• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 85: On High Alert… Fleetfoot Style

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
(This Chapter was edited by Lucky424)

Chapter 85:


High Alert.

Extra security.

One would think that such an environment with the possibility of danger would change the mood of the compound, but as Dash and the rest of the recruits soon learned, the Wonderbolts were very good at keeping their cool.

Two days went by without anything happening, and while Dash felt uneasy, it seemed like the whole compound had simmered down, and life was moving on with more security and less training hours. Of course Dash knew that everything was far from normal… it was probably just her past experiences making her tense again.

Staying true to her word and keeping loyal to her mentor, Dash kept her mouth shut about Silver. She found herself worrying about him often now… at least, when she wasn’t training with him. During their training session after she discovered him in his room, she went soft on him at first and he promptly gave her a few bruises for doing so.

If anything, discovering Silver’s secret made her respect him even more. She had seen him do so many things that required an insane amount of will power and toughness. He took a punch to the face from Squall without flinching, got beaten up by Soarin and walked out of the battle dome on his own, later fought Soarin again and subdued him, chased after the Shadowbolts, and finally… had been constantly having these intense training sessions with her, all with a body that was falling apart. He had hit a whole new level of hardass in her book. Silver Lining was an iron pony for sure, worthy of being looked up to by so many.

As for Soarin, the frustration was endless. He tried to reach Luna three more times over the past two days. Every time, the guards gave him a different story. The first time she was out of the castle, the second she was apparently taking a bath, and the third time she was busy with diplomats. When Soarin asked where the diplomats were from, he got no answer and was turned away.

It was ironic, Spitfire didn’t want to bother going to Luna anymore… but now, even if they wanted to, it seemed like Luna was completely locking them out. This worried Soarin, because if there was one thing that gave the Wonderbolts an edge in many larger issues, it was having their connections with the royalty and the castle. What would happen now that the two sides were locking each other out?

Aside from that though, things went on as usual for Soarin, only with a slightly altered schedule and tightened security. Getting in and out of the compound at all was a hassle now. He was assigned to a patrol around the city with Fleetfoot and Air Mach one morning, but security gave them such a hard time just walking in and out the front doors. Soarin ended up sticking his I.D. card right into the face of one of the security guards while pulling his flight mask off, stating that he was quite sure he was Commander Soarin. The security was necessary, but it seemed a little paranoid, which was no doubt a little bit of Spitfire’s doing.

Speaking of Spitfire, Soarin was keeping a close eye on her. Even with the heightened security measures, Spitfire didn’t seem satisfied. Soarin had gotten the ‘we’re all too relaxed’ speech from her more than six times in the past two days.

While he agreed with her a little bit, Soarin had more than that to worry about. His magic had calmed down, but it was clearly more difficult to use, and he wasn’t sure if he could trust it should a conflict arise.

Forget the Wonderbolts being ready or not… was he ready? Because if one of the lead commanders was out of commission… that would have an intense negative effect on morale. He had to be careful, but could he afford to be?

Then again… knowing it could possibly bring pain to Dash… maybe this was why Discord warned them of the connection. It added a whole new factor Soarin had to be aware of… not only keeping Dash alive, but also making sure he didn’t cause her pain through mishandling his magic.

Too much to think about… as usual.

For Soarin, there was only one place to go when he felt that way, and luckily Spitfire was along with him, maybe he could take this time to help her loosen up.

Soarin reached forward and grabbed the barbell, helping Spitfire re-rack it into the bench with a loud CLANG. Soarin smirked and lifted an eyebrow at her as she sat up, exhaled, and grabbed her towel to wipe her face off.

“Bench pressing one hundred eighty-five pounds, five times? That’s an academy record!” Soarin mocked her voice with a chuckle.

“Oh, shut up…” Spitfire said in a rather sharp tone. Soarin flattened his brow as he watched her reach down and grab her water bottle, taking a long drink that emptied the bottle before throwing it aside and resting her front hooves on the bench padding in front of her.

Still no sense of humor… Soarin understood the situation they were in, but once again Spitfire was in full, ‘no-fun-allowed’ mode. And without Fleetfoot in the gym Soarin had no way of countering it. Air Mach was there, but the last time he tried to lighten the mood he got launched across a hotel room from a hoof to the face.

Soarin knew that Spitfire was never one to really relax. He heard all about the train ride back from Cloudsdale from Fleetfoot. He was glad Wave had gotten Spitfire to actually take a nap, it was something she needed. But from the looks of things… Spitfire went right back to overexerting herself, at least in this moment it seemed that way.

She had given the order to lighten up on training, but it hardly looked like she was upholding that here. It was clear as day, just now as he was spotting her. She was drenched in sweat, her muscles were all pumped and tight from heavy lifting, she was breathing hard, and Soarin was sure he could see her body twitching a little from the work. All in all, it looked like she was far from ‘taking it easy’ on herself.

Though he had to admit, it was always impressive to watch Spitfire weight lift. She was larger, more muscular, and taller than the rest of the mares in the force and could push the weight to prove it wasn't just for show. She could even keep up with most of the stallions, only the strongest among them putting up higher numbers than her.

“So what ever happened to ‘lighten up a bit’?” Soarin finally asked as Spitfire rested. For a moment, the only response he got from her was a low grunt of disapproval, but eventually she shifted to look towards him.

“I’m just… venting a little frustration…” Spitfire admitted. Soarin wasn’t surprised. In fact, he was sure he knew what it was about too. “Look around you Soarin…” Spitfire pointed around the gym. Soarin did as he was told, but nothing looked out of the ordinary.

“What am I looking at exactly?” Soarin blinked. “All looks the same as usual to me.”

“That’s the problem,” Spitfire quickly added as Soarin quickly looked back to her. “I don’t think anypony is taking our situation seriously. These are the Shadowbolts we are talking about! I’ve tried to stress the importance of all this, but most of them haven’t a damn clue what the Shadowbolts are capable of!” she threw her hooves out in anger. “I know I wasn’t there, but Fleetfoot said we almost got beaten by them in a dogfight. Remember? When they came to rescue you and Dash all those months ago? You’d think they’d be more worried after that… have we become so comfortable or full of ourselves? Is this what the Wonderbolts have become under me? I won’t have it,” Spitfire growled.

“Whoa there,” Soarin stepped around and put his hooves on her shoulders before she could stand up. “Easy now, relax Spitfire,” he said while rubbing her shoulders.

“Soarin what did I just say?” she said while rolling her eyes.

“Heard you loud and clear Spitfire, but I think you’re not looking at it the right way,” he said firmly. Spitfire turned her head around and lifted her brow.

“Oh? Enlighten me,” she said with a snappy tone that Soarin brushed off. She was clearly irritated, it wasn’t like she had never been sharp with him.

“You told them to lighten up on the training… right?” he asked first.

“Yes,” Spitfire nodded.

“And now you’re getting angry because everypony looks too relaxed?”

“That’s—” Spitfire bit her bottom lip and growled.

“They’re doing what you told them to do, Spitfire.” Soarin chuckled. “The more they relax now, the more rested and ready they will be when the time comes for action. Didn’t we have this discussion once before? Your system has made the Wonderbolts more connected than ever.”

“I know that,” Spitfire shook her head. “I just wish I could look at all this and feel like it’s under control. I swear… no approach to this situation feels right!” She threw her front hooves up into the air and let them fall back down to her sides. “First I tried sneaking under everypony’s nose out in the field and it failed. Now I have everypony onboard, but we’re all stuck here waiting to hear from our extra patrols and increased security. I can’t help but feel like this won’t work either!” she groaned as Soarin stood and blinked behind her. He wasn’t sure what to say. “There’s gotta be something,” Spitfire continued. “There’s something we’re not considering… something we’re missing,” she turned to Soarin “They know where we are or where we’re going, they have planned escape routes, and backup at the ready… How are they always two to three steps ahead of us?”

Soarin’s ears perked up as he listened to Spitfire’s thoughts on the situation. Unfortunately, his mouth moved before thinking about what he was about to say.

“You don’t think…” Soarin spoke up while rubbing his chin. “That they have eyes on the inside… do they? How else would they be able to follow us so closely and discreetly? I mean—” Soarin quickly shut his mouth as Spitfire’s eyes grew three sizes.

Spitfire quickly turned back around as Soarin realized what he had done. He quickly stepped around in front of her as she sharply rose up from the bench.

“Whoa!” Soarin put a hoof firmly on her shoulder, preventing her from moving any further. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa…” he said as he slowly pushed her back down onto the bench. “Hold up, don’t jump to conclusions,” he tried to salvage the situation.

“Thanks Soarin…” Spitfire said with sarcasm followed by an exasperated sigh. “Thanks… as if I wasn't paranoid enough already!” she bent over, put her hooves to her temples and rubbed them as she groaned in frustration. Soarin’s ears flopped down. That definitely wasn’t his smartest move.

