• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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306. Willpower.

-Pokémon World, North of Ignis and Aurora Bridge, Red Hare-

I was upset that I even let even one get by me.

So now I unleashed more of my power… neigh!


What was the Rapidash doing now? We’ve barely scratched it up badly enough to tell if we were winning, so what could it be… oh… wow… that’s…

“Did that Rapidash just grow wings?!” Yes, Favela, it did just grow an unnatural pair of wings. Wings that looked to be suspiciously the same wing span and size of a certain Unfezant currently being a huge issue here.

Said wings were also covered in the same demonic flames the Rapidash had been giving off this entire time.

It was kind of awe inspiring really, if we weren’t having to deal with what has to be the world’s strongest Rapidash.

With a single flap of their wings, the Rapidash took to the air and glared at them as it hovered on slowly flapping wings.

If I had to wonder why Lu Bu even bothered to ride Red Hare at all, well this new complication possibly explains it. This also gives more meaning to ‘The Flying General’ title and why a Rapidash might even let a giant bird ride them.

Lu Bu could have just sent the Rapidash alone and have it successfully deal with all of us, instead he came down here to finish off that Emboar personally and challenge anyone still present to a battle to the death. Shanty’s silhouette was still moving around so she had to be holding her own.

“Okay… this might be a bit harder than I thought.” The haggard Rain Dance Buizel stated, recognizing that our opponent didn’t apparently follow type weaknesses.

“We’ll just have to do our best here, because I really doubt we can pierce those hurricane walls like Smolder can while they are on fire.” Jiri announced as she held her small battered shield aloft, her and her bears were proving to be as much trouble to the Rapidash as the Rapidash was to the rest of us.

A lucky Electro Ball struck the Rapidash and only mildly knocked them about in the air, I don’t think it counted as a flying type now despite having grown wings and became capable of outright flying. The whole Charizard isn’t a Dragon Type thing came to mind.

The Wooloo had moved positions to be halfway across the bridge with the Rattata and were firing electric attacks into the Rapidash. There was some effect, but it wasn’t enough to put this monster down in a timely manner as they spewed forth balls of fires and razed the ground with streaks of flame or tried to physically maul us with their hooves.

I was still firing bursts of Swift attack, but the effects were minimal even if my attacks were always hitting and constant.

Chan was already taking care of the five downed Buizel and a still cooling Dodo, we had to put this Rapidash out to pasture before Shanty was killed by what was apparently the most infamous general in Ignis.

“Maybe this will help!” Turning to the voice, the Muk with the Wooloo Militia had suddenly launch a huge wad of sludge that exploded in the Rapidash’s face.

The Sludge Bomb attack apparently was actually somewhat effective against the Rapidash, also that made it quite angry and it would certainly help if we could poison it.

“Protect the Muk, we need him to poison this guy!” If I was going to be stuck fighting something this ridiculously tough, then some poison would help us wear the flying Rapidash down faster.

“On it!” Favela launched some seed bombs which the Rapidash swooped around with impressive capability, as if they were practiced at using these wings. At best the Seed Bombs were for distractions or at least some mild inconveniencing. “Also this is going to give me nightmares if I live!”

-Inside the nearby flaming Vortex, Smolder-

“Smolder be being careful, do not be letting him near you and don’t be getting hit by his weapon!” Even as she shouted that at me, I could see Shanty deflecting an attack and rolling away from a blinded bird, said bird had clashed with Shanty twice in so many seconds of my arrival. “Jump in when you be thinking you can safely help, just do not be getting close to him!”

The fact that this Lu Bu guy’s weapon was accurately finding Shanty left me a bit speechless, even worse each deflected attack sent Shanty sliding backwards or sideways.

I stayed quiet and backed into the twisting flames and prepared to hock a fireball at him while watching as Shanty frantically avoided being pushed into the wall of swirling flames.

Lu Bu had certainly been blinded in that explosion that turned the hurricane winds into a swirling vortex of fire. While the heat actually felt quite nice to me, I’m quite well aware my friends were not capable of bathing in lava like me.

I would ask how Shanty survived the explosion, but she looked to only be slightly singed so she must have stayed ahead of it somehow.

Given that Lu Bu was still knocking her around and back with each attack while not giving her almost any room to retaliate… being blind wasn’t a really big issue for him.

