• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 19: Regroup

Back at the Lookout just as Twilight and Tempest land.

"You will never let me live this down will you Tempest?" asked Twilight while looking a bit down, as she and Tempest walked towards where they can feel Dende is at.

"Probably not. For it's nice to know that even you can make mistakes, and it makes you feel more normal to me, so I will probably always remember that. You the mighty Princess cut the moon in two, do to you putting far to much magic into your attack" said Tempest with a smile while patting Twilight's back.

"Of all the things I can mess up, it happen to be something that everyone can see when it's night." said Twilight as she looked over her shoulder seeing the moon now being in 2 pieces yet still staying close, but not close enough that you can't see that it's now in two pieces, which made her annoyed, for why did it have to do that, now everyone can see that it has been cut.

"Oh come on Twilight, it's not all bad, at least 13 and his two idiots allowed you to let out a lot of rage, so to me this is good. And be sides the earth don't need the moon, for from what you told me, you did not have a moon from ages 750 to 755, that is five years and adding the second time the planet lost it between 761 and 763 which is two yes more without a moon, so having the moon in two pieces is not that big a deal." said Tempest in attempt of cheering her up again, for truly it had been good for Twilight, she had been a lot more calm after she had gotten her little work out.

Hearing this made Twilight sigh, "You are right Tempest, it just makes me annoyed that I'm so bad at controlling my power, I'm far to bad about holding back... It's like there is something there just wants me to go for overkill every time I do anything where I need to hold back. "said Twilight while putting her hand under her chin.

This made Tempest Nervous, for she had a idea what it was, but was still not able to say anything about it, which she cursed for it meant she would not be able to do much about it, other then try to get Twilight to relax, and not feed the darkness, "Sadly I think I know what the problem is, but sadly I can't tell what it is Twilight. But I can tell you this stay positive, and don't let and don't let negativity get a foothold, for the more of it you got, the harder your control will become." said Tempest in a serious tone.

"If I ever find out why you can't tell me these things, I will make them regret it. And I'm feeling really ''Creative'' when it comes to this." said Twilight with a evil Grin, which gave Tempest a shiver, thinking about how ''Creative'' Twilight can get, made her happy that it was not her it was aimed at.

Somewhere unknown.

A creature sneezed.

"It seems our Princess is not happy, about your work Mr."

"It does seem like that, but I have gotten away with worse then this before. Normally she forgets what she is mad about after saying sorry." laugh the Creature

Just for the smaller one to smile, "Yes that is true from what you have told me... But aren't you forgetting something?" ask the Creature's friend

Which made the Creature stop his laughing, "Oh and what would that be?" the Creature asked looking down on his smaller friend.

The smile just became bigger on the smell one, "That this Twilight is a mostly new a person, so the question is if that will work this time?" laugh the small one, while the Creature realize what his friend was saying was true, which made him Shiver.

Back on the Lookout

As Twilight and Tempest came around the building, for they had landed behind it they notice Vomi was there.

"Mom? What are you doing up here?" asked Twilight as she ran up and hugged her mom. with Tempest following behind just smiling at the love Twilight had for her mom.

"Well I knew that you would be back here soon after our talk, and thought that I would get you a meal up here, for I know you don't have the time to come home for one, and with Instant Transmission it's a easy thing to do,' said Vomi as she let go of the hug she had been giving Twilight, "And of course I made sure there is more then enough, so you can let the others eat with you and Tempest if you want."

"You know I think I will do that, for I want to know how Gohan is doing on the work I left for him." said Twilight as she was about to move when Vomi stop her.

"What work are you on about Twilight?" asked Vomi for she had not been looking at what Twilight was doing with Gohan, for she like her Husband had both been focus on what date they got from Tempest's work.

"Oh yeah, Gohan asked me about magic, and if he would be able to use it, so I looked into it, and found that he can, but I would have to wake up his magic core." said Twilight in a relax tone, not realizing that Vomi was looking at her with stars in her eyes.

Putting a hand on both of Twilight's shoulders, Vomi made Twilight look her right into her eyes, which made her a little nervous, "Can I learn as well?" asked Vomi giving Twilight her best puppy eyes, which was really odd to Twilight, for that use to be her move against Vomi, when she wanted more candy, and now it had been turned right around.

