• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 3,425 Views, 205 Comments

Mare Do Well: The Series - ShadeJak

Set after my other story MDW: As The Sky Falls. New villains and threats arise, and Rainbow Dash finds herself once again in the role of the superheroine Mare Do Well

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Rainbow of the Elite

Dear Princess Celestia,

I remember the time you told us how boring the Gala was, and how we ended up making it more tolerable for you? I never would have guessed you weren’t a pony for those kinds of things. Well I’m sure you already know I’m not. I guess there are those times we always find ourselves somewhere we’d rather not be, but gotta keep up an act for others, for one reason or another.

Well, I learned when I returned to being Mare Do Well, that some of those times can be so much worse then others.

Let’s just say have I got a story to tell you…


Mare Do Well crashed into one of the umbrellas that stood propped along the studio walls, turning and getting up as she narrowed her eyes at her opponents. Two earth pony thugs, and a light yellow unicorn with a dark green mane and tail, wearing chest armor with an insect symbol on it and a helmet resembling a camera of some kind.

“You’re out of your league, Shutterbug.” Mare Do Well said coldly, taking fighting stance again. “Thought you’d mess with a few of Canterlot’s finest?” She asked. While Fleur De Lis and Photo Finish weren’t the kind of ponies Rainbow Dash would ever associate with on a normal day, the model and photo artist were still in need of help, which had brought her here to Manehattan for the day, though Rainbow had to admit this guy’s gimmick was pretty silly.

“Somepony about to be on the cutting room floor is in no position for threats! Get her!” The costumed villain ordered, and his remaining thugs attacked. The superheroine leaped into the air, doing a flip as she slammed her hooves into one’s face, knocking him to the ground, then rebounded off and, with another flip, landed behind the other, swinging her hoof at the back of his head, disorienting him, then did a spin, bucking him into the wall. Shutterbug looked at the two, then back at Mare Do Well.

“You were saying?” Rainbow asked, a smirk under her mask she hoped her opponent would know she now had.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m focused enough on you that I’m more then capable of a close-up!” The unicorn declared, charging forward and swinging his hoof at her, Mare Do Well dodged it, doing a sweeping kick with her hind leg, tripping him over. The villain’s horn glowed and a stage light levitated off the ground, flying at her and slamming into her, sending her towards the wall and crashing her into it. “The crash… or the puns… dunno what hurts worse…” She muttered to herself. “Laugh now, Shutterbug, I got a flew flash tricks of my own.” She said, drawing out a flash bomb from her belt with her wing and flinging it right at the giant lens eyepiece the unicorn villain had, causing an explosion. The villain cried out in pain, his hoof to his eye as he stumbled backward. Seeing her opportunity, Mare Do Well flew straight at him, knocking him into the opposing wall and striking him multiple times with her hooves, before finally grabbing him with her forelegs, and tossing him into a remaining stagelight. The villain groaned in pain, unable to stand anymore as the pegasus flew over.

“Alright, now what makes somepony like you go after these two? Jealous you didn’t get to be Fleur’s photographer?” She snarked.

“Sure, whatever.” He said, still dazed, only to cry out as Mare Do Well slammed her hoof into his left flank where he’d gotten hurt from when she’d tossed him. “That’s it, I swear! Big Shot, he--!”

“Big Shot?!” Mare Do Well said, her tone practically a snarl. “Talk.”

“There wasn’t much to it, he gave me the tech, I was gonna take ‘em for ransom and have revenge.” Shutterbug said, grunting in pain again.

“So, any wind of his activities?” She asked, having already gone through two other novice trouble makers that seemed to have been on a production line by this Big Shot guy.

“Just remember he said something about Max Diamonds being important to his plans, that’s all. Didn’t hear anything else.” The unicorn whimpered.

“Thanks.” Mare Do Well said, delivering a final hoof to his face. The city guard could tend to him and his pals now.

“Thank you so much, Miss Mare Do Well!” Fleur said, galloping out of her hiding place and shaking the costumed pegasus’ hoof, then blushing in embarrassment at her sudden outburst and immediately went to brushing out her mane and attempting a stance more appropriate of a mare model of her status. “My apologies, I mean.”

“Wunderbar!” Photo Finish said, striding out. “I am most satisfied to see zat ruffian dealt with. I veel have my other studio set up immediately, come Fleur, let us feenish there!” She said, seemingly ignoring Mare Do Well and heading for the door, Fleur followed, then paused.