While trying to figure out where to jump in, I was getting some seriously bad vibes from the golden glow of the weapon the bird held. Gold would never make a good weapon unless it was actually magically charged electrum.

Sticking within the quickly moving wall of flames, I was going to heed Shanty’s warning and jump in when she needed me.

After a few moments of scrutinizing Lu Bu, I noticed the blast damage to his head and face was quickly healing and he was regaining his sight. It was kind of unreal how fast the guy was healing from what would functionally be a permanent injury for anyone else.

-Lu 'Insert Grave Epitaph Here' Bu vs. 'Blade Hoof' Shanty-

Shanty deflected back towards the center by a swing from the halberd and Lu Bu fully regained his eyesight in this moment.

“Sweep.” Lu Bu raised his weapon high at an angle and Shanty watched as the weapon changed from the powerful halberd into a scythe within his wings.

Shanty instinctively leapt up and lashed her hind legs downwards, the circular cutting wave that came off of scythe expanded out throughout the inside of the vortex and the twisting winds slowed down slightly before returning to full speed.

Shanty had kicked off the flying circular cutting arc into the air and landed to see Smolder had leap up into the fires and started using the burning winds to glide about.

Sweeping the scythe upwards a circular saw of air flew at Shanty and she quickly used her weapon to strike out at the edge and deflect herself to the right of it. The blades cut through the swirling flames leaving a scar rent in the hurricane surrounding them.

Shanty had to quickly swing downwards to deflect off Lu Bu’s next cutting saw of air, while showing keen interest in how Lu Bu was launching flying cutting waves.

The next attack sent a single saw of air straight up at Shanty and it split in three circular cutting wheels of air that started spinning wildly like coins on their edges.

Shanty started slowly inhaling and tried to figure out what to do as deflecting herself off his attacks to the left or right would put her in the path of one of the two other cutting wheels.

A lightbulb went off in the goats head as she flipped forward.

“Cutlass!” Instead of deflecting off Shanty flipped forward and lashed her left hind leg downwards sharply with an impressive cutting force to tear straight through the middle circular saw of air in one massive slash. The circular cutting force having been weaker due to splitting into three.

After slashing her way through the circular saw of air, Shanty started flipping rapidly as she fell towards Lu Bu and raised her weapon high.

“Cleave!” Shanty swung her weapon down creating a massive axe shaped cutting arc and met Lu Bu’s upwards swinging weapon, which had turned from a spear into an axe mid swing.

The two weapons clashed and fought for dominance, but it was very apparent which one would win the clash.

When both weapons deflected Shanty was exhaling slowly as she was knocked upwards and Lu Bu actually let the deflection push him back and he pivoted on his right set of talons and went into a counterclockwise spin.

“Thrust!” Lu Bu shouted, finishing his spin by pushing his right wing forward extending the spear to its maximum length in Shanty’s direction. This launched a powerful shockwave from the spear that Shanty narrowly avoided a direct hit from in the air as she leaned her upper torso to the side as hard as she could.

It might not have bene a direct hit, but the shockwave of the attacks passing still struck Shanty and she fell to the ground completely losing her grip on her weapon.

Shanty’s body was refusing to move as Lu Bu steadied himself and surged forward preparing for a decapitating swing.

Several fireballs struck Lu Bu with force, right side of his face, chest, right wing and his left leg, any of the rest missed scorching the ground. Smolder was putting out quite a bit of volume.

Sure it may look like it hurt, but all it did was slow Lu Bu down and he wasn’t even flinch as parts of him had been lit ablaze by Smolder’s sudden assistance.

“Rrraggggh-“ Lu Bu was definitely going for a finishing blow against his downed opponent who was weakly shifting and trying to get into a position to defend herself.

Lu Bu swung and Shanty managed enough movement in her paralyzed body to roll backwards and the blade created a furrow where it slashed into the ground without slowing down.

After that Lu Bu went for a second swing even as he was continuously pelted by a number of fireballs, the fire being nothing more than a minor at nuisance for him.

Rolling backwards a second time Shanty was regained enough movement in her legs to roll into a standing position as Lu Bu brought his weapon around for an overhead third swing.

“Bouncing Blades!” Hopping into the Shanty curled up and started rotating rapidly, generating cutting arcs from her hooves and horns that encircled her whole body in a spherical shell of cutting energy before the blow landed.

