• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,123 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

The New Girl in Town

Chapter IV
The New Girl in Town

Sora and Roxas were sleeping comfortably in their beds just as snug as a bug in a rug. Nothing could ruin this feeling, well nothing but the rooster. The rooster started its daily morning crowing, something that neither Sora nor Roxas were used to. As the crowing was becoming louder and louder they both decided to finally get out of their beds. Sora looked out the window and saw that the sun was barely out yet just enough for a reddish trim of light to be shown around the world.

"What, the sun's barely up yet," Sora said whiningly.

Then both guys heard a noise coming up the stairs and they were wondering who it could it be. It was no one other than Applejack coming to get them out of bed.

"Good mornin' Sora. Good morning' Roxas, are y'all ready to start the day?" Applejack said happily.

"Start the day, the day is barely here," Roxas said.

"Nothin' like gettin' up a little early to get the most out of yer day," Applejack said. Applejack grabbed one of Sora's arms and one Roxas's arms and started going down the steps.

"Now come on you two, I gotta show ya' how we do things around here." Applejack brought both of them into the apple orchard to start off their day.

"So what we have to do is buck the good apples out of the tree and collect them to sell in Ponyville," Applejack said. Sora looked up towards the apple trees and saw the abundance of apples that hung from each tree.

"How are we supposed to get all of those apples down?" Sora said.

"Oh, that's easy ya' just buck em off," Applejack said.

"Buck, like a horse?" Sora said.

"Mmmhmmmm, here let me show ya what I mean," Applejack said as she started preparing herself to buck the apples off the tree. She lifted her leg up and hit the trunk of the tree with full force. The tree then started to shake and all the apples fell out the tree and into the baskets underneath. Roxas and Sora were fairly surprised at the raw power that Applejack had in a kick. Applejack then looked back at them with hands on hips smiling at the fact that they were in awe in what they saw her do.

"And that's pretty much it," Applejack said.

"Well then,let's get to work," Sora said looking at Applejack.

"Before you do," Applejack then pointed at Roxas, "Do you really wanna work in the black coat," Applejack said at Roxas as he noticed that he still had on his Organization XIII coat on.

"Guess I should take this off huh, not really that necessary right now," Roxas said. Roxas then proceeded to take off the coat and revealed the layer of clothes that he was wearing underneath it. He had on a black, high-collared jacket with a zipper resembling an "X" shaped symbol. Over this, he wore another jacket, this one unzipped and white, with several black block designs and a gray hem on the end of each sleeve. This jacket's collar was red and pleated and folded back.

Roxas also wore two-colored pants; the legs of his pants were beige with several of what looked like buttons on the hem that appeared to attach the legs to the rest of the cloth, which were dark-colored. Roxas's shoes were colored in shades of gray and black, and had red straps in place of laces. Finally, Roxas wore a wristband with a black-and-white checkerboard pattern on his left wrist , as well as a plain black ring on his left index finger and a plain white ring on his left middle finger.

"Wow, that's something different, I bet Rarity would have a kick at seeing that outfit," Applejack said.

"Well then, how about we start getting these apples down huh?" Roxas said.

"That's the attitude I'm looking' for," Applejack said.

For the rest of the early morning, Sora, Roxas, and Applejack spent their time with getting the apples off the tree and putting them into the baskets. They did this until Applejack deemed it enough apples. Then, it was on to the next task.

"Alright, are y'all ready for the next part?" Applejack said.

"The next part?" Sora and Roxas both said winded from the work they just finished doing.

"Yeah, we gotta get these apples down to the marketplace and sell 'em," Applejack said. "We gotta put 'em in wagons and wheel 'em to the center of town."

"This is never going to end," Roxas said to himself.

"I should've stayed at Rarity's," Sora said to himself.

The two key blade warriors got up and started packing each apple into a wagon and started wheeling them into town. When they made it to the Apple Family Kiosk they each fell to the ground not wanting to get back up. Applejack looked at them with hands on hips and a disbelieved look.

