• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Mind and Magic - Fictional Fanatic

Escaping a mental asylum, should get harder with every time right? Wrong. These morons never think. So naturally, as a Solid class human I'm put in a Solid class confinement. Same mistake every time. Now to get my stuff and get my revenge on Twilight

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Mind and Magic.
Chapter 6.
Blood Cleaver.

Today was the day. I had both anticipated and feared it. But today it was and today it would be. Today was the absolute last day I would be calling Pan my teacher. I looked at the digital clock on my bed table, it was almost time. I quickly started getting my bearings before Pan would show up. It had been two years since she started training me. By now, my training had been completed and the Princesses wanted to meet me, however, Pan had understood when I asked to avoid the part of visiting the Princesses. They would most likely recognize me and then there would be no end to the troubles it would bring me.

During the last two years, I had lived in the Everfree together with Pan. I had however gotten sick of sleeping in a tent quite quickly and eventually built myself a house. It wasn't much, a small log cabin with only three rooms, but it was enough. During my stay in the Everfree, I would periodically have to go shopping. As to stay hidden, I had to change my appearance to avoid risking anyone recognizing me, I even got myself an alias. I looked around before leaving my room, I had packed most of the things I would require yesterday. I didn't know for how long I would be traveling, so I had packed for quite a journey.

In my little pack, I had the following things: A canteen, a box of matches, a small bag of senzu beans, some cooking equipment, a survival guide, another set of clothes, a few tools and a book I was currently reading. On my way out I passed by my full body mirror. I decided to stop before heading out and take a good last look at myself.

As I looked into the mirror I could only smile, I wouldn't have recognized myself two years ago. In the mirror stood a well-toned female, wearing a white shirt under a black leather jacket, together with a pair of slim blue jeans and black running shoes. Her eyes were an emerald green color and her hair was black and fell down from her head, stretching down as far as to only stop at knee height. It was close to impossible to recognize me. I had changed my hair and eye colors with a spell, my crimson magic was extremely useful in the regards of perception as it was undetectable by regular magic. My cutie mark had been changed as well, not by choice but by my natural changes. I had changed enough to no longer count as Pinkamena Diane Pie anymore and therefore got myself both a new cutie mark and a new name. I was now known as-


I looked over to the coffee table I had and saw that it was my cellphone vibrating. Oops, almost forgot that one. I thought to myself as I walked up to the table and picked up my phone. As it unlocked, I immediately checked my messages. The only one with my number was Pan, it came as no surprise that she would be the one to message me.

Ready to go. Waiting outside.

Having read the message, I quickly made my way to the door. Let's get this over with. I thought to myself before stopping at the door. With one final breath, I opened the door and lunged forward to avoid any ki-blasts or other harmful projectiles. To my surprise there were none. Looking around in apprehension, I saw my teacher leaning against the house wall, arms crossed and a smile upon her face, smirking at my reaction.

"Wow, you really don't trust me, do ya? I told you. Your training is over. This means that the training that used to start as soon as you opened that door won't be there anymore... Unless you want to that is." Pan said raising an eyebrow.

"Oops?" I said shrugging my shoulders while blushing. I had gotten way too used to my old training. Pan only laughed.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's a good thing. Your reaction time was quick, your movements were flawless. Only thing was that you should have felt that there was no fighting intent. But enough about that now, you ready?" Pan asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be. So how are we gonna do this?" I asked Pan, she was the one who said she knew how to help me with my wish. She nodded and took out a small object that looked like a headband with a metal plate attached to it, there was a symbol upon it that looked like a leaf with a swirl on it. The object I recognized as a token, a sort of calling card for other Displaced.

"I'm going to destabilize this token to get the reversed effect and send you to the tokens universe instead of bringing it's creator here. The process will take some time, so you can head over and say your goodbyes while I work with it." Pan said, turning around and powering up. I took off and flew away with a clear destination in mind: Ponyville.

Diane's note:

Now, during my training, I learned a lot. One of those things would be the ability to fly. Or rather as Pan called it, energized flight. The principal was to use one's inner energy to push oneself off of the ground and then induce flight by continuously projecting energy downwards in order to counteract gravity. With training and confidence came more speed as I was able to put more energy into the process without losing control, at this point, it was as easy as moving an arm. Besides energized flight, I had learned to sense other's energy and power levels, as well as distinguish between different sources of said power levels. My crimson magic had also become stronger and the requirement of blood could be replaced with inner energy in most cases, however, some of the more advanced spells like Crimson rain still required blood to be spilled. Pan had also found a way to cultivate the senzu beans and we had started a garden so that we would always have some when in need. Therefore I had a whole pouch full of them in case of emergencies.

