• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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263. Long Range Finders.

-Equus, Airship Mauled, The Witch’s Fare, Jackie ‘The Blackcap’ Chickadee-

“So… you don’t want my crews help with the Tambelon thing?” Call me crazy, but I think Jaded, Tianhuo and Fizzle were trying to talk me out of an adventure. Not like said adventure would kill me, because my curse certainly couldn’t at this rate.

I idly pulled an uncomfortable piece of broken blood covered glass out of my armpit. Nothing new to me, I’m usually getting splinters, glass, bits of sharp rock and metal pulled out of me daily. Thank goodness for most of my crew being licensed medical professionals to some degree or other.

“Jackie I know you’re a lot braver and more capable than ever as a Captain of your ship, but it would give me peace of mind if my Ornithian sister was on the backup team in case something goes horribly wrong. I know you and mom would look after Silvers if something somehow got all three of us, plus you’ve been pretty busy lately.” Jaded was honestly worried about Grogar. Speaking of children, my Gavin was currently with his father Gene and his cousins Silvers. “Plus we need someone on the home front in case Grogar tries a breech with whatever force he has there, going in is going to be just as dangerous as getting out. Plus I don’t want your curse to cause any major incidents in a pocket dimension that will inevitably try to and collapse in on you if you so much as breathe the air in there for a few seconds.”

“Good points, but are we still on for that small trip to Palicoast?” That question made my childish kitten of a sister perk her ears up, I thought it was nice that Jaded wanted to show Silvers her home growing up. Goodness knows I need to ‘safely’ show my little Gavin all the wonders of Turtle Toga.

“Of course we are!” Jaded answered brightly. “With Equus Tianhuo in contact with Equus Pom, we’ll know when Equus Pom will be ready to appear in Tambelon. So we’ll have some initiative and plenty of time to prepare, we don’t have to worry about them ending up there at random! Also everyone on the away team, that is competent, is going on this trip… so long as that... whale shark... isn’t there, it’ll be a good time on the shore.”

“I thank you for making the distinction because we are here.” Fœnum Tianhuo stated as she and the five other Fœnum heroes were discussing the training they were currently getting to keep their skills sharp and even learned a few new things like Fœnum Arizona learning all of Equus Arizona’s physical strength techniques.

Equus Tianhuo, Fizzle, Jaded, Equus Arizona and even I have been training the Fœnum heroes for the inevitable dangers ahead. They needed combat training against people who are decent at wielding spears and other weapons.

-Ransei, Wetlands south of the crossroads, Pom-

To recap what just happened, after the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad special attack where Squirt Black used his flying shell maneuver to bounce the others shells into Team Pocket multiple times before they sent them flying with a combined assault of six quasi-turtle shells rocketing at them at once, we were almost blasted by a powerful water attack.

“… That was the Inteleon?” I asked after a pause to look at the damage to the road. “I think that he was dynamic maximized, because he was certainly noticeable from this distance.”

Everyone was mostly okay, but the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad were a bit battered. Yellow… she was untouched because she stayed out of most of the action and jumped in when Red was having problems.

“If it was a Dynamaxed Inteleon, then they resisted attacking us greatly.” Glancing at Red I just had to ask.

“By how much?” The concern on my face was met with even more concern from Squirt Red.

“The damage there…” Squirt Red pointed slightly to the road to the south of us after we moved slightly north into a more thickly wooded area. “Well simply put, the entire area should be destroyed. So about ten maybe twenty times worse in damage than what we’re seeing. If they were in Dynamax mode when they launched that attack…. then they held back a massive majority of it, like ninety five percent of it.”

“I can verify that, the attack should have taken out at least the road and the entire area we were fighting in, instead of creating a small ditch and pond.” Squirt Green was reliably intelligent, even if he is clumsy. “So the controlling force must have had issues with controlling a maximized Pokémon… did they shrink immediately afterwards?”

“Yes.” I had actually seen it on the mountain side, though the Pokémon was hard to make out at this distance.

“Well that would mean that the Inteleon is vulnerable as they won’t be able to Dynamax for quite a while, but alas we’ve taken plenty of hits in that fight. It would be just quite torturous to ask us to continue… so please do so!” At least Squirt Purple wasn’t a Wooloo, he wasn’t making passes at everyone in his general vicinity. “Still a Dynamax not shifting the landscape very much must have taken a herculean effort to hold back enough so that it only ended in a small pond instead of a new unite-ball sized lake.”

