• Member Since 1st Oct, 2015
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Quick Fix

Just a guy from the British Isles with a crazy idea in his head.


Sometimes you have a thought that you should probably tell someone. A little support for all they've done for you, a chance to clear the air after a misunderstanding, maybe even that confession you've been holding onto for far too long. Is it worth keeping that thought to yourself at a time when tomorrow's chance may never come?

While Twilight may not have had any such thought, she came too close to denying those close to her such a chance. In the aftermath of another intense adventure, the recovering princess finds herself with a lot of free time and a friend sticking by her side. It might be time to bring such thoughts into the open, and see where they lead.

I know I said I was effectively done with writing, but sometimes you just get an itch you want to scratch and then here we are. It took a little while to get back into the groove of things but hopefully the quality hit isn't too bad. Enjoy, and see if you can figure out just what spurred me into this one!

Also serves as an alternate ending to Black Sun wherein Celestia and Spike reach the Tomb of the Gods in time to rescue Twilight. I hopefully put enough in that it can be followed (or at least you're not completely lost) without reading the main story though.

Rated T violence for injuries worse than the show would depict.
Proofreading by the ICBFF, Deep Note

Chapters (1)

Quick Fix is a relatively straightforward stallion. He sees something he likes, he says so. He has a complaint, he makes it. He encounters a cute stallion, he has a complete internal meltdown over the prospect of talking to them. With shy Prettydig seems to be and how socially inept Quick is, the odds of there being anything more between them seems a long shot unless one of the can work up the will to take the initiative. And hopefully not mess it up in the process.

Hey everyone! This is just a small accompanying story I decided to write after commissioning the wonderful MustLoveFrogs on Deviantart. She's been the inspiration behind a few of my past concepts and is a fantastic artist/world builder in general!

Uses bits from the Junior Gala world created by MustLoveFrogs and Bizerbit for setting. Frog also created the cover art and owns the adorable Prettydig, both used with permission.
Proofreading by the ICBFF, Deep Note

Chapters (1)

In the decades since her ascension to princesshood, Twilight Sparkle has managed to overcome every challenge put before her, both external and internal, on the path to becoming the leader she was meant to be. For how far she may have come though, one part of her position has remained a mystery. Even as one of them, alicorns as a race are a complete unknown. Were they truly immortal? Where had they even come from? Why are there only two natural alicorns in Equestria today?

An innocent Hearth's Warming gift may hide a way to find the answers. As Twilight and Spike follow the trail into ancient Equestrian history, they may find the lasting legacy of the alicorn race, truths hidden by those closest to them for millienia and a world in danger of having its future erased by its past.

Hey everyone! Welcome to what I'm considering the last regular piece before I start working on the finale of this complicated web of stories I've weaved. New chapters will go up every two days and I'm glad to say I feel back on form. Whether you're checking my stuff out for the first time or have kept an eye on me for the past two years, I hope you enjoy!

Part of the Quickverse. No other stories are required to read, though references are made to the events of Task Force Harmony, Secrets of the Heart and Fractured Crystals with varying degrees of spoilers.

Proof read as always by my ICBFF Deep Note
Cover art by Margony

Chapters (8)

There comes a point when everypony finally feels the call, to step back from their work and focus on the search for a partner and family. Applejack has finally hit that point. Even with her unusual physique and more isolated lifestyle, two stallions in her life stand out to possibly be that partner. For as much as she knows about them though, does she know the REAL them?

Hey everyone. In the spirit of this being an Applejack fic I’m going to be honest with you all, this fic is a mini-disaster. Between burnouts in writing, ideas hijacking the original concept and just generally struggling to keep the word count up...If it wasn’t for the fact this introduces a pair of characters important for later I’d have scrapped it altogether. As it is, I apologise straight up for it being my most subpar fic yet.

Part of the Quickverse. While largely self-contained compared to the other stories, it should hopefully answer a few questions for anyone who’s read Fractured Crystals.

Proofreading as always by my ICBFF Deep Note, formatting messed up by the FimFiction update formatting fixed now.
Rated teen for discussion of topics the show probably wouldn't approach.

Chapters (11)

In the twenty plus years since the ascension of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Elements of Harmony have always maintained a bond stronger than even their friendships can show. Even without the physical elements themselves, the cutie map within Twilight's castle regularly brings them back together for new adventures and missions of friendship all over Equestria and beyond. Even as their lives move onward, it remains a constant, a reminder of everything they've been through and everything they mean to each other.

On this winter's night, it's the turn of Applejack and Fluttershy to team up once again in the name of harmony. Even though Fluttershy is carrying her second foal with her and Applejack is going through a complex time, both of them are ready and willing to see their duty through. Even as it brings them back to the cold of the Crystal Empire, a land that has subtly changed more than any equestrian could ever anticipate. With the city divided between those who look forward and those who look back and tensions flaring, Applejack and Fluttershy must see through a mission with the potential to change the course of the empire.

Hey everyone, welcome to the eighth story set in the Quickverse! Don't worry, you don't have to read of the others in advance. So no spoilers for my other works, though some teasers for upcoming stuff is in there. I wanted to try something a little different this time, more like an episode of the show. I mean it can't be any worse a map episode than The Hooffields and McColts right?

