• Published 30th May 2019
  • 9,476 Views, 789 Comments

A Sunset Across the Galaxy - Professor Donger

Sunset Shimmer entered the mirror consumed by hatred and jealousy, she would come back something more.

  • ...

4: Sirens and The Dragon

Sonata and her sisters had managed to make it into the main command building of the colony, more a one-story bunker really, and locked the entire thing down before they managed to catch their breath.

Before the youngest of the Dazzling’s could begin to fathom what had happened or what was going on outside, Aria began shouting at Adagio.

“What the hell was that!?”

Adagio was still rubbing her throat from where the strange man had lifted them and scowled, “I don’t know Aria!” she turned and began rummaging around the command center, “Humans don’t have magic, or at least the ones on this colony didn’t, so why did this one?”

Aria knew Adagio was correct and sighed, “What are you looking for?”

“That walking tin can told me that the previous colonists had contacted him,” she began fiddling with the holoprojector, “I remember using my magic to force the old captain to contact someone to get us off this rock, but I never ordered him to get someone like this!” the projector came to life and Adagio filtered through the different messages sent and received until the date she was looking for came up and she gave the computer the command to play.

A hologram of a man in his mid-sixties appeared before the three sirens and his message began, “To any Imperials who receive this report,” he looked around the room before continuing “There is a disturbance on the colony, some of the civilians are waking up with gaps in their memory, while members of the militia we brought to defend against the local wildlife have been acting more aggressive when policing the colony.”

He once again let his eyes roam the room before continuing, “But now, I believe this to be the work of a rogue Jedi hiding among us.” He smirked, “one of the colonists has asked that I call for a ship to evacuate, but I won’t do that, I refuse to fail the Empire that way. Instead, I request that some reinforcements be sent to root out this Jedi before he damages our colony any further.”

With that, the transmit icon cut out, leaving Sonata confused, Aria annoyed, and Adagio furious.

“He kind of did what you asked…” Sonata started before trailing off as both Aria and Adagio glared at her.

“He betrayed us, and if he hadn’t died to that jungle flu I’d have killed him myself!” Adagio growled before going to the weapons locker and taking out two blaster pistols. She threw one to Aria and kept the other before turning to the security feed.

“What are these for?” Aria questioned, fiddling with the blaster while Adagio tried to get the security screen to turn on.

Adagio didn’t turn to face either of them, “A precaution. If he gets past the colonists we’re going to have to handle him ourselves.”

Despite the situation, Sonata couldn’t withhold a laugh at that, “Like he’s going to get past all of them! We sent like, everyone after him!”

Adagio didn’t get the chance to respond, because the moment she began the security system booted up and, while she couldn’t get the video feed to work, she did manage to get the audio, though she sorely wished she hadn’t.

One of the quirks of the Dazzlings’ magic was that the more often a person’s mind was dominated by them, the longer said domination would last.

The length of the domination was also affected by multiple other factors. In ideal situations, Adagio or Aria could maintain constant control of the colonists if they took the time to maintain the mental connection.

This required slight, but constant concentration from one of them. When the dark man outside had tried to kill them, Adagio’s concentration broke, but luckily Aria managed to hold onto hers long enough to call for help from their minions.

Said concentration snapped the moment they had fled though.

When the audio feed opened to the three, they at first couldn’t make out anything other than constant blaster fire and a few muted screams. Then the sound of blasters stopped as one of the colonists called for a cease-fire.

The Dazzling’s hopes soared! They didn’t have to worry about that strange man coming after them after all and, as a bonus, they would finally be able to leave this world with his ship!

Their celebration was killed before it could even begin though, as one of the colonist’s voices could be heard through the receiver.

“What the Hell is going on?! Why aren’t you all at your posts?!” a deep voice crackled through the security audio.

“S-sir, is that…?”

“Oh…Oh, Lord Vader, we weren’t alerted to your- No, wait! What are you-!?” that same deep voice was then cut down by the sound of the laser sword.

“W-what's going on!” a voice screamed, followed by another exclaiming

“Who cares? He’s trying to kill us! Open fire!” With that, the blaster fire began with renewed vigor and Adagio cut the feed.

The eldest siren turned to her two sisters and observed their reactions, all the while trying to formulate an escape plan.

Aria, on the surface, seemed unfazed by the wholesale slaughter going on outside, but anyone who knew her could tell that she was bothered. Her eyes were locked firmly on the door, and her index finger was tapping a nervous beat on the side of her blaster pistol.

