• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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272. Ticked On.

-Equus, Palicoast, after an overly violent Bar Brawl, Gallus-

“Okay… that was… actually really awesome!” I exclaimed sitting on a pile of battered Abyssinians. Fizzlepop made for the greatest teacher in close quarters combat. Sure I had a black eye and my body was covered in welts, but you should see the other guys. “Thanks for taking me to my first bar fight Fizzle.”

“La Perm tradition, you needed to experience the wonders and joys of taking your everyday frustrations out of everyone around you.” That and knowing how to start a bar fight in an emergency Fizzle, but I wouldn’t say that out loud as you’d probably demote me to latrine cleaner before I even became a guard officially. “Abyssinians know how to party my way at least.”

“You said it Fizzy!” Jaded was huddled up beside Twilight, both were covered in bruises while leaning on each other for support.

Twilight looked slightly tweaked and spooked. Jade in particular look a bit mangled after getting a little too close to the winner, winners if I was right, of the bar fight and had two black eyes.

“They just… and I just… with the chair…” Twilight had really gotten into getting her frustrations out, at least she hadn’t used her Earth Pony strength during all of that.

“Hey, I said chairs were legal today… they were getting old anyway and they make for good firewood when smashed. Glad at least someone took me up on the offer to break them down.” The current barkeep stated gingerly with a smile, he was a black furred Abyssinian leaning against the counter. “Also the griffon needed to get bruised and start his first bar brawl, I have to admit it’s been a while since I’ve seen the La Perm method of starting a bar fight in full form.”

“What can I say, I’m an expert at getting people quite angry with me!” That probably wasn’t something to be proud of Jaded, even if your grin was infectious.

“Yona really enjoy that, lots of smashing!” Somehow the Abyssinians near Yona weren’t flattened into a fine paste. “Sandbar… did not do that well though.”

“Let’s be fair here, he took down three of the toughest Abyssinians in the room when they tried to gang up on Yona and that was rather sweet of him. Also he’s got street cred now!” Not that he ever really wanted that Jaded, but yeah that was pretty awesome of my best ‘dude bro’ buddy Sandbar.

I still hoped to be the hopelessly normal one in the La Perm family, despite getting into a bar brawl where everyone seemed to come away from it with no serious injuries or even bleeding wounds. The worst of it was heavy bruising.

“I still can’t believe who we all lost to though.” Grumbled Sammy or Flotsam the Sea Pony of the ‘blue pirate’ crew that brought us here.

Among us, one stood taller than all the others… someone I had never suspected of being so vicious because they were so very tiny in comparison to everyone else they took out in that fight.

The spider, known as Spindle, crawled up onto the counter with a rock held in one leg and limped up to the bartender before tossing an unconscious mouse he was also carrying, which the Abyssinians knew all too well as the most vicious entity in all of Palicoast, onto the counter.

The bartender silently dropped Spindle’s winnings on the counter and spindle threw his head back and roared a tiny squeaking howl, raising a leg into the air and using the rock to keep himself upright.

I thought Jaded was terrifyingly weird and dangerous, but that wolf spider… Yona’s supposedly harmless familiar… it scares me. I was never going to look at improvised flails the same way again, also the whole thing with the gopher-chucks was just plain insanity that even Discord couldn’t come up with.

“Why is the spider leaving half his winnings next to the rock?” The bartender probably didn’t know the truth about the rock.

“Because he’s quite honorable like that.” Stated the Tianhuo of Equus that didn’t partake in the bar brawling, the Tianhuo of Fœnum was nodding along with the statement as she pressed an ice pack to her face.

Someone would have to eventually tell Maud that Spindle and Boulder tag teamed a room full of Abyssinians and even managed to beat most of the room into submission.

Notably, the left behind money disappeared the second everyone had looked away from it and nobody other than the rock were near it when it did.

So Boulder was a living magical rock like Eir’s pet Ragna the rock, I knew it!

-???, Highway, Dolly-

Okay, Pom was hurting and disoriented after getting us here with Dancing Flame and then grabbing onto the back of a moving vehicle wasn’t the smoothest of landings either. Dazzle could still protect from the back of this bike and as for me… well I’m a bit hesitant to take the fight to a fifteen foot tall machine being piloted by something when I’m barely even able to scratch two feet height standing on my hind legs.

