• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,210 Views, 27,994 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 44: Ooooohhh yeeeeaaaah! I feel GREAT! YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 44:

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…” Soarin released a long sigh as he opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling in his room.

It was morning already… time flies when you actually get a good night’s sleep. For Soarin, that was something that was hard to come by.

But after what happened the day before… there was no way he wasn’t getting the best sleep in his life.

Soarin smiled as he sat up in bed and glanced around the room. He looked to his left and clutched the sheet beside him.

Rainbow Dash… she was there yesterday. She was brought to him in his time of need. They overlooked their little disagreement in favor of restoring their bond. It was a magnificent feeling… even if it came right after an incredibly excruciating amount of pain.

Their needs brought them back together… and he held her tight in his arms for at least three hours after.

Unfortunately, she had a schedule to keep. It was a free day for the recruits, but she still had to get some training in. He reluctantly let her go… then tried to tend to himself. He had gotten up, walked around, and even went to the mess hall to get some much needed food. He mostly avoided contact with most. He ran into Spitfire once, but besides her, nopony of any consequence. He was actually glad he ran into Spitfire. He got to assure her she was fine in person.

Then she blushed and ran away.

Seriously she needed to get after Wave Chill already.

With little happening, he came back to his room after eating enough for six ponies and spent the rest of the day resting, until night fell and he went to sleep. The whole day he felt mentally drained after containing the magic. His body felt tingly and light… so he refrained from anything strenuous. He definitely slept well because he felt pretty good.

Actually… he felt really good…

“Huh…?” Soarin blinked and looked around.

He felt… great!

“Er… haha… what?” Soarin smirked as he looked his body over. It felt slightly tingly, but also warm.

He felt… pretty damn awesome!

“Woo!” Soarin rolled back and sprung up onto his hooves before leaping off his bed and landing perfectly on the floor. He smiled from ear to ear. “Wow! Whoa!” he blinked as he shook his body out. It was strange… ever since he had the dark magic pressed into him, he constantly felt like he had some sort of invisible restraint on his body… or at least a tiny headache or slight noggin discomfort at all times.

This morning he felt completely free. All the pressure and strain… it was gone!

“AW YEAH!!!!” Soarin threw his hooves up into the air and pumped them up and down a few times while flapping his wings in tandem. He levitated slightly off the ground before dropping back down. He continued to chuckle as he started prancing in circles about his room.

This was so weird, but it felt great! It was like the dark magic was completely gone, or at least completely tamed! Was this the effect getting back together with Dash had? Did it have to do with him forcing the magic back into his body? To be honest, he didn’t give a damn how it happened at the moment because DAMN he felt WAY TOO GOOD!

“Hahaha!” he laughed cheerfully as he finished one more lap around his room before veering off towards the bathroom, kicking the door open and diving in, doing an action roll on the floor before sharply standing up and looking at himself in the mirror.

He paused for a moment noticing that his fake horn was emitting a very faint glow that barely shone beyond the surface of it. It looked like it did have something to do with the yellow magic that appeared… but hey, whatever it was… it was clearly making him feel pretty damn amazing!

“Hey there, sexy…” Soarin smirked at his reflection as he stood up on his back hooves and put his front hooves on his hips. Damn, he looked good. He felt good. He felt so free… and hell he felt strong too! More than ever before. “Oh damn look at that!” he joked with himself as he reached his arms up and flexed them in the mirror. “Ha! Ha! Hoohaa!” he made silly grunts as he bounced his arm muscles before putting his hooves back down and doing the same with his chest muscles. “I think today is going to be a good day!” he chuckled as he grabbed a nearby towel with his magic and draped it over his shoulders before grabbing it the ends with his hooves and turning from side to side to flex some more.


Soarin completely froze. He looked at the towel over his neck.

He just used his magic to grab a towel across the bathroom and hover it over to him… almost unconsciously. He didn’t even look at the towel, much less focus on it. He just thought about looking sexy with a towel, his magic came to life, and the towel came to him.