"Wow, how can you guys take on a horde of monsters without breaking a sweat, and almost pass out by carryin' some apples into town?"

"I'm going to ignore that question, because I don't know the answer to it," Roxas said.

"If I can just stay right here for a few seconds," Sora said. Sora's dreams would have to be short lived as a pre teen boy with spiky green hair and spliced green eyes covered his view.

"Hey, Sora, you need to go to Twilight's place ASAP," The boy said.

"Wait, don't tell me......your name is Spike right?" Sora said.

"Yep, number one assistant to Twilight Sparkle; I guess it's not surprising that you don't know my name, I mean we barely had a chance to meet," Spike said.

"Well, better not keep Twilight waiting, come on Roxas we gotta go see her," Sora said as he helped Roxas up off the ground.

"That girl really likes to get her way doesn't she," Roxas said.

"You have no idea," Spike said bluntly. "What about you Applejack, the rest of the girl's are already over at Twilight's," Spike said.

Applejack started to think about it. "I guess I can open up shop a little late then."

"Great now let's get going," Spike then turned towards Sora and Roxas, alright come on you two, let's go to Twilight's."

Sora, Roxas, Spike, and Applejack proceeded their way to Twilight's library without little distraction. As they made it to the door of the library, the door had magically opened up by itself. Inside was Twilight and the rest of the girls waiting patiently for everyone to arrive.

"Ahhhh, Sora, Roxas, come in," Twilight said with a grin on her face. "Just so you won't be surprised, I've sent a letter to the princess already and I should be expecting a reply in a few seconds, so if you see green flames coming out of Spike, it's fine."

"Well that's something you don't hear everyday," Sora whispered to Roxas.

"I'm sorry, did you just say princess," Roxas asked in a quizzical tone.

"Yes, Princess Celestia, one of the rulers of Equestria," Twilight said.

"One of the rulers?" Roxas said.

"Well, yeah, she has a sister," Twilight said.

"This place is weird," Roxas said.

"Says the guy who uses key shaped swords to fight shadow monsters."

"touché Twilight touché."

"And while we're waiting for the princess to answer back, we can start the questions with this, what are those things that tried to hurt Fluttershy, I've never seen anything like them, and there are no records of them in my books,' Twilight said in a serious tone.

"Those things are called heartless," Sora said.

"Heartless.......but why did they go for Fluttershy?"

"A heartless is exactly what the name implies, they're beings without hearts. They attack other people to try and take their hearts from them, and Fluttershy was another target to them," Sora said.

"But one thing I can't figure is why did they attack in such a horde?" Sora said. "Heartless don't usually attack one person in that big of a group."

"That's something that we'll have to figure out later, but for now, I still need a few more questions asked," Twilight said.

"What are those things that you guys use to battle the heartless, they look just like oversized keys," Twilight said.

"Well, they're not just oversized keys," Roxas said as he summoned both of his key blades in each hand. "These are known as key blades,and only people with exceptionally strong hearts who are chosen by the key blade can wield it."

"I don't understand," Twilight said trying to gather all the information that just shot in from of her.

"Here just grab this," Roxas said as he extended oathkeeper closer to Twilight for her to grab. Twilight picked it up and out of Roxas's hands. Twilight was holding it for a second when the keyblade flashed back into Roxas's empty hand.

"You see," Roxas said.

"I can't believe it, that makes no sense at all!" Twilight said.

"A lot of things don't make since, sometimes you just have to believe and have faith and the things that you cherish," Sora said.

Things went quiet for a few seconds as those few seconds turned into awkward silence until green fire shot out of Spike.

"The princess answered back!" Twilight said happily. "Spike what does it say?"

Spike opened up the letter and started to read it out loud.

