• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,123 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

Eternal Slumber


Eternal Slumber

Spike slowly opened his eyes as he began to regain consciousness. "Ugh....where am I?" He stared only to the sky as he found himself drifting through what seemed to be nothing but empty space.

"Stay Asleep....", a mysterious voice boomed.

"What, who's there," Spike said as he quickly pushed himself up. He looked to the left and right, but is only greeted by emptiness.

"You should remain asleep...here....between the realms of light and Dark...."

"Between...light....and dark," Spike said in a confused manner. "Wait, everyone at the castle...Riku, Twilight, Sora.....Rarity! Where is everyone?! I was fighting against those heartless that had Rarity and then...."

"You drifted into the void by your own means.......were you not able to steer away from the lure of the darkness?"

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of monster," Spike rebutted.

"Turn from the light, and shut your eyes. Here, blanketed by the darkness, sleep is safety, sleep is eternal...."

"I sense a familiar essence in you that I once felt not too long ago.....yes"

"I must be going crazy, first I wake up in a nonexistent void and now I'm talking to something that's not even there," Spike said as he shook his head.

"Tell me boy, wouldn't you want to have an unimaginable power to protect the ones you care for," The voice asked.

Suddenly, a bright ball of light appeared before Spike which made his keyblade appear in his hand as the voice began to speak again. "This is the key to unlocking a power that you have never experienced. Take this, your endless sleep will end, and you will take the first steps toward the truth. But, know this, the truth will bring you pain. You will know the true meaning of sacrifice. Will you still accept?"

Spike went silent for a moment as he thought about the offer. "......I can be strong enough to keep my friends safe. I can be on the same level as......"

"Well, what is your answer," The voice calmly said.

"......Ok, I'll take your offer, this place was too boring for me anyway," Spike said with a smirk on his face.

"Hmph, well said, Spike," The voice echoed.

"Wait, how do you know my-" Spike said as he was cut off as an intense pulse of energy went through him. Everything went black for a second, then as if in an instant, Spike opened his eyes, and saw himself in another place.

"Ugh....am I back at the castle," Spike said as he saw himself in a bed.

"Look, you guys, Spike's awake!" Pinkie shouted as she hugged him. Judging from the jump that Spike's body gave off, one could tell that he wasn't back to full health just yet.

"Um, Pinkie, do you think that you could ease up just a tiny bit," Spike said wincing from her hug.

"Oops, my bad Spike," Pinkie nervously chuckled.

Spike looks around the room, and saw that Twilight and Rarity were there as well. "Sorry about that you guys, I didn't want to make anyone worry."

"Don't even bother with that Spike, we're just relieved that you're safe," Twilight said as she wiped away her tears.

"Yes, that was very brave what you did out there Spike," Rarity said as she sat on the side of Spike's bed. "If it wasn't for you, I would probably still be in the hands of those ghastly heartless."

"You saved my life yet again Spike," Rarity said to Spike as she gently kissed him on the cheek to his surprise. "Thank you so much."

"Um, I uh, yeah, no problem," Spike bashfully said.

"Are you ok Spike, your face is getting really red," Pinky teased.

"Yes Pinkie Pie, I'm fine," Spike said as he looked down at the floor trying not to let his face be seen.

Twilight stood there with feelings of gratitude running all through her body, thankful that Spike was ok.

The door to the room suddenly burst open, and through it came Sora, Riku, and Sunset.

"We heard about what happened, is everyone ok," Sora worryingly said.

"Yes, everyone's fine, really," Rarity said.

Riku walks to the side of Spike's bed. "Spike, are you hurt?"

"Uh, no I think I'm good," Spike said.

"Then follow me, we need to continue your training," Riku said.

"Oh, yeah, right behind you," Spike said as he quickly gets out of bed. A sudden wince of pain ran up the ride side of Spike's body.

"Hold on, hold on, Spike is in no condition to keep on with your training, are you crazy," Twilight yelled at Riku. "He can barely walk!"

Riku sighs as he nonchalantly walks over to Spike. "Spike, take this." Riku hands him a small vile of some kind of concoction. "It's an elixir, if you drink it, you'll be good as new."