"Well I can check, but you will need to let go of my shoulder for me to do so," said Twilight a little nervous, and as Vomi let go, Twilight put her hand on her mom's head, and looked, and sure enough, just like with Gohan, there was a sleeping core. And after having awaken the one in Gohan, she had gotten a good idea about how to do it without the Ritual, for if she only wanted to help one, she needed a more controlled way of doing it, she did not want to end up giving more kids this power. And as Twilight started Light came from Vomi the same color as Twilight's own magic, and as the light show stop, as Twilight took her hand of her mother's head, "Well it's done, and you can now use magic now Mom."

And just like that Vomi was now having the greats day of her life, for magic was one of those things she had always wanted to get, so hearing that her Darling daughter had found a way to give it to others had been something she wanted to take, and here she was now having one of her dreams come true, and as she was enjoying the feeling of the magic now in her, she hear Twilight talk about teaching her, and had to stop her," Twilight my dear star, I want to learn magic on my own if that is ok?" said Vomi.

This made Twilight look a bit hurt, for she wanted to use this to spent more time with her mother, "Ok... Mom..." said Twilight with a tone there sounded a bit broken, as she tried to turn around and walk away, but was stopped by Vomi who had caught her and turn her around.

"Twilight, I did not mean to hurt you, but I want to try magic myself, and when I feel good about what I can do, then we can talk about magic all you want," said Vomi while giving her daughter's nose a boop, which did the trick, for now Twilight was smiling again, a smile she loved so much, "Now that is what I like to see, for a hate it when my little star is feeling down." as she finished saying this she felt Twilight hug her back, before letting go.

"Thanks mom, for a second there I believed, that you did not want to spent time with me, but I realize that is just me being stupid," said Twilight, which earned Twilight a smile from Vomi, "Well I better go get Gohan and his family, for that food. Can you set it up while I do that?" asked Twilight, which she got a nod from, so Twilight left for where Gohan and his family had been set up.

And when she got to where they had been set up, she found the room had been sealed up against the moon light, which had surprised her for all of 2 seconds before she remembered, Annin had her tail, which meant that she would transform if she saw the moon, which made Twilight realize she would need some Anti-Moon lens for Annin, so it was good that she still had her old ones, meaning she would be able to make Annin safe. So she walked up to the door, and but a barrier to cover the door and where she was standing, before she opened the door and was jumped by Annin the second she did, but do to her speed she caught the girl and held her in her arms.

"Get Annin away from the moon light Twilight!" scream Chi-Chi while Twilight was just carefully putting in the Anti-Moon lens into Annin's eyes, and when Chi-Chi notice what Twilight was doing, she was about to ask before Twilight beat her to the punch.

"Anti-Moon Lens, they stop the transforming into the Great ape form. So you can safely let Annin out now." said Twilight in a calm voice.

This took the winds out of Chi-Chi's sails, "Well that is really helpful," she said as she fell into a chair before she recalled something, "I hope you have another pair, for Gohan's tail has come back, and I got no idea why it's back... We were told it would stop coming back around now, but why is it back?"

Well Twilight had a idea why Gohan's Tail was back, but she was not going to tell Chi-Chi, for she did not feel like telling her that, it was back do to Twilight giving her son magic, for that would just make her day harder, "Well I got no idea about why his tail is back, but I do have some more lens, so I can help Gohan go out again, which he might enjoy, for my mother has brought a feast, so if you guys want some free food then it's open for you guys as well," said Twilight as she walked into the second room where she found Gohan going over the magic books, and sure enough he had the tail again, "Hey Gohan." she said, getting the boy to turn around and look at her, with a big smile

"Hey Twilight, the books you gave me has been helping a lot, in understanding what I'm going into, and the train itself is good, I already got a good control over it." said Gohan

"that's good Gohan," said Twilight as she pull out two lens, and gave them to him," Put these on, and you will not have to fear transforming from the Moon," and as she finish saying this she saw him put them in, before she checked if he had done it well enough, and he had, "And now that is done, how about you come outside with me, and join us for a feast, for my own mother has brought a lot of food," To this Gohan gave a nod, and followed Twilight out, and saw his mom had already left, and with Twilight holding his sister he just followed along, normal Gohan would have question his mother over leaving Annin with Twilight, but do to her not being able to control his sister he knew why, his mother needed a break, so leaving Annin with Twilight gave her a chance to relax.