The machine kind of looks like a mech from one of Daisuke’s anime shows, Red and Blue shoulder pads, three large dangling tentacle like fingers from the two arms, an average biped torso and legs that ended in wheels in the heels which is how it was following us. It looked armored even if it was fast.

Am I actually considering fighting that thing?!

Yes… yes I am!

“Take care of Pom for me for a bit would you!” I made Pom say for me in a different tone and without her pleasant to the ears accent.

Dazzle looked confused for a second when I took control of Pom’s mouth, she then noticed me looking at her and I nodded. She returned a nod in understanding.

I focused on the machine behind us that was curiously looking at us before it started to take action, its shoulders seemed to be raising upwards. Nope, no more of those whistling grenades, I’m not taking any more of that!

Clambering down the side of the bikes fin I kicked off and slung my board underneath me, once I hit the street I found it to be unnaturally smooth for a road which made it easy for me to keep my board going straight. It was weird, as I was expecting something bumpier and not so perfectly smooth, but not my main focus right now as I had to keep my momentum.

So fighting on a highway empty of vehicles, keeping up with a bike and fighting another machine with some possible help from the Ducky Alien and a fire and poison spewing lizard. Pom might be able to get back in it with a Sitrus Berry, but I felt how sore she was after that last Dancing Flame.

Yeah, my life was awesome, weird, dangerous and even fun at times, but I would still miss caring for the little pups back with the other part of my family.

Instead of rockets, beams came from the two shoulder pads that converged and created a bigger beam that the bike dodged to the left and I went right to see that the road took some damage as the beam angled up the road.

My ears were kind of killing me from all those whistle blowing bombs and my sense of balance was a little off, but I still had quite a bit of fight in me… now how do I aid in this fight exactly?

That machine is armored, likely heavy and has very few weak points I can exploit like the wheels. Aero or Aerora won’t work. I could go for the joints with my board… maybe add some wind power to it, but I’m currently running low from dragging Pom and Dazzle through that place with the squares and needed a top off from an impact soon. Also I needed that energy to keep my board going at these speeds, so using it for attacks that will do basically nothing that isn’t going to help was pointless.

It was a good thing it wasn’t focused on me or I wouldn’t be having all this time to actually think about what I’m going to do. That thing that fired the hockey pucks was minimal damage coming from the big duck guy, Dazzle’s attempts to do some damage with blasts of fire wasn’t too hot either as the armor on the robot seemed to be too tough for it and I could at least feel Pom was eating a Sitrus Berry.

“Okay time to try something.” I kicked my board up on to the highways railing and, turning it sideways, I started to grind along it while looking over the side. Are highways supposed to be this literal? We were high up and there was some countryside below passing by at a pretty good speed and a large body of water coming up, looking ahead there was a city in the distance.

The robot launched a missile and it was blasted out of the air by Dazzle as soon as it popped up from its back, the explosion did nothing to that machine’s armor.

“What is that thing?” I grumbled as I popped off the right side railing and back on the road while keeping up with the bike and staying ahead of the robot that raised both its arms and the three tentacles twisted together and started spinning and glowing with energy. Two shots from the duck guy put a stop to that.

“Hiandromon is a mechanical digimon that has digitally evolved to be primarily composed of chrome digizoid for incredible personal resilience and an increase in personality. It is currently piloting a digital vehicle shaped like itself with similar functions on a larger scale. Primary function of Hiandromon is localized security, it seems to be taking it too far if it is willing to attack digi-destined. The machine it is driving can be called a mech.” Oh right, the Digivice would probably know more than I would. Though it just said a bunch of nerdy stuff that I didn’t quite fully understand, but they sure were words in a given order. “Hiandromon uses electrical based abilities to lock on and fire his attacks with increased accuracy, the mech does not appear to have been built with this function in mind and seems primarily suited to pursuit, disabling and capture.”

“Any weaknesses to the... uh… mech… that I can exploit?” Just asking here as I watched the bike avoid a volley of missiles that launched off the back of it and rained down on them, Dazzle had more problems blowing them out of the air because of the quantity that was fired.

I don’t think this Hydro-mon guy was paying any attention to me at all, which was better for me to eventually pull something cool off.