Sonata, on the other hand, was not subtle about how upset she was about the Dazzling’s current situation, she was rocking back and forth on the heels of her boots, her cheeks streaked with tears from what Adagio assumed was fear.

Adagio hated to admit it, but she was terrified too. The entire predicament the three were in wasn’t something they had experienced before. Sure, Star Swirl had hunted them down, but he never tried to kill them with his magic. Honestly, no pony that the Sirens knew of had ever tried to do such a thing.

Adagio’s thoughts were cut short when Sonata suddenly screamed, “DAGI, STOP! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THE SCREAMING PEOPLE ANYMORE!”

Adagio looked over at the scared girl, confusion and slight annoyance written on her face, “Sonata, what are you talking about? I shut the feed off.” She looked to Aria for support but instead, all she received was a look of abject horror.

‘No, she isn’t looking at me… she’s looking at the door!” Turning around, Adagio noticed it, the screams that Sonata thought were from the security feed, were coming from the door to the building they were now in.

The noise started with fists banging against the metal door at first, with people begging whoever was locked inside to open the door, to save them. Then those gave way to blaster fire, the colonists desperately using their cheaply made rifles and pistols to try and break through the door.

The screams began shortly after that until all that was left was the deep breathing of that dreaded man and the hum of his weapon creeping its way through the cracks in the door.

‘He can’t get through… the door has bought us some time.’ Turning around, she began giving orders, “Did either of you manage to absorb any of the human’s anguish before they died?” she cared not for the cattle that had just given away the girl’s position, but hopefully they had managed to give them a much-needed boost in power.

Seeing Aria nod was a relief, seeing Sonata shake her head wasn’t surprising, but was disconcerting.

“Alright, well, with the amount of negative emotions we’ve drained, that added boost between Adagio and I should be enough to handle this guy…” she inhaled softly, her gem glowing as she did so before she exhaled. “Once we handle him it’ll be easy pickings, ladies. Perk up and let’s get ready to get rid of this freak!”

Aria smirked a little at Adagio’s pep talk, “Yea, he probably tired himself out dealing with all the cannon fodder anyway.”

Sonata didn’t say anything, she merely stood up and wiped her eyes clear of tears before nodding to Adagio.

“Right, from what I remember, our song stunned…” Adagio began, but her plan was interrupted by a sudden groaning reverberating through the entire building.

All three of them turned to the source of the noise, the door in front of them, only to see it slowly being dented and crushed until it was finally ripped from its track and tossed aside.

No longer blocked by the door, the hum of the dark man’s blade and the rasp of his breathing echoed freely throughout the room, and the field behind him was littered with the bodies of the horrified colonists.

“Dagi, what do we do…?” Adagio heard Sonata’s voice, but for once she had no answer.

Darth Vader stepped through the bunker door and looked at the three girls standing before him. He chose to ignore the Ponytailed one trembling in the corner. Her presence in the Force was negligible and she was no threat to him.

The other two though intrigued him. All three had lost significant portions of their power when they tried to control him, and when he retaliated they diminished even further trying to defend themselves from his telekinesis. Now, though, they were near the level they had been when the confrontation started…

Vader weighed his options, these three obviously had some way to grow stronger in the Force. Perhaps they stumbled across Nihilius’ Holocron and learned his lost art. Putting that aside, they also had immense talent with Force Dominate, something that even Vader could grudgingly respect.

But could he afford to waste time training such undisciplined, power-hungry fools? He observed all three of them one more time. The one called Adagio Dazzle radiated fear, as she should, but looking deeper she also exuded cunning and a lust for power that would have made her the perfect Rule of Two apprentice… but not one that Vader would want for his plans.

His gaze fell to Aria Blaze, her lithe frame shaking in terror, waiting for him to strike. She would not do either, she was filled with anger and hatred for him, yes, but she too wanted more than what her station would allow and was thus a liability.

With the two stronger sisters out of the way, he finally let his gaze fall to the mouse in the corner, Sonata Dusk. She was nothing compared to her sisters, her power diminished because of fear and whatever was causing them to lose their powers in the first place. That didn’t dissuade the Sith Lord though, because if her sisters could raise their power in the Force, why couldn’t she? Instead, he let his gaze travel deeper, seeing the true self beneath the scared child.

