• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 60: The Wonderbolts do EVERYTHING awesome

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 60:

“This is pretty intense for a game of dodgeball…” Thunderlane commented as he stared up into the airspace of the west main gymnasium. “Can the Wonderbolts do anything without it turning into a—”

“TOO MUCH TALKING!” Dash suddenly cut him off and stuffed her hoof in his mouth without looking.

She was too busy staring in awe at the ‘dodgeball’ match going on above them.

“ARGH!” Soarin grunted as he took a high speed ball to the chest and was thrown backward. “Crap, crap, crap!” he yelled as he tried to even out and slow himself down, but right before he turned—

“Out of bounds!” Silver yelled from above. Soarin was already moving back in, but came to an abrupt halt while looking up at Silver.

“Dammit…” he cursed and shook his head.

“First round goes to team A!” Silver called out as he pointed. Past the middle line of the gym, Spitfire, and the Streak twins hovered in place as four of their other five teammates cheered from below.

Soarin’s seven teammates all floated up from the ground, Fleetfoot hovering up beside him.

“Nice dodge, princess,” she said sarcastically. Soarin pushed her away playfully.

“At least I wasn’t the first one out…” he shot back. Fleetfoot shrugged.

“Hey, I hit the only target I cared about first,” she chuckled as they looked over to Spitfire’s side. Air Mach was still on the ground below, hooves clutching his crotch as he took deep breaths and twitched.

“You’re brutal,” Soarin cringed as he saw Wave Chill land to help Air Mach to his hooves.

“I’m honest!” Fleetfoot said with a fake bright smile, puckering her lips and batting her eyelashes as if an angel halo was floating above her head.

The recruits were all sitting off to the side, watching from below. Dash was literally bouncing after what she had just witnessed. The Wonderbolts made EVERYTHING awesome, even dodgeball!

This version of dodgeball was played up in the air with two teams of eight. Squad one, three, fourteen, and nineteen were participating. Each squad was split into two so that each team had two members from each squad. They played in the middle of the gym, divided in half. Squad two and squad seven were present, acting as both the officiating crew, and as the markers for the invisible boundaries, creating a ‘box’ around the playing field that was forty yards long, and twenty yards wide and tall, creating a twenty by twenty yard area of movement for both teams when split down the middle.

The point of the game was not simply to strike your opponent with a dodgeball, but to hit them hard enough with one to knock them out of flight and send them past the invisible boundaries. Each Wonderbolt donned a light, padded face-guard to protect the eyes and nose. If they flew or tumbled out of bounds, they were out until the next round.

The dodgeballs were being collected by a crew of earth ponies on the floor who were feeding them into low powered cannons that fired them up to the Wonderbolts. As the balls flew up, the Wonderbolts could catch and throw them… or they could kick, punch, or bat them with their wings towards their opponents. This opened up many different strategies, including reflecting dodge balls back at those who initially launched them since simply being hit didn’t count as being out. However, one also now had to be aware of the balls coming up from below. The cannons were low powered, but it didn’t mean they didn’t pack enough oomph to throw a Wonderbolt off balance from below.

Soarin’s team consisted of him, Fleetfoot, Surprise, and Misty Fly along with two members from both squad fourteen and nineteen.

Spitfire’s team had her, Air Mach, the streak twins and the other members of fourteen and nineteen.

The match was best of three rounds and Soarin’s team had just lost the first round, meaning Spitfire’s team needed just one more victory to win the match.

Dash was so excited she felt like she would burst into confetti, Pinkie Pie style. The first round was already one of the coolest things she had ever seen. She wanted Soarin’s team to win because of Soarin obviously, but now she also wanted Soarin’s team to win so it would go for three rounds instead of just two!

As they were setting up for the next round, Dash took a look around at the two squads officiating. It didn’t look fun at all, but it was amusing to see Blaze fidgeting. She clearly wanted to play, but she was stuck officiating and being a boundary marker. Storm was up there as well. Squad seven was probably purposely brought in as part of the boundary crew to give Storm the chance to observe a ‘skill game’ practice as Silver had called it.

Speaking of Silver, he was acting as the main referee, starting and ending the matches as well as being the last boundary marker. He was patiently waiting for the earth ponies below to gather up the rest of the dodge balls and load up the cannons before starting the second round.

“This sucks! Why do we have to be the referee crew?!” Blaze suddenly blurted out from behind Spitfire’s team. Spitfire just rolled her eyes and didn’t even look as her half-sister whined. “Seriously, we were last time too! Can I sub in?” she yelled down. Then suddenly, a dodge ball came out of nowhere and hit her square in the face. “OW!” she quickly grabbed her face before looking up and glaring out, a large red mark where she got hit. “WHO THREW THAT?!”

“You’re so bad…” Soarin rolled his eyes and glanced at Fleetfoot who was smiling innocently.

“My hoof slipped,” she shrugged while sticking out her tongue.

“All set!” an earth pony yelled from below up to Silver. Soarin looked down as well briefly before turning to his team.

“Alright, new strategy…” he addressed his team. “Spitfire first. She’s the most dangerous,” he said simply. He got nods from everypony except for Misty, who wasn’t even looking at him. “Oh… right…” Soarin tapped Misty on the shoulder. She looked at him. “Um…” Soarin had his hooves up, ready to make signs, but he didn’t quite know enough of the sign language to express what he wanted.

“I got this,” Fleetfoot nudged him aside and looked Misty in the eyes. Fleetfoot turned and pointed towards Spitfire, then rammed one of her hooves into the other before lifting an eyebrow. Misty blinked then smiled and nodded. “I think we have an understanding here!” Fleetfoot giggled as she turned and got ready for the match to begin.

On the other side, Lightning was hovering behind Fire in a teasing manner.

“Twenty bits you won’t throw a single ball at Misty…”

“Brother, I’m respecting her ability,” Fire growled as Lightning kept swaying back and forth behind him.

