• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 4,725 Views, 103 Comments

Mind and Magic - Fictional Fanatic

Escaping a mental asylum, should get harder with every time right? Wrong. These morons never think. So naturally, as a Solid class human I'm put in a Solid class confinement. Same mistake every time. Now to get my stuff and get my revenge on Twilight

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Mind the change.

Mind and Magic.
Chapter 4.
Mind the change.

I woke up, once again feeling awful. But this time I had no time to feel bad for myself. Quickly, I spun around, getting up as I did, sweeping the surroundings with my gaze. During my quick sweep, I saw nothing of danger around me. I noticed I was holding my trusty Party Slicer in my left hand, realizing it's what I had grabbed onto as I was having my attack.

Lowering my guard as there was no evident dangers nearby. I calmed down. At this, I felt my head hurting from the mental strain I had just experienced. The thing with my attacks was that I could stop them once and for all if I really wanted to. However, this would mean giving up another thing that I was not willing to stop doing. Sharing myself with Pinkie. As I saw her as a sister, I also saw her as the 'Original', so did her friends. By giving away parts of myself I was able to heal her, make her more complete and closer to the one we used to be. One of the bigger parts I had already given her was the ability to feel love. I had been able to, yet she had been unable to. It wasn't fair, so in the end, I had given it to her. It did make me less complete and unstable, but there was also an unforeseen side effect. I started having these attacks.

Now, It did take me quite some time to figure out the true nature of these attacks, but I did eventually figure it out. They were a healing process. As I got rid of parts of my mind by giving them to Pinkie, my mind had to compensate, but this was not enough. My body started responding to the need for 'healing' and would then initiate a process of extreme rapid healing focused on my brain, making it heal my mind. I myself would be knocked out from the extreme pain of it all but would wake up with additions to the mental aspect of me. In one way this was something extremely great, it allowed both me and Pinkie to return to full mental strength much faster than we normally would. But there was a huge downside: It was also a change in how I thought, acted and felt. It changed me.

Not wasting any time I started to think about my goal and how to achieve it. I didn't want to forget my plan and neither would I want to walk around without noting what had changed within me. What I noticed both saddened and terrified me, but also brought a little hope. It was an emotional conflict between good and bad. Something I hadn't had before, at least not in that certain part of my mind, the part where I stored my plans of revenge upon Twilight.

The conflict was about the revenge. Should I really got through with it? I mean, she used to be my friend. And friends sometimes do mistakes. It wasn't a convincing argument, but as I shot it down I heard another. But won't Pinkie be mad? If you hurt Twilight, then you hurt Pinkie. She would suffer for each blow to Twilight.

I could not do anything to Twilight. This sudden realization hit me. For hating someone so hard, I was also somewhat forgiving towards them and if I would look past that I still could not bear to make Pinkie suffer. But she's already suffering from it. I suddenly heard. My eyes widening as I thought it over, it was true. Pinkie might have said she wouldn't interfere. But if she loved Twilight as much as a friend as I loved her and saw her as a sister, she would find it close to unacceptable for someone to hurt Twilight. All of this, all these thoughts were things I had yet not realized before. But now, as my mind had been expanded, enlarged and healed I could see it as clear as day. I had to choose. My happiness, to get revenge and hurt the only person who cared for me. Or let my sister have one of her best friends left unharmed and abandon my quest for revenge. And most reasoning pointed into the direction of letting my selfish goals go.

But that was the thing, wasn't it? No matter how good of an argument I could come up with to why I should drop my act of revenge, one thing remained. I hated Twilight. I just simply could not forgive her. At this point, I didn't know what to do. I was hopelessly trying to convince myself of not seeking revenge, and although I knew it was something I should give up on, another part of me refused. I was now openly crying, holding my face in my hands, trying to keep my tears from rolling down my face. But it was a fruitless effort as my tears kept flowing.

And so I sat there, crying behind a big rock next to an open clearing in the middle of the Everfree forest, not knowing where to go next, or what to do with my life. I certainly could not go back, seeing how I most likely would attack Twilight again without even thinking if I saw her. It was not an option as I did not want to hurt my sister like that. So I stayed, I stayed in the same spot crying. While the world around me carried on. I could not even care for the howls of the Timber wolfs I heard in the distance, all I could do was to simply cry over my dilemma.

