• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Sombra. Saga of Hatred - HiddenUnderACouch

Some names are respected. Some are ignored. Some are loved. There is only one name in the whole world of Equestria that became the synonym for cruelty. This name is Sombra, and this is his story.

  • ...


It didn't last too long: less than half an hour. But for them, it was enough to feel the bliss. The call of the flesh answered and fulfilled, Sombra and Krystal were laying under the drifting sun, letting it evaporate the steaming fumes of alcohol and intoxication from them.

Krystal closed her eyes and burrowed her muzzle in Sombra's mane, trying to somehow ease the headache that had come so sudden. The boy didn’t know if she was still drunk or sobered-up already. From time to time, she would purr gently and caress her lover's chest, slowly tickling in the most sensitive places. Her touch was as soft as a feather.

"What's to become of us, Sombra?" she whispered in his ear, quietly, as if she had just woken up. "What's to become of us?"

"What do you mean?" Sombra asked, turning to her. Was it an alcohol induced weakness or did she feel fine now?

"I mean... just look at us. I'm a daughter of an ambassador, and you're of common birth. And yet we love each other even though deep inside we know that we can't be together," she continued to whisper. "For now, we can live like this... meet in secret when nopony's looking. But what about our future? — Do we have one?"

Sombra raised his eyes heavenwards as if looking for an answer. He had never thought about it before. She was of high birth and he was simple street dirt. How could they possibly be together? Even though Lux kept talking about equality, no noticeable changes had been noticed in that regard — everything was stale and old.

"I don't know... I really don't," Sombra replied and sighed heavily. "Could we change the subject? I'm not really in the mood to talk about anything serious."

Krystal chuckled, looking at her lover with playful eyes. "Oh, of course you're not. I bet your head will be filled with nothing but back-and-forth movement. All day, all night," she leaned closer to his head and closed her eyes. "Unforgettable... though, you could have lasted a bit longer, you know."

"Bah," Sombra snorted. "You didn't have to moan so loudly. It got to me... 'twas a bit too much."

He didn't know any more excuses, but Krystal replied with a giggle and kissed him playfully.

"You know, we nobles value virginity more than life, at times. And it was so worth it."

Sombra smiled at that, but sighed at the same time. The alcoholic presence was still strong in Krystal. When she had sobered-up, her reaction should be much less... accepting. But for now, Sombra enjoyed the tenderness of his beloved pony, the pony he could proudly call his inamorata.


"No... by the Emperor, no..." Krystal mumbled, holding her head. "Please... kill me..."

"Relax, Krystal, it's just a headache. Here," Sombra tried to calm her down, putting a pelvis of water in front of her. The girl shoved her face into the cold liquid, praying for the relief.

Sombra looked at the horizon, at the sunset, to be precise. It seemed they had slept util the evening, which would explain why Krystal was finally sane again. Too bad he was unable to leave until that moment, but it seemed that, right now, she needed him more than ever.

After soaking her face in water, Krystal backed away a bit and massaged her temples. The headache was horrible, surely. Sombra had a weak one as well, but Krystal behaved like nails were being beaten into her skull.

"Uuuugh..." she muttered, covering her mouth. It was unnerving Sombra a lot.

"Krystal, relax! It's not like it's fatal. It's just a headache."

"Dying right now would be desirable. Very desirable..." she replied, letting herself drop down on the ground. "My dad's going to kill me."

"Not if we can clean up before they arri—"

"Ha-ha, nice joke — ten out of ten!" she groused. "I meant... well... you know what I meant. You can guess... Oh, sweet apples, my head..."

It wasn't too hard to figure out.

"I'm... sorry," Sombra said, remembering how differently she reacted to this when under the influence of wine.

"I knew taking the wine was a bad idea. Now, I know that it wasn't just bad, it was horrible," she looked into the water and splashed some into her face. "I can't believe you took advantage of that."

"Kryss, I'm really sorry! How many times do I have to say that?"

"As oft as you can..." she splashed more water in her face.

This seemed like the end of the world to her. Her family would never accept her again. Losing innocence with so little purpose...

