• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 18: Limits breakers!

With Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien as they were waiting for the android.

"So Dr. Gero... What was that Drink that Tempest gave us precisely? Not that I do not trust Tempest on what she said, but I want to hear it from someone who understands it fully." asked Tien, which got agreeing comment's from the others.

"That is understandable. For Tempest was not really the one to come up with any of it, so her understanding of it is only what she had hear from me and Twilight speaking about them," replied Gero from the scouter, "To explain the best way I can, 'The Drink" as you call it is a short cut to the next level of human evolution. For as myself and Twilight found out, the human evolution when it comes to growing our bodies, is not fully developable. So we looked into what would be able to be done to changes that, this should also allow a human to keep up with Saiyan's if you keep your training going strong."

"You know saying it like this makes me feel a lot better about drinking it, for yeah we do need more power to be able to keep helping, but it felt a bit wrong only getting there do to Saiyan powers." said Tien with the others agreeing.

"Now to make things clear, we are not fully sure what this will do for you, but we do know that you will be able to transform now, and the forms you can transform into are base on the person, for where Saiyan's are mostly doing the same, with a rare few standing out. Our race the human race, is a lot more diverse then Saiyan's, so the forms you will get are a lot more personality based, so what works for one of you will not work for the others of you." explained Gero.

"Wow you have put a lot of work into this, any idea how we gain these forms?" said Krillin.

"Well this is more Twilight's work, she is a bit ahead of me in the idea of DNA work, and should make sure to say your thanks to her when all this is done, for it's for her sake I drop all my old plans. And speaking of those, what you are facing is android 19, which I was working on to be a training droid for Twilight when she was on her way back to earth, but do to her no longer needing 19, he got put into storage. The only really dangerous thing you need to look out for is his palms, for they are outfitted with Energy Drain and Absorption ability's, being able to take any Ki you fire at him, and use it to make himself more powerful with every bit he takes, and just touching the orbs inside his palms is enough for him to drain you as well, so be careful to not touch that part, or feed him to much Ki, for then he will become to much for the three of you, but as it stands you three should be able to deal with him." said Gero

"Alright that is good to know, we will take it from here," finished Tien before turning to Krillin and Yamcha, "So how are we going to do this? For I do not know about you guys, but I'm not good at fighting together with others, in close combat, I'm more of a solo kind of guy."

"I'm with Tien on that. Sure we can help each other if we get grabbed, and then tag out when we need to, maybe even throw a hit in to send the guy back to the fight?" said Yamcha. Which both Tien and Krillin agreed with.

"Well I'm probably the only one there is uses to that kind of Team work after Namek, so I can fully agree with your idea Yamcha... But who are going to go first?" said Krillin which it turn out to be all of them there wanted to go first. So they settle it like true warriors... "With Rock Paper Scissors!" As they said that all three threw their fist forward.

Krillin and Tien went Rock, with Yamcha throwing Paper wining him the first go. And just as they got their order down, 19 was coming into view. And when 19 spotted them he stop in mid air looking them over. Android 19's appearance consists of completely white skin, two dangling earrings, extra-large orange pants, an extra-large banana white strap-on vest, a broad red sash, and an orange pointed hat with a Sparkle industry logo on the front. He is overweight and has pointed, light blue cold eyes. Over all he looked like a joke to them, and if they did not know what he was able to do, they would probably not have taken him serious.

"Well wish me luck guys," said Yamcha while looking over at them, and gave them a thumbs up, and looked towards 19 who did nothing but take a stances, "Not much of a talker I see, well that is fine, it will let me focus more on the fighting." he finish before he got ready.

And not a moment after he got ready 19 went right for him landing a punch right in his guts, which was followed up by a kick towards the head, which Yamcha blocked something he was surprise by himself, for he had not been ready for the fight to start, and with how fast 19 had been attacking, he was surprise that he had blocked, and it was not just one block he did, he defend himself against a full combo of attacks, kicks punchs and even a headbutt, but it did not last.

For when 19 realize he was not making any progress he said, "Assault level 2 engaged," and right after Yamcha was kicked in the head and send flying, but before he hit the ground he did a back flip and kicked off the ground landing a fist right in the face of 19, which he followed up with a spin kick sending 19 flying back, which Yamcha use his speed to get in front of him before he got to far away which and deliver a double handed hit right to 19's face sending the android into the ground burying him for a short bit, "Assault level 3 engaged," and just like that he was off again attacking Yamcha again.