“T-t-t-he Fontaine Footers always lose to the Aurora Audios team when it comes to unite-ball.” Squirt Yellow drew our attention. What is unite-ball? It was probably something like buck-ball or hoof-ball. A hoof-ball stadium sized lake… yeah, that was terrifying amount of power to leave sitting on the mountain side. “T-t-thankfully this stuff isn’t happening during unite-ball season…”

“You guys might not have been paying attention, but I was. There were dark swirling red clouds over Fontaine’s mountain.” For one Squirt Black wasn’t going on about how edgy he was, but did he really need to wear the sunglasses in the shade. “So that means Fontaine’s dynamic maximizing energy field is active and growing more powerful, that means Fontaine is experiencing a great and huge threat! So much edge and heroics to be had here, the encompassing darkness is like that of my soul.”

“Nobody cares about your ridiculous, mostly self-inflicted, backstory Squirt Black.” The Winged Wonder known as Swallow was staring at Squirt Black flatly.

“I care…” Squirt Black said while wilting slightly, then he perked up and stood tall. “But I keep my emotions repressed until they become explosively bad, because that’s what edgy guys do!”

“Right, ignoring him… if we want to approach the mountain where the Inteleon is, because it looks like the Octillery are too far out of our way of the mission parameters, then we’re going to need to cross a mostly vast open space with the Inteleon having range on everything that is moving to the west of the mountain in the open grasslands.” Squirt blue was being serious for once and… no, wait, she was still doing cute poses even as she talked. “They’ll be able to shoot at us anywhere outside the tree line of the wetlands, possibly even a bit into it considering where that last attack landed.”

“So… do you think the Inteleon is working alone?” There was an idea percolating in my mind.

“Yes, but we wouldn’t be able to reach it before it shoots us all down if we were to try and rush for the mountain.” Which wasn’t my idea Squirt Red, my idea was much better.

“How much tunnel vision does it have at a long range if it’s focusing far away instead of close up?” We were going to need our stealth experts in top form. To that end my suggestion would be an interesting one. “You live in Fontaine, so I’d think you guys would know better than anyone Red. Depending on what you say, it’ll give me an idea as to how viable my idea will actually be.”

“Well when an Inteleon is going for their signature move, they lose a lot of visual range if they try to focus down a single target.” Okay that was good Red, very good even.

“Red, can you take most of your team to check on the Froakie back at Helper’s Hamlet? I’m going to need Yellow and the Surskit Scouts for a stealth team, how quickly can you guys climb? I already know Shanty can do what I have in mind.” Taking my gaze from them, I turned to Ocellus and Smolder with a grin. “You two will also be very helpful, head north to the river with Dolly and get a lightning cloud together. The rest of us will be acting as targets. Mr. Swallow, if you want to help, I think you can help with their efforts by protecting them from attacks if they get noticed.”

“Being a living target, why that’s my specialty!” Squirt Purple looked like he was begging with his eyes. “Please Red can I stay?”

“Well… you got roughed up somewhat badly…” Squirt Red looked to be considering it.

“That is the very point of my existence!” Stated Squirt Purple who was possibly looking at the fourth wall.

“I’m actually concerned about those poor Froakie and think we do need to send someone back north to check on them.” Squirt Blue muttered. “Also, we need to make sure the path back is still clear.”

-Something close to an hour later, tall grass west of Fontaine Fountain Mountain, Shanty-

I could be feeling Dodo’s worry for me, he needn’t be worried. I totally be having this, since I be learning stealth from Sly. We be sneaking this far under the Inteleon’s notice without getting hit or seen, in the distance I could see Fountain Mountain.

The Surskit Scouts were experts at scouting and were currently sticking with me and Yellow… I didn’t even be knowing where Squirt Yellow was being as we carefully moved forward through the tall grass trying not to disturb it enough for the Inteleon to notice.

We were to get close and closer up than this if we could be finding any cover. If we were spotted, then that would be giving the people farther away a chance to get closer.