Virginity was valued in society, especially among the nobles. Young mares like her were such a good tool for striking profitable deals, getting privileges, or just for a good sum of gold. Innocence could be traded, it was a commodity, but it could only be sold and bought once. Krystal had given hers away for free.

She opened her eyes, looking at her reflection in the water. Just what in the Abyss was she thinking? Her innocence was no commodity! It was her decision what to do therewith. She had given it away on her own volition: for love.

"Ugh... okay... forget it. What's done is done."

"Please, don't be angry, Kryssie. I just don't know what's gotten into me."

"I'm not angry... it was just a temporary... mare's hysterics," she approached Sombra. "I'm glad it was you... and not anypony else... because I love you."

She looked at him from under her soaked mane with a smile on her lips, silently reassuring Sombra that everything was alright.

"Hey," he wrapped a strong hoof around her, drawing her in close, "Are we technically called a stallion and a mare, now? Because we're not... well... you know."

"Technically, we were called that since we turned thirteen. When you become bigger than an average filly or a foal, they call you a stallion, even if you're still a virgin," she said nonchalantly.

"Uh... yeah... right," the newly-born stallion said.

"There's nothing wrong with saying virgin. It's not a cuss word," Krystal explained while fondling her head, fighting back another spasm of headache. "Though, if it were a cuss word, you would say it nonstop."

They stood silent for a minute. Krystal pulled back from Sombra, approaching the picnic place to belook it with something akin to sadness in her pale-blue eyes.

"But Sombra... if anypony asks, nothing happened here. Nothing, you understand?"

"Yes, nothing. Just a simple picnic," Sombra nodded. "Though... does that mean I can't even hope for a second time?"

Krystal facehoofed while Sombra snickered.

"You're stupid."

"I agree," he retaliated, his head still cloudy with alcohol "but was that an aye?"


The cafeteria was full, just as it should be at this time of the day: the evening. Sombra was peacefully enjoying his meal, which he had actually bought, not stolen. Iron Wheel, however, felt distressed. He cast his eyes hither and yon with great sadness evident in them, mostly focusing his sight on any mares that passed by. When a pretty mare with curly long mane passed right by him, he sighed heavily and lowered his head.

"What's the matter, Iron? Lost your favorite wrench?" Sombra asked, gulping down a glass of water.

"No, not that—" Iron Wheel replied.

“Then it's all okay," Sombra interrupted, whereto Iron sighed again.

"I meant that... thanks for letting me run with you and Krystal. I really like spending my time with you two," he said and his friend nodded.

"No problem, of course, but why are you thanking me now? Earlier would have made much more sense."

"It's just that, after spending time with you guys, I realized that... I'm lonely," he confessed. "In a way that... I don't have a marefriend."

"I've been telling you before: find one, or you might be sent to mines," Sombra joked, but that didn't brighten up Iron Wheel.

"I'm serious here, Sombra. I really, really need a marefriend! Really-really!"

Sombra put down his sandwich and looked at Iron Wheel with a bit of suspicion.

"How 'really' are we talking about, hmm?" he asked, confusing the young pony. "Did you have any dreams, involving... mares doing... stuff?"

Iron Wheel looked at his friend, completely losing the thread of events.

"Well, yes... I had a few dreams wherein a strange mare was riding on one of my inventions... so what?"

"Okay, then..." Sombra replied, figuring that only he had the strange visits by a mare that claimed to be his blanket. The more he thought about it, the less it made sense.

"I can try to help you. But I need to see how the situation rolls. Go and try to set up a date now."

Iron Wheel's jaw dropped.

"Just... like that? Just go and ask a mare out?"

"Yes. Just try it. Do everything you think might work. When you get back, inform me of the results," Sombra said, using this moment of loneliness to process the situation. Quite humorous, truly.

So, the young Iron Wheel wanted a girl to cuddle? Quite strange, considering how he used to always expect the worst from anypony. He wouldn't even consider looking for friends besides Sombra. And now he wanted a marefriend! Did the friendship with Sombra change him that much? Or did he just envy Sombra for having Krystal?

