• Member Since 5th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 51 minutes ago


Two facts according to the internet. 1. Your mother is the largest object in the known universe. 2. Despite fact 1, everyone still slept with her for some reason.


This is a side story of Guilt of a Phantom and Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. I suggest reading those first, or parts of this story will not make much sense.

It happened several years ago, this one event that changed the lives of many. A event of which not many know what happened, except those who were there. They speak of it in hushed whispers, not daring to talk about it at all. They do not understand how the humans can live like that, the constant fear. But after what had happened, they know all too well why they fight. The threat of the ghosts now fully apparent to them, and a change that affected many.

They speak of it in hushed whispers, that one event. The Baltimare incident.

After having worked on my stories Guilt of a Phantom, and Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria for a good time now, I came to the realization that there was not much backstory about the Baltimare Incident, even though it was mentioned several times throughout the stories here and there. So, with that in mind, I created this fic. It tells the story of what happened on that fateful day, as well as the story of those involved, or touched by the events that transpired. There is a lot going to happen, and the gap that is the backstory for both GoaP and SS, GoE will be filled, giving new dimensions to why the characters do what they do in the other fics.

Read them in this order.
1. Guilt of a Phantom.
2. The Baltimare Incident after the chapter: Hunting the Hunter's Hunter. Earth.
3. Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria after the chapter: The Day the World Looked Pink-ie Pie.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 46 )

Dem names.... Good world building for your series of fics though.

I just recently created a Danny Phantom multi-crossover with other series. I've really enjoyed your series, it gave me some inspiration. (As well as watching the entire DP, Digimon, and Pokémon S1 series lol, but mostly DP)

Can't wait to read more! I might as well visit clockwork and tell him to send me into the future so I can read more! :pinkiehappy:

4860568 Thanks for the compliment. And your fic is already added to my own group. Look for The Fenton Portal.

Another great story. It will be good to find out what exactly happend at Baltimare.

Loved the Fairly Odd Parents cameo.:pinkiehappy:

No comments? Okay.

I'm going to put it out there that I do find the relationship here weird, but at least not creepy; so kudos on that. I can't say much more than that since I'm not the type that tries to pull apart every slightly loose string in a story in an attempt to unravel it. I can only say that I have fairly high standards on top of there being types of stories I don't want to read, and your stories fit in.

At one point reading this chapter, I thought to myself 'Cosmo and Wanda.' I facepalmed a second later.

PS: Shameless mention of my own story.


The very worst of the injuries were one woman who ended up with three broken bones in her right hand and a severe concussion resulting in a six day coma.

That should be "The very worst of the injuries were suffered by one woman, who ended up with three broken bones in her right hand and a severe concussion resulting in a six day coma." :moustache:
Yes I realize I wrote that, I just forgot to go back and edit it.:derpytongue2:

4863829 Thanks for the correction. Fixed now. Now, onto the next chapter.

He'd (possibly) be you're brother–in-law. :derpytongue2::applejackconfused::pinkiegasp:

Awesome chapter.

Great twist bringing in Dash's dad and Applejacks parents. I look forward to seeing what will happen to them.

'I guess it's just like Jazz once said: All that is good is overshadowed by that which is bad. And all that is bad is brightened by that which is good. They each balance out the other.'

That's the reason I read stuff: you never know when you find diamonds in the gutters or Excalibur in the rust.

Another great chapter.:pinkiehappy:

Heavy: Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo _forever_

I have to admit I do like crossovers but I do have to wonder considering Danny phantom crossovers why haven't I ever seen anyone make an MLP DP crossover involving only Nightmare getting trapped in Equestria. Considering his the Fright Knights horse he's probably as powerful as any Alicorn and very old maybe older than the Royal sisters.

It would be interesting seeing him in Equestria considering he does look like an Alicorn if you don't count for the fangs, glowing red eye's, the bat wings, and the flaming main. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't talk would also make things interesting.

I am doing an Rp with this as the premise you may enjoy it. Basically it's Nightmare who's sort of been living on a very far fringe territory of Equestria and how the Royal sisters just recently discovered something strange is happening here.


I know that ghosts aren't exactly the friendliest beings in 'Danny Phantom,' but here they seem particularly vicious.

5602103 True, but don't forget that the ghosts were already haunting the humans before going through the tear. So it already showed that these ghosts were some of the less friendly ghosts. Although there are also other, 'less dangerous' ghosts, such as the Box Ghost. But I have mainly focused on the more dangerous ones, such as Skulker. That doesn't mean that is everything I will show. There is still a lot of story left to be told, but I have to admit that this fic is currently on the back burner as I am focusing most of my attention on the fic Silver Spirit and Guilt of a Phantom. Doing two chapters running parallel with each other does drain a lot of time. But I have finally finished the next addition for GoaP, but now I need to get the next chapter of SS to match up with the events going on in GoaP. So a lot of things still left to be done.

A pony and human living together? Kind of a mod killer way to start a fic and gives readers the wrong idea of were this fic is going.

So Skulker is the one that killed Scootaloo's and Apple Bloom's parents? Damn that'd heavy, and I'm guessing that he also killed Rainbow Dash's dad. To be honest this story and it's sibling stories are really good. Once I started reading one I couldn't stop.

