• Published 30th May 2019
  • 9,479 Views, 789 Comments

A Sunset Across the Galaxy - Professor Donger

Sunset Shimmer entered the mirror consumed by hatred and jealousy, she would come back something more.

  • ...

3: Waltz of The Sith

Darth Vader stood on the bridge of his ship, the Devastator, as it dropped out of Hyperspace. From the ISD’s1 viewport the unnamed planet slowly rotated below and, from what Vader could make out, the world itself was unremarkable.

The world itself was almost completely submerged in water, with the only landmass being a supercontinent situated near the planet’s equator. Vader originally hadn’t understood why this world was to be colonized at all, with it being so far out on the Outer Rim that it was touching the Unknown Regions. The only value the planet held was deep within its oceans, which were to be set up for deep sea mining operations so that its metal could be used for the fledgling Death Star, another project that Vader didn’t understand or agree with.

Before Vader could muse on the world further, he felt one of his officers approach him through the Force, turning from the viewport to face the man he asked, “Have we made contact with the colony?”

The Officer in question jumped at the inquiry and stammered, “W-we have, my Lord. She has requested to speak with you at once.”

Vader didn’t respond for a moment and was about to move toward communications when the officer’s words registered. “She? The registry indicated that the leader of the colonists was a male.”

The still unnamed officer nodded his head “Yes, my Lord, that was the old head colonist, Captain Roy. According to this new leader he passed away of some illness recently and named her as his successor.”

The Sith Lord paused at that, a feeling of unease passing over him through the Force before he dismissed it. “Very well.”

Walking the short way from the bridge to the communication room was a hassle for Vader, even after three years he still hated the suit and armor that he was trapped in.

It made him taller than he had been as Skywalker, which was a plus, but even after three years of tinkering with it and trying to get the machinery to do what he wanted, he was still suffering because of design flaws.

It chaffed as he walked, and the gears and other bits of metal pinched at his charred flesh every other step. He ignored it though, as he had since his encasement within his suit, and waited for the hologram of the colonists to appear before him.

Within moments the hum of the holo projector filled the room, and before him stood the holo of a young woman, no older than seventeen and barely reaching his chest in height. The girl had long, curly hair that reached the middle of her back, fair-looking skin, and piercing eyes as well as a brooch tied to her neck, but none of that mattered to the Sith Lord.

Before she could open her mouth to articulate a greeting, Vader cut her off. “What is the situation on your world, colonists, why have I been called here?”

The colonist looked offended before she opened her mouth once more to say, “Excuse me, who are you? What happened to the nice man I was just talking to?”

If Vader’s throat could have produced an irritated growl at that moment, it would have. Instead, the Sith Lord’s right hand squeezed itself into a fist as if to choke the colonist where she stood, but he restrained himself, she was still important to his goals after all. Instead, he spoke once more, “I am the master of this ship, colonist. We have received reports of issues on this colony from your predecessor.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, “Again, why am I here?”

Vader could tell that the girl was fuming from his less-than-kind way of addressing her, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. The telltale signs of annoyance flashed through the girl’s features before she smirked, something that nearly made the Lord reach out with the Force to snap her rail-thin neck.

Before the Sith Lord could fully contemplate a proper punishment for the insubordinate girl, she began...singing.

To Vader’s ears, it was a simple song, though not sung in Galactic Basic as one would expect. It was instead sung in a strange, foreign dialect that Vader could not place an origin or planet too. What really drew the Sith Lord’s attention though, was the compulsion the song tried--and tried was the keyword--to place him under.

Vader knew many different ways to affect people's minds using the Force. The Mind Trick was one of the more subtle ways, it wasn’t forcing someone to do what you wanted, not directly. You simply influenced the target’s mind to accept what you are saying as truth, as gospel, or as an order and they would do it because they would think they thought of it.