Yes, probably the latter. Who wouldn't get jealous, though? Krystal was beautiful, truly magnificent. All her talks about excessive weight? — Idiocy. Her pudginess was one of her better traits, in his eyes. She felt so soft on touch... he couldn't forget how warm and soft she had felt when he kissed her, tasted her sweet skin.

He couldn't forget that delicious taste of wine on her lips. How hot and wet her kisses were. How sultry were her speeches, oh, by the Emperor! He could never imagine something like that could ever come out of her mouth. And her moans, he wouldn't forget them in a million years. She was beautiful in a different, much more personal way. Sombra was sure he would never see her behave that way in public. It was a Krystal only he knew and experienced.

Finally, Iron Wheel returned, holding his red cheek, which he occasionally rubbed. Seemed he’d gotten quite a slap.

"So, I assume..." Sombra pointed at the bruise. "Yeah."

"See? I'm horrible at dating! Can you help me?" he asked and Sombra sighed.

"Yeah, I'll try. No promises, though," Sombra glanced around. In reality, he didn't know too much about dates as well. The only mare he had ever been with was Krystal, but because of his tremendous popularity, many mares seemed to look at him with interest. He ignored most of them, maybe winked at one or two, but that was all.

"Try setting up your relationships. Don't just walk up to a mare and say: Yo, what's up, let's go out! That's a good way to get a slap in the face," Sombra recited. "Well, I see you did just that."

"Yeah... sort of," Iron Wheel replied, rubbing his cheek. "Ouch."

Sombra couldn't recall what he told the poor boy. Probably a bunch of trash talk - he really didn't know how to set up dates. With Krystal, it all happened so suddenly, unexpected. He realized that, if it weren't for her, he would still be lonely.

Time passed on, but they were still talking. Though, from giving Iron Wheel tips, Sombra slipped to just blatant discussion about mares, akin to those stallions at a bar would have.

"I always find that crystal unicorns are pickier than crystal ponies," Iron Wheel stated. "I mean, look at the nobility; every unicorn always wears some regalia, some more regalia, and scarves, don't forget the scarves."

"What? Go to Abyss, that's not true! Non-unicorn mares wear regalia too, so don't give me this rigmarole. Besides, I find mares in fancy clothes much prettier than those without," Sombra retaliated, pouring himself some water. "You should see Krystal when she's wearing her scarf, she's stunning."

"Well, can't argue with that. Krystal is one heck of a mare," Iron Wheel looked away. "Ah... I wish I had a pony like her by my side... My life would be complete."

"Surely. Though, you can't find a pony as beautiful as her in the whole wide world, " Sombra replied. "I'm sure you'll find yourself somepony nice... I think... maybe."

He really doubted that Iron Wheel will be able to find a mare. He didn't have enough patience, absolutely no confidence, and, of course, ponies only knew his name because they’d seen his silhouette in Sombra’s shadow. Some even called him Sombra's tail. All in all, he wasn't considered a good pick among the mares of the school.

The unicorn noticed Krystal slowly walking into the cafeteria. She carefully looked around as if she was scared, no, afraid of something.

"Sorry, Iron, but I have to go. Good luck with your endeavors," he sung and quickly approached Krystal. She didn't notice him as he slowly sneaked from behind and surprised her with a warm hug.

"Boo!" he whispered quietly in her ear. She twitched from surprise, turning her head towards him. "Scared you, didn't I?"

"Kind of."

"Ha-ha... How are you doing, dear?" Sombra asked, fondly nuzzling in her mane. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes... Just could you please do your fondling somewhere else?" she critiqued Sombra's sudden outburst of feelings. "You're embarrassing us both."

"Sorry, sorry! But can't I just express my feelings to my most loved pony of all time?"

"Yeah, whatever," Krystal replied. Sombra was more than a little shaken by how cold she was. What happened? He needed to know.

"Alright... Let's talk outside," Sombra offered, whereto Krystal concurred with a curt nod.

"Let's. We have a lot of things to discuss."

The fresh wind renewed Sombra's intention to discover what the deal with Krystal was as they walked behind the building where Sombra used to smoke. The young spring was truly the most beautiful time of year. Though, that being said, Sombra couldn't wait till summer, for then, he and Krystal would have all the time in the world.