"You know, I did not truly believe what we were told, but seeing Yamcha fight like this!" point Krillin towards the fight where Yamcha was trading blow for blow with 19, "I mean, I had started to think we would never get a chance to be useful again after Namek, but this gives me hope we can keep being helpful when something bad comes around." he finished.

"You are right on that, Yamcha is fighting like he has never done before. Though I hope he save some for us, for as it's going he will win this fight on his own." said Tien before turning back towards Yamcha who had pushed the Android to yet another level of power, going to "Assault level 4" whatever that meant, but it became clear that the android was done playing around for it was now keeping up with Yamcha.

Knowing this was starting to get out of hand, and not knowing if 19 had more levels of power to go up to Yamcha got a kick in on 19, and took the stance of his old but strongest fighting style, "Well I think it's time to try the old, WOLF FANG FIST!!!" Yell Yamcha as he lunged forward, and as he did something changes in his form, his hand grew fur and his hands became more like claws, while his legs also grew fur and his feet also gain the claws, and they were sharp which Yamcha realize when he has moved past 19 do to his body having gain a massive bust in speed, but 19 had not be left without being hit the left arm of the android had been damages heavily, but not enough for it to not be useful anymore, while the clothes on the arm had been ripped fully apart up the arm while also having cut into the face mask of 19 leaving three rifts on it where one can now look into the android.

"Wow! Did you see that Tien, Yamcha just transform!" said Krillin now fully surprised.

"I know and the speed he gain from it, it made him fly right pass 19 yet the places he did hit now are fully messed up, it seems Yamcha has found his true fangs." said Tien as he looked towards where Yamcha was looking himself over before looking up towards his friends and gave them a smile.

"So guys do one of you two want to take over? For at this point I think I can end this fight way to easy, so letting one of you two try out your own power would probably be for the best, for I have been far more surprise then I like here, so why not use the changes to test us all." finish Yamcha with smile, for he knew now he was going to be able to keep up, beating away a old fear of his.

Both Tien and Krillin agree on this and did a fast 'Rock Paper Scissors' which Tien won this time, which he was happy about, for he to had been feeling the fears that Yamcha had, but had hidden them better, but seeing Yamcha do this? Now he knew he had to do the same sure he is not much of a wolf himself, but with the speed and those claws there seem to be able to make steel into butter, then he would be a wolf if that is what it takes.

And lucky for Tien it seem that Cell in his hasted to reprogram 19 to attack city's he had left some of the training programs in, for the second that Tien was in front of 19, he changes from his max power down to "Assault level 1"

"Well this will be fun. Now come at me you bag of bolts!" said Tien as he started his own fight, not even giving 19 a chance to start up, he deliver a a fury of body blows followed up with a kick towards the head, which was caught by 19, who had gone right up to 'Assault level 4' and then started to swing around Tien by the ankle while also draining him with his touch, which Tien had gotten out of by firing a blast at 19's head, which had made the android let go while also absorbing the blast, but this had gotten Tien a chance to deliver a axe Kick to the android sending it flying into the ground below.

"So how do you feel wolf man?" asked Krillin jokingly while looking over Yamcha.

"Never felt better and I can even feel how I control this," he replied as he turn the form of, and then went back into it again to tested it, and when he was done he went out again, which made him feel how much Ki it had been draining, "Well that is a drain, but I guess that makes senses, for it was the same for Goku about his Super Saiyan." finished Yamcha as he caught a bean thrown to him by Krillin.

"Well when Tien is done then I'm going to give you the bag with the beans, for I think it's better that you handle them while I fight." said Krillin, which Yamcha gave him a thumbs up to.

Tien was keeping his eyes open for 19, for he had not showed up, for it seem he did not feel like coming back up again, which turned out to be right when Tien nearly got hit at the back of the head, but move his head to the side at the last second giving him a chance to grab 19's arm and swing him over his head and slam him down into the ground, not letting go of him on the way down before hitting the ground, which the android recover from by using his free arm to punch Tien right in the gut, which gave 19 enough time to get back up on his feet, throwing a low punch towards Tien's stomach, which was blocked by Tien's knee, letting him punch the Android right in the face, which he followed up with a punch right to the androids stomach making 19 bent over which Tien use as a chance to knee the android right in the face sending 19 flying up again.

And just before he lunched at 19 again something changes for Tien, where he before had seen everything in a normal way, he was now seeing places on 19 there was getting highlighted which he fast realize that they were weak points. And do to Tien's endless training he had gotten ahold of the power and speed boost he got from his awakening.