From Pan, I learned many techniques that I never would have thought of myself. To name a few: Kamehameha-wave, Evil-containment-wave, Kaio-ken, Destructo-disc and many more. I now have plenty of different kinds of ki-blasts and techniques in my arsenal. They will surely come in handy if I ever ran into any more ill-minded Displaced.

Pan had explained the plan in exact detail. To reach my goal I would have to jump between different Equestias and find other versions of Pinkie Pie. Pan would help me with my first 'jump', from there on out I would have to continue on by myself. Pan had said that my best chance in most universes to jump, would be to find and speak to the Displaced of that universe, but to get this first jump ready would take quite some time, so I had plans for one final thing before leaving, I had to say goodbye to the best sister in the world.

It was still fairly early in the morning, an hour or so before working hours began at Sugar Cube Corner. I was standing outside Sugar Cube Corner, hesitant to use the doorbell. After all, I had not seen Pinkie in almost two years, we had only been able to communicate by sending letters. And now, after two years I came by, only to say goodbye... It wasn't a very pleasing thought. I was nervous, Pinkie would most likely try and stop me. But no matter what, I couldn't let her convince me to stay. The question was, would I be able to stop myself from being persuaded?

I took a deep breath, there was no reason to delay this any further. I pressed the doorbell. I could hear the doorbell call out on the other side of the door. I could also hear footsteps from who I would guess was Pinkie. I was close to turning around and leave at that very moment, but I stayed to meet with my sister and quite possibly break her heart. I was so nervous about saying goodbye I didn't notice that the door in front of me had already opened.

"Hello, can I help you?" Came the voice of my sister, breaking me out of my worrying. Just seeing her warmed my heart. And her smile immediately blew away all my worries, this was my sister, she, if anyone would understand why I had to do this.

"Indeed you can, sister," I said smiling. I saw the joy in her face as she realized who I was. After all, I was almost the only one in Ponyville to call her sister instead of Pinkie. And I really didn't look that different, I had only changed the color of my eyes and hair after all. Her loud gasp and the bone crushing hug that followed were well received, she could no longer break my bones, even if she wanted to.

"Hello Pinkie, it's great seeing you again," I said, hugging her back. I could stand there all day, but I didn't have all day. So I carefully broke the hug and looked at Pinkie with a smile. "So, how's life treating ya?" I asked.

"Oh, It's great. The other day-" Pinkie went off into a rant, explaining everything that had happened between our last exchange of letters. I found quite some humor when she told me she had decided to make another 'diabetes bomb' only to end up using salt instead of sugar and creating what she dubbed the 'sea bomb'. Turns out that throwing a sea bomb into the actual sea was a bad idea... "-and then I realized it was you and gasped like this," *GAAAAAASSPP* " and then we hugged and I started telling you about what happened since we last wrote to each other!" Pinkie ended her rand to actually breathe for the first time in thirteen minutes. Pinkie physics, best thing ever.

"So, what brought you here, sister? I thought you were training together with Pan." Pinkie asked me.

"Well, I did, but now that my training is over, I'm free to do what I want. And that's actually why I'm here, to say goodbye. I'm leaving." I said being blunt to get this over with.

"What, you're leaving? Why, you just came back!" Pinkie exclaimed in a distraught voice.

"Pinkie, I have to. You know about how Pan is sometimes referred to as a Displaced?" I asked her, knowing full well she knew. I had explained it all to her in my letters.

Pinkie answered with a nod, and I continued. "Well, as you know, there are many different versions of Equestria. All of them with their own Displaced. Now, listen Pinkie. Pan's presence in our world is unrelated to Twilight coming to the conclusion that we had a split personality. Since that's the case, there's a possibility that if nothing is changed, the same thing will happen to other Pinkie Pies in other Equestrias," This drew a gasp from Pinkie. "I want to prevent that, so I'm going to start traveling to these other Equestrias to do what I can in order to help our other selves, or outright stop it from happening in the first place. You can understand this, can't you Pinkie?" I asked, hoping I had convinced her.

Pinkie looked me straight into the eyes with a sad, contemplating expression. After a moment she sighed. "I guess I can understand why you want to do this. You had it far rougher out of the two of us. I guess I'm in no position to tell you otherwise. I will miss you." She said, once again hugging me. I smiled a sad smile and hugged her back. "Thank you." I whispered into her ear.

I was on my way back from visiting Pinkie. We had done one last baking session together, me getting a few 'diabetes bombs' out of it. They would most likely come in handy, even if senzu beans were more effective, 'diabetes bombs' don't taste like fish. Or at least that what's Pan said senzu beans tasted like. I have never eaten fish myself, being vegetarian and all.