"Where did you get an elixir from," Sora questioned.

"I synthesized it with a few materials I got out of a library synthesis book," Riku said.

Spike reluctantly drank the potion. He immediately started to gag while drinking the elixir. "Dude, that was probably one of the worst things I could've tasted in my life."

"How do you feel, Spike," Riku asked.

Spike began to move his arms and legs freely and smoothly without any second thought of injury. "Hey, I don't feel anything, actually my body feels like it's brand new!" He begins to take small hops to test his body even more. "I feel great!"

"Wait, don't tell me you're going back out to train again are you," Twilight said in a concerned manner.

"Well, yeah Twilight I can't stop now," Spike said.

"Spike, I don't know, doesn't this all seem a little out of your element," Twilight said. "Why don't you just leave this to the rest of us?

"What," Spike said as he tries to laugh it off.

"I just don't want you fighting those monsters if you don't have to," Twilight said. "It's too dangerous."

"We do way more dangerous stuff than that on a weekend!" Spike said. "Plus, I have a keyblade, so there's no way I'm going to lose!"

A grey expression appears on Riku's and Sora's face when Spike says this.

Twilight shakes her head in disagreement. "I'm sorry Spike, but you can't fight those monsters anymore. It isn't something that I want you to do."

"What, do you think that I can't handle myself," Spike said. "That I can't protect anyone and get in the way?"

Twilight is at a loss for words.

Spike continues. *fists shaking* "Do you think I'm weak, is that it, that I can't step up to where you or anyone else is?!"

Spike slams his fist onto the wall, leaving behind a scorch mark.

Twilight looks Spike in his eyes which reminds her of daggers. "Spike....that's not what I......I didn't mean to-"

"Spike," Riku sternly voiced. "That's enough." Spike looked Riku directly in his eyes and slowly brings his hand back down.

Spike turns around and heads to the door. " *tch* Forget it......just forget it." Spike runs out of the room as his footsteps begin to fade out.

"Twilight, are you ok, why didn't you say anything," Rarity asked with a worrisome look.

"I...I don't know, I just didn't know what to say," Twilight meekly responded. "There was something off about Spike, I couldn't tell much, but I thought I felt some kind of magic coming from him." Twilight's brings her knees to her chest and holds them close. "It felt so...cold, like when a cold breeze cuts through your clothes.....and that look in his eyes."

"Well, let's go get him and talk about this," Rarity abrasively said as she begins to race for the door. Riku steps in between Rarity and the door. "Riku, please, could you step out of the way?"

"This isn't something that we should meddle with," Riku said. "Didn't you here what Spike said? He thinks he's inadequate and weak, compared to the rest of us. That he can't hold his own. Bringing him back now wouldn't do anything but deepen that hole of his."

Rarity holds back a response as she listens to Riku. "...I suppose you're right."

Twilight begins to droop on the floor as lowers her head. "....*sigh* Spike, what should I do?"

Sora looks at Riku for a few seconds, his face brows.

We see Spike enter into a building with glass paned purple windows. Inside the building were different groups of people all socializing with each other. In the far back center was a quaint bar with a row of barstools sitting in front of it. Behind the bar stood a burly man with short sandy hair. Spike quickly walks past the crowd of people and makes his way to the back.

"Hey, Joe," Spike said as he waved to the man.

"Spike!," Joe shouted as he walked up to Spike with open arms. Joe gave Spike a huge bear hug. "HAHAHAHA, how have you been my friend!"

"I've been ok, just needed to get my mind off a few things," Spike said.

"Hmmmm, well if you need to get your mind off of something, then I got just the thing," Joe said as he goes to the wet bar. Joe begins to prepare a drink with finesse and lightning speed. He goes back to Spike with a wonderful drink in hand. "Here you are sir, one cinnamon/vanilla frappe with an assortment of gems!"
Spike's eyes go wide from the dessert that was placed in his face.

"Oh my Celestia," Spike excitedly said. A gleam ran across his eyes as he stares at the gem encrusted drink. "This is amazing Joe! How much?"

"On the house my dude," Joe said with a grin on his face.

"Joe, thank you so much," Spike said as he put his hands together and slightly bowed.

