• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Sombra. Saga of Hatred - HiddenUnderACouch

Some names are respected. Some are ignored. Some are loved. There is only one name in the whole world of Equestria that became the synonym for cruelty. This name is Sombra, and this is his story.

  • ...

I Won't Forgive

Just a few seconds ago, Star Gem was swiping the sweat that was flowing down like a waterfall from his forehead. Just a few seconds ago, he could say that he was high up in heaven. Just a few seconds ago, his sanity wasn't fractured into tiny pieces.

His heart skipped a beat, and the temperature of his body seemed to go down so low, the sweat felt like boiling water. His limbs started to tremble and shake as he slowly tried to sit down on the floor, looking down from the flight of the stairs at the bleeding mare right in the center of the carpet. The blood flowed slowly, like mud being pushed forward by wind. His vision started to blur, and his stomach started to rebel against the sight, slowly forming a ball of bile inside of him.

Slowly, Star Gem went down the stairs, never taking his eyes off Willemite. What if she moved, what if she gave at least one sign of life? A twitch of her tail, a slight movement of her hoof? Blinking?

No. She was completely still, with only the sound of crimson drops falling down reaching the young Star Gem's ears. His head and mind were completely devoid of thoughts and images, letting fear and confusion take control.

With every step, his heart was beating faster and faster as the painful realization of the committed crime finally tore through the wall of blind love and desire. It violently ripped into him, tearing through thoughts and memories, aiming for his soul.

He stood just beside Willemite, his eyes wide from horror, and the ball of vomit crawled steadily towards the only way out. Star Gem approached her, still hoping to hear her breathing.

"W–why—" he uttered, as the guilt seeped into him. He realized what he’d done, what abomination he’d turned out to be. Striving to bring joy to the one he loved, he only pleasured himself, giving pain in return. He’d been wrong all along, confused, bewitched by memories, and controlled by desires born way back when he was a child. These desires, like a tumor, had spread and took control of him. And only fresh blood had been able to dissolve it. Fresh, hot blood of a loved one, the blood that he unwillingly spilt.

"I'm...so...sorry—" he uttered, leaning down to her, with his sight getting blurry the closer he got. What had he done?

Suddenly, the image of his little dark-colored struck him right in the mind, and made him jump away from Willemite. The games they played. The fun they had...

His eyes, when he’d find out the truth. His tears, streaming down the burning cheeks as his lips would utter just one word.


Star Gem fell down on the floor, tears sprinkled from his eyes. He started crying like a little child who was injured to the point of bleeding. His cry echoed through the house, alerting its residents, no doubt. Star Gem no longer cared if others found out. It only mattered that Sombra wouldn't find out. If he did... may Star Gem burn in Abyss for all eternity, with demons gnawing on his insides every day.

He had to leave the city as fast he could. He would give Willemite a proper burial in secret, somewhere away from this house, and on his own money. Then he would leave forever and would never return. After what he'd done, Sombra shouldn’t ever meet him again, never hear of him again. He had to disappear from his life and memory... and hopefully, the child wouldn’t find out what happened here and grow up normally... somehow… somehow.

Somehow... it had to turn out well. Star Gem prayed to the gods that it would turn out well. He just had to leave. He would never forgive himself for what he'd done, he might forget, but he would never forgive. He would keep this sin as a reminder to strike him every time he was about to do something stupid ever again.

Somehow... there might still be a chance that things would turn out fine for others. Not for him though. Not anymore.


Amethyst stopped tapping the table with his hoof and took a deep breath. Willemite's definition of 'coming home early' certainly seemed to differ from his. The day was drawing to an end, and it became very dark outside. It seemed the weeks of bright and colorful days ended here, giving way for the entrance of the autumn, where the skies were constantly covered with grey clouds that threatened with rain. Small drops had already started pounding on the window, which really got Amethyst out of the tune he was whistling.

Just for how long did she leave? This started to get annoying. Willemite should be home already. What was taking her so long?

Amethyst got up and started walking in circles around the table. All kinds of thoughts came into his mind, from innocent to impossibly idiotic. She could have just decided to rest in a cafe for a bit. Or take the long way back through the park to look around and enjoy the scenery.

He sneered at that idea, so stupid; enjoying the scenery in such darkness especially with the rain. Yes, nice idea.

However, all these thoughts and excuses were all dust compared to that one fear every loving husband had: what if she left? Left forever? Abandoned him, because he caused her too much pain?