"Ahem, my faithful student Twilight, what interesting news that you have sent me. Though what happened to Fluttershy was drastic, I would not worry about it, the key blade wielders know what they're doing. Signed, Princess Celestia." P.S. I will be rather busy in Canterlot setting up for events such as the Grand Galloping Gala and many others, so I am sending another one of my past students down there to live with you in Ponyville for the time being so that she won't be bored up here. I'm pretty sure you already know her. She should be up there by the time you get this letter."

"Man I wonder how Twilight took tha-" Spike was stopped as he turned around and saw Twilight literally pacing back and forth from what she heard. "Not so well I see."

"She's not going to be in contact during this time when I need her the most?!" Twilight said.

"And how did she know about us when we have never met this princess before?" Sora said to Twilight.

"She also said that somebody is going to come stay with us Twilight," Spike said.

"I heard Spike," Twilight said annoyingly.

"I just wonder who it is." Twilight thought about it and a lightbulb clicked on in her head as a big smile came across her face.

"Um, Twilight, are you okay?" Rainbow said to Twilight who started chuckling to herself.

"Oh, I'm fine, I just can't believe she's coming here to Ponyville," Twilight said.

"Who?" As Sora said this a knock on the library door was heard from the outside. Twilight ran to the door almost knocking over Spike, Roxas, and Sora. She stopped at the door and opened it, and on the other side was a girl with long red hair with yellow stripes coming down the sides of it. She was wearing a aqua blouse with ruffles at the bottom, blue spandex pants, black high heeled boots, and a black leather jacket to match. Her eyes matched the color of her blouse which were also aqua.

"Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight said as she went to go give her a hug.

"Twilight! It's so good to see you again." Sunset said. Twilight then let Sunset go of her embrace and saw that she had a phoenix perched on her shoulder.

"Is that Philomena?" Twilight said.

"Yeah, the princess offered me to take care of her ever since she let me come back home," Sunset said. "The princess said it suits me."

"Well I'm glad to see that you'll be getting to stay in Ponyville for the time being," Twilight said.

"I'm glad too Twilight, it's nice getting to see you and the girls again," Sunset said as she looked up to see the rest of the group. What caught her and made her do a double take were two unknown guys in Twilight's house that she had never met before.

"Um, Twilight, who are those guys," Sunset said.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot to mention, Sunset, this is Sora and Roxas," Twilight said as she greeted the two.

[i"]Hey, those two are pretty cute," Sunset thought in her mind.

"Well, if that's the end of this meeting, I would like to say that it's to go," Rainbow said.

Everyone agreed and started to leave out the library. As soon as Sora started to exit, something quickly grabbed on to his arm. It was something soft and delicate with a loving touch.

"Excuse me, Sora," Rarity said. "If you don't mind, I would like your assistance on a important matter, you will help me right?" Rarity said batting her eyelashes.

Sora then smiled, "How can someone say no to eyes like those?"

"Wonderful!" Rarity said as she grabbed Sora and started heading towards the boutique.

Roxas started to head back to the Apple Family Farm without saying a word to anybody. Sunset saw this and was intrigued by his demeanor.

"Hmm, wonder where he's going, follow me Philomena," Sunset said as she started to follow Roxas to the farm.


Off in the distance in a dark corner of Ponyville stood the man in the black hood watching as the girls and the key blade wielders went different ways to enjoy the rest of their day.

"So, somehow Roxas was able to be brought back into the living. Was it the light of this world that did this? If so, I need to gather the darkness that I need to eradicate this world so that it will be lost forever and it will be another star to go out in the sky. But I need more darkness." As the hooded man said this two mysterious figures stepped from a corridor of darkness. The hooded man turned back to look.

"Hmph, maybe you two will be of some of use. After all that you two put me through, it's time for you to pay. In soon time, Equestria will be destroyed and it will start off with this Ignorant town." All three of the figures then disappeared in a shroud of darkness.


A few minutes passed and Sora and Rarity made it to the boutique. As they walked in Sora looked around the boutique, and everything looked the same as before except there were different outfits on display this time. As he started walking in towards the living room, he saw a white ball of fluff laying in a tiny bed. He wondered what it was so he bent down on his knees and got closer to it. Worst...... idea.....ever. As soon as he got close enough, the white puff ball sprang up showing that it was a cat and then swiped at Sora with its claws.