“Sorry, that’s not what I was trying to do,” Soarin quickly apologized. “It was just a theory, Spitfire. And… to be honest you’ve already taken precautions towards that. If there is somepony sneaking around the compound or eavesdropping on all of our plans, then the extra security will put a damper on their movements and maybe even expose them. That’s all, of course, assuming that’s the case. We’ve encountered them outside the compound and in the outskirts of the city… maybe they’re misdirecting us. They could be closer than we think, where we’d never think to look for them, you know? It’s just a thought,” he ended, keeping his eyes on Spitfire as she removed her hooves from her head and took a long, deep breath.

“You’ve got a good point,” she spoke in a much more relaxed and controlled manner. “Sorry for the little outburst, I’ve been a little on edge,” she admitted. Soarin looked away briefly, trying hard not to roll his eyes because really, it had been obvious she was on edge. “I’m not even following my own damn rules,” Spitfire continued as she rotated one of her arms to try and loosen up her muscles. “I’m lifting heavy weights when I should be taking it easy,” she stood up from the bench.

“Worry not, Captain! We’ve got this in the bag!” Air Mach suddenly rushed up between the two of them and hooked his arms around them. “These Shadowbolts think they’re tough! We’ll show them who the REAL tough pegasi are when they decide to fight us straight up! We—whoa!” Air Mach yelped as Soarin yanked him away from Spitfire.

“Dude, you’ve really gotta work on your timing,” Soarin shook his head as he held Air Mach in a head lock.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about bro!” Air Mach smirked. “There’s always time to know you’re the best!”

“Yeah, and it got you punched in the face last time,” Soarin said with a chuckle as he held Air Mach firmly in place.

“Let him go, Soarin,” Spitfire ordered as a smile formed on her lips. Soarin blinked in surprise and released Air Mach, who fell to the ground, but planted all four hooves firmly before he could crash.

“Ha! Stuck the landing!” Air Mach called out triumphantly as he quickly stood up.

“Air Mach, you’re an idiot,” Spitfire began as she turned to them. “But dammit, sometimes you’re a magnificent bastard. Right now, it’s better not to think too hard about it and just believe. I told the Wonderbolts to take it easy so they could be ready, and that’s what they are doing. They are keeping themselves active and ready for anything. I’m confident this will work, we’ve just got to bide our time.”

“Dunno about you Soarin,” Air Mach leaned his arm into Soarin’s shoulder. “But I think my timing was perfect this time! Don’t underestimate me! Who the hell do you—” he was cut off as Soarin put his hoof over Air Mach’s mouth.

“—Think I am? I’m the great Animak, and don’t you forget it!” Soarin finished for him before removing his hoof.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were challenging me to a fight!” Air Mach said with a large grin.

“No, I’ve only heard you say it a few dozen times,” Soarin said while jabbing Air Mach in the shoulder. He stepped away from Air Mach and walked back up to Spitfire as she swung her towel over her neck and began removing the plates from the barbell. Soarin broke off his path and started taking off the weights from the other side.

“Let me know if you want any help with investigations or anything,” he offered as he and Spitfire removed all the plates.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Spitfire smiled. “Look Soarin, I’m gonna apologize… again ahead of time. As I said, I’ve been a bit jumpy and harsh the past couple of weeks, and I think it was due to pressure and lack of sleep. It’s probably not over either, but I want you to know I trust you and everypony else. The secret plan in Cloudsdale was a blunder I don’t intend to make again.”

“Yeah, please don’t do that again,” Soarin agreed flatly. Spitfire looked up with an eyebrow raised after racking the plates on her side of the bench. “What? You led on your best friends, it was kind of a bitch move,” he said with a chuckle. “Don’t look at me like that. You know I say that with love.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Spitfire rolled her eyes and chuckled. “You sounded like my half-sister there,” she joked as they walked back around the front of the bench. Soarin shook his head.

“Naw, if it were Blaze, there would have been lots more swearing, probably a fight breaking out, and High Winds sleeping through the whole thing,” he joked. Spitfire snorted while trying to hold in a laugh.

“You know…” Spitfire spoke up as she looked around the gym. Air Mach had broken away and was trying to rally the rest of the Wonderbolts in the gym, but most of them tried to get away. Spitfire smiled, looking around more, and seeing the present Wonderbolts going about their workouts, but taking it a little easier on themselves. Helping each other out and keeping things calm. “I don’t know why I keep questioning my way of handling things… you remember what it used to be like, right?” she asked Soarin. “Back when we first got here and Blazetail and Flashwind were in command?”

“I do,” Soarin nodded. “This place was loud, nothing but yelling and ‘yes, sirs or ma’ams’. I was scared stiff of everypony I passed. It sure has changed,” he smiled at Spitfire. “But it has changed for the better. And honestly,” he pointed to the horn. “I don’t know if I could have handled this back then. The tough, yet caring family environment we have now has made this bearable.”

Spitfire nodded in agreement as she looked out at the Wonderbolts once more.

“I don’t know what I’m thinking, we’ll figure it out and we’ll fight, plain and simple. You’re right, I’m not thinking about it the right way. They’re all relaxed, but they’re all serious at the same time. And I’m sure it will—” she suddenly stopped.

“Will what?” Soarin blinked as he turned and looked at her, only… she wasn’t looking at him, she was staring towards the doors that led out to the hallway. Soarin looked as well and saw…

“Are those…?” Spitfire furrowed her brow. Soarin looked closely and saw multiple ponies entering. Earth ponies and unicorns that were carrying cameras and large boxes.

“Those look like professional photographers…” Soarin said as he examined them. The Wonderbolts in the gym stood aside and gave the ponies odd looks as the crew pushed their way in and started setting up cameras and other high-end photography equipment near the dumbbell racks.

“What’s going on?” Spitfire took a few steps forward and examined the commotion in confusion.

“Move! Move! And somepony go find me my prize Wünderbolt mare! Vere is she?!” a voice came from right outside the doors.

“I know that voice,” Soarin rolled his eyes. “Photo Finish.”

The moment Soarin said the name, Photo Finish burst through the doors while yelling orders to all the ponies bringing in her equipment. Spitfire folded her ears back and held her hooves out in front of her.

JUST after I agree that we are ready and in the right mindset…” she growled. “Who in their right mind scheduled a photo shoot in the compound during a high aler—” she paused and flattened her brow. “Fleetfoot…”

“Got it?” Matteo asked as he peered over the flames sitting between him and Dash.

“I’ve got it,” Dash nodded as she concentrated on the ball of fire.

Matteo slowly pulled his talons away and the fireball moved in between Dash’s hooves as she hovered a few feet off the ground. She carefully moved her hooves up and down to prevent any of the fire from escaping as she looked up. Matteo had backed away and taken a spot a little ways away to Dash’s left, Little Star was across from her, and Squall was a little to her right. They were arranged in a diamond pattern, set up in a corner of an open gymnasium in the west wing for some training, each hovering a good ten yards from their squadmates to their right and left.

“Are you ready Twister?” Dash asked as she looked up. Twister was floating upside down with streams of water swirling around him. He brought his hooves together and the water collected in a ball in front of him. He began moving his hooves around it quickly, manipulating the water until it morphed into the shape of a bucket. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Dash chuckled before looking down at Matteo. “Ready guys? Be careful, we’re not the only ones in this gym, so take the hit if you don’t think you’ll catch it, we’ve got Twister on dowsing duty! Here comes the hot potato!”

Dash spun around with the flames still hovering between her hooves. She pulled the fire into one hoof, engulfing her arm in flames for a mere moment before she thrust it forwards and the fireball launched from her arm. It careened towards Matteo, who extended both of his arms and opened his shanks. The fireball struck his arms.

“HRM!” Matteo grunted and took a step backwards as the fire jumped and began swirling around his body.

“Grip it! Control it!” Dash encouraged as Matteo struggled, but only for another moment. He spun, forcing the flames off his body before whipping his arms through the air to gather and control it until it was a stable fireball between his talons.

“Star!” Matteo yelled as he turned, let the flames travel onto his arm, and swung it towards Star. The fire to shot from his arms towards her.

Little Star curled up into a ball, her hooves tucked in front of her face. The fireball collided with her and engulfed her entire body. Without waiting a single moment, she did two very quick front flips to shake the fire off, before extending her arms, collecting the fire and instantly having it in front of her.

“Star, you know that’s a dangerous way to do it,” Dash commented as Star held the fireball.

“Hey, can you blame me? I have little arms!” she said while waving one her small hooves away from the fireball. “If I did it like you guys, the darn thing would smack me in the face!” she turned and put all four of her hooves into the fireball. “Squall, catch!” she yelled as she kicked the fireball towards Squall.

Squall didn’t even look at the fireball as he reached his right hoof out. It struck Squall’s hoof and the flames curled around his arm, traveled over his chest, and rushed out into his other arm as he reached it upward. The fire jumped off his left arm and collected back into a fireball that he controlled with only his left hoof. He held it steady, with little effort as a small smirk crawled on his lips.

“We get it Squall,” Dash rolled her eyes and smiled. “You’re good with fire.”

“EVERYPONY WATCH OUT!” a loud voice behind Squall made him yelp in surprise. They all turned to look, including Squall as he fumbled to regain control of the fire before it spilled over the side of his hoof. “WE’VE GOT A BADASS OVER HERE!” Blaze popped up behind him, wearing her special fire starting hoof gloves.

