of magic fall from her mane, and realized the glamour spell would be wearing off any moment now.

Galloping behind a tent, Rainbow allowed the last traces of the spell to fade off of her and emerged from her hiding place looking like herself again, taking to the air to seek out Twilight again.

“Well, I’m back.” Rainbow said, landing in front of her friend.

“So, how’d it go. Secure a date?” Twilight asked with a playful smirk.

“No… maybe. I dunno. Well, anyway he’s leaving, got called back for an emergency, he left Grand Cargo hosting the show.” Rainbow explained. “Said Cargo was really interested in some of the inventions here, makes me wonder if that’s what he’s here for. But which ones?” She wondered.

“Don’t know. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.” Twilight answered, and Rainbow suddenly looked past her and waved.

“Hey, Lighting! Over here!” The cyan pegasus called out, and Lightning Dust, who had been passing by paused and looked over at her in surprise, coming over.

“Uh, hey.” She said. Twilight turned, and immediately looked less then happy, recalling what had nearly happened to her last time.

“Twi, it’s alright. I was talkin’ to her earlier, she’s not like she was. Offered to have her hang out with us for the show.” Rainbow said with a grin.

Twilight shrugged. Given her studies on friendship it would have made her a hypocrite to not give the other pegasus a second chance if she was truly sorry for what she’d done and was trying to change. “Okay, I guess that’s fine.” She said with a small smile. Lightning seemed somewhat wary, presumably of her, but then again it probably wasn’t easy to be around somepony you almost got killed once. “Over this way, I reserved us spots near the front. Call it a perk from being Celestia’s student.” The unicorn said, leading the other two ponies with her. Once they’d found their spot, two large gems started glowing on the stage, and Vinyl Scratch approached the corner, grinning as she turned on her soundboard. Seconds later, Grand Cargo approached the stage where a mic awaited him.

“Greetings, Manehattan, as we approach our final hour before the Crystal Orb of Friendship is dropped, I suppose it’s time we got on with our Visions of Tomorrow presentation! Regrettably Max Diamonds had to leave early on emergency, so I will be filling in for him. Do cut me some slack if I’m not quite the showpony he is.” The large earth pony said with a sheepish grin. “So let’s begin.” As he said this, Vinyl quickly switched tracks and a platform with an odd device on it glided onstage.

“What we have here is brought to us by the World-Famous Flim-Flam Brothers! The home-based Cider Squeezy 6001!” Cargo announced. In an instant, the two brothers arrived onstage to much cheering, though Twilight and Rainbow Dash just grimaced, recalling how these two were towards Applejack’s family. Once their presentation ended and they smugly trotted offstage, Grand Cargo went through several others, including a device that’d allow quicker brewing and processing potion ingredients, a miniature oven that seemed designed to be a filly’s toy, and a device for vaporizing water that would be pitched to Cloudsdale to make water harvesting easier in places where pegasi were not as common.

“And now, we have our last one, a remarkable invention even Max Diamonds had his eye on if I may say so, invented by a Dr. Spark Stars, a magic-transference machine. Capable of projecting magic not just into items, but into living beings, but I’ll let the good doctor explain!” Cargo said, stepping back as a frazzled unicorn with goggles that had no less then five or six lenses on each side approached.

“Ah yes, my newest creation! Now not only could we transfer magic into gems for powering machines, and for magical items, but now we can also project it into other ponies, endowing them with a boost of energy. Countless uses in the medical field, as well as giving our guards an extra edge if necessary! Granted it only works on ponies, sorry griffons, minotaurs, horses, and such, maybe next year when I’ve improved it a little extra.” The doctor said with a laugh. “But it’s quite an honor to know businessponies are already interested!”

“Well, between us, Max believes it may increase his gem ware productions. Maybe I should buy it before he can! I’m sure I’ll figure out something to do with it.” Cargo said jokingly, though Rainbow Dash just frowned, worrying what Big Shot could use it for.

“For that, doctor, I think this year, we can trust you’ll be voted the winner!” Cargo said, gesturing for the crowd, who all voiced an approval as the invention was about to be carried away. “And now, with a halfhour left to go, the moment we’ve all waited for. Let’s see if we can get Show Stopper out right now with some cheers!” The towering businesspony declared. As ponies drummed their hooves, Rainbow felt uneasy. Big Shot had yet to make a move, and then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a shrouded figure edging ever closer to the front…

But then, right in the middle of the cheering, sparks flew from the gems on the stage, and a film projection of Show Stopper was revealed, but he was bound and gagged, struggling against his restraints. Then, from behind him, a figure stood and let out a loud, sinister cackle.

