• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
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I've been writing and selling stories for longer than a lot of folks reading this have been alive. Check Baal Bunny for more!


Being an up-and-coming business pony's not easy—Carob knew that when he opened his plant nursery in his hometown of Ponyville. But since the local librarian became a princess, he's found it much more difficult to focus on, well, on just about anything other than her...

Inspired by the 4th and 5th prompts in Obselescence's Most Dangerous Game contest—"Second Person Perspective" and "An OC and a major canon character (such as one of the Mane Six) fall in love with each other"—the original version of this story ended up in 10th place out of 66 entries. The cover image was commissioned from DarkerSounds.

Chapters (2)

A week after moving into her new castle, Twilight's still sighing. But when she sees Applejack and Granny Smith at the site of the former library tree, she learns that there's still some magic in Equestria she's unfamiliar with. It's an earth pony town, after all, and tall oaks from little acorns grow.

Chapters (1)

A collection of poems by and about the various inhabitants of Ponyville, Equestria, and beyond.

For more information on the types of poems included, here are some links: Sestina, Sonnet, English Haiku, Chant Royal, Limericks, Rondeau Redouble', Epyllion in "fourteeners," Rhapsody in hendecasyllables, Glosa, Villanelle, Triolet, Ballade, Rondeau, Ode in terza rima, Elegiac couplets, Military cadence, Pantoum, Free verse, Virelai nouveau, Blank verse, and Virelai ancien.

Chapters (42)

This story is a sequel to In Their Highnesses' Clandestine Corps

After the events of "In Their Highnesses' Clandestine Corps," Prince Blueblood has moved to Ponyville and is secretly training Rainbow Dash as a Clandestine Corps operative while openly dating her. Add that to Twilight becoming a princess and Discord hanging around Fluttershy's place all the time, and that might just be one recent change too many for Pinkamena Diane Pie...

Cover image commissioned from Pinmissile.

Chapters (4)

Told mostly in "fourteeners," iambic heptameter couplets broken into quatrains, this mini-epic poem follows Princess Luna and Pinkie Pie, drawn together by circumstance and ancient prophecy, as they confront a menace from Equestria's past. Many thanks to Aquillo and Casca for pre-reading, to Illya Leonov for the fine audio version, and to presentperfect for metrical notes above and beyond the call of duty!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Birth of Harmony

If "The Birth of Harmony" chronicles how Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all arrived in Equestria, then this story details Cadance's life helping her aunt Celestia during the thousand years of her aunt Luna's banishment. Cover image courtesy of Sunset Dragon.

Chapters (12)

Prince Blueblood dislikes being secret agent Double-O-Zeta, but since no pony does it better, the princesses won't let him quit. Trailing the mad unicorn Green Briar to Ponyville, though, Blueblood runs into Rainbow Dash, already investigating the odd new pony in the area. She resents this jerkwad of a prince suddenly butting in, and when circumstances force the two to work together, the unexpected feelings they arouse in each other might prove more dangerous than anything Green Briar has planned.

Inspired by TAW's Shipping Contest and finished with much thanks to Casca on mlpchan's /fic/ board, Aquillo and cheeze sauce over at Saltblock, and Bad Horse, Cloudy Skies and Skywriter here at FiMFiction. The adventure continues as well in the second Clandestine Corps adventure, Piefall!

Chapters (3)

Yes, the black and white pegasus who steps out of the glowing mirror seems very nice, but Pinkie's twitches tell her that this is her evil twin. And when Pinkie makes her own journey through the mirror to meet even more Pinkies and even more Pies, well, that just means more fun! Doesn't it?

I've been haphazardly planning this since March 12, 2011, the day my story "Pinkie Pie's Evil Twin" went up on Equestria Daily. A year and a half later, a little rewriting has turned it into the first chapter here, and the rest will follow in due course. Twelve chapters, maybe? I guess we'll all find out together!

Chapters (9)

The friendship between Clover the Clever, Smart Cookie, and Private Pansy led to the founding of Equestria. But what can they do in the face of a new and chaotic menace who calls himself Discord?

Two events from December 2011 led directly to this story: the revelation in "Hearth's Warming Eve" that the princesses were nowhere in sight when Equestria was founded, and the announcement of the existence of Cadance, the third Princess. Unfortunately, at the time, I was in the middle of several non-Pony related projects, but I wanted to get the idea written up before the Cadance episode aired and made canon-fodder out of the whole thing. So I carved ten days out of my schedule in the middle of January 2012 and wrote it up in two parts. It made Equestria Daily, but I've always felt it needed one more run through the word processor.

So I'm suspending my usual "write it, submit it, move on to the next" rule and giving the story another spin. I'm also, after a year and a half, giving it a sequel: "Calling You."

Chapters (2)

Romance, palace intrigue, and swashbuckling adventure await our six heroines when Princess Luna summons the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot.

I started writing this story in the middle of March 2011 and submitted the last chapter and the epilogue to EqD 3 1/2 months later on July 4th. The basic idea for it, though, had come to me after watching the first two episodes on YouTube at the beginning of that February, but it took me a month to discover there were places on the net to which a person could send fanfiction and have it posted. I don't get out much, y'see...

The discerning reader may, therefore, find a bit of canon-fodder here and there, and for all that I've thought about diving back in and changing a few things to make the story line up better with Season 2, I'm not gonna. For better or for worse, this story's done, and I hope to use what I learned while writing it and from the comments it's gotten--and the comments I reckon it'll get here--to make my next story better.


Chapters (17)