"No problem man," Joe said. "You and Twilight are like family to me, I've know you since you were kids. Speaking of which, where is the egghead herself?"

Spike took a break from drinking his shake as he places it on the table. 'Well, you see."

Spike begins to tell Joe about what happened at the castle a few moments ago.

"So, what's the problem, you think that Twilight doesn't trust you," Joe asked.

"No, I-I know that she trusts me, when it comes to her books, letters, messages," Spike began to sink in his chair. "While she takes on the saving the world from certain doom category. I just want to be able to help more than just carrying the load like some pack mule. Why can't she just give me a chance to show that?"

"Because she cares about you Spike," Joe told the boy.

Spike lays his head down on the counter. "Well, I wish she cared a little less." Spike finishes his drink.

"Now, I know you don't mean that," Joe said as he picks up Spike's cup and begins to clean it. "Trust me Spike, there's gonna be a time when you want someone who cares for you like Twilight does. Stuff like that doesn't come around the world often, or at least that's what is seems."
Spike let out a deep sigh to the bartender's words.

"Or, you could show her how much you've grown" Joe started. "You know, I was never big on waiting for chance to appear, eats away more time than you would spend if you just do what's on your mind, but that's not always the right answer. You just gotta know the right signs, and when you feel it, you feel it."

"That's kind of, vague," Spike said.

"One more thing that I wanna leave you with Spike before you go," Joe said. " Before anyone else's opinions get in the way of your actions, what is it that you want, and who do you want to be, regardless of what anyone else thinks and says?"

Spike closes his eyes and takes in deep breath as Joe finishes his advice. A smile appears on his face. Spike gets out of his seat and begins to walk to the exit. "See you later, Joe, thanks for everything."

Joe waves goodbye as Spike heads for the exit, "Take it easy Spike, and tell Twilight to come by next time!"

As Spike walks out of the restaurant, he begins to walk the Canterlot Streets, Joe's words still fresh in his mind.

*Spike's Inner Thoughts*

"Who I want to be.....regardless of what people think huh? Even if they're people that you know? But aren't friends supposed to be the ones you can rely on?"

As Spike continues in deep thought, he accidentally bumps into another person which causes both of them to fall to the ground.

"Ouch-ch-ch-ch," Spike winces as he rubs his arm. " Sorry about that, didn't mean to bump into-"

Why don't you watch where you're going," the stranger yells.

Spike looks to see two girls who are around his age.
One girl has pale, purple and white hair which was put into a ponytail in the back. Her outfit consists of a gold jacket with fur on the collar and boots to match, white skirt, and black leggings. Pink diamond earrings and a diamond necklace enhances her aura of wealth. A crown shaped diamond encrusted barrette is clipped to the side of her hair.

The other girl's hair is comprised of two shades of gray (pause) neatly put into a braid that goes down her back. She is wearing an outfit that consists of a simple purple top, pink skirt, and purple boots. She is wearing a pearl necklace with bracelets to match. A crest of a silver spoon is placed proudly on her chest.

"Oh great, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," Spike says in a mundane tone as he turns the other way.

"Hey, where are you going, look at what you did to my shirt," Diamond yells as she points to a couple of small tears.

Spike sighs and aloofly looks back at Diamond. "I don't care about your trashy clothes."

"TRASHY?!" Diamond Tiara shouts as she begins to glare her teeth at Spike like a wild dog, while Silver Spoon is trying her best to keep her friend calm.

From behind Diamond comes a tall figure who's wearing black penny loafers. A smug grin appears on her face. "Hmph, we'll see what you have to say after my dad and his bodyguards get a word with you."

"What," Spike says as he turns back to face the girls. He looks up to see a tall tall man with dark skin, greasy slick black hair, who's wearing a navy blue tailored suit. A red tie with the symbol for money stitched on it, sits above his chest.

"A commoner such as yourself shouldn't even be here walking streets," The man said as he raises his hand.

"Excuse me-" *SMACK* before Spike could finish his sentence, the tall man slaps Spike on his face. Everyone who is walking around stops to see what is going on. Silver Spoon and even Diamond Tiara weren't expecting it to go that far.