"So, will I get any explanations?" the dark unicorn asked while his object of passion looked around nervously.

"There's nothing to explain. Just try not to showcase our relationship like that, okay? Our love is no trophy."

That remark made Sombra blush slightly. He used to be protective of their relationship, why did it all change?

Though, with that said, Krystal had never been so secretive.

"Kryssie, I can see that something is wrong. You helped me; let me help you. Is somepony troubling you?" he questioned, pointing first at himself, then at her with his right hoof, followed by a cutthroat gesture to imply what would happen to a pony who’d cause her trouble.

"Yes, Sombra, my parents, they're troubling me."

"But... they haven't even come back!" he exclaimed, prompting a sad, heavy sigh from his beloved.

"Sombra... You see, what we did yesterday... It was wrong... so wrong," she shifted her weight awkwardly from one hoof to the other. "The noble mares have to stay innocent until their marriage. It's an ancient tradition... and I broke it."

A small tear appeared in her eye.

"I don't know what will happen to me if my parents find out. I'm so scared, Sombra... I'm so scared." She stood by the wall and looked heavenwards, trying to hide the tears.

"I don't know how to carry on after this... It's only now that I started to think that, one day, we'll have to go separate ways."

The thought was heavy. The thought was disgusting. But it was here and it was so painfully real.

Sombra couldn't imagine himself and Krystal separated. They were born to be together! They were made for each other!

"No!" he shouted, scaring the young mare. "No!"

Sombra approached her and kissed her passionately. She was confused, she didn't want to, but he forced her to, and slowly, she just surrendered to his embrace. He wrapped his hooves around her waist and pressed her closer to himself.

"As long as I'm alive, I won't abandon you, Krystal. It doesn't matter what others say, I'll always be there for you. Always."

"Thank you, Sombra... Thank you so much," Krystal whispered, caressing his mane. "I promise, I won't abandon you too. Even if it would mean that I have to abjure my noble blood, I'm ready to do that."

They stood together for quite a while, just staring at each other. But the exchange helped them realize something - in this world, they are together. They had to help each other. They were one.

"Did you like the wine, by the way? I forgot to ask," Krystal asked innocently. Yes, with all the stress, it was easy to forget the simple things.

"I don't drink alcohol, but I have to admit, it was very good. Ten out of ten would drink again," he replied. Krystal rolled her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Can you let me move now? I'm not really used to standing bipedal," she noted and Sombra backed away a bit, still looking at her with tenderness. "That's better... So, back to lessons, are we?"

"If you want it thus. I'd rather go take a walk," Sombra yawned. "It's spring. It's too beautiful to miss."

"I've been neglecting your school business too much, Sombra — time to get serious, love. Come on, come on!" she called him and he followed reluctantly, but he followed. At last, Sombra, the Rule Breaker, finally went to a lesson somewhat willingly.


Krystal lazily scratched the surface of her glass and sighed. There were times wherein she would sit down by this window, overlooking the garden of her house, and just stare at the view, amusing herself with soothing thoughts. But right now, she felt only confusion and melancholy.

Even though she and Sombra talked it over already, she still couldn't get over what happened in the garden. Krystal had only gotten drunk once; this had been her second time, and she was afraid to imagine what she had at that banquet — which had been her first time — her parents never told her.

Perhaps she should be more careful with alcohol next time. Or just choose another dulcet drink to enjoy.

Krystal sighed once again and walked away from the window to her bed. It was a relatively small bed with a puffy warm fur blanket and big white pillow. Her room overall looked quite... girly, if she dared to say so: bright colors, like pale blue walls and brown rug on the floor, the mirror to the right of her bed, with several cabinets for her big amount of clothes. Their neighbors, big bookcases, housed many stories of adventures and romance as well as history books and encyclopedias.

The girl smirked as she glanced over a few romance novels on the top shelves. She remembered reading those as a kid, when she was just a filly, young and stupid. First, the nannies had read them to her, but, after a while, she had started reading on her own.