“Wait… oh man… oh man!” Soarin suddenly got really excited. The yellow magic… could he do more with it? He had to try! Soarin whipped the towel off his shoulders, dropped back down to all four hooves and sprinted back into his room. There were four small pebbles sitting in the corner on his desk. He has been using them for magic levitation training. His current record was barely lifting three at once.

He looked at the four pebbles. He narrowed his eyes at them… and simply thought about lifting them up.

A yellow aura encircled the false horn… and the four pebbles all rose up.

“No way…” Soarin cracked a smile as the four pebbles spread apart and flying in a big circle. He had so much trouble lifting just two… much less three. He just had a brief thought about making all four pebbles move… and voila. What the hell? This was too awesome!

Soarin looked around at other things in the room as the pebbles began to orbit around him. Why stop there? Soarin added a book, a pen, his clock, and a tissue box. He now had eight things being moved by his magic at once! Eat your heart out Fancy Pants! Soarin couldn’t believe it! This was too good to be true!

The clock orbiting around him came into view. Soarin quickly reached out and grabbed it. It read 7:30. Breakfast had already been open for half an hour. PERFECT! He was hungry! It was hard to be sexy on an empty stomach!

Soarin let go of all the objects in his magic. They all clattered to the floor, some making louder sounds than others, but who the hell cared?! He felt like a trillion bits plus interest! It was time to get some food! Everypony better move aside! The god damn Soarin was coming through!

Soarin walked right out of his room, not bothering to close the door behind him as he strutted and slightly bounced down the hall. What had gotten into him? Hell if he knew! All he knew was he felt freaking PERFECT!

Was that a good or bad thing?

“We should try to line this up in the morning, I honestly miss sitting with you guys,” Storm Front chuckled as he and Dash sat down across from each other in the mess hall.

“I wouldn’t mind that at all…” Dash shrugged as she eyed the oatmeal, eggs, and banana on her tray. Was it bad that she didn’t even taste the food anymore? It was almost the same thing every day, but she didn’t care because she needed the fuel. “I like all the recruits… but I miss talking to somepony a little more… stable,” Dash smirked as she spoke and ending up loosing a few laughs. Storm looked up from his eggs and lifted his brow.

“Stable?” he asked with amusement. Dash tipped her head back and forth.

“Well, I don’t mind Matteo, he’s a bit too serious, but I’ve gotten him to crack a smile or two. Thunderlane is alright, he whines a little too much, but I’ve known him forever, so nothing he does is anything I’m not used to,” Dash’s ears flattened. “That’s kind of where it stops though. I don’t think I need to tell you much about Twister…”

“Nope, he speaks for himself in his own special way,” Storm commented with a cringe.

“Squall’s an ass…” Dash shook her head. “He acts all tough, but he can’t really back it up,”

“Yeah, he’s lucky Matteo didn’t snap his neck…” Storm recalled when he pulled Squall away from Matteo two days prior. “Doesn’t seem too… smart.”

“Little Star…” Dash contemplated how to put it. “She’s nice… but absurdly motherly, and if you get her pissed it’s like having a water balloon full of nails burst in your face… you know she’s thirty right?”

Storm spat out a hunk of eggs.

“I’ll take that as a no,” Dash chuckled as Storm blinked at her.

“I thought she was… like… ten years old,” Storm wondered out loud as he reached for his water and took a drink. Dash continued.

“So, like I said, it’s nice to talk somepony who’s more or less calm and collected,” Dash said as she looked up over Storm’s shoulder towards the food line and saw Fleetfoot standing with Blaze in a headlock. Blaze was yelling more swears than Dash knew existed and Fleetfoot was giving her an extremely rough noogie. “That’s kinda hard to find around here period,” she joked as she sat back down. “But I will say… that none of them are even as close to being as bad as Arctic Blast was…” Dash and Storm both cringed at the name.