While I had considered using my ‘Haste’ magic, it was wasn’t exactly helpful in this situation unless I wanted to batter the machine for five straight minutes to the best of my ability and if I couldn’t even scratch the armor on that thing, then what would be the point.

“Scanning… extrapolating… considering intelligence of registered user Dolly D. Dalmatian to explain things in a simpler manner that even she can understand…” Hey, was that a crack at my inability to be as dorky as my brothers usually are! “Information acquired. Mech weaknesses are as follows… wheels, shoulder beam emitters while open for highly vulnerable targets. Less vulnerable targets are the arm and knee joints. Hiandromon is personally weak to water, ice and earth based attacks. The mech itself is weak to electrical attacks and if Hiandromon is connected to it, then it will cause moderate feedback damage.”

“Okay, good starting points… except I don’t have an electrical attack.” I dropped back to the right side of the mech as it tried to strafe the motorcycle with its beam. As I did this I felt something itching at my back like there were four tiny pins there.

The bike sped up and avoided the beam sweeping the road behind it. I had to hop my board over the damage blackened road as it came up to me. The mech just sped through the parts of the road it upturned with its beam, barely slowing down at all.

Looking at it from the side… I kicked my board of the ground and clamped onto the back of right calf of the mech as my board slapped onto my back, it wasn’t moving its legs so I didn’t have to worry about it crushing me between its calf and thighs.

Yes, Pom, I’m being careful, chill.

Say… I have an idea!

-A minute ago, Pom-

After swallowing the fruit, I could feel my muscles and insides healing back from the stunt I pulled to get us here and away from that Chaosdramon X thing.

I turned to look at the Puckian driving the vehicle.

“Why was that thing following you before we showed up?” I held onto the bike as it swerved sharply as another volley of rockets dropped on us from above.

I’m having San Fransokyo flashbacks and really didn’t feel like doing a Bark Breaker, also the armor was segmented to do enough damage I’d have to hit each individual part and I don’t have the throat for that. I also already did a lot of barking to defend ourselves before we arrived in this place.

“I got into an argument with someone I’m currently at odds with, attracted a lot of trouble and attention to myself and now the guy driving that thing has been on my butt for the better part of the last twenty minutes for moderately average reasons for some of the people of these worlds.” He didn’t sound very fond of the person that got him into this mess judging from the look on his beak, he kept looking back at the machine that simply looked like it was sliding towards us. “Also since I’m biological and not digital, I’m seen as aberrant by some of the beings in these realms just by existing and some of them like their order far too much by wanting me out of the picture, but not in nice way I would prefer by getting me out of the realms entirely while still alive. I’ve been wandering aimlessly for the last few hundred years, some of the places I’ve been has some people like that guy behind us that hits a level of tyrannical and controlling to the point you can’t sneeze without someone trying to punish you for it. I’m seen as a possible portent of chaos and with you guys showing up, it just proved him right in his mind. Also newer worlds like this one are ‘generally safer’, but there’s always going to be some overzealous security protocols running around even if you haven’t done anything destructive. Usually that’s in the form of a Guardromon, but this time it wasn’t and I doubt you came from another branch world like I did.”

I could hear the air quotes when he said ‘generally safer’ and from what I’m understanding some beings in this world didn’t like him for just existing. I almost felt that exact feeling since meeting the Guardromon and the other monstrous machinery on the way here, wherever here happens to be…

Blinking I looked back to Dolly and worried a bit when she leapt onto the machine trying to collect the three tentacle digits on its right arm together to form a spinning blade of pink energy. The Puckian took on of his hands off of steering to fire another burning hot puck and stopped it by cancelling out the building energy drill sword thing.

I felt what Dolly had in mind after fretting over her, I turned to Dazzle and gestured at the shoulders as they tried for another laser. I noticed a few key things about the machines pattern of attacks and let Dolly in on them.

The Dalmatian had a grin and I got the mental image of her disabling the machine by jamming her board into the wheel. I sent her back an image of being stuck in the resulting wreck as street pizza. Dolly then sent an image of destroying a shoulder and I gave her the green light for that.

“Dazzle hit one of the shoulders!” There was no hesitance with the urgency I gave it, a ball of purple immediately splash against the right shoulder and the thing inside it that would fire a beam.

The shoulder started corroding within seconds and the machine hadn’t dodged, because while it prepared a beam attack it couldn’t maneuver around. It took me only a few repetitions to notice that it seemed to be doing things in a set pattern.