“GOOOOOOOOOOD EVENING MANEHATTAN!” A loud female voice announced, presumably from his captor. “How’re we all feeling this fine Years End evening?” She asked, followed by the camera changing to a quick showing of a shadowed pony blowing a party horn. “As you all MAY have noticed, Show Stopper’s got a slight case of stage fright, so I’m filling in with one heap of a presentation for you!” She explained, tossing the horn aside.

The ponies all fell silent, Rainbow swore the voice was familiar. Twilight looked especially worried, Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

“This part of the show?” The teal pegasus asked.

“I don’t think it is, Lightning…” Rainbow answered, slowly stepping backward.

In the film, Show Stopper was shown again, his gag was suddenly removed, though his captor remained in the shadows, a grin with small fangs was faintly visible behind the showpony. “Say hello to all your fans, Show Stopper!” The captor ordered.

“Let me go! You’re completely crazy, miss!” Show Stopper pleaded, struggling.

“Do I sound like a crazy pony? Answer me truthfullyyyy!” The captor's voice asked with a sing-song tone and a sinister laugh as the image flickered.

“Truthfully? Yes!” Show Stopper yelled.

“I guess it can’t be argued with.” The captor's voice said with a mock sigh and a shrug. “And neither can this!” She added, raising her hoof, and suddenly purple eruptions of fire burst all around City Square, frightening many ponies and sending them scattering. Seizing the opportunity and nodded to Twilight, Rainbow flew off as fast as she could, ducking into one of the tents.

“Did that pony just ditch us?” Lightning asked, shaking her head.

“I’m gonna get us out of here. I can teleport us so—” Twilight began, and suddenly an explosion burst from One Equine Plaza’s topmost floor and a figure soared from it, carrying something in tow. As it drew closer, Twilight and Lightning Dust could see it left behind a trail of smoke and purple lightning, and swooped right down to the stage, landing with a burst of purple electricity and billowing black smoke. Twilight’s eyes widened in horror as she recognized this pony from Rainbow Dash’s description…


Ponies continued to scatter, screaming, leaving Twilight and Lightning Dust standing there practically alone and the villainess looked at Twilight, then at Lightning Dust, and let out a loud, maniacal laugh, forming a shadowbomb on her hoof and flinging it at them. Twilight leaped out of the way, Lightning Dust immediately spread her wings and flew away, leaving the scene as quickly as she could while the shadowbomb exploded violently where they’d been.

Twilight turned over, getting up and realizing the pegasus had fled, and she was now alone. Grand Cargo backed away, narrowing his eyes at the intruder and glancing down at the unconscious Show Stopper, who lay by Shadowbolt’s hooves.

“What do you want? Perhaps we can work something out.” Cargo said.

“Oh, me?” Shadowbolt asked. “Only to get my hooves on a few of the fascinating devices that have been showcased here, namely our winner!” She declared, raising her hoof and suddenly several pegasi in black bodysuits and skull-like masks emerged from the One Equine Plaza as well and joined her. “And I’m more then happy to cause a little carnage here if I don’t get it…”

“How about you just pack your saddlebags and hit the road!” A new voice declared, and Twilight smirked seeing Mare Do Well swoop down and land on the stage as well.

“Excellent timing.” Grand Cargo remarked.

“Another Big Shot lackey out to do dirty work?” Mare Do Well asked, raising confusion from the other pegasus.

“Big Shot? Please. I do my own thing, it’s funner that way!” Shadowbolt with a laugh. “So, long time no see Mare Do Well! Tell ya what, these ponies still need a show, so how about you and the big guy here just lay down and I’ll execute you both?”

“Like Tartarus you will!” Mare Do Well replied, flying right at Shadowbolt and knocking her over. The two flew past Cargo, who immediately galloped away out of sight, followed by Vinyl and any remaining stage assistants. The two pegasi continued to trade blows as they spun about in the air, rising higher and higher above the ground, Shadowbolt’s costumed thugs watching silently.