Spike stands there bewildered at what just happened. He looks the man dead in his eyes. *quietly* "Hey, just what do you think you're doing.?"

The man grins maliciously. "Die, you hybrid scum."

In a second, Spike's eyes turn more slant like.


We see Twilight walking around the Canterlot Shopping District. She's not really looking at anything to buy. "*sigh* Spike, why did you run off like that?" She walks into what appears to be more of a knick knack shop then anything else. She then spots and assortment of colored eggs, all with different patterns painted on. There is one in particular that stands out from the rest. The egg is purple with purple spots going around it. Twilight slowly goes to pick it up. "......Spike."

The old shop keeper walks up to Twilight as she glares at the egg. *raspy* "Sooo, are you going to buy that, or just stare at it?"


"What the heck was that," the shopkeeper yelled.

Twilight's head pops up as she hears a loud crash in the distance and her eyes widen. She begins to see townspeople, and even a few guards run in the same direction. One guard peers his head through the store where Twilight is.

"Miss Twilight, you need to come with us, immediately!" The guard stated.

Twilight starts to contemplate why they would want her there. "No...that couldn't be.." Twilight quickly ran out of the building and towards the eruption. As she began to get closer and closer to where she the sound, more towns people were beginning to appear. A wall of people stood in Twilight's way, all yelling over something. Twilight takes a deep breath and begins to push her way through the crowd. As she makes her way to the front of everyone, what she notices takes her back a few steps. Twilight sees Spike there with his keyblade summoned.

"Spike, what are you- *gasp*," Twilight stops herself for when she goes to look in Spike's eyes, she sees nothing but rage. Twilight looks over and sees Filthy Rich knocked into a now destroyed kiosk stand.

Twilight began to shake a little. "Spike, what's happening to you?"

Spike begins to slowly walk his way towards Filthy Rich. A purple aura can be seen faintly coming from Spike's body. His fangs bearing at the downed man, his slit pupils showing his draconic ancestry. As Spike got closer, Diamond Tiara ran in front of Filthy Rich with her arms stretched out as far as she could.

"Stop it, you psycho, what do you think you're doing to my dad," Diamond shouted. Spike hears nothing as he walks closer to them, giving out low growls as he inches his way closer. "No, get back!" An aura of dark energy began to swirl around Spike's keyblade.

Twilight has been staring in disbelief, can't believe that this is her Spike. She's at a loss.

One of the guards sees this, and nudges Twilight on her shoulder. "Hey, this is no time for you to be daydreaming in self-doubt, if anyone can call him down, wouldn't it be you, aren't you two family?"

Twilight's had enough and runs behind the dragon boy. "Spike, stop it! Don't do this!" Spike continues as if he didn't hear anything. "Spike, please, listen to me!" Spike swings his blade and a large dark wave was launched at high speed towards Filthy and Diamond. It's as if time itself stops, as the attack comes closer to the father and daughter. In the distance, someone in a pair of white gloves has put his hands together in what seems to be a praying motion, but then immediately places them on the ground. Lightning courses underneath the crowd of people and stops in front of Filthy and Diamond. A giant stone slab appears in front of them and takes the full brunt of the attack.

*BOOOOOOOOOOM* The slab is destroyed, and in the background is Ed, using his transmutation ability to ride on top of a stone column. He jumps off the column and lands right in front of Spike putting his hands on his chest. He then releases the lightning into Spike.

*AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!* Spike screams in pain as he falls to the ground, unable to move.

"What is wrong with you Edward, you could've hurt Spike," Twilight screamed.

"Yeah, well Spike was about to kill them, and I didn't see you coming up with any great plan star student," Ed said in a swift manner.

One of the castle's knight runs to Edward as he salutes by placing his fist over his chest. "Sir Edward, what do you wish for us to do with him?"

"Take him to the dungeon for the night," Edward said. The guards bow and proceed to haul Spike to the dungeon.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, you can't take him to the dungeon," Twilight said as she tried to follow the guards only to be stopped by more blocking her way.