The rapidly spinning sphere was sent flying into the wall of flames. Upon contact with the swirling flames the sphere of spiraling cutting arcs suddenly lit aflame as it bounced off the wall to the ground and then launched back towards Lu Bu covered with those flames.

Lu Bu swatting Shanty’s glowing spherical form away and it bounced off the wall of flaming winds and back at him, he just hit her again.

After two more deflections Shanty was moving faster until she was rapidly bouncing off the walls of flaming winds past Lu Bu and not at him to pick up immense of amount of speed.

Suddenly slash marks started opening up in Lu Bu’s body as he tried to protect himself from a rapidly bouncing sphere slashing into him as it passed by or rebounded off of him and the burning hurricane force winds.

Slashes opened up in his sides, chest, vent, the top of his backside, his head and each blood was met with the ground getting covered in crimson splashes.

This was helped by Smolder’s fireballs aiming at the opening slash wounds on the red glowing bird to slow down his constantly healing from injury.

“Thrust!” Lu Bu’s next stabbing shockwave attack wasn’t aimed at Shanty, the attack instead struck Smolder.

Smolder went flying out of the hurricane winds the scales on her left shoulder cracking to the point of shattering completely and lightly punctured the scales outside where her heart was.

The injury hadn’t been deep enough to be mortal blow, only because Lu Bu hadn’t hit her directly with his weapon. The blow also did what it had done to Shanty, it left Smolder paralyzed as her body flopped painfully onto the ground outside the hurricane winds.

“Parry!” Lu Bu’s weapon changed into the pronged sword and with a swing he caught the rapidly spinning Shanty.

Forcing the rapidly spinning goat toward the ground, Lu Bu then grasped the hilt with both wings to push down and pressure the still rapidly spinning Shanty against the dirt even further.

The clashing of Shanty’s cutting force and Lu Bu’s weapon created a loud screeching noise in the air, Shanty’s spinning form began to slow down in its rotations as she was forced further and further into the ground.

“Ngghhh….” Shanty grunted and tried to push back, but Lu Bu was crushing her under the raw force of his strength and his unique weapon.

“You’re proving that you at least had capability to be a great warrior, but you were never a match for my might.” Lu Bu stated dully to the goat he had pressed under his sword and was slowly beginning to breaking through the rapidly spinning defense of arcing cuts.

“Aye!!” The suddenness of Shanty's shout and being forced into the wall of flames had caught Lu Bu off guard as Shanty uncurled with a force beyond him for a scant second or two. “I still be… having… quite a bit more… to give.”

Gasping and looking over herself as she stood on four shaky hooves, Shanty noticed she had slash marks along her body and she was bleeding. Yet she didn’t remember getting hit by any of Lu Bu’s attacks that would leave such wounds. She figured the damage could have occurred when he did that ‘Parry’ thing, so she’ll be more careful around that.

Gathering her sweat with her magic, Shanty used it seal the bleeding cuts off. While she knew it wasn’t healthy to do so, she used the salt in her own sweat to help seal over her worst cuts to her sides, back and a minor one along her left leg.

Shanty grimaced and grit her teeth at the pain she was putting herself through, along with the hazy heat of the burning hurricane forces winds surrounding her making her dizzy. Glancing ahead, she could see Lu Bu calmly walking out of the flames with his body burning slightly.

The large birds red aura was still present, but it wasn’t as bright as it was at first. Not that Shanty was having an easy time with effectively trying to destroy the aura and Lu Bu just basically stopped one of her strongest attacks in an enclosed space cold.

Shanty turned her right side to Lu Bu slight and started dancing on her hooves slightly ready to keep going despite the pain in her back and the painfully sealed cuts on her body.

With a single flex of his muscles the flames covering Lu Bu’s body winked out, extinguishing within an instant and leaving his form steaming.

After a moment of glancing about Shanty realized that Smolder had been taken down, she went back to focusing on Lu Bu with narrowed eyes. Lu Bu simply readied his halberd to come at her again.

Shanty’s body might be protesting her slightly dancing movements, but she wasn’t going down without a fight.

After a momentum Lu Bu surged forward and Shanty widened her stance. Sure she might not be able to leap high like Pom could, but she could make incredible horizontal leaps when she switched into Fleet Cunning Doe. Mobility was going to be the only thing keeping Shanty alive against someone who far surpassed her in both strength and pure endurance.