“She’s thankful. Trust me.” The white mare said with a wink. “Just kinda in a hurry, we got that big party Max Diamonds…” She said, practically fawning at the businesspony’s name. “…is hosting in two days.” With that, the costumed pegasus was left alone with her captives till the guards arrived.


“So yeah, that big rich pony I saved from Gametime, apparently Big Shot’s after him again, and apparently he’s got a party going on in two days at Manehattan.” The pegasus explained as she paced about the library, retelling the events to her unicorn friend.

“Yeah, I think I remember Rarity saying she heard something of it from Fancy Pants. Think you should go?” Twilight Sparkle answered, trying to picture a pony like Rainbow Dash even trying to fit into stuffy high-society events.

“Well how else is Mare Do Well gonna be there to keep tabs on him?” Rainbow asked with a cocky smirk, causing Twilight to raise an eyebrow and feeling certain Rainbow hadn’t thought the whole thing through yet.

“Of course Rainbow, I’m sure you’ll fit right in with a bunch of fancy-dressed high-class ponies with your sophisticated mannerisms.” Twilight answered, her smirk spreading. As the librarian predicted, Rainbow Dash went completely pale.

“…Oh Tartarus! How am I gonna blend in?! I could hide outside, but I’ll never be able to get close enough to Max to make sure nopony attacks him if Big Shot or whoever he sends is hiding among the guests!” Rainbow said, pacing about.

“Well, I’d say talk to Rarity about it, she might be able to help you there.” Twilight said, and the cyan pegasus paused in her tracks.

“Think I should just risk it and wait outside the party?” Rainbow asked, realizing where Twilight was going with this.

“Rainbow, you made a good point, you’ll have a better chance of watching out for anything Big Shot sends after him if you’re among the guests, and you got a few days to get ready.” The pegasus snorted and hung her head.

“I’m so gonna regret this.” Rainbow Dash muttered.


“…And that sums it up, Rarity.” Rainbow said sheepishly. “So ya think you can help me out here?” She asked nervously. Not since the time she first had to model to steal the costume the first time had she seen the seamstress look so… devious.

“WELL for starters, Rainbow Dash, I have to say that sounds like an event I wouldn’t mind attending myself, I was given invitation from Fancy Pants already, but if you’re serious about this threat on Max Diamonds, I suppose I should send somepony more capable of saving his flank if worst comes to worst in my stead.” Rarity mused, trotting around the pegasus. “If you’re going to blend in, Rainbow, you can’t very well go looking so… pardon my honesty… uncouth!”

“Hey, what’s wrong with how I look?” Rainbow protested. “I happen to think I look 100% awesome!”

“And everypony there will think you’re 100% out-of-place. Furthermore, it may be best Max doesn’t know it’s you. He encountered you before, and your mane isn’t exactly forgettable.” Rarity said, brushing back Rainbow’s mane to emphasize her point. “After all, a rainbow-maned pegasus with impressive flying skill just happening to be present both times Mare Do Well has dropped into his life? He’ll suspect you in an instant!” Rarity said with a smirk.

“Ugh, I see your point, but what’re we gonna do about that? Rainbow Dash doesn’t hide her awesomeness, she wears it proudly!” The pegasus declared.

“Exactly my point.” Rarity said dryly.

“Well… if I gotta wear something, I can probably use that crazy ultra-fancy gown you put me in when I came looking for the costume the first time.” Rainbow offered, though grimacing slightly at the idea of having to wear it again.

“Oh, that old thing? Hmmm” The seamstress unicorn pondered. “Bring it in and I’ll see if I can spruce it up a bit. It was a very lovely gown after all, and I’d bet you haven’t touched it since you got it.” Rarity shuddered. “Perhaps I should go with you so you don’t feel too out-of-place.”

“No way, Rarity.” Rainbow answered. “There’s no way of knowing what Big Shot’s got planned, I don’t wanna put any of you girls in danger while I’m trying to stop him.”

“Very well, Rainbow. Then we have a lot of work to do and very little time to prepare.” The seamstress answered.


“Howdy, sugarcu—“ Applejack started greeting, stepping into the Boutique and stopping before she could finish when she saw Rainbow standing on the platform dolled up and down in some overly fancy dress.

