• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Those Left Behind

The wind whipped quietly across the mountains, kicking up paint puffs of snow as it passed through the glorious night. Stars twinkled far above alongside the crater-marked moon that hung as if in judgement of the entire planet. Far below, the vast waterfalls and lakes that surrounded the great stone keep rippled and bubbled quietly, small animals jumping or swimming around the life-giving water, unaware of anything beyond their own existence, content in their blissful ignorance of the wider world.

Twilight Sparkle looked down at the creatures before sighing and turning away.

Her eyes were heavy, bags clearly present under both of them, it was clear to anyone who looked that she hadn’t slept for a long time. And yet Twilight had slept only hour before, and yet, no matter when she rose or how long she slipped into the slumbering world for, she could not shake her tired expression.

Everyone had tried to help her, from the finest doctors of Canterlot, through to Rarity, her friend working her magic with makeup and clothes to draw attention elsewhere and distract from the unsightly and unwanted additions to Twilights face, and yet nothing worked. No makeup would cover them, no malady was found to be affecting the princess, no flowing gowns could draw the eye away from her face. Twilight had long since resigned herself to the fact that this was her new look. Stress, she imagined, that was the most likely cause, and she didn’t feel that dissipating anytime soon.

“It will be worth it,” she whispered, to herself as nopony else was around to hear her.

Walking through the castle, Twilight passed a scant few ponies, mostly those in the segmented green and purple armour of the Interior Guard. Each gave a curt salute but remained silent, as all their kind did while on duty, their face covering masks and full body armour making them an imposing sight, any who saw them knowing that they were here to guard and nothing else, unlike those of the Exterior Guard, who still maintained the ancient armour they had done since time immemorial, helping the ponies of the capital as well as keeping them safe.

A lot had disliked the splitting of the Canterlot Guard into the Interior and Exterior Guard, entrenched military families outraged by the perceived loss of prowess as almost all of the older members were re-allocated into the Exterior units, fresh blood being brought in, each member hoof selected by Twilight herself, the only unit to now wear her personal guards armour. Some still saw the Interior Guard as unneeded, the combined Royal guard having always been responsible for both the capitol and the Princesses. Some even saw the use of Twilight's own guard as the basis for this new unit as a dangerous precedent to set, and yet to the vast majority of the nation, it was a necessity. Since the destruction of Mount Turg all those years ago during Twilight's ascension, relations with Gryphomry had swiftly degraded, the Gryphons seeing the desecration of one of their holy sights as an insult at best, an open challenge at worst. Political pressure had increased exponentially in both empires, boiling over when evidence of an assassination plot was uncovered against Twilight Sparkle herself.

The war that followed had been swift and brutal, the Gryphons proud fighters but lacking in magic, eventually being defeated by the combined Equestrian Army. The lands north of the Cawstone Mountains had been under military occupation ever since, the army ratified into a permanent standing force by the Equestrian Senate, all overseen by Twilight, appointed head of this new army.

“Twilight, I did not expect to see you up so early.”

Twilight didn’t need to turn to see who had spoken, but she did anyway, seeing Celestia walking up behind her. Like Twilight, her eyes were heavy with the tell-tale signs of stress, but whereas for Twilight sleep was not an issue, for Celestia it most certainly was, the tear marks dominating her face made that obvious. Twilight supposed it wasn’t all that surprising, all things considered.

“You should get some rest,” she cooed soothingly, putting her hoof around her old mentor's neck and gently leading her back towards her chambers. There had been a time where Celestia had towered over all ponies, Twilight included, but that time had long passed, grief and the ever-growing need for more stringent leadership in Equestria that Celestia simply couldn’t provide anymore had seen the older Alicorn transfer much of her own powers to Twilight, the younger Princess now ruling almost alone, Celestia appearing at the highest formal functions, leaving Twilight to rule at all other times.

“She’s a good pony,” Celestia whispered, her voice quavering as she spoke.