She lay down on her bed and levitated an old book to herself: The Serenade of a Lonely Heart, her most favorite folk legend, or 'Basnya', as they were hight in Crystallian. It told the story of love, pure and innocent.

As the book was floating near her, Krystal giggled sarcastically. Now, she knew that love was not always innocent.

The whole world was filled with so many memories, so many plush toys depicting cute little animals, bunnies, birds. She would walk with them in the park, play with them, feed them with imaginary food. They were all alive. And they seemed alive for quite a long time, even when she had stopped playing with them. Now, they all looked like just toys, things that woke up warm memories.

Krystal wrapped her tail around herself, lowered her head and tried to let go of these memories, memories of her being a small, silly child. She was no kid. Not anymore.

Sorry, friends... Sorry, my little, dear pets... Your Krystal... had grown up, she thought, looking at her toys. Led to an adult life by alcohol and a stallion... Sorry.

She had to leave her childhood behind. There was no more coming back. The only path was ahead.

With childhood left, there came something else: realization. Krystal realized that what she and Sombra did was quite... shameful, and yet, during that moment, they couldn't be any closer. Their minds and their bodies were unified.

What a philosophical thought for such a shameful picture. A simple act of coitus, that was what it had been, nothing more. Krystal touched her belly and stopped breathing for a moment.

She felt so guilty for doing it and she felt even guiltier for wanting more. It was worse knowing how she had berated Sombra for taking advantage of her weakness. And, nary a week later, she started to doubt her judgment. Maybe Sombra had done a right thing; after all, he was no stranger to her, he was her love. It was better to experience sex for the first time with him and not by her parents' guide.

Krystal wrapped her warm blanket around herself and asked forgiveness one more time. All her feelings were now concentrated on Sombra and how strange it was to find out new, secret things about your friends.

Krystal closed her eyes and descended into dreams, though, they had changed drastically over this week. From dreams of romance, of holding hooves and watching the sunset together, they changed to dreams of physical touches and possession. Her body started to shiver and sweat, as she felt guilty of these thoughts, but still accepted them.

Krystal started murmuring something to herself, her hooves trembling and shaking as she slowly rubbed her own belly.

"Mmmrrrmmm...." the young mare muttered, concentrating her mind on her newly acquired dreams. Suddenly, she was rudely interrupted as her caretaker opened the door.

"My mistress, I have some urgent news!" the old pony with two braids, each entwined with a red ribbon, dark red coat and ginger mane, cried and blushed a bit when Krystal slowly turned to her, the warm furry blanket constraining her movement.

"Some privacy, maybe?!" Krystal shouted angrily and then sighed with frustration. "What’s the news?"

"The letter from your father had just arrived. He's writing that they were called — urgently called — away for a diplomatic mission," the mare quickly told. "So, your parents will be away for... more than a month, if I recall correctly."

More than a month? And they were supposed to arrive today. What a coincidence.

"Maybe mistress desires something to eat? Drink?" the caretaker offered, whereto Krystal hummed a bit, deciding she needed a drink.

"Yes, some tea would be nice. Please, arrange that. I'll come down in an hour or so," she said.

"As my mistress desires," the old mare left just as fast as she arrived, closing the door behind her. Krystal groaned in frustration and closed her eyes again. Hopefully, nopony would interrupt her this time.

She was... happy that her parents would not be present at home for a long time. Krystal didn't want them to see how her ideals and values fell apart, turned into dust for other, much more carnal desires. She didn't want them to watch her grow up.


"Could have lasted a bit longer, eh?" Sombra mumbled to himself, tossing the book back at the top of the shelf. "Longer, longer, longer."

He wanted to think of something else, but couldn't. All his thoughts dragged him back to that drunken remark. Maybe she had joked, just taunted him... or maybe the alcohol made her speak what she really thought.

This thought bothered him ever since she said it. Throughout this whole week, he had been tormented by it, this one accursed, damn thought that, mayhap, he was lacking something. Half of something, not good enough, an amateur, a weakling. But, most important, that Krystal would be not be satisfied.

"What a load!" he grumbled out loud, picking up the book of dark magic. Of course, she was satisfied! She told him herself!

