• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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The Capital

Spike swam back into the waking world to the sound of a beeping heart monitor and the strong smell of anti-septic. He could feel something wrapped around his arm, binding it tightly and compressing it slightly, the same with his left leg and his side, telling him all he needed to know about where he was at present.

Forcing his eyes to open, even if it was just a crack, Spike took in his surroundings. He was in a large, spacious room, the walls a start gun metal grey interrupted by blue screens and power terminals. Spike found himself lying on a soft bed, his chest plate removed and his wounds bandaged over, small wires sticking out from underneath them and from other small pads stuck to his body.

As he watched, a droid moved into position beside him, running a scanner over him, before speaking up, its voice smooth and calming.

“Franoline. I believe the young Padawan is awake.”

“Excellent.” Came another voice, this one belonging to a female Togruta who walked into view, her red skin being something Spike could easily focus on. “Spike, it is nice to see you back among the world of the waking. I am Jedi healer Franoline, a member of the Medical Corp.”

“Where am I?” Spike asked, shaking his head slightly.

“You are within the Halls of Healing at the Jedi temple. Do you remember why you are here?” Franoline asked, looking over a clip board.

“I was on Empress Teta.” Spike said, sitting up and propping himself up on his uninjured left arm. “I got shot down.”

“That is a nice way of putting it.” Franoline nodded, reading off a series of injuries. “Broken left leg. Ruptured spleen. Three bruised ribs on the left side, one cracked. Numerous lacerations and bruises. One deep slash into your right forearm. Second and first degree burns covering sixty two percent of body, mostly your legs. Minor concussion and bleeding in the left ear canal. You really did a number on yourself.”

“The droids didn’t help my injuries.” Spike muttered, wincing slightly. “Wait, my side doesn’t hurt much, well, nothing does. How long have I been here?”

“Let’s see, you were brought in a week and a half ago, and you were in a bacta tank for four of those days. You drifted in and out of conscience for most of it, but it’s normal to not remember such fleeting moments of consciences after this length of time. Now, do you feel any discomfort?” She asked, pressing a button to raise the back of the bed upwards so he could sit up properly.

“My side’s pinching a bit, and my backs hurting still.” Spike replied.

“Yes, Master Solaris mentioned that you had problems with your back. She said something about growths, but until you were awake, I did not want to look at them. Would you mind if I looked at them now?” She asked.

“No, not at all.” Spike said, rolling over onto his left side and allowing her to get a better look at his back.

By this point, the two growths were extremely large now bulging out from his back, reaching from just below his neck to where his ribs stopped and stretching his hide until it was translucent. Picking up a small yet powerful torch from a side table, Franoline pressed it lightly against one side of the bulge and switched it on, causing the skin to begin glowing slightly as the light seeped through, showing the two bone structures as they moved with a life of their own beneath his skin.

“Hey, bolts.” Franoline said, gesturing for the droid to move over. “What do you think of this?”

“Running diagnostic scan. Scanning. Scanning. Complete. There seem to be two bone protrusions beneath the skin. From data received from Jedi Master Solaris, they have grown exponentially since they were first sighted. It is unclear what the next stage is.” The droid said, turning to Franoline.

“Umm…they’ll grow properly?” Spike offered.

“Re-clarifying. It is unknown if they will need surgery to free them from beneath your skin.” The droid said, turning to face Spike.

“Surgery?” Spike asked nervously.

“Affirmative. If the bones cannot emerge on their own, then they could be freed via surgery cutting your back open.”

“How about we see what happens.” Spike said nervously, rolling back over and pushing himself up so he was sitting on the side of the bed. “Where’s my Master?”

“Solaris has been staying at the temple for the past week and a half.” Franoline said, steadying Spike as he stood up, putting weight on his recently healed leg. “The Grand Master has had her helping out with the younglings apparently.”

“So where can I find her?” Spike asked, stretching slightly, feeling his side pull tight.

“I will contact her momentarily. Before that however, would you mind if I run more tests on you?” Franoline asked.