“Of course she was,” Twilight nodded, opening the door to Celestia’s chambers and ushering her former mentor inside. “The Nightmare is strong, but once this storm has passed, we shall retrieve her and aid her once more, I promise.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” Celestia managed a smile, though the sorrow in her face rendered the attempt meaningless. Even so, she laid a hood upon Twilight's face, stroking it softly. “My ever faithful student.”

Twilight smiled back, her own gesture radiating a confident power celestia simply couldn’t match anymore, allowing Celestia to drop her hoof of her own volition, before letting the doors swing shut. A brief burst of magic saw a spell cast on the door, the next time it opened, Twilight would know, it would not do to have Celestia seen by the general public in such a state, Equestria must remain strong, a weakened and defeated Princess would destroy everything Twilight strove for.

When she finally reached the courtyard, the sun was just beginning to crest the horizon, Twilight barely registering the effort to raise it anymore, Celestia’s power, combined with her own and that of Luna made the gesture trivial at best.

“Good morning, Spike,” Twilight looked up at the statue that dominated the large courtyard. In every way, it was identical to how Spike had been the last time Twilight had seen him, that last fateful day. Everything had changed then, Twilights station, Equestria’s security, and yet the one thing she had always held onto was hope. Hope that he was still out there. In her brain she knew he was dead, there was no other explanation, and the magic that had stolen him, while rogue, had been more powerful than anything she had ever experienced. She knew of some things that may have been able to survive it, holding herself as chief amongst them, but Spike was not counted in that list. Her heart ached whenever her brain told her that, continually holding out a fools hope, the last of such foolish emotions Twilight could afford to feel in these dark times.

“Princess, they await you in the throne room,” A guard approached, the magic on each of their helmets modulating their voice to be identical, a mixture of a hundred voices from across Equestria, symbolic of how the faceless guard ponies could be anypony, any could aspire to join their ranks. Twilight was proud of that deception, it gave ponies hope.

“Thank you,” Twilight nodded to the guard, sending them on her way as she took to the skies, her wing beats practiced enough to barely cause any disturbance as she flew by a flock of birds, an old Pegasi trick Rainbow Dash had taught her. Within moments she was in the throne room, landing on her throne that now stood in the centre of the raised dias, a golden throne off to the right hoof side, a throne covered with a black cloth to her left.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

The voice came a large Buffalo, his head bowed and one knee bent in respect.

“High Chieftain Thunderhooves,” Twilight smiled, looking down at the Buffalo. “Please, rise, a ruler such as yourself does not need to kneel for this long before me. I know why you are here.”

Thunderhooves nodded, rising as he did so, looking directly at Twilight.

“Thank you my Princess. Long have I travelled to be here in person, I believed that a face to face meeting would be more fruitful than continuing this conversation between emissaries who must report back before decisions are...”

“My emissaries speak with my full authority and voice,” Twilight cut in, her voice remaining level, though a sudden icy hardness ran underneath. “If you believe that the same argument will garner a different response from me than it did from Captain Protector Shadow, then you are sadly mistaken and you will have wasted a long trip.”

“Of course, your highness, I meant no disrespect to your emissary,” Thunderhooves dipped his head slightly in apology before continuing. “I only meant that I wish to speak directly to you, I have not come with the same words as my daughter spoke on my behalf.”

“Then by all means, speak them,” Twilight smiled, the ice banished from her voice once more.

“I once again petition for the removal of Equestrian soldiers from the territories of Gryphomry, the occupation has gone on for too long. The Gryphons and the Buffalo one traded great commodities with one another, and while for Gryphomry they were but trinkets, the trade we received in turn was vital to our way of life. Without such trade, by people are being forced ever further south to seek fresh supplies of water and new grazing lands, but pickings of such are slim, and I fear we do not have much farther to go before we reach the Great Salt Sea.”

