• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 491 Views, 33 Comments

Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 2 : Twilight Vs Son Goku

It was early in the morning when Twilight and Vomi got a call in the middle of their breakfast from Gero, and he did not seem happy when the screen showed his face. Twilight was the first one to ask him what was wrong. Gero had hope that Twilight would not have been here for this, for he was not sure how she would handle the news.

So Gero answered, "I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news this morning, but two days ago the headquarters of the Red Ribbon Army was destroyed," Gero was able to see the shock on both Twilight and Vomi faces, but sadly there was more and they needed to know, so he continue while he was still able to do it, for his family did not need to see him lose his head in rage, "And that is not all there was lost that day, it hurts me to say this but Gevo was killed," He had to stop and let Twilight and Vomi have a moment, for one had just lost her son and the other her brother, but he needed to finish telling them what happened, so he continued, "And to make matters worse his body had been damaged so much that we will not even be able to hold a funeral for him, for all there was left of him was his head, and then one who did it was the boy I told you about, Son Goku. Now I will leave the two of you to your sorrow, for I do not wish for you to see me like this." And with that he ended the call. As the call ended Vomi had pick up Twilight and hugging her tightly, it was all she would be able to do to try and clam down both Twilight and herself.

Even with the sorrow fresh in her mind Vomi would not have time to grieve for her son, for with the death of Commander Red Vomi now finds herself in full control of Red Pharmaceuticals. And due to the Army being gone the company is now getting hit with claims from all sides towards the damage done by the Army and it will need Vomi's full attention to fix. And this sadly left Vomi without the ability to make sure Twilight was dealing with her grief in a healthy way, and with Twilight hiding herself away in her work and training her magic it made it hard to check on her. And from a distance it looks like she was ok, but the feeling of fear for her was something Vomi would not be able to get rid of.

Twilight however was not doing well, she was burying her grief under her work and magic study. Ever since the news of her big brother's death, she started planning. For what she wanted to do she needed power, so she started to push what she was able to do with her magic, and it had already gotten far from where she started, for when she began, she was mostly only able to lift things slowly and not move them around. Now however she was able to throw things at a great speed, and her aiming skills was already pinpoint, she test this with moving targets she had made. And she was still improving.

Else she had made a wrist watch there was link to Owlowiscious's eye's so she can use him to find Her target, and while doing all this she had been watching films on Martial arts, for she needed know how to throw a punch, for there was a big chance that her target would be able to get to her. Before she would be able to end him, for she had been studying how he fights, all thanks to her dad who she had talk into sharing the date, she did not tell him what she needed the info for, for if she did he might try to talk her out of it then. And do to the info she had on the Dragon radar that the Red Ribbon HQ had, she had been able to build her own which was much better able to pin point the dragon balls down to their number of stars, and this let her know where he was at any point do to him keeping the 4 star dragon ball on him, so she will know when he would come for the, Tenkaichi Budokai or the World Martial arts Tournament as some calls it. So all she has to do is Train and wait for her target, and she still has 2 years to grow before the event happens.

On the sign up day before the World Martial Arts Tournament Twilight was ready when the 4 Star Dragon ball was flying toward her. And she had even made a underground surprise was set and ready to go. Today is the day Twilight will let all her bottle-up feelings out. And take her chance at the monster there killed her brother.

As the radar showed, Her target getting closer at a good speed, Twilight Knew she only got one chance to catch Goku by surprise, so she need the first boulder to be thrown to be a clean hit, else she might as well not fight him, for if he gets close he will win for sure, for with the time she had to prepared, she train Her Body to move but not to take hit's, for if she had started to build Her body mass, Mother would have seen what she was doing and made her stop, so she had to keep it to tech and magic, anything else would have shown what she was planning, though she knows Her Dad will know when this starts, do to his spying on Goku, she will just have to make the fight quick, so with that in mind.

Twilight took aim at Goku's Flying Nimbus with the biggest boulder near her, lined up the shoot, and let go while screaming at the top of her lungs. "MEET CAPTAIN BOULDER, YOU FLYING MURDER!" Even though she knows He is too far away to hear her, it did help her feel a bit better.

Meanwhile at Gero's lab.

Gero had just gotten a warning from the drone that looked over Goku that something was about to happen, and he was starting to think he needed to fix the drone, for so far all he saw was the boy flying about on his cloud. Out of nowhere, the boy was hit by a boulder so hard that he looked like a fly on a windshield. It was beautiful in Gero's eyes, such a glorious thing to see, and it made him laugh. Well, until he saw who did it, his little star had just attacked the one who killed his son, and now he feared he was about to lose a daughter as well. He had to get ahold of Vomi and have her get Twilight out of there, and there was not a second to waste.

Black to Twilight.