Shanty leapt forward over a horizontal slash and lashed out with her right hoof across Lu Bu’s chest and used her right hind leg to kick herself into downwards.

Lu Bu took the slash and swung his halberd downwards on Shanty who rolled, he twirled his spear as he brought it about and tried to hit her with a point blank thrust only for Shanty to enter into a slide by his right side while opening a large gash that would only last for seconds.

Swiftly the halberd and lifted and slammed down where Shanty was going to be, only to miss as Shanty popped up slash him up the neck and right side of his head and landed on his back with hers to roll to his left side.

Lu Bu’s weapons switched to the wing guards and he blocked a slash from Shanty and slashed her across the chest lightly as she used her two rear hooves to enter a cartwheel across his front.

While upside down in the middle of the cartwheel flip, Shanty’s hooves rapidly lashed out in a series of slashes hitting Lu Bu’s legs and the underside of his wings.

Lu Bu’s wings swept forth to unleash a burst of wind Shanty was clipped by that sent her sprawling to his right and she was immediately back on her hooves and charging straight back for him.

Lu Bu lunged and brought the blade of his quickly swapped halberd down on Shanty who rolled and rotated into a roundhouse buck that deflected her to the side.

After this move Shanty got up close and started to use every movement to slash and her aggression shot up a degree. In turn for Shanty’s increased aggression.

Lu Bu’s weapon change to the wing guards, he quickly lashed out to start blocking her slashes and after one particular block he flapped his wings forward to knock Shanty off balance and tried to claw at her with his talons.

Instead of rolling back, Shanty instead leapt forward onto his extended leg and launched a right upper hoof into Lu Bu’s chin. She followed that by lashing outwards with her left leg to spin and slash him several times several times as she dropped to the ground to land on her hind hooves.

Shanty was quickly kicked in the chest and that blow almost caved her ribs in entirely.

Lu Bu watched dispassionately as Shanty skidded up to the swirling wall of flames, the heat scorching the small goat’s body making her grimace.

Even then Shanty rolled onto her hooves and got up on all fours huffing and puffing to see that Lu Bu still had a red glow going as he wing guards turned into the scythe and he slowly stalked forward prepared to swing.

“Sweep.” Lu Bu swung his scythe forward and five circular blades of cutting force launched out in wide spread that would make it hard for Shanty to dodge.

Lu Bu knew how high she could jump, how fast she was and was in general sure he had an idea as to all of Shanty’s abilities. That and the broken or even cracked ribs were going to make it hard for Shanty to move out of the path of the scything air blades.

Shanty brought her front hooves together and a ball of water coalesced in them as she turned and swiped the ball of water through the flames as she ran to the left. She whipped the water ball about and spiraled it into the path of the farthest right Wind blade Lu Bu had launched.

“Spiraling White Squall Cannon!” An explosion of steam and a horizontal tornado of raw force and hundreds of cutting arcs struck out at Lu Bu and sent him sliding back across the vortex to the other side before he managed to dissipate the small cyclone with a slash that tore apart the physical force.

Lu Bu stood for a moment contemplating what Shanty did as his body recovered from the massive amount of damage Shanty just hit him with, an unexpected move that heavily lacerated his body. Lu Bu’s opponent, while weak, still had much to surprise him with.

Still Lu Bu gave off a verdant red glow as his body regenerated from the damage.

Shanty had created that attack using the cold air of his own scythe attacks, which naturally generating the cold energy of death, and the hot boiling ball of water she spiraled into it to do that.

Lu Bu’s opponent was not to be underestimated, even when cornered. Given her spirit was starting to shine despite her injuries and her body starting to fail from the heat, he could see a silhouette of a black flag flowing behind Shanty and it didn’t yet have a symbol on it.

That flag never would have a symbol if Lu Bu had anything to say about it, he could see her unlived dream driving her forward and giving her strength. It just wasn’t nearly enough to beat his raw might.

The will to keep going, the willpower to keep going given Shanty was grabbing up her scythe cane weapon and still willing to face him said a lot about her determination. To what end, she must know she wasn’t leaving the vortex alive. Even with her odd cutting force, she was no match for him.

Shanty on her side of the arena saw a silhouette of a raging demon, she was even reminded of having faced the Jade statue of Lord Shen. She’s come a long way since then and even did a few new tricks in this battle, she still had so much to learn and do.