Slamming her hoof into Shadowbolt’s face, Mare Do Well wrapped her forehooves around her and prepared to do a spin to fling her to the ground, but Shadowbolt suddenly shoved her hoof into Mare Do Well’s, blasting her with a surge of purple lightning. Mare Do Well cried out in pain and began to fall, Shadowbolt laughing. Struggling to right herself, Mare Do Well flapped her wings hard trying to slow her descent, and just as she managed to, she felt Shadowbolt dive-bomb her into the stage, both pegasi crashing into it. Shadowbolt stood up over the fallen hero, grinning as she raised up her hoof, preparing to blast her at close range with a shadowbomb when she was suddenly knocked into the wall by another assailant.

Mare Do Well felt herself get pulled up and saw a zebra in a black bodysuit and mask standing over her. “What…. You?! Why?!” She asked.

“Don’t get any ideas, Mare Do Well. You’re mine to slay!” Black Hex said coldly.

“So she’s definitely not in Big Shot’s employ…” Mare Do Well replied.

“I know everypony my boss employs and creates, and this degenerate lunatic’s not one of them.” Black Hex said.

“Hey, I resent the ‘degenerate’ part! I consider myself more classy then that!” Shadowbolt said, getting back up. “Take ‘em both, boys!” With that the pegasi thugs flew down to engage both vigilante and assassin.

“Well if you want that privilege, I suggest we deal with the bigger threat together.” Mare Do Well said.

“It may be the only option.” Black Hex said. “When it’s over, I will resume my goals of bringing your end.” She threatened.

“Whatever. Just keep the thugs off me!” Mare Do Well said, leaping into action and flying straight at Shadowbolt, and Black Hex leaped straight at one of the skull-masked pegasi.

Black Hex ducked and dodged each attack with ease, returning with several strikes of her own. As two pegasi thugs flew at her, she pulled a cord on her utility vest, sending several smoke bombs out, disorienting them and slammed her armored hooves into both their faces, breaking their skull masks and knocking them out. Turning her attention to five more that came at her, the zebra charged forward, leaping into the air and jumping onto one’s back, then flipping into the air before the pegasus fell and did a spinning kick with her hind leg, connecting with another pegasus’ jaw and sending them flying. As she fell, she pushed into a pouch on her belt, and a cord shot out, wrapping around another thug’s wings and with a hard tug, the pegasus fell to the ground before her, the zebra landing on his back and calmly walking off. The last two approaching, Black Hex aimed her hooves forward and a several darts flew from them, hitting the thugs as they came at her and in seconds, both toppled over to the ground, crashing into the Home Cider Squeezy 6001 and causing more then a few protests from the two unicorn brothers who were just in the process of leaving. Satisfied, Black Hex slid on a pair of goggles and pulled a cord from her vest, and a thick cloud of smoke formed around her and most of the ground area, and she disappeared into it. She’d worry about Mare Do Well when she had her all to herself, in the meantime she had a mission she still intended to complete.

“Best of luck, Mare Do Well.” The zebra mused, moving within the smoke to recover the things Big Shot had ordered her to acquire.

Meanwhile, up above, Mare Do Well remained locked in battle with Shadowbolt. The villainous pegasus cackled maniacally as she flung Mare Do Well into a sign advertising fast and efficient medical treatment and began flinging shadowbombs her way. Mare Do Well barely avoided the fiery purple explosions and flew straight at Shadowbolt, swinging her hoof up and striking the pegasus in the chin, causing her to spin backwards. Shadowbolt crashed into the side of a building, causing surges of purple lightning to crackle around her on impact, and seconds later flew back out. “Okay, THAT was uncalled for!” Shadowbolt declared, flying up and raising both hooves as she flung a pair of shadowbombs at Mare Do Well.

“Uncalled for after the lightning and the exploding fireballs? You’re insane!” Mare Do Well snarled, flinging several flashbombs to counter the fireballs that she could not dodge, causing them to explode and using the distraction to fly through and strike the deranged villain, who took the hit, then swung at the superheroine.

“True, but who isn’t these days?” Shadowbolt laughed, blocking a hoof strike and grinning madly, flying backwards away from Mare Do Well and readying another shadowbomb. “I happen to think insanity goes well with my remarkable fashion sense, makes me stand out!” She stated, spinning in the air and flinging the shadowbomb.

