• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2016

The Descendant

Thanks, but please don't send me cash "tips." Instead, support this charity: The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club.

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  • 427 weeks
    I Don't Always Read the Comics but, When I Do, They Feature Twilight and Spike

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    Summer Ends: The Finale of Gravity Falls

    Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

    Every once in a while I get to stand an applaud as the credits roll to a television show. Futile, of course, as I'm the only one there to hear it, but I do it because it deserves to be applauded.

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    New Comic: "Away"

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What Are You Looking Forwards to This Year · 5:04pm Jan 1st, 2016

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

It's been snowing all morning... the first really good snowfall that I've actually seen this year. Considering that on Christmas Eve kids were walking around my mother's village in t-shirts and shorts, it's sort of anti-climatic to say that New Year's Day looks more "holidayish" than Christmas Day did.

So, here I am... de-decorating my house. It already seems darker and colder. So, how about sharing some bright thoughts with me? What are you looking forwards to in this New Year?

Stay Awesome,

Comments ( 40 )

Getting drunk at conventions with other fimfic users. I'm looking at you, Jake/Arch/Aqua/etc. :raritywink:

batman v. superman

Author Interviewer

Having a working computer. Hopefully having enough money to. :/

More stories from you, for one thing.

Hopefully getting to make a long term commitment with my girl. That'd be nice.

Trade you some of that T-shirt weather. It was a sliver above freezing this morning when I took my sister to work. I live in Arizona. That crap isn't supposed to happen here. It's why my family left the mid-West.

So, 2016. I don't have much in the way of professional prospects. A bit disappointing, but my CAD is rusty and children give me ulcers. Privately, the continuation of my weight loss regimen excites me. Keto diet isn't shy on delicious food (re:bacon all day e'ery day, if I had it. Go Team Fat-Protein!) and I don't find myself craving junk very often. I'm down 26 pounds since September and I ran my first continuous mile Wednesday night. Even in high school, when I wasn't god awful heavy, I didn't have the heart and lung endurance to do one nonstop. Continuing forward with this level of improvement fills me with a cautious excitement. This has been the most progress on getting my health under control I've ever made. I feel like an absentee parent just promised a trip to Disney Land again, but this time they sound super serious about it.

Would enjoy going to a con, as Professor Plum mentioned above. Expensive though. I could divert funds from other projects, but that would leave me tight for a lot of the year unless my employment situation changes dramatically.

Addendum: I feel like I point this out all the time, but you, my little Raven, became a member here on my 24th birthday. Whee!

Hopefully a new job and soon, m' daughter learning to talk, Season 6, a few select films, time with m' wife.

Of course it's the first good snowfall you've seen this year. 2016 just barely started. :derpytongue2:

(I believe you could at least use a slight bit of humor...)


Trip to Prague to meet with editor.

Trip to Australia to meet with my mistress (in the kinky sense) from RLPV.

Im Looking foward to:
- New Updates to my favorite Stories (Like yours or The Powers Of Harmony from CyborgSamurai, or Direction [Nuptialverse ] from Darth Link 22, ... )
- The European Release of "Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon" (Region lock unfortunately, if not i would already have imported it) I Love the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Series so much, they have a really great Story and im kinda planning to write fanfic of it.
-My Birthday (March 19th)
-Competing at the Pokémon National Championship (couldn't go last year)
-New Movies (like Batman vs. Superman)

3656509 The same goes for me. It's been three months, and I'm still getting used to the fact I'm in a relationship.
EDIT: Also, Christmas is over. Take off your hat :twilightblush: or don't. I'd wear one all year if it wasn't for the fact that they're hot and itchy.

Reading more great stories, meeting more folks in Quills & Sofas at Bronycon should I attend again this year.

For now, all I'm really looking forward to is finishing up college and releasing all the fics that I'm currently working on.

Finally taking a week off to regain my balance and get a few words written for a change. BC also, should be fun again this year

Trump not getting elected

I should graduate in the fall if everything goes well. Other than that, I do plan to start tracking my reading, because I want to see how much I read in a year. And my pastor has asked me to be more active with chaperoning the youth group when I'm not away at college, so that will be interesting. I also just want to write more, because I quit for a while and I really miss it.

It's turned off cold where I live as well, although we don't have any snow yet. I hope you have a great new year day! What are your plans?

Been prepping and planning stories for most of 2015, so I'm looking forward to actually writing and publishing some this year! Also looking forward to possibly proposing to my girlfriend this year. :twilightsmile:

Mlp season 6 :pinkiehappy:

And my birthday In june,

Looking forward to snow, (only comes here in January.)
Gonna get WAY more then we usually get!

Your lucky you got lights, we did not even use a tree this year! Just a lunch of cards tapped to the wall,
To much work getting a tree in there and setting g it up, we Did not even have lights

Bronycon (hopefully with you attending), getting healthier, a mild amount of snow (especially after last year's icy hell), and hopefully steady work.


1. More writing from you.

2. 2016 going better than 2015, which to be brief was not a good year for me.

3. On a personal level, hopefully flying to Utah to visit a friend.

4. Maybe writing a Star Trek: TOS/MLP crossover, too.

Happy new year, Descendant!

1. My uncle's cancer to be healed
2. To stop bullying
3. To have a better year
4. To meet new friends
5. Have a better guide for America: president
6. World peace
7. Debt to decrease

Those are some of the things I want to happen this year. I know some won't happen, but it's good to put them on the list. Happy 2016!