Amethyst sighed heavily. There was certainly a lot of pain caused, too much pain. He remembered her eyes after he’d lost control of his emotions. These big eyes, but they hadn’t been filled with tears like other times he’d caused scandals. Instead, they’d been filled with anger, spite. These eyes had clearly told him, "I've had enough."

Amethyst was afraid. Very afraid, though he didn't show it. This was the kind of fear that you couldn’t show. The fear urged him to act and do something, but what could he do? Cook something? Go for a walk? The uncertainty was killing him, tearing him apart. He had to act, now.

"Sombra, I'll go meet your mom. You stay home and wait for me. We'll be back together," Amethyst shouted so his son would hear him. But this time, he really meant it. No more lies. He’d go there, find Willemite, go home with her, and then they’d live happily ever after. The end!

Amethyst grabbed a raincoat from the shelf and quickly put it on, tying the threads so it would hold onto him. This was quite an old raincoat, to be fair; his grandfather used to wear it back when he was alive. The coat had survived many troubles, and it would live through a thousand more, Amethyst was sure of that. So, what could simple rain do to it?

"Okay, dad!" Sombra's voice reached his ears, and he knew that everything was A-Okay. He got Sombra, his son, behind his back. What more could he wish for?

He closed the door behind him, and ventured onward to the rainy shadows, for the rare dim light of the crystal lanterns barely lit the streets. There were no stars. The sky was completely covered in featureless grey clouds. Small cold drops of rain were falling from the sky, making him look down on the ground to avoid getting water in his eyes.

The fact that Sombra really trusted him was baffling. He couldn't explain in words how horrible he’d felt when he showed his cute face on the doorstep, woke him up, and invited him inside. He felt like a complete heartless monster for shouting at him earlier. Even bearing this childish grudge inside (and childish grudges died very hard), he’d still shown compassion to his stupid father. Amethyst felt proud. A very honorable and good pony was growing right in his sight. Maybe his dream would come true, and one day, Sombra would be known throughout the entire empire.

As he carefully stepped over the small puddles, formed just a few hours ago, he wondered what he should say to Willemite. Ask for forgiveness? Most likely. But how would you have to beg in order for a pony to find enough strength to forgive a sin like the one he’d committed? Maybe she had already run away, somewhere far from this city, leaving her loser of a husband behind.

But that was quite unlikely. She couldn’t just leave Sombra behind. He was her only son, and she loved him more than her life. She couldn’t just leave without him. He refused to believe that she’d do, or even consider something like that.

Maybe he didn’t know her that well? He never expected her to start berating him that cruelly yesterday. That was the main reason he snapped. He didn't expect such an assault. His wife did know how to whip him with mere words, but she went far too overboard with that.

And yet... he still felt very guilty. Willemite, no matter how saint-ish she looked, was still just a pony with her own feelings. Amethyst had already caused her so much pain, and maybe that one time was the last drop into the overfilled cup. In any case, this problem was far too complicated than it seemed to him right now, he knew that for sure. He should find his beloved wife, and head home to his beloved son as fast as he possibly could. Only then they could find a way out of this situation; together.


Several knocks on the ornamental crystal door echoed in Amethyst's ears like a pleasant change from the beat that the rain was playing by smashing the drops into the puddles. The weather changed from bad to worse as it became even darker, and the rain got stronger, becoming a downpour. The old raincoat, however, didn't fail and kept his body from getting completely soaked in water.

The elegant door opened slowly, revealing a young colt standing before Amethyst. His ivory coat seemed a little bit dim. He was wearing a scarf, which was awkwardly dangling because of the opened door, and also a light trench coat. All of this was hastily thrown on, without proper time spent to button it. It seemed he was in a hurry to leave.

He nervously turned his head around as though he was scared of something. Adding to that, his face looked as if somepony smeared it with flour. He was as pale as a corpse.

"Sorry, milord, do you live here?" Amethyst asked, trying to show respect by bowing his head before saying anything.

The colt looked around hastily. "Yes, I do. What do you want?" he replied quickly and harshly, but his voice was trembling, even though he tried to hide it.

"My wife works in this house. She told me that she would come back soon, but, as you can see, it's almost night. May I see her, please?" Amethyst asked, and the pony suddenly pinned his sight at him.

"Your wife? Willemite, right?" he said, and Amethyst nodded. Suddenly, the colt turned away and sighed heavily as if something was really troubling him.

"No, she hasn't shown up here today at all. Sorry, but I have to go," he said out of nowhere.