“Equestria trades vast quantities of raw goods with your people,” Twilight replied bluntly. “If you wish to renegotiate this balance then I would be happy to send down one of my trade ministers to oversee the alterations.”

“Your trade favours those Buffalo Tribes who have agreed to provide supplies for the Equestrian Army over those who supply goods to the Equestrian people,” Thunderhoof protested.

“Equestria is not in as dire a need of such goods as they are in need of what those tribes can provide to our armed forces,” Twilight responded in turn. “There is still resistance in the territories of Gryphomry, many of the King's supporters escaped our initial conquests thanks to outside aid. We are still seeking down these dissidents as well as those who aided them, until we do, the occupation remains for the purposes of Equestrian security, all of this will have been made clear by Captain Protector Shadow.”

As if on queue, the doors to the chamber opened, a single pony entering the room, clad in the armour of similar to that of the Interior guard, though many of the green plates were instead coloured jet black. Thunderhoof turned to look at the newcomer, surprise and worry crossing his face as he recognised the newcomer, even with her all encompassing armour, the metal horn making such easy.

“Ah, you have arrived, good,” Twilight smiled, becoming Tempest Shadow to her side, the captain of the Sovereign Protectors, the elite of the Interior guard, moving to Twilights side, whispering in the princesses ear.

“I was not aware you had left Appleloosa,” Thunderhoof’s words were slow and measured.

“I am not beholden to make my movements known to you,” Tempest replied, her own voice filled with the contempt that she was well known for, ever since her days in the Storm King’s employ, before he defection to Twilights service, the Storm King vanquished soon after.

“Of course, I...” Thunderhoof began, but a raised hoof from Twilight silenced him, allowing Tempest to continue her whispered conversation with the monarch. When she finished, Twilight's smile was gone, replaced with hard determination.

“High Chieftain Thunderhoof, you insult me.”

“What has she whispered in your ear!?” Thunderhoof roared, surging forward, a pair of magical spears baring his path, Tempest readying her own weapon, the double ended glaive of her cadre.

“She has told me of your true purpose here, of your attempt to distract me while your tribe breaks the Appleloosan Treaty Line.”

“My people are starving!” Thunderhoof protested. “We struggle to simply feed our young and hold to our own convictions. We will not supply your army, but if you will not see sense and allow trade to resume or allow fairer trade to flow from your lands, my people have no choice.”

“Withdraw them,” Twilight hissed, her voice low and menacing as she stood, pulling herself up to her full height as she descended the steps towards Thunderhoof, even when they stood on the same level, the Buffalo still forced to look up to meet the Alicorns gleaming yellow eyes.

“I must do what is right by people, and by those of Gryphomry you stand as oppressor over,” Thunderhoof did not back down, it was admirable. It was foolish.

“High Chieftain Thunderhoof, I give you one final chance, withdraw behind the Appleloosan Line or I shall regard this as an act of war,” Twilights voice boomed around the throne room, the ancient Canterlot Voice one of the first tricks she had learnt in her time as a Princess, its effects useful for bringing the masses in line when used correctly.

“I cannot, and I will not,” Thunderhoof stood his ground.

“So be it,” Twilight nodded. “High Chieftain Thunderhoof. By your actions are our two peoples now considered to be in a state of open war. You shall be held here until your people and armies surrender to Equestrian Forces, whereupon your crimes against Equestria shall be more closely examined and punishment meted out in accordance with our laws and the severity of your transgressions. Only one of us wished for this war, but I shall end it and ensure the continued safety of my ponies. Guards, remove him to the dungeons, there are preparations that must be made.”

With that, Twilight turned, ignoring Thunderhoof’s roar as he attempted to burst from the room, only to find himself enveloped by a magical field from one of her guards. When would the younger races learn, without magic they were powerless before the Equestrian’s, and yet they continued to push her.

Twilight left the room, Tempest Shadow beside her, removing her helmet as they walked.