“One giggle, Applejack and you’re going down.” Rainbow said in a dangerous tone.

The farmpony required every inch of willpower not to fall over laughing at seeing the tomcoltish pegasus dressed like she was. “Sorry, Dash. Anyways, Rarity called me on over to help ya out with this shindig ya were plannin’ on goin’ to.”

“How?” Rainbow asked.

“Ah may not look it, but a bit’a my fillyhood was spent in Manehattan, my aunt an’ uncle Orange were some’a the elite there, they taught me all that proper stuff an’ even how to talk like ‘em. Ah may not practice it anymore, but ah never forgot it.” Applejack replied. “So ah’m gonna teach ya what ah know so you’ll blend in with the fancy high-society ponies there when they talk to ya.”

“Never saw ya as the type, Applejack.” Rainbow said, clearly not believing her.

“I will say, though, Rainbow, you do look simply divine in that dress.” Applejack said, suddenly having switched over to a dainty, upper-class Manehattan accent, causing the pegasus’ jaw to drop and the farmpony to smirk in triumph. “Doncha worry none, Dash.” Applejack said, returning to her familiar country accent. “We’ll have ya ready in no time.”

“And I’ll be certain to inform Fancy Pants I could not attend due to scheduling conflicts, but have found a very pristine, cultured young mare to go in my stead!” Rarity said, grinning evilly as Rainbow Dash could only gulp, wondering what she had in mind for her.


“Rainbow, rate that parfait, will ya?” Applejack asked as Rainbow grinned at the milkshake treat before her.

Immediately the pegasus yanked it towards her and took a fantastic slurp, then cried out, rubbing her forehead as the impending brain freeze struck.

“Okay, first thing, sugarcube, ya take it in tiny sips if ya wanna pass off as one’a the elite in Manehattan.”

“What? Seriously? Am I gonna have to eat my food in tiny bites too?” Rainbow protested, eying the parfait.

“Unfortunately, yes. An’ on that, ya may wanna consider fillin’ up before ya go, they barely give ya enough food ta feed a mouse.” Applejack replied. Groaning, Rainbow Dash moved the cup towards herself again and gave it a dainty sip. “So, how’s the parfait?” She asked.

“Pretty awesome.” Rainbow said, preparing for another drink.

“Lesson two, Dash, nopony at that party’s gonna be sayin’ ‘awesome’. Ya say it’s simply divine.”

“It’s simply divine.” Rainbow answered flatly.

“Little harder on the second an’ last syllables there.” Applejack criticized.

The pegasus growled, took another dainty sip. “It’s simply divine!” She said, attempting the accent and speaking in a smoother tone. “Better?” She asked.

“Much. Now let’s keep goin’.” Applejack replied.

The rest of the day seemed almost like a blur, not the kind of blur Rainbow experienced when the world passed her by when she flew about at her highest speeds. Rather, the kind of blur where she felt like she was on autopilot and filtered out moments she hoped she’d be able to repress one day. Once Manehattan etiquette lessons concluded, Rarity had proceeded to bring the pegasus to the spa to give her a full makeover and insure nopony, even Max, recognized her when she went undercover at his party. Rainbow grit her teeth as she endured her eyebrows being trimmed, her lashes being curled, a full hooficure service, and her mane and tail were altered as well. Finally, Rarity helped the disguised Rainbow into her finished dress, which now had been remade to where its skirts had been increased as to conceal some hidden pockets Rarity had provided which contained the Mare Do Well costume for an easy change.

“Well, I must say, Rainbow Dash, you are nothing short of a vision of loveliness!” Rarity said with a grin while Applejack did all she could to keep a poker face.

“If either of you break your Pinkie Promises that word of this never gets out, me not speaking to you for the rest of eternity is gonna be the least of your problems.” The pegasus said. The mare in the mirror was a beauty, but it made Rainbow’s stomach turn knowing it was her, the fastest flier in Equestria, future wonderbolt, and most awesome superheroine around. The damage Scootaloo and her friends did when they wrote that gossip column would be a dent compared to what news of this would have on her cool rep.

“Now, now, Dash. Gotta be a little more… ladylike... then that.” Applejack said, breaking into a fit of snickering.

“No bucking way.” Rainbow said firmly.

“Talkin’ like that you’ll lose in no time!” Applejack replied, knowing she’d used a word that’d set the competitive pegasus straight.