“C-Commander Blaze?!” Squall blinked in surprise.

“I saw that little move you just pulled! You think you’re pretty HOT STUFF, huh? Eh? Get it?” she wiggled her eyebrows while looking at the other members of squad Foxtrot. “Cause he thought he was awesome, with fire, and fire is hot, and… wow tough crowd… ANYWAY!” she swiped her hoof out and snatched the fireball away.

“Hey!” Squall tried to grab it back, but Blaze tossed it over her head to the other hoof.

“What were you trying to do with this? Light a candle?” she looked at the fireball and gently blew on it. The fireball dissipated instantly. “Here you should try something a little more intense!”

Blaze smacked her front hooves together, knocking the flint pads on her hoof gloves against each other. Multiple sparks flew out from between them and all expanded into large flames, quickly surrounding Blaze’s entire body with fire.

“AW YEAH!” Blaze yelled as the flames grew around her, expanding to about ten times the size of the fireball they had been tossing around and controlling it around her whole body instead of just in her hooves.

Dash furrowed her brow. Blaze said Squall was showing off?

“Whaddya say recruit?” Blaze looked Squall in the eyes. “Wanna try controlling THIS inferno on for—”

She was cut off as a large deluge of water splashed over her.

“AUGH!” she yelped as the water completely doused the flame and left her drenched. “Who did that?!” she growled as she looked up in between the dripping strands of her wet mane and saw Twister cracking up over head . “Oh, that little…”

“BLAZE!” Silver Lining’s voice suddenly belted from across the gym. They all turned to see the rest of squad two and squad seven walking into the gym. “I don’t think High Winds approves of you getting wet when she’s not grinding against you! Get your ass over here!” he yelled as Wave and squad seven all snickered behind him.

“Old box of farts…” High Winds said from behind Silver while scrunching her face.

“Mrrrrgh…” Blaze grumbled as she turned away from squad Foxtrot, landed, and followed behind her squad as they passed. Dash and Star burst out laughing with Twister, Matteo smirked, but Squall just grunted as he lowered himself to the ground and sat.

“Aw, c’mon Squall,” Dash hovered down beside him. “She’s part of squad two: The Elements, remember? She’s best fire handler in the Wonderbolts.”

“She didn’t have to single me out…” Squall huffed.

“Squall, she does it to everypony. She’s a show off,” Dash chuckled. “Relax, you’re still the best fire handler in our group.”

“Indeed,” Matteo landed beside them. “You are much better than I. Griffons are not known for handling the elements.”

“Uh, yeah Matty?” Star hovered down beside him. “About that… You’ve got a little flame going on your crest,” Star pointed to his head. Dash and Squall looked up as Matteo’s eyes widened. He did, indeed, have a tiny candle like flame rising from one of his head feathers.

“Argh! Put it out!” He yelled as he reached up and started swiping his talons through his head feathers, but he kept completely missing it.

“Uh oh!” Dash grabbed Squall and Star, pulling them both backwards with her.

Another large splash of water fell from above, this one much larger than the first. Dash, Squall, and Star all shielded themselves as little bits of water flew at them, but when they recovered and peered out from between their arms, they all held their breath, trying not to laugh, even Squall.

Matteo was completely soaked. His feathers all slicked and pressed down against his body with his black fur on his lower half all sopping wet as well. He looked up to see Twister directly above him, mere inches away, sneering down at him.

“I THINK I GOT IT!” Twister yelled out as he laughed hysterically and tumbled to the floor before log rolling in circles around Matteo in the process.

“Gee, thanks…” Matteo sighed.

“Well, I told him to put any fires out that we couldn’t control!” Dash joked as Star giggled and Squall looked like he might actually laugh. “Now we just… OH GOD! MATTEO! WAIT!!!!” Dash held her hooves out, but it was too late, Matteo had already spread out his talons and back paws to firmly stabilize himself, and then shook his head and body, twisting them from side to side vigorously and spraying water in all directions.

“ARGH!!!!!” the four ponies all yelped as Matteo shook himself dry, splattering heavy droplets of loose water all over them.

He eventually stopped and sighed as he looked himself over. He smirked when he saw the rest of the squad covered in droplets of water.

“Well, I’d say I feel nice and dry now—” he was cut off by a loud POOF noise as all of his fur and feathers suddenly puffed up. “Damn it…” he sighed as Dash, Star, and Twister all lost it on the spot, the three falling into a pile in front of Squall as they laughed. Squall was snickering as he looked at Matteo all floofed. “Not you too…” Matteo flattened his brow.

Squall couldn’t hold it in. He put his hooves to his stomach and started laughing. Only a little and not very loudly, but he was laughing. Dash and Star both clearly noticed, but they were too busy cracking up as Matteo sighed at his own fluffy misfortune.

Off to the side, squad two and seven were setting up for some training of their own.

Storm Front was looking towards squad Foxtrot. He released a quiet sigh as he watched them having fun.

Silver was passing by after giving a few orders to Wave. He stopped in his tracks and looked towards Storm. It didn’t take him very long to read Storm’s mannerisms.

“Hey kid,” Silver spoke up as he walked up beside Storm.

“Ah!” Storm blinked. “Captain Silver, sir?” he addressed Silver.

“Tell me,” Silver wasted no time. “How do you feel about being an elite?”

“Sir?” Storm tipped his head in confusion.

“Answer the question, and don’t give me any bullshit. I’ve been talking to Commander Soarin, I just want to hear it from you,” Silver ordered. Storm stiffened for a moment, but as soon as Silver mentioned Soarin, Storm knew what he had to say.

“I’m… honored to be an elite. I feel like I’ve earned it, which is actually something Soarin drilled into my head the other day, but…” Storm paused.

“But?” Silver pressed.

“But… I…” Storm hesitated, glancing at Silver, who only looked back sternly. Silver had just said that Soarin talked to him, so there was no hiding it. “Feel like I’m out of place. Not that I’m not worthy, I just…”

“Feel like you are disconnected from your friends. With them you felt like comrades, with us you feel like you’re with a bunch of new faces that don’t understand you well. Correct?” Silver finished for him.

“Uh… yeah, spot on,” Storm blinked, impressed that Silver read him so easily.

Silver suddenly inhaled and released a high pitched whistle.

“Foxtrot!” Silver yelled. Dash and the rest of squad Foxtrot all looked towards Silver. “Come over here! We’re gonna do some group element training!” he yelled. Storm blinked and looked towards Silver in surprise.


“I know the feeling all too well, kid,” Silver nodded without looking towards Storm. Silver cracked his neck to one side before turning to address his squad.

Storm watched as Dash and the others approached… and smiled. He envied squad Foxtrot… he wished he had had some guidance under Silver. Storm had had little exposure to Silver, but it was clear he was a pony to learn from. Storm felt there were few ponies that understood how he felt about many things. The fact that Silver picked apart his thoughts so easily through a simple look was… inspiring.

“Alright,” Silver began as he turned to all of them. “Let’s start with—”

“DAAAAAAAASHIEEEEE!!!!! ARE YOU IN HERE?!” a familiar, giggly voice rushed into the gym from the doors. All of them turned and looked towards the doors as Fleetfoot stepped in and glanced around. It didn’t take her long to spot Dash. “There you are! I’ve been looking all over!” Fleetfoot exclaimed with a very wide smile… which worried Dash as Fleetfoot approached.

“Uh…” Dash backed away slightly as Fleetfoot closed in. “Why are you looking for me? Do I wanna know?”

“Of course you wanna know!” Fleetfoot smiled as she grabbed Dash by the shoulders. “You gotta come with me! Photo Finish just got here!”

“Photo Fin—” Dash’s ears stood up and her eyes widened. “Oh sweet Celestia no, Fleetfoot!” Dash tried to back away but Fleetfoot grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back forward.

“Come on you! I told her I’d bring some new faces!” Fleetfoot whined while giving Dash puppy dog eyes, followed by a sassy smirk. “Plus, it’s a gym photo shoot for an athletic magazine, Photo’s going to squeal like a little filly when she sees your buff bod!”

“FLEET!” Dash tried to resist while blushing madly. Silver walked up beside the struggling mares, focusing mainly on Fleetfoot with a flat look.

“Commander, you scheduled a photo shoot with a high alert status in effect?” Silver asked with clear disapproval. Fleetfoot rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Silver.

“Thank you SPITFIRE,” she replied sarcastically. “I set it up a month ago ya old rhino… what, do you wanna come pose with us?” Fleetfoot giggled as Silver scowled at her. “Hey, don’t act like you didn’t used to be hot stuff around the compound! That’s what I heard from Fire Streak, who heard from Misty Fly!” Fleetfoot inched closer to Silver, who only rolled his eyes. “Just cause she can’t talk doesn’t mean your secrets are safe! Shake off that dust let’s see the sexy beast of the past!” Fleet kept teasing him with no fear whatsoever. It was impressive.

“I’d rather cheat on my wife with Blaze,” Silver replied flatly.

“HA! You wish ya sleepy codger!” Blaze scoffed and nodded contently. High Winds yawned and turned to Blaze slowly.

“Blazey, I think that was an insult,” she said monotonously.