“Tell that to last round… either you didn’t or your aim sucks that hard,” Lightning chuckled. Fire puffed his cheeks out and exhaled.

“Sh-shut up…” he huffed.

“I KNEW IT!” Lightning did a back flip in midair while laughing.

“Streaks!” Spitfire suddenly yelled, causing them both to flinch and look towards her. “Ready up, the next round is starting!” she yelled before focusing forward.

On the other side Soarin and his team prepared to play as well.

“Remember… Spitfire first!” he reminded his team quietly.

From his spot Silver looked down at the earth ponies as they moved into positions to quickly retrieve fallen dodgeballs, then looked back up.

“Round two! GO!” he yelled.

As soon as Silver gave the order, the cannons fired from below, sending five dodgeballs up into the air on both sides.

“HA!” Air Mach grabbed a ball, struck an upright pose, and pointed the ball forward towards Soarin’s team. “The great Animak stands strong and ready to meet any challen—”

A dodgeball screamed through the air and floored him right between the hind legs… again…

The other four dodgeballs from Soarin’s team flew towards Spitfire. She dipped and dodged them skillfully before glancing at Air Mach and rolling her eyes.

“Almonds… Pistachios… Pecans… oh my…” Air Mach’s voice squeaked in a high pitch as he slowly fell all the way to the floor again while twitching and clutching his lower regions.

“I SAID AT SPITFIRE!” Soarin growled towards Fleetfoot as he ducked an incoming ball.

“Hey! I’m not a very accurate thrower!” Fleetfoot said with an obvious smirk as she batted a ball down with a wing.

“My ass you’re not! Three direct hits to ‘key targets?’” Soarin scoffed as he caught a ball flying up from below and launched it hard into the gut of a member of squad nineteen, knocking him back hard and out of bounds.

“I prefer to call them targets of interest!” Fleetfoot chuckled as she leaned back to dodge an incoming ball. It flew over her and clocked one of their squad fourteen members across the jaw, sending her in a spiral to the ground.

“Your interest?” Soarin scoffed as he punched a ball, sending it back at Fire Streak, but Fire deflected it.

“It’s the best kind of interest! OOF!” Fleetfoot grunted as she took a dodgeball to the chest. She wrapped her hooves around it to catch it, but was sent backward. She stuck her wings out and glared towards Lightning Streak who turned kissed his hoof, turned around and spanked his plot. “Oh, hell no!” Fleetfoot growled towards him.

“So bro…” Lightning smiled as he began dodging multiple incoming balls all thrown by Fleetfoot. “Still haven’t thrown one at Misty,” he taunted.

“I’m getting there!” Fire growled as he caught a ball that glanced off Lightning’s shoulder.

“I still say you won’t!” Lightning said again. Fire glared at him.

“FINE!” Fire gritted his teeth.

“Oh shit, he’s gonna do it!” Lightning announced as he kept rapidly dodging Fleetfoot’s assault.

Fire took the ball and aimed for Misty. There was a brief hesitation, but he respected her as a Wonderbolt, and going easy on her was not respecting her. Besides… she was using her ‘blind fighting’ technique. There was no way he’d actually hit her… right? Too late…

Fire launched the ball at Misty. Misty remained in place, eyes closed, wings sensing the faint changes in the air around her. The ball was headed right for her face. Fire suddenly became alarmed. She was about to get hit!

At the last moment, Misty’s wings twitched. She spun, swiping the ball right out of the air with a hoof while spinning, adding her own momentum to the ball, and sling-shooting it back at three times the speed. The ball seared over the mid line and caught Lightning right in the forehead, whiplashing him backward and sending him flipping out of bounds.

Fire watched as his brother landed roughly on the ground before staring back at Misty.

“Heh, serves him right…” Fire smirked, then his eyes widened. “SWEET CELESTIA!”

“INCOMIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!” Surprise yelled from behind Soarin and Fleetfoot. She somehow had fifteen dodge balls stacked up in BOTH of her front hooves. She tossed them up in the air and began twisting as they fell with her wings outstretched. They launched the balls one by one rapidly towards the other team. Spitfire and Fire Streak dove out of the way, but the members remaining from squad fourteen and nineteen were all pummeled and sent out of bounds.

“A little more warning next time, Surprise?!” Soarin chuckled. She got directly in his face with her face and mouth scrunched.

“But why ruin…” she spoke in a VERY low and raspy tone as a pair of sunglasses suddenly fell over her eyes. “The surprise?!?!”

“YEEEEAAAAACHOO!!!” Blaze suddenly sneezed. “Whoa… that sneeze came out of nowhere…” she blinked and sniffled. A dodgeball suddenly zipped towards her and struck her directly in the face… again. “ARGH!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!” she clutched her face.

“Fleet…” Soarin pushed Surprise away and stared flatly at Fleetfoot.

“What makes you think I did that?” she asked while puckering her lips and pressing her hooves to her chest. Soarin didn’t change his expression. “Oh, who am I kidding…” she giggled as they both turned and faced their opponents.

They were in an incredibly favorable position. Soarin still had Fleetfoot, Surprise, and Misty up, as well as all but one of his low tier elites. They had lost one member of squad fourteen and that was it, as opposed to Spitfire’s team, where the only other Wonderbolt standing was Fire Streak.

“Fire!” Spitfire quickly yanked him close and spoke quietly. “They’re all going to aim for me, take them out for me while they do!”

“What?” Fire blinked.

“GO!” Spitfire pushed him away as she dipped down to avoid incoming balls.

“Spitfire! Get Spitfire!” Soarin yelled to his teammates. “Oof!” he grunted as a dodgeball struck him in the side. He was pushed back but held steady. He turned to look back towards his opponents, but as he did two more dodge balls came flying at him. He folded his wings and dropped, effectively dodging them, but the low tier elite behind him wasn’t so lucky. A member of squad nineteen took both of dodge balls to the chest rapidly. He was thrown back and ran into Surprise.

“EEP!” Surprise yelped as the two both fell out the back of their zone.