“Lose?!” Rainbow snapped, then cleared her throat, turning and approaching Applejack in a prim, dignified manner. “I do say, ruffian, would you care to make a wager on that?” She asked, adapting the same voice and accent Applejack had used training her earlier.

“Well that’s more like it.” Rarity answered. “Just keep it up and you’ll have no trouble fitting in. Twilight will have a selection of Manehattan events for you to read up on for the night for conversation while you’re there. The important thing is if Big Shot’s got his agent among the guests, you can’t raise their suspicion.”

“The things a superheroine has to do…” Rainbow Dash grumbled, resuming her normal tone of speech.


In a warehouse along the docks of Manehattan, a zebra in a black bodysuit with a pouched vest and belt, with metal hoof bracers and a black mask concealing all but her eyes approached a large earthpony in a black suit coat and a metal mask and bowed.

“Black Hex, I’m glad to see you have arrived on schedule.” The large earth pony said.

“I would not disappoint you, sir.” The zebra said. “Mr. Diamonds will be captured as per your request. Though I ask why in the open?”

The earth pony chuckled. “To send a message, of course. Mare Do Well dealt with Shutterbug and is quite possibly still in Manehattan. It is necessary to let things simmer, and she could still pose a threat, if we were to target him in private security will have a higher focus on himself, with a crowd you can cause a necessary panic to escape with him, and plenty of bystanders. And of course, a pony of Big Shot’s standing is obligated to be there. Pay me no mind, but your effort in capturing him will be watched.” He said.

“Understood, sir.” The zebra answered.


“Miss Twilight Sparkle, a pleasure as always!” Fancy Pants said with a smile, his monocle floating to his eye as he was greeted by the other unicorn.

“Pleasure’s all mine. I’m just here to bring your lady. Rarity sends her apologies but hopes this one will do well.” Twilight said with a smirk, stepping back and gesturing with her hoof as the mare she’d brought came into view.

Fancy Pants’ magic nearly dropped his monocle as Rainbow shyly approached, managing a coy smile as she stood before the wealthy stallion. Her eyes had been given a smooth curve, accentuated by light makeup like Rarity often used, her mane had been lengthened and straightened out with one side fringing over her right eye and both were convincingly dyed in shades of a rose color that matched her eyes. Her glamorous dress had been given shades to match her mane, adorned with gemstones to match her coat.

“Hello, sir, my name is Prisma Glimmer.” Rainbow said in a cultured tone and accent with a polite nod. “I hope I am up to your standards for this event, Rarity did her best to ensure I would be a worthy replacement.”

“Well, I do say she has made you a work of art. A charming mare she is, I shall be certain to congratulate her later, and Canterlot will be astounded when I speak of it upon my return home.” The wealthy stallion said. “Now shall we be off?” He asked, gesturing to the entrance to the high-rise plaza the event was to be held at.

“Of course.” The disguised pegasus said, and walked at his side.

“Have fun.” Twilight said, and as soon as they were out of sight, the unicorn teleported away to the library, where she would spend the next half hour laughing.


No doubt she’s gonna be laughing for at least the next half hour… Rainbow Dash thought bitterly as she entered the large, posh ballroom.

After a few respectful greetings, Rainbow left Fancy Pants to speak to his business associates and had free reign to wander about. The pegasus barely stopped herself from bolting to the food tables and instead went over slowly, giving polite nods and hello’s and swiping a hoof full of hors d'oeuvres along the way.

Some of the ponies present she recognized from the Gala and that gathering Rarity had gone to at Canterlot, and recalling the impression she and her friends had made on them even with Celestia or Fancy Pants willing to defend them. The idea of being right there under their muzzles, mistaken for a more cultured and high-society mare offered her some amusement that provided small consolation. Still, what she would give for Big Shot to have whatever he had planned kick off right away as this was all still pretty far out of her comfort zone.

“Why, hello, miss. Enjoying this gathering?” a familiar stallion voice said beside her, prompting the cyan mare to turn. There stood Max Diamonds, getting himself a drink. Rainbow smirked, her disguise had fooled him.

“Why yes, of course.” Rainbow answered. “The favors are… simply divine.” She added, eating one and attempting the syllable emphasis Applejack had taught her, though maybe a little too much as it earned a brief raise of the eyebrow from the businesspony, followed by an amused laugh.