Though, she never mentioned anything about joy afterwards. Maybe the wine made her dishonest?

Be very careful when using dark magic in desperate situations. Control and calmness are necessary when converting energy, lest it escape your control and cause massive destruction, Sombra read, turning page after page.

Could the Dark Arts somehow improve his stamina, per chance? He somewhat doubted that. Maybe it was because he used to smoke so much. Speaking of smoking, he could use a drag right now, or two.

No, he promised Krystal to drop it, and he would keep his promise. He already wasted enough of his health puffing smoke, and especially now, when it was affecting his health in such a manner, he wouldn't even look at a cigarette.

Though, maybe the Dark Arts did have some spells that might help him.

"Argh, damn it!" Sombra suddenly snapped, throwing the book into the corner and gritting his teeth. Why wouldn't he stop thinking about it? Krystal didn't seem too keen on giving it another go anyway! Why was he stuck up with this idea? This didn't seem to bother him before...

But they had never slept before. And, if they sleep together ever again... he didn't want to disappoint her. Maybe that was why she had behaved so strange this week: she didn't consider him a stallion, but rather just some street boy with a lot of attitude and not enough substance to back it up.

Bullshit! Krystal loved him! He was her dearest pony. But what if she was too disappointed with his performance? Too disappointed to the point where she’d consider finding another stallion? One who was stronger, more able? Krystal was beautiful. In Sombra's eyes, she had lost all her flaws long ago; she was perfect. Finding another stallion would likely take her but a second.

Sombra got up from his bed and approached the bookshelf with a weary sigh. All these thoughts that he could share with nopony without embarrassing himself. His classmates were a bunch of cretins, who would blush and giggle at the very word ‘sex’, or any reproductive organs. The lessons of biology always evolved into a complete circus, complete with loud laughter, quiet giggles and blushing cheeks. It never helped that their teacher was the God of Innuendos and a big fan of bananas.

Sombra cast his eyes hither and yon, taking in all the book titles. He had bought most of them himself to somehow keep up with the school's program. 'Basic geometry', 'Common language', 'Physics', 'Chemical Substances and Formulas', 'Geogra—

He pierced the title of the book with his eyes. Chemistry. Chemical Substances and Formulas. These words awoke a memory of something that ignited a weak light of hope in his soul.

I don't think that, at your rate, you'll be happy with tobacco alone, Sombra remembered Krystal's words.

Oh, how true, how very true, you pretty pony, but it's all for you, only for you.

Sombra quickly rushed out of his room, closed the door, set the magical locks and quickly left the house, making his way deeper into the slums. He had heard rumors at school, some colts were boasting about buying Dust in a special place.

Dust was exactly what he needed. Before going, he took a raincoat to hide his appearance; he didn't want his persona to be remembered in that sort of place. He had to do it as quickly as possible: go in, buy some, and go out.

It's all for you, Krystal, Only for you.


It smelled like trash and misery. Sombra quickly trotted through the dirty slums, ignoring anypony who would cast funny looks unto him.

Crystal ponies here were the definition of the bottom of the barrel. Most of them hadn't bathed in days; their manes were messy and greasy. The houses were small and made of cheap wood, just like Sombra's house, though with less style.

Jumping over a puddle of mud, he couldn't help but notice how lucky he was. Even the air here smelled like poverty, and if he would take a stray off to an alley, his life would end by a slice of a blade through his throat, no doubt. Ponies here looked grim, soulless, and unhappy.

They always stuck together in groups, talking with each other, occasionally lighting a cigarette, one for an entire group. He saw some mares with pink ribbons in their manes standing by the entrance to some building, looking at each other with swollen, empty eyes. By how one of them looked at Sombra when he passed by, there was no doubt about what their profession was.

"Hey, hoofsome, want to have a wonderful time?" the one with a scar on her cheek moaned at Sombra. The unicorn turned to face them, a look of disgust on his face.

Wonderful time, of course — because shoving your dick into a trashcan was clearly wonderful. Sombra demonstratively spat on the ground, showing the mare whither he thought she belonged, and continued on his way into this nightmare.