Twilight not wanting to give Goku the chance to react, send a new boulder fly straight up, to try and Crush Goku in between the two, which look like it was going to work, but Goku at this point realizing what was going on and jumped away from there, just in time to see both the boulders smash into each other which get turn into a shower of small rocks, and landed on the ground about 100 yards away from her, not wanting to give Goku the time he needed to finding out what was fully going on, Twilight send more boulders at Goku one from his left and right, trying to crush him in the middle, but do to all the battles Goku had already be in at this time, he was more the ready to go, avoiding the boulders with a jump, and landing on top of the two as they stop moving, looking up and forward at Twilight with a cocky smile, for to him this had just become a new bit of training, while the smile just made Twilight even more furious, he was not supposed to find this funny.

So Twilight steps up her game, making it rain. Rock down around Goku, with a few frag grenades in between, but the boy was far too good to get really hurt by any of this, as he was jumping around the rocks and explosions like it was nothing, making her more and more angry, but it gave her an idea. as Goku was about to land on one of the rocks she was throwing at him. She used her powers to crush the rock blowing it up doing her first real damage to the boy, leave the him with many small cuts nothing big but it was a start for her, however do to taking real damage, Goku knew that he had to end the fight before she would be able to do more, so he started to make his way towards her which was slowed down thanks to Owlowiscious making powerful winds slowing his jumps down, making it so the only way to go forward was on the ground, which was all part of the plan, but here is where Twilight's luck ended, for do to one of the rocks she was throwing at him from behind that he sidestepped it flew passed him, and landed in the hide minefield she had made, making it known to Goku that he would not be able to run to her or jump to her do to Owlowiscious, he was trapped like a rat, so Twilight was sure she had this fight won now, she just needed to crush him, so she slow down in her attack knowing she would need a really big rock to end him, not knowing this would be her down fall, for Goku had a plan, and the slow down on her attacks was just what he needed, and she realized this far to later when she hear Goku shout his Kamehameha, and fire the beam right at Her Running alone the the ground with enough power to set off every landmine do to a fault in their making, forcing her to take the blast head on or die, so the last thing Twilight saw while laying down in a slowly growing pool of her own blood, was Goku running of to the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament.

Some unknown time later

The first part of Twilight to come back into the world of the living, after her near-death encounter, was her mind. All she was able to do was think about how much she had enjoyed the fight, something she would never have believed, for she was a scientist not a fighter. But her body was saying otherwise, for it felt like the fight had awakened something in her. She had never had a drive for combat, but now she was feeling one. And a need to push her body to new highest, and to fight Goku not with her mind but with her fist. She wants to learn far more about martial arts and master every part of it, but to become a master, she would need a body there can handle being a master, so Twilight sets a new goal to become the strongest, but that will have to wait for the rest of her body is ready to wake up.

First came her ears, and the first thing she was hearing was the slow rhythmical beeps of the heart monitor, and then her eye's, giving her the view of her mother sleeping lay half on her bed while sitting in a chair, and she did not look good, big dark rings under her eye's her hair a mess and she was able to see the tear stains, on her blanket there was over her legs, making Twilight award of how much she must have worried about her, something she had not thought about, before setting Her plan for Vengeance in motion. And with her current condition it was lucky she did not died, giving her Mother and Father more to grief over her near death, something she did not wish to do, but at this point that was to late, she had messed up and can only hope that they will forgive Her, trying to move Her arm though did not go well She was only met with pain; she was going to try again, but the door into the room opened up.

"So I see that you are finally awake, Twilight," said Gero as he walked towards a chair in the room while looking over some papers and taking a seat on the chair, "You're Mother, and I have been really worried ever since I saw you attack the boy. Between you and me, that boulder hit was beautiful," he said while giving her a smile, just for him to go back to being serious.

"Otherwise you have been out for a full week. So let's start with the damage he did to you. Your right leg is broken, with your left getting away with only a few fragments of metal from the mines getting stuck in it. You got about 3 broken ribs, and your left arm got a bone fracture, but your right arm has been left with only a few pieces of metal stuck in it, making you bleed a lot, nearly bleeding to death. But we saved you just in time, so I want to ask you, Do you think what you did was worth it?" Gero asked while keeping his eye's lock on Twilight's, no judgement was in his eyes just a want to know.

Twilight did not need to think about that, for she already knew how she felt about it, "No, and yes, it's hard to say really, for I really enjoy fighting him, and I feel like I needed that fight, and I now want to train my body I want to learn as much as I can about what it really means to be a martial artist," Taking a deep breath, Twilight preparers to continued," And I messed up badly I did not think about how You and Mom were going to feel about me doing this, about how I could have died I did not think about anything other than my stupid Vengeance can you forgive me?" While talking, Twilight kept her eyes on Gero, so it came as a surprise when Twilight was pulled into a hug by her mother.

"Right now, I am just happy that you are alive," Said Vomi. As she looked her daughter in the eyes, she said, "And before you ask, I heard everything you said to your father, and as much as I don't like the idea, something did come up that makes me think that it would be for the best if you started training, for with you having been out for a full week, we have been keeping an eye on you, and well, it's hard to explain, but your body strength has become higher than it was before you got hurt, and from what we can see, it's a part of your race."