“Well aren’t you something, miss. What might your name be? I saw you arrive with Fancy Pants.” He asked.

“Prisma Glimmer, and you must be the esteemed Mr. Max Diamonds I’ve heard a great deal of. You’re even more handsome in person.” The cyan mare said, remembering the alias her friends came up with and every bit of tact she’d been instructed to use; and feeling ridiculous doing it all. Celestia please help me… she thought to herself. Nothing would make her happier then to get the necessary reason to throw on the costume and kick badguy flank.

“Why, Diamonds, charming the mares again?” A walnut-colored earth pony stallion nearly Big Mac’s size with a black suit and a cutie mark resembling criss-crossing swords said with a smirk, approaching.

“Oh, Grand Cargo, it’s my party, I have to see to it all the guests are happy.” Diamonds answered.

“Of course, Max, of course.” The other stallion said. “And who might you be, young miss?” He asked, addressing Rainbow and causing her to flinch. Something about him seemed to creep her out but she couldn’t really tell why, causing her to pause for a second.

“Her name is Prisma Glimmer. She arrived with Fancy Pants.” Diamonds said.

“Well I will say, Miss Prisma Glimmer, Fancy Pants has fine taste in company. We’ll continue our discussion on that trade appointment later, Diamonds.” The larger stallion replied and departed to go mingle with others guests, causing Rainbow to breathe out a sigh of relief.

“Are you alright Miss Prisma?” Diamonds asked.

“Yeah… Yes, of course. I’m well, thank you.” Rainbow replied, nearly stumbling on her etiquette as she heard the orchestra, which she noticed Octavia performing in, change to a more upbeat classical tune. She’d only really seen the cellist twice, and she seemed little refined for somepony like Vinyl to be close to, but stranger things had happened. Her drifting train of thought was put back on track when the businesspony spoke up again.

“Hm, not everypony fully appreciates classical music but I always found it very soothing, and if I may say so, you look rather distressed.” Diamonds said with a kind smirk.

“Me? Of course not, I’ve no reason to be. Your friend just… caught me off-guard a little.” Rainbow said.

“Oh, don’t worry about Grand Cargo. He may have a very intimidating appearance but he’s a very respectable businesspony who is also involved in shipping merchandise and is a well-known philanthropist. There’s always more to a pony then outward appearances, I’ve always preferred to know who they are underneath before I judge them.” Diamonds replied.

“You’re too kind, Mr. Diamonds” Rainbow answered.

Diamonds laughed. “Please, no formal titles. So it would seem the ballroom floor is gaining attention now, may I trouble a vision of loveliness like yourself for a dance?”

Slow dancing was hardly something Rainbow would be caught practicing on a regular day but Rarity had coached her a little yesterday, nopony here recognized her so her reputation was likely to endure, and she had to admit this was an effective way of being close to the pony she was here to protect. Plus, the compliment did earn a blush from her. “I would be honored.” She said.

Following him to the ballroom open floor where several other ponies had already begun, he took her hoof and gave it a kiss, then she placed her forehooves on his shoulder, and his around hers, and then supported each other as they stood on their hind legs and began to dance.

All the temptation in the world to spread her wings out and prevent from losing balance nagged the pegasus’ mind to no end, but recalling Rarity’s rather firm statement that she not do so as her open wings would smack other guests and put her in more trouble kept it as much at bay as possible. Closing her eyes a moment and letting him lead, the pegasus followed his moves closely. She’d show Applejack and Rarity she saved Diamonds’ flank and gave him the mare of his dreams in a single night and dare them to top that later.

“Not much of a dancer, are you?” He asked, amused. “I’ve nothing against that, you pick up quickly.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“That’s what everypony tells me, and they’d be right.” She said, following along better and earning a smile from the businesspony in return. Rainbow couldn’t help but think he was a pretty handsome stallion, causing her a smirk slightly. As she did, she felt her body go numb, a dizziness pass over her as she felt like she’d spaced out briefly.

“Whoa, there!” Max said, tightening his grip around her to ensure she didn’t fall over and draw too much attention. “Easy.”

“Sorry, don’t know what came over me, there.” Rainbow said as she felt her heart beat slow back down to normal.

“It’s alright, not to brag but I seem to have that effect on mares quite often. Whether I mean to or not, and you’re certainly one of the most lovely I’ve seen.” He said with a sheepish laugh. “Now look, why don’t you go get something to drink to clear your mind a little. The cider I ordered came straight from the Apple Clan, so you know it's second to none in these lands!”