“Damn!” Soarin glanced at them before looking back. Spitfire and Fire Streak were in the process of dodging as Fleetfoot, Misty, and the other two low tiers continued their offensive. Soarin pumped his wings to join, but watched closely as he did. Spitfire was making no effort to attack. After Fleetfoot and the low tiers launched a new wave of dodgeballs, Spitfire simply flew in circles, changing her speed to avoid the attacks. At the same time, Fire was throwing counter attacks.

“Back up!” Soarin suddenly yelled as he stopped his own advance. Fleetfoot’s ears perked up and she quickly turned around, grabbing Misty by the shoulders and yanking her back as well. The remaining member of squad fourteen was late, but made it. Unfortunately the last of squad nineteen was taken out, knocked up and out of bounds by a ball fired up from below.

Soarin quickly pulled them in.

“I’m going to give an order to hit Fire Streak, but when I do I want the three of us to hit Spitfire instead,” Soarin whispered to Fleetfoot and the low tier. Misty tipped her head in confusion. Soarin gave her a quick look, put both hooves up in front of him at shoulder width and twisted them while moving them aside.

Misty quickly nodded.

“Okay let’s WHOA!” Soarin was sure they had only taken a few seconds, but apparently it was enough time for Spitfire to launch a dodgeball at incredibly high speed. Soarin leaned to the side, but the ball ricocheted off his face guard and directly into the face of the last low tier with a loud POW. The last squad fourteen Wonderbolt was knocked right out of the air and out of bounds. “Stick with the plan!” Soarin yelled to Fleetfoot.

It was foolproof, except for one specific part.

Fire saw Soarin make the sign language for ‘distract’ to Misty Fly. Misty was in front, almost purposely trying to draw their attention. Spitfire had already thrown two at her, but Misty was quick and relied on her sharpened sense of touch, rendering her almost impossible to hit directly. Fire could tell something was up, but he didn’t know what exactly… until he saw Soarin and Fleetfoot rush forward, each with two dodge balls.

“Captain! Incoming!” Fire yelled, alerting Spitfire to their approach. Spitfire glanced and focused on her approaching squad mates. She turned and got ready to dodge but—

“HIT FIRE STREAK!” Soarin yelled out.

“Uh oh…” Fire’s eyes widened as they both suddenly turned to him. He was much closer to the middle line than Spitfire… and Soarin and Fleetfoot were already winding up to throw. Spitfire broke her focus and turned to Fire.

“NOW!” Soarin yelled. He and Fleetfoot changed direction mid throw, sending their first throws careening towards Spitfire instead.

Spitfire only had time to shield herself as the first two struck against her arms, pushing her backward. Soarin and Fleetfoot wound up and fired their second throws. Soarin’s struck her in the arms again, but Fleetfoot’s dodgeball nicked Spitfire in on the left wing mid flap.

“Whoa!” Spitfire yelped as she suddenly spun and tipped downward, a few yellow feathers tossing up where her wing was struck. She spun out of control only briefly, regaining her equilibrium… but was instantly struck in the stomach by one of the serving cannons below. She exhaled as it hit her right in the diaphragm. The air got forced out of her lungs and she started falling limply while gasping for air.

“Oh… that’s gonna hurt…” Soarin winced as he saw Spitfire tumbling awkwardly towards the floor. Soarin suddenly felt the need to help, despite having just pelted her with dodgeballs, but he was way too far away, and couldn’t use the Sonic Blastoff while airborne. It wasn’t like Spitfire had never taken a fall before, so ultimately he wasn’t worried.

“Captain!” Storm front detached from his boundary marker spot and dove towards her. His protection reflexes kicked in hard.

Spitfire continued to flail and grunt as she tried to even out, but it was clear to her she was about to have a rough, possibly awkward landing.

Storm was on the verge of catching her, but—

“GOTCHA!” Wave Chill swiftly whisked by and caught Spitfire right before Storm could grab her. Storm instantly pulled up and glided around to see Wave holding the dizzy Spitfire in his arms.

Spitfire shook her head and bumped a hoof against it a few times and blinked.

“A-are you o-okay?” a familiar voice stuttered beside her. Spitfire flinched as she heard the voice and slowly turned her head to see Wave Chill holding onto her. He had his eyes averted, a slight blush creeping onto his nose.

“Um…” Spitfire’s face turned from yellow to red. She looked away as well… but directly into multiple pairs of eyes. She froze as she saw where they had stopped. Wave looked over as well and his eyes widened.

He had caught her and stopped right in front of all the recruits. Most of stallions were blankly staring… and most of the mares had starry eyes. One in particular, the tiny yellow mare, was slowly hovering up from the floor with her little hooves squishing her little cheeks together.

“I’m fine!” Spitfire quickly pushed off and put a few feet of distance between her and Wave. From above, Fleetfoot was trying her hardest not to laugh.

“Whoa! Look at who got bold all of a sudden!” she chuckled while pointing towards Wave.

“Fleet! Look out!” Soarin tried to warn her.

“PRFF” Fleetfoot’s voice sputtered as a dodgeball seared through the air and struck her in the cheek of her face guard, squishing her face with the impact and sending her spiraling way out of bounds.

Soarin quickly turned and saw Fire backing up to grab another ball. The match wasn’t over, Fleetfoot should have known better.

What started as seven on two was suddenly two on one… a much more manageable situation for the other team even if the odds were still in Soarin’s favor. He also had Misty Fly, so he doubted he would lose.

Soarin turned to Misty and waved to get her attention. She looked at him and blinked. Soarin pointed to her, then one side of their half, then pointed to himself and pointed to the other half. Then he brought his hooves together. This was not sign language, but it was meant to communicate ‘flank and attack from opposite sides.’ Misty had gotten used to reading simple movements like this as well, and she easily understood.

The Wonderbolts who had been knocked out stood off to the side and watched as Soarin and Misty prepared their maneuver, each grabbing a dodge ball as they floated up to them.