"Wait, what? Hasn't shown up at all? That must be a mistake. It is a mistake!" Amethyst said, raising his voice a bit. The cold started filling his limbs, and it wasn't because of the weather.

"No, it isn't. Your wife hasn't shown up today. End of the story. Please, leave. Now," the young pony said in a pretty harsh voice. He wasn't looking at Amethyst, instead preferring to look somewhere to the side.

"O... okay. Sorry for disturbing you," Amethyst said, and walked away, hearing the loud bang of the closing door.

Alright, now he was worried for real. If Willemite didn't show up at work, where could she be? The worst possible outcomes came to his mind, but Amethyst quickly drove them away. His wife was tough, she could handle anypony. Then there was that one dark thought, that filled his veins with ice, and made him swallow nervously. No, she was not like that. Willemite wouldn’t do that. She just couldn’t.

Amethyst decided to check through her favorite cafés and corners in the park, check several of her friends. What if she decided to stay with them? As that failed, he checked the nearest hospitals, as that failed too... he checked the morgues. Hopefully, that would fail, and then, as the last resort, he would look through the nearest stagecoach station, where one could hire himself a transport to any part of the empire, depending on how much money he or she had, and how far away the destination was. But it was quite unlikely that he would need to go there... hopefully.


Sombra quickly rushed to the entrance as he heard his father returning. Oh, how worried he’d been. An hour and a half had passed since he left, and the poor child thought Amethyst had decided to visit that strange place he loved to visit. But he was finally here, accompanied by his mother. The world seemed a little bit brighter and the rain became weaker when he heard the creak of the door.

He pushed the door leading to the corridor open and turned towards the entrance, expecting to see his family. Instead, he saw only Amethyst, soaked in water, leaving a wet trail behind; his face was covered in mud and his mane was hanging down like ooze. He lazily cleared the drops that streamed down his face with a swipe of a hoof.

"I know what you're going to ask. No, I don't know where she is. Probably somewhere far away," Amethyst said gloomily, completely shocking Sombra. What did he mean? What was he talking about?

"I— I don't understand! Wha—what do you mean?" Sombra asked, as his voice started to shake, mostly from frustration. He hated being left in the dark.

"She left, Sombra. She just left. Don't ask anymore! I'm not in the mood to talk," Amethyst stated, with his voice getting quieter and quieter.

"Left to where? When will she return? Can't we just follow her?" Sombra continued to press on, but Amethyst gave him such an angry look that he immediately lost all desire to talk.

"She left forever. She left to find another family. She won't come back, nor does she want us to follow her. You probably won't see her anymore!" he said in an angry, but contained voice. He barely held back all the sorrow and rage, he just wanted to tear something into pieces, and Sombra was irritating him so much right now.

Sombra backed away, unable to believe his own ears. He couldn't believe that his mother left them behind, left to find another family. Why? What did they do to her that she’d take such umbrage and leave? What happened on that accursed night?

Continuing to back away, Sombra's sight was all over the place. He looked for a single thing to focus on, and the wooden patterns and the blank rug just irritated him. Suddenly, he noticed that small picture of his on the wall. A drawing he’d made specifically for Willemite's birthday. She’d smiled so widely that day, hugged him and then bought him some ice-cream. Then they’d been to the park for a walk, where they’d played the whole day long until the sun went down, and the moon claimed dominance over the world.

After looking at the sloppy lines, crooked figures, and bad choice of pencils that his mother treasured so much, all the desire to cry inside him, that little annoying worm that ate him away especially strong within children, died. All that was left was confidence and assuredness that his father either didn't know all the truth or was lying. Without further ado, Sombra went back to his room without saying anything. He might be a child, but he wouldn’t sit still when his mother was missing. She might be in danger, and only he could save her now. It was his duty as her son, as the protector and a future husband. What kind of a family pony would he be if he couldn’t protect his own mother?

Sombra entered his room and closed the door behind him. He had to come up with a plan of action. What to do, where to look? He definitely should ask Star Gem for help, but it was almost night and his father was unlikely to go out again. Not that Sombra was afraid of going out on his own – he wasn’t afraid of the robbers and rats that sometimes crawled from house to house. It was just that he didn’t know where to go. As far as he knew, the Crystal City was humongous, and he could easily get lost.

So, the search through the city was not an option. Unfortunately, Sombra couldn't talk to animals like some ponies in the bed time stories his mother once read to him, so asking the nature to help wouldn’t work either. There had to be some way.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea flashed into his mind. He was a unicorn, and that meant he could use magic! Why not use magic to find Willemite? Sombra barely managed to hold back from shouting in joy.

