• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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A Most Noble Breakfast, Part Three

“I suppose it goes without saying that the Val Roans are... hesitant to fully trust Mother,” Ebon Mane said. “They've agreed to keep her alive and imprisoned mostly out of their agreement with Rainbow Dash, as well as to pursue a Harmonic solution to all of this. But...” Ebon slowly shook his head. “You all don't need me to tell you that she's got a lot to make up for.”

Most ponies at the table nodded gravely.

“So, to play it safe, EE and I have been informed by the King's guards that Mother will be transferred to a far-off facility that will be patrolled heavily by Val Roan soldiers... at least until a time comes that good behavior and trust allows her back into the grace of the Royal Family.”

“So she won't be staying here?” Crimson asked.

Ebon Mane shook his head. “Well... she will for a little while. This decision is still new, and they have to come up with the resources and strategy for turning the facility into an alicorn prison.”

“Not like Chrysalis can do much of anything to break out, right?” Tweak muttered.

“Right,” Eagle Eye said with a nod. “But you really can't blame the Royal Family for not wanting her immediately nearby.”

“Just where do the Val Roans plan to relocate her?” Pilate asked. “I wasn't aware they had much in the way of 'far-off facilities.'”

“We don't,” Midnite Bastion said, speaking up. “But, believe me, we've scoured the list of geographical resources at our disposal.” She glanced across the table at everypony else. “According to those who work in the military, there's a very prospective location far north, along the arctic line.”

“Oh?” Belle leaned her head aside curiously. “Where at, exactly?”

“The name escapes me,” Midnite said. “But apparently the location has been on loan to a group of studious llamas conducting science experiments. The researchers will be paid handsomely to take their materials elsewhere so that the mountainous promontory can be converted into a prison facility.”

Rainbow Dash spat out some of her orange juice. She rubbed her muzzle and glanced across the table. “Wait... do you mean friggin' Ether Point?”

“Er... yes! Yes, indeed.” Midnite smiled. “I do believe that's the name of the facility.”

Zaid chuckled, shaking his head.

Kera blinked. “I don't get it.”

“They're handing out goldfish memories to every filly these days,” Josho grumbled, picking at his scrambled eggs.

“Heh...” Rainbow Dash leaned back in her chair, grinning. “I know a certain dude named 'Winree' who'll be glad to sell that place in a heartbeat.”

“It doesn't sound very hospitable of a location,” Roarke droned. “Granted, I suspect that is the entire point.”

“The location doesn't exactly matter where Mother is concerned,” Ebon said.

“You're sure of that, Ebony?” Props asked. “I mean, can she even feed off feelings anymore?”

“Changeling boomerette did snap off her horn horn,” Floydien muttered.

“Right.” Ebon smiled. “Which is why I'll be experimenting with all sorts of edible foodstuffs to discover just what her palate is. It shouldn't be so hard, since I'll be taste-testing everything myself. One way or another, my Mother and I will discover her new sustenance together.”

“Wait...” Props' jaw hung wide. “Does... does that mean?”

“Yes,” Eagle Eye spoke up, nodding. “He'll be going to Ether Pointe with the Val Roans in charge of watching over Chrysalis.” After a deep breath, the lavender unicorn wrapped a hoof around Ebon's shoulder and smiled. “And I will be going with him.”

Crimson and Phoenix exchanged glances.

“That's...” Josho blinked. “...kind of a sucky end of the line, Princess, don't ya think?”

“Sucky?” Eagle Eye's muzzle scrunched. “With the love of my life there right beside me?”

“Yeah, but...” Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head. “...it's so cold and lifeless and remote!”

“We'll have each other, won't we?” Ebon stifled a giggle, leaning in to nuzzle Eagle Eye. “I'm sure we'll find ways to warm each other up.”

“Uh huh...” Tweak dropped his utensils. “There goes my appetite.” Lucky Strike chuckled beside him.

“Really, though,” Eagle Eye said. “If Ebon has hope for his mother, then so do I. I've every reason to believe we won't be stationed there forever.”

“And we'll find plenty of reasons to visit the Capital!” Ebon said, grinning at Pilate, Belle, and Kera. “It'll be like we're in the next town! We'll come to see you guys as often as we can!”

“That's wonderful, Ebon,” Belle said. She bit her lip, then leaned over to nuzzle Pilate as she smile the two stallions' way. “We're happy for you two, Eagle Eye. Really...” She sniffled, exhaling through a placid grin. “We are.”