Right? :twilightsheepish:

I'm sure you'll let me know if it is. Still, I hope you enjoy regardless!

Update 18/4: Popular stories? Awesome! Third time I've made it to the list but the first for a story not based on an episode, so this is huge for me. A massive thank you to every one of you giving this a look!

Proofreading as always by my ICBFF Deep Note.
Cover art by Margony.

Chapters (6)

The Elements of Harmony are living legends, even more so after Twilight Sparkle ascended to princesshood. There isn't a pony alive who doesn't know of them and their exploits in the name of Equestria. In the twenty three years that have passed since they first met, these six have saved the world multiple times and united many ponies in friendship. Everypony wants to hear their stories. But every life has a story to tell and theirs, while well known, make up just six of them.

It's easy to forget that there are thousands more.

From the friends and family of those six, to those they never met. Equestria is a land with plenty of stories to be told, they just need somewhere to be heard. This is that somewhere. These are the Quickverse Chronicles.

Ok I promise not to be dramatic like that again. But really, this is my collection of world building stories and one-off pieces that don't go along with the main stories of the Quickverse. Anytime I get an idea it's gone here, so writing quality may vary wildly if I include some older pieces. As such, some stories will also include spoilers for all my other stories, though these will be marked at the start of each such piece.

Focal characters for the individual stories will be bracketed in the titles. Character tags reflect the general spread..

Rated Teen as some chapters may include blood and language.

Chapters (23)

[Just as a heads up for new readers, the comments section is very spoiler heavy]

Manehatten, long held as a shining jewel of Equestria, a city where dreams can happen. For Sweetie Belle, those dreams of sharing her voice with the world have just come back to life. Coupled with her work at her sister's boutique in the big city, along with her friends and fame, everything seems to be coming together for the mare among the stars. Meanwhile back in Ponyville, Rarity's keen eye and business sense remain unhampered by her advancing age, letting her nationwide chain of stores flourish in a time of peace.

If only everything remained so simple.

A shadow looms over Manehatten, a serial criminal known as The White Phoenix, eluding the city police and burning all in it's path. Within the walls of the boutique, a unknown individual is bleeding the business dry without leaving any trace of identity. While one may be more severe, neither can go ignored, especially as Rarity still knows a thing or two about tracking down crime. With their wits, fitting outfits, and a friend in the MPD, Rarity and Sweetie Belle must head into the darker reaches of Manehatten to bring it's safety back into the light.

Coverart by SkyeyPony
Proof-Reading by my BFF Deep Note

Part of the Quickverse, references are made to Rising Above, Heart and Mind and I Knew Him but none are required reading.

Chapters (26)

All things considered, Derpy's life has gone pretty well. Living in Ponyville with plenty of friends, a respectable job that allows her to make even more and a well raised daughter now on the verge of starting her life on her own. If only it was as simple as that though. For all that she's been able to give Dinky Hooves, there's one thing that was never able to provide by herself.

Even if she was never going to be asked, the truth was going to come out eventually. An unexpected trigger for her memories leads Derpy to answer the question; What happened to Dinky's father?

Rated teen for pony blood and injury.

Chapters (1)

Memories are a funny thing. There are those you want to hold onto forever, ones that you wish you could forget and some that only come back to you when you stop trying to remember them. One thing to be sure of though, they'll always be there with you...At least, that's what Apple Bloom always assumed. Of course, you know what they say about assumptions.

Waking up in a locked room with her old memories gone and her newer ones a scarce mess, Apple Bloom, with some help from her new roommate, will need to look through what's left and find out why she's here, hopefully learn how to recover her lost memories and get herself back to the pony still holding a place in her heart.

Rated Teen for: Pony blood, Mindscrewing, light language and that one mild sex ref.
Trigger warning: Contains shipping between two consenting adults, specifically Pinkie Pie/Apple Bloom.

So, my second major story in what I'm starting to dub the 'Quickverse' (awful name I know but it's just for starters). This also takes place two decades after the events of season five, at the same time as Rising Above but that isn't required reading, all you'll miss are a few references to that storyline. Enjoy!

Update 14/2: Updated tags to hopefully better match the guidelines, erring on the side of caution here.

Proof-read by my friend Deep Note
Cover art by SkyeyPony

Chapters (25)

(Contains some S5 finale spoilers, just in case)

With their battles across time itself drawing to a close, Twilight finally seems to be getting through to her nemesis, Starlight Glimmer. But is it possible to reason with a pony so deeply convinced of their own philosophy that they cannot see true friendship? And if not, what must she do to make sure that such a danger never threatens Equestria again?

So, that season finale eh? I'll be honest, it probably would have worked better if the pace in part 2 hadn't been rushed so hard it went full blitzkrieg. This is just my own short idea of what could have gone down, while also tying it in to the events of the Quickverse. Hope you don't mind it!

Update: And then it had two stints in the popular stories? Wow, I've no idea what I did right but I'm glad you all generally like it. Thank you!
Rated Teen for psychotic pony murder attempts.

Chapters (1)