“Trust me, the way you stand out is is practically a felony as well." Mare Do Well answered, dodging the shadowbomb and flying several quick circles to send a small tornado the other pegasus’ way, causing her to spin out of control and fall to the ground just as the smoke Black Hex had created earlier had finally cleared up.

“Good to know! I’d hate to think I was only capable of misdemeanors!” Shadowbolt responded with a laugh as she flung multiple shadow bombs in random directions, blowing up several booths and stands before she took to the air again. “But I think tonight we’ll list off severe vandalism, grand theft, and of course mass-ponycide!” She shouted proudly. "I'd say I've really outdone myself!"

“You can dream.” Mare Do Well answered, swooping down at the villainess, her hooves at her sides as she drew close, and at the last moment when Shadowbolt was preparing another shadowbomb, made a sharp turn, flinging several of her flashbombs and causing a brilliant explosion of light, disorienting Shadowbolt. As the other pegasus grunted in anger, Mare Do Well did a quick spin and struck her in the back at high speed; knocking loose a tent Twilight and some others had been hiding under and slamming Shadowbolt into the side of a building.

“Ready for more?” Mare Do Well asked, drawing back her hoof and slamming it into Shadowbolt’s chest.

“Hah, you're just as passionate for a good brawl as I am! We really should team up, you and I. Whaddya say?” Shadowbolt asked with a fanged grin.

“I’d say the impact’s obviously screwed up your brain even more.” Mare Do Well said.

“Just makes me that much more fun to be around!” Shadowbolt taunted, seizing advantage of the distraction and slamming both her hooves into Mare Do Well’s chest, knocking her off her and returning to the air, forming a larger shadowbomb over her hoof. “Have a blast, Mare Well-Done!” The villainess shouted.

“Save it for the new year!” Mare Do Well shouted, flinging her last flashbomb at the shadowbomb, causing it to explode violently on the other pegasus and send her plummeting back to the ground, looking slightly worse for wear now. Before she could move, she felt Mare Do Well’s hoof press down on her, but the villainess just laughed.

“Got more one-liners you just thought of?” Mare Do Well asked. “The least I’ll do is let you see this last minute before the new year through.”

“Oh, trust me, it’ll be the last minute anypony here sees.” Shadowbolt said with a strained chuckle. “Think I'd come without a little assurance of my escape? Once the celebrations go off, so does the bomb inside the ball! City Square becomes a crater, and graves’ll be dug for weeks unless you do something about it!”

“You’re lying. Another distraction so you can escape…” Mare Do Well growled, not wanting to lose this psychopath again.

“Wanna find out?” Shadowbolt asked with a grin.

Gritting her teeth, Mare Do Well struck the other pegasus in the face with her hoof and flew straight at the ball, smashing through it. Sure enough, the bomb was there, with only thirty seconds left. No time to diffuse it or get Twilight to teleport it elsewhere.

Seconds ticking, Rainbow shivered slightly under her mask, trying to think of what to do, then an idea came to her. Something she hadn’t done in awhile…

Wrapping her forehooves around the bomb, she flew out the hole she’d made and began to fly straight up, as fast as she could with all the strength she could muster, adrenaline kept her going, her desire to succeed and live through this pushed her as far and as hard as she could have ever imagined, the wind pressure began to build up around her, the seconds left, her memory of when she’d last done this playing in her mind, if she got this right, she’d survive this and give Manehattan the show it deserved…

A massive explosion and an astounding sonic rainboom filled the sky. The ponies who had not escaped the chaos paysed and clapped their hooves, cheering for Mare Do Well as Twilight came out of hiding and looked carefully for any sign of her friend. Spotting a tiny, falling figure, the unicorn immediately closed her eyes and vanished, reappearing in the air alongside the falling pegasus. The ground fast-approaching, she wrapped her forehooves around her friend and focused once more, and the two disappeared in another flash of light.

Reappearing two feet above a rooftop, the two mares landed with a resounding plop. Getting up, Twilight shook her friend. “Hey, Rainbow. You alright?” She asked.

The costumed pegasus muttered and turned over, waking up. “Oh… hey, Twi…” She said, still weak from what she’d just gone through and sliding up her mask. “Manehattan still in one piece?”

“Yup, it survived the year.” Twilight said with a smile, glancing back at the City Square down below. Rainbow suddenly jerked up, grunting a little from fatigue.