Guards walk over to Diamond and Filthy Rich to help them. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," Diamond said meekly. "Can you see if my dad is ok?" The guards nod to her and proceed to help Filthy Rich up. "He has a slash wound going across his chest! Must be from the first strike when he crashed. "Don't worry about your dad, he's going to the Castle where our top medical workers will have him better in no time! You and your friend over there can come to the castle and spend time there while you wait for your dad."

As Ed sees the guards taking the group to the castle, he appears as if he sees something strange. He quietly hushes his thoughts and begins his walk back to the castle.


Evening time same day

Twilight and the rest of the gang all meet up in the throne room to discuss what happened.

"I-I can't believe that, I won't believe it," Rarity stated. "There's no way that Spike would want to hurt anyone."

"Can't be so sure about that," Edward chimed in. "I remember correctly that the reason he was bed-ridden in the first place was because he overexerted himself protecting you from the heartless right? And didn't his draconic powers tap in when he was backed against a wall?"

"But Spike wouldn't just attack a random person for no good reason," Twilight said.

"Oh, really," Ed sneered as he began to walk closer towards the group. "One of the civilians told me that the reason he attacked that guy was because he spoke ill will about his dragon roots, and proceeded to hit him."

The rest of the group was shocked to hear this information unfold.

Sora was the first to retort. "So then, why isn't that Filthy guy the one in trouble if he's the on who started it all?"

"That's not the main point of the situation," Ed grumbled. "Why couldn't one of your keyblade wielders control himself?"
Sora stepped back as he didn't have an answer for Ed. "What, were you going to say, that he's new to it all? If that's the case where's his master, you know, the guy that's supposed to be teaching him what he knows? "It's too much going on right now for anyone to fall for some kind of half-baked idea to get them into some more mess." Edward looked over to Twilight as he asks another question. "Hey, Twilight, you know the guy that Spike attacked right?"

"Yeah, he lives in Ponyville, his name is Filthy Rich," Twilight said. "I think we all can say that he's not the most kind person out there, but he wouldn't purposefully go out of his way to hurt someone and belittle them."

"So if this is the first time that something like this has happened from that guy, then that could be a clue into this whole case," Edward said. He begins to think to himself. "Also, that cut from before, the keyblade may be shaped that way, but it is still a sword right? It cuts through, so why was there no blood when Spike attacked Filthy? "Those keyblades, are more trouble than I realized."

Luna raises up in her throne. "More research must be done about the keyblades if we are to get a stronger grasp of the subject, but first we must make sure that our own, and those we take as our own, are doing well themselves."

Celestia looks to Twilight and the rest of her friends as she follows up her sister. "I'm sorry, but I do hope you realize that Spike will have to stay in the dungeon for the night while the medics work on Filthy Rich?"

"Yes, Princess.....I understand," Twilight said in a melancholic tone as tears began to appear in her eyes.

Celestia, seeing the worry in her student, decided that it was best to comfort her. "It'll be alright Twilight, things tend to sort themselves out around here."

"Yeah, I guess your right," Twilight said as she wipes away the tears from her eyes. Celestia then raises her hand and gold magic envelops it. The sun itself began descending past the mountains. Almost like clockwork, Luna's hand is enveloped in a royal blue aura, and she brings it up. As Luna does this, the group can see in the background the crescent moon appearing overhead.

"There is no need for any of you to worry yourself," Celestia said in a comforting tone. "Now, if you excuse me, *giggling* I think it's time I head to sleep."

"I actually might do the same thing," Twilight said in an exhausted manner.

"Goodnight everyone," Celestia said as she teleports out of the throne room.

The rest of the group has split up by this point, with the girls going to there side of the castle wing and the boys on their side. Ed on the other hand is currently writing down inside of a black book. " *Thinking* I still barely understand anything about this world. It's politics, government, even down to the people, it's like they've never experienced a hardship a day in their lives, or they've always had someone to face it for them. Most of the people here can barely handle anything that's dangerous from their own world. Throw in monsters from a different plane of existence, shadow demons, swords in the shape of keys, I bet people are really uneasy right now."