“Why do you want to run tests on me?” Spike asked, looking over at the female Togruta.

“You are a fascinating species Spike. Your scales are harder than most known metal, which is why you didn’t die in that crash, you can breathe fire, and soon you may even be able to fly. As of now, you are the only known member of your species to encounter the republic, making you a one in a kind opportunity.” Franoline replied with a slight smile.

“Before I say yes, what sort of tests are you talking about?” Spike asked, sitting back down on the bed.

“The density of your scales, both front and back. How your scales are arranged at an atomic level. Lung capacity. Brain wave signatures in certain situations. Heat of your fire. Things like that.”

“As long as they don’t hurt then fine.” Spike nodded, lying back down.


It took Franoline a few hours to run all of her tests, scans were taken, he had a sample of his blood removed via his weaker stomach scales when the needle had snapped against his arm, she had made him breathe fire into a room with a built in thermometer, before finally asking him to breathe out for as long as he could, keeping the fire going for as long as he possibly could.

“Impressive.” Franoline said as Spike continued to breathe fire, looking at a clock to see that he had been going for well over twenty minutes. “How long do you think you could keep going for?”

“Same again?” Spike suggested, cutting off the stream of flames. “Maybe more.”

“Fascinating. I would be very interested to find out how long would be your maximum time breathing fire. From your lung scans, I couldn’t detect any signs of deflation, it was interesting.” Franoline said, placing a clip board down. “But I feel as though I have already kept you for too long. Master Solaris is currently assisting the grand master in training some younglings in the top training room of the southern tower. If you go now you should be able to meet up with her there.”

“Thank you master Franoline.” Spike smiled, bowing deeply.

“I am no master Spike. I failed my apprentice test over two decades ago. Been with the Medical Corp for the same amount of time. Just call me Franoline, please.” She smiled.

“Well then, I guess I’ll see you around.” Spike smiled, walking over towards the door, grabbing his chest plate and Lightsabers from a table and slipping the items on.

“Yes and no. I’d rather you didn’t nearly kill yourself again.” She laughed, before turning back to the droid and becoming engrossed in a conversation with it.

As Spike walked down the corridor of the hall of healing, he caught sight of an open door, and a mirror just beyond. Curious about what he actually looked like, there being no mirrors on board Fireshot station, he pushed open the door and walked over to the full length mirror, standing in front of it and taking in everything about his new body.

He had grown, that was obvious, now easily being taller than Twilight, topping off at just over six foot tall. The spines on his head and down his back had grown considerably, adding another few inches to his height, while his scales had become much more defined, allowing Spike to clearly see each of the overlapping pieces of rock hard chitin. Even the frills around his ears had grown outwards, even becoming slightly harder, nowhere near the strength of his scales, but definitely harder than when he had been in Equestria. Even his eyes had changed, the pupils becoming thinner and all together more draconic.

Shaking his head with a smile, he turned and left the room, making sure to shut the door behind him, before walking off down the corridor again, leaving the hall of healing and entering the temple at large. Walking through the cavernous halls of the temple, Spike noted that there were very few Jedi walking around the temple in comparison to the last time he came here. There were still some, but not nearly as many as there should have been.

Finally reaching the southern tower, Spike moved into the lift, pushing the top button and standing stock still as the small compartment shot upwards, finally stopping when it reached the top of the tower, and allowing Spike to leave. He could already hear the voice of Solaris talking adamantly to what he assumed was a class of younglings, and made his way towards it, finally reaching a room and seeing his master inside, surrounded by ten children, all garbed in the robes of the Jedi.

“Now younglings, it is nearly time for the end of this session. Before we go, recite the code of the Jedi.” Solaris said, not seeing Spike in the doorway.

“There is no Emotion, there is Peace. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. There is no Passion, there is Serenity. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony. There is no Death, there is the Force.” The younglings intoned, causing Spike to smile, and decide that now was the best time to reveal himself.