Dolly sent me a feeling of appreciation, even as we dodge another beam that tore its way up the road and past us.


Seeing the splash of purple, I quickly clambered up the machine and kept pressing my momentum downward into it to not go flying off. Once I got up its nearly straight spine to the neck by the right shoulder, I carefully got my left paw wedged in place using the missile raining backpack to anchor myself.

I grabbed the strap of my board with my right paw and started to swing it around in a circle while looking at the corroded shoulder, building momentum in circle as much as I could until I couldn’t even see my board anymore. It sounded like a propeller on a plane, that’ll do a lot of damage.

I just had to wait for it to open up its shooter thing and then sling my board into it nose first, simple right? Well that would be wrong considering I remembered what happened the last time I did this with the destroyed leash, good riddance to that thing, and I can actually learn from my mistakes. I’m preparing to pull away if the thing explode.

I’m not feeling strong enough to protect everyone around me yet. I can barely protect Pom from depressing herself with my brightest of smiles, but I’m still willing to work on it.

When the shoulder thing opened to fire another stream of energy… I leapt up.

Having both paws on the strap as I swung my board around into the opening, I prepared for my board to bounce after hitting with a devastating impact or to evade an explosion. The momentum from my board must have been greater than I thought as my board slammed straight through the weakened metal and just took off the entire section.

I spun twice as I fell backwards and brought the board around under me, it slapped under all my paws before landed on the road. The head of the machine turned to look at its right shoulder dumbly.

That’s when the machine turned on me slowing down to and started spinning up both its tentacle fingers into two large pink blades of death.

“Uh…” It slung its right arm forward and I quickly kicked flipped to the right avoiding a pink wobbling beam of energy shot at me. I saw Shanty was training to do something similar with her arcing cuts.

That’s when it started to bring its left arm around.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily ducky partner and I’m going to stick to your side like glue no matter what you’re doing even if you absolutely hate my guts! As for you, you vaccine bastard, stop picking on us little guys!” A second, less duck themed motorcycle, flew up into the air from the left over the divider and onto the highway next to me. The blue army lizard driving it had thrown a rectangular package into the machines chest and it stuck fast there. “DCD Bomb set and… now for the time delayed boom! … huh?! Darn it, Hiandromon must have a signal blocker, I knew I should have sprung for the encoded… EEP!”

The second beam blade went off after the blue dinosaur and she barely managed to skid into a sideways slide under the wobbling beam.

I felt another itchy sensation traveling up my back, what was causing that?

I’m in the middle of something and I needed to focus on the machine as it dodge the purple blob of toxic fluids from Dazzle without even looking. It wasn’t trying to fire its beam anymore, but it did fire missiles at me and the army lizard.

-Puckian Duck?-

“Ugh… her… why is she still following me and where did she even get a working digi-vehicle from… I’m already having enough problems as it is without you adding on to them!” I yelled back at that blue lizard.

“Hey, I know you don’t want my help and have no reasons to trust me given how long you’ve been stuck in the digital realms and with how many setbacks you’ve had…!” Yeah at the possible chance of getting yourself killed… now that I think about it that actually warranted some reconsiderations from me that you were here. “I’m going to help you anyway, even if it kills me! I was made to be am easily disposable soldier anyway, at least let me make this decision about to do with that!”

The digimon nuisance of a lizard drove through the wave of missiles with what I had to admit were skillful displays of control, her left claw never leaving the handle. Her right claw pulled the rifle from her back to shoot down the missiles she couldn’t avoid with decent precision.

“Hey, can we come back to this conversation at a later when we’ve dealt with the bigger problem here?!” Pom screamed louder than the both of us.

“Sure, but I don’t know how much my D-I-Sixteen will do to its armor and it takes forever for me to generate DCD Bombs… stupid messed up body!” That’s when the small spotted creature yelped at something as the machine begin spinning up its three fingered tentacles for another blade beam ranged attack. The blue lizard fired her rifle and it didn’t disrupt the blades as they were held up defensively. I needed a good shot to even disrupt them, her gun simply didn’t have enough damaging force behind it to even disrupt that attack. “Come on, you want a real virus, then come get some!”


I looked at the tip of my nose at the creature that turned and looked up at me, it tilted its tiny body in curiosity and then turned and squeaked at the machine.