His father, being an ex-professor, kept his books on magic locked safely in his room. Sometimes, he taught Sombra some simple spells, and because of that, the boy remembered where the key was. He only needed to find it, open the box, and find the spell that could help him.

Sombra wasn't much of an egghead, but his reading skills were quite impressive for his age. He didn't mind spending an hour or two reading a good book.

The noise from the kitchen reached his ears, and Sombra approached the door and leaned on it, listening carefully to what was happening. Amethyst was mumbling something from the side of his mouth, the knocking and rattling was just deafening. Then the sound of shattering glass could be heard. Whatever his father was doing there, Sombra should probably stay away, or he'd get caught in the crossfire. He decided to wait until his father left or went to sleep.

Half an hour later, Sombra started to get a little bit bored, when suddenly he heard Amethyst murmuring something while going for the door. Hoofsteps, the bang of the door, and then complete silence. Sombra looked out of his room, making sure that there was nopony home. He glanced briefly into the kitchen, and then made his way to his parents' bedroom.

It was a moderately sized room with a double-bed sitting in the centre, and several cupboards and shelves along the walls. There was also a window with a small crack in the bottom corner. The box, containing the books, was just under the windowsill. Sombra looked through one of the shelves, and quickly found the key.

The chest squeaked a bit when Sombra turned the key. It seemed it hadn’t been opened in quite a while and the metal clenches had gone a bit rusty. After lifting the top, the young boy looked inside at the colorful mish-mash of books. Every single one was of a different color, each corresponded to the type of magic. Sombra had no idea where to start looking, so he decided to look through every single one until he’d find a spell that could help him.

The books piled up in the corner; one after another they were flying away as Sombra got more and more impatient. Nature magic, arcane magic, elemental magic! None of these schools contained spells that could help him. He quickly glanced through several more and threw them away in frustration and anger. The scorn was gathering in his chest as he became angrier and angrier, for the thought that he might not find his mother was terrifying. He couldn't even imagine what he would do without her.

When Sombra approached the chest one more time, he felt a strange burden in his head, like something had just hit him right in his forehead. His vision blurred a bit, and he stumbled over a book on water magic that he’d carelessly thrown onto the floor. When he got back up, rubbing the aching spot, and looked down into the chest, he noticed that there was only one book remaining. Sombra shuddered at the mere presence of this tome.

The black cover, decorated with red lines, representing either veins or lava, tearing through the surface of the earth, was twisted and obscure, the patterns were entwining and coiling, forming faces, distorted by screams and pain. Sombra slowly turned it around and saw the title of this scary book – Scientia Tenebrae.

The boy didn't know what that meant, but he knew what language it was: the Language of Kings. Father told him about it; it was very rarely used, even in the royal family. There were rumors that even Lux couldn’t speak it, though, no proof had been found.

Besides the royalty, this language was widely used by mages and acolytes of magical arts to name the spells and books they wrote. Though most modern spells had their name in common Crystallian, the academics never bothered to translate. And there was one unwritten rule: you could never translate the names of the spells, or name them in modern language, if they belong to the school of dark magic. It was said, that it brought bad luck.

Sombra had never seen this tome before, for his father never showed it to him, and rightfully so. It was pulsating with strange energy waves, like it was enchanted, making Sombra feel dizzy and sick.

Dark magic wasn't banned in the Crystal Empire, every school of magic was allowed. However, heavy restrictions were put on those who wanted to study it. All advanced spells were banned, for dark magic was very specific in nature. It didn’t exist in the usual circumstances, it needed to be created. Most dark mages used their own emotions to create the energy which no other school of magic could do aside from the Crystal Heart. That was another reason why it was heavily restricted. Using yourself as a source of energy could drain you, if you weren’t careful, even outright kill you. Particularly powerful spells required pony sacrifices, or even several. Thus, even the most advanced dark mages only reached the level below medium.

The grey energy wrapped the dark book in its embrace, and lifted it up in the air, slowly carrying it to Sombra. Even after all these stories his father had told him about, he couldn't just back away. It was the only book left, and thus, the only chance for him to find his mother.

By opening the book, the boy released huge clouds of dust into the air. It got into his nose and throat as he started coughing. His father hadn’t touched this thing for quite a long time; none of the other books was this dusty. But this tome wasn’t forbidden. If father had it that meant it had been given to all the professors at the University of Magic. Why was Amethyst avoiding it then?