This wasn’t a Mind Trick, to call what this girl was trying to do to him ‘subtle’ would be an insult to all practitioners of the mind arts. Mind Tricks were precise, simple, and if one had the will to do so, completely ignorable. What she was doing was none of those things, The song was trying its best to overpower his mental shields and instead of suggesting he do as she ordered, it was TELLING him to do so.

Unfortunately for her, the song was not nearly strong enough to break through his mental defenses, but thanks to his full-body suit and rigid posture she hadn’t noticed that yet. Reaching out with his mind, he noticed that the stormtroopers within earshot were all under her thrall and he quickly crushed their windpipes with a mere thought, such weak-minded fools weren’t worth keeping.

Turning his attention to the girl, he managed to hear that the song had switched to Basic at some point, and he came to the realization that the song had two parts to it, one sung in what he assumed was her native language, to enthrall the mind of those listening and the second sung in a universally understood language to give the order.

Her song finally finished with a final “Come to me.” and the holo-projector cut out, the child’s cold smirk the last thing Vader saw before it did so. She assumed that her little battering ram had worked, that it had enthralled him, a Sith Lord, to come down to her trap and spring it.

Turning on his heel, Vader stalked out of the room, over the corpses of the two stormtroopers that had dared to fall for her tricks, and towards the current captain of his ship, not that he cared to remember his name and spoke.

“You are to shut down all communications with the world below, captain. Do not open them until you get the all-clear from me.” After giving that order, the Dark Lord turned to leave towards a shuttle when the captain spoke up.

“Yes, sir. But if I may ask, what is our mission? Shall we send troops to accompany you and protect the colonists from whatever seems to be the problem?”

Vader had to remind himself that the man was only asking logical questions, not questioning him, and turned slightly, “No, I will deal with the colonists myself. They have broken Imperial law and they shall be punished for it.” Hoping that was the end of the conversation and that he wouldn’t have to kill the fool, he began walking away only for the captain to stop him once again.

“What law sir?”

The Sith Lord turned once more, “They are harboring a Jedi. For that, they must die, no troops are to leave unless called for and the communications are to be locked down. Do you understand or do I have to replace you?” With that, he used the Force to put pressure on the captain’s windpipe to punctuate his point and after receiving a shake of the head from the officer, he turned and left for the hangar.

Sonata Dusk was bored. She sat on a lockbox and watched as the humans around her did whatever menial task Aria had assigned them to do earlier.

Some of them were busy gathering supplies for the colony from the surrounding jungle, while others were busy tinkering with the colony’s defenses. None of these things alleviated Sonata’s boredom though, so none of it was really important to her.

‘Why does Aria get the cushy fun job while I'm stuck here watching hummies just run around doing chores?!’

Aria was inside the nice, air-conditioned building the girls called their home, making sure everything was “up to code” as she put it. What Aria was really doing was sitting on her nice, warm bed reading a trashy romance novel on her datapad, while Sonata sat in the hot sun. It wasn’t fair!

Sonata would have kept pouting and mumbling, but she noticed that Adagio had come out of the communications building and was heading right toward her. She quickly stood up and assumed she was in trouble, but, luckily for her, that wasn’t the case.

Adagio had a huge smile on her face, one that Sonata only saw once before now, which was when they had woken up to find the previously uninhabited world Star Swirl had left them on suddenly inhabited after a thousand years of hibernation.

“Go get Aria quickly” Adagio ordered, absentmindedly ordering a human to gather everyone in the town square “I think I just found our ticket off this rock!”

That got Sonata’s attention and without saying a word she ran off to get Aria and hoped she didn’t catch her in the middle of something indecent.

Adagio watched Sonata and then began going over the plan in her head. She had no doubt that her compulsion had worked, after all, it had never failed before on a human and it would take powerful magic to break it, something that no human possessed if the one hundred colonists were anything to go by.

Using the fact that her compulsion worked, the fool in the mask would come down from his little starship, bring them a ship and they’d use that to get off this blasted world and into greener pastures so to speak.