“What about Shadowbolt? She’s still down there!” She said urgently. “I gotta go deal with her!”

“She already escaped… I’m sorry, Rainbow but she high-tailed it out of there soon as you went to deal with the bomb.” Twilight said. “And… some of the inventions are missing.”

“Black Hex…” Rainbow growled, she should have guessed she’d use the opportunity to get whatever she came for, even if she wasn’t in a position to stop her.

“Well, Rainbow, either way, you saved a lot of ponies… they and this city will get to see a brand new year.” The lavender unicorn said, smiling a little. “That’s what’s really important so you didn’t lose in my book. Big Shot will be dealt with another time.”

“He better, beating him was my resolution.” Rainbow said bitterly, hanging her forelegs over the side of the building and resting on them.


“I trust you have the inventions I asked of you?” The masked crime lord asked as he stood in the shadows of his office.

“Yes, sir.” Black Hex said, giving a gesture and two unicorns entered, levitating the potion processor, and two more arrived with the vaporizer.

“And the third, the energy transference device?” Big Shot asked.

“It wasn’t there.” Black Hex answered

“How is that possible?” The stallion demanded.

“I told you, sir, it wasn’t there. I suspect that other pony, Shadowbolt, stole it, or one of her thugs that didn’t engage me must have stolen it first.” The zebra explained.

“I see. This will set us back on our mass production, but the other devices will at least accelerate my concoction in time for its necessary use.” Big Shot said. “Can you confirm all that she said to be true, Zerok?” He asked, and at that moment, another figure entered, this one a changeling.

“Yes, sir. I remained at the event after your departure long enough to vouch for it.” The insectlike creature sneered. “Will there be anything else?” He asked.

“Nothing at the moment, changeling. I will send word when I have use of you again.” Big Shot answered, turning away.

“Of course, sir…” The changeling answered, giving a smirk at Black Hex and leaving the room.

“Interesting… I wouldn’t expect a changeling to so voluntarily join our operation.” Black Hex remarked.

“He has his reasons, my dear. Don’t impose upon them. Now report to the labs with those devices and we can get to work.” Big Shot ordered.


“Well, I guess the new year was a lot more exciting then any of us expected, huh? Show Stopper's alright, thankfully, and we made it through the celebration in one piece.” Twilight asked, seated on a mat as Rainbow Dash lay in a bathtub, finally feeling soothed from all the strain she’d put on herself after the fights and surviving another explosion with a rainboom.

“Yeah, but Big Shot’s henchzebra got ahold of some of the inventions. If he wanted them so badly, couldn’t Grand Cargo have just… I dunno… bought ‘em?” Rainbow asked.

“And make his connection more obvious? I don’t think so.” Twilight replied.

Rainbow thrashed her hooves angrily. “UGH! Both bad guys got away, I’m barely any closer to stopping Big Shot!” She protested, rolling to her side in the tub and looking over at Twilight, who looked a little annoyed from getting splashed. “I just realized… what happened to Lightning Dust? Is she alright?”

“She split seconds after Shadowbolt touched down, so I’d assume so.” Twilight answered.

“Huh. Not the kinda reaction to danger I’d expect somepony like her to make, but I guess it was the smart choice. Shadowbolt’s still on the loose, no telling when I’ll run into her again. Big Shot’s still planning whatever he’s planning… well, aside from being able to save City Square from being made into a crater, two other good things came of it…” The cyan pegasus mused.

“What would those be?” Twilight asked.

“Well, ‘Prisma’ got a promise from Max Diamonds to make it up to her for ditching out, so I get to have an indirect way to Grand Cargo’s activities and something to tease Rarity about tomorrow, and I got to perform a sonic rainboom like I know I should have! Come on, that beats any light-up crystal ball any day!”

Twilight laughed. “I suppose I can’t argue with that, Rainbow. Sometimes, we may not win everything we wanted, but we need to be happy with the victories we make because they still make a great difference.”

“Don’t get all Aesopony on me, Twi.” Rainbow said with an eyeroll, laying back in the tub. “When Mare Do Well gets ahold of Big Shot, he’ll get the lesson of a lifetime.”

Author's Note:

And at long last another chapter! The plot at last begins to thicken with the turn of the year in Equestria, with about five maybe six chapters remaining!