• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,238 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...

Freak Show.

Author's Note:

Oh, yeah. I don't own anything.
Except a computer. The SCP Foundation belongs to....
I honestly have no clue who thought of it.
But whoever did is a genius.
(Not 4chan. I meant the wiki.)

As the mechanical door opened, they were greeted by two ponies in helmets and armor carrying assault rifles. They wore bulletproof vests, and their under armor was the colour white. Their helmets had a yellow visor that covered their faces.

They seemed off-duty, laying on the wall like slackers would do. Behind them was a second gate, that read, "Gate A". But as soon as they caught sight of Celestia, they immediately went into full awareness mode.

"I saw that, private." Shining Armor told them. "You both be alert at all times, or I'll put you on keter duty."
"Yes sir." said the one on the left with a male voice.

"Private, tell the control room to open the front gate please." Armor told the pony on the right.
"Yes sir." said the pony, who had a female voice.

The mare took off her helmet, revealing that she was a changeling.

She reached for her radio, and held down a button as she spoke:
"This is security officer O'Neil, requesting the front gate to open." the changeling said.

Seconds later, she got a radio call back. "O'Neil, copy that request. Opening front gate."

Right after, the second gate opened, and inside was......

"Whoa." said Rainbow Dash.

Inside were hundreds of ponies, changelings, griffins, and zebras. Some were talking, dressed in scientist and researcher clothes. Others were dressed as Janitors, mopping the floor, and drinking coffee.

And five of them were crude looking, tattooed individuals in orange jumpsuits.

Celestia led them down the filled hallway door that said, "Heavy Containment Zone". She took out her keycard, that had a blue rim at the top that said "Omni".

She led them through a tunnel, and then to a tall staircase. When they reached the top, she walked over to a door and pressed the button beside it. The door opened, and revealed they were on top of a bridge.

But as soon as they started through the bridge, something caught Rarity's eye.

"Oh, my! Your majesty?" The mare said.
"Yes, Rarity?" the sun princess asked. Everyone stopped walking and looked back.

"W-what on earth is that....thing!?" she said, pointing at the sign on the wall that read:


Object Class: Keter

Sentient and Violent

Beside this information was a picture of what looked to be a colt, but with a broken horn and and a black vest. His coat, however, looked to be covered in... some strange substance. He smiled an evil looking smile.

"Ah. That is SCP-106. He is contained in here."

"Contained? Where?" asked Twilight.
"In there." Cadence pointed towards a large cube like structure. "He's in that."

"Ya know, that seems a kinda like overkill for just one colt." Dash said. "How bad can he be?"

With a sigh, Cadence told the mare, "He can go through walls and the floor. He also takes his victims to a 'Pocket Dimension'. It's a strange place that his victims have to go through."

Rainbow looked at the princess, wide-eyed. "Oh." she said as she looked around nervously.

"Really?" Twilight said with fascination "Does anyone come out of his 'Pocket Dimension'?"
"Well, a few people have." Cadence stated. "The first one was an agent. I can't tell you his name, because that's classified. But I can tell you that he stayed alive for an hour after. He was beat up pretty bad."

"Has anyone survived?"
"Yes. One has survived. But he came out with a limp."

Interesting, Twilight thought.

"Wait, something doesn't fit." Dash said.

"If he can go through walls and all that stuff, why doesn't he just get out and go on a rampage or something?"

"Yeah! Why doesn't he just get out and be a super meanie and stuff?" Pinkie Pie asked, who, for whatever reason had been silent the entire time.

"Well, inside the cube is ultraviolet rays that are being projected, that cause him to think that he doesn't want to leave." Cadence told them.
"He can leave whenever he wants to, but when the rays are being produced inside his chamber, he just....doesn't want to."

"Coooooooooool." Rainbow said with awe, as she looked at the cube.

"Um, can we continue?" Rarity asked. "Knowing that...horrid man is in there is just plain....disturbing."

When they finally got to their destination, many were confused.

"Another one?" Fluttershy asked nervously. She was silent too, but that wasn't a surprise.
"Yep. We'll explain everything in there." Shining said as he opened the door with his keycard.

As they walked inside, another sign was beside the door.


Object Class: Keter

Sentient Object

Beside the info was a picture of a traditional comedy theater mask.