At the mention of the Apple family’s cider, Rainbow grinned and trotted off to the nearby table to get herself a drink. “Celestia’s mane, did I really get all schoolfilly and pass out over him for a second?” Rainbow muttered to herself. Normally she never paid attention to things like that, but she was always easily flattered by compliments, something that since the original Mare Do Well incident she’d sought to take caution not to let go to her head. Taking a sip of her cider and savoring the taste a moment, she watched as Diamonds went to socialize with some other ponies.

One of the most lovely, huh? Awesome and lovely I’m on a roll. The pegasus thought, her usual cocky smile returning. I’ll have to rub that one in Rarity’s face later. She enjoyed dolling me up like this way too much.

Before her thoughts took her any further, however, the chandelier overhead suddenly burst in a brilliant flash of light. Had Rainbow not been too occupied trying to get the last few drops of her cider she’d have probably ended up blinded like many of the others now were. Screams were heard and ponies began scattering about in fear as smoke bombs then went off from under the tables.

“Finally.” Rainbow thought to herself and prepared to escape to someplace she could change, only for her hoof to catch the skirts of her dress, causing her to topple over flat on her face. “Ugh, I hope nopony saw that…” She muttered. Turning, she saw a new pony rising up from the smoke. She wore a black bodysuit and mask, like a ninja of some sort, with metal gauntlets and a utility belt. Only her eyes were visible through the black cloth mask, though the white and black stripes in her tail and its texture suggested… zebra? Immediately spreading her wings, Rainbow flew off, spying a door ahead to change.

Entering and closing the door quickly, she began to tug her dress only to notice a pegasus couple was already there fooling around, looking just as surprised as she now did. “Do yourselves a favor and get out of here. There’s trouble.” She said, grabbing a lamp and flinging it at the room’s window, the couple nodded and flew out quickly. At last alone, Rainbow pulled the dress off and reached under it, pulling the costume and accessories out of the pockets hidden under the skirts and got dressed quickly. Now fully dressed, she flew out the open window and up towards the top of the glass sunroof.


“Max Diamonds, I trust you’re here…” The costumed zebra said coldly, removing her gas mask and eying the immobilized crowd, the toxin she’d just released into the air had numbed the bodies of everypony there that had breathed it. Finally, her eyes narrowed on the businesspony and she approached.

“Big Shot has asked for your presence. I personally don’t care what reason, it’s hardly my place to ask. But either way, you’re coming with me.” She said as she stood right in front of him.

Before she could follow through, a hole burst from the sunroof and Mare Do Well flew down, the zebra jumped out of the way, narrowly avoiding the pegasus, who rebounded off the floor, flipped in the air, and landed next to Max. “Not a chance.” The costumed pegasus said.

“Mare Do Well. How good of you to show up. My name is Black Hex, assassin by trade and recruited by my boss to deliver Max Diamonds to him at once, I advise you leave at once if you want to live.” The zebra answered in a low, threatening tone. As she said this, she noticed the larger earth pony, Grand Cargo, was no longer among the crowd.

“Well somepony’s been out of the loop if they think a few measly threats are gonna make Mare Do Well back off.” Mare Do Well replied.

“Suit yourself.” The instant the words left the zebra’s mouth, she lunged forward, sweeping her hind leg at Mare Do Well, who jumped straight up and took flight. The moment she did, however, the Zebra entwined her hoof into a sash around her waist and lashed it at the pegasus, wrapping it around her and yanking her back to the ground and giving her a punch to the chest with her metal-braced hoof.

Groaning in pain from being pulled to the ground and hoofed, Mare Do Well drew in some breaths and rolled over, bucking her hind legs out but the assassin simply jumped back, avoiding her. “Stick around.” Black Hex said, wrapping her foreleg around Max and raising her other, firing a grapple hook from her gauntlet and destroying the sunroof, then reeling herself and her hostage through the roof.

Struggling angrily, Mare Do Well pulled the sash from her and flung it aside. “Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting away!” Taking flight, the pegasus flew straight up through the open roof as the zebra was leaving with her captive. “No where else to go, I don’t see a pair of wings anywhere on ya, Black Hex.” Mare Do Well said, advancing. The zebra chuckled to herself, pressing something on her body armor and it spread open like a kite, a gemstone glowing at its center and she flew away at rather surprising speed.