"Owwww!" Sora said. "What did I do to you?" The cat then hissed at him as if he was a threat to her. "Great, like the Chesire Cat wasn't worrisome enough."

"Well, you did walk up on her while she was sleeping, not a good idea," said a young girlish voice. Sora had her that voice before. He turned around and saw SweetieBelle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo looking right at him.

"SweetieBelle, Applebloom, Scootaloo why are you here?" Sora asked.

"What do you mean, I basically live here, Rarity is my sister," Sweetiebelle said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, and we always come over here to hang out with Sweetiebelle," Scootaloo said.

"By the way, what's a Chesire Cat?" Apple bloom asked.

"Nothing but a trouble maker," Sora said as he folded his arms and had an aggravated look on his face as if saying the name brought back a bad memory.

"So, what are you doing here dude?" Scootaloo said.

Sora pulled off a playful shrug and said, "I really don't know myself."

"Oh, there you are Sora," Rarity said as she walked into the living room where everyone was. "And, I see that you found the girls."

"Yeah, we were all wondering what the favor was that you wanted me to do." Sora said.

"Yes, the favor, well, it's really nothing too challenging, I just need you to watch over the kids and Opal while I work on my outfits for a client," Rarity said with a nervous chuckle.

"Wait, the favor was for me to babysit and petsit?!" Sora said bewildered by what he dragged himself into.

"Please, Sora this is a really important client and I must keep my clientele happy at all times."

"But, Rarity, it's not that I don't want to or anything, it's just that....well.. I-" Sora was stopped mid sentence as he noticed how Rarity was moving closer and closer to him.

"Now Sora, you should never pass a lady in need of assistance, you don't know what you could miss," Rarity said with her bedroom eyes looking directly at Sora. Sora started to get a little nervous from such close contact with Rarity.

"Do this favor for me, and I'll make sure that you'll get repaid back in something even better," Rarity said fluttering her eyes a Sora.

"Sigh, I gotta stop falling for that," Sora mumble to himself. "Okay, I'll watch them."

"Wonderful, if you need me I'll be in my room working on my masterpieces," Rarity said as she went upstairs.

"Okay taking care of three kids and a cat, it can't be that hard," Sora said. He was completely wrong for as soon as he turned around he was barraged with an assortment of questions, statements, and plans by the three girls. There was no end to their relentless questions.

"I wonder what Roxas is doing right now," Sora said.


We see Roxas walking through the apple orchard alone as he is getting back to the farm. He suddenly stops and turns around.

"I know you're following me, come out from behind that tree," Roxas said. As he said this, Sunset Shimmer could be seen popping out from behind the tree.

"Um, hey," Sunset said very shyly.

"What's the reason that you followed me," Roxas said very sternly.

"I just saw you walking alone after everyone left Twilight's house and I thought you could have a friend to walk and talk with."

"A friend, you call yourself my friend but you don't even know me," Roxas said. "How can any of you or those other girls call yourselves my friends?" Sunset was quiet as Roxas spoke.

"I had friends once, good friends, that would do anything for me, we had a special bond." Roxas said. "But, that bond was broken, and there is no way of reparing the bond of friends." "Everyday, I try to forget that broken bond, but.... *he summons his key blades* these always remind me that she's still there, and I couldn't help her at all." "I lost her, and I don't even know where my other "friend" is...... Xion........Axel...." Roxas then makes his key blades disappear as he falls to the ground. "I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to trust anybody else ever since I lost the only two people that I actually trusted." Sunset walked up to Roxas and sat right beside him.

"Well, you can start with me, I had problems with trust one time too, but those girls that you met, showed me the way of friendship and I couldn't be more glad to call them my friends," Sunset said. "If you just try, I promise that it will be alright."

Roxas got up from the ground and lent a hand to help her up which she accepted.