Ed makes it up a set of stairs and stands in front of a tall door. "Figuring out what brought me here to this world and leaving is my priority. I just wish I knew where Alphonse went to." Ed opens his door to a royal bedroom suite that was given for him to sleep in, secluded from the rest of the group. "*Deep sigh* Finally, I get to relax for a bit." Ed takes off his jacket and boots. He wears a black sleeveless shirt and shorts which reveal his metal appendages. He then makes a jump into his bed. "Alllright!" Ed bounces one time and then suddenly falls back in the bed as he begins to sink. "Wow, I can't lie, this is a pretty comfortable bed. It feels a little bit different though. Kind of lumpy. Edward begins to fluff the pillows around him. As he's patting his bed he feels something that's very squishy under the covers. "....Huh?" The covers begin to move on their own and what's underneath is Celestia wearing an all white night gown.


Ed looks on in dismay while Celestia takes a long stretch and sits up in the bed, her eyes gently fixating on him.

"C-Celestia," Edward said in a tone of disbelief. An expression of pure shock sits on Ed's face while Celestia is in a much calmer state of mind. " *nervous laughing* Um, I'm pretty sure that this is the room you gave me to sleep in right?"

"Oh, don't worry, this is the right place," Celestia calmly said.

"Oh, is that so, then can I ask, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?! Edward demanded.

Celestia's eyes began to look around the room as she moves some locs of her hair out of her face. "Well, I was having a difficult night sleeping, and I don't see a reason why my familiar wouldn't want me to be here," Celestia said with a smile perfectly placed on her face. "Unless, you really don't want me here?":

Ed's eyes grow wide as he was not prepared to handle a situation such as this. "What, no that's not it, look, you can have this room, and I'll just guard the halls." As Ed began to jump out the bed, before his feet could touch the ground, an aura of gold kept him suspended in the air. "Wait..*blinks and looks down* ..am I floating?" Ed slowly begins to float towards Celestia as she opens her arms to catch Ed.

"Now Edward you don't have to do that, besides I'd feel safer with you right here," Celestia says as gently lays down in the bed as she gently caresses Ed in her arms. "It's get awfully cold in these rooms by yourself. Wouldn't you agree?"

"....Mmhm," Ed nods as he couldn't think of any words to say as a flurry of thoughts rush his mind and his face reddens a little. Ed is able to feel Everything
( author's note: like, errthing my G, this dude feels errthing, Celestia is thicc my guy.........BRUH. Aight back to the story)

One thing that Ed focuses on is how warm and comfortable Celestia feels right now. It's truly amazing.

"Edward, can I ask you something," Celestia quietly said.

"Um.. Yeah, what is it," Edward said.

"What do you plan on doing when you find your brother," Celestia calmly asks.

Ed's emotions begin to settle within him as the princess asks this question. "That's obvious, I'm going back to Amestris."

"Would you rather not stay here," Celestia asks the alchemist. "You could have anything you'd ever want."

"That sounds nice in theory, but I'd be missing something just as nice, if not more if I didn't find a way back home," Ed said.

"Oh, what would that be," Celestia asked.

Ed grow silent for a few minutes as he begins to think about his homeland. From the adventures with his brother to being able to unwind now and again back with Granny and Winry. The feel of the wind. The rustling of the trees. It's almost as if he's right back there in Amestris.

"Edward," Celestia says in a questionable tone regarding how quiet he'd gotten.

"The one thing I'm missing right now, are the people who I call family," Ed quietly said.

Celestia lays there fluttering her eyes in surprise of Edward's statement. "I see, I know it must be hard being so far away from your family."

"Oh yeah, how could you ever know about something like that," Edward barked back at Celestia. He notices how Celestia's embrace started to weaken as he said that.

"There was once a time, where my sister Luna was not with me for a long time, and I had a part to play in that" Celestia said. The moon begins to peer through the clouds of the night and begins to show its luminescence to its world. Moonlight can be seen entering Roxas's bedroom through a glass pained window that allows anyone to look over all of Canterlot. "Those days were... Difficult. Not knowing if she was ok. I couldn't blame anyone but myself. I don't want to think about the days where she wasn't here with me. I wouldn't ever want my sister, or anyone dear to me, to be lost like that again." A few silent tears fall from Celestia's face and onto the top of Edward's head.