Fire had a ball tucked in one hoof, keeping the other free to deflect if need be. He obviously needed to go on the defensive. Both Misty and Soarin outclassed him in pure skill. As much as he didn’t want to, he decided to focus on Misty. After the way she took out his brother, he couldn’t afford to keep his eyes off her. Soarin was better than her, but much more predictable. If he could get her out quickly, he could focus on Soarin without worrying about Misty’s surprise attacks.

Fire had an idea. He hated exploiting Misty’s own strength against her, but this could work.

“Ha!” Soarin launched a dodge ball at him. Fire ducked and dipped down, snatching a second dodgeball out of the air as it flew up from the cannons below. Misty hurled her dodge ball at Fire as Soarin glanced back and whipped backward to grab a dodgeball flying up near the back of their area. Fire twisted and flew right up to the mid-line. Misty already had her eyes closed and her wings ready in her usual ‘detection’ defensive stance.


Fire gently tossed one of the dodge balls towards Misty. It moved so slowly and lazily towards her that it barely created and scant air movements. Misty still felt it, but swiped her arm out immediately, confused when she hit nothing. The ball lightly bounced off her chest. She opened her eyes and looked down at it as it fell.

“Forgive me Misty!” Fire whispered to himself as he wound up and fired the second dodgeball towards her. Misty’s head snapped up… and in a TREMENDOUS display of reflexes, twisted her body while swiping her opposite hoof around. Her hoof struck the dodgeball, slightly altering its course without killing any of its speed… but accidentally sending it straight for Soarin.

Soarin was in the middle of turning around after grabbing a new dodgeball…

The incoming ball’s trajectory and speed mixed with the angle of Soarin’s head and his movement in the opposite direction caused an unfortunate, spot on impact…

The false horn had already been hit six times during the match… Soarin had been worried about it, but the metal headband was keeping it in place as it had the whole time. Soarin hadn’t felt anything abnormal upon it being struck… but odds would have it that this time it was struck in such a precise way that transferred all the force of the powerful throw directly into it, amplifying it with the opposite movement of Soarin’s head. There was a bright blue flash.

“ARGH!” Soarin wailed as he fell towards the ground. It didn’t look like he simply fell, it looked like he was propelled down by the flash of light.

Everypony in the area froze. Fire and Misty both stopped and looked towards Soarin.

“SOARIN!” Dash was up on her hooves and in the air instantly. Spitfire and Fleetfoot took off as well.

“Rgh!” Soarin grunted as blue sparks crackled and popped from the horn.

Fire remained still in midair, terrified that he may have caused another catastrophe. He remembered well what happened the last time Soarin had a magical mishap… the memory of Misty being in so much pain was one he wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

Misty on the other hoof, quit the field of play and flew down to check on Soarin despite the former disaster.

As all four mares approached, Soarin suddenly held his arms out to stop them.

“Wait! Wait! Hold on!” he said as he grunted. All four of them came to an abrupt halt, Misty only stopping because Spitfire reached out and caught her by the arm. The magic was sputtering wildly around the horn. A small aura kept growing and shrinking around it as bits of magical energy crackled and popped both around the horn and around Soarin’s head.

Soarin slowly stood up and firmly planted all four of his hooves on the floor. He dipped his head down and gritted his teeth.

“HRGH!!!!!” He suddenly grunted as his neck and shoulder muscles flexed and strained.

Dash’s eyes widened slightly as the magic began to calm. The aura stopped pulsating and only shrunk. The sparks and pops subsided and eventually all the magic receded into the horn. The horn itself glowed for a moment but eventually completely stopped. Soarin released a loud exhale and dropped back to the ground while panting. He looked up at them and smiled.

“See? No big deal… I got it…” he sighed in relief and slowly stood up. Dash and Spitfire were instantly at his side. Spitfire did NOT look happy.

“Soarin… you told me it could handle impact!” she snapped at him as Soarin took a few deep breaths.

“It did… it got hit a bunch before this… I think the ball hit it literally just right,” Soarin chuckled. Spitfire didn’t find it very funny, but before she could say anything, Fleetfoot cut her off.

“But hey! You kept it down! Right?” she leaned over and gave Spitfire a nudge. “I mean, that’s showing he made progress, riiiiight?” she smiled at Spitfire. When Spitfire’s expression remained stoic, Fleetfoot flattened her brow. “You’re real good at encouragement, Spitty…”

“Is it okay to worry about Wonderbolt safety?” Spitfire rolled her eyes.

Dash watched as the two bickered back and forth, she looked up and saw Soarin, covered in sweat, and looking slightly put off. She quickly alleviated that.

“By the way, are you okay?” she asked with a slight smirk. Soarin blinked and looked down at Dash beside him. Seeing her bright smarmy face made him smile.

“Thanks for being the only one to ask,” he replied while rolling his eyes.

“You were able to hold it back though?” Dash asked, again making Soarin happy for actually noticing.

“Yeah, I’ve been getting much more control over the magic lately in general. I think it’s starting to listen to me… a little mishap is now manageable. Discord’s little head balancer thingy has been helping too.”

“Okay! Let’s just finish this match, alright?!” Spitfire yelled into Fleetfoot’s face, bringing Soarin and Dash back to the situation at hand. Spitfire was clearly frustrated… but was she that put off by Soarin’s magic making a brief entrance? Soarin knew Wave catching her before had something to do with it, Spitfire was too easy to read.

“Actually the match is over…” Silver hovered down by them. Soarin’s ears perked up.

“What? But…” he looked up. Fire had not left the playing field… but Misty… was down with him. Silver pointed at Misty.

“Misty left the playing field. So Spitfire’s team wins again. Two wins. That’s the match.

“Aw…” Soarin grunted in frustration. Dash was disappointed as well, she wanted to see more.

“Dinner’s starting soon anyway, those were long matches,” Silver pointed at the clock by the entrance.