“Me and my big mouth.” Mare Do Well groaned, making a running start and flying after her. “Some fancy kite’s not gonna keep the fastest flier in Equestria away.” She said, drawing closer and preparing to strike the zebra with her hoof, but the zebra responded by pressing something on her belt, and several small spheres flew off, exploding in flashes and smoke like fireworks, disorienting the pegasus for a moment and causing her to pause while rubbing her eyes. The costumed Zebra flew off to a rooftop and landed, leaving Max tied up with another sash, then flew back to meet the superheroine.

As she rubbed her eyes, Mare Do Well was greeted with a hoof to the face, sending her spinning backwards but managing to avoid losing altitude.

“You’re skilled. Dedicated. Impressive.” Black Hex said. “You may be worth defeating before I turn over my quarry after all.” She said, raising her hooves and a pair of twin blades emerged from her hoof gauntlets.

“Bring it.” Mare Do Well answered with a smirk, knowing now she’d have the advantage if this worked, and the zebra flew at her. This time, Mare Do Well easily avoided her, performing a loop in the air and striking her from behind. The zebra barrel-rolled in the air and spun to face her, pressing her belt again and more fireworks flew out, but Mare Do Well was ready this time, sweeping her cape in the air to bounce them back at her opponent, causing them to explode around Black Hex.

“I’m good on the ground, but I’m beyond awesome in the air, Black Hex.” Mare Do Well said in a dangerous tone, then flew right at her, swinging a hoof at the zebra’s chest, causing the gemstone to spark a little but still at the moment remained undamaged. The zebra rushed forward to engage in close combat, swinging her bladed hooves while the pegasus did her best to dodge them. A narrow swing nicked her hat, and another grazed her foreleg, causing her to yelp in pain, just in time to get kicked in the stomach by the zebra’s hind leg. Keeping herself airborne, Mare Do Well saw the zebra preparing to slice her in two. Thinking quickly, Mare Do Well unclasped her belt and flung it at her. The zebra’s blade chopped into it, setting off the flash bombs concealed within and setting off a bright explosion at close range. Disoriented and her burning kite smoking, the zebra was distracted enough for Mare Do Well to charge at her, sending them both plummeting to the rooftop that Max had been left on and tumbling across it toward the edge.

“Alright, Black Hex. You lost. How about you tell me everything you know about Big Shot and I’ll make sure you don’t go to Alkatrot in a bodycast!” Mare Do Well said.

“He sent me to kidnap Max Diamonds, that’s all there is to it.” Black Hex said, then a gem she wore on her flashed and she tossed it off. When it landed, a magical image of a masked, muscular earth pony in a black suit coat with several scars on his body appeared on it.

“Mare Do Well… at long last we meet. Not face to face, mind you.” The masked pony said, his voice was low and chillingly smooth monotone but the smugness was all too evident to the pegasus.

“So you must be Big Shot…” Mare Do Well said, finally getting to meet the new face of evil she’d been hearing about lately.

“Indeed, Mare Do Well. I trust I’ve kept you busy with recruits and messengers?” The crime boss asked.

“Yeah, and I’ve kicked every one of their flanks, so why don’t you come out of hiding already and face me like a stallion!” Mare Do Well hissed, hatred pouring from her tone as she’d lost count of the number of thugs and gimmick-obsessed weirdos she’d fought lately that seemed to know about him.

“All in good time, hero, that moment will come.” Big Shot answered. “Much like Max’s last one will if you don’t hurry...” He remarked, and the gem image flickered out.

Rainbow’s eyes widened as the black-clad zebra pressed something on her belt with her hoof, and leaped off the roof, pulling a cord from her vest and then parachuting down. Before she could follow, Mare Do Well noticed a flickering out of the corner of her eye and saw several tiny, marble-sized gems around the still-immobilized Max beginning to glow brighter and brighter. Realizing she’d have to go after Big Shot’s lackey another time, the pegasus galloped over, shoving Max off the rooftop and then flying straight down to grab him as the rooftop behind them exploded violently.

As she flew him back towards the plaza building, Max found movement in his body again and looked up at his rescuer.

“Guess I owe you another thanks.” He said with a smirk.

“Would be nice.” Mare Do Well answered with a small chuckle. “Just be glad you got a mysterious Mare Do Well watching over you.”

