• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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We'll Need A Bigger Lounge Sphere

Booster Spice's goggled face jerked towards the communications console inside Whizzball.

“Scrkkk! We found the K—Scrkkkkk—the Noble Jury to re—Scrkkkkk—enough space in the Lounge—Scrkkk!”

“Eagle Eye?” Booster slapped the console. “EE!” The communications feed fizzled out. The stallion gnashed his teeth. “Blast it!” He gripped the controls again, grumbling. “It's getting worse!”

Outside, through the dashboard, he saw rampant bolts of electrical energy dancing all over the peaks of the skystone shards.

“If I don't pick them up soon, we'll all be trapped here.” He took a shuddering breath. “This really should have been a job for the Noble Jury.”

Nevertheless, steeling himself, he swung the transport around and headed for the location of the cave's front entrance.

“Guess it's do or die,” he muttered to himself. “God help us...”

“Booster?” Eagle shook and slapped his sound stone. “Hello, Booster?!” His lavender face scrunched up. He turned to gawk at Josho. “I can't get through to him!”

“Must be the skystone going apeshit,” Josho grumbled. “We'll be lucky if we get back to the surface in one piece.”

“How are we even going to fit everypony into Whizzball now?!” Eagle exclaimed.

“One thing at a time, Princess.”

“Princess?” stuttered Queen Azira, shivering in the forelimbs of her mate.

“Erm...” Josho waddled over. “Just being figurative, Your Majesty.” He did his best to bow without rolling over. “The only tiara he's ever owned was bought in a giant floating flea market in the sky.”

Eagle Eye frowned. “I did no such thing at Gray Smoke!” He nevertheless glanced down at his fidgeting hooves. “They were being sold at fifty bits apiece...”

“Answer me this,” King Lunarius said with a frown. “Who in God's name are you?”

“Don't fret, Your Deerness,” Josho half-belched. “We're not extortionists or mercenaries. Well, sunshine over there used to be one. A mercenary, I mean. But don't worry. He only killed ponies who deserved it.”

“Old stallion...” Eagle wheezed. “That's not helping things.”

“Well, excuse me!” Josho shrugged. “If Rainbow Dash had truly figured out who was being stashed away here, then maybe she would have sent somepony with better speaking skills!”

“Rainbow... Dash...?” Azira blinked.

“Your Highness...” Eagle Eye trotted over, bowing low. “My uncouth friend and I are members of the Noble Jury. We're a group of travelers and adventurers from the continent west of the Great Wastes. We don't seek profit or political power—but rather harmony for every pony and deer.” He took a deep breath. “We came here because we've all been on a mission to uncover a conspiracy in Val Roa. You two have been presumed dead, and we fear that tomorrow—the day of your son, Prince Eine's Coronation—a group of deer will be attempting to shift the balance of power in your kingdom.”

“Sharp Quill...” Lunarius frowned. “That traitorous bastard is responsible for this. Isn't he?”

Josho squinted. “How do you figure?”

“He's in league with a monster of the most hideous design,” Lunarius said. “A creature who dug up this lair in the heart of the earth! With Sharp Quill's aid, this monster has sent its... its demons to guard us and keep us here as prisoners! I simply cannot believe that after decades of loyal service he has decided that this was somehow the swiftest course to glory!” The King seethed. “And now he seeks to threaten our son?”

“About this monster...” Josho squinted. “Have you ever seen her?”


“Er... or it.”

“I... I'm afraid I haven't,” Lunarius said. “But its presence is undeniable. Sharp Quill has utilized its accursed black magic. And he's kept us here to... practice it on us.”

“In what way?” Eagle asked.

“He's visited us,” Azira added, gulping. “Multiple times. And when he does, he... performs a spell.” She shuddered. “A most painful... excruciating spell.” The doe clenched her eyes shut. “And every t-time he does so, I have these t-terrible visions of my precious Einey. Oh, the poor fawn... he needs his mother at a t-time like this!”

Eagle Eye and Josho exchanged glances.

“Why would Chrysalis keep the King and Queen alive?” Eagle Eye remarked.

“She feeds off of emotions n'crap, right?” Josho muttered. “Maybe keeping them here is what allows her to get an edge over the Prince.”

“Through Sharp Quill?” Eagle Eye tilted his head aside. “What about Saikano and Fishberry?”

“Did I hear you speak of the General and the Chancellor of the High Council?” Lunarius remarked.

“Uhhhhhh—” Eagle Eye shifted.

“I hate to break it to ya, King.” Josho nodded. “But Sharp Quill ain't acting alone. He's got Saikano and Fishberry in cahoots.”

Lunarius nodded, his antlers glowing faintly. “Then it is as I feared. A complete coup.” He spat. “And they're using my son as a device in their traitorous machinations!”

“Your Majesty,” Eagle Eye spoke. “We're familiar with this monster that placed you and the Queen here. We kinda understand a little bit how she works. But we must admit... it's a bit confusing how or why she's decided to keep you two trapped in this place.” Eagle Eye gestured to the walls. “Especially since she's made it so easy for us to find you and get you out—”

Just as he said this, a shrill screeching noise emanated from the far end of the cave.

Azira gasped, immediately shrinking deeper into Lunarius' embrace. “The guardians! They're waking!”

“Uhhhh...” Josho leaned forward. “Who?”

Sparks danced suddenly between the skystone nodes that dotted the ceiling.

“Tell me, mercenaries of the Noble Jury.” Lunarius' eyes narrowed. “How many of you are here to rescue us?”

“Uhhhh... well, there's us two, and then our buddy outside in a hovercraft.”

Lunarius took a deep breath, his ears twitching as more high-pitched shrieks picked up in the distance. “That is most unfortunate. You really should have brought an army.”

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