• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,140 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Tools: Kortog

As the ship entered Planet Kortog's atmosphere, on approach to Stratus City, Ratchet, Clank, and Twilight began quizzing Blue Shift regarding details of the local situation.

"So...the Polaris Galaxy...Tachyon owns all of it?" Ratchet clarified.

"Yup," Blue Shift confirmed. "Ironic, ain't it? The one Cragmite they didn't vaporize comes back to oppress the galaxy."

"Who is they?" Clank asked.

"You're talking about the Lombaxes, aren't you?" Twilight asked. "That's why Tachyon's after Daddy, isn't it-oops!" She quickly covered her mouth with her hooves.

"No need to fret, little lady," Blue Shift reassured her. "You're dead on the money...though that Cazar disguise might work on most of Polaris. The idea of doing anything like that with their tails was unthinkable to most Lombaxes, so any native of Polaris - including Tachyon - will assume that the lack of tail prominence means he ain't a Lombax."

"AWK!" Red Shift shouted out. "All hail the Lombaxes! AWK! Saviors of the Universe!"

At that point, the communicator beeped. "Attention transport vessel. A bioscan reveals a Lombax lifeform aboard your vessel. Stand by for immediate disintegration."

"Then again, bioscanners don't judge..." Blue Shift admitted. The ship suddenly lurched forward at increased velocity. "What the-" Turning back, he saw the cargo hold was empty...save a note.

Thanks for the lift. Sorry for not saying goodbye, but if we stayed onboard, we'd all get zapped. So I blinked us and all the cargo out. See you later!

"Heh. Thoughtful little lady," Blue Shift chuckled.

"AWK! Too young for you!"

"I know that!" Blue Shift took a swing at his parrot as he steered the ship out of weapons range.

The free fall into the city proved no more difficult than any other such free fall, and the trio landed safely. Once they landed, they each purchased a Predator Launcher - and fully upgraded it - from the nearby vendor hologram. They then proceeded to carve their way through the enemy units being dropped in to attack them, their weapons proving quite effective. Some of the enemies carried shields that blocked most weapons fire, but Twilight had no interest in fair play, and used her magic aura to crush the robotic hands clutching the shields before ripping them away, and then destroying them.

They ignored Tachyon's announcements that slandered Ratchet's character, since he wasn't even as good at it as Gleeman Vox had been, and continued their trek into the city. Not long after, they found the Shock Ravager, an electric whip based weapon. Twilight was able to use her magic to duplicate it, and they then backtracked to the vendor to upgrade them. After all, a weapon designed to disable enemy shields was bound to be useful.

At one point, Ratchet was forced to latch his Swing Shot onto a sky tram in order to progress onward. Twilight, for her part, took flight. At the next skydock, the pair tried out their new Predator Launchers, firing multiple lock on missiles at once. Twilight found herself missing some of her more powerful weapon tweaks, and even her RYNO IV.

Not long after that, the group encountered a gel tank from which they could fill up the Gelanator. A brief bouncy detour brought them to a chest full of more Raritanium before they returned to their journey through the city.

At one point, Clank paused. "Ratchet...Twilight...those creatures are telling us to go inside that building."

"Creatures?" Ratchet asked, turning. "What creatures?" Gazing in the direction Clank was staring, he saw nothing.

Twilight turned to look. "...wait...you mean the floaty glowing tiny robots that seem sort of translucent and I can only see clearly if I squint while focusing my magic?" she clarified.

"They...do not seem translucent to me," Clank stated.

"Whee?" one of the robots offered, confused.

Twilight gasped as a memory surged to the fore, a sound she'd barely heard and never considered. "They're tooth fairies!" she gasped happily.

"They're what?" Ratchet demanded in confusion.

"It was a creature like these that took my tooth and left the ticking egg behind way back on Veldin!" Twilight crowed happily. "They are real!"

The robots in question floated over to Clank, and he felt energy flowing into him. The flight pack erupted out of him, energizing as the wings turned crystalline rather than metallic.

"And...the invisible magic robots just upgraded you," Ratchet muttered.

"What makes you think they're magic?" Clank asked.

"Because Twilight can see them but I can't," Ratchet explained.

"Alternatively, they might use a form of energy unrelated to magic that I've somehow been heavily exposed to," Twilight hypothesized as she examined her scanner readouts. "Given the high levels of chronitons left behind from their manipulation of Mommy's tech, they probably utilize time energy. It's entirely possible that my arrival on Veldin involved quantum displacement."

"In which case these tiny time bots are the only clue we have for where you come from," Ratchet concluded with a sigh. "Great. Guess we do what the fairy bots tell us, then."

The new Robo-Wings proved to be only a minor improvement over the original flight pack, negating the need for the anti-grav suit. Twilight couldn't help but giggle at the idea that the improvements that 'magic time fairy bots' were so slight as compared to one of her Daddy's first inventions for personal use.

At the end of the flight, the trio reached a building dubbed 'The Hall of Knowledge'. Twilight visibly squealed at the mere idea of a building filled with all the knowledge of an entire galaxy. Then an automated announcement played.

"Attention citizen. You have entered the Hall of Knowledge without authorization. Knowledge has been declared contraband by Emperor Tachyon. Any attempt to learn while on these premises will result in permanent confinement in Zordoom Prison."

Ratchet took one look at the look on Twilight's face and rapidly backed up to the opposite end of the room. However, Twilight apparently had better self control than he'd thought. "Daddy?" she asked, her voice almost sickeningly sweet.

"Yes Twilight?" Ratchet asked worriedly.

"When we have the chance at Tachyon...can I perform an...experiment?"

"What sort?" Ratchet asked in concern.

"I want to cut open his belly, throw a loop of his guts over a thorny tree at the edge of a cliff, and kick him over the edge," Twilight replied sweetly. "Ever since I read about that hunchbacked sorcerer discussing the experiment, I've been idly curious about whether or not the tensile strength of intestines was enough to bounce at a height like that...and I've finally found someone I hate enough to want to try it."

"...I'd really rather you didn't, Twilight," Ratchet said carefully. "I...don't think that sort of behavior is good for you. Remember Otto?"

Twilight shuddered as the mad grin left her face. "Right...I should just incinerate him..." She shivered again.

"In the meantime, you can give his rules a giant middle finger-"

"I don't have any fingers," Twilight pointed out.

"Middle feather, perhaps?" Clank offered.

"-and read everything in this entire hall," Ratchet concluded.

The high pitch squeal shattered the gelatinous domes around the fishlike creatures piloting the nearby enemy robots, disabling them completely.

A large portion of the Hall of Knowledge had underwater passages. Thankfully, Twilight had used the Shrink Ray technology to miniaturize the submersible pod that Derek Tovid had helped her build for a movie stunt, and installed it in her basic armor unit so it would deploy whenever she needed to go underwater. That way, she wouldn't have to worry about getting her wings wet.

Eventually, after a few detours for Twilight to download various bits of information into an intergalactic Cloud account, they reached the map room. In the Map Room itself, Clank was able to get coordinates for Planet Fastoon...a Lombax planet.

Since enemy units were about to break in after them, the trio quickly escaped in the escape pod, programming it with Planet Fastoon's coordinates. Unfortunately, Clank didn't have time to tell Ratchet...that Planet Fastoon was registered as 'deserted'.

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