“Wait… WHAT?!” Blaze fumed as she figured it out and jumped at Silver.

An instant later, Silver had her on the ground, on her stomach, with a hoof pressed over her back. He had barely budged from his spot to subdued her. Blaze began yelling obscenities and threatened to strangle him multiple times as Silver kept his attention on Fleetfoot.

“Just go get it over with and don’t blame me if Captain Spitfire breathes down your neck,” Silver said as he held Blaze down.

“Oh, believe me, I’m expecting that. And… I’m ready for it!” Fleetfoot giggled as she started pulling Dash again.

“Don’t I have a say in this? Silver! Help!” Dash yelled back at her mentor, but he shook his head.

“It’s part of the business Dash!” Silver yelled with a sarcastic tone to her as the rest of the Wonderbolts all chuckled. Fleetfoot suddenly stopped and looked back, specifically at the newer Wonderbolts.

“Hmmm…” she sneered. “Actually… Photo said she wanted to see some new faces, not just one new face… and I see two good looking new stallions!”

“Do I really have to do this?” Storm sighed in frustration as Twister and Little Star nudged him along through the hallway. Fleetfoot, who was dragging an unwilling Rainbow Dash along with her, looked over her shoulder and smiled.

“You betcha! Part of being a Wonderbolt! If ya look sexy, you’re face is gonna be in magazines!” she looked past Storm. “At least you’re taking it better than your friend,” Fleetfoot giggled.

“NO!” Squall yelled from behind Storm. Storm glanced over his shoulder to see Squall pushed along by Matteo. “WHY ARE YOU HELPING HER?!” Squall demanded while looking at Matteo with disbelief.

“She’s a lead commander,” Matteo said nonchalantly. “I’m just following her orders.”

“That’s right big guy!” Fleetfoot pointed back at Matteo. “The world needs to see Squall’s handsome face! Keep bringing him along!”

“Oh for the love of…” Squall trailed off as he failed to struggle against Matteo.

“Fleet… do we really have to do this?” Dash tried asking in a much less rebellious manner. “We’re new! I don’t know if I’m ready to have my face in a magazine,” Dash said while blushing nervously at the thought of thousands of ponies all over Equestria drooling over an image of her body. Fleetfoot, of course, was unaffected by the change in tone. She simply looked towards Dash and grinned.

“Dash, it would be a CRIME if we kept an impressive mare like yourself out of a photo shoot, especially since it’s athlete themed! You gotta show off the bod! Be proud of it!”

“Are you even listening to me, Fleet?” Dash asked as her ears flopped down.

“Nope!” Fleetfoot shamelessly admitted as she continued to drag Dash along. “Look on the bright side! We can have Photo Finish take some exclusive saucy pictures for your stallion! With all he’s going through, he could use some stress relief fuel, if you know what I mean,” Fleetfoot said slyly as Dash scrunched her face and looked away.

“Shouldn’t we be more worried about the Shadowbolts instead of taking pictures?” Dash asked in a last desperate attempt.

“Nice try,” Fleetfoot giggled. “I’m ready to fend off Spitfire with a chair if I have to, I scheduled this photo shoot a while ago, I didn’t want it to go to waste.”

“Ugh…” Dash groaned as she started to walk along with Fleetfoot.

“Hey! Finally, I don’t have to drag you anymore. I’m glad you’re seeing things my way!” Fleetfoot said happily and sarcastically.

“Yeah, sure…” Dash rolled her eyes. She wasn’t really annoyed as much as she was nervous. She was also more worried about training and the Shadowbolts, but Fleetfoot wasn’t taking no for an answer. It was going to be awkward as hell. She hoped that the gym would be cleared out for them at least. The last thing she wanted was all the Wonderbolts looking at them too.

“Okay, what’s the hold up?” Fleetfoot spoke up as she turned around. Dash looked behind them as well. Storm had accepted his fate and was following without much ‘encouragement’ from Twister and Star, but Matteo was having trouble keeping Squall from escaping.

“I don’t wanna get my picture taken!” Squall whined and swiped at Matteo as he tried to hold him.

“Hey,” Fleetfoot said calmly as she approached them. Squall froze and looked towards her. “Hey,” she repeated as she closed in. “Hey,” she walked right up to him. “Hey,” she leaned in towards his face. “Hey,” she pressed her nose against his. “Hey, am I gonna have to motivate you here?” she said in an eerily flat tone.

“Motivate me? I don’t want to do it! Period!” Squall growled as he regained his focus, despite Fleetfoot being much closer than he was comfortable with.

“I’m gonna go with yes,” Fleetfoot giggled as she gave Squall a sly look. “Tell ya what, Sunshine… if you don’t calm down and come along with me… I’ll…” she tapped her hoof on her chin for a moment before she leaned in and began whispering something to Squall. Squall’s eyes grew wider and wider in short intervals until they nearly covered his whole face. “So, are ya gonna come along now?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Squall said with his voice slightly higher.

“That’s the spirit! All aboard the sexy train to aestheticsville! Woo! Woo!” Fleetfoot cheered and pumped her hoof in the air as Squall started following without the need for Matteo to ‘assist.’

Unfortunately for Dash… Star, Twister, and Matteo kept following. She was hoping they’d go back to training once Storm and Squall were coming along quietly, but alas, it seemed as though Star and Twister were too interested in watching and snickering. Why was Matteo coming along though?

“Ah, it’s so much better when everypony agrees with me!” Fleetfoot giggled as they neared the weight room. Dash shook her head and looked back at Storm briefly. Storm shrugged and smiled at Dash. He was just as unwilling, but had accepted the fact that he wasn’t going to change Fleetfoot’s mind. Then Dash looked at Squall, taking note of how terrified he looked. Her curiosity got the better of her quickly.

“Fleet, what did you say to Squall?” Dash asked quietly. Fleetfoot instantly started snickering and leaned into Dash to whisper.

“I told him that if he didn’t do the photo shoot, I’d force him along with us on our next Wonderbolt ladies night out… and I made it clear what happens to a guy in a room full of twenty plus ladies when a little alcohol is involved,” she winked. “He doesn’t seem the type to enjoy that thought. He’s not quite like… say… Lightning Streak, who would take that as a dream come true.”

“That’s cruel, Fleet…” Dash said, trying not to admit she found it a little amusing. Fleetfoot snickered again and shook her head.

“Oh, I’m not actually gonna do that to him,” she whispered with a wink. “But he doesn’t know that!” she finished with a few giggles.

“That’s twice as cruel but kind of brilliant too,” Dash admitted as she shook her head and smiled.

However, the smile was soon replaced with a look of dread as they approached the doors to the weight room.

“Please let it be empty…” Dash mumbled to herself as she bit her lip.

“Photo, I’m not gonna say this again,” Spitfire growled. “I don’t know how or why our security let you in, but we are not… ARE YOU EVEN LISTENTING TO ME?!” Spitfire yelled as Photo Finish kept yelling orders to her camera crews instead of listening to Spitfire. Soarin chuckled as he walked up behind Spitfire.

“You know how she is, Spitfire… Once she’s in business mode, there’s no stopping her,” Soarin patted Spitfire on the back as she groaned. Photo Finish suddenly turned to them.

“Vhere is Fräulein Fleetfoot?!” she demanded. “Ve are ready for her!”

“She’s…” Spitfire tried to respond, but Photo went back to ordering her crew around instead of waiting for an answer. Spitfire flattened her brow as she glanced around at Wonderbolts being shooed out of the area as they tried to get to the dumbbells. “Oh, I think I’m gonna have a few words for ‘Fräulein’ Fleetfoot when she gets here!” Spitfire grinded her teeth together.

“Photo!” Fleetfoot’s voice came from the doors on cue.

“Oh god…” Dash’s ears flopped down and her pupils grew when she saw just how packed the gym was. Seeing the dumbbell area all set up with cameras and equipment didn’t help.

“Well…” Storm stepped up beside her. “It was nice knowing my dignity.”

“Fräulein Fleetfoot!” Photo Finish rushed up to them, making Dash and Storm flinch in surprise.

“Sorry I took so long!” Fleetfoot slide on her hooves over to Photo’s side and draped an arm over her shoulder. She winked and pointed towards Dash, Storm, and Squall. “I was looking for some new pals to pose with! Quite the lookers aren’t they?”

Dash yelped as Photo Finish dipped down and popped up directly in front of her.

“Hmmm…” Photo rubbed her chin. Dash froze as she reached up and touched Dash’s cheek, gently pushing her face from side to side. “Gut… gut…” she said slowly in her thick accent. She stepped to Dash’s side. “Oh my! You have a perfect body for zis theme!” she said while running a hoof over Dash’s shoulder and slightly down her side. “Yes, yessssss… in you go!” she pushed Dash towards Fleetfoot and moved to Storm.

“Quite ze looker, zis one…” she said as Storm looked back and forth instead of directly at Photo. “I like him, attractive AND charismatic, a good mix! An instant hit!”

“WHOA!” Storm yelped as Photo pulled him over towards Fleetfoot.

“IN! IN YOU GO!” she said as she let go and turned to Squall.