The Surskit Scouts reassured everyone, in their own way, that the Octillery were not between us and the Inteleon at least and were leading me to good spots to move forward until we got this far where there was being too much open space.

We did not be knowing where the Inteleon exactly was, but we did be hearing the crack and I be getting some vague images of Dodo seeing the shots aimed for them back the way we came. Pom’s team were carefully drawing attention their way as we tried to move for the mountain.

Shine and Favela were going to be at the back as the emergency medical team that would grab anyone and bring them to safety if they get hit, but that be mostly for Pom’s team. Our team didn’t have the luxury having snuck all the way out here.

I carefully reached the edge of the tall grass I be crawling through and looked for a nearby spot to move to. There be a boulder close, a few feet away and a crack in the ground, also another patch of tall grass a fair distance away through a lot of open ground.

“The boulder?” I received a nod from the head of the Surskit Scouts and he be pointing to himself and the nearby crack in the ground. “Got it.”


Dazzle was carefully looking around the tree to the southeast after I avoided a shot that toppled a tree, and rolled into a ditch to avoid another one.

Quetal was also glancing out slightly before ducking back as something barely scratched his face and put a hole in the ground behind him.

Squirt Purple got hit and was okay, just taking a hit on his shell. He really shouldn’t be taking too many more hits like that though.

Rescuing the Inteleon would get us some useful information from within the Fontaine Kingdom itself, we were definitely not going to try to press south for the Octillery and who knows what else was that way. We would be trying to avoid getting bogged down by whatever large scale military battle like what is going on to the east.

This rescue would only be a good thing for Motochika’s efforts, because that Pokémon had good eyesight and could get eyes on the Fontaine Kingdom directly. However the major problem wasn’t with Fontaine itself, it was the large castle that rose up south of Fontaine from the ocean. If we wanted to reach the southern shore, we would have to go through southern Fontaine’s forest… if we were going on hoof that is.

We could bypass the forest entirely, if we went by the river or along the east coast to the sea... but the issue with that is that the controlling force has a lot of water Pokémon under control and a ridiculous advantage in both those areas.

Taking Fontaine back and holding it would give Motochika a good staging area for an assault on the problem. We would probably be on commission to rescue a massive number of Pokémon soon and would be a part of the plan for an assault on the enemy to the south whoever they may be.

Not only would Motochika have to hold Fontaine, but he would have to have half his own military force rescued and a good number of civilian volunteers to get things moving in the direction of an assault force. I’m fairly glad I’m not Motochika right now, because being in charge of all that in the near future was going to be a nightmare for me.

“Dazzle, light up the air, keep their attention squarely on us!” It wasn’t going to be hard to approach once the Inteleon was disabled and I knew that the teams on it would succeed. Shanty, the Surkits and Squirt Yellow needed time to get close to the mountain. If the Inteleon noticed them, then that would give us time to move forward ourselves to put more pressure on him.

As long as they don’t pay attention to the clouds, everything would be okay.

Dazzle leaned out and fired off a Flame Burst that exploded in the air like a firework, this also nearly got her hit in the shoulder with a fast flying bullet of water that tore a hole into the ground near her.

She didn’t have nowhere near the range to fire a fireball nearly far enough to even get a quarter of the distance needed to hit the Inteleon, it was just a distraction.


I darted out and rolled behind the boulder and the Surskits dropped into the nearby small hole and tried to look like acorns. That be explaining how they be sneaking around, but blue acorns is being very conspicuous to me. Must be being a Pokémon thing.

I be looking around and be seeing Squirt Yellow be standing out in the open ahead of the boulder halfway between me and the tall grass.

“What are you doing?!” Leaning away from the boulder slightly to yell, I knew the Inteleon wouldn’t hear us at this distance. He only be having good eyesight and a normal level of hearing.

“I’m giving you a halfway point between me and the tall grass, move behind me when you think it’s safe. I don’t think the Inteleon is going to actively notice me unless I’m moving while it’s looking in this direction.” Well she might not be wrong, I leaned out slight and carefully made my way to behind her and crouched behind her slightly smaller form. “Even if we can’t tell when they are looking our way yet, it would be a good idea to move fast when we do move. We still have a lot of ground to cover before we can get close to the mountain.”