I was woken up by a loud boom and shake. I had apparently cried myself to sleep. I would have kept on crying if I had not been fearing for my life. You see, loud booms tend to be bad news, and when you're sleeping in the middle of a forest, the Everfree no less, you get really paranoid about sudden explosions. So, with the sudden awakening, I quickly scanned my intimidate area and made sure I had my weapon ready. There was nothing. But as I was about to lower my guard and leave my hiding place behind the big rock I heard something. The sound of coughing and ragged breathing. Curious, I looked out from behind my rock towards the sound. There, in a crater where my previous training ground had been was a young black haired woman in an orange gi-gai.

Judging from the dust and the recent boom I deduced that she had just fallen to the ground, hard. Just as I was about to walk out from my hiding spot to see if this girl was okay I saw something else. In the sky above there was something else slowly descending. I chose to keep hidden and see what was going on. As I waited it turned out to be a man. He also had black hair, only his being spiky and seemingly going straight up. He was descending at a steady pace with his arms crossed and his feet positioned as if he was standing on some kind of surface. Now his ability to fly would not have been any surprise, if not for what could be seen at his back, or rather what couldn't. He was flying without wings!

I looked at him while he was descending, trying to figure out how it worked. Not even Pinkie and I could do that unless we had balloons. But my thoughts were interrupted.

"So, Giving up yet Pan?" The man said, having stopped in the air while looking down at the girl, who seemed to be going by the name Pan. However, the girl laid motionless in the crater, barely breathing.

"It seems you were all bark and no bite. Come on, I expected a better fight than that." He said with a confident smirk.

But whatever he said didn't matter as Pan was unable to get back up and continue the fight. Myself? I was hiding behind the rock, hoping he wouldn't notice me. But what he said next was something I couldn't ignore.

"I see, you really are done for, guess I'll just blow up this planet then. And let you and all your friends die! HA,HA,HA,HA!

At this point, everything stopped. The planet? He's going to destroy the entire planet? But if he did that, that would mean- PINKIE! At that thought, the world resumed, only this time I was no longer going to hide. I gritted my teeth and looked at the still laughing man with pure hatred. He was going DOWN!

"NO ONE HURTS MY SISTER!" I screamed with all my might as I jumped out from behind the rock and swung my Party Slicer at him. Had he noticed me only a little earlier he would have been able to avoid my attack, but as he only noticed me as I started screaming, it was too late. A deep gash was now appearing at his torso, dripping crimson red. Just like my weapon. I smirked as I realized that not only was it the worry for my sister's life that fueled my anger, but also the hate I had held so long for Twilight. I could now unleash it upon someone who deserved it. And with that, I landed behind him and quickly spun around to give him another cut. I never did.

As soon as I turned around I was met with a fist aimed straight to my face. And it hurt. I was flung into a tree at the edge of the clearing and fell down to the ground, trying to regain my bearings after almost getting knocked out with one punch, he was strong. Yet, instead of making me retreat, it only fueled my anger further. The fact that someone fighting for the wrong reasons would be stronger than the one fighting for the right ones was wrong. I would show him how it was meant to be done. Now let's see how smart you are. I thought as I wiped the blood from my face so I could see better and put my plan into action, this would be quite a fight, one I wouldn't be backing down from, no matter what. I had to save Pinkie.

"Hah, Is that all? Your power level is puny, I couldn't even feel your presence and you think you can defeat me? Well, you certainly got spirit, I'll give you that." He said, seemingly not bothered about the blood he was loosing from the wound I had inflicted upon him. Something I could use to my advantage. Also, he said he couldn't feel my presence? Another advantage he had given me.

I smirked as I thought about the multiple ways I could handle this doofus. I might not be the best at fighting, but if there is something only I can do, then it's being me and that implies a lot of things!