“Fine by me!” Blaze instantly lowered to the ground as Silver went to gather the recruits. “I’m tired of watching everypony else have fun!” A dodgeball came flying in and struck her directly in the face… a third time. “WHAT THE F—WHO KEEPS DOING THAT?!” she demanded and snarled and looked in every direction while rubbing her face.

Soarin glanced at Fleetfoot hiding behind him.

“Okay Fleet, that’s enough…” he said casually.

“Had to get one more!” she giggled to herself as Blaze pinned and questioned one of the earth pony helpers to the floor, accusing him of throwing it. Spitfire stepped up.

“Squad one, two, and three! Gather up for a quick meeting! And somepony get Blaze off of him before the unions breath down my neck!” she ordered as High Winds and Wave Chill pulled Blaze away from the earth pony.

Soarin glanced towards the recruits and reached back to nudge Dash along.

“Silver’s giving a little talk before sending you guys to dinner… get going,” he winked.

“See ya,” Dash gave his shoulder a quick nuzzle before heading off to follow. Soarin watched her leave before something else nearby caught his attention.

Air Mach was still subtly twitching on the floor, holding his stallionhood.

“Yikes, dude… how hard did she hit you?” Soarin chuckled.

“My descendants have been cursed…” Air Mach sputtered.

“HOLD UP!” Twister yelled, stopping Dash and her friends in place right outside the door. Twister looked back and forth. “These are dangerous waters! I’ll scout ahead!” he said before lifting off and zipping down the hallway.

They all just stared and blinked for a second before shrugging and moving on towards the mess hall.

“Twister is still very Twister, I see…” Storm Front chuckled. He had hung back to walk with his old tryout buddies. Dash rolled her eyes.

“I’d tell you more, but I don’t think you’d believe it,” Dash scoffed.

“Oh?” Storm lifted an eyebrow. Little Star hovered up beside him.

“Mare’s bathroom poetry… rubber knife murders… the kind of stuff you really can’t make up!” she said casually. Storm had only recently met Little Star due to spending little bits of time with Dash, Matteo, Twister, and Thunderlane, but Star was quick to befriend him.

“You know, if it were anypony else… I’d probably be very disturbed,” Storm joked, which Dash found ironic because that was specifically something Twister himself admitted.

Dash couldn’t help but smile. Storm had a way of making others around him happy. Matteo respected him for his achievements, Thunderlane was inspired by him, Twister didn’t faze him, Little Star instantly got along with him, and in general he gave off a good vibe to Dash… however…

Dash glanced behind her subtly… Squall was lagging slightly behind the group… and glaring directly at Storm. She thought she had saw him do so a few times in the past, but now that Squall was making somewhat of an effort to stick with them, it was clear as day. Squall seemed perfectly fine so far as the day went on, but when Storm joined them, he went right to being broody and scowling.

Was Squall jealous of how Storm seemed to soak in their attention?

Dash was certain Storm was aware of it… Squall wasn’t being very inconspicuous about it. Dash was hoping to figure it out before it caused any problems… but unfortunately, Storm’s curiosity beat her to it as he glanced back and caught Squall’s glare.

Storm sighed and stopped. The rest of them all stopped as well as if they were tethered to him. Squall took two more steps forward before stopping, his expression unchanged.

“Squall… right?” Storm recalled his name. “Why do you keep giving me the evil eyes?”

“I don’t like you,” Squall quickly and flatly answered. Dash bit her bottom lip and glanced at the others. Star and Thunderlane were watching with curiosity. Matteo had his eyes fixed on them as if ready to move if something happened. She liked Matteo’s approach… with Squall’s outburst record it was probably a good idea.

“Um…” Storm tipped his head and let one of his ears flop down. “Okay? Uh… why not?” Storm asked calmly.

“I just… don’t,” Squall answered, the brief hesitation clear to the rest.

Dash suddenly had a theory. Squall was definitely one that liked to solve problems with his hooves rather than his brain… individuals liked that tended to have lots of pride. Dash was the top recruit in the tryouts… Squall was in the top three as well. Storm wasn’t even in the top five and was selected for the elite spot. Dash remembered well how she felt immediately after finding that out. She wondered if Squall felt the same way, but instead of getting over it like her, was Squall still dwelling on it?

“That’s not a very good reason…” Storm looked at him flatly. Squall growled and stepped up. Dash and Matteo both watched carefully. The growl was the first sign of Squall doing something stupid.

“I don’t get how your worthless ass became an elite Wonderbolt over me!” Squall suddenly belted. Dash blinked. Yep, she hit the nail right on the head.

“Excuse me?!” Storm pulled his neck back slightly as Squall scrunched his face in anger and pointed at Storm.

“What did it take, huh? Did you suck a few dicks? Sleep with a few of the mares? You got their favor somehow! What, did your family pay you in?” Squall continued to irrationally yell at Storm. Dash quickly stepped up.

“HEY!” she yelled as she got between them, put the crown of her head into Squall’s chest, and slightly pushed him back. “Squall! Storm earned his spot in the Wonderbolts!” she tapped his chest with her hoof. “Just because they didn’t choose you, doesn’t mean he cheated his way in!” she almost wished she had left that part out because it clearly made Squall livid. So much for making him trust her, she forgot how fragile it could be with types like Squall.

“Yeah, right!” Squall refocused on Storm. “Walking around, being the center of attention and soaking it all up. You’re the kind of goody, goody pussy that’s always gotten what they want! That shitfaced smile you wear around says it all!” Dash glanced at Storm. His expression was very distraught and devoid of retaliation, as if he was letting Squall vent and knew that trying to stop him before he was finished was pointless. “I bet you’ve never earned anything for yourself!” Squall continued. “It’s all been handed to you! Your whole life your parents spoiling you and giving you everything you’ve ever—”

“DON’T TALK LIKE YOU KNOW MY FAMILY!” Storm suddenly exploded. Dash yelped in surprise and could barely turn before Storm roughly pushed her aside and he butted heads with Squall. Storm pushed Squall back, forcing him all the way up against the wall behind him despite Squall’s size advantage.