Man I'm really looking forward to knew the truth of Sam's death is revealed, as well as Danny's secret and the eventual confrontation of the Main Six and Skulker's crew. Because I kinda of figure that his deed will be revealed and both AJ and Dash will want revenge.

Poor Mort and everypony in Baltimare. I'm guessing that about everypony that dies will choose to move on, scarce few actually considering to become ghosts.

I have some theories about that mystery stallion though but I'll keep them to myself for now. But what is the deal with Gummy? What is he really?

Really looking forward to the next update.

5857969 You have some theories, hmm... PM me with what you think it is, I'm curious. I won't confirm or deny anything, though.

Why is it Gummy here reminds me of something?

Was too tired and forgot to do this when it first went up but better late than never:

"THAT!?" Daisy screeched, disgusted and appalled, "You want me to become one of those things? After what they did?!"

Daisy: "And what? Defend my family and city from them?! NO! Fuck the family I just acted concerned about! I'm out of here bitches!"

"Like a ghost!?" Daisy huffed, "Over my dead body."

Mort: "No, not like a ghost... as a ghost.
Mort: "That is the general idea, yes. I mean how do you expect to become a ghost with your body still alive? Silly."

As they saw it: Should anything happen to her, then who would lead the country?

No, actually as they see it if anything happens to her who will maintain the day/night cycle and prevent the extinction of all life on their planet.

Recovering from their near death experience, the ponies looked up in relief and confusion.

Pretty sure it's not over yet.
*glances over at Mort*
Yep, he's still there.

'Gleam, ya've always been a bad liar.'

"Yer just lucky yer a dynamo in tha sack."

'I need to be strong like Pinkie. Strong and sturdy, like a rock.'


But then the corruption entered the world.

Vates: "Everything changed when the Corruption attacked?"
Power: "Only the halfa, the bridge between existence, could stop it. But when the world needed him most, he disappeared."
Vates: "... DAMNIT!! That actually fits here! You have taken my off topic reference and brought it back on point, touche."

To this day the changelings hadn't recovered from that devastating blow. Not through any lack of their own efforts, but through the mistakes and misunderstandings of others.

Say that after the invasion bone head.

crashing through windows, and leaving skidmarks on the ground in its pursuit of the terrified child.in my underwear! The sadistic bastard!

Awesome chapter.

Have to say now i'm looking forward to when Dash meet's Skulker. What will she do when faced with her fathers killer?

Okay another story that I've caught up with, so give me a sign if you want my help with editing.

Damn Celestia is screwed.

I wonder how she would react if she were to see Danny use his Ghostly Wail and take out an entire horde of ghosts that were giving her so much trouble.

And I can't help but wonder what will go down between Danny and Rainbow when they find out Skulker was responsible for Rainbows dad death?

To be honest, I really don't want to read this side story. Maybe as a ridiculously long chapter, but this just seems a bit much. Then again, this is probably really hypocritical of me, too :/ idek

What, why? Obviously this can't be made into one long chapter. Just combine the word count of the chapters which are already published, and then conciser the fact more is still to come.

Short, compared to other chapters, but it does a great job of setting things up for the next chapter.

Okay first off:

I love how you introduced the SJW issue at the beginning, by which I mean the whole letting someone do something just because of their gender/race/etc. for the sake diversity and to shut them up and end their temper tantrums. The issue isn't what they are or who but rather if they can do the job they have properly. I could go on but I know once I start I will keep on going and going.

That said I love how came back to it near the end with White One telling the lady off. Although in hindsight a part of me wishes it was another woman that told her off. Maybe with her calling the two token agents that they probably came in thinking that it would an easy job or that things would work out like they did in the movies cause they were the 'good guys'. Having the will and resources to do what is need is good and all but if you are physically unable to keep up and such to do it then it's all for nothing.

Alright now for the rest of the chapter
Damn poor Sky Rider, Scoot Blaze, Sweet Apples and Gleam. Just damn. Although I got to give respects to Gleam for cutting off his own leg even that's probably the reason he dies later on. Blood loss and all. I wonder how they will react to being ghosts and what Sweet and Gleam are doing now. Did they turn down the task asked of them or are they somewhere else?

And Celestia, she is going to need a lot of Twily snuggles and cake to help cope with the aftermath. But again I wonder what will she do when she learns that had Danny been around Baltimare would've never have happen. At least I think she would come to that conclusion after learning the truth and seeing how powerful he is.

Anyway this was a great chapter and I can't wait for the next and final chapter of this story.

Well we are done with story. Now we have to move on to the rest of them. Oh well, the work of an editor never ends.

I love it! Poor Mort I forgot that ponies freak out at first when they see him. Though now I'm curious if any other ponies, aside from Scoots' parents, decided to become ghosts. And what about Blaze? Did he pass on or is he a ghost now too?

Just who or what is Gummy and the other "pets" of the Main 6?

Will Maud fight Danny later on?

And who is Ray really?

I'm dying to know!

It’s rather cool in hindsight how we now know the real names of the Apple parents

He did a great job of explaining things, great work as usual

It was smart to use Names most people recognize and care about Already even if it’s not the same characters it gives the audience and easier time caring about these new characters instead of random Joe and Sally jumping to the portal.

Or at least that’s my thoughts I might be completely wrong either way great chapter

"My name is Connor. Major John Connor."

John decided to take a break from bullying Skynet to show ponies who's the boss? Neat.

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