Sonata and Aria wanted to go back to Equestria and get revenge for the unjust banishment that Star Swirl forced on them. Adagio though, was smarter, and from the information the lead colonist had told her, the universe was just ripe for the picking, with multiple different species to use as batteries for their power and nourishment for their hunger.

Adagio’s train of thought cut off though when she heard a string of curse words and apologies coming toward her and she sighed.

“How many times have I told you to knock on the damn door before coming in!” Aria Blaze raged at her younger “sister” holding her by her ponytail whilst dragging her towards Adagio.

“I’m sorry! It opened on its own I thought you wanted me to come in!” Sonata wined grasping at Aria’s hand trying to get her to let go.

Aria’s eye twitched and she finally dropped Sonata’s ponytail once they came to a full stop in front of Adagio “How many times do I have to tell you that the damn thing is an AUTOMATIC DOOR!”

Before Sonata could respond Adagio cut the argument off with a swift “ENOUGH!” and both girls looked at her, Sonata with apologies in her eyes and Aria with rage-filled embarrassment.

“Look, Apologize later,” Adagio turned to Aria “I had Sonata get you because we’re going to have guests soon, one with a ship to take us away from this hovel and into the wider galaxy.”

Aria’s rage left as quickly as it came with a smile replacing it. “Well, why didn’t Sonata just say so?”

“I did three times you were just a meany head and didn’t listen!” Sonata stomped the ground and pouted but Adagio once again stepped in.

“I said enough!” taking a deep breath she continued “I don’t know when he’ll arrive but it should be soon, we need to get ready for his arrival. It’ll be quick and easy, lay on the magic, get his ship and then go up to that bigger ship in the atmosphere and take it over like we did the colony, capiche?”

After receiving nods from both girls she turned around just in time to see a large grey shuttle heading towards the colony from the bigger ship. “Perfect here he comes, get the colonists into position just in case Aria, I doubt our spell won’t work since I was able to compel him to come down here with my magic, but we can never be too careful.”

Aria nodded and went to do as she was told leaving Sonata standing next to Adagio by herself. “Umm, what should I do?”

Adagio’s good mood didn’t falter at her “sisters” question, instead, she just smiled and said, “Come with me of course, we have a guest to greet.”

With that, the two girls walked towards the descending ship ready to meet what they both thought was their destiny.

With a soft thud, the shuttle came to a stop, the hissing of the ship decompressing reached Vader’s ears but he ignored it, instead focusing on the three Force signatures he felt standing outside the ship.

All three were strange to him. They were strong yes, around the level of a fully realized Jedi knight before the purge, but after some study, he noticed that something seemed odd about them.

He had used the Force to study the three girls while he was in transit, and in the ten minutes it had taken the shuttle to reach the Colony their signature had gone from being on par with his former Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to that of just a generic Jedi Knight. That shouldn’t be possible, Vader reasoned. It was possible to lose power in the Force, primarily because your power in the Force came from the connection you had with it. Your mental state, your physical body, these things all influenced the Force and your connection with it.

Before he had been encased in his suit, Vader's connection to the Force was unrivaled by any Jedi or Sith, but once he lost his limbs to Obi-Wan that connection was forever lost to him. The Ocean of Power he had once grazed with his fingertips was now nothing but a salted dead sea. It was impressive, but not nearly as impressive as it should have been.

This was what confused Vader though, these girls had their living limbs, so why had their signature in the Force diminished?

Deciding that the conundrum could wait, Vader stood before the hatch as it opened and looked down upon the three once the steam had cleared.

They stood shoulder to shoulder around the same height. The girl who tried to use her powers on him stood in the middle, while two others he hadn’t seen in the holo stood on either side of her, denoting her to be the leader.

None of them carried weapons, and all of them had strange gems around their neck. The fact that none of them carried a lightsaber made Vader reevaluate his original thought that they were escaped Jedi and the one hundred enthralled colonists that he felt in the distance made him definitively kill that thought.