I came up to my small log cabin, Pan standing there with a smile. I was a bit disappointed, I had expected some grand portal or something when I came back, but everything looked normal. "So, you done with the preparations?" I asked, while walking up to Pan.

"No, not really, there is one more step. But it's one that requires your presence as you are the one meant to do it." Pan said, surprising me. She hadn't told me about this earlier.

"Okay, so what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"You're gonna make your own token!" Pan said with an excited grin on her face. I could only stand there, shocked at Pan's statement.

"But I thought only Displaced could create tokens. How will I be able to make one if I'm not a Displaced?" I asked, trying to point out the obvious to Pan.

Pan just shook her head. "You defeated Vegeta right?" Pan asked me, I just nodded in response, wondering where she was going with this. "And you absorbed his powers and soul with your Crimson rain, right?" I once again nodded at the statement. "And Vegeta was a Displaced. So, following logic, whatever it was that made him a Displaced, you probably absorbed when you used Crimson rain on him. Wouldn't that make you a Displaced then?" Pan asked me with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought about that. Pan might actually be correct in her assumption, and if she was, I could probably create my very own token.

"Wow, hadn't thought about it like that... But how do I make a token then?" I asked her, Pan had once mentioned that she had a token herself, but she had never told me how she made it.

"Well, first of all you have to choose an object to represent your token, this however can't be just any kind of everyday object. It has to have some kind of special meaning and have a connection to you personally. Then, you'll have to infuse it with your essence and speak a message that others will hear when they hold your token." Pan explained, making it sound as if it was the simplest thing in the universe.

I thought for a while before deciding on an object. I took out my weapon. Blood Cleaver, my personal weapon that shared its name together with me. A kitchen knife made of a black metal, the edge having a red shimmer to it and my cutie mark imprinted on both sides of the blade. I had once wielded a similar knife by the name of Party Slicer, but I eventually had to replace it as it could no longer keep up with my powers. I quickly used a duplication spell on my knife and put the original back into its sheath. It stood to reason that even if it was just a copy of the original, it would still work fine.

Well, here goes nothing. I thought as I held the copy and opened myself up to let my inner energies out. I carefully filled the knife with energy until I could feel the energy change somewhat and then stopped the flow. I waited for a moment before I continued to speak. "To those that have found my weapon. I ask of you to help me in my quest. Call me, let me come to your world and find my sister. Let me warn her and my previous tormentor of what my world brought me. Let me help them and prevent disaster. To those of you who let me do such, I offer you my help. Be it a threat from an unimaginable evil, or a simple need to talk, I would love to help. Call me, Blood Cleaver, and I will appear." I finished my message and saw something peculiar. Right under where I was holding my knife a hole appeared, I guessed it was the one that lead into the void. So I did what Pan had told me she had done with hers and dropped my knife in there. The hole closing up after the knife fell through.

"Wow, quite the speech Diane." Pan said with a smirk.

"It's Blood Cleaver now days, I'm not Diane anymore. You know that, so why do you keep calling me Diane?" I complained.

"Sorry, I just never liked your new name, Diane feels more natural than calling you Blood, or Cleaver," Pan said, scratching the back of her head with one hand, looking both embarrassed and thoughtful at once.

I sighed and looked at her. "Fine, I forgive you, but please. Don't call me Diane in public, I'm Blood Cleaver now."

"Right, now comes the part about getting you out into the big multiverse. "Pan said, avoiding the topic of my name. "I already destabilized the token, all you have to do is infuse it with some energy and you're off," Pan said, handing me the headband token. I took one final look at my house, then looked at Pan. "Thank you for everything Pan." I said with a smile and sent a jolt of energy into the headband, nothing happened.

"Well, that sucks, it seem to be bro-" Was all I managed before I felt the ground under my feet disappear and I fell into oblivion.

The End.


Author's Note:

Whoa, that was quite the ride. And yay, Diane- I mean Blood Cleaver is finally an official Displaced.

This story might have ended, but Blood Cleaver will continue her adventures by living on in crossovers and will eventually make residence in another Displaced's world, joining them in their adventure. So don't grief.

Just keep a look out for Blood Cleaver in other stories. I will also post on my blog about it whenever she appears somewhere.

And those of you who want to know about Blood Cleavers Cutie Mark? Well, keep an eye out for my blog. Her Cutie Mark is still a mystery for all. You'll have to wait until she makes an appearance elsewhere.

And all of you, thank you for supporting and reading this Fic.