The controlling force swept his telescoping eyes through the tall grass open area to the west for a second. Possibly having seen some movement out in the open, his eyes narrowed in the area, but nothing was there.

He saw nothing or at least kept pretending it was nothing… except maybe a strange colored acorn or two. He couldn’t think of them as being anything other than acorns, it was a good thing the controlling force couldn’t fully read minds and information could be obfuscated so easily.

The force returned his view to the northern edge of the wetlands and trees. His fingers came up and fired a water bullet at the white wooly sheep thing that narrowly dived back into cover. He actually wanted that sheep to get closer.

The controlling force wanted them to stay away because they somehow instantly removed the controlled ones from within the control range, thereby rescuing them.

He thought he saw movement again from the west, but he couldn’t see what would be making it unless it was invisible. There weren’t many ghost types around and in the daylight it would be impossible for them to hide their presences. A Kecleon would be noticeable and there wasn’t enough water for a Vaporean to sneak closer unless they were already in the water around the base and it was hard to climb up the side of a ninety degree surface with barely any handholds.

So how would they sneak someone close enough to him to disable him? They didn’t know where he was looking, but he noted the blue acorns were gone. He did note something was moving out there, but not what and there was a lot of pressure on him to stop any danger from climbing up the mountain and getting close to him.

He was making sure to not look up, the controlling force didn’t consider an attack from the air and he wasn’t going to correct them on Aurora having plenty of options for aerial assault that would be nasty for even someone like him to deal with.


“So… no pressure.” It was awesome that I was standing a cloud, it was really soft like Pom. It was maybe slightly comfier than Pom was.

“Don’t get as anxious as Pom does Dolly, you’re much better at being positive. The cloud walking spell lasts for quite a while. Some unicorns use it for back problems and need a cloud mattress to deal with them and others live in Cloudsdale, it’s a requirement alongside the Feather Fall spell for all non-flying species to live there.” Ocellus really brought up a useful idea for when we get close and we would go with it.

I wasn’t even worried about falling through the cloud, but I was here to protect Ocellus if the sniper lizard noticed us before we got close enough to disable him.

“This is new to me too, I only heard of standing on clouds like this around the mystery dungeons in other parts of the world where Rayquaza lives.” Swallow was going to be a big help once we got up close in personal too.


Squirt Yellow walked forward slowly and I stayed behind her while also moving forward.

“Does this be nerve wracking for you?” I wasn’t worried, but getting any closer to the mountain without being noticed was getting harder, as was getting to the grass was in the first place.

“Y-y-yes, but I’m a super hero. The only one on the team that can do this and being invisible is a very useful ability to have in this situation.” Squirt Yellow continued slowly walking forward until we made it to the patch of tall grass. “Okay let’s keep moving guys.”

I be flinching slightly at noticing the Surskits having caught up with us, they are being very quiet in their movements.

We be making it to the end of the tall grass and there be no hiding spot for quite a distance, then crossing the water around the west side of the mountain and then we be needing to start climbing the mountain itself to get up to wherever the Inteleon was. That was another problem we be having to actually find the Inteleon up in the mountain, the description of tall and thin lizard, fin sticking up form head, mostly blue, black and yellow coloring.

We had to be doing all of that to reach him without being spotted, if we be making the wrong movements, then the Inteleon would be spotting us before we could them.

Ocellus and Smolder will be having an easier time of finding them then we will.

“How are we going to be finding t-the Inteleon, Fountain Mountain is kind of huge…” The easiest way I know how Squirt Yellow.

“Don’t be worrying about that, we be finding them when they find us or if we can see them shooting at our friends. Before we move out I’ll be telling my friend Dodo to get Pom’s group moving and he’ll be sending out when we should move.” It be a lesson in coordination I’d think, it be a good lesson to learn.





Dodo ran forward from cover and then burst forward avoiding the shots that was powerful enough to have taken out a right wing and then leapt into the ditch with me.

“Dodo?” The warble I received made me pay attention as he started scratching something out. “Huh… okay. Shine, Favela get ready to pull us out if any of us get hit, we’re rushing the mountain from the northeast.”


Huh? Pom… okay, yeah… mhhmmm… got it!

I barked drawing Ocellus’s attention and then started pantomiming what Pom wanted.