Dash regained herself and looked over the two of them, alarmed.

Family… Squall made a comment about family… and Storm just lost his mind in an instant. Dash had yet to see Storm like this, but it was clear why. Of course the subject of family was an incredibly sensitive spot for Storm, and Squall had just stepped on it.

“WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FAMILY, HUH?!” Storm spat in Squall’s face as the two began pushing hard against each other. “I BET YOU’VE NEVER GIVEN A DAMN ABOUT FAMILY!”


“I BET YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT HAVING YOUR HOOF HELD FEELS LIKE, YOU LONE WOLF BASTARD!” Storm had completely lost it… and Dash didn’t like it.

“Storm!” Dash yelled as she stepped back up and grabbed his arm. “Storm! Get a hold of yourself! OOF!” Dash grunted as he shook her off. “STORM!” Dash grabbed him again.

Storm violently swung his arm… hitting Dash REALLY HARD, square on the nose. A shock of pain ran right through her face to the back of her head.

Art by: eveyann

“AHH!!” Dash yelped as she stumbled backwards and crouched down with her face to the floor.

“Dash!” Matteo quickly stepped up. He couldn’t see Dash’s face, but there was blood trickling over her hoof and dripping onto the floor. She had a bloody nose. Matteo quickly put himself between Dash and the two stallions at each other’s throats. Thunderlane and Little Star both quickly approached Dash to make sure she was okay.


“OH, I SEE!” Storm smirked and pulled his head away, seemingly calming down. “If you’re so damn good…” Storm tapped his hooves against his Wonderbolt Uniform. “Then how come you’re not wearing one of these, hm? I sense some serious plothurt over here!”

The change from yelling to smarm and the shot to the pride seemed to have exactly the effect Storm was going for. Squall’s steadfast air changed to one of pure rage. Before anypony knew what was happening, Squall threw a punch.

Storm blocked the punch and threw one of his own, missing and stumbling forward. Squall stepped past him and readied to spin around with another punch, but Storm hopped up and used his rapid ‘surface tap” with his back hooves against the wall. The two lunged forward, crossing arms and punching each other in the face.

Matteo quickly turned, scooped up Dash, Thunderlane, and Little Star in his large arms and moved them a few yards away before turning and making haste towards the fight.

Matteo tried to step in and stop them, but they completely ignored him, stepping around the bulk of the large griffon and diving at each other again and again. Matteo knew if he could just get them in his strong grip, they wouldn’t get free, but they weren’t sitting still, slipping away each time he tried. It looked like nothing could stop them, but then—

“WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!” Soarin yelled as he and Fleetfoot rushed forward. Soarin grabbed Storm and yanked him away as Fleetfoot helped Matteo corner and restrain Squall.

Art by: Noble Savage (Deviant art: thatdamntenpin)

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OUT HERE?!” Silver’s voice echoed throughout the hallway as he galloped forward. He stopped as he saw both Storm and Squall being restrained. The two had a couple of fresh bruises and they were struggling and growling at each other.

Storm was not Silver’s responsibility… but Squall…

Silver sharply turned to Squall and stomped towards him. He got in his face and readied to give him a piece of his mind… but then he saw the small smirk forming on Squall’s lips. The one that lead to the strange smile he always wore when Silver verbally abused him.

“You know what…? No,” Silver said quietly, before turning away. “You’re simply messed up son… really messed up.”

It had a noticeable effect. Squall’s eyes changed and the smirk disappeared as if he was extremely disappointed that he didn’t get yelled at. Silver just kept his back turned to him.

Soarin let Storm go as soon as he calmed down and quickly turned his attention to Dash.

“Dash!!!” he shouted in horror as he saw the blood both on the floor and oozing over her hooves. Thunderlane and Little Star backed away as Soarin crouched down and gently supported her head.

“Ack… Soarin?” Dash’s voice sounded stuffed up. She slowly removed her arms from around her face and sure enough, blood was flowing from her right nostril, running slowly around her lips and dripping off her chin.

Soarin’s expression turned to anger and he sharply looked at Squall, assuming he had done this, but he blinked in surprise when Dash reached up her clean hoof and grabbed Soarin.

“Soarin! Squall didn’t do this!” she defended him to the surprise of everypony there… including Silver. “Storm…” Dash said simply as she paused to wipe blood off of her face.

“What?!” Soarin looked up in confusion. Storm was in the process of trudging away, but Fleetfoot zipped past them to stop him.

“Hold it you…” she said as she got in Storm’s path. He stopped in his tracks, obeying a superior officer.

“It wasn’t on purpose…” Dash clarified as she tried to sniffle but it only caused her to cough painfully. “It’s still Squall’s fault…” Dash said as she rapidly stood up. Soarin glanced at Dash in surprise as she walked right past him and up to Squall, vigorously rubbing the blood off her chin and mouth as she got in his face.

“Well?!” she began as Matteo let go of Squall and backed away. “Are you happy now?!” she snapped. “Why did you say those things to Storm, huh? What did it accomplish!?” she yelled.

Silver watched closely. Whenever he yelled at Squall, all he got in return was the weird smile… but Dash yelling at him seemed to have a different effect. Squall’s eyes were darting back and forth and he turned his head away.

“LOOK AT ME!” Dash shouted while reaching up and forcing his head back to face her. She pointed to her bloody nose. “This is what you accomplished! That’s three times now you’ve done something stupid and either hurt others or gotten others hurt in the process! Think before you act, dammit! You’re a grown stallion! You should know better! Quit the tough guy act before you hurt somepony else! Nopony wants that… and I don’t think you do either!”

Squall’s eyes suddenly widened at those last words as she backed away and shook her head.

“Use your damn brain…” she grumbled as she stepped away from him and started wiping blood from her face again.

