• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,238 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...

So...it's safe?

"I apologize for that." Celestia said as she led everyone out of the heavy containment zone. "Now, we can confirm that D-6438 is dead."

"Good. I kind of feel bad for him though." Twilight said.

"Yes, so do I. I'm actually thinking for different policies for the Class-D personnel."


"Well," explained the princess, "Only Class-D personnel on death row should be terminated."

"Hmmm....that seems fair."

"And maybe, they can apply for a level 0 position-that's janitors, cooks, low level staff."

"That makes sense."

She turned to everyone. "We will be looking at a few in the light containment zone."

"So, no more of what we saw?" Rarity asked.

"No. Well, nothing like that." Cadance said.

"By the way, since you are all affiliated with this project, you can start working here." Shining stated.

"Wait, seriously?" Rainbow Dash said. "No way! I'm gonna be the best security guard ever!"

"I'm looking forward to the experiments." Twilight said. "How about you, Rarity?"

"Well...." she said hesitantly. "I would join the research department. But only if I test and experiment with only safe ones."

"That can happen." Luna told her.

"Ah'll be a guard. It'll suit me better." Applejack said.

"What do you want to be, Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"I dunno. Ooh! Wait! I'll be a helper mare! I'll help people! And plan parties for workers!" Pinkie hopped up and down with an abnormally large smile on her face.

"Okay then." Twilight said.

They left the Heavy Containment Zone, and walked down a hall to see a dozen Class-D personnel lining up.

They walked through the entrance zone area, and opened the door that said "Light Containment Zone". A door to the side was opened with a quick push of a button. There were two doors, one on the left and the right.

The one on the left read:


Object Class: Safe

Existential Threat

Beside it was a picture of a simple book, labeled "The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases.". There was a black line where the publisher should be.

"If your'e wondering, we blurred out the publishers name due to classified reasons." Cadance told them.

"If this book is labeled "safe", then it's not harmful?" Rarity asked.

"No, it is harmful." Celestia said. "Can I tell you something funny?"

"Princess...." Shining glared.

"When your brother labeled it, he originally classified it as keter." Celestia said while giggling like a schoolfilly.

"What's so funny about that?" the 6 said in unison.

"He described it as a weapon capable of destroying all life on earth! When it was this easy for it not to!" Celestia said while laughing.

Twilight started laughing. But the other 5 didn't get it.

"Let's just go in, this is getting awkward. Shining whispered to his wife.

Cadance used her level 4 keycard to open the door. Inside was the book, sitting on a concrete cube.
Shining took out his radio and spoke: "This is Commander Armor, Head of Security. I am requesting 5 Class-D personnel to SCP-1025's containment chamber, over."

10 minutes later, five Class-D personnel arrived.

"Do you want to conduct this experiment, Twilight?" Celestia asked her.
"Really?" Twilight said, surprised.
"Yes, really. Just go in there and tell him to flip to a random page. Then, right down what happens and how he feels like."
"Got it."

Shining pointed to one of the Class-D personnel, a zebra. "You." he told him. "Get in there."
The zebra looked around, and said "Me?"
"Yes you, who do you think I'm talking to, the guy beside you, with the punchable face? Now."
The zebra hurried inside.

Twilight and the zebra waited until they closed the door.

"Okay, subject....what's your designation?" she asked the zebra.
"Uh....... 21734."
Twilight wrote that down. Subject: D-21734. Zebra, age

"Age?" she asked him.

"31." he told her.

She added that to the notes. Subject: D-21734. Zebra, age 31.
"Okay, I want you to take this book, and flip to a random page and read it."

"Okay." he said as he picked up the book. He chose a page.
"What does it say?" she asked.
"Uh, it says Common Cold.
Subject: D-21734. Zebra, age 31.
Test: Common Cold page.

"Good. Tell me when you finish."

1 minute later, D-21734 sneezed. Then again. And again. "Can you get me a-*achoo* a tissue? *achoo*"

Twilight wrote this down as well.
Subject: D-21734
Zebra, male, age 31.
Test: Common Cold page.
Result: Subject repeatedly sneezed. Asked for tissues. Subject apparently had a common cold.

The door opened. It was Cadance, who upon hearing sneezing, had decided to check it out.
"Can we get some tissues and medicine?" Twilight asked.
"Sure...." she said.

Subject: D-21734
Zebra, male, age 31.
Test: Common Cold page.
Result: Subject repeatedly sneezed. Asked for tissues. Subject apparently had a common cold, and showed all symptoms of a common cold.
Subject given tissues and medicine.

Twilight watched as the zebra was taken to the medical ward.

The remaining 4 Class-D watched the zebra be taken off.

"You. Come here." Shining told a Class-D. The Class-D was a female pony, with an orange coat and red hair. She hesitantly walked up to the captain. "Go inside." he told her.

She went inside, and same as before, Twilight asked her questions.

Subject: D-085
Pony, female, age 27.

The same test before, but this time the page, Chicken Pox was read.

"Geez, what's up with this?" she said, itching herself all over.

Subject: D-085
Pony, female, age 27.
Test: Chicken Pox page
Result: Subject reported being extremely itchy, unbuttoning her shirt and itching her upper body. Subject asked for itching cream. Subject given itching cream as requested.

"Interesting...." Twilight thought.
Whoever read one of these pages, they would get the illness. Twilight inspected the front cover, revealing the publishers name to be Coltan Press.

A new Class-D came inside. A changeling. He was slightly surprised at Twilight being in the room.

Subject: D-9969
Changeling, male, age 42.

He quickly flipped to a page.
"What page?" Twilight asked him.
"Cardiac Arre-" he started.
D-9969 gasped, and clutched his chest. He fell to the floor.

Twilight stared at his body.
Shakily, she wrote down the log.

Subject: D-9969
Changeling, male, age 42.
Test: Cardiac Arrest page.
Result: Subject died. Apparent heart attack.

She thought a moment, and added something else.

I have requested the discontinuation of testing with SCP-1025. This is a slaughter of Class-D personnel. It is almost useless.
-Researcher Sparkle

Shining flipped open the door, and stared down at D-9969's corpse.

"You take a break. I'll send someone to get rid of the body. You okay, Twily? You look pale."