“That’s for certain… Well thanks, I appreciate it,” Storm smiled at Dash as his fellow squad seven mates suddenly walked by behind him. Point Dex did nothing. Autumn Rain gave Storm a friendly tap on the shoulder. Dash watched as Autumn rain walked by. She was literally as big as Soarin. Dash would never get used to that. Storm turned to look at Autumn, reacting to her shoulder tap. She waved to him hello, but as he waved back, Macho Savage came up from behind.

“HEYYYYYYYYY BUDDYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!” he yelled in his loud raspy voice before ruffling Storm’s mane so hard it almost completely flattened against Storm’s head. Savage eventually let up and continued strutting towards the table squad seven was getting settled at.

“Oh… but if you want to go sit with your squad or the other Wonderbolts that’s fine,” Dash quickly added. “You did earn your spot with them, you know.”

“Eh… I get plenty of them all day,” Storm chuckled as he shook his mane out and pressed his hooves to it in attempt to get it back in place. “I like squad seven, but Point Dex and Macho Savage are quite a handful. Autumn Rain is very polite and nice all the time though.”

“Okay then, your turn! Tell me about them a little more,” Dash rested her elbow on the table and leaned forward with interest. “You already told me what they’re like… what has training with them been like? How about the other squads? Do much with them yet?” Dash piled the questions on.

Storm nodded and smiled as he swallowed a helping of oatmeal. He looked happy to answer. Dash was happy for him, but at the same time felt bad. Storm seemed eager to speak and interact with her and the recruits. She could only imagine what it had to be like for him among the high tier elite Wonderbolts. He probably felt under pressure at all times, not to mention like a rookie amongst the most seasoned flyers in Equestria. The elite Wonderbolts were also already acquainted with each other. Storm was thrown into a casual atmosphere with celebrities. Dash was also sure his ascension from tryout cadet to high tier elite didn’t sit well with some of the low tier elites. Spitfire could easily quell complaints with her reasoning, but there was no way Storm’s quick rise into the ranks was without some controversy.

“Let’s see,” Storm began as he pondered Dash’s questions. “Our schedule’s been pretty rough so far, at least for me, it doesn’t seem to affect them so much. I’ve had combat, obstacle courses, a free day, and formation flying…”

“You’ve had combat practice with squad seven? Oo! Tell me about that!” Dash suddenly chimed in. Storm chuckled at her.

“Too many questions… brain shutting down…” he comically went face first into his oatmeal bowl.

“Sorry…” Dash snickered and shook her head. “I’m a big fan of Wonderbolt combat.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ve deduced…” Storm sat up and licked up the bits of oatmeal stuck to his nose. “Point Dex is not much of a combat pony. Don’t let him fool you, he’s a strategic genius, and from what I’ve heard, he actually is a bit of an inventor, apparently has some combat devices he uses… he obviously doesn’t use them against us though, so I have yet to see any.”

“What about Autumn? Dash asked while glancing to her left and eyeing the big mare two tables down from them. Storm glanced at her as well, his eyes widened slightly, he took a deep breath and exhaled while shaking his head.

“She’s… kind of a beast…” he commented as if unsure how to describe it.

“Well I figured that, look at her!” Dash pointed. “She looks like she could bend a steel bar if she wanted.”

“That’s why it’s so interesting, she’s super gentle… but when she fights…” Storm shrugged. “She’s a hard hitter obviously, but that’s not the interesting thing about it.”


“She’s a passive fighter. She waits for her opponent to strike first, either blocks or takes the blow, then counters,” Storm explained.

“Blocks or takes the blow?” Dash repeated while blinking. “As in… lets you hit her?”

“Not as easy as it sounds…” Storm lifted up one of his hooves and shook it out. “Her body is pretty solid… felt like I was punching a rock…” Storm cringed. Dash rolled her eyes. That went without saying. Autumn was no skinny, slender mare… Hell, Blaze referred to Dash as ‘a smaller Autumn Rain’ the day before while the two were… feeling her up her physique.

“Color me not surprised in the slightest,” Dash smarmily commented. Storm smirked right back.

