• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
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Etyco Filly

Just your average Etymologically Correct Filly that equally adores cutesy and/or dramatic romance, as well as horrifying, grimdark tragedies. And any mix of those!

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It is back! · 10:46am Apr 10th, 2022

So hey, it's been a couple of months, but just as I promised, FotW is back from its editorial break. I have three chapters ready to be published, and two more that are at the end of the rough draft process and will just need to go through the usual three editing passes.
Well, technically it's only two chapters that are ready, but I've decided to split one of them into two parts. I wasn't particularly fond of releasing a single, 20k word chapter. Both because I like reading fics with consistent chapter lengths, and because it took me an entire month to write such a long thing, so you bet I'll publish it over the same period.
One more thing kind of unrelated to FotW but that doesn't really merit its own blog post. I'll be at Eponafest on the 21st and 22nd of May. If you're there as well, feel free to say hi if you spot me; I'm probably going to be wearing a (low-quality because self-made) Crystal War RD cosplay, at least on the first day.

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