Lu Bu’s power was incredible, he was dauntless, she couldn’t take him down, but Shanty would be darned it if she wasn’t going to try and her dream of grand adventures would not go unlived!

“Can ye’… actually be… sending me to… Navy Bones… locker?” Shanty stated, she was on one grand adventure already and was hooked on the taste of friendship, cultures, strange foods and life itself.

Shanty was going to see this massive adventure to the end, she be knowing this bird wasn’t the end of the long road and she had too many people that wanted her around… goodness knows what Pom would think if she didn’t survive this, she already knew what Pom would say if she did. She’s rather Pom be mad at her then, then sad after the loss of Dormarch be silently eating at her. She almost be losing Dodo so she almost knew the feeling of what it was like to die.

Also… she just did her first flying cutting attack, unfortunately it was entirely situational and she had to use Lu Bu’s cutting wind to even pull it off. She still had something to prove despite being in a desperate situation and had little else in the form of miracles to pull off. If she survived the next minute she still had to learn to do a flying cutting attack without her opponent’s aiding in said attack.

“I do not believe you will see a bright afterlife.” With a swing of his scythe Lu Bu turned it back into the halberd, something he seemed to favor more than any other weapon in Shanty’s eyes, then brought it around with a twirl and prepared to do something he’s done twice before. “Thrust.”

A conical burst of force existed the spear heading right for Shanty, the goat who just closed her eyes and took in air with a slow inhale as the attack crawled ever closer as time slowed down.

Shanty slowly shifted her weapon to the side and let out a sigh.

“Ay’.” It wasn’t shouted, it wasn’t a ‘yahar’, ‘aye’ or an ‘arr’, it was a simply a work spoken with pure conviction by Shanty. If she had timed this pirate shout poorly, she would have already been dead and she didn’t even need to shout it… she just had to put her conviction in front of herself and let what will be, be what it will.

Shanty’s eyes snapped open. There was a massive amount of defiance in her bar shaped eyes as she looked at Lu Bu and sitting directly in front of her battered body was a cone of force frozen in the air in front of her trying to push forward and into her body.

Yet something was stopping the physical, magical and possibly spiritual raw force that Lu Bu had launched at her.

Shanty stared at the attack for a long moment and then her eyes snapped to Lu Bu who was staring with something approaching or akin to disbelief at her.

Having timed her ‘Pirate Shout’ so precisely, Shanty knew what was about to happen next.

Lu Bu’s own thrust attack then immediately reversed direction when a small spherical pulse rippled out from Shanty, it slammed his own attack into him with twice the speed and strength that it was going to hit Shanty with.

Rocked back by the power of his own ‘Thrust’ attack. Lu Bu was left frozen standing up, both paralyzed and defenseless as his belly was struck by it directly by it goring him with his own attack. Still his innards quickly healed the damage, but he was entirely paralyzed.

Shanty charged forward entirely ready to take advantage of the fact that Lu Bu was badly paralyzed by his own thrust attack.

Raising her weapon high up as she charged forward, Shanty slammed it down to pole vault launch herself high up and grasping her weapon with both hooves she flipped twice. On the third flip swung her rear legs down and out to create a large cutting arc and then brought her weapon down through the same space to reinforce the strength of the arc.

“Grand Cleaver!” The cutting arc swept straight through Lu Bu from beak to tail feathers when Shanty landed the blow, her body faltered and she slapped against the ground chest first.

Shanty lifted her head and then tried to stand up… only her hind legs weren’t working after that attack. Her front ones did and they were currently in a death grip on her weapon, the cane portion of which was buried into the ground.

She pushed herself upwards to see what she had done, Shanty wasn’t going to look away from what would be a grisly sight.

Slowly Lu Bu, despite his weapon remaining unscathed by Shanty’s attack, started to split in half. The left and right half of his body started to slowly fall away from each other, when Lu Bu’s wings simply tightened their grip on his weapon.

“N-no…” Shanty didn’t see how Lu Bu could still be alive when his head was currently split into… strings of red started leaping from the left and right halves of Lu Bu.

The blood from the two halves of Lu Bu’s head stretched out from one half to the other, slowly the strings brought the two halves of his head together and the blood spilling from his body started doing the same.

Lu Bu still had the red glow going and the two halves of his body were pulling themselves back together and eventually stitched his two halve together, he was still healing… he was healing back from being cut entirely in half vertically?!