“All I've wanted in life was to find a place to settle, where I could feel needed, and be with somepony who needed me.” Eagle's gaze drifted until it fell upon Crimson's face. He smiled. “The 'where' doesn't really matter as much as the 'who.' In a way, I think I've always known that.”

“... … ...” Crimson smirked.

“That's pretty darn sweet, EE,” Phoenix said. “Best of luck to you guys in that place.”

“We'll need it,” Ebon said. “I feel that Mother has changed for the better... but...” He sighed. “She'll need as much healing as her hive. It will take some time, to say the least.”

“But the secrets she can share with Val Roa are priceless,” Midnite said. “We've always wanted to expand our knowledge beyond the mountains of this continent. But... we've always been so isolationist.”

“Perhaps it's best that you stay that way,” Roarke said. “Knowledge can be dangerous. But so long as you're exploring with your minds and not with your might—”

“But it kinda feels like we're all splitting!” Kera said, pouting. “Roarke to the south, Props to the west, and Eagle and Ebon to the north. Why's it gotta be that way?”

“Ohhhhh, darling.” Belle leaned down to nuzzle her. “It truly is all for the best. We all have our places to fill, and it's not like we'll never see each other again!”

“Speak for yourself,” Josho grumbled, leaning back in his chair. “To be perfectly frank, I'm kind of empty-headed at the moment.

“Really?” Zaid glanced up. “Maybe try switching your head with your belly.”

“Very cute, saddle stain.” Josho belched. “But for real. I got on board this train, thinking it might never stop. And—for better or for worse—I'm still friggin' alive. Not exactly what I expected, to be honest.”

“You're complaining about not being dead?” Booster Spice asked, making a face.

“You ever complain about still being a virgin?”

Booster blinked... blushed deeply... then hid his face in his morning meal.

“Heh... what can I say?” Josho shrugged and smirked. “It's a gift.”

“Old stallion,” Eagle Eye murmured. “You could... y'know...” He bit his smiling lips. “...come and join us in the station at Ether Point.”

“Hah! You realize that's like asking your grandpa to sneak in on your very own funeral?!” Josho shook his head, smirking. “Besides, that cold would shatter my balls off in a heartbeat. Nah... if I'm gonna retire, it's gotta be someplace warmer... saner.”

“Who says it's gotta be retirement, old friend?” Seclorum asked with a smirk. He exchanged brief glances with Prowse. “You could join us in Gray Smoke. So long as you don't get sick of flying over the ocean, it should be quite exciting on board the Tarkington! Hell, it might feel like old times!”

“Secchy, buddy, I know you and I haven't had much chances to gab as of late, but if there's one thing you should learn about me these days...” Josho's brow furrowed. “I'm sick to death of old times.” He scratched his stubbled chins. “I've ridden this far on the Jury cuz I wanted to get Ledomare waaaaay behind me. And now that I can't go no further... mmmphhh... I honestly don't know what I'm good for anymore. And, as silly as it sounds, I don't think I wanna spend the last decade or two of my life playing shuffleboard with a bunch of magic reindeer.”

“Then perhaps you should use your talents to improve the world beyond your original scope.”

Josho blinked towards the end of the table. “Buh?”

Roarke continued speaking: “I have an enormous task ahead of me with the Cartel. I have the gift of experience, of tenacity, and even a fair amount of wisdom.” She leaned back in her chair. “However, the one thing that I lack is magic. I'm certain that a stallion of your age and caliber could have much to share with a race of imps who were bred for violence. With enough time and diligence, your contributions might even shape their civilization into something that respects everlasting peace as much as you do.”

“Wait wait wait... hold the sound stone.” Josho shuffled up in his chair, leaning forward. “Are you—Roarke—asking this 'breeder' for help in corralling an entire civilization of goblins?”

“... … ...” Roarke's nostrils flared. “Yes. I knew I would need some assistance from Val Roa eventually, and your Ledomaritan experience would be crucial. And... besides...”

“Yeah, what?”

Roarke squirmed in her seat, avoiding his gaze. “I... could most definitely use the company.”

“... … ...” Josho smirked. “Well...” He glanced at Eagle Eye. “I've had my try with a goddaughter...” He slicked his mane back and glanced back at Roarke. “...guess it wouldn't hurt to try on having a godson.”

“You won't get far with that absurd philosophy,” Roarke grumbled. “I'll tell you that.”

“Heheheh...” Josho chuckled. “I'm liking this idea already. It's stupid.”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow smirked.

Kera piped up. “That's how you'll know it works!”

“Hear hear!” And the Jurists raised their glasses around the table.

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