“You have enough colors already,” he fired back with a chuckle. Dash snorted and lightly tapped her nose to her tray as the two shared a light laugh.

“And then there’s… Macho Savage…” Storm almost looked like he dreaded the thought. Dash quickly picked up on this and her interest was thoroughly piqued.

“That guy already looks like a wacko. I bet he fights like one too…” Dash guessed while glancing at the squad seven table. Macho Savage was eating his oatmeal by holding the bowl at arm’s length above his head and letting it drip out into his mouth.

“That’s putting it lightly…” Storm shivered. “It has no rhyme or reason… it basically looks like he’s flailing about,” he paused as Dash started cracking up. “No really,” Storm faked being serious. “He fights like an octopus falling down a flight of electrified stairs! I’m not kidding around here! I thought he was going to tear me to pieces!” Storm continued with a slight smirk as Dash completely lost it.

“That’s the best description of a fighting style I’ve ever heard…” Dash managed to say as she tried to take deep breaths between laughter.

“As for the other elite squads, I’ve been around them, but I have yet to do any cross-squad training,” Storm’s ears suddenly stood up slightly. “Oh! Speaking of elite squads, I’ve been hearing some hilarious stories about Silver Lining… how’s he been? I’ve been told I’m missing out,” Storm asked.

“Ha!” Dash tipped back in her chair a little. “He’s been ridiculous… it’s so hard to keep a straight face when he starts going off on some recruit… but if it’s happening to you, it’s terrifying… I’ve gotten in more shit for laughing at what he does than for anything wrong I‘ve actually done.”

“That’s what I’ve been told,” Storm nodded and smiled. “You’re lucky. Apparently all the members of the current squads one, two, and three had him as their recruit instructor when they were new.”

“Really?” Dash set all four chair legs back on the floor. “Huh…” she thought about it. Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot all had him too? Wait… that also meant Rapidfire. Dash nearly cracked up imagining what kind of hell Silver put Rapidfire through. “That’s… pretty cool… we’re getting the same training they did…”

“Like I said, you’re lucky,” Storm winked. “I wish I could have that honor…” Storm’s focus shifted behind Dash. “Hey! Matteo! Over here!” he suddenly waved and yelled. Dash looked over her shoulder and saw Matteo glancing towards them while carrying a tray of food. He saw Storm flagging him down, and changed directions to come sit with them. Storm smiled as Matteo approached. “Hey big fella, how’ve you been?” Storm asked. Matteo cracked a small smile as he walked up and sat down beside Dash.

“Good to finally speak with you again,” Matteo got comfortable in his chair. Matteo seemed to approve of Storm. Knowing Matteo, it was because of the ‘honor and bravery’ Storm had showcased during the tryouts. It was really the two of them working together who deduced the façade of Surprise’s fog pie machine. “I don’t think I have congratulated you on becoming an elite Wonderbolt…” Matteo began. “I would like to extend my admiration of—”

“HEY!! What’s going on over here?!”

Dash flinched really hard as a tray of food slammed down beside hers. It had a plate with twelve pancakes and eight sausage patties. She also recognized the voice… but it was not who she expected to either approach her like this, nor was the food on the plate what she expected of him.

Soarin suddenly leapt over the back of the chair and landed roughly in it, almost hitting his face against the table in the process. He patted Dash roughly on the back while smiling at all three of them.

“S-Soarin?!” Dash yelped as she recovered from being roughly forced forward.

“Commander?” Storm’s eyes widened as Soarin cracked his neck loudly, grabbed three of the pancakes and shoved them all in his mouth.

“It’s a fine morning, isn’t it?!” Soarin triumphantly yelled out as he swigged all of his water and chucked the plastic cup back over his shoulder. “I feel great! How do you all feel!?”

Storm and Matteo were frozen, speechless.

Dash eyed Soarin quizzically. Was she happy to see him? Of course she was! But… that was a rather uncharacteristic entrance… not to mention his breakfast went heavily against his diet… and he was being… quite strange.