Lots of new stories to read!

Having fun at conventions all over Europe. My spring is already full, with NordicFuzzCon, BUCK, and ConFuzzled.

Finally passing all the tests and getting my instrument flight rating, which has taken up most of my time the last year.

And when that's done, I'll finally have the time to make more plushies. Maybe I'll even find a good corvid pattern to use as a base for a ravencorn :)

Some stories from you and few other authors I follow on FF.
Season 6. And IDW #40...
Yet another trip to Japan.
Exercising! And drawing. :twilightsmile:

What I'm looking forward to in 2016? That's an easy one.

First off, my school's musical theater production is starting next week I'm really excited to perform with my classmates on something we've worked on for 4 months.

Second and lastly, this is the most important one, I am hoping to finally start and finish up the audio drama of your story, 'The Youth in the Garden'. I've been planning to do this for over a year and I am very excited to get it started very soon. Afterwards, I'm hoping to work on more audio books of other stories to improve on my voice acting and audio editing skills.

Yup, I think 2016 will be a great year for me.

What are you looking forwards to in this New Year?

Me? I'm still looking forward to some snow. It hasn't snowed in central yurop since last year (or two, I can't remember)... :facehoof:

I envy you. :rainbowlaugh: The daily trip to work gets harder with snow, but hell if it ain't much more beautiful. If only we had some Elsa/Jack Frost/pegasi ponies/Ded Moroz/Cloud with some Ice Materia slammed in his sword or any-friggin'-body who can control ice and snow... :unsuresweetie:

I'd better go and change that Santa hat on my feline head to a straw one... :trollestia:


-Season 6 of MLP, as well as Series 10 of Doctor Who. Kind of obvious, but still worth mentioning.
-Mahjong tournaments. If you check here, I'll be going to most of these unless they're in Russia, take place at the same time as another tournament, or take place on weekends reserved for more important things (and that list is nowhere near complete; the Germans haven't gotten around to putting their tournament dates in yet, for one). Speaking of more important things:
-Good friends tying the knot on May 7. I hope the party will be epic. :pinkiehappy:
-Eurovision 2016 (May 10/12/14, Stockholm, Sweden, though I won't actually go there, instead enjoying it from the comfort of my living room). After the valley of boredom that was the 2015 ESC, things can only get better. And with 43 participants (not quite a record, but it's tied for most participants with 2008 and 2011) and only one song known so far, the next two-and-a-half months have quite a few musical discoveries hidden away in them (as well as a whole bunch of boring and/or bafflingly bad songs, but that's par for the course with this contest).

So, yeah. Looking forward to 2016, all told.

I have no literal clue what I'm looking forward to.

Just gonna take it however it goes, I suppose.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Looking forward to:

(Cartoon/comic wise)
The continuation of the Zodiac Stone arc in Walt Disney Comics and Stories
The continuation of the Invader Zim comics
The Gravity Falls series finale
MLP season 6
The next Steven Universe episodes

Continuing to explore my "AviaVerse" universe and the characters within it (especially those that don't like each other much!)

Actually keeping my resolutions for this year
Publishing my second poetry book
Finishing up my core classes in college so I can focus on classes pertinent to my field

Boo to de-decorating! We left our holiday decorations up for an entire year once, lol. Saved us the trouble of putting them back up :rainbowlaugh:

This year I'm looking forward to Babscon! It's actually pretty close to where I live, and it would be the first MLP con I've ever gone to.

I also really want to write more this year, be it fanfic or otherwise.

Writing more fics, completing two more semesters at my community college so I can get closer to moving on to a university, hopefully going to a couple of brony conventions, and a Godzilla convention, S6 of MLP, giving love another shot, and another year of FIM.

Getting shipped off to the fleet.
Hopefully not on an aircraft carrier

Having the best possible year I can. same as everyone else.

I'm hoping hasbro keeps making episodes! *nervous laugh * I've noticed they're really tying up loose ends, and when I say really, I mean REALLY. I'll keep my fingers crossed*___*

Oh, and by the way, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Things for Harry to look forward to in 2016:

1. Confirm Contract renewal (They always wait until the last possible moment to tell you, it's January 2nd already and I'm not sure if I still have a job. Probably, but I wish they'd just tell me and get it over with.)

2. In the likely event I still have a job; possible promotion around Feb/Mar.

3. XCOM 2 Coming out on February 5th.

EDIT: (Accidentally pressed post instead of preview.)

4. and all the new things I will likely learn.

Happy new year Descendant!

Settling into, for the first time in over a year, owning a home.
And publishing the drama I'm currently writing.
And hopefully getting a novel self-published.
Oh, and meeting Lauren Faust and BABSCon :pinkiehappy:

Getting my first actuary job.
Passing another actuary exam.
Maybe being able to go to an MLP convention.

I am just seeing this now, but I am most looking forward to continuing to be a member of this absolutely wonderful site, and to becoming even better friends with the people on it. :twilightsmile: I also look forward to continuing to write and post, and to see where my creativity takes me.

How about you, Desc?

I'm still trying to figure that out, honestly.

I know what you mean. But hey, it will be a fun journey, won't it? :twilightsmile:

Riverdance, London and Sweet 16. As for you, I wish you luck with your re-decorating. And please, stay awesome. :pinkiesmile:

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