All these questions made Sombra unsure of what he was doing, but he carried on anyway. He wasn’t a coward. He would save his mother, no matter what. Sombra opened the book and delved into its contents.

While turning page after page, Sombra saw spells and descriptions that made him feel a bit terrified. So many of these spells were focused on causing pain, direct attacks, mind attacks, even summoning illusions, it all had something to do with suffering.

Suddenly, Sombra saw a description of a spell that made him almost jump in place – Visio Aeternum. This spell allowed the user to access the magical streams and transfer their sight into the eyes of another living being, but only if the user had a connection to the subject. Otherwise, it wouldn’t work.

Sombra stopped reading there and grinned. He had just enough connections with his mother in order for it to work. He’d finally found what he was looking for. It was time to prove that he was a real stallion, able to take care of his family.

Sombra took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He felt the energy surging through his veins as he concentrated on thinking only about his mother. His horn started glowing light-grey, channeling the energy through his horn, and slowly flowing down to his eyes. He slowly opened them, as the energy made the eyelids feels as heavy as metal, and was staggered by the terrifying sight of the whole world getting sucked into a hole. It was like he was being pulled away from existence, dragged into the never-ending Abyss. While falling for just a few seconds, it felt like hours to him.

Suddenly, the fall stopped. Sombra was stuck in the centre of an endless void with complete silence surrounding him. He swallowed and looked around, but it seemed like his eyes were closed, for he saw nothing. The panic and confusion started overtaking him, and the wish to scream became even more powerful when he felt something crawling up his body. The dark substance coiled around his legs, wrapping them in its cold embrace, slowly moving upwards. It tickled his neck as it moved past his mouth and then, the moment it reached his eyes, it impaled them, started flowing right into the eyeballs like some kind of liquid that was being poured right onto his face. Sombra opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but the dark matter got into his mouth as well and released several tentacles that wrapped around his jaws and kept them shut. Sombra felt sick as this cold, flowing, and yet solid mass started moving in his mouth.

His eyes burned, and his stomach started to fight back as the mass crawled through his throat, leaving sticky trails of ooze everywhere it went. He tried to move, but couldn't even flinch.

Suddenly, the mass of darkness that covered his eyesight parted, and revealed the library of Misty Pearl's house, which Sombra got to visit one time. He couldn't move his head around, and was forced to only watch as the sight was going from book to book, wrapping each one in green energy and moving them from place to place. The boy was so relieved – it was his mother! He couldn’t mistake that color for anything else. That was her, it had to be her!

Willemite let out a sigh, and backed away. At this point, Sombra wondered why she even was in the house of Misty Pearl. His father had been there and had found no trail of her.

After about a few more minutes of moving books, Willemite turned around because of some sound that disturbed her, and faced the pony, which stood behind her.

It was Star Gem.

Sombra was standing in the middle of the room, completely paralyzed, with his horn glowing grey, and his eyes completely covered in darkness, which was cracking and moving like a cloud of smoke. It shifted and moved regularly, but never left Sombra's eyes.

At first, Sombra's expression simply expressed confusion. Then, slowly, it shifted into a grimace of horror. True, liquid, heavy, metallic fear. He started struggling, shaking his head, trying to cancel out the spell, but it was of no use. Had he read the book further, he would have known why; for if one casts the spell of Visio Aeternum to look through the eyes of a person who was already dead, he or she was to see the moment of their death until the very last second.

Sombra uttered unrecognizable sounds, that barely resembled words, the only ones he managed to utter were 'stop', 'please' and 'no'.

The images of Willemite's memory cut deeply into the child's soul, allowing him to feel everything she felt on the emotional level. He trembled and shuddered as his mother was pinned to the bookshelf by the aroused unicorn. He suffered and cried inside as she was violated, raped, and torn away from the innocence and pride she carried.

He felt that weak feeling of freedom as she fell and begged for release as she lay on the floor, bleeding. The picture twisted and turned, but the feelings were still cutting and ripping through him.

He heard how she let out her last breath. And, as his mother let out her last sigh, he felt her last feelings ripping through every barrier, and striking him right into his heart, piercing it and embedding itself into his very being, tearing out pieces of flesh to take their place as part of him. It seeped into his mind to mortally wound it and enter the wounds like a parasite.

The feeling was the strongest of all he felt during this trip. The feeling he wouldn’t forget for a long, long time.

The thirst for vengeance.