Once the two halves of his body recombined into one whole, the massive amounts of Lu Bu’s blood spilling onto the ground stopped and the blood covered bird simple flexed his body and tilted his neck to the left and right with sharp cracks. He then looked at Shanty.

“That… hurt.” That was all Lu Bu had to say about being cut in half, his beak had just healed from all that damage in record time.

Notably his red aura had dimmed significantly, but he had survived Shanty’s need to live and stood tall as his spine loudly started popping back into the right places as it too was healing from being split in half. His organs shifting in his body back into their proper positions, the damage happened as the amount of blood Shanty spilled was quite visible… but it hadn’t been enough.

Shanty thought she had been getting stronger since almost losing Dodo and the loss of Dormarch, but this… this Lu Bu guy was well beyond her. This was quite clear when even the scars of being physically split in half were disappearing before her eyes.

After a moment, you couldn’t even tell that Shanty had landed a massively damaging attack on the most dangerous warrior in Ignis. It was still obvious that Lu Bu was reeling from that attack, because he had yet to end Shanty’s life and was still getting his body back in working order.

“You can be… breaking my body… but you can’t be breaking… my spirit…” Shanty didn’t have the luxury of being able to move as she propped up the front half of her body on the cane. Even as bad off as she currently was, Shanty was still ready to keep fighting with whatever she had… even if she had nothing she’d still fight. “I not be letting you… make my dream go…. unlived...”

The damage to Shanty’s body was significant and unlike Lu Bu, she couldn’t heal from everything under the sun. This might be why Morning Sun thing Lu Bu said at the beginning of the battle to start glowing red could have had some severely significant relation to the thought of the saying.

Lu Bu finally started moving and brought his halberd back and started to step forward for a swing.

Shanty pressed her pelvis against the ground, arched her back harshly and pulled her weapon free to create a defensive upwards cutting arc. One that sent her flopping across the ground as she deflected the incoming blow.

“Help…” Shanty wasn’t afraid to ask for it, in whatever form it came as she was left helpless on the ground.

“You do realize that… ugh!” Something flew through the whirling flames and suddenly the flames in the swirling hurricane winds died out for some reason, the hurricane winds themselves were still there creating a vortex.

Also the air started smelling of baking powder as Lu Bu’s left eye was struck with a hypersonic heavily carbonized bread loaf. One that had absorbed a lot of heat from the blazing hurricane, as much as partly exploded into a massive cloud of baking soda that neutralized the flames as it passed through the Hurricane winds.

Said dazing hypersonic heavily carbonized bread loaf was quickly followed by a heavy angry metal ostrich kicking Lu Bu in the side to send him sliding along the ground on his side and the right side of his face being ground up by rocks and dirt of Ignis’s soil.

Dodo warbled worriedly and quickly made his way over to a weakly smiling Shanty.

“You… will always come for me…” With careful consideration for Shanty’s injuries the metal ostrich carefully grabbed Shanty by the scruff and deposited her in a sitting position his back.

A distance away Lu Bu sat up and saw a change to the black flag, there was a renewed strength as a steel type creature turned to glare at him with glowing eyes and the right side of his face healed from the injuries a bit slower than he’d like.

The beast was nothing like Lu Bu had ever seen, but he knew it would be folly to make light of something that just caught him entirely off guard.

Dodo released a wild warbling roar of distorted mechanical noise in Lu Bu’s direction while spreading his new wings out protectively as if to shield Shanty from him.

“If you can be… being my legs for a bit Dodo… I can still be fighting.” Despite her lungs burning Shanty felt a renewed vigor as she rested her head against the cool metal of Dodo’s neck and showed even more defiance now that Dodo had showed up to help her.

Dodo cooed softly at Shanty and nuzzled her with his head gently before turning back to Lu Bu with a glare.

Despite the weakened red glow, Lu Bu smirked and huffed loudly as he readied himself. He still had his ultimate attack, he just might even be driven to actually use it.

-Situation outside the no longer flaming vortex of doom, Favela-

Dodo apparently figured something out and somehow stopped the burning flames of the vortex and got in there before the insane Rapidash could stop him. We were quickly running out of Pokémon to throw at said Rapidash monster and I didn’t want to be hit by a fire attack from the winged abomination.