“Right, we can do that!” Ocellus then looked below the cloud. “We’re already almost over the mountain anyway. Tell Pom we’re basically in position.”

On it!


“Give Shanty the image of us moving out, she should go now Dodo.” He warbled and looked in Shanty’s direction. “Everyone we’re going to rush out, drop into cover out of sight whenever you can if you start receiving fire. We need the Inteleon to fire as many shots as we can make them in our given direction without getting seriously hurt, we’re going to either run them dry of energy for long range attacks or Shanty will find them based on where Dodo tells her to head. Dodo will stay here and triangulate Inteleon’s position for Shanty’s team. Get ready to move on my mark and be ready to zigzag like mad, do not move in a straight line for more than five seconds!”

“Got it.” It seems that Quetal had no issue as he was good at darting about at a pretty decent speed.

“I’m not so good at zigzagging… but I’ll do it anyway!” Dazzle really seemed to be more worried about me, which was quite touching, but nothing made a lambkin move faster than danger.

“Okay… ready… GO!” I uncoiled the wool around my legs and sprang high and forward above the trees, something immediately whizzed by my face almost impacting my right eye, I inflated as I dropped and the next shot whizzed by below me.

I let go of my hovering state and dropped below the next two, the Inteleon was apparently firing two shots at once now as Quetal, Dazzle and I charge the mountain leaving Dodo behind to tell Shanty where to head.

Ocellus would be able to find the Inteleon easily soon enough for the sure takedown. A water bullet ripped across Quetal’s left shoulder making him roll into a slide to avoid a shot going between his eyes as he started bleeding.

Dazzle dove behind a boulder and it was littered with cracks as two water bullets struck it, nearly shattering it. I leapt to the left and performed a sideways flip through two shots, one scraping my inner right thigh.

Another shot nearly tore through my left ear in an attempt to throw me off balance as I landed into a forward slide.

Inteleon’s aim was insanely accurate at this range!


After crossing the top of the water at a gallop, with the Surskits Scouts being faster than me and keeping up we made it to the mountain with Squirt Yellow on my back and started to climb it.

Where was the Inteleon Dodo? I started receiving feelings of direction and place… up and to the left slightly.

“I know you guys can’t be climbing fast, but please be catch up quickly!” As I looked back down the rock wall, the six small Surskits threw salutes as they started to find tiny hoof holds for their spidery limbs.

I started climbing up quickly with Dodo directing me towards the Inteleon. He was being careful not to draw attention to himself, but he be looking at the mountain and knowing where our target is. Dodo be having good long range vision even if he can’t be attacking at that distance.

“Is it a bad time to tell you that the Inteleon might try to glide away for Fontaine?” Not if we be stopping them Squirt Yellow. “That’s another reason they like high up places.”


What were they doing?! In any case I was using both my hands to fire Snipe Shots, but thankfully they were evading my attempts, but why were they rushing me out in the open now?

Don’t they know that it was impossible to reach me before I gunned them all down? Wait, where’s the odd Skarmory and what was it doing? Something to hopefully free me from the controlling force, because I have information that needs to get to Motochika.

Please don’t think of retreating me yet, I need to be rescued!

The white wooly one dove behind a rock as my shot clipped her left hind leg, the Sneasel quickly slid into a small pit behind that rock and there wasn’t too many trees that could protect them from me now.

I immediately started aiming for their weakest link, but the strongest thing I don’t want to get close to me. The Salandit, behind the boulder.


“Is this really a good idea!” This was dangerous, but it was an interesting development that we were suddenly rushing the mountain.

“Yeah, because our teams know where the Inteleon is now!” As Pom said that, the boulder I hid behind creak and became positively covered in cracks as two more shots hit it.

Good news, our teams knew where the Inteleon was, bad news would they get to them before we were killed? Would we get to ‘them’ before ‘they’ were killed? Inteleon’s were no joke to fight far or close up, especially if they were trick shot artists and can double fire like this one can.

I lunged out of cover as the boulder exploded and ran forward for four and a half seconds and stopped dead in my tracks to turn, the shot the whizzed over my nose made me jump. Not a weak reflex and fear jump, I literally jumped straight up and a shot went through the space my heart occupied and a second shot scraped my back painfully as I fell and rolled and started to run for the boulder Pom was behind.