Sombra shuddered at the realization that he had lived in the slums as well. Thank goodness, his father had had enough brains not to buy a house in this part of the city. Children here probably didn't even know how a book looked like, spending all their time stealing and preparing for the life of crime and murder.

Something bit Sombra's conscience, but he suppressed it, drove away any thoughts of comparison between him and these lowlifes. He was, in no way, similar to them. He was an actual pony, he knew more than they did, he was in love with a noble mare and that put him above them.

This place was ugly, disgusting, and cringe-worthy. He wanted to retch just by looking at these buildings, the ponies that passed by, the soulless prostitutes who would sell their bodies to children if the price was acceptable. Decadence and filth: these words described this place pretty well.

Finally, he was standing before the entrance to a house. There was not a single window still intact; the door seemed to be hanging by a thread, with even the weakest tap of the hoof being able to break it down; and the sounds of screams, moans and loud laughter were coming out of this rundown hole, whicht Sombra was about to enter.

Gathering all his will to prevent himself from puking, he colted-up, took a deep breath and ventured onward.

The door was unlocked, he simply pushed it ajar.

The dusty air was filled with all kinds of disgusting stenches, varying from feces and urine to a clinging smell of a half-digested breakfast. The walls didn't have any sort cover on them, the curved, rusty nails sticking out freely. The floorboards squeaked loudly as Sombra walked, only barely recognizable in this cacophony of screams of pleasure and pain.

A big, menacingly looking pony approached Sombra and stood in his way, looking at the stallion with reproach.

"Where do you think you're going, boy? Can't you see it's adult's playground?" he sneered, his voice sounding gruff and smoky. Sombra stared angrily back at him.

"You can make these jokes to those who are actually interested in your blabbering. I'm here for business," Sombra growled back, whereto the giant just laughed.

"Business, eh? Came to buy something? Why didn't you say so?" he replied, his expression changing to relaxed. "Let's go, I'll escort you to the dealer. It's quite easy to get lost here."

Sombra didn't want to get lost in this place, so he followed the stallion's lead. This giant might just as well was lead him into a trap, but something inside Sombra's mind told him that he would be safe. He felt protected for some reason. Maybe it was because he was more than able to fight. Or maybe it was because he could easily zap anypony here with a bolt of dark energy.

As they passed through the corridors, Sombra couldn't help but feel guilty for what he was doing. Would he really be reduced to visiting this hole to buy a drug? What would Willemite say if she could find out?

Sombra covered his bitter smile. He wouldn't mind hearing a reproach from her, hear her shout at him. It would all be worth it just to hear her voice one more time. It would be worth it.

But he had to look after himself now and it was his decision. He wanted to make Krystal happy, satisfied with everything in her life.

The giant finally led him to a closed door and knocked three times thereon. A harsh voice thundered, "Who is it?"

The giant replied, "Costumers here." The sound of clicking metal reached Sombra's ears and the door quickly opened.

The room was, to Sombra's surprise, quite orderly. It was so strange to smell fruits and berries instead of the vomit inducing stench of the outside. There was a big table in the middle and a lonely earth pony, which lay on his back, on the sofa with his gaze to the ceiling.

Upon noticing Sombra, his face immediately brightened and he stood up straight.

"Hello, hello, and welcome, my dear, little friend!" he said in a friendly manner, extending his hoof to Sombra. He was sporting an appealing red coat and blue mane.

However, Sombra wasn't a trusting type, and instead of shaking his hoof, he just looked at the dealer.

"Oh, a serious one, aye? Good, good, I like that," he said, approaching the table.

"I need to buy Dust," Sombra said. "I mean... that what dust... does..."

"Relax, I know what Dust you mean," the dealer chuckled. "Your first time trying it, yes?"

"Y-yes," Sombra replied, looking at the earth pony. He wondered why he would be so far away from home, selling drugs to crystal ponies.

"First time is always magic. I think you'll love it," he reached under the table and pulled out a big bag, which had presumably lain thereunder. "Want to show off in front of your friends with spells? Or have problems with your marefriend?"

Sombra didn't feel too proud, but he had to answer something just to keep the look of a new costumer.