I was breathing heavily, blood was covering me from top to toe, both my own and my opponents. We had done a number on each other. He was missing his right arm, had a deep gash over his torso, a missing ear and cuts all over, bleeding like there's no tomorrow. I had fared only a little better. I was missing a few toes on my left foot, my long pink hair had been burnt and cut in many places. I was struggling to keep the blood out of my eyes as the cut on my forehead was gushing like a waterfall. I had fortunately been able to avoid those weird beams he had been shooting from his hands. He had only managed to hit my hair and my foot with them, otherwise, I was unhurt from them. We were both out of breath, he had not anticipated me being able to pull such moves on him.

But my break was cut short by a tingling sensation in my tailbone, signifying something was falling. I dodged out of the way and felt the smell of roasted onions in my nostrils, meaning I was about to get burnt. I jumped back in a flip and landed behind the man, striking down with my weapon across his back. Had my vision been clear I would have aimed for his neck, a killing blow. But in my state I rather go for the next best, drawing blood and causing pain. Come on, just a little more and I have enough. I thought as I ducked to avoid his counter-attack, but he had foreseen my move and sent me flying with a kick instead.

My ungraceful flight ended up in the side of a tree, making me lose my breath. I fell down with a case of Deja-vu but decided it wasn't important. I only had to wait a little longer to be able and finish him. As I was getting up I heard him closing in on me.

"You're a lot more trouble than you look, little girl. You fight bravely and managed to deal quite a lot of damage to me, but it ends here!" He said as I once again felt the smell of roasted onions. I tried to move, but only managed in falling over as my left leg could no longer support my weight, I seemed to have damaged it more than I thought during the flight. I looked up and saw the beam land on my already injured leg, burning through it like it was nothing. I could only scream at the pain from the injury, my plan seemed to have been foiled as I could no longer move and wouldn't be able to get him into position for my final move. I had lost.

Walking up to me he once again started his monologue. "You tried so hard, and for what? Only to make me stronger and you beaten down, crushed by me?" he asked as he picked me up by my throat and held me in a choking grip. "Too bad, but in the end, you lose, and everyone you know and love will die. Because you were too weak." His comments hurt, but what hurt the most was that he was right, I was unable to do a thing. But I'll be damned before I give up. I tried to inhale as much air as I could and replied; "At least I died for family, you who destroy have nothing, no friends, no family and no one to love you. You are pitiful!" I said with as much hate as I could, trying to enrage him. By the look on his face, I did.

He quickly looked around and decided that it would be best to throw me back towards the clearing. I barely had enough time to brace for impact as he threw me. I impacted hard and let out a cry of pain as I heard something crack. I laid on the ground, grateful for being able to breathe again, but feeling utterly defeated. As I laid there I could hear the man slowly walking towards me, laughing. I had failed her, my only sister would now die because I was completely unable to stop this man. However, before I could give up completely something in my mind registered a change, the sound of his steps, they were sounds of walking through a pool of liquid. With some of my last remaining energy, I looked up and saw him walking over the clearing, almost completely covered in our blood.

As revolting as it should be, I could only manage to smile. I now had him precisely where I wanted him! I began to chuckle, even if I could barely manage to spare the oxygen. The man stopped as he heard my chuckling and started to chuckle himself.

"What is it? Has the little lady finally lost her mind and understood how hopeless her situation is that she can only laugh?" He asked in a mocking tone. One I would crush.

"N-no. I just realized something," I said.

"And what is that little lady? He asked with a grin, one that faltered slightly as he saw that I was grinning myself.

"You just activated my trap card!" I said with a smile as I gathered all of my remaining magic reserves. "Blood art: Crimson rain," I whispered, before blacking out. The terrified look on the man's face as all the blood around him lit up in runes I had inscribed using all the blood we had lost during the fight was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

Author's Note:

Woah, that was quite the intense writing for me. Never written a fighting scene before. Sorry for not writing the whole thing, but it would be pretty much the same thing over and over until the last part, so I shortened it down a little.

Now, the story has not ended, but it is getting close. I'm not entirely sure but I think the next chapter will be the last. Although I might add a few bonus chapters.

As always please comment and tell me what you think.

Also yes, the two people fighting are Displaced, one is a young adult version of Pan and the other is Vegeta.