It had yellow four, four blue eyes and four legs ending in blue pointy tips and it… was… freaking adorable!

I mean… sure… it was a tick and it has been running around on my body, but it was a really cute tick and… what was it doing?

The tick started crackling and it suddenly launched a blast of lightning from on top of my nose, said lightning didn’t even scorch or hurt me as it struck out at the machine and then the attack veered straight back into square pack.

If said thing was a bomb… I immediately fell back as it exploded violently and a lot of smoke flew up in the air.

“Agh…. uhn…” When the smoke clear, I saw a biped in some kind of shiny black armor sitting in a seat inside the machine and he looked to have been slightly hurt by the explosion. “Yoo-you-you-you… w-w-will not get…. get… away… aberrations!”

Feeling a tapping on my nose, I focused back down at the little yellow critter that squeaked at me and point his front right leg at the open hole.

“You want in there little guy?” The little tick nodded, he seemed determined to do something. “Well okay then, but do what you have to quickly and get out.”

It nodded and I boosted us forward towards the machine and watched him spring off my nose and climb into it through the jagged edge of the blast hole.

-Tiny yellow bug-

Once close enough.

Leap in…

Find food…

Lots of food…

So much food!



A minute after the little guy jumped in there I looked at the blue lizard riding the motorcycle and she looked back and we studied each other for a few seconds.

The machine suddenly toppled. All the lights on it winked out and it went flopping and rolling through the air along the road. Popping up to the railing I watched as it bounce and went over the side.

A tiny glowing yellow form hopped out in time and landed on the front of my board with its front two legs, squeaking as it struggled to climb up onto it as the machine disappeared into the water below. I reached down with my left paw and helped him up onto my board.

The little yellow tick, positively glowing with happiness and equally glowing, crawled up my right leg. The bug stopped to nuzzle itself into my neck, then continued to crawl down onto my back and stopped. I looked and saw it curling up and resting.

There may have been the joke that my family would eventually get an alien pet in it to round things out what with the magical zombie chicken and moderately intelligent robot dog Dawking created with some help, this just might be that alien pet.

Who knew it would be a strange tick that didn’t bite me once… though its legs digging into my back slightly was itchy, it wasn’t breaking skin or ripping up fur as it started sleeping..


“What just happened?” Good question Dazzle, it felt like Dolly knew and she was quickly catching up to us with that blue lizard.

“We’re out of trouble, that’s what happened.” The Puckian stated. “We’re almost to the city, we’ll stop and find a place to hunker down, we’ll talk about how you know what I am and we’ll go from there. Since you’re definitely not digimon.”

“I’m coming too!” The blue lizard announced as she came up to us on her bike.

Dolly got up next to the bike and hopped on with a cheerful smile.

“Hey, guess what Pom, I have a pet tick!” It was small, yellow and… absolutely cute looking.

“A Joltik to be more specific, bug and electric type, it can survive off static energy that anyone can generate.” Dazzle clearly knew what it was judging from her looking at it sleeping in Dolly’s fur. “It will absorbs large sources of energy if given the opportunity, really small and powerful Pokémon. Just make sure to keep it under control around large sources of power.”

Ah, so it was one of those Pokémon that rely on the lightning rod towers in Violight to stay happily fed!

“Pokémon, is that a kind of Digimon?” Asked the duck driving the bike along the now relatively safe highway.

“Pokémon, as far as I know, are Pocket Dimension Monsters.” I informed the duck. “Hello my name is Pom Lambchop, that is Dazzle the Salandit, this is my family Dolly D. Dalmatian and the… well the Joltik is new to us.”

“I’m naming them Lit!” Dolly said after a moment with a wagging tail and her infamous cheerful wide grin.

I sighed, did Dolly even know how to take care of a... Joltik was it? Well Dazzle did say it could survive off static energy and that’s easy enough for me to generate if it gets hungry, as long as I'm not doing a magical static energy build up. I don't want to have any Shock-Ram related accidents.

“Any chance you can open a dimensional hole back to my world?” The duck asked suddenly after glancing at Dolly’s barking, not understanding a word of it.

“No, but we may know someone who can, provided that we can get back to where we just came from.” My words were met with a relieved smile from the duck.