She was not a good person. Just like her sisters, she had willingly enthralled and sent people to their deaths, something Vader didn’t judge them for. Unlike her sisters though she either did not realize the consequences of her actions or she did but ignored them to try and maintain her innocence.

She felt fear, she felt hatred towards him, but most important for Vader’s long-term goals, unlike her sisters who were ambitious and willing to do anything to get what they wanted, Sonata only wanted what was best for her “family.” And that would be her undoing.

Before Vader could even begin to implement his plans, a shot rang out from inside the room and a stunner round slammed into his shoulder, staggering him but ultimately doing nothing.

“Aria you had it set to stun!” Adagio admonished before she too began to open fire upon the Sith Lord.

Unfortunately for them both, Vader had recovered in time and began to deflect the blaster bolts, retreating outside as he did so.

“Ha! This guy isn’t that tough! Those humans must have just been too weak to handle this big wimp!” Aria began firing her own pistol after fixing its setting, joining Adagio in her pursuit of the fleeing Dark Lord.

Sonata slowly stood up from where she had been crouched and watched as her sisters pursued Vader out the door.

She was about to follow when she heard the deep baritone of the Sith Lord exclaim “All too easy.” Before the blaster fire ceased.

Sonata’s heart stopped and her feet planted themselves to the ground… were Adagio and Aria dead? ‘No, they can’t be! They didn’t scream like the people outside did…’ her train of thought was interrupted once more by that dreaded voice.

“Come out now, or they will suffer the consequences of your cowardice.”

Sonata knew she shouldn’t listen to him… her instincts, the ones left over from when she was still physically a Siren back on Equestria, told her to leave them, that they were weak, and they deserve the death they were being given. It told her to sneak out the back door and ignore the evil man, leaving the two fools to their fate.

The Sister in her though, the one that loved Adagio and Aria unconditionally, told her to save her sisters, to face down the darkness with as much bravery and power as she could muster.

Inhaling and drawing up whatever smidgen of power she could she walked out the door and nearly felt her courage leave her when she saw her sisters frozen in place, blasters raised and laser bolts still floating in the air mid-shot.

Vader looked at her, his saber now off and hooked back on his belt. “How nice of you to join us, Sonata Dusk.”

“L-let them go!” Sonata barely managed to get out, her legs were shaking, and her hand was pressed to her gem for comfort, but the small amounts of paranoia, dread, fear, and other negative emotions were just feeding into her own like a feedback loop, diminishing the small amounts of power she had managed to draw up.

Observing the girl and seeing how she held her brooch like a security blanket confirmed to Vader that the three’s power had somehow come from those trinkets, which meant he could confiscate them off their corpses if he so desired.

Instead, he asked, “What would you do in return for their safety?”

Sonata didn’t answer, instead, she glanced at her sisters once more before looking back to the dark lord, who merely stood there waiting for her response. When she didn’t give him one, he began to walk over to Aria.

“You hold onto this… trinket like a lifeline,” he used his right hand to turn the gem on Aria’s neck before removing it from its chain, he then did the same to Adagio’s before turning back to a now-ashen Sonata. “What do they do?”

“I… I can’t tell you that!” Sonata shook her head, clutching her gem even tighter now.

“I have ways of making you talk, Sonata Dusk,” He began making his way towards her, “Either tell me what I want to know, or your sisters suffer the consequences.”

Sonata backed up in terror, only to stumble over one of the colonist’s corpses and lose her footing. Falling to the ground, Sonata could only watch as the Dark Lord loomed over her.

“This is your last chance, child,” Vader glared down at her, “What. Do. These. Do?”

Sonata looked over at her sisters one more time, seeing their terrified eyes pleading with her not to tell him anything, so, using the last of her courage she remained silent.

Vader didn’t say anything for a moment before his saber flew to his hands and ignited once more.

‘This is it… he’s going to kill me’ Sonata thought, trying to close her eyes, but her body wouldn’t let her. Instead, she kept looking at the dark man above her and waited for the swing that would end her life.

To her dismay though, he did something that was even worse, at least in her opinion.

With his free hand, he tossed the two gems into the air and suddenly, as quick as lightning, cleaved them in half with his blade, destroying them.

“NO!” Sonata tried to get up and catch the falling remains of her sister’s lifelines, but instead, she felt a sudden pain in her back, before everything began to fade.

Author's Note:

So I stayed up late again working on this chapter for you guys! remember to check out the Sunset Across the Galaxy Discord!