"And armed with this information, your mother and I talked about it, and we have come to the conclusion that it might be good for you to take up training, so that you want to do this just makes things easier," said Gero. He took over for a bit, "And that is why I am here, for you see, the space ship your mother has been working on is close to being done; the ship was only missing one room to be done, and with your need for training now, that is what it will be built for, so we will add a gravity control to the room, and while putting up a video screen, there will be a connection to my database on martial arts, so you can study while training your body, and it will let your mother talk to you while training; there will also be normal training tools."

This made Twilight pull back a bit, out of the hug, so she could see both her parents, "But why build it on the ship?" Twilight asks, "And are you not mad at me for putting you through this? I nearly got myself killed," she said as she was going to look down, just for Vomi to make her look up at her again.

"Well to start up with your first question," Vomi answer," The training room is being build on the ship, for when you are fully healed we will be taking to the stars, while you're father will handle everything here on earth, and as much as I want to say we are going to space to just see new worlds, sadly the reason is more that we need to know what we are dealing with out in space, for with what we are learning about you, and the boy, we are believing that other races out in space might not be as friendly as we hope for, do to what we see when we look at what we found out about your race dear. For everything is pointing at your race being that of warriors, and with how powerful the boy already is, we don't believe we will be ready for a universe like that, so to be as ready as we can, you and I are going into space to find out as much as we can, while your father stays here on earth and keeps a eye on thing's here, and with you starting your physical training, and how powerful your magic already is, there is no one better to protect us."

Vomi had to take a break, for she hated that she would have to put her little star in danger to keep herself safe so they would be able to find out more about the universe and about Twilight as well, so she continued. "I will be honest with you, my Star. I don't want to put you into this role, for it might be dangerous, for we have no idea what's out there, and you would have to protect us, for I am not able to do this, and it makes me feel like I have failed you, Twilight I have failed in keeping you away from danger." Vomi looked like she was about to cry after saying how she felt.

Seeing this made Twilight move to hug her mom, not caring a bit about the pain. "Don't say that; you have been a great mom," said Twilight while making it clear she was sad to hear her mom talk like that about herself, "You have been there for me as much as you can, and the last 2 years only turn out like they did, do to what happened to BBBFF and those who want you to pay for what the RR did, so I understand why you did not have time for me, and I gave you no reason to think anything was wrong, for I did not want to be stopped in what I was doing, so the fault is fully on me!"

As his wife and daughter embraced each other, making their already strong bond stronger, Gero watched with a smile for this is something that made him happy to see. He is not a man who needs to be close to his wife and adopted daughter, their little talks are all he needs to be happy with his family, he knows their likes and dislikes he knows what they care about, that is all he needs. But right now it's time to finish their talk, while Twilight still has the energy, for even with how strong she is, she will still need time to rest. But before going into plans, he wanted to have a bit of fun. "So, Vomi, aren't you going to tell our daughter what the new name of the company is?" Gero asked, with a smirk on his face, while looking
at his blushing wife in the eye's, while Twilight started to look at him when he opened his mouth and said, " Sparkle industry."

"What!, Mom, why? Why did you name it that?" asked Twilight while trying to hide her blushing face.

"I was in a hurry. I had just heard about you attacking the boy, and I was not allowed to leave before picking a name," answered Vomi, "So I picked the first thing that came to mind, and I can't change it again, so the company is now named after you."

"Now that I have had my bit of fun, there is one last thing for you to know before we let you sleep again, Twilight," Gero waits for a moment to get Twilight to look at him before going on. "While you are recovering from your fight, you might see two others around here you have not seen before, their names are Lapis and Lazuli, and they have signed up for my cyborg project, and due to them being still in their teens just like you, we are waiting some time before we will start on the project, so while waiting for them to be old enough, they will work as assistants, so if you see them, feel free to talk to them. And that is all so I think it's time to let you sleep, for you will need the rest to do a full recovery, and now that we know that you are going to be fine, we will be able to work without worrying, so I wish you a good rest." Gero said as he got up from his chair and started to walk towards the door.

Vomi huge Twilight one more time and kissed her on the forehead as she got up and walked towards the door while telling her that she would come back later with some food for her, but right now Twilight would need her rest.

But as the room got quiet with only Twilight left in it, she started to call to her magic, for there was something she needed to do. And that was to get control over all the rage inside her, and while she had been talking with her family, a spell had come to her mind a spell that allowed her to store an emotion of her choice for later use. And all that rage she was still feeling she needed to store it to not get anymore stupid idea, and she would keep doing this with all her rage, only to use it the day she would be ready to take down Goku. So she cast the spell locking all the rage away for now, making Twilight feel so much better and ready for sleep. which made her decide to store her rage every time she had the chance, for if it felt this good to just store it, then it would probably feel far better to let it all out on a foe. But that will have to wait, for now, she will have to recover.