“Emotion, yet Peace. Ignorance, yet Knowledge. Passion, yet Serenity. Chaos, yet Harmony. Death, yet the Force.” He said, reciting the archaic code as he moved forward, wincing slightly as the scales around his side tightened and tugged at the flesh beneath.

“Spike!” Solaris beamed, looking over at her Padawan. “When did you wake up?”

“Just now.” He smiled back, before turning to the younglings. “I am sorry for interrupting your lesson.”

“Don’t be.” Solaris said, standing beside Spike, the dragon noting with a slight bit of pride that thanks to the spines on his head, he was now taller than his master. “Younglings, this is Padawan Spike, my apprentice. I sure he would be willing to answer questions if you had any.” She smirked, nudging Spike in the side slightly.

Looking over at his master with an exasperated look, he turned back and nodded towards the Younglings.

“What are you?” One of them, a small human girl, asked.

“A dragon.” Spike replied simply.

“Oh cool! Another youngling, this time a male human, exclaimed. “Can you breathe fire?”

Smiling, Spike let out a little puff of flames, making sure to aim way above the heads of the little ones, drawing more cheers from the class.

"Do you have a Lightsaber?” A Rodian asked, looking at Spike expectantly.

“Of course he has a Lightsaber stupid, he’s a Jedi.” The boy from early said.

“We’re Jedi, and we haven’t got Lightsabers.” Pointed out a red skinned Twilek.

“Yeah, but we’re still younglings.” Reasoned the boy.

“Younglings, younglings.” Spike said, holding up his claws to quiet them down, before reaching down and grabbing his two weapons from his belt and igniting the blades, holding them in an X pattern so they illuminated his face.

“When you came in, what was it that you said?” A student at the back of the class asked, moving forward. “It sounded like the code, but it was wrong.”

“Not wrong, just old.” Spike clarified.

“Alright, that’s enough questions for Spike. You all need to be somewhere, and I need to speak to my Padawan.” Solaris said with a smile, gesturing for the younglings to leave. Talking in hushed whispers to each other, the younglings filed out of the room, allowing Solaris to shut the door behind them and walk back over to Spike, sitting down on one of the meditation chairs and gesturing for Spike to do the same.

“Good lesson?” Spike asked.

“They seemed bored out of their minds until the end.” Solaris said with a sigh. “Anyway. How are you feeling? You have no idea how worried I was on Empress Teta.”

“Good actually. My backs hurting more, and my side feels tight, but other than that, well, the bacta’s done its work. What happened after Sunrider and the others found me?”

“Well, Tott picked up your Lightsabers after they found you, good think they were made out of Neuranium or they probably would have broken in the crash. Your fighter has obviously been destroyed, and after Sunrider and the others got you back on the ship, we high tailed it off the planet and came back here.” She said with a smile, before her face fell. “Ulic…the mission was a failure. Ulic has given in to the dark side. By all accounts he allied himself with both the Krath, I’m sure you’re familiar with and their war droids, as well as the Mandalorians. For all intents and purposes though, this is war. The republic has begun mobilising its fleets and armies, and the Jedi are moving to support them. There is one other though, the reason why the Jedi are taking such an interest in this conflict.”

“What’s that?” Spike asked expectantly.

“Ulic is not the leader, he is just an apprentice. The master is someone much more powerful.”

“Another fallen Jedi?” Spike asked incredulously.

“Exar Kun.” She said simply. “He has already caused more Jedi to flock to his side after travelling to Ossus. Reports indicate they have taken to calling themselves the brotherhood of the Sith. Yesterday, Ulic personally lead his Mandalorians to sack the ship yards of Foerost. He managed to make off with over three hundred ships and is heading for the jump outpost of Kemplex IX. A fleet’s being assembled now.”

“When do we move out?” Spike asked expectantly.

“No we, not this time.” She said solemnly. “Kemplex IX is a true battle, not a pacification or a raiding mission. You’re not ready for this Spike. You’re staying here.”

“What?!” Spike asked indignantly. “I’m your apprentice!”