"Well seem like Tien had done just what you did but in his own way," said Krillin as he look at what had happen to Tien, who looked mostly like what he normally did, but his aura had change from his normal white to a blazing green which made it look like he was on fire, but a green fire, but another small changes was Tien's thrid eye. from it's normal pupil had changes it shape from the normal sphere, to now being a octagon in a green color, "I wonder what it does for Tien, for it seems his thrid eye had changes."

"No idea, but it probably does something, for my changes all added something to me." said Yamcha

Tien decide to test to see if what he thought is weak points really is, so Tien flew forward and hit the most critical weak point he was able to see, which turned out to be a turn off button, which proved that he was now indeed able to see weak points, with what he had gained.

"Ah come on Tien that is not fair I wanted a turn as well!" yell Krillin who was now mad.

"I did not mean to end the fight, I just wanted to test what I was able to see, for I can now see weak points, but don't worry I can start him again, and give you a turn!" yell Tien back who was feeling a bit bad about taking away the fun from Krillin, and also do to him really wanting to see what Krillin would get from this.

"Well I hope he is right." said Krillin as he handed the bean bag to Yamcha who took it. And then went over to where Tien was about to try and start 19 again, but when he did start up the android, it bow to both of them and just stood there.

"Well this is new," said Tien as he was looking at the android to see if it would keep fighting, but it seem to just be standing there now, which made Tien a bit nervous, for he might have taken away the chance for Krillin to test himself, so he quickly took out his scouter and put it on, and called the Dr.

"Yes, what I can I do for you three?" came the voice of Dr. Gero who sounded like he was working on something else.

"Well 19 does not seem to be fighting anymore, did we break the android?" asked Tien.

It took some time before there was a answer from Gero, "Ah it seems you have reset him, making me able to control him again, this is good, for I have been in need for a training droid for our elite team, and 19 might be the perfect fit for that, I just need to do a few upgraded now and then, and he will be great for that, so I will say thank you for resetting him, this is a far better outcome then him being ruined for no good reason. Ah and the date I have gotten from him as well, for your fights against him are great help as well." said Gero happily.

"Well that is all good, but can you make him fight Krillin?" asked Tien.

"Sure I can do that, but with how 19 is standing right now, he is not able to last much longer, so if you break him the three of you will have to bring all the pieces of him to Twilight so she can get it all back to me, for the data that I have gotten from your fights are great, so I will be fine with fixing him if you bring me all the parts there, for I want to see how the parts handle the stress themselves, for that can teach me a few things about how to make the parts better for the future." answer Gero.

"That seems fair, so you will start him if we bring everything we can find back, if we break him?"

"Yes, and if you got the capsules that Tempest gave you there should be one with a box in it, that you can use to carry the parts, if you break him." replied Gero.

"Then go ahead and do it." said Tien, as he flew away, from 19 and Krillin took a stances.

And the fight took of, and do to how it took of 19 had again started at level 4, and the fight someone like Krillin was kind of unfair to 19, for 19 had been made to fight people at the size of Twilight and Tempest sizes, which meant that Krillin at his 154 cm, was lower then Twilight at 175 cm and far lower then Tempest's 215 cm, which was throwing off the machine a lot, sure 20 cm's are not that much, but for a android it does more then one would think, and do to 19 being made to fight against people just as big as Twilight and Tempest it made things hard for the android, so it was a really one sided fight.

But it was not long before Krillin did just what Yamcha and Tien had done before him, but where the two had some outwards changes, there happen for Krillin was his Aura and Ki going golden, and when he threw a punch toward 19 to test what had changes he got the shock of of a life time when 19 just shattered, like he had been hit by a wall sending parts flying everywhere.

"Ah come on Krillin you know we have to pick up everything! And then you go and put him into a million pieces it's going to take forever to pick everything up!" yell Yamcha at Krillin who just turn to give a small ups to the two, but when he turned around and looked up at both his friends, but it was not his friends he saw.

For he saw the moon being cut over the middle, "WHO CUT THE MOON IN HALF!!!" Yell Krillin making both Yamcha and Tien turn around getting just as confused as Krillin.

Author's Note:

So 19 here is a small bit weaker here, then in canon but only on start up, this is do to him having been made to train, and not killing, he can still kill of course. But the core part of his programing is that of training, making him slower at the idea of killing.

Also the power up that Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin has got the here is just a small bit lower then Super Saiyan but with their own added Twist base on the person, making them able to stay in the fight.

Else I'm not sure what to call these forms yet, but I got names there can be replaced if anyone got something better.
Yamcha's 'Wolf Man"
Tien 'Assassin's sight"
Krillin 'Golden Fist"
I'm open for name changes, so if you got any do let me know.