Edward sits there silent as he listens to the princess's sorrowful words. "....Princess?"

"I understand, Edward, truly," Celestia assures Ed as she wipes her tears away. "I know that you'll find your brother, and you'll be together again. Just don't forget, that you don't have to be alone forever on your journey."

Edward begins to relax a little as the conversation begins to die down.

The Following Morning

Everyone from the night before appears in the throne room.

A loud burst through the chamber doors reveal two guards who have a message for the Princesses. "Your highness, we are here to inform you that Filthy Rich has recovered!"

"What," Ed said under his breath.

Slow footsteps can be heard from outside the chamber doors. Everyone stands in suspense as they wait for someone to walk through. It is without a doubt, Filthy Rich, fully healed, without even a speck of dirt on him.

"How is that possible, he's no fighter, far from it, and to heal from a wound that size over night," Edward contemplates in his mind.

"It seems that you've made a full recovery Filthy Rich," Celestia said.

"Why yes I have Princess, and along with that recovery comes the next issue," Filthy says as he raises his hand and motions it towards the door. One snap, and some vile looking people come walking through the door. Mercenaries, a good handful of them, and a few of them were holding chains. As they fully present themselves in the throne room, what they were using the chains for had everyone in anger and shock. There stood Spike being held back by chains and locks on his wrists and ankles. The rage from Spike's face, has yet to leave.

"What are...you doing...to SPIKE," Twilight yelled.

"What are we do- *chuckling* isn't it obvious," Filthy Rich laughed. "The half breed is going to die."

Author's Note:

Wassup yall, so it's been a few years hasn't it? I have a feeling that we're in our 20s now. I've graduated college. It feels like yesterday I started "writing", idk, I want to call this writing but there not my characters or anything, the story isn't that original, but despite all that, I want to say thank you for everything, thank you for staying with me, thanking you for loving this story as much as yall do! I love everyone of you, and I don't know what the future may hold, but no matter what, stay creative, stay humble, and continue moving to a higher state of living. Peace. P.S. I remember in the past chapters I had music playing for most parts. Sadly, those playlists don't even exist anymore. So, I might find some different playlists or just keep it w/o music for the time being. What would you all prefer, or does it even matter that much? lmk. preciate the reads. peace. Working on the next chapter as we speak.

Comments ( 4 )

Loving the new cover art for you story did you make or did a friend do it for you it's very well made.

Preciate that! I actually don't know the artist for the cover art. I just thought it was pretty cool and fit well with the story.

"What are...you doing...to SPIKE," Twilight yelled.

"What are we do- *chuckling* isn't it obvious," Filthy Rich laughed. "The half breed is going to die."

......... What...

.. Like fucking hell you will do that to Spike!

Overall, not bad, but I do have some complaints.

One, the relationships are rushed, especially when they already had girls back home they had affections for. Not saying they can't fall for them. I'm fine with that. But there's practically zero resistance of loyalties here. If there were to be relationships like this, it'd have to develop more slowly.

Secondly: anyone can kill Heartless. Leon's group in Radiant Garden prove this time and time again. It's just that killing them isn't permanent without the Keyblade to free the hearts, because they'll just regenerate elsewhere, respawn basically, once enough time has passed.

Thirdly: The Wingblade is NOT a keyblade. It was a weapon born of Riku's own darkness as a stand-in when he proved no longer able to wield the keyblade. The very first game confirmed this as not a keyblade. I'm not against Spike having a Keyblade, but if you want him to have one, actually give him a keyblade. The Wingblade is NOT a keyblade. There's options if you want to give him a dark affinity keyblade, which would fit with what you seem to have going for him here. But, the wingblade simply isn't one.

And last complaint: the fights. You have some decent parts, but compared to the KH franchise, they're like warm-ups compared to what the KH characters can do. They don't just include melee in their fights. They include many special powers, even for melee attacks being empowered by energy in various ways. Best to make them more complicated.

But, those are my only complaints. The rest I'm honestly really liking, liking enough to put this on alerts so I can get alerts when you update this. I'm loving the potential here, and I hope your writing skills continue to improve as you write more.

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