Arceus could certainly help this guy get back to Planet Puck-World if he’s from the same one as Wildwing’s team, he did say he’s been stuck in these realms for hundreds of years thought and he couldn’t possibly be the same duck they said they lost.

All we have to do is get back to Arceus’s world, which is easier said than done if we have to outrun that Chaosdramon X thing again. It was barely survivable and none of the other monsters could even put a scratch in it and the most that was done is that Dazzle poisoned it, which I doubt will do any lasting damage given how lethal it was.

“I’m Sami Soldier, nice to meet you. If you haven’t seen one of me before I’m a Commandramon! The etymology is Commando Dragon Monster.” The blue lizard said with a cheerful disposition riding alongside us to the left. “Commandramon like me tend to be used as highly disposable soldiers, but I managed to get out of a horrible situation thanks to this!”

That’s when the blue skinned, helmet, jacket and metal shoes wearing, lizard held up a device eerily similar to the one Dolly was currently wearing and Dolly quickly pulled out ours from under her scarf to make sure it was still there.

“Oh you guys have one too, that means we were digi-destined to meet! So is that strange dragon lizard you’re partner… why the sad faces... did I say something wrong?” We’d tell Sami about it in the city coming up and when we were feeling better.

“We’ll tell you about it when we get in the city.” I say as I took the device from Dolly’s paw and put it back on for her, over her scarf this time.

“Pom Lambchop’s digimon partner completely nullified by engineered digimon destroying virus. Egg resurrection impossible.” Announced the device in Sami’s claw. “Also those are not digimon user Soldier, they are all biologicals.”

Correction, we'd tell Sami more about... Dormarch... once we get to the city and find a place to cool down in relative safety.

“Oh… ooh-yeah-… my bad.” Sami hissed and gave us worried looks. “Anyway the guy you’re riding is supposed to be my partner, but he won’t take back the device. It belongs to him and he knows it!”

“I’m Canard Thunderbeak and we have a lot to talk about.” The duck finally introduced himself and… wait a minute he couldn’t be that Canard Thunderbeak could he?!

How would he have… maybe… time disparity issues? I’ve… never really thought of that as being a problem before. I could come back to Tianhuo forty years older or ten years young if time travel is possible. Well that’s another fear to add to the mental checklist of all the horrors I’ve been through, good thing Ocellus wasn't here right now because go-go-anxiety.

“Wildwing, Tanya, Grin, Duke, Mallory and Nosedive.” Canard reacted to every single name as I said them in order.

I think… I think we just found their missing team leader that gave Wildwing his position as their team leader.

“Where did you hear those names?!” He suddenly turned to me and barked with sudden attention, almost driving us into the divider between the two roads and nearly hitting Sami and her vehicle in the process. He quickly got us straightened back out and Sami stayed behind us.

“Heard them? I’ve met them for a short while before ending up in the world that led to me being here.” I could see it, the hope blossoming in his eyes. “I think time might be a bit screwed up in these realms you’ve been in, because it’s been at most a year or maybe two for them. Also they defeated some guy called Lord Dragaunus, but I wasn’t awake for that and the only issue is that they are having problems getting back to their home planet of Puck-World. They also mentioned that hockey is your world's religion.”

“They did it… hahhah, they actually did it! I knew you could become a great leader Wildwing…” He started crying and soon it turned into laughter. Sami was looking at him with wonder as something seemingly shifted and lifted off of his heart entirely. “I promise to see you again Team Captain and I promise you’ll have done me proud no matter what, maybe I’ll even help us find a way back to Puck-World after a few pick up games because I'm definitely quite rusty by now… No, I would have to get back to them first before planning anything and that requires me living another day. I'm sticking with you!”

He nodded to me.

We didn’t say anything for the rest of the trip, we eventually came off the highway and passed by a large monitor sized sign that said ‘Welcome to Server City, regional reality anchor connections between worlds are currently on lockdown for repairs, sorry for the inconvenience’.

Author's Note:

It's going to take Pom a while to get out of this place, but at least the time disparity won't be a problem since it is geared in her favor.

Commandramon- Sami Soldier, Special Infantry Digimon.

Vehicle- Self built Tron Bike.

Partner- Canard Thunderbeak, hero of the rebellion against the Saurian oppressors.

Lit- Not hard to guess what this name is a reference to.

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