“Hey I know it’s hard to feel and LOOK this good!” Soarin pounded his chest. “But you guys can do it too! Trust me!” he pointed at Matteo and Storm. He then reached his arm around Dash and pulled her into him, smushing her face against his chest muscles.

“Yikes! Soarin! What’s gotten into you!?” Dash blushed and sharply whispered to him. He tipped his head down over the top of hers so his mouth was right in front of one of her ears.

“Hey pretty lady of mine, I don’t know about you, but I could sure go for some fun… in private… after dinner tonight…” he whispered slyly yet smoothly into her ear.

“Uh…” Dash’s face turned completely red as Soarin let go of her and she slowly moved upright in her seat. Soarin looked up and over Storm towards a table where Spitfire and Fleetfoot were sitting.

“Hey, nice talking to you guys! Gotta run! Lead squad stuff!” he stood up, grabbed his tray and walked around the table behind Dash, intertwining his tail with Dash’s as he passed before giving her plot a swipe with his wing. Dash jumped in surprise and continued blushing as she watched Soarin move away from the table.

Storm and Matteo watched Soarin leave, looked at each other, then looked at Dash.

“I’m so confused…” Matteo spoke up. He looked back at Storm. Storm only shrugged.

Dash kept her eyes trained on Soarin as he walked towards Spitfire and Fleetfoot. He was walking with a very confident bounce in his step, and he swayed his plot back and forth in a manner that was almost… hypnotizing. She quickly looked down, bit her lip and glanced around her tray as if looking for something else to focus on, but it was too late, and her wings were already twitching at her sides.

That was weird. Soarin had some strange confidence radiating from him. They had just made up… and she helped him get control of his magic, but… WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!

And why was it… so… sexy?

“WHOA!” Fleetfoot yelped as Soarin sat down beside her, but not without nearly body slamming her in the process.

“What’s jumping ladies?!” Soarin greeted while grabbing another handful of pancakes and wolfing them down.

Fleetfoot sat up and glared sharply at him.

“What the hell?!” She turned her body towards him and put her hooves on her hips. “Okay… first, where the hell have you been?! Second… Why the hell did yooouuuuuuu— why are you looking at me like that?” Fleetfoot cut herself off and looked directly in to a confident smarmy smile that was plastered to Soarin’s face.

“First answer! Don’t worry your pretty little head about it!” Soarin reach over and ruffled her mane gently. “Second answer! I’m feeling extra alive todaaaaaaaaaaaay—” he imitated the way she had just cut herself off. “And don’t get any ideas missy, I’m taken…” he bounced his eyebrows while lightly sliding a hoof down his chest and body.

Fleetfoot followed Soarin’s hoof as he slid it down his body and then rubbed it in a circle on his leg. She blushed lightly, looked back up with an incredibly confused look on her face.

“Spitfire, what…” Fleetfoot glanced over at Spitfire. She had her head down on her tray with her hooves pressed firmly over her head while groaning uncomfortably. Fleetfoot could clearly see the bright shade of red surrounding Spitfire’s face through her hooves. “Oh right…” Fleetfoot rolled her eyes. As soon as she turned back Soarin was up against her again and had his arm over her shoulder.

“What’s the deal, can’t I enjoy feeling good and spending time with my oldest buddies?” Soarin said with a fake pout.

“Could you… touch me less…please?” Fleetfoot found herself blushing more.

“No fun allowed, eh?” Soarin smirked as he literally spun away from Fleetfoot and retook his position in front of his tray. As soon as he was in place another tray slammed down beside Spitfire.

“HEY! I THOUGHT I SMELLED THE BURNING SOUL OF A TRUE STALLION!” Air Mach leap into his seat, but missed and crashed on the floor. He sprung up, tried again, missed again, then finally just sat down normally and crossed his hooves while tipping his head down just enough so he could see over his ridiculous glasses and look at Soarin. “Like a boss!” He added to compliment himself. “Were you touching my mare Soarin?!” he suddenly pointed dramatically.