The shots came in furious and fast as I suddenly changed direction and dove into the ditch with barely any room with Quetal and landed on him.

“Well this is awkward.” Quickly getting off of Quetal, I tried to make myself as small as I could as he scooted over to the side give me more room and himself less. We heard the cracking of a boulder ahead where Pom was.

“Yes, but we can only hope the Inteleon doesn’t see the other teams coming.” The grin I received for that statement said a lot.

A shot whizzed overhead as Squirt Purple zipped around through the air with his spinning shell spewing water to fly dodging randomly in every direction until he landed on the boulder feet first and did a backflip off it so that the water bullet scraped the tip of his shell as it flew through area and he landed beside Pom.

“Okay they may seem like dorks and are a little weird, but those Squirtles are actually pretty impressive.” On this we can agree Quetal. “We will never tell them this though.”

“Agreed.” I nodded along to that sentiment.


Almost there, Dodo be directing me to their right and behind their facing. They were looking northwards at Pom’s group. In fact I could be seeing him already!

“Ready?” I said as I turned at an angle to move above him for a drop stomp.

“Y-y-yes, of course, we’re not letting him get away… even if he is a scary fully evolved Pokémon!” Yellow be braver than I be thinking, she was somewhat like Pom.

“Let’s go!” I be kicking off and dropping towards the Inteleon and Squirt Yellow be leaping form my back and spinning her shell up as she fell and seemingly disappeared from sight.

The tall lizard be firing water bullets from both hands and I be flipping several times for a Cutlass attack.

“Cutlass!” I yelled as I uncurled and swung down my right hind leg with a blazing cutting arc, this drew his attention immediately he turned to put up a protect barrier to stop my attack.

My leg started cutting through the barrier anyway, like I be cutting through metal and molasses and frozen butter, but I still be doing it.

He dropped the barrier and I flipped backwards as a upwards shot blew by my chin and beard, his right hand be aiming straight up but his left be aiming across his chest right at me and I saw an evil smirk under his red glowing eyes.

I slash my front hooves out and downwards before a small blob of water almost too fast for me to react to hit my cutting arc and split the water into two slower halves.

“AGH!” The outer edges of both my shoulders be struck with painful force instead of my heart and I flopped onto the ground back first bleeding from two small holes in me. Both his hands oriented to shoot at me at the same time.

“Hey, Super Sentai Squirtle Yellow, Heroic Right!” Squirt Yellow bellowed she appeared out of nowhere spinning counterclockwise and popping from her shell to slam her right fist in into his head.

Her yell distracting Inteleon long enough that both his shots be blasting the ledge to my left making it start to crumble.

I rolled to the right and tried to get up my front hooves… only to find my front legs not be responding. I be thinking this one guy wasn’t so dangerous up until now, especially if he be predicting my attack after blocking me once enough so that he could fire a water shot to kill, or disable if I tried to deflect.

Okay I was definitely being in pain, but as I be learning from Pom about how to power through it! Mostly in the sense of running away, but I was never a good student when it came to cowardice.

Yellow be trying to punch Inteleon in the face again, she bursts backwards with two jets of water from where her legs came from on her shell. The spraying water did little to the Inteleon to avoid as Yellow avoided a shot aimed for her neck and then she boosted to strafe to the left while spitting water into his face to blind him temporarily to avoid the second shot that tracked her.

While this be happening I planted my right hind hoof against the wall at the back of the ledge and then heaved myself up onto my other leg and got my right leg under me as the Inteleon turned to look for Yellow, who had quickly disappeared.

With this opportunity I charged forward with my limp front legs and leapt up to kick my left rear hoof into his belly as he turned charging his attack to shoot at me, his attack faltered and I pulled back my right hind leg while sticking to him with my left.

“How about some Moon-salt!” I put my sweat into this attack and launched my right leg arc across his left side and up to his right shoulder as I kicked upwards and off of him. The cutting arc of water bit into him as I landing on my hind legs from the backflip off of him he stumbled and flinched.

He be collecting himself and trying to aim for me when Yellow appeared from thin air and slammed into the back of his head staggering him forward where he had to catch himself and fell to his knees while covering my wound with his left arm and gritting his teeth.