Jedi don’t enthrall, that was something the Sith or other Dark Side Cults did, and he felt the Dark Side coming off of the colonists in waves.

Vader marched down the ramp, his metal boots thumping with every step until he was finally standing before the three girls.

“Welcome to our humble abode,” the curly-haired one spoke her voice once more grating Vader’s ears. “I hope your trip was well?”

Vader didn’t respond, instead, he glanced at the other two girls, the one with the ponytails exuded fear just from looking at him and didn’t hide it well, while both the curly-haired one and the twin-tailed one felt fear, but hid it.

The curly-haired one took a deep breath before continuing her platitudes “Can we ask our Savior's name?”

Vader shifted his view back to the one in the middle, letting the sound of his respirator continue to unnerve them before answering “Darth Vader.” He had expected his name to finally set them over the edge from slight fear and mistrust to sheer terror at the mistake they had made, but he was wrong.

Instead, the twin-tailed one just laughed at him “Wow, your mom must have hated you, what kind of name is Darth?”

The pony-tailed one had the audacity to look sad while the curly hair didn’t even flinch.

Definitely not Jedi.

“Well, um Mr.Darth, I am Adagio Dazzle,” she gestured to herself before continuing “and these two are Aria Blaze,” she gestured to twin tails “and Sonata Dusk.” and then ponytail.

Vader once again said nothing to this, his patience with the charade wearing thin.

It seemed the newly introduced Aria felt the same, before Adagio could continue with her platitudes she had been cut off by a sharp whisper of “Can we just charm this guy and get going? His breathing is giving me the creeps!”

The Dark Lord’s fingers twitched, spurred on by the obvious threat, but he stayed his hand curious about the attempt they would make, so instead, he watched and waited.

With an exaggerated sigh Adagio nodded to the two girls before smiling up at Vader “Well Mr.Darth, we have one more use for you so if you would please, ♫ Give us your ship♫”

Suddenly, all three of them were singing “♫Give us your ship♫” the gems on their necks all glowing brightly, the song trying to overpower the Sith Lord with its order.

Vader was surprised at how much trouble he was having resisting the Order. The first girl’s compulsion back on the Devastator was easy enough to ignore, filtered by the distance between them and the simple fact that Vader was infinitely stronger than her, but now there were three equally powerful mind-benders singing to him, trying to get into his head.

As the singing intensified and Vader felt his anger growing at the effort he was having to put out to defend against these three, he decided that enough was enough. Reaching out with the Force he grabbed hold of their throats and lifted them off the ground, cutting off the song before it could finish.

Adagio’s eyes bulged as she clawed at the invisible hand gripping her throat, ‘How was this possible?! Humans don’t have magic!’

As Vader held the three suspended in midair a blaster shot impacted the side of the shuttle, causing Vader to realize that the thralls had moved closer to his position, blasters drawn. Releasing the three to their knees he unbuckled his saber and ignited the blood-red blade.

“Mistresses you must flee! We’ll handle him!” one of the thralls grabbed the girls and pushed them back towards the colony, as the others surrounded him and his shuttle, weapons drawn.

Over the hum of his Lightsaber he heard one of the girls asking “what the hell is that!” but he didn’t bother to identify which one, instead focusing on the weak-willed fools surrounding him as his main targets fled to what they probably assumed was the safety of their little colony.

Author's Note:

1. ISD stands for Imperial Star Destroyer

Thank you all for your patience, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I stayed up till Six in the morning pumping out words for you all so let me know how you like it, and also again feel free to point out any errors or issues you see with the story. Criticism helps me improve after all.

Some other announcements, A Sunset Across the Galaxy now has a Discord! If you all want to get constant updates and chat about the story in general feel free to join by clicking here

Special Thank you too my new editors
Knigsonic, Night-Shade, and Rhawkas for the hard work they put on editing this chapter.