“I know, and I am immensely proud of you. When you become a knight and I get stewardship over another Padawan, I only hope that they live up to your example, but if anything happened to you…” She trailed off, before shaking her head and renewing her conversation. “I can’t risk it. A lot of other Jedi are doing the same. I believe the old members of your clan are on the planet. I have to leave though. Can’t sit out the whole war, especially as you’re up and about now.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“While you were in the halls of healing, I was allowed to stay in the temple to await your awakening. Now you’re awake however, and I’ve got to go.” Solaris said simply. “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s…” Spike began. “I’m sorry for trying to stop you master. I will stay. No complaints.”

“Good. I will see you when I get back. Stay out of trouble.”


It had been a few hours since Solaris had left to rendezvous with the fleet, along with the last of the Jedi who were going to accompany the relief force to Kemplex IX. Looking upwards, Spike had never seen so many ships in low orbit around Coruscant, and he knew that beyond the hundreds that were already there were hundreds more, all part of the Coruscant defence fleet.

Moving away from the window, Spike sat down on one of the poof like chairs, crossing his legs and concentrating on his mind. Slowly, he felt the force raise him off of the chair, before he felt himself lose himself to the meditation.


“You have questions for me Spike?” Moonstone asked, the purple mare sitting down and looking up expectantly at the dragon.

“You knew about this.” Spike said simply, sitting down next to the Twilight doppelganger.

“You’ll have to be more specific Spike. I’m not sure…” Moonstone began.

“Save it. You’re in my mind, hell, you practically are my mind. When you first appeared on Illum you said the mighty are preparing to fall. Who was that in reference to? Ulic Qel-Droma? Exar Kun? Someone else?”

“The two former.” Moonstone admitted.

“You Knew!” Spike roared. “You could have told me! We could have stopped this if you had just said something!”

“Temper Spike, keep it in check.” Moonstone said softly, un-phased by the dragon glaring down at her. “That’s how it starts, and from there it’s a slippery slope. Be careful treading it, or you may never reach the top again.”

“You still could have told me! Not some cryptic bullshit!” Spike roared.

“I couldn’t have stopped this.” Moonstone pointed out.

“You could have tried!”

“It wouldn’t have made a difference!” Moonstone roared back, standing up and trying to square off to Spike. “Exar Kun was already too far gone. Ulic wouldn’t have stopped unless the reason for his fall was prevented, and I didn’t know what that was, so how could I have stopped this.”

“A warning then.” Spike said, relenting slightly. “I almost died on Empress Teta. If you had warned me about Ulic not being returned to the light, maybe I wouldn’t have been.”

“You’re right. Maybe you would have been killed, or maybe he would have been killed to ‘save’ him from the dark. There are any number of things that could have happened if I took another path. Who are you to say that things would have been better had I told you?”

Spike sighed, realising she had a point, and turned around, walking away from the mare.

“Where are you going Spike?” She called out after him.

“I’m having an argument with my mind, while inside my mind.” Spike shouted back over his shoulder. “I’m going for some peace and quiet. Think you can allow me that?”

“If that’s what you want.” Moonstone nodded, before fading away, leaving Spike alone in his head.

Slowly, the dragon began to move in slow patterns, practicing the echani art. He had found that the flowing combat form helped to clear his mind, allowing him to forget the things troubling him for a while, as well as having the added bonus of being useful in the real world. He hadn’t tried to use it since he started practicing it, the form still being far too rough to be of any use in actual combat, but maybe someday it would help him.

Honestly, all he really wanted was for Solaris to return from Kemplex IX quickly, and safely. If it took a long time, he just knew his time on Coruscant would be heart stoppingly boring. He felt a bit of annoyance at Solaris for leaving him behind, but he guessed she had her reasons, especially as he had only just got out of the hands of the medics, and had no desire to return there in a hurry.

Pushing the thoughts from his inner mind, Spike thrust again, kitting an imaginary Krath War Droid.

“Hurry back master.” He thought sullenly.

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