“Oh trust me, I am. I have far too much I still want to accomplish before anything bumps me off.” The businesspony said with a laugh.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Mare Do Well answered, descending through the open sunroof and lowering him down to the ballroom floor, noticing the city guard outside the building as she was approaching. With a nod, she spread her wings and flew back out as fast as she could, then circled the building and re-entered through the window she’d used earlier when she’d gotten in-costume, recovered her dress, and reluctantly got herself dolled back up again and hurried back out to the ballroom, her mane and tail more disheveled.

“Are they gone?” She asked frantically, getting back in-character as one-time socialite Prisma Glimmer.

“Oh! Miss Glimmer, I’m so glad you’re well!” Diamonds said, galloping over and placing his hoof on her shoulder.

“I’ve been hiding in that room the whole time, some other pegasi just panicked and fled when I came in, though, so I was alone…” Rainbow said.

“How frightening it must have been for you.” Diamonds answered. “But don’t worry, Mare Do Well arrived and saved me from the party-crasher. All that remains is for the city guard to handle the reports, and I have a PR matter to not look forward to.”

“Mare Do Well was here? What was she like?” Rainbow asked, appearing curious.

“Quite amazing, she saved my life once before. She really is an admirable pony.”

Rainbow smirked, doing her best to hide a blush. “Shame I missed her. Well, I do suppose one day I’ll have the chance.”

“So long as you’re not caught in the crossfire of a situation that requires her attention, I’m more likely to rest easy.” Diamonds said with a smile. “At any rate, I should be going, and thank you for the dance, Miss Prisma Glimmer. You’re quite the find, I should hope to see you again some day.”

“You’re most welcome, Max Diamonds.” Rainbow said, tossing back her mane. “And who knows, maybe one day you will when you least suspect it.” With that, the pegasus went off to find Fancy Pants, who thankfully she discovered had not left yet, and urged a message be sent to Rarity to arrange for her return.


“Ahhh, good to look and feel like my old, awesome self again!” Rainbow said with a wide grin as she emerged from Twilight’s bathroom, toweling off her once again-prismatic mane.

“I dunno, you were absolutely stunning when you were all dressed up, Rainbow.” Twilight said with a joking smirk.

“Them’s fightin’ words, Twi.” The pegasus answered, tossing the towel to the unicorn with a laugh. “So anyway, I think I got a new lead on Big Shot, there was a big, scary-looking pony at Max’s party, kinda got a bad vibe off him, similar build to the pony that appeared from the gem image Black Hex showed me. His name’s Grand Cargo, he’s apparently a friendly rival of Max’s and—“

“…One of the most respected, charitable, and appreciated philanthropists of the pony elite. Like right on par with Fancy Pants and Max!” Twilight added. “You’re making a pretty rough accusation there, he makes a lot on his business, what would he have to gain from all this aside from a seriously ruined reputation?”

“Competition, Twi. Believe me, I know a thing or two about it. Wouldn’t surprise me if he was planning a little underhooved hostile takeover. Run the big businesses AND the city’s crime and nopony’s the wiser? That’s like boarderline Canterlot Royalty power right there, isn’t it?”

Twilight gave it a second of thought, which was interrupted by Owloicious letting out a random hoot.

“You may have a point, Rainbow. I suppose it’s not gonna hurt to look into it.” The unicorn said. “In the meantime, though, I suggest you tell Rarity all about your night, she’s been burning the candle at both ends waiting to hear about it.” She added, smirking in amusement.

“Good, I have plenty to brag about.” Rainbow said with a laugh and flew out the door. With a smile and a shake of her head, Twilight Sparkle proceeded to her basement to look up the old papers for any clues.


I guess it was fun to see how well I could fool the Manehattan elite, even if it meant having to dress and look and act like one of them, but… what can I say? When you’re a hero, I guess you gotta swallow your pride and do what you have to in order to make sure anypony in need can breathe a little easier. When I get to the bottom of whatever this new enemy is up to, I will, with all my effort, bring him down at all costs.

Your faithful subject,
Rainbow Dash

Author's Note:

And another chapter up! I decided to make a more light-hearted episode after the rather dark last few I've done, but still carry enough relevance to the ongoing subplot. I've got the series' episodes planned, and the next one is going to be a real challenge, so stay tuned!

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