"Things may come, and things may go, some go fast, and some go slow, few things last that's all I know, but friendship carries on through the ages," Sunset said.

"Did you just make that up," Roxas asked the girl.

"Maybe," Sunset set in a playful tone. Roxas chuckled at her comment and proceeded to introduce himself.

"I'm Roxas by the way."

"My name's Sunset Shimmer," Sunset said with a happy tone. "So did you really want to go back to work so quickly?"

"Are you kidding me, I've been up since who knows how long picking apples," Roxas said.

"Well then," Sunset said as she pulled out a map of Equestria, "How about we go this area right outside of Ponyville, I heard it has plenty of gems to collect," Sunset said.

"Gems huh, I could use those to synthesize something helpful I assume," Roxas said.

"Well then, shall we go," Sunset said.

"Let's," Roxas said as they both started running to the gem area.


Some time passes by and Roxas and Sunset finally made their way to the gem ground with a wagon in each of their hands. Roxas looks around the area and notices how barren and gray it looks. He starts to second guess if there are actually any gems here at all.

"Are you sure there are gems here," Roxas said.

"I'm positive," Sunset said.

"All the gems are underground so we'll have to dig them up."

"Ok, but, how are we going to know where to dig," Roxas said. Sunset then smirked at Roxas as she started to be enveloped in a yellow aura. A flash of light shot out as the ground was then highlighted with little patches of light that showed gems inside.

"How did you that?" Roxas said baffled by what he just saw.

"Just a little spell I learned through life, I mean you wold have to be a pretty new magic user to not know that spell," Sunset said.

"And I thought that people could only learn elemental magic, count me wrong, Roxas said."

"Anyway, let's get to digging," Sunset said as she pulled out a shovel.

"Sigh," Roxas said as he summoned his key blades. "From picking apples to digging gems, I guess you can call this a promotion," Roxas jokingly said. Sunset laughed at his comment as they both started digging for gems.

In the trees a little distance from them were three different sized shadows, one small, one medium, and one large.

"look, look there, gems!" the small one said.

"I see them, but look at that spiky haired one, look at those things he has in his hands," the medium one said.

"I say we take the gems and we take those things for ourselves," the small one said.

"Yes, let' go now while they're still here," the medium one said. The shadows then backed away from the trees and started on their plan.

Some time passes and Roxas and Sunset had filled their wagons with gems. Their haul was quite amazing as it had a variety of gems ranging from small to large to an emerald to a diamond.

"Looks like we did a pretty good job," Sunset said looking at Roxas.

Roxas looked back with a smile. "I'll say, this should so well for synthesizing."

As they were getting ready to go back to Ponyville, there was a sudden rush of wind behind them. Roxas felt this and knew that someone was there.

"What's wrong Roxas," Sunset said. As she said this three gray colored dogs walking on two legs jumped in front of them. All three ranging in sizes from small, to medium, to large.

"That's what's wrong, who are you guys and what do want," Roxas said in a serious tone.

"We are Diamond Dogs," the medium sized one said.

"We hunt for gems, but now we hunt for more than that."

"Oh, and what would that be," Roxas said with not an inch of humor coming out of tone.

"Now we hunt for gems, the magic user, and you and your swords," the medium sized one said. After he said that Roxas was done with small talk.

"What's wrong, scared?" The tallest diamond dog said.

"You know, I was actually having a good time, but you just made it bad," Roxas said as he summoned his key blades. "Now I'm gonna have an even better time teaching you three what it truly means to be afraid.

"Roxas?" Sunset thought in her head as she never took Roxas to be this heroic. She blushed at the thought that she was having of him even in the situation that they were in.

"Hah, that's nothing but talk, you can't do a th-" That's all the medium sized diamond dog could say before Roxas went up and knocked him back to a tree with Oblivion in his hand. The other two dogs stepped back in fear of his next attack.

"Are you ready," Roxas said as he looked at the three diamond dogs. "Then let's fight."