As she approached Squall, he turned his head roughly, forcing his mane to fall over and conceal his face.

“You! Look at me!” Photo Finish demanded as she tried to look around his mane, but Squall kept averting his face. “Verdammt it!” she cursed as she reached up and grabbed his head. “LOOK AT ME!” she demanded, while turning his face towards her with enough force to move his mane completely out of the way too. Photo Finish backed away from Squall instantly while releasing a gasp so loud her voice almost cracked. She reached up and threw off her magenta sunglasses with one hoof, reaching the other up to grab hold of her mane and yank it as she stared wide eyed at Squall. Squall just blinked and tipped his head slightly.

“What?” he asked, actually curious what the reaction was about. He flinched as Photo Finish rushed up to him and firmly placed her hooves on the sides of his head.

“YOU!” her eyes began sparkling. “ARE!” she pressed her nose against his. “BEAUTIFUL!”

“Uh…” Squall had literally nothing to say in response as Little Star and Twister burst out laughing behind him.

Art by: Noble savage

“Perfekt! Yes, yes, yes!” she eager pushed Squall over to Fleetfoot. “I heavily approve of your selection, Fräulein Fleetfoot!” Photo complimented Fleetfoot as she pulled out another pair of magenta tinted glasses and slammed them on her face. “Escpecially zis one!” She said while getting incredibly close to Squall’s face again. Squall was pushing the natural limits of how far one could recline their neck backward. Photo stepped up in front of Fleetfoot and clapped her front hooves together excitedly. “Let us get started! Schnell!”

“FLEETFOOT!” Spitfire suddenly stepped in and pushed Photo roughly aside. Fleetfoot jumped in surprise, but quickly smiled.

“Heya Spitty!”

“Don’t you ‘heya’ me!” Spitfire poked her in the chest. “Are you for real? We’re on high alert and—”

“I scheduled this a month ago, silly,” Fleetfoot cut her off while reaching up and patting Spitfire’s mane. Spitfire completely flattened her brow.

“And you didn’t cancel it?! OOF!” Spitfire grunted as Photo Finish tried pushing her way back into Fleetfoot’s view.

“NEIN!” she yelled as she struggled to hold her spot. “Zis photoshoot is happening! I demand it!” she managed to say before Spitfire shoved her aside again and got back in Fleetfoot’s face.

“This is unacceptable Fleetfoot, even for you,” Spitfire added.

“Even for me? What’s that supposed to mean?” Fleetfoot pouted. “Look, I wasn’t gonna cancel this three days before it happened after how much I paid Photo. Tell ya what,” Fleetfoot scooted over to Spitfire’s side and draped an arm over her shoulder. “I knew you were gonna get your wings all ruffled over this, so I also scheduled…”

“You did WHAT?!” Spitfire threw her head back and groaned.

“Lemme finish,” Fleetfoot jabbed her in the side. “I scheduled a massage session for tomorrow. The masseuse mares from the Smooth Hoof Spa are coming in tomorrow to make it up to you… and treat the rest of the top elite ladies as well,” Fleetfoot paused and grinned as she saw Spitfire’s expression flip from anger to surprise. “You’re not gonna make me cancel that, are you?”

“Fleet, that’s not fair…” Spitfire bit her bottom lip. “No, we really shouldn’t...”

Soarin’s curiosity was piqued as he saw the drastic shift in Spitfire’s demeanor. What were they talking about?

“Oh, I know you don’t want me to do that… but if you make me cancel the photo shoot… I might have to cancel the massages too…” Fleetfoot pouted and gave Spitfire puppy dog eyes. “I even reserved Gentle Press specifically for you, I’d hate to tell her you said no.”

Spitfire scrunched her face and puffed her cheeks out.

“Fine… and I hate you,” Spitfire huffed.

“Love you too!” Fleetfoot giggled while turning and giving Spitfire a big hug. “Come on you three!” she said cheerfully as she let go of Spitfire and approached Dash, Squall, and Storm. “Time to be sexy!”

Soarin walked up beside Spitfire and lifted an eyebrow while grinning.

“Did I really just see that?” Soarin said with a chuckle.

“See what?” Spitfire replied with a frustrated tone.

“Did Fleetfoot just bend the will of the unbreakable Spitfire?” he joked.

“No!” Spitfire quickly spat. The after a moment, she sighed. “Okay, maybe she did.”

“And how exactly did she do that?” Soarin pressed with a smirk.

“As if I’d share a weakness with you,” Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Dammit Fleetfoot,” she grumbled. “Making me cave… when I’m supposed to be worrying about the Shadowbolts… that… freaking lewd… salacious…” she trailed off as Soarin snickered, amused at Spitfire in such a state of defeat.

Soarin looked up and watched as Fleetfoot led the three new Wonderbolts towards Photo Finish’s crew. He felt a little bad… Dash looked incredibly nervous, but at the same time, he wasn’t gonna complain about having some professional photos of his sexy Dashie. After all, she already had multiple pictures of him. It was time he got his fix. It was sure to be an amusing photo shoot, especially with the gym already packed full of Wonderbolts.

Soarin was giving it a seventy-five percent chance that silly things would start happening. Should some of the other squads show up, that percent was sure to increase.

Soarin glanced over at the doors as he heard them open.

Speak of the devil.

Squad two, three, and seven all walked into the gym. Lightning Streak was already pointing at the area set up for the photo shoot.

The percent chance of shenanigans just rose to one hundred five percent. He smirked and started moving towards the photographers, following behind Fleetfoot and her ‘captives’. He didn’t want to miss a single moment of this.

“You surprise me Dashie,” Fleetfoot spoke up as she nudged her along. “I thought you’d be excited to do this!”

“Was I excited when you suggested it a month ago?” Dash sighed.

“Well, no, but I mean come on!” Fleetfoot stopped her and stood in front. Dash blinked and looked over Fleetfoot’s shoulder. Photo Finish was still dragging Storm and Squall along. “You’re sassy, and confident all the time, you get a kick out of showing off and you’re always talking about how awesome you are… and then you get all shy on me when I suggest a photo shoot?” Fleetfoot pouted. “You’ve gotta work that confidence! It’s a talent! I know you love the attention!”

“Uh… well…” Dash blushed. “I mean… yeah, that’s all right but, I dunno, I get nervous when I put myself on display. This is going to be for a magazine? There’s gonna be lots of sex appeal involved? So many ponies are gonna see it!”

“Heh…” Fleetfoot smirked. “Rough and tough at all times but you get soft and squishy in front of the camera? Dashie, I never took you for the type,” she turned and hooked her arm with Dash’s. “Tell ya what, I won’t let Photo take a picture of you without me until you start feeling more comfortable with the camera, okay?”

Dash blinked, thought it over, and smiled. Fleetfoot had a way of making things more fun, and who knows, maybe after the initial embarrassment faded it would be a lot of fun.

“Alright, if it were anypony else I would’ve said no…” Dash nodded. “Let’s do this,” she added with a wink.

“Yay!” Fleetfoot cheered as they began moving towards the photographers.

But they only took two steps before Fleetfoot suddenly came to an abrupt halt and nearly whiplashed Dash as she stumbled. Dash looked up as Fleetfoot suddenly let go of her arm. She was staring away from the photographers towards a nearby area where three familiar ponies were working out despite the commotion.

Calm Wind, Playbitz, and Swift Justice of squad zero had claimed a little spot and were going through a workout routine. Playbitz and Swift hat their backs turned, but Calm was facing them. As soon as he saw Fleetfoot, he froze in place and his eyes widened.

“Heeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!” Fleetfoot called over while waving. Calm immediately turned around, facing away at the exact same time that both Playbitz and Swift turned to see who yelled in their direction. “Perfect timing Calm!” she yelled, making Calm flinch as he acted like he wasn’t listening. Both Swift and Playbitz glanced at Calm and started snickering. “We’re doing a gym theme photo shoot! Get your muscles over here and pose with me!” she yelled cheerfully.

It didn’t take a genius to know that Calm was blushing like mad even though he had his back turned to them. Dash chuckled as Fleetfoot continued to wave and holler at Calm, but she decided to end the big guy’s embarrassment.

“Alright you… leave the giant pony alone,” Dash said as she bent down, grabbed Fleetfoot’s tail in her mouth, and started dragging her along.

“Come on big guy! Give us a flex for the cameras!” Fleetfoot continued, whooping right after as she slid along the floor and waved. Playbitz turned to Calm and started nudging him in the arm as if encouraging him to go along with it, but Calm shook his head vigorously and nervously rubbed his arm with a hoof.

Art by: Ruckforderungreich

As Fleetfoot giggled and finally took control of her own walking again, Swift popped up beside them.

“Can I pose?” he asked while bouncing his eyebrows. Fleetfoot smirked.

“I dunno Swifter, can cameras even pick you up? Eh, Mr. Stealth Pony?” she giggled as Playbitz suddenly slid across the gym floor towards Fleetfoot.

“Think I cooouuwhoooa!” Playbitz lost control of his slide and tumbled to the ground. He stood right back up, while smiling. “Think I could get some photos in? Maybe some special exclusive shots for the wife-horse?” he asked with a toothy grin as if Bliss didn’t see him enough already with how he floated towards her on a regular basis. Fleetfoot looked between the two of them and glanced back at Calm.