Quetal, was quite understanding my reluctance to get anywhere close to that flying horror after it just wiped out Jiri’s unit. Teddy Griz, was dragging all of his unconscious teammates to safety.

The remaining Wooloo and the Muk continued to pummel what couldn’t exactly be a called a Rapidash anymore with everything they had. The Wooloo unit were down three members, Geoff, the Muk’s girlfriend and that brave Muk that refused to let his girlfriend be hurt.

Even as badly beaten up as the Rapidash was, it was still able to move with surety and I started to believe it was a being made entirely out of pure spite that just happened to be Rapidash shaped. At some point the Muk had poisoned it, but the poison seemed to be doing so little to help.

“Neiggghhh!” The Rapidash roared as they prepped a fire attack, the Rain Dance Buizel was exhausted and I didn’t know if he could actually stop this one.

“Get behind me!” Wait… Favela… no… don’t be an idiot and volunteer yourself for stupid actions like my best friend Shanty.

Okay, yeah… I, Favela, was totally going to be an idiot. If it worked, then we’d survive to keep fighting with this demon named Red Hare.

I built up pressure on my hooves that started spurting water and waited, I was charging this attack so that it could possibly get through to Shanty. She had to be exhausted by now from all that heat, goodness knows how much fluids she lost.

If this could help her at all… then I had to do was get it by the Rapidash while making it seem like I intended to hit it.

A burst of fire shaped in a specific way burst forth from the Rapidash’s mouth. It was a Fire Blast attack, a volcanically powerful one at that.

I immediately raised my wave into the air, since the Buizel’s Hydro Pump attack was barely slowing it down. I got the wave moving forward, but instead of riding on it, I slid down the backside of it and shoved it in front of me.

It thankfully absorbed the intensely powerful attack, likely only thanks to the Buizels constant water spraying into the it, and an amount of it barreled straight through the Unfezant’s highly localized Hurricane attack. The winds of which were still going quite strongly.

If Shanty seriously needed water, then she just got some.

I was out of the ability to use surf now and I seriously doubt that grass type attacks are going to improve the flying beast situation or its volatile disposition.

Author's Note:

If anything is wrong with this, I can feasibly come back to it later. Probably won't.

Smolder rolled a two on her saving throw, Lu Bu rolled a fifteen and bypassed her armor check entirely for a critical hit.

Lu Bu is proving to be a brick wall for Shanty to break herself on. Also yes he'd be exactly this hard to kill with hard to kill berserker as a background, but not stopped from wielding his full capabilities.

Current: Morning Sun Armor PP 2/5

Red Hare has unleashed the power of it's noble phantasm, which is basically gain attributes of Lu Bu while mounted. Lu Bu as an Unfezant has wings so Red Hare as a Rapidash reflects that.

Too bad there aren't any Equus beings around to see and comment on the Rapidash being a demonic version of an alicorn. Lot's of burning red, not enough emo black to be the dreaded 'common pony fanfiction alicorn'.

Rattatas down, Geoffs unit halved if your counting the Muk as a unit member of the Wooloo Militia unit. Quetal, Favela lightly injured or mildly exhausted from constant move usage. Five allied Buizels out. One allied Buizel barely holding on. Chan the Aurora castle healer busy working with patients. Jiri's unit down, minus Teddy Griz Teddiursa who is likely opting out of any further fighting. Ruckus Rauco's Pidgey unit, utterly obliterated by Red Hare and currently in Chan's care. Ocellus, dealing with a migraine. Smolder unconscious, moderately injured.

Shanty's current trauma list of injuries: Parry damage slashes across sides and back, front left leg.(Lu Bu can use any weapon form to 'Parry', 'Parry' causes damage to the opponent as an attack is blocked even if Lu Bu doesn't actively attack back.) Blunt spinal trauma and damage to her back from being slapped into the ground. A broken rib, every other rib cracked from being kicked by a large bird. Heat exhaustion and damage, somewhat self inflicted by igniting the Hurricane force winds. Both hind legs sprained with mildly mangled muscles from using an attack too powerful for them to keep working afterwards, leaving Shanty unable to walk in any capacity until the injury heals. Salt wound sealing damage, sealing a wound with salt is not a good idea for long term health, but in the short term it has some uses. Moderate overall exhaustion.

Lu Bu's current trauma list: Mild itch, annoyed.

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