“Excellent work,” she murmured as the pair walked down a set of hidden stairs behind the Equestrian thrones, the grandeur of the public meeting room soon a distant memory, replaced with a more brutal architecture, runes of power cast in Gryphomry Iron decorating the walls.

This was where the true power of the Equestrian Empire was housed, not in the throne room above. As relationships worsened with the Gryphons, Twilight had ordered its construction as a ready room, a place to plan the future of Equestria away from the eyes of the masses. When the order had been given to invade, it had been given from here. When Luna had launched her ill-fated rebellion in protest, Twilight had received the news from this room. This was the beating heart of her nation, and now it was called for use again. Few knew of its existence, fewer still knew of what was truly being wrought here.

Two Sovereign protectors lined the walls, permanently on station within the war room to protect Equestria’s secrets. Both were Unicorns, ones Twilight trusted above all others; Sunset Shimmer, Celestia’s former student before Twilight, Starlight Glimmer, an attempted reformist from the North, now brought into Twilights service. Together, alongside the Element Bearers themselves and Tempest Shadow, they represented Equestria’s might, the power of Friendship used by the Element Bearers, while the Sovereign Protectors practiced magic in its more arcane and ancient form. In truth, between the two, the Elements were the greater face of Equestrian power, but the Protectors were its true might. With magic taken from Star Swirls lessons and combined with Twilights own mastery, few could stand before them, either on the battlefield or in the reshaping of Equestria that was underway.

“It is done then?” Starlight asked, the first of the pair to speak.

“The Buffalo have been pushed to the edge, they launched their own attack,” Tempest nodded. “Our response can be swift and brutal to cull their ranks.”

“Precisely,” Twilight smiled. Tempest’s smile joined Twilights own, Starlight also smiling beneath her helmet. Beneath hers, Sunset Shimmer looked uneasy.

“Sunset,” Twilight’s voice cut through Sunsets uneasy. “Call the Element Bearers and ready the Protectors. I will address the nation shortly before we march south. Starlight, prepare the bodies in Gryphomry, they are to be found in two days time.”

“Of course, my Mistress,” Starlight bowed deeply, Sunset wordlessly mimicking her actions, before the pair left the room, leaving Twilight and Tempest alone.

“Soon the time will come,” Twilight spoke, not looking directly at Tempest as she instead looked over a map of Equestria. “Equestria will be made the same under my rule, you have done well, my apprentice.”

“You honour me,” Tempest bowed deeply. “Soon we will be able to reveal ourselves fully, not simply this charade of servitude we must put on.”

“Quite,” Twilight nodded. “We must just stand firm for a few moments longer. To move too quickly would see the Elements rise up against us. We must ensure we ever act as the victim party, others must ever be the aggressor. Your skills are unmatched by any of our foe, and yet now will be your greatest test, the Gryphons and Buffalo were a simple matter, all who now remain in our way our the Changelings. Ensure the fires of resentment are stoked, give them no reason to think we care for reparations and reunification with their kind. They must be our final conquest, a foe great enough to spin the wheels of change upon this nation.”

Twilight regarded the map with scorn now.

“The Crystal Empire, Saddle Arabia, Maretonia. All once part of Equestria, all now seeing themselves as equals. This nation has grown weak under the Monarchy, there should be but one Empire, one nation of ponykind, all should answer to a single power. And soon, very soon, they shall.”

Tempest bowed one final time before leaving the room, Twilight now alone to look over her future plans. Everything was going the way she had predicted, the power she had found in the wake of Spike’s disappearance had granted her ever more clarity of future events, foresight she once could have only dreamed of. With this new power, everything would unfold as she predicted, the world would be made safe, and Spike’s death, though tragic, would herald in a new era. An era of peace, of prosperity, and of pony kinds supremacy above all others, an Empire that Twilight would rule throughout the ages, alone. One Alicorn had already fallen, another was powerless. The Ascension of the Equestrian Empire was assured.

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