“Tell ya what,” she said for what Dash felt was at least the fifth or sixth time… she had lost count. “If you guys can get the Big Blue Stud-muffin over there to join us, I’ll let you in too!” she winked at them.

“YES MA’AM!” they said in unison as they shuffled back over to Calm.

Dash watched with a smirk as Swift and Playbitz began trying to move Calm, but just like at the party, the two of them couldn’t get him to budge.

“Come on ya big lug!” said Playbitz as he tried pushing calm from the front.

“Think of the mares!” Swift yelled as he grabbed Calm’s tail and started pulling. “Think of the swooning!” he added, muffled by Calm’s tail in his mouth. Calm just kept shaking his head frantically, refusing to give way.

“I love those guys!” Fleetfoot giggled as the two failed to make Calm move an inch. She hooked her arm with Dash’s again and pulled her towards Photo Finish. “Sorry, Photo!” Fleetfoot called out as they approached the fuming photographer.

“WE DO ZIS NOW!” she demanded as Storm and Squall slowly leaned away from her.

“Damn right we are!” Fleetfoot grinned. “Ladies first! Dashie and I will start off,” she pulled Dash over.

“Eee…” Dash squeaked as Photo Finish and her crew hoisted up cameras before they even got into the set up, which consisted of two weight benches and a few light weight dumbbells sitting around. Fleetfoot let go of Dash and casually lied down, reclining in a rather sultry pose and winked towards them.

The cameras started flashing immediately. Dash stopped in her tracks, backing away slightly as Fleetfoot was peppered with flashes.

“Hey!” she turned and pouted at Dash. “Get in here Dashie! I said we’d do this together!” she stood up and pulled Dash into the range of the cameras. Dash felt her whole body stiffen as the cameras pointed at her. They were taking pictures before Fleetfoot even got her into the ‘scene’ they had set up. She pulled Dash towards her and draped an arm over Dash’s shoulder as they sat down on the bench. A couple more dozen flashes went off and the photographers paused to check their cameras.

Fleetfoot glanced at Dash and saw she looked very static, so she held out a hoof before the cameras could go again.

“One moment, fellas!” Fleetfoot winked at them. “Hey, Dashie, look at me,” she requested. Dash swallowed and shakily turned her head to her. “Take a couple of slow, deep breaths.”

Dash did as she was told, inhaling and exhaling slowly a few times before looking back at Fleetfoot and feeling a little better… but only a little, she was still nervous with all the cameras.

“Now… don’t think about the publicity. Think about relaxing, and having fun. Kay?” she smiled.

“O…okay… I dunno, this just feels unnatural,” Dash admitted. She was okay with showing off, but rather it be on her own accord. It was something that came with a moment of confidence, not really something she could do on the fly, especially when she was nervous.

“See? You’re thinking too hard! Look at it this way,” Fleetfoot pointed at the gym. “Don’t think about the fact that you’re putting yourself on display. Hell, that even makes ME feel uncomfortable. Instead, show them how awesome it is to be a Wonderbolt! Show off what you’ve got from training with us. Better yet, show how much fun you have here! That’s how I like to look at it. Trust me… the most popular photos we’ve got of any Wonderbolts in these shoots are the ones where we look like we’re enjoying ourselves. You like doing stuff with us, right?”

“Yeah…” Dash nodded. “I guess… when you put it that way,” Dash smiled. “It doesn’t sound half as bad.”

“That’s the spirit! Now strike some poses! Show off the guns! You know… these!” Fleetfoot grabbed and held up one of Dash’s well-toned arms. “This is a gym shoot, grab some dumbbells and pump a few reps! Give a few sexy looks from the benches. Oo! I know! Act like you’re posing for Soarin! That should make it a breeze!” Fleetfoot gave multiple suggestions delightfully as if she had been waiting to do this with Dash her whole life.

Dash chuckled as Fleetfoot got all bouncy and excited. Apparently she was really looking forward to doing this with Dash. Everything Fleetfoot said had helped and her eagerness had made it even better. In fact, Dash felt a little sassiness surfacing that she couldn’t pass up, especially after Fleetfoot mentioned Soarin.

“I dunno Fleet, if I was posing for Soarin I don’t think it would be allowed in the magazine,” she said with a smarmy grin.

“YES!” Fleetfoot beamed. “That’s the Dash we need here!” Fleetfoot turned and waved at the photographers and Photo Finish, who looked like she was going to blow her top if she had to hold her hoof off the capture button any longer. “We’re ready! Fire away!”

Dash felt much more comfortable now, just like Fleetfoot said she would, but there was still one problem. Fleetfoot was encouraging her to smile, but fake smiling was hard. She was supposed to be having fun, and it was starting to be a little more fun, but how was she supposed to smile? Everything she tried felt forced.

Dash looked up as she shifted to lie on her side on the bench as Fleetfoot lay on her back on the floor in front. She looked right over the shoulder of Photo Finish and saw Twister, standing RIGHT behind her, with his mane styled exactly like Photo’s. Behind him, Little Star was rolling back and forth on her back while laughing at him and Matteo had a very faint smirk on the corner of his beak.

“YES! YES! VORK IT! VORK IT!” Photo Finish encouraged while making extravagant hoof motions, all of which Twister copied and mirrored perfectly, even the lip movements. Dash snickered and soon had a natural smile on her face from amusement towards Twister’s antics. It looked like her squad was there to help!

As Dash sat up, Fleetfoot stood, walked around her, and hugged her from behind. Dash flinched a little, not expecting Fleetfoot to get so touchy, but Dash kept up the smiles and played along. This was for an athletic magazine after all, and she had gotten the idea from Fleetfoot that the session was stressing sex appeal. So she let Fleetfoot dictate most of the poses, especially if was the two of them getting a little close. Dash felt much more comfortable with Fleetfoot instigated the closer shots.

“Okay, now you!” Fleetfoot giggled as she stepped out of the camera view, leaving Dash alone.

“Uh…!” Dash was caught off guard, but as Fleetfoot said, she felt much more comfortable. So she swallowed, let the confidence soak through again, and went through a few more motions and poses. She glanced at Fleetfoot briefly, who was smiling happily and bouncing up and down as she went for it. Dash gave them a show, she even flexed her muscles a little for them. It was actually pretty fun now that the nerves had calmed!

She gave it her all, letting the photographers get a good cameraful of her before Photo Finish threw her arms outward.

“Enough! Bring me ze beautiful one!” she demanded while pointing towards Squall.

Dash breathed a sigh of relief… but it was a content sigh. That was actually a lot more fun that she thought it would be. The rush was intimidating at first, but now she almost wanted to do it some more.

“You heard the lady!” Fleetfoot zipped over to Squall and hooked her arm with his. He flinched and blushed incredibly hard while gritting his teeth. “Come on… you saw how much fun Dashie had! Get in here!” she encouraged as she pulled Squall towards the cameras.

As they passed by Dash, Squall turned to her and released a high pitched ‘help!’.

“Sorry Squall,” Dash chuckled, “the world has to know how cute you are,” Dash said, earning a scrunched face from Squall, but no hostile response before he turned and saw the cameras all pointing at him. He instantly dropped down, hiding behind one of the benches.

“Oh jeez, come on you, the cameras aren’t gonna bite,” Fleetfoot bent down and hoisted Squall up.

“Nnnnghhh…” he groaned as Fleetfoot dragged him in front of the bench.

“Give us a smile!” Fleetfoot encouraged cheerfully, clearly not as in tune with Squall’s nature as Dash was.

NEIN!” Photo Finish popped up and pushed Fleetfoot away from Squall. Squall’s eyes widened as Photo Finish got in his face again. “No smile for zis one! Ze deep, serious stare, ze scowel of a hardened jaw line… It is sexy, is it not? THIS IS VHAT I VANT!”

“What?” Squall looked so confused that Dash had to shove her hoof in her mouth to prevent herself from bursting out with laughter and causing a scene.

“Don’t even look at ze camera!” Photo demanded. “Look off into ze distance profoundly so we can see all ze sides of your beautiful visage!”

“Could you please stop calling me beautiful?” Squall asked flatly.

“NEIN! IT WOULD BE A SIN!” Photo wailed dramatically as she rushed back and stood behind her camera, the rest of the camera crew readying themselves as well. “Get in zere Fleetfoot! Show me some contrast!”

“Well, looks like you get what you want!” Fleetfoot giggled as she sat down on the bench with Squall and leaned into his back. “You don’t even have to look at the cameras!”

“Ngh…” Squall grunted, keeping his head turned and focused on anything other than the cameras.

“Wow,” Dash chuckled as she stepped back towards Storm. “Who would have thought Squall would turn into a hit model?” she joked as Storm snickered along with her.

“I dunno if ‘beautiful’ is the word I use,” Storm laughed as he watched Squall get so much praise and attention from Photo Finish. “Every time he looks at me he glares and scowls so hard it’s a wonder his face doesn’t get sucked into itself.”

“Hey, I’m not surprised, Squall’s a good looking stallion,” Dash nudged Storm in the side. He blinked and looked at her.