"The latter one, yes," he replied, prompting another giggle from the earth pony.

"Ha-ha, alright. After this, believe me, she won't need any other stallion besides you, my friend," he poured out a pile of sparkly Dust out of the small poach and onto the table. He gestured to the big pony, which was still standing in the door, and ordered him to help him out. While the giant was sorting the drug, the dealer turned to Sombra.

"You're gonna give her the plow of her life!" he exclaimed excitedly. "I remember my first time doing a mare with this stuff. Most exquisite, I have to tell you."

He gave his partner a bit of a look when he accidently dropped a small pile onto the floor.

"Be careful, you cretin! The Boss will not be happy if the product goes to waste!" he growled and turned back to Sombra.

"She screamed like a toy, oh my! That was unforgettable!"

Sombra looked away, whispering, "Yes, I certainly hope she will."

He really hoped she would.

Suddenly, with a loud, agonized scream, another pony burst into the room. He fell on the floor, painfully hitting its head against it, and landed just nearby the big pony.

"Aw, screw you! I have to lock the damn door!" the dealer cried and gestured to the giant. "Take this trash out of my office."

The mysterious stranger finally looked at the dealer and Sombra was highly shocked to see Sweet Tooth. He had changed so much, and not for the better. His eyes were swollen and constantly leaked tears. Several parts of his coat were burned and there was more than one scar on his wrists.

"Ah... ah! Wait, friend, please!" Sweet Tooth muttered, reeling from side to side. "I..Ah... Just need another dose, please! Have mercy on my poor soul!"

"I've been merciful to you three times already. Get out!"

Sombra stared at his ex-employer, or rather, what he had turned into: from a self-loving jerk to a complete wreck. Sombra felt sick as this thing crawled on its knees before the drug dealer, begging him for another dose.

He was a worm at Sombra's feet. And just four years ago, he used to be dependent on this trash. Suddenly, Sweet's swollen red eyes turned to him, when he finally saw the familiar outline of the dark unicorn. He squinted a bit, trying to figure out if he was real, or yet another hallucination.

"Sombra? Is that you?" Sweet Tooth babbled, crawling towards Sombra. "Is that really you?"

"You know this shitstain?" The dealer asked, pointing at Sweet Tooth. The dark unicorn looked into the tear-soaked eyes of his ex-employer, who knelt on the ground before him as if begging for something.

"No idea who this clown is," Sombra replied coldly.

"Please, Sombra, don't do this! This pony, he's evil! He'll drive you to sin with these drugs! He'll kill you!" Sweet Tooth started to beg. "Please, listen to me! He'll ruin your life. Don't let him! Don't let it happen to you too!"

Why would you care, Sweet Tooth? Sombra thought to himself. Why would you even care? You put me down and did nothing but insult me, but now, conscience has finally awoken inside you? Bullshit.

"Get this idiot out! He's scaring the costumer." With these words, Sweet Tooth got finally thrown out of the office and the big pony 'escorted' him downstairs, constantly delivering punches to his ribs.

Sombra didn't feel sorry. This idiot deserved it all. He should have been more respectful. Now, he had more important business.

"Since it's your first time here, I'll give you some extra dust for free," the dealer said, finally being done wrapping the drug in the small bags. "And when you come for another dose, tell me if she squealed when you had her like a toy!"

Sombra accepted the bags, throwing the needed amount of coins onto the table. When the dealer looked satisfied, he took his leave.

When he'd have her like a toy?... That sounded disturbing at one end, and yet tempting at the other.

No, he respected her! It would be completely different. The dust would just prolong the experience. These thoughts were just disgusting!

But, Krystal really seemed to him like she would enjoy being put down from her little heaven, playing a servant for a bit, being his, truly his... his pet, his slave!

He stopped for a second to get his mind in order. All these fumes in that shack were finally getting to him. He had to leave before he’d become completely mad. The very air in this place was driving him crazy. This place was cancer!

Sombra held the bags with the precious drug close to his heart on the whole way back home. Now, if opportunity would arise, he would show Krystal what he could truly do. She would not be disappointed.