Inteleon’s eyes be glowing red and he be spreading his arms out as he turned to the cliff to his right and I saw the glide wings expanding as I launched a flying right kick at him.

In a glow of blue he flipped over me while slapping me with his tail, then leapt away over the side only to have Yellow appear and slam into his chest in mid-air halting his escape.

What followed was six streams of an absolutely massive amount of bubbles slamming into him from below and pushing him back onto the ledge and he looked to be moving at a crawl now. One he got his footing he fired downwards with his left hand and then at me with his right as I charged him.

We not be letting him leave once we got him!

I slid on my right leg under his slowly fired shot and launched a blunt straight kick into his right knee preventing him from jumping and gliding away.

He grunted in pain, I flicked my leg cutting into his hip and he tried to stomp me between my hind legs.

I rolled backwards twice, avoid a shot with my second roll until I was on my hind hooves again to see him getting slammed in his right side by a jetting Yellow. This was followed by the Surskit Scouts leaping onto him and blasting him point blank with even more bubbles, the tried to pry them off as they clambered all over him and hitting him in various places with bubbles.

Seeing a shadow I looked up and grinned.

“Get off him, now!” My warning came just in time, all six of the Sirskit Scouts leapt away and a bolt of lightning struck him. They continued pounding him with bubbles and even Yellow joined in with the bubble barrage.

Inteleon was struggling to stand up and slapped several of the Sirskit about with a sweep of his tail, they squeaked in agony and three of them were knocked unconscious instantly after hitting five of them. The leader of the scouts managed to avoid that fate.

That Inteleon be still standing after all we be doing to him says a lot about how tough he was being.

Then the second lightning bolt fell, freezing him up and he struggled to aim upwards and fire a shot, Dolly went flying backwards with her board blocking it. A bark was heard and a green vortex of air slammed Inteleon into the side of the mountain and didn’t touch the Sirskit that were grabbing their friends and moving them out of the way of the fighting at all.

Two lightning bolts and the Inteleon was still standing up and trying to aim at me only to have a ribbon wrap around his right wrist and drag his fingers pointing into his undamaged left thigh putting a hole in it.

He still be trying to get up despite crying out in agony and almost toppling with blood leaking out several parts of him, I landed a kick to his right wrist with my left hind leg breaking it as his left fired at Smolder who took the hit, it drilled into her chest and sent her flying with a small splash of blood.

Smolder toughed it out to stay airborne, but that actually hurt her pretty badly.

That’s when a different gust of wind slammed him against the wall and pressured him, Swallow was pounding him with gust after gust of constant wind. Yet he still be fighting it and us.

“What does it take to put this guy down?!” I be as upset as Smolder when ice started forming up on Inteleon’s arms.

“This!” Ocellus dive in to slam into Inteleon’s chest with her horn glowing and she discharged a massive amount of lightning energy into him. Her horn was slightly burnt afterwards as she fluttered away to stare at the Inteleon as he started to fall to his knees. Ocellus was grimacing as she probably burnt her horn slightly doing that.

“Thank… y-…” The red light died in his eyes, he flopped onto his face finally done.

Now we just had to keep him here until Pom came to rescue him, he be really needing it right now!

-Several hours later, sometime after lunch, Helper’s Hamlet recently established infirmary, Pom-

“Build.” Bidoof said while looking at the Inteleon with notable worry.

“The mission was mostly successful, but we couldn’t get the Octillery as they were too close to Fontaine." I hoped that the Inteleon wasn’t too badly injured. "We would have been swarmed.”

We soon learned that the tough guy was called ‘Grit the Long Slinger’. A top level strategist, spy and Commanding Officer of Fontaine’s artillery corps. Chan was looking Grit over and the extensive damage done to his body by the lightning attacks.

“Like Cu Chulainn... he’ll live." Chan said as she set his broken wrist and continued to patch him up with the assistance of Foffo and Fiffi. "Darn if he didn’t put up one hell of a fight from the looks of it… pass me another roll of bandages Foffo.”

I looked at the Dynamic Maximizing stone Grit had on him, that… was going to be a big issue if there were more in Fontaine and our enemy had one of them and was a Pokémon.

The likelihood of that... one hundred percent knowing our luck.

Author's Note:

Insert Music Here- Advance Wars: Grit's Theme.

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