“Squall?” Storm pointed.

“Yes, Squall,” Dash nodded.

“I can’t see it,” Storm shrugged.

“That’s because you’re a stallion,” Dash scoffed. “Yeah, Squall ruins it with how often he glares and looks like he wants to murder somepony, but when he’s not… yeah, he’s pretty damn attractive,” Dash stated clearly.

“I’ll take your word for it,” Storm said with a chuckle. “Just hope Soarin doesn’t hear you say that,” Storm leaned into her comically.

“Hey!” Dash chuckled while stumbling a little. “I never said that. No stallion is sexier than Soarin and I’ll fight anypony who disagrees with me,” Dash pounded a hoof proudly against her chest and glanced at Storm, but he was looking over Dash’s shoulder and trying not to crack up.

“I think I’m sexier than myself, are you gonna fight me?” Soarin’s voice came from behind Dash and made her freeze. “I wonder who would win in a sexy-off, me or myself?” Soarin continued as Storm lost himself in laughter and Dash turned around. She gave Soarin a light push followed by a smirk.

“You sneaky bastard,” Dash giggled as she reached forward and gave Soarin a hug. “So… enjoying the view here, huh?” she wiggled an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah, it was fun Watching Fleetfoot molest you in front of professional photographers,” Soarin said goofily. “I’m surprised she didn’t start kissing you. That definitely would have popped a few surprise chubs for any stallions developing these photos.”

“And I could see you putting a poster of it up in your room,” Dash sneered back.

“BRING ME ZE CHARISMATIC ONE!” Photo yelled out, catching their attention. Storm looked at Soarin and Dash while pointing to himself.

“Does she mean me?” he said right before Fleetfoot zipped up to him, grabbed him by the arm and dragged him in. “Whoa! Oh man…” Storm reacted as he was tugged into the fray. Squall stepped back towards Soarin and Dash, but turned and faced the wall the moment he was free.

“All joking aside,” Soarin spoke up as soon as the switch was made. “You did look pretty sexy in there posing with Fleet,” Soarin gave her a wink. “Especially when you started flexing. I think I’m gonna need a framed copy of all the pictures of you in this album!”

“Heh, I guess I don’t mind cause it’s you,” Dash blushed but grinned at him. “You better feel lucky.”

Dash looked over at the photographers as Storm bumbled around with Fleetfoot. She then looked over to see Star, Twister, and Matteo still watching from close by, and still laughing to their hearts content. Well, at least Star and Twister were laughing. Matteo was still smirking, he couldn’t hide it, even behind that huge beak of his. Dash kept looking around and noticed Squad two, three, and seven floating around the area as well at other elites. They were watching from a little further back to avoid interfering, but they were all smiling and laughing. The stallions were more present than the mares, probably because Fleetfoot was involved.

“So much for me hoping for an empty gym…” Dash chuckled. “I feel okay about it now, but damn, did the whole compound get the memo?”

“I was here with Spitfire before Photo Finish came in,” Soarin explained.

“With Spitfire?” Dash glanced at Soarin. “I can only imagine what she said when the photographers showed up.”

“Actually it was funny, she started raging, then a second later assumed it was Fleetfoot,” Soarin chuckled.

“Where is she now?” Dash asked while giggling.

“Over there,” Soarin pointed casually. Dash followed his hoof towards an area in the far corner of the gym. Spitfire was sitting backwards on an upright bench, her arms resting on the top of the back rest and her nose resting on her arms. She looked defeated, as if she knew there was nothing she could do to stop this.

“Looks like she’s enjoying herself,” Dash said sarcastically as she turned back to Soarin.

“I think she knows things are about to go to hell too,” Soarin chuckled.

“Huh?” Dash blinked and turned to him. Soarin made a quick head motion to their left. Dash turned and saw Lightning Streak, Surprise, Blaze, Misty Fly, and Air Mach huddled up and making glances towards the camera crew. “Oh… that looks like trouble,” Dash snickered as the group continued to look like it was up to no good.

“In fact, I’m gonna go join them,” Soarin suddenly tapped her on the shoulder. “I think Fleet wants you,” he said with a wink.

“DASHIE! Grab sexy face and bring him in here for some group stuff!” Fleetfoot yelled. Dash smirked and hooked her hoof with Soarin’s pulling him for a few steps. “Very funny Dash!" Fleetfoot yelled while pointing at Squall. “I meant the other sexy face!”

“Couldn’t resist,” Dash winked at Soarin.

“I know,” Soarin joked back while gently brushing a hoof over his face dreamily. Dash giggled and gave him a light shove.

“Oh, go make your secret plans,” she chuckled as she headed back towards Fleetfoot, grabbing Squall by the arm as she moved.

“Nyah…” Squall quickly grunted as Dash tried to pull him.

“Use words, Squall,” Dash turned and smirked as she pulled a little harder, causing him to slide along the floor.

“I thought I was done,” he whined.

“Nope, we’ve got all four of us now! Come on!” she got behind him and pushed.

“Nnnnnnghhhhhh…” he grunted again.

“I’m glad you agree,” Dash played along as she finally got him over to the set up.

“Ladies in front! Guys being sexy from behind!” Fleetfoot called out loudly, getting a weird look from Dash, Squall and Storm. “Woo! That sounded just as dirty as I wanted it to!” she giggled as she flopped down in front of one of the benches, whipped her mane around and blew a kiss towards the cameras as they began flashing throughout her movements.

“Come on guys, let’s have some fun with this,” Dash suggested as she pulled Storm and Squall in. “Just… not how she said it exactly,” she added with a chuckle before hopping over the other bench and leaning down on the floor as well. She had completely gotten in the mood of the moment, all her nervousness disappearing as soon as a little confidence had hit. It was like Fleetfoot knew that’s all Dash needed to have fun.

Storm and Squall glanced at each other for a moment. Storm smirked and shrugged before sitting down behind Fleetfoot on the bench. Squall scoffed and rolled his eyes, but sat on the bench behind Dash. Storm started feeding off of Dash and Fleet’s enthusiasm, hamming it up a little bit for the cameras. Squall, again, just sat turned away, but with enough of his face turned so Photo Finish could continuously swoon. He knew he’d be touched if he looked any further away, so he did what he had to do to avoid it.

“Yeah! Now this is good stuff!” Fleetfoot cheered as she scooted over and leaned into Dash, all the cameras pointing at them as she put Dash in a light headlock and winked at the cameras.

“Do you just do whatever in these photo shoots?” Dash asked, as she grabbed onto Fleetfoot’s arm around her neck and smiled. “Cause this seems like nothing but candid stuff,” she pointed out as she turned it around and got Fleetfoot in a lock.

“We tried doing it static, I hated it. I look my best when I’m just having fun!” Fleetfoot giggled as she reached up and pulled Storm off the bench by accident.

“Whoa!” Storm yelped and reached out, grabbing Squall.

“Ah!” Squall flailed, but shortly all four of them were in a heap on the floor. They quickly pulled themselves apart and Fleetfoot stuck her tongue out, giggling as she scratched the back of her head.

“Oops!” she grinned as Squall glared at her and Storm sighed, still stuck beneath Squall.

“Quick,” Dash rotated her hooves at them. “Get up before they take a picture of that and rumors start,” Dash joked. But when Squall heard her say it, he got off Storm so fast that he nearly tripped and fell over the back of the bench.

“Im glad we agree on that!” Storm chuckled as he stood.

“MORE!” Photo Finish yelled. “I AM LIKING ZIS! GIVE ME MORE!”

“You heard the crazy picture lady!” Fleetfoot bounced up and down, clearly having the time of her life. “The more sexy the better!”

Dash followed along with Fleetfoot as they set up some more poses, but as they settled into a new position, Dash glanced over and saw Lightning Streak, Blaze, and Soarin sneaking up behind one of the camera ponies.

“Here comes trouble,” Dash said quietly to Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot glanced at her, and then spotted the three Wonderbolts sneaking up. However, she smiled wide.

“Trouble? I beg to differ, Dashie, this is my favorite part!” she exclaimed while giving Dash a nudge.

“Huh?” Dash tipped her head curiously.

“GOT HIM!” Soarin yelled out as he lowered himself to the ground and wrapped his arms around the lower back legs of one of the photographers.

“What the—?” the stallion flinched in surprise.

“YOINK!” Lightning Streak called out as he swiped the camera right out of the stallion’s hooves. “Surprise! Catch!” he yelled as he tossed the camera behind him.

“WHEEE!” Surprise bounced up into the air and grabbed the camera. The rest of the photographers all turned and looked at the commotion, but as they did, Blaze popped up behind two of them and swiped their cameras as well.

“NOW WE RUN THIS SHIT!” Blaze yelled as she tossed one of the cameras to Soarin.

“EVERYPONY SMILE!” Surprise yelled as she started flying circles around the gym, taking photos of every Wonderbolt who looked up and struck a fun or silly pose while cheering.

“Gather up Serious Squad!” Soarin laughed as he and Blaze readied their cameras side by side.

“No,” Silver Lining held his ground as High Winds tried to pull him towards Soarin and Blaze.