Silver made eye contact with Soarin as the scene before them ended. Silver smiled and winked. Soarin chuckled in response. Silver wasn’t kidding. Dash just got in the face of another recruit for misbehaving. Definitely captain material.

As Dash went up to Matteo, Thunderlane, and Star, Soarin took a deep breath and turned to Storm. He walked up to him and waved at Fleetfoot. She blinked and gave Soarin a confused look.

“Stallion talk,” Soarin said while waving her off again. She rolled her eyes.

“Pff… fine… I’ll go see if Spitfire needs help…” she sighed as she made her way back towards the gym. Soarin turned to Storm, who was looking down at his own hooves. Soarin stepped in front of him.

“So… what was that all about?” he asked. Storm shook his head, his eyes glued to the floor.

“Is that what I should report to Spitfire? That you got into a fight for no reason?” said Soarin while lightly tapping a hoof on the ground. Storm didn’t answer. “Look Storm, we’re friends… but I can’t make exceptions to the rules. What happened?” he asked again. Storm sighed.

“He said something about my… family,” Storm forced out.

“So you punched him?” Soarin cocked an eyebrow.

“He threw the first punch!” Storm looked up and quickly defended himself. Soarin wasn’t expecting his expression. It almost looked like Storm was about to cry. Nevertheless, it didn’t excuse him.

“But you punched back?” Soarin stated. Storm quickly looked back down. “Look, Storm…” Soarin sighed as he placed a hoof on Storm’s shoulder. “This isn’t new to me. We once had a Wonderbolt here by the name of Rapidfire… in fact the only reason you’re here as an elite now is because he’s gone. The two of us were always getting into trouble for fighting. Let me tell you… if I had a bit for every time I got into trouble for scuffles he instigated, I’d be living better than royalty.”

Storm remained still, as if ashamed to even look at Soarin. Soarin removed his hoof from Storm.

“Your personal life and any issues you may be dealing with are not part of our code of conduct. If it’s a sensitive subject, that’s fine… but you can’t just start throwing hooves when a fellow Wonderbolt hits a sore spot. Understand?”

“Yes, sir…” Storm replied quietly.

“I will explain what happened to Spitfire… but there will be consequences. Silver will handle Squall, but as an elite Wonderbolt, you need to show more restraint. Trust me, I’ve had my share of punishments, save yourself the trouble,” Soarin nodded.

“Yes, sir…” Storm repeated. Soarin sighed and ruffled Storm’s mane.

“Go get some food, it’ll get your mind off of it,” he suggested as he walked past Storm and made his way over to Dash.

Her nose was still bleeding. He nodded to the other recruits surrounding her.

“I’ll take her to Bliss… go get dinner,” he suggested. They all nodded and all made one last check on Dash before leaving her to her stallion. “How are you doing?” he asked as they started walking towards the training room.

“Blood tastes nasty…” Dash stuck her tongue out trying to avoid all contact with her face and lips where her blood had been smeared. The bleeding wasn’t severe, and it already had mostly stopped, but they needed to get it properly cleaned up.

“Sorry I didn’t get there sooner…” Soarin frowned as they walked through the lobby. Dash instantly nudged him in the side.

“None of that now… I tried to stop a fight and got clocked in the face, it’s my fault,” she stated.

“But…” Soarin tried to make a case but she nudged him again, a little more roughly.

“And if you try to tell me otherwise Bliss will be cleaning off two bloody noses,” she smirked up at him.

“Fair enough,” Soarin shrugged and chuckled as they entered the east hallway and approached the training room. They opened it just as Bliss was apparently reaching for the doorknob on the inside.

“Whoa!” Bliss stumbled forward and ran face first into Soarin’s chest, poking her horn against him.

“Ow…” Soarin reacted calmly while rubbing the spot she poked. Bliss looked up and her eyes instantly went to Dash’s face covered in dried blood and a light trickle oozing from her nose. Her expression flattened and she sighed.

“Always when I’m about to go on a break or get food…” she grumbled as she stepped back and let them in. The training room was completely empty. Her entire staff was already in the mess hall it seemed. “Hop up on the first table, this won’t take long,” Bliss went right into professional mode. Soarin walked with Dash and stood beside the trainer table as Dash sat and awaited treatment.

It didn’t take Bliss long to approach holding several gauze pads and some tissues. Using her magic, she ripped a tissue in half and rolled it up, gently stuffing it into Dash’s bloody nostril before grabbing a mostly empty bottle of disinfectant and dabbing it on a gauze pad.

Soarin waited patiently as Bliss cleaned the blood stains off Dash’s face and did the same with her chin and her hooves where she had wiped blood.

“Hold on, I have to get more of this…” Bliss wiggled the empty disinfectant bottle back and forth in the air before she tossed it into a nearby trash can and trotted over to the other side of the training room to look through the cabinets.

Soarin looked to Dash and was about to speak but—

“Aw, why are you cleaning it up? That was a good look for you!”

Soarin jumped in surprise and quickly turned around at the familiar… unwanted voice.

Discord was reclined on the trainer table beside them. Both Soarin and Dash didn’t say a word. They both just stared at him with their brows and ears flattened. Discord snickered.

“Now, now, don’t all jump at me at once, there’s plenty to go around!” he joked as he sat up. Soarin shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“Just do whatever stupid prank you came to do and leave us alone,” he said sharply. Discord pouted, crossing his arms and turning his body away while keeping his head stationary and closing his eyes.

“Such hostility! It’s as if you assume I’m in this for cheap laughs!” he opened up one eye while smirking to see both Dash and Soarin giving him the flat look again. “Oh, who am I kidding, if you two didn’t assume that by now, I’d question if you even know me!” he chuckled. “But really…” he slithered off the table and around to the other side of Dash’s table. “I’m here to congratulate you!” he pointed at Soarin.

“Huh?” Soarin lifted an eyebrow.

“Don’t think I didn’t see it!” Discord appeared behind Soarin and tapped a finger against the tip of the false horn. “The magic started getting uppity… and you showed it who was boss! I was quite impressed!” Discord chuckled as he leaned back on the table.