As Twilight, Annin and Gohan got out and back around to see where the food had been set up, they notice that, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin had join them having gotten done with 19 themselves, and they seem to be talking to Tempest. And as Twilight got closer she was hearing the ending of what Krillin was saying to Tempest.

"...And then I turn around and the Moon was cut in two, I got no idea how that happen, but that is a new one." said Krillin to Tempest, who had been looking at him, and then when he said the last thing she turn her head towards Twilight and gave her a playful smile.

"Well if you want to know how the Moon got cut in two, then you should really ask the one who cut it." said Tempest as she pointed at Twilight, which made all three of the Human's look towards Twilight in full surprise.

"I did not mean to cut the moon in two! Why does this stuff always happen to me." said Twilight as she looked a bit annoyed, while paying more attention to Annin who was just happy that Twilight was holding her, while Gohan next to her, hear what was said about the moon and turned to look at it, seeing it two Surprised him, before he turned to Twilight.

"How did you do that Twilight?" asked Gohan

Giving out a sigh Twilight took her free hand up and pull out Tranquil Night and gave Gohan Annin, before she pull the blade out of it's sheath and then held it out in the moon light for people to see," This is Tranquil Night, a blade made from metals we wished for when I did not have a thrid wish, for my mom wanted me to have a weapon there can help me when I hit a road block I can't beat with my own power, and the enemy I battle down there had more defense then attack, so I needed a bit more power to my attack, so I used a attack of mine there use both Ki and magic, but I used a bit to much, and cut the moon as I cut the enemy in half." explained Twilight as she kept holding out the blade for them to see. And it seem it was all of them there wanted to see for they were all standing close.

"I can see from just looking at the blade it got some serious killing power, but I got to ask. What do you mean magic? For from what I hear it just sounds like Telekinesis, which my friend can do, but he can't add that power to his attacks." said Tien, now paying more attention, for he really wanted to know this.

"You would think that with how magic starts out, do to the first step of it is a high level of Telekinesis, but to give you a idea. Just now before I show you the blade, you probably saw me pull the blade out of mid air right?" said Twilight, this all of them agree with her on, "Well that was a spell call 'Pocket space' I can store many items in it, and pull them out at any point, anything I put into it only I can pull out. And that is just a small spell that I made when I was still young, since then I have made many more spells, and learn some from when I was on namek, like healing and such. Now when it comes to limits of magic, it's all about the skills of the caster, for the better the caster is, and the more work they have put into magic the more powerful it becomes, a bit like Ki.," finished Twilight as she used her magic to put Tranquil Night into it's sheath by flying the both in front of herself, and moving the together, before sending the blade back to the pocket space.

"If you want to know what a new spell caster can do keep a eye on Gohan, for he has had the ability unlocked," and just as she finish saying this, Annin decide she wanted a drink and use her magic to pull one over to her while Gohan was still holding her, surprising everyone there saw it, which was also Chi-Chi who did not look like she was ready for that, and walked over to Vomi and asked for something strong, 'And Annin was a little to close when I helped Gohan, and it turns out she is able to use magic as well now." said Twilight as she looked at Annin

"So... Can magic be use for pranks?" asked Krillin, which made Chi-Chi look even more worried when she hear it.

This made Twilight nervous as she looked towards Chi-Chi who now looked like she was about to faint, "Well yeah it can be used for that," as Twilight said this Chi-Chi went out like a light," It's all about what you want as I said earlier, you can even break the laws of physics if you are powerful enough. Though before you ask anything else, I think it would be better if we stopped talking about magic, I don't think Chi-Chi can take much more."

This made the group laugh a bit, before going over to eat, a meal there went well, with them all small talking while also learning that full blooded Saiyan's all are bottomless pits for food, for they had seen both Goku and Vegeta eat, and now they were seeing Tempest and Twilight eat, and it was much the same, which made the whole group laugh.

And so they enjoy their meal, before all went to bed, inside a capsule house's, one for the men, and one for Tempest and Twilight, for Vomi just went back home, and tomorrow the Hunt for Cell would start again, and hopefully Goku waking up.