“Maybe I was…” Soarin leaned back while smirking. He shook his head lightly to whisk his mane about before winking and pointing right back at Air Mach. “She’s my friend though, I’m sure you’re aware I have rainbow I love to follow to the gold!”

“Oh my god, what is happening…?” Fleetfoot couldn’t take how overly stupid the conversation was getting.

“Oh, it was just a friendly greeting?!” Air Mach smiled while pushing his glasses really hard up onto his face. “Good!” he hopped up and belly flopped on the table, his face landing right at the edge of Fleetfoot’s tray. Fleetfoot instantly reclined as far as her chair let her. “In that case I can continue pursuing my angel without any obstacles!” he put on a massive cocky grin as Fleetfoot grabbed her mane and began to yank it while moaning in frustration.

“Oh, I don’t think so!” Soarin suddenly hopped up as well, landed plot first on the table top, and leaned down to put Air Mach in a headlock. “She’s my friend you know! You’re clearly making her uncomfortable, I don’t think I like that!” Soarin challenged him with the sly look still on his face. Air Mach began to struggle in his grip.

“Hey! How dare you accuse Fleetfoot of lying about loving me!” Air Mach fired back.

“I NEVER SAID—” Fleetfoot got cut off as the two stallions on the table began to thrash about until Soarin had him pinned again.

“You can’t beat me Animak!” Soarin taunted as Air Mach sneered.

“HA! You are an opponent worthy of my greatness! Allow the great Animak to show you how it’s done!” Air Mach yelled as he tried to struggle out of Soarin’s headlock, but after a good minute of thrashing around, he found he couldn’t break free. “Ha! I’ll let you off the hook this time! The mighty Animak is still tired this morning!” he tried to play it off.

“Nice try tons-o-fun!” Soarin sat up and shifted off the table, yanking Air Mach with him. It was a wonder that neither of them hit any of the trays on the table during the whole exchange… which by now had also attracted a few spectators. “Don’t worry Fleet, I’ll make sure THIS idiot leaves you be,” Soarin assured Fleetfoot while giving Air Mach a good few jabs in the side before dragging him away.

“The mighty Animak was NOT done with his breakfast!” he tried to break free again, but Soarin dragged him all the way out of the mess hall as other Wonderbolts, mainly mares, watched with a mix of confusion and interest.

Fleetfoot stared dumbly with a light blush still on her face. She glanced over at Spitfire again, who was done overheating and now looking up as well. Fleetfoot looked back at the door and lightly wrapped her hooves around her sides.

“Um… why is Soarin turning me on…?” Fleetfoot shuddered.

Spitfire was skeptical. Soarin was better… she heard it straight from him yesterday as well as what happened with him and Dash… but what was this going on now? She was sure she saw a very faint yellow glow running within the false horn the whole time, but she never got close enough to confirm.

Soarin was suddenly radiating sex appeal and strutting around in ways he never had before.

What was going on?

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Hey all... everything is already back on track...

Seriously haha... i didn't mean to scare you guys so much. i was a little down i mesed up my otuline, but i already fixed it. And to clarify, i was refering to people demanding to know when certain STORY events are going to happen... i'm okay with you guys asking me how close a chapter is to being released ;3 i just felt pressure to move forward the Soarindash moment and wished to have those type of questions limited.

But please, feel free to bug me about when chapters will be out, i don't mind that at all ^3^

Oh guess what THIS chapter is! This chapter is the frist chapter in the second half of part 2! Which means we are halfway done with this part already?! oh gosh... that means in a little while we'll be HALFWAY DONE WITH THIS MONSTER! :O

But hmmm... Soarin seems to be experiencing quite a heavy libido boost... looks like the blue and yellow magic have different effects on him... but what the heck?! whats with all this magic in Soarin anyway? What won't Discord tell?! I guess we shall all find out in due time ;3

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! (i'm fine really, don't worry about me... but thanks for all the concern and friendly PM's ^_^)

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