“I’m so glad I have your approval… are you always watching me?” Soarin glared at him. Discord burst out laughing and draped an arm over Dash’s back.

“This guy cracks me up, eh?” he asked her. She nipped at his hand beside her, but he had already pulled away. “Why WOULDN’T I watch you?” he shrugged while addressing Soarin. “You’re the most interesting thing I’ve seen in centuries! Trust me, when you’ve existed as long as I have, it’s hard to find entertainment. I’ve seen it all… but you’re something brand new, I can’t get enough!” he kept chuckling throughout.

Suddenly Bliss cleared her throat loudly. The three all looked towards her. She was focused on Discord.

“Are you here for treatment?” she asked, completely disregarding that she was addressing Discord, the god of chaos.

“Do I look like I nee—”

“If not… out,” she pointed towards the door. Dash and Soarin glanced at each other and then back at Bliss. She… DID know who she was talking to right? Discord wore an amused look as he floated over Soarin and placed himself in front of Bliss.

“Aren’t you a bold one? This place is just full of interesting ponies! Tell me…” he leaned way down and got into Bliss’ face. “If I don’t leave, what will you do?”

“Already doing it wise guy…” she said simply. Discord blinked as he felt something… four things attach to his back. He twisted his neck around to look. There were four small nodes attached to his back with wires running from them. The wires connected to a small machine with a dial on it. It was an electric stimulation machine meant for easing knots and sore muscles.

“Oh…” Discord’s ears flopped down as Bliss’ magic hovered around the dial… and she turned it all the way up to maximum. “EEEEEEEEYYYYYYY AAAAAHHHH AIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAAIAIAIAAAAAAA!!!!!!!” Discord twitched and jittered as the electric pulses resonated through his body, making him stiffen, relax, and strike all sorts of funny poses and dance moves.

Art by: CowgirlVK

Soarin and Dash edged away with wide eyes, but Bliss remained completely stoic, eventually using her magic to turn it off.

Discord fell to the floor sprawled out with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, panting and wheezing as his body twitched and jolted slightly.

“Now out…” Bliss pointed to the door again.

“Yeth ma’am…” Discord slurred with his tongue between his lips. He reached up and snapped his fingers, but a twitch caused him to fling across the room and into the wall near the entrance instead of teleporting. Not wanting to repeat the same mistake, Discord shakily dragged himself along the floor and out the door.

“Where were we?” Bliss got right back to work, completely unfazed by the encounter as Dash and Soarin just stared at her.

Dash made a mental not to never mess with Bliss. She had to be a tough mare for a job like this. She’d probably seen enough weird things to last a life time, but catching Discord off guard? Not many ponies could do that!

“All done. Sign the clipboard before you leave,” Bliss said as she simply tossed everything she didn’t use on the counter beside a sink, washed her hooves and headed towards the door.

“Well, that was interesting…” Soarin chuckled as he watched Bliss leave. He turned back to Dash just in time to see her slump to her side and lean her head against him. “Dash?” he blinked as he moved closer to the table, concerned she would fall off otherwise.

“Just… stay there for a second,” she sighed contently as she nuzzled her check against his shoulder. “I need this… it’s been too long,” she requested. Soarin smiled down at her and rest his chin gently atop her head.

“Alright…” he agreed without hesitation.

Dash soaked up the feeling of resting softly against him. It had been so long. So long since the two of them had a chance to simply, casually enjoy each other. They had a few moments here and there where they would sneak off or catch a quick moment… but it was always brief or had a time limit. They longed to get some quality time together like they used to.

Both Dash and Soarin hoped… that things would go right… and soon Dash would be a full time recruit. Without any more tests or special recruit training, they’d be able to spend actual time together on non training days.

“So you’re halfway through the training schedule, huh?” Soarin asked as her reached his arm up and stroked Dash’s mane.

“Mmhmm…” Dash replied simply as she sighed at his touch.

“I heard from Silver you’re doing quite well. Only sixteen more days to go before the big decision, from what I hear, you’ve got a great chance,” Soarin ran his hoof up to her ear and gently scratched behind it. Dash shivered and squeaked quietly.

“Only if I keep it up… and I plan to,” she managed to say adamantly despite one of her sweet spots being exploited.

“Spoken like a true recruit under Silver…” Soarin chuckled. As soon as he stopped a gurgling noise came from below him. He looked down to see Dash holding her stomach.

“Eh…” she turned her head and looked up at him.

“Sounds like somepony’s hungry,” Soarin smiled. “C’mon, we should get to the mess hall before there’s nothing left.”

“Aww… okay…” Dash pouted as she got up and hopped off the table. The two walked side by side towards the exit, both glancing at each other at the same time as they reached the door.

Half-way there. Dash was ready and willing to take on any other challenge she needed to fulfill her dream… and having the love of her life nearby was enough motivation to do it five times over.

“C’mere you,” Dash reached up and grabbed Soarin’s face. He gave no resistance as Dash pulled him in and planted a loving kiss on his lips. Soarin’s eyes widened and he pulled away instantly.

“Bleh!” he stuck his tongue out. Dash looked directly at him, mortified. Soarin quickly shook his head. “Disinfectant tastes horrible!” he said while chuckling. Dash instantly snorted and couldn’t hold back the laughter. She did just have her face cleaned off, didn’t she?

“Oh, get moving you jerk!” she pushed him out the door while giggling.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:


Wow... looks like Storm can take being barked at... at least until you say something family related. Talk about a sore spot WOW that was a quick outburst huh? Safe to say Squall and Storm don't get along! (ha... the names... i see what i did there...)

And awww... it felt good to write a little but of loving interaction between Soarin and Dash. It's been hard for them with their schedules, all the more reason for Dash to succeed eh? She needs her stallion.

NOW it's time for the last short time jump! That means 4-5 more chapters left in part 2! we are nearing the halfway point! :D

I hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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