“Pull the…” Winds yawned. “Thirty-foot, tangled pole out of your ass so I can…” she yawned again. “Beat you over the head with it before I drag you over.”

“Serious Squad number two is immobile! Repeat! Immobile!” Blaze yelled.

“Then let’s bring the fight to him!” Soarin called out. “All converge on Serious Squad number two! Where are the others?!”

“I’ve got number three!” Air Mach yelled as he pulled Wave Chill towards Silver.

“Number four, incoming! HAHAAAA!” Lightning Streak guffawed as he and Misty Fly pushed a sighing Fire Streak towards them.

“Where is number one?!” Soarin yelled out as he scanned the room. He blinked as he spotted Spitfire trying to sneak out of the gym. “NUMBER ONE IS ESCAPING! REPEAT, WE’VE GOT A RUNNER! I NEED BACK UP!” Soarin gave his camera to Blaze before he took to the air and pursued Spitfire. “SAVAGE! LEARUN! ON ME!”

“OH, YEAH!” Savage followed right behind.

“Say please!” Lead Runner followed as well.

“AH!” Spitfire yelped as she turned around and was tackled by Soarin. “Dammit! Let me go!” Spitfire demanded.

“Sorry, hun!” Lead Runner winked at her. “We can’t have a Serious Squad photo without its captain!” he giggled as Spitfire sighed.

“I don't want to,” she grumbled.

“You like it and you know it,” Soarin poked her between where her torso met her flank and she squeaked loudly. Lead Runner and Savage both turned and looked at her as she glared daggers at Soarin. Spitfire quickly bit her lip and glanced at the other two. “You both saw nothing,” she stated firmly as they carried her over.

“Where’s Dex at?” Air Mach yelled out as he scanned the gym. Surprise floated down and shrugged.

“I just made a bajillion passes around the gym, I think he got away!” she said while giggling. Lightning Streak stepped up and looked around the gym.

“We need a new honorary member? I think I got the perfect one!” he said while looking towards Matteo.

“Wait, what?” Matteo’s eyes widened as Lightning Streak, Misty Fly, and Air Mach approached him. Before he could stand up and get away, the three elites had hold of both his arms and his neck.

“Come on, Turbo Griffbro!” Air Mach shouted. “You’re too serious not to be in a Serious Squad photo!”

“I have…” Dash spoke up as she, Storm, and Squall watched the scene unfold. “Absolutely no idea what’s happening.”

Both Storm and Squall nodded in agreement as Fleetfoot writhed on the floor in front of them, holding her sides while laughing uncontrollably. Photo Finish was FUMING and demanding her cameras back, but the Wonderbolts were too busy goofing around.

“I gotta see this!” Fleetfoot lifted off and glided towards the fun.

“Got them all lined up?” Soarin asked as he retrieved his camera from Blaze and Surprise landed beside them with hers.

“Lined up and ready!” Lightning Streak called out as Dash, Storm, and Squall finally stepped over to see what was going on.

The Wonderbolts were all cheering towards Silver Lining, Wave Chill, Fire Streak, and Matteo as they all stood together in a group, all with similar looks of disapproval on their faces. Fleetfoot had gotten leverage on Spitfire and was dragging her against her will right into the middle of the ponies.

“Serious Squad! Say cheese!” Soarin yelled as he, Blaze, and Surprise all started snapping photos of them. Matteo tried to get away after the first few, but High Winds and Misty Fly kept pushing him back in.

Dash had her eyes fixed on Silver in the center of the group as he stood with, by far, the most prominent ‘kill me now’ face out of all of them. He even had Matteo beat. Storm was laughing behind her and threw a light jab into Squall’s shoulder as he rocked back and forth.

“I can’t believe they didn’t pick you too!” Storm chuckled and smiled as Squall looked at him quizzically and just rolled his eyes, ignoring the casual joking gesture.

Dash wished the two would finally just meld a little better, but at least they weren’t trying to kill each other this time.

After dozens of pictures were taken of Serious Squad, Photo Finish finally snapped and rushed out along with her camera ponies to try and take back the cameras. Soarin passed his camera to Misty Fly before lifting off and avoiding the rush. Surprise and Blaze avoided the crowd as well, but Blaze taunted them, dangling the camera just above their reach while blowing raspberries at them.

“Let’s get some air shots!” Lighting called as the Wonderbolts all took flight to avoid the unicorns and earth ponies among Photo’s staff. “Flex-off?” Lighting called to Air Mach.

“FLEX-OFF!” Air Mach agreed as Macho Savage flew up right behind him.

“Time for the Macho Madness to blow everypony away with his twenty-four inch guns!” he yelled as he floated up between Lightning Streak and Air Mach as the three flexed their muscles.

“And his tiny little hind legs!” Blaze added as she continued to tease the camera ponies.

Surprise giggled alongside a smiling Misty Fly as the two took several pictures of Savage, Air Mach, and Lighting hamming it up and trying to show off. High Winds was trying to pull Silver up to join the flexing, but obviously she had little luck against his stubbornness. Fire and Wave were trying to escape, but they were quickly cut off by Soarin, who dragged them back over from the doors.

Twister and Little Star had made their way over to Squall. Twister was rubbing Squall’s face with a hoof and repeating over and over in a dreamy voice how ‘beautiful’ he was. Star and Storm were falling over each other laughing at Twister. Squall didn’t fight Twister on it, just waited patiently for him to stop as he grunted in annoyance.

Art by: Noble Savage

It was crazy, it was madness, and it was SO MUCH FUN. Dash was nearly bouncing with all the silly Wonderbolt shenanigans going on around them. It had turned into pure cacophony, but it was awesome cacophony.

“Hey, Dashie!” Fleetfoot grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the trio of flexing dolts. “Let’s show these chumps who has the real muscles around here!”

Dash smirked and nodded in agreement.

“These guys have got nothing on me!” she yelled as the two of them placed themselves in front of Air Mach, Savage, and Lightning and began flexing their arms while making silly growling noises.

“WOO! YEAH!” Surprise cheered as she kept snapping photos. “YOU SHOW ‘EM, LADIES!”

Off to the side, Spitfire returned to the upright bench and plopped her plot down in it while staring up at the all the silly posing, the angry camera crew, and all the other Wonderbolts in the gym slowly coming in to partake in the madness. She released a heavy sigh as she once again leaned on the backrest, her arms on the top of it, and her nose atop her arms as she watched.

“Man, I love doing this!” Soarin’s voice made her ears stand up as he landed softly to the ground behind her. “Isn’t it great Spitfire?” he asked while walking up beside her. Spitfire sighed and shook her head.

“We really, really, REALLY… should be more serious right now. We should be preparing ourselves physically and mentally for the Shadowbolts.”

“Spitfire…” Soarin groaned and rolled his eyes. Had they gone all the way back to square one?

“BUT…” Spitfire cut him off. Soarin looked back towards her and blinked. “I agree this is great…” she said while smiling up at all of the Wonderbolts having a great time, laughing and being silly together, even the more serious one’s couldn’t hide it.

Wave was laughing along with everypony, Silver had accepted his fate and was being pulled through the air by High Winds, and Fire was grinning happily as Misty Fly latched onto him and nuzzled her cheek into his neck while silently giggling.

“Having a good time… getting along with each other like a family. Trust me, Soarin, I love seeing it happen. If anything it makes my desire to protect them all even stronger,” she shook her head. “We have lots of things to worry about but… I don’t mind this right now.” She turned and looked at Soarin. “After all… with a threat we might be facing, who knows when we’ll get another chance to have fun like this. We should enjoy it while we can.”

Soarin smiled at Spitfire, overjoyed to hear her say such a thing. Either it was the fact she was getting sleep again, or she had actually listened to him for once… either way, she was starting to sound like herself again. Sure, she had stress on her shoulders, but now she was holding it up like the strong mare she was.

“Come on, let’s go join them,” Soarin said as he grabbed her arm.

“No, I’ll just stay down here,” she tried to lean away from him, but he shook his head.

“Nice try, Spitfire. You’re going to have fun, and you’re going to like it,” he said sternly.

“Fiiiiiiine,” she said with a sigh, but smiled as Soarin pulled her up to join the crowd.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Why is the mental image of Misty Fly giggling silently one of the most adorable things i've ever thought about?


Seriously, it had been a long time since i really let her loose in a chapter and it felt great to do it again:rainbowlaugh: I adore writing her, it's like having a character that's a tease, a flirt, and a troll, but manages to be cute while doing it :rainbowwild:

Well, Photofinish wanted the Wonderbolts and she got much more than she bargained for! (Apparently it's a regular thing with them xD)

And we get to see my new artist buddy! :scootangel: His pony style is incredibly fun and i hope to get some more from him soon. :eeyup: I'm posting the link to his page down here with a warning... his gallery is VERY nsfw and he actually doesn't have much pony stuff posted in it. :twilightblush: But he's a really great guy, i've enjoyed getting to know him. His page is here: ruckforderungreich

But Spitfire couldn't have put it better... They better enjoy the fun while it lasts... because who knows when they'll be able to kick back and have fun again?